I can't get pregnant. How to get pregnant quickly if you can’t - effective tips for future parents. Poses for conceiving a child

Despite the fact that a woman can be absolutely healthy and constantly control her menstrual cycle, there are still couples who are unable to conceive a child, which often negatively affects family relationships.

Unfortunately, gynecologists are often unable to explain this situation from a medical point of view.

Therefore, many women have found a solution to this problem in recipes. traditional medicine, and the practice of their use has shown quite good results.

Therefore, let's look at folk methods on how to get pregnant if it doesn't work out.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time?

None of the doctors will give a definite answer to this question. The cause may be several unfavorable factors combined in one married couple.

It has been repeatedly proven that harmful substances that enter the human body due to smoking negatively affect the reproductive system.

In men, they almost immobilize the sperm, so when they are in a woman's body, the sperm cannot move around normally to find the egg.

In women, nicotine and alcohol can almost completely stop egg production for several menstrual cycles.


If there are frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family or a woman is exposed to negative emotions in the workplace, then her body may turn on natural protection against procreation.

It is a well-known fact that during the war, when women were forced to work as hard as men, many people stopped menstruation and experienced a period of temporary infertility.

Therefore, before using folk remedies, it is necessary to establish a so-called comfort zone and try to maintain it, which should be ensured by both spouses.

Lack of sleep

Incredibly, lack of sleep also interferes with conception. Try to check this statement by observing your condition.

Change your sleep schedule, increasing it to 10 hours a day, and from the first time you may notice quick results.

To make this method even more effective, drink a decoction of medicinal herbs with a sedative effect a few hours before going to bed.

Wrong men's clothing

Oddly enough, but this is true - clothing can affect the quality of male seminal fluid and the number of active sperm.

You need to wear cotton family underwear, in which the genitals will feel best.

If a woman has no health problems, her hormones are normal, and her periods come without delay, but she still can’t get pregnant, then the man needs to have a spermogram.

Then the doctor must decipher it and give the necessary instructions to solve the problem.

If a man’s ejaculate volume is too small, then the spermogram is bad. The cause can be both congenital pathologies and inflammatory diseases.

However, do not panic; repeat tests must be done. And if the test results are confirmed, the only way to get pregnant will be IVF.

Every woman should have a calendar on how to calculate ovulation to get pregnant. Many have come to the conclusion that if you calculate the ovulation period, then you can achieve the desired pregnancy with great probability.

The countdown must be done from the first day of menstruation. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days after your period.

Most of the women who managed to conceive a baby kept their calculations correctly.

How to get pregnant the first time? To do this, you need to accurately determine the day of ovulation and have sex within the next two days.

Oddly enough, but female body almost always averse to pregnancy. Happy moment can occur only within 48 hours, while the egg is released from the ovary and goes to the uterus.

When in the middle of the cycle the volume of vaginal discharge increases and pain is felt in the lower abdomen, then the right day has come - it’s time to actively have sex.

Down with bad habits!

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get pregnant after excessive physical activity. Also, the natural balance will be disrupted if you abuse coffee and alcoholic beverages.

The next traumatic factor for pregnancy is an incorrect daily routine. You can make a lot of efforts to conceive, but these attempts will be completely unsuccessful under stress.

What can you do to avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary stress? For example, if you feel that your nervous system is overstrained, you will give yourself a gift by engaging in moderate exercise. physical exercise. Thanks to this, you will calm down and your emotional state will be restored.

Try to eliminate those factors that put you in a stressful state. Do something pleasant, for example, attend a massage, have a spa treatment, and you will definitely feel a surge of energy.

What other women's habits can interfere with the desired conception? These include:

  • strong tea, coffee;
  • smoking;
  • hookah.

Some types of foods can interfere with achieving the desired pregnancy:

  • excessively fatty pork;
  • hot peppers;
  • excess of unnatural food additives;
  • sugar;
  • smoked meats;
  • sour foods.

After eating, active substances are produced to digest what was eaten, and they, in turn, quickly reduce the vital activity of the egg.


I would like to note that these are just the main products. List of products for women that will help quickly solve the problem of infertility:

  • seaweed;
  • dairy products;
  • bell pepper;
  • berries;
  • sea ​​fish.

A woman's body will become noticeably stronger if she adheres to such a diet. You will be able to get pregnant, although not the first time, but much faster, which is confirmed by many observations.

For men

You can quickly restore the tone of the male body with the help of the following products:

  • beef;
  • legumes;
  • onion garlic;
  • sea ​​fish.

In order to increase potency, men are recommended to drink ginkgo decoction 3 times a day.

After you have eliminated all the negative factors, you can start the most enjoyable part - sex, which will 100 percent make you happy parents after 9 months. However, it also needs to be done correctly.

So how can you increase your chances of conceiving? How to have sex to get pregnant:

Do you want to know grandma's method on how to get pregnant quickly? Teas and decoctions from various medicinal herbs- This is one of the most popular methods traditional treatment at home.

Remember that even in case of a cold, we drink raspberry tea and treat the throat natural honey. So why can't the same method be used to conceive a child?

For these purposes, traditional medicine can offer women real help in the form of a healing decoction of sage. The inconspicuous leaves of this plant contain a specific phytohormone, which in its action is almost completely similar to natural female hormones.

Therefore, systematic consumption of a decoction of sage leaves promotes the tide effect, thereby facilitating the path of sperm to the egg.

But how to drink sage to get pregnant? To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of purified, boiled water;
  • 2 tablespoons fresh or dried sage leaves.

Method for preparing sage decoction: boil water, but you can pour sage leaves only after 5 minutes; do not pour boiling water over it. Place the leaves in a teapot that is convenient for you, preferably ceramic, and fill it with hot water.

The decoction should be left to steep for at least one hour. Drink sage decoction 1 tablespoon twice a day: morning and evening on all days of the monthly cycle, but it is not recommended to use this drink on days of menstrual bleeding.

After a month of taking sage decoction, pregnancy should occur.. If the long-awaited event does not happen, take a 1-month break and then repeat the course.

One of the most effective folk remedies on how to get pregnant after 40 years is a healing decoction of boron uterus. In every pharmacy you can buy dried leaves of this plant or ortilia lopsided.

Medicine ingredients:

  • 1 liter of boiled purified water;
  • 2 tablespoons of leaves of the pharmaceutical boron uterus or ortilia lopsided.

Method of preparation: heat the water in a kettle, but do not bring it to a boil. When the water has reached a temperature of 70 degrees, pour it into a small saucepan with the hogweed grass, and now you can safely bring the mixture to a boil.

Then the broth should be cooled, covered with a warm blanket and left to brew for 1 hour. You need to drink 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for a month.

A decoction of boron uterus can be used for up to 4 months.. If the desired pregnancy does not occur, it is recommended to suspend treatment and still switch to traditional therapy.

For many years, in folk medicine recipes for early pregnancy, a remedy prepared from the root of the red brush has been famous.

This plant is not only capable of helping a woman have offspring in the shortest possible time, but also gives excellent results for all kinds of diseases of the reproductive system.

Due to the fact that the root of the hog brush contains a high concentration of enzymes that imitate the effect of natural hormones, this plant is not recommended for use together with synthetic ones. hormonal agents, as well as phytohormones.

Medicine ingredients:

  • dried or fresh red brush root;
  • 0.5 liters of purified water.

Method of preparation: carefully chop the root of the plant and fill it with warm water at room temperature. Then bring the broth to a boil in a water bath for about half an hour and leave in a warm, dark place about 1 hour.

Strain the prepared broth and consume it three times a day before meals for about 2 months.

However, no matter what, the only main way to get pregnant and become a happy mother is nothing less than fortitude and complete confidence in a positive result.

Since both doctors and traditional healers are confident that the cause of most diseases is the emotional discomfort of a person who is initially determined to lose in the fight against his illness.

We hope that this article was useful to you and now you know what traditional medicine recipes are widely used in cases of infertility and how you can quickly get pregnant with their help.

We are sure that your dream will definitely come true and you will give birth to strong, healthy children!

Procreation is one of the basic human instincts. This is why it is so important for a person to realize his or her potential as a parent. Not everyone can immediately understand that nothing can replace family and parenthood for people: neither a dizzying career, nor national recognition, nor the opportunity to live “for oneself.” If not immediately, then over time a childless person will certainly begin to feel inferior and unhappy.

So, for every married couple there comes a time when the question of planning a pregnancy comes up. But in fact, pregnancy may not occur as quickly as the couple would like. The question arises about how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out.

In this article we will analyze the main mistakes of married couples who want to conceive a child. We will also touch on the basics of physiology, knowledge of which will help you quickly understand the adequacy and appropriateness of a lot of dumb advice on forums on the Internet.

The first stage of preparation for pregnancy

Where to start if you decide to get pregnant, but for some reason this doesn’t happen on its own?

The answer is clear - from going to the doctor to clarify the health status of the future parents. The doctor will prescribe the minimum examination that will allow you to assess whether there are any contraindications to pregnancy at a given time. Moreover, the examination is carried out not only for infections of the human reproductive system, as is commonly believed.

Most often, only a woman goes to see a doctor. And if the examination reveals, for example, a sexually transmitted infection, then treatment is already prescribed for the sexual partner. It is, of course, logical that he also requires treatment. But it is much more correct for a married couple to undergo examination at the same time and find out everything about their reproductive health at once. And then, with a clear conscience, begin the important task of procreation.

This is pregnancy planning. Unfortunately, only about 5% of families consciously plan a pregnancy according to all the rules, that is, in tandem with a doctor. In the understanding of many, planning a pregnancy is only a refusal of contraception and regular sex life. It will be good if it works and a good healthy baby is born. But often in this way it is either not possible to get pregnant at all, or problems arise with the resulting pregnancy.

What examination awaits you? And most importantly - why?

Many people neglect the stage of medical examination before pregnancy, naively believing that conceiving a child is not a tricky thing, everyone gets pregnant and gives birth. They often argue that if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll go to the doctor.

But not everything is so simple. Often a married couple does not even really know what processes occur in a woman’s body every month, how this is related to the conception and birth of a child. And that the most dangerous from the point of view of the occurrence of pathologies of pregnancy and fetal development are the first weeks after conception, when the woman still does not know about the pregnancy.

So the first task that a consultation with a doctor solves is an educational program on the fundamental points of physiology human body. Often this already allows you to solve the problem and get a long-awaited pregnancy, for example, using information about the most favorable periods for conceiving a child.

In addition, an examination by a gynecologist will help to identify any pathology in time and, what is very important, treat it before pregnancy. In addition to general clinical tests ( general analysis blood, general urine test) you will be prescribed an examination for infections, the so-called TORCH complex. This abbreviation includes a number of infections, where T is toxoplasmosis, R is rubella, C is cytomegalovirus, H is herpes types 1 and 2, O is other infectious diseases.

This test allows you to determine whether you have immunity to these infections, and also allows you to identify immunoglobulins-M, which indicate an acute infection in the body at the time of the examination.

Of course, if an acute infection is detected, it requires immediate treatment and delaying pregnancy for several months. Strictly speaking, we are not even talking about a delay. Just when acute infection In most cases, pregnancy cannot occur. Therefore, identifying and treating acute infection can solve the problem of pregnancy.

Detection in blood immunoglobulin-G tells us about a previous infection. In other words, they indicate developed immunity to this infection. It is very important to determine at the stage of preparation for pregnancy whether a woman has immunity to infections dangerous to the fetus (rubella, chicken pox).

You probably know that during pregnancy, a woman’s immune system is suppressed, and the body becomes more susceptible to various infections. Perhaps, if immunity from infections dangerous to the fetus is expectant mother no, she did not suffer from these diseases in childhood, then it is worth getting vaccinated before pregnancy. And already two months after vaccination, you can safely plan a pregnancy.

Also, candidates for parents of the future baby are examined for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others). Smears from a woman’s genital tract can detect not only pathological flora (the causative agent of infection), but also determine the acidity of the environment, which is important for normal sperm motility, and, therefore, the ability to fertilize an egg. The hospital complex of examinations includes examinations for HIV, syphilis, and viral hepatitis.

During the examination, the woman undergoes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvis. The role of the thyroid gland is a separate discussion, but for now take my word for it that it is very important. I’ll say a few words about the examination of the pelvic organs. Here we are primarily talking about disturbances in the structure and functioning of the reproductive system. For example, cysts, fibroids, obstruction are detected fallopian tubes. These may be the main causes of infertility, without treatment of which it will not be possible to get pregnant.

Additionally, the doctor will definitely ask you to provide the results of fluorography of the future parents over the past year.

This is a short review. I will talk in more detail about examinations when planning pregnancy in a separate article.

The second stage of preparation for conception

The next step in preparing for conception is determining ovulation. As a rule, women who read articles on pregnancy already know what ovulation is. But I’ll remind you anyway. Ovulation is the release of an egg from a mature ovarian follicle. It happens in the middle menstrual cycle.

For example, with a regular female cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs approximately on the 14th day of the cycle. The first day of menstruation marks the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. With a long but regular cycle, you need to count 14 days back from the expected first day of menstruation. For example, with a 32-day cycle, ovulation will occur on the 18th day of the cycle.

But the fact is that the cycle lengthens due to the first phase of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation), when the follicle in the ovary grows and matures. With an irregular cycle, determining ovulation is much more difficult.

There are various tests to determine ovulation, measure basal temperature, and perform folliculometry using ultrasound to facilitate identifying the date of ovulation.

Basal temperature measurements must be carried out for at least three cycles. This is the only way you can find the most likely date of ovulation. The method is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but no financial costs are required. Its reliability is not very high, so it is increasingly being abandoned in favor of ovulation tests.

Determining ovulation using tests is a very expensive business. Test strips are quite expensive, but the results are more accurate. The package contains several (5-7) strips for determining the concentration of luteinizing hormone in urine. The peak concentration of this hormone occurs on the day of ovulation.

From what day should you start determining ovulation? To do this, with a regular cycle, you can use the formula P–17, where P– the number of days in a woman’s cycle. So, if a woman’s cycle is 28 days, then she should start determining ovulation from the 11th day (28-17=11).

If a woman has an irregular cycle, it is better to use jet tests (there are more of them in the package, so this method is cheaper). The test is considered positive when there are two clear lines. When the color intensity of the first stripe is the same as that of the control stripe, ovulation will occur within 24 hours.

Folliculometry is the monitoring of the growth of the dominant follicle, which will subsequently produce an egg, using ultrasound. Control begins on days 8-10 of the cycle at least once every three days, and preferably every other day. A follicle measuring 25-27 mm indicates the imminent onset of ovulation. The method is effective, but expensive and not available to everyone.

It is very important to carry out ultrasound monitoring to record the fact of the formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation, since cases of non-ovulating follicle are not uncommon. That is, there is growth of the follicle, but no release of the egg.

You can read more about these methods in the article « » .

When should you sound the alarm about what’s not working?

It all depends on the age of the expectant mother. It is worth consulting a doctor for an examination for infertility if a woman under 30 years of age who lives a regular sexual life without protection fails to become pregnant within a year.

Women over 30 years old should not delay the period of independent trials and attempts to become pregnant for more than 6 months. Until the age of 30, women may have 1-2 menstrual cycles per year without ovulation. And after 30 years, there can be up to five or six such empty cycles per year.

Rules for the successful conception of a child

Early autumn - best time for conception.

It is in autumn that the human body is at the peak of its health. Thanks to the saturation of the body with vitamins, microelements contained in seasonal fruits and vegetables, and more time spent on fresh air, the body gets stronger.

Refusal by future parents bad habits

Smoking and alcohol significantly reduce the possibility of fertilization, contrary to popular belief. Sperm renewal in men occurs every 72-74 days. Even a single consumption of 30 g of vodka can reduce sperm motility by 30%.

The semen of a drinking man contains more defective sperm, with genetic damage, unable to produce healthy offspring. A person who smokes experiences exactly the same changes in the quality of sperm.

Adjust the weight of future parents.

Weight deviation, both towards obesity and towards deficiency, negatively affects the possibility of conceiving a child. With obesity, a woman's hormonal levels change, and this leads to problems with pregnancy.

Lack of body weight is also unfavorable. It often leads to the absence of menstruation and, as a result, the inability to become pregnant.

Excess weight in the expectant father disrupts testosterone production. And the lack of the latter will lead to impaired sperm maturation.

Proper nutrition and physical activity.

It is very important for both women and men to eat properly during pregnancy planning. A woman needs to introduce more vegetables and greens into her diet. They contain the necessary microelements to prepare the body for pregnancy. Products containing protein (fish, meat, legumes) are necessary for both women and men.

If a woman experiences a decrease in hemoglobin, you should turn your attention to veal. It is able to quickly create a good iron depot, which is so necessary during pregnancy.

Experts recommend eating eggs, caviar, and sprouted wheat grains. In such products nature has provided large stock nutrients, since this is all intended for the development of new life. The diet should contain vegetable oil, which contains vitamin E, which is necessary for future parents.

Avoiding unhealthy foods containing trans fats is a self-evident step in preparing for conception. Fatty, salty, smoked, semi-finished products, fast food, and sweets will definitely not bring benefits to the body. And with regular consumption of such products, the body perceives this as a signal: pregnancy cannot be allowed, since the person is not eating well, there is no supply of nutrients - the body is not ready to bear pregnancy.

At the stage of preparation for conception, you should avoid heavy physical activity. For example, replace classes in the gym with swimming in the pool and walking.

Eliminate completely physical exercise It’s not worth it, because for mom this is the last opportunity to slightly adjust the endurance of the abdominal muscles. You can no longer do this during pregnancy.

Heavy physical work It also depletes the male body, interfering with the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Features of “bed” rest.

Daily sexual activity reduces the likelihood of conception, since sperm need time to mature. With frequent ejaculation, young forms of germ cells will predominate in the sperm, and fertilization only with mature sperm (class A) can produce healthy offspring.

Regular sex life two to three days later for conception is the best option, including from a physiological point of view. Abstinence for more than a week has a negative impact on sperm quality. In this case, the old forms of sperm are slowly replaced by new active forms, which will certainly affect their speed and mobility.

It is worth saying that the maximum probability of fertilization of an egg exists precisely at the moment of its release from the ovarian follicle. With every hour of her life, the chances of fertilization and the formation of a zygote from her decrease. In this regard, experts recommend planning intimacy 3-4 days in advance, then the day before ovulation, and the next day after it. The sperm is able to wait for its lady and retain the ability to fertilize in the woman’s genital tract for up to 3-5 days.

Reconsider what products you use. Since some lubricants and lubricants contain spermicidal substances that immobilize and destroy sperm.

Psychological mood.

Don’t get hung up on poses, don’t perceive it as work (“it’s time, we’re making a baby!”). Everything should happen naturally, without unnecessary tension. Let intimacy be preceded by relaxation (aromatherapy, a warm bath with your loved one, meditation).

While planning your pregnancy, try to protect yourself from stressful situations. Plan a vacation with your spouse, a vacation at the seaside or in a sanatorium. I know the positive experience of more than one such married couple in my close circle, who returned from a trip as a threesome. Fortunately, in Russia there are even more than enough specialized sanatoriums that help childless couples.

I would like to once again emphasize the correctness and importance of contacting a gynecologist at the very beginning of this journey. After all, numerous unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant without certain knowledge and examinations, without answers to questions, place a burden on the shoulders of the married couple. Complexes, neuroses, breakdowns and even quarrels inevitably arise. Not every relationship can handle this.

It’s a completely different matter when the couple immediately received answers to most of their questions and knows from a scientific point of view all the processes of physiology in the human body. All that remains is not to change your dream and bring the day of the birth of your child closer.

Taking vitamins.

Three months before the planned pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg per day. But what to do if pregnancy never occurs? Reception should be continued until pregnancy. It is impossible to overdose on this vitamin, but a deficiency is detrimental to the fetus.

Nowadays, special vitamin and mineral complexes for women and men have appeared on the pharmaceutical market, recommended for the period of pregnancy planning. Basically, these complexes contain the same folic acid, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and other microelements. With a varied and balanced diet, these complex medications may not be needed, but if there are dietary errors, they are necessary.

It is a men's tradition to go to the bathhouse.

Urologists do not advise men to go to the bathhouse while preparing for conception. It is not for nothing that the testicles are placed on the periphery of the male body. Thanks to this location in the scrotum, a constant temperature is maintained (about 34.4ºС). In other words, high temperatures during spermatogenesis (sperm formation) have a detrimental effect on sperm.

In this regard, both close and tight pants and men are not allowed to wear underwear.

High temperatures for women.

Overheating isn't just dangerous for men. Gynecologists do not recommend that a woman planning a pregnancy choose too hot countries for her vacation. It is worth choosing southern countries for travel with a climate that is not sharply different from yours. In this case, the body will not perceive acclimatization as stress, and a comfortable warm climate will not harm the woman’s body.

What are the effects of long-term use of oral contraceptives?

Often, when a woman has been taking oral contraceptives for a long time, if they are abruptly discontinued, several eggs may mature in the ovary. At first, there is a very high probability of conceiving twins.

The most popular myths about how to get pregnant, which may not help, but harm

In preparation for writing this article, I asked what other resources were writing about this and what people were sharing on the forums. I don’t want to describe in vivid colors how the hair moved on my head. And in this article, I decided to substantiate the absurdity of the most common “dark” advice from forums from the point of view of physiology and medicine.

“Certain poses will help!”

This is a common myth. Changing the position will not affect the speed and possibility of sperm fertilization of the egg. Nature has long taken care from all sides to ensure that a healthy, mobile sperm finds the egg in any case.

Firstly, thanks to its tail, the sperm moves, secondly, cervical mucus (discharge from the cervix) changes its properties, making it easy for sperm to penetrate the uterus, thirdly, the sperm finds its lady love thanks to chemotaxis. That is, there is a special chemical reaction, when the egg, secreting certain active substances and attracting sperm to itself, forces them to move only towards it.

Judge for yourself, ovulation can occur in the right or left ovary, and how can the sperm determine where to run? Here nature itself provides for everything to happen for sure.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even at this stage there should be a natural selection of the healthiest and most active ones, since those who are lethargic and have genetic defects cannot produce healthy offspring.

As for the posture after intimacy, there is also a small nuance. You can often read advice to take a pose with your legs raised up or in the “birch tree” pose. To make it clear, I will first explain the structure of the reproductive tract through which the male reproductive cells have to travel.

The cervix is ​​the entrance to the uterine cavity, located exactly in the center of the upper wall of the vagina. And the cervix itself is a convex muscle ring. So, if a woman moves to such a vertical position, all the seminal fluid will be distributed below the cervical cushion. And it will be very difficult for her to get into the uterus, since spermatozoa cannot jump. I hope I made it clear that it doesn't look like a funnel.

But you can slightly lift the buttocks by placing a cushion under them, and this will really make the path easier for sedentary sperm. Thanks to the gravitational force, everything will come closer to where it needs to be.

“Get a kitten!”

Strange, street cats pose a danger.

You should not pet other people's cats or pick up kittens during pregnancy. And even when visiting, refrain from squeezing other people’s cats, and you are unlikely to be asked to clean up after them.

“Herbal medicine is safe!”

There is a lot of information about the use of folk remedies (sage, red brush, hogweed) in women who cannot get pregnant. I am a supporter of any medications being prescribed only by the woman’s attending physician. He has all the information about the woman’s health status, information about her tendency to allergies. Remember that herbs are also medicines, often potent, and have their own indications and contraindications for use.

For example, a woman has been trying to get pregnant for some time and, without consulting a doctor, drinks, for example, sage, which stimulates the ovaries and the production of estrogen. And in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, it is not estrogens that should predominate, but another hormone - progesterone. It ensures normal growth of the endometrium, into which the embryo can then be implanted.

In such a woman, it is quite possible that everything is fine with the maturation of follicles and the production of eggs, but there is progesterone deficiency, which happens very often. Without assistance in preparing for implantation and consolidation of the embryo, pregnancy will still not occur. And the woman is wasting her time, not to mention the fact that excessive estrogen activity of the ovaries can also lead to undesirable consequences.

So, without consulting a doctor and not knowing their hormonal characteristics, women risk unknowingly choosing a remedy that is exactly the opposite in effect to the one that the doctor might have advised her after the examination.

I agree that thoughts are material. Perhaps I’m being too down-to-earth, but it’s much calmer to get examined and find out that everything is fine with you. And then send requests to the Universe, draw a dream map, sleep according to Feng Shui, get a ficus tree, use the things of pregnant women you know and do much more that is recommended on the forums.

I am sure that one of my favorite aphorisms by Paolo Coelho undoubtedly works: “If you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.” But you shouldn’t completely rely on the help of the Universe in this matter.

So trust in the Universe, and go to the doctor))) And everything will be fine with you! Health to you and your already born and future children!

A very interesting film about how conception and fetal development occurs:

What to do to get pregnant

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do - see a doctor or try to increase the likelihood of conception on my own?

To answer this question, you need to find out what infertility is. And infertility is the absence of pregnancy for 2 years of sexual activity without contraception, and necessarily regular sexual activity. If a young girl who feels healthy is puzzled by this question, then it is quite possible to start with various home methods.

So, what should you do to get pregnant as soon as possible? We list them with explanations point by point.

1. Learn to determine your ovulation. This can be done at home in two ways (you can also combine them). The first way is to measure basal temperature. The most accurate method is to measure the temperature in the rectum. It is necessary to measure the temperature daily in the morning, immediately after waking up, at a minimum physical activity. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature in the anus is less than 37 degrees, a few hours before ovulation it drops slightly, and immediately after ovulation it increases. After this point, you have a maximum of 24 hours to try to conceive. The lifespan of an egg is not long.

Another option to find out about ovulation, it must be said that it is more accurate, is ovulation tests. They should be started approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. They say that it is more effective even 2 times a day, since the test shows a positive result after ovulation. And if you do the test once a day, then you can miss the very favorable period for conception.

And finally, the third option, which is best used together with the others. Many women determine the onset of ovulation without basal temperature and tests, based on specific symptoms. Firstly, this is the nature of the discharge. They become stretchy and more abundant. Secondly, it may pull a little in the lower abdomen. Some women experience spotting and spotting. As a rule, sexual desire increases. These signs may persist for 1-2 days, after which they disappear on their own.

2. Know something like folk ways that help you get pregnant faster. These methods help to retain male semen in the vagina longer, which slightly increases the chances of conception. You can advise women not to go to the shower or toilet immediately after intercourse. The sexual act itself is performed in positions with the man on top or behind. After sexual intercourse, it is better to lie down with your pelvis slightly elevated; you can place a pillow under your buttocks. The intensity of sexual activity also plays a role. It is better to make love intensely in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Another method, as some women claim is effective, is douching with a weak soda solution before sexual intercourse. In this way, you can create an environment in the vagina that is favorable for sperm (alkaline; in an acidic environment they die). But you shouldn’t douche often, as this can cause candidiasis and (or) bacterial vaginosis.

Traditional healers claim that herbal decoctions taken according to certain regimens can speed up conception. These herbs include red brush, hogweed, and sage. Many women with complaints “I can’t get pregnant” use them as treatment. How effective this is is not known to medicine.

3. Forget about pregnancy. Yes, just forget about your obsession. Some studies confirm that women's fertility decreases due to stress. The best thing is to go on vacation somewhere warm. This will make pregnancy happen much faster. They also say that positive energy is important and a woman planning a pregnancy needs to be around children more often, at least watch them from afar. But only be careful, children can carry diseases that are very dangerous for pregnant women, such as chickenpox and rubella. And if you have an irresistible desire - I want to get pregnant, what to do, and you decide to try this method to influence your “energy”, do not forget to remember whether you have ever suffered from these diseases. If not, then it’s not worth the risk; children’s groups are not for you. Of course, you can get vaccinated, get vaccinated against these diseases, but then pregnancy planning will have to be postponed for several more months.

4. Lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain normal weight, and do not follow strict diets. No matter what anyone says, smoking negatively affects a woman’s ability to get pregnant. If you decide to become a mother, first of all, get rid of this bad habit.

Often, pregnancy does not occur for a long time in women who are noticeably overweight or underweight. In the case of a deficiency, the woman’s production decreases female hormones, which makes pregnancy impossible. If you are overweight, you can only advise weight loss, but not drastic.

All newly-made families dream of having a child. They try, but it happens that their attempts remain attempts - they fail to get pregnant. How to get pregnant if you can't? In such families, there is a high probability of divorce due to constant scandals; this situation occurs due to the psychological pressure of the spouses on each other.

Favorable conditions for conception

Pregnancy may not occur for many reasons. For example, poor diet of both parents, bad habits. To successfully conceive, you need to regularly take walks in the fresh air and lead an active lifestyle.

It will also be important to undergo a medical examination. There may be chronic diseases in both women and men. Spermogram for the husband and check of the ovaries, fallopian tubes for the wife, as well as hidden infections genitourinary system- these are the main directions of research.

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, the doctor will prescribe folic acid tablets for your husband.

What you need to have a baby:

  1. The right way of life.
  2. Regular sex.
  3. Healthy egg.
  4. Good sperm.
  5. Normal hormonal levels in a woman.
  6. Healthy cervix.


Regular sex means that the couple should copulate three times a week, preferably during ovulation. You should not have sex very often, as the testes simply do not have time to produce a sufficient number of sperm.

Classic sex position for successful conception

Also, you should not take long breaks, as this may reduce sperm motility.


Lifestyle affects sperm quality. Therefore, a man’s lifestyle needs to be given special attention.

What exactly affects sperm quality:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • obesity;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • low mobility;
  • tight underwear and tight trousers;
  • stress.

If you can’t get pregnant, get rid of bad habits - increase your chances of successfully conceiving a child.


An egg is a female reproductive cell. It matures in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The correct maturation of the egg is influenced by various factors:

  1. Hormonal disorders of the body.
  2. Unfavorable environment.
  3. Proximity to hazardous industries.
  4. Frequent exhausting diets.
  5. Disturbances in the endocrine system.
  6. Frequent stress.


The lifespan of a sperm is only 3 days. To fertilize an egg, the sperm must pass through the cervical canal. This channel contains a special liquid that prevents the penetration of microbes. From the beginning of the ovulation period, the viscosity of this fluid decreases to facilitate the penetration of sperm.

If the fluid in the cervical canal is viscous, the sperm is retained in it, continuing its vital activity. In this case, fertilization can occur three days after coitus (sexual intercourse).

Fallopian tubes

The fallopian (fallopian) tubes may be blocked. This may be indicated by unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Patency is very important for the movement of the egg and its fertilization. It happens that the diameter of the pipes decreases, there may be ectopic pregnancy. Very often, the causes of infertility are congenital defects in the structure of the uterus. Such defects lead to fetal loss.

A clear example of fallopian tube obstruction


Hormones are the controllers of conception; the first thing you need to pay attention to is them if you can’t get pregnant for a long time. In men, hormones are responsible for the quality and successful maturation of sperm. In women, hormones play a broader role, here are some of the functions of hormones in a woman:

  • hormones control the penetration of the embryo into the uterus;
  • hormones control the preparation of the endometrium for implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall;
  • hormones regulate the general condition of the ovaries and follicles;
  • the time of ovulation is also under the control of hormones;
  • The proper course of pregnancy is also one of the functions of hormones in a woman’s body.


The condition of the cervix is ​​an important condition for successful conception and subsequent development of the fetus. As the baby develops in the uterus, the stress on the cervix increases. If a woman has cervical pathologies, the risk of miscarriage increases.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

The diagnosis of infertility is made when a couple having regular sexual intercourse is unable to conceive a child within one year. To solve this serious problem, a complete medical examination of both partners is necessary.

The most common reasons for failed pregnancy:

  1. The eggs do not accept the husband's sperm. Spermatozoa are perceived as foreign body and the eggs are blocked, which is why you can’t get pregnant.
  2. There is a pathology of the uterus. It is not possible to get pregnant if there are cysts, fibroids, or polyps in the uterus. The egg may simply not mature.
  3. Thickening of the endometrium.
  4. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Very often the causes of such obstruction are the inflammatory process. As a result of such inflammation, adhesions may appear that can close the lumen in these tubes, fertilization will be impossible.

Causes of infertility in women according to statistics

Second and third child

It happens that it is not possible to become pregnant with a second or third child. Why is this happening? In this case, with a high degree of probability, the cause is precisely the enlargement of the endometrium (endometriosis). Endometriosis can develop as a result caesarean section or other operations on the uterus. This disease is not felt in any way and has no pronounced symptoms.

Psychological reasons

The psycho-emotional state of both partners can also have a significant impact on the result.

Here are the main causes of psychological infertility:

  1. Career. An obsessive desire to make a career and then give birth.
  2. Lack of your own home.
  3. There is no subconscious desire to become a mother.
  4. Difficult life circumstances.
  5. Loss of former attractiveness after childbirth.


During ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed. If ovulation does not occur regularly, this is a serious disorder. In this case, pregnancy is impossible. Ovulation may not occur as a result of hormonal disorders, metabolic dysfunction in the body, mental health problems, infections or chronic diseases, or cysts in the uterus. All these diseases can be cured and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

To become pregnant, future parents must be prepared for the onset of ovulation.

What if ovulation occurs regularly, like sex, but the long-awaited pregnancy never occurs? There may be the following reasons: hormonal disorders, menstruation is not scheduled, incompatibility of partners, the husband’s sperm is not of sufficient quality (few sperm, there is little of it, sperm are inactive).

All these reasons can prevent pregnancy.

Factors of infertility

There are several factors of infertility:

  1. Cervical.
  2. Endocrine factor.
  3. Pipe factor.
  4. Cervical.

Probability of infertility factors

Cervical factor

One of the common factors of infertility is cervical dysfunction. The reasons for this disorder: hormonal imbalances, surgical intervention, mechanical injuries, inflammatory processes, erosion, severe consequences of previous births. In order to begin treatment for infertility, you need to accurately determine its cause through a medical examination.

Endocrine factor

An equally common endocrine factor is infertility due to disruption of the endocrine system. The presence of this factor may be indicated by: frequent disruptions in the menstrual cycle, ovulation does not occur regularly, and sperm of poor quality.

Hormonal stimulation, which is carried out during the IVF process, can help overcome this factor.

Pipe factor

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a tubal factor in infertility. The patency of the fallopian tubes can be influenced by: inflammatory processes in the body, enlargement of the endometrium (endometriosis), previous surgeries, and sexually transmitted infections.

Useful video about the pipe factor:

All causes of tubal factor infertility can lead to the appearance of adhesions.

Cervical factor

Cervical factor is infertility due to abnormal mucus. Normal mucus is needed to transport sperm to the egg. With the cervical factor, the properties of the mucus are disrupted and sperm delivery does not occur or occurs incorrectly.

The causes of such infertility can be: inflammation, hormonal imbalance, disturbance in the structure of the uterus, trauma. Cervical infertility is diagnosed using a postcoital test.

What to do if you can't get pregnant?

In order to understand what to do if conception does not occur, you need to establish the reasons. It is necessary to normalize the functioning of the ovaries and restore regular ovulation. It happens that in order to get pregnant quickly, you can properly prepare the body of both partners. Eliminate harmful effects environment. Cleanse the body of harmful substances (alcohol, nicotine).

Thyroid disorders can also cause infertility. It is not possible to get pregnant due to hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Hypothyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, miscarriage, and due to hypothyroidism, the placenta can detach. The regularity of the ovulation cycle may be disrupted. Hypothyroidism can also cause ovarian dysfunction, which makes it impossible to get pregnant.

In order for pregnancy to occur faster, you need to eliminate stress. Ovarian activity may be affected by stress. Ovarian dysfunction will bring menopause closer and cause infertility. In men, frequent stress reduces sperm quality.

Every woman dreams of experiencing the happiness of motherhood at least once in her life. After all, in fact, this is the vital mission of a full-fledged person. But how to get pregnant if you can’t?

A small miracle that a mother will take in her arms after giving birth and breathe into her new life and will give a completely new meaning to life. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to give birth to a child “at the behest of a pike,” and sometimes, even after many years of effort, this is impossible.

Inaction is not an option! We definitely need to do at least something in this direction. Finding a new partner helps many people, but if you have already found your life partner and you are united by love, this is not an option.

In order to find the right way, you need to understand the causes of infertility.

Reasons for failure

When you can’t get pregnant quickly, you need to try to understand the physiology, perhaps this is where the reasons for the failure lie.

First of all, you should try to figure out the right moment for conception and have sex on that day.

Certain positions promote a successful ending and increase your chances of conceiving.

Ideally, if you reach the pinnacle of sexual pleasure together, the main thing is not to douche, but rather not even “get out” of bed for some time.

If you ultimately cannot get into position within a year, you should contact a gynecologist. Why is this year called a crisis period?

The answer is simple: a girl can only become pregnant when ovulation occurs. This does not happen all the time, but on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

We must remember: only 1-2 days a month can be effective in terms of conception. At least two cycles a year are completely infertile, when ovulation does not occur. This is physiology and you need to listen to it.

If it doesn’t work out for more than a year, then not only the woman, but also her partner should undergo a medical examination.

The causes of infertility can be different, and one of them is the lack of ovulation. Once you identify it, you will most likely find effective method approaching pregnancy and you can find out how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out.


The cause of this phenomenon can be various pathologies, which only a doctor can determine.

However, you can detect the absence of ovulation yourself using simple steps.

Basal temperature chart

Over the course of several cycles, you need to measure the temperature in the morning at the same time in the rectum, and enter the data obtained into a table. Thus, a schedule will be built.

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle and is marked on the graph by a sharp jump in temperature (at least 0.4-0.5 degrees). The temperature will be above 37 degrees.

You need to know: many factors influence changes in rectal temperature.

For example, intimate relationships on the eve of measurement.

Try to connect it to the case to make the calculations easier.

Using a special test

Many girls believe that it is better to use for ovulation. Outwardly, it is similar to a pregnancy test, but their reactions are completely different.

The ovulation test responds to the rise of luteinizing hormone, which is released several hours before the release of the egg.

Subjective symptoms

Sensitive girls may notice mild pain in the area of ​​one of the ovaries on such a day, copious discharge from the vagina, increased sexual desire or other unusual sensations.


You can detect ovulation by visiting an ultrasound scan, but you will have to visit the medical office several times. The disadvantage of this method: a considerable waste of time and money.

But, whatever one may say, the absence of ovulation may be the answer to the question: why can’t you get pregnant?

Tubal obstruction

Another common reason why women cannot get pregnant is tubal obstruction. Due to adhesions in the tube, the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the uterus and dies on the way to it, or becomes the cause of an ectopic pregnancy.

Incompatibility of spouses

Not a medical concept, however, it occurs in life. This is how spouses name certain reasons why they cannot have their own children.

This category includes pathologies immune system women and the microflora of her vagina. In this case, it is difficult for doctors to determine the cause of infertility, and in the event of a divorce, partners successfully have children in other marriages (hence the concept of “incompatibility”).

As for the pathologies of the immune system, they manifest themselves in the following: the female body rejects sperm, considering them foreign organisms. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications to the woman to temporarily suppress the immune system.

In some cases, sperm can be “killed” by the vaginal microflora. Its aggressiveness can be easily determined using the Shuvarsky-Huner test. Perhaps the problem lies in such a feature of the body?

Male factor

What other factors influence conception?

Many, and one of them is infertility in men. A very serious reason for the inability to get pregnant.

Sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, hydrocele and other ailments reduce sperm motility and reduce their number.

So when you realize " I want a baby!“, and your partner supports you, approach the issue together, without moving away from each other in case of failure, because the psychological factor is of great importance.

If there is no adequate medical conclusion about the reasons for the lack of pregnancy,... By the way, they helped many.

For example, some time after the baby’s baptism, the couple had their own child.

What “folk” methods are worth trying?

Special poses

The best positions are those that provide deep penetration of the penis. It is advisable to raise the woman's hips so that it is easier for sperm to reach the cervix.

And after sexual intercourse, it is advisable not to contact with water for 2-3 hours.

It wouldn’t hurt to do special gymnastics after sex, namely lie with your legs up and not get up for a while.

Douching with soda

Regular soda can increase your chances of conceiving. In addition, it helps get rid of thrush and creates a favorable environment for sperm.

It is advisable to do douching 20 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Drink decoctions of three herbs, brewed separately

The herbs boron uterus, red brush and sage are popularly known for their treatment of female diseases.

You can take herbal decoctions according to the phases of the cycle, but it is better to consult a gynecologist if he is a supporter of homeopathy.