Whether to do a caesarean section. Indications for caesarean section - list. When is a planned caesarean section done? In what cases is a cesarean performed? Whether a cesarean is performed at the request of the woman in labor

Now artificial childbirth is not uncommon. Therefore, many women ask themselves the question of whether to do a caesarean section. But unfortunately, the baby cannot be born on its own and in such cases it is simply impossible to do without surgical intervention. And of course, the pregnant woman will worry about the fact that this operation can somehow negatively affect the health of the child or her. Also, a caesarean section is an operation, and an operation is always at least a little scary. Although doctors claim that this is done solely in order to save the life of the child.

Translated from Latin, caesarean section means “royal incision”, and the birth itself, with its help, was popularly called royal. Some of the scientists and historians say that it was with the help of a caesarean section that Julius Caesar was born. Still others argue that he passed a law that forced doctors to cut open the bellies after the death of a woman so that the baby would not die too.

Today, caesarean section is becoming a very popular method of delivery. Very often it is used in relation to the famous "star" mothers. If earlier caesarean section was a rarity, now the percentage of these operations has increased to 27, and in some countries even to 80%. And this means that almost every 4 children are born artificially. This has led WHO to virtually ban caesarean sections in cases where a woman is able to give birth on her own.

Indicators for caesarean section

Usually, a caesarean section is done only on the recommendation of a doctor. And there may be several reasons for this.
  1. Large fruit weight;
  2. Mismatch pelvic bones(narrow pelvis or there is a deformity);
  3. Diseases of the heart or nervous system;
  4. Poor eyesight;
  5. Diseases of the internal and external genital organs;
  6. Transverse presentation of the fetus;
  7. Several scars on the uterus, which were left from previous pregnancies.

What to do on the day of the caesarean section

If the caesarean section was planned, then first of all, on the eve of this day, it is worth getting a good night's sleep. In the evening and in the morning, it is advisable to completely refuse to eat. Plus, a woman is also given an enema to completely cleanse the intestines. Before proceeding with the operation bladder a catheter is inserted, with which urine is pumped out and anesthesia is given.

But there are cases when a caesarean section is not planned. The following indicators can lead to this: hypoxia of the child, causes that threaten the life of the child and mother, bleeding, placental abruption, the complete absence of contractions.

Anesthesia for caesarean section

There are several methods of anesthesia for caesarean section: general and regional (spinal and epidural anesthesia). Under general anesthesia, the woman in labor is completely unconscious. This method is dangerous because when using several drugs, it can adversely affect the child. With regional anesthesia, the woman is conscious and can observe the progress of the operation. To date, these types of anesthesia are more used because they are less dangerous for the mother and child. A ban on their use can arise only if there are certain contraindications. such as high arterial pressure.

Period after surgery

After the operation is completed, the woman is transferred to the ward, where she is under the supervision of doctors for at least a week. In order for a woman to be discharged from the hospital, it is necessary to conduct several examinations and do an ultrasound scan. When the information that the healing of the scar on the uterus is going well, the mother and the child are allowed to go home. In most cases, threads are used for sutures, which dissolve on their own after a few weeks, so there is no need to consult a doctor about this.

Consequences of a caesarean section

After a caesarean section, it is imperative to monitor personal hygiene, change the diet. To do this, you must follow the advice of a doctor. And do not be upset, because most women who had a caesarean section during their first pregnancy almost always give birth on their own in the future.

Surgical childbirth (caesarean section) is carried out according to indications, when there is a threat to the health and / or life of the mother or baby. Today, however, many women in childbirth, out of fear, think about an assisted delivery option, even in the absence of health problems. Is it possible to have a caesarean at will? Is it worth insisting on surgical delivery if there are no indications? The expectant mother needs to learn as much as possible about this operation.

A newborn baby who was born through surgery

CS is a surgical delivery method that involves removing the baby from the uterus through an incision in the abdominal wall. The operation requires some preparation. The last meal is allowed 18 hours before the operation. Before the COP, an enema is given, hygiene procedures are carried out. A catheter is inserted into the patient's bladder, and the stomach must be treated with a special disinfectant.

The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia or under general anesthesia. If the CS is done according to plan, then the doctors tend to the epidural. This type of anesthesia assumes that the patient will see everything that is happening around, but will temporarily lose tactile and pain sensations below the waist. Anesthesia is done by puncturing the lower back, where the nerve roots are located. General anesthesia for surgical delivery is used urgently when there is no time to wait for the action of regional anesthesia.
The operation itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Section of the abdominal wall. It can be longitudinal and transverse. The first is designed for emergencies, because it makes it possible to get the baby as quickly as possible.
  2. Muscle extension.
  3. Incision of the uterus.
  4. Opening of the fetal bladder.
  5. Removing the baby, and then the placenta.
  6. Closure of the uterus and abdominal cavity. For the uterus, self-absorbable threads must be used.
  7. Applying a sterile dressing. Ice is placed on top of it. This is necessary to increase the intensity of uterine contractions and reduce blood loss.

In the absence of any complications, the operation does not last long - a maximum of forty minutes. The baby is taken out of the mother's womb in the first ten minutes.

There is an opinion that caesarean is a simple operation. If you do not delve into the nuances, it seems that everything is extremely easy. Based on this, many women in labor dream of a surgical method of delivery, especially considering how much effort natural childbirth requires. But you must always remember that a coin cannot have one side.

When is CS required?

The attending gynecologist will decide whether the woman in labor needs surgery

In most cases, COPs are planned. The doctor determines whether there are threats to the mother and the baby if the birth takes place naturally. The obstetrician then discusses delivery options with the woman in labor. Scheduled CS is carried out on a pre-arranged day. A few days before surgery future mom must be admitted to the hospital for a follow-up examination. While the pregnant woman is planned to be in the hospital, the doctor monitors her condition. This allows you to predict the likelihood of a successful outcome of the operation. Also, the examination before the COP is aimed at determining the full-term pregnancy: using various diagnostic methods, it is revealed that the baby is ready for birth and you can not wait for contractions.

The operation has a number of indications. Some factors leave room for discussion about the method of delivery, others are absolute indications, that is, those in which EP is not possible. Absolute indications include conditions that threaten the life of the mother and baby during natural delivery. CS must be done when:

  • absolutely narrow pelvis;
  • the presence of obstructions in the birth canal (uterine fibroids);
  • insolvency of the uterine scar from past CS;
  • thinning of the uterine wall, which threatens to rupture it;
  • placenta previa;
  • foot presentation of the fetus.

There are also relative indications for CS. With such factors, both natural and surgical childbirth are possible. The delivery option is chosen taking into account the circumstances, the health and age of the mother, the condition of the fetus. The most common relative indication for CS is breech presentation. If the position is incorrect, the type of presentation, the sex of the baby is taken into account. For example, in the gluteal-leg position, EPs are acceptable, but if a boy is expected, the doctor insists on a caesarean section in order to avoid damage to the scrotum. With relative indications for caesarean section, only an obstetrician-gynecologist can tell the right decision regarding the way the baby is born. The task of parents is to listen to his arguments, because they will not be able to assess all the risks on their own.

A cesarean may be performed on an emergency basis. This happens if childbirth began naturally, but something went wrong. Emergency CS is carried out if bleeding has begun in the process of natural release, premature placental detachment has occurred, acute hypoxia has been recorded in the fetus. An emergency operation is performed if labor is difficult due to weak contraction of the uterus, which cannot be corrected with medication.

Elective CS: is it possible?

Happy mother with a long-awaited daughter

Whether it is possible to do a CS at the request of a woman in labor is a moot point. Some believe that the decision on the method of delivery should remain with the woman, others are sure that only a doctor can determine all the risks and choose the best method. At the same time, the popularity of elective cesarean is growing. This trend is especially noticeable in the West, where expectant mothers are actively choosing the way to give birth to their own baby.

Women in labor prefer surgical childbirth, guided by fear of attempts. IN paid clinics doctors listen to the wishes of expectant mothers and leave them the right to choose. Naturally, if there are no factors under which CS is undesirable. The operation has no absolute contraindications, however, there are conditions that increase the risk of infectious and septic complications after surgical delivery. These include:

  • infectious diseases in the mother;
  • diseases that disrupt blood microcirculation;
  • immunodeficiency states.

In the CIS countries, the attitude towards the elective CC differs from the Western one. Without evidence, it is problematic to perform a caesarean section, because the doctor is legally responsible for each surgical intervention. Some women in labor, considering surgical delivery as a painless way to give birth to a baby, even come up with diseases for themselves that could serve as relative indications for CS. But is the game worth the candle? Is it necessary to defend the right to choose the way of having a child? To understand this, the expectant mother must understand the intricacies of the operation, compare the pros and cons, and study the risks that exist with any surgical intervention.

Benefits of CS at will

Why do many expectant mothers want to have a cesarean? “Order” the operation of many pushes the fear of natural childbirth. The birth of a baby is accompanied by severe pain, the process requires a lot of effort from a woman. Some expectant mothers are afraid that they will not cope with their mission and begin to persuade the doctor to procaesare them, even if there are no indications for surgical delivery. Another common fear is that the passage of the baby through the birth canal is difficult to control, and there may be a threat to his health or even life.

Fear of EP is common. But not all expectant mothers can handle it. For patients who see a lot of threats in natural delivery, the advantages of a "custom" CS are obvious:

An additional bonus is the ability to choose the date of birth of the baby. However, only this should not push a woman in labor to insist on a CS, because, in fact, the date does not mean anything, the main thing is the health of the baby.

The reverse side of the "custom" COP

Many expectant mothers do not see anything wrong with a caesarean section if a woman wishes. The operation is presented to them as a simple procedure, where the woman in labor falls asleep, and wakes up with the baby in her arms. But those women who have gone through surgical childbirth are unlikely to agree with this. The easy way also has a downside.

It is believed that CS, unlike EP, is painless, but this is not true. In any case, this is an operation. Even if anesthesia or anesthesia “turns off” pain during surgical delivery, it returns after. Departure from the operation is accompanied by pain at the suture site. Sometimes the postoperative period becomes completely unbearable due to pain. Some women even suffer from pain for the first couple of months after surgery. Difficulties arise in the "service" of herself and the child: it is difficult for the patient to get up, take the baby in her arms, and feed him.

Possible complications for the mother

Why is a caesarean section in many countries done exclusively on the basis of indications? This is due to the possibility of complications after surgery. Complications concerning the female body are divided into three types. The first type includes complications that may appear after surgery on the internal organs:

  1. Big blood loss. With CS, the body always loses more blood than with EP, because when tissues are cut, blood vessels are damaged. You never know how your body will react to it. In addition, bleeding opens with the pathology of pregnancy, disruption of the operation.
  2. Spikes. This phenomenon is observed during any surgical intervention, it is a kind of protective mechanism. Usually adhesions do not manifest themselves, but if there are a lot of them, then a malfunction in the work of internal organs may occur.
  3. Endometritis. The uterine cavity during the operation "contacts" with the air. If pathogens enter the uterus during surgical delivery, then one of the forms of endometritis occurs.

After CS, there are often complications at the sutures. If they appear immediately after the operation, then they will be noticed by the doctor who did the CS during the examination. However, suture complications do not always make themselves felt immediately: sometimes they appear only after a couple of years. Early suture complications include:

Late complications after cesarean include ligature fistulas, hernias, keloid scars. The difficulty in determining such conditions lies in the fact that after some time women stop examining their seam and can simply miss the formation of a pathological phenomenon.

  • malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • aspiration;
  • throat injuries from the introduction of a tube through the trachea;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • neuralgic complications (severe headache/back pain);
  • spinal block (when using epidural anesthesia, severe spinal pain occurs, and if the puncture is incorrect, even respiratory arrest can occur);
  • poisoning with toxins from anesthesia.

In many ways, the appearance of complications depends on the qualifications of the medical team that will perform the operation. However, no one is immune from mistakes and unforeseen situations, so a woman in labor who insists on a caesarean without indications should be aware of the possible threats to her own body.

What complications can a child have?

Caesareas are no different from babies born naturally

C-section at will (in the absence of indications), doctors do not undertake to carry out because of the likelihood of complications in the baby. CS is a well-established operation, which is often resorted to, but no one has canceled its complexity. Surgery can affect not only female body but also affect the health of the baby. Complications of a caesarean section affecting a child can be of varying degrees.

With a natural birth method, the baby goes through the birth canal, which is stressful for him, but such stress is necessary for the baby to adapt to the conditions of a new life - extrauterine. With CS, there is no adaptation, especially if the extraction occurs according to plan, before the start of contractions. Violation of the natural process leads to the fact that the baby is born unprepared. This is a huge stress for a fragile organism. CS can provoke the following complications:

  • inhibited activity from drugs (increased drowsiness);
  • violation of breathing and heartbeat;
  • low muscle tone;
  • slow healing of the navel.

According to statistics, “caesarites” often refuse to breastfeed, plus the mother may have problems with the amount of milk. You have to turn to artificial feeding, which leaves its mark on the immunity of the crumbs and getting used to the new environment. Children born by caesarean section are more likely to suffer from manifestations of allergic reactions, intestinal diseases. "Kesaryata" may lag behind their peers in development, which is due to their passivity in labor activity. This manifests itself almost immediately: it is more difficult for them to breathe, suck, scream.

weigh everything

The CS really rightfully deserved the title of "easy delivery". But at the same time, many forget that surgical childbirth can have consequences for the health of both "participants in the process." Of course, most complications in a baby can be easily “removed” if you pay maximum attention to this issue. For example, massage can correct muscle tone, and if mom fights for breast-feeding, then the immunity of the crumbs will be strong. But why complicate your life if there is no reason for this, and the expectant mother is simply driven by fears?

by caesarean own will not worth doing. Naturally, a woman should have the right to choose, but it is not for nothing that this operation is performed according to indications. Only a doctor can determine when it is appropriate to turn to a caesarean section, and when a natural delivery is possible.

Nature has thought of everything by itself: the process of childbirth prepares the baby for extrauterine life as much as possible, and although the woman in labor has a big load, recovery is much faster than after surgery.

When there is a threat to the fetus or mother and the doctor insists on a cesarean, it is strictly forbidden to refuse the operation. The doctor always determines the risks, taking into account the fact that it is safer for the life of the woman in labor and the baby. There are situations when caesarean is the only option for delivery. If the method is subject to discussion, it is always recommended to grasp the possibility of natural childbirth. The momentary desire to "caesare" in order to avoid pain must be suppressed. To do this, it is enough to talk with the doctor about the possible risks and likelihood of complications after the operation.

It is 100% impossible to predict how the COP will go in each specific case. There is always the possibility that something will go wrong. Therefore, doctors advocate natural childbirth whenever possible.

If the expectant mother herself cannot overcome her own fears associated with the upcoming moment of the baby's appearance, she can always turn to a psychologist. Pregnancy is not the time for fears. You need to let go of all bad thoughts, not be led by momentary desires, and clearly follow the recommendations of a gynecologist - from regimen correction to the method of delivery.

Caesarean section is one of the most burning topics among expectant mothers. There are pregnant women who are terribly afraid of this operation, others, on the contrary, believe that a caesarean section is easier and safer than independent childbirth. There are also women who believe that a caesarean section can be done at will.

What are the myths about caesarean section? And where is the truth?

Myth number 1. A caesarean section can be done at the request of a woman.

This is a very common misconception and completely unfounded. The doctor performs a caesarean section only when independent childbirth is impossible or dangerous for the woman or fetus. Cesarean section is not performed on request.

After all, complications can occur during and after surgery. For example, there is a high risk of bleeding, infection, suture separation, etc. After a cesarean, the stomach hurts and pulls in the seam area, the body recovers longer than after an independent birth.

The operation also affects the fetus not in the best way. Nature provides for independent childbirth, and a caesarean section for a baby is additional stress. During the operation, the fetus does not pass through the birth canal and does not experience the difference in pressure, which is so necessary for the full start of breathing, "turning on" work digestive system etc.

Myth number 2. Long before a caesarean section, you need to go to the hospital

If the doctors decide that the expectant mother is shown a caesarean section, then, of course, you need to prepare for the operation. But long before the cherished date, there is no need to go to the hospital, as before. All tests and examinations that are needed can be done at the antenatal clinic. It is necessary to arrive at the maternity hospital the day before the operation.

A pregnant woman should do a general and biochemical blood test, a general ultrasound, (CTG) and an electrocardiogram (ECG). So that the tests are not "overdue", you need to start taking them between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Myth number 3. If a pregnant woman has myopia, then she will have a caesarean section

This is nothing more than a myth, since myopia itself is not an indication for caesarean section. The operation is needed for completely different "vision problems": increased intraocular pressure and retinal pathology. Pregnant women should not push in such cases, as stress can lead to decreased vision or even loss of it.

But if the problems with the retina are minor, and there was no deterioration during pregnancy, then the ophthalmologist can even allow you to give birth on your own. True, it is still impossible to push fully. In order for the woman not to strain while the fetus moves through the birth canal, they do it. After this injection in the lumbar region, the entire lower part of the body is anesthetized, and the woman in labor does not feel any attempts.

Childbirth is a process to which a woman's body is fully adapted. But sometimes, for one reason or another, natural childbirth can pose a danger to the health or even life of both the child and the mother. In such cases, an operative delivery is performed - a caesarean section.

Caesarean section may be planned And urgent. A planned caesarean section is prescribed during pregnancy: according to indications or at the request of the expectant mother. The decision on an urgent caesarean section is made if complications arise already during childbirth, or dangerous situations that require urgent intervention (acute fetal hypoxia, placental abruption, etc.).

Indications for caesarean section are divided into absolute And relative. Those are considered absolute, on the basis of which the doctor unconditionally prescribes the operation, and there can be no talk of natural childbirth. These indications include the following.

Absolute indications for caesarean section

Narrow pelvis of the woman in labor. Because of this anatomical feature, a woman simply will not be able to give birth on her own, as there will be problems with the passage of the child through the birth canal. This feature is detected immediately upon registration, and the woman is prepared and tuned in for operative delivery from the very beginning.

mechanical obstruction preventing the fetus from passing naturally. It could be:

  • defragmentation of the pelvic bones;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • placenta previa (the placenta is not located where it should be, blocking the fetus from entering the cervix);
  • individual cases of uterine fibroids.

Chance of uterine rupture. This indication for delivery via caesarean section occurs if there are any sutures and scars on the uterus, for example, after previous caesarean sections and abdominal operations.

Premature placental abruption. Pathology is expressed in the fact that the placenta, even before the onset of labor, is separated from the uterus, depriving the child of nutrition and access to oxygen.

Relative indications for caesarean section

Relative indications for cesarean section suggest the possibility of natural childbirth, but at a risk to the baby or mother. In such a situation, all individual factors are carefully weighed and considered. Relative indications include:

  • visual impairment in the mother (this is due to the high load on the eyes when the woman giving birth is straining);
  • malfunctions of the kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • oncological diseases, etc.

As you can see, these diseases are not related to pregnancy, but the intense load on the mother's body during childbirth can cause various complications.

In addition, an indication for caesarean section is preeclampsia- a violation in the system of blood flow and blood vessels.

to the testimony, endangering the health of the child include various sexually transmitted infections in the mother, as the child can become infected while passing through the birth canal.

As for the urgent caesarean section, it is prescribed if the labor activity is very weak or has stopped altogether.


By urgency, caesarean section can be of the following types:

  • planned;
  • emergency.

According to the execution technique, they distinguish:

  • abdominal caesarean section - the incision is made through the anterior abdominal wall;
  • vaginal caesarean section - an incision through the anterior fornix of the vagina.

How does a caesarean section work, what happens before and after it

How is a cesarean section performed?

When do I have a planned caesarean section? The date of the operation is appointed individually and depends on the condition of the woman and the child. If there are no special indications, then a caesarean section is scheduled for the day closest to the expected date of birth. It also happens that the operation is carried out with the onset of contractions.

How to prepare for a caesarean section

Usually, a future mother awaiting a planned caesarean section is placed in the hospital in advance in order to conduct an examination - to determine that the child is full-term and ready for birth, and to monitor the condition of the woman. As a rule, a caesarean section is scheduled for the morning, and the last meal and drink is possible no later than 18 hours the night before. The stomach of the operated patient must be empty to prevent its contents from entering the respiratory tract. In the morning, on the day of the operation, hygiene procedures are carried out to prepare for a cesarean section: an enema is given, the pubis is shaved. Next, the woman changes into a shirt, and she is taken away or taken on a gurney to the operating room.

Immediately before the operation, anesthesia is performed, a catheter is inserted into the bladder (it will be removed a couple of hours after the operation), the stomach is treated with a disinfectant. Further, a small screen is installed in the woman’s chest area so that she cannot see the progress of the operation.


Today, 2 types of anesthesia are available: epidural and general anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia involves the insertion of a thin tube through a needle into the exit site of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. It sounds pretty scary, but in fact, a woman experiences discomfort only a few seconds when the puncture is carried out. Further, she ceases to feel pain and tactile sensations in the lower body.

General anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is used for emergency caesarean section when there is no time to wait for the effect of epidural anesthesia. First, a preparation of the so-called preliminary anesthesia is injected intravenously, then a mixture of anesthetic gas and oxygen enters through the tube in the trachea, and the last one is a drug that relaxes the muscles.

The progress of the caesarean section

After the anesthesia has taken effect, the operation begins. How is a caesarean section performed? First, an incision is made in the abdominal wall. During the operation, 2 types of incisions are possible: longitudinal (vertical from the womb to the navel; done with an emergency caesarean section, because it is faster to get the baby through it) and transverse (above the womb).

Next, the surgeon pushes the muscles apart, makes an incision in the uterus and opens the fetal bladder. After removing the baby, the placenta is removed. Then the doctor sews up the uterus first with threads that dissolve after a few months - after the tissues grow together, and then the abdominal wall. A sterile bandage is applied, ice is placed on the abdomen so that the uterus contracts intensively, and also in order to reduce blood loss.

The duration of a caesarean section usually takes from 20 to 40 minutes, while the child is already born at 10 minutes, or even earlier.

Postoperative period

Another day after the caesarean section, the woman is in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit so that doctors can monitor her condition. Then the newly-made mother is transferred to a regular ward. For decreasing pain she is assigned painkillers, drugs to reduce the uterus and normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed, but this is decided on an individual basis. Gradually, the doses of drugs are reduced, and they are completely abandoned.

If the operation went without complications, get up for the first time a woman is allowed after at least 6 hours. First you need to sit down on the couch, and then stand for a while. In no case should you strain, experience at least minimal physical exercise, as this threatens to diverge seams.

It is highly recommended to purchase in advance postoperative bandage, wearing it will greatly facilitate movement and discomfort in the first days after the caesarean section, especially when you need to lie down or get out of bed.

Care, diet and stool

On the first day after the operation, it is recommended to drink only water without gas, and you will need to drink a lot to make up for the loss of fluid. You will also need to empty your bladder on time. A full bladder is believed to prevent uterine contractions.

On the second day, liquid food is allowed (cereals, broths, etc.). If everything is in order, then from the third after the operation, you can return to the normal diet recommended for lactating women, however, after childbirth, many mothers complain of constipation, and in order to alleviate the situation, it is advisable not to eat solid food for several days.

Also, this problem is solved by enemas, candles (candles with glycerin are usually used; when you put such a candle, try to lie down for a while) and eating foods that have a laxative effect (kefir, dried fruits, etc.).

After discharge from the hospital

The first month and a half after the caesarean section, you will not be able to take a bath, swim in the pool and ponds, you will be able to wash only in the shower.

Active physical exercise must be postponed for at least two months. At this time, the help of relatives and husband is needed. Although completely refusing physical activity it is forbidden. Ideally, the doctor after the operation should tell you about exercises that will speed up the recovery of the body, at least you can ask about it yourself.

Renew sexual life It is recommended not earlier than one and a half months after the operation. Be sure to take care of contraception. Experts advise planning the next pregnancy only after 2 years, during which time the body will fully recover and will be able to ensure the full development of the unborn baby.

Is natural childbirth possible after caesarean?

Contrary to popular belief, a woman can give birth to a child herself if the previous pregnancy ended with a caesarean section. If the stitches have healed, there are no complications, the reproductive system has successfully recovered and there is no indication for another caesarean section.

Pros and cons of a caesarean section

Surgical delivery is possible both for medical reasons and at the woman's own request. However, doctors usually oppose such a decision, discouraging the future mother from surgical intervention. If you are also considering surgery, provided that normal delivery is not contraindicated for you, carefully weigh all the positive and negative aspects of the issue.

Advantages of a caesarean section:

  • during the operation, injuries of the genital organs, such as ruptures and incisions, are impossible;
  • delivery by caesarean section takes a maximum of 40 minutes, while in natural childbirth a woman often has to endure contractions for several hours.

Cons of a caesarean section:

  • psychological aspect: mothers complain that at first they do not feel connected with the child, they do not have the feeling that they gave birth to him themselves;
  • limitation of physical activity and pain at the site of suturing;
  • scar. Read more about this in the article.

Consequences of a caesarean section

Consequences can be divided into 2 types: for mother in connection with surgical intervention, And for a child due to unnatural birth.

Consequences for mother:

  • pain in the seams, as a result of a scar on the abdomen;
  • restrictions on physical activity, the inability to take a bath and resume intimate relationships for several months;
  • psychological condition.

Consequences for the child:

  • psychological; there is an opinion that children who were born through surgery adapt worse to the world around them. It is worth noting that the opinions of scientists on this matter differ, and the experience of mothers shows that in most cases, fears of children lagging behind in mental development contrived, and you should not worry about this. However, one cannot deny the fact that the child does not go through the path prepared for him by nature, and helping to prepare for a new environment of existence;
  • the possibility of residual amniotic fluid in the lungs of the newborn;
  • entry into the child's blood of anesthetic drugs. Read more about the consequences of caesarean section and watch the video in

Complications after caesarean section

Complications after anesthesia. If you are going to have a caesarean section with an epidural, you need to remember the following point. After the operation, the catheter with anesthetic is left in the back for some time, and drugs are injected through it to anesthetize the stitches. Therefore, after the operation is over, the woman may not feel both or one leg, and may not be able to move around.

There are cases when, when shifting a woman to a couch, her legs are twisted, and since the operated woman does not feel anything, this fact can go unnoticed for a long time.

What does it threaten? Due to the fact that the limb is in an unnatural position, it develops prolonged positional pressure syndrome. In other words, soft tissues are without blood supply for a long time. After the pressure is neutralized, shock develops, severe edema, impaired motor activity limbs and, not always, but quite often, kidney failure, all accompanied by severe pain lasting for several months.

Be sure to ask the staff at the hospital to check that you have been placed on the couch correctly. Remember that sometimes crush syndrome is fatal.

In addition, anesthesia is often accompanied by headaches and back pain.

One of the most common complications is adhesions. Loops of the intestines or other organs of the abdominal cavity grow together. Treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the woman: the case may be limited to the usual physiotherapy or reach the need for surgical intervention.

endometritisinflammatory process in the uterus. To prevent it, a course of antibiotics is prescribed immediately after the operation.

Bleeding also refer to complications after caesarean section and, in rare cases, lead to the need to remove the uterus.

Complications may also arise during suture healing until they diverge.

So, a caesarean section is a guarantee of life for mother and child in cases where natural childbirth is impossible or dangerous. Every year this operation is improved, and the number of complications decreases. However, the human factor cannot be ruled out, therefore, if you know about the main features of the operation and postoperative care, this will help you avoid complications and enjoy the joys of motherhood without unnecessary grief.

Video of a caesarean section

I like!

The doctor makes the final decision on how to give birth to a woman at the 37-38th week of pregnancy, after all examinations. Among those who went through natural childbirth are not only women with a scar on the uterus, but also those who were over forty when they decided on their first child, as well as those who dared to endure and give birth to twins on their own.

Dear Irina!

Caesarean section is a complex surgical operation, which is primarily carried out strictly for medical reasons. However, more and more women prefer this method of delivery, guided only by their own desire. Often, women simply want to avoid the pain that accompanies natural childbirth, forgetting that postoperative pain is no less intense than childbirth. In addition, as with any other operation, there is a risk of complications.

Another reason that encourages women in labor to have a caesarean section is the desire to independently choose the date of birth of the child, so that the doctor is not on vacation, and the child's father is not on a business trip. Thus, a situation arises of forced delivery, when neither the woman's body nor the child is ready for this. It can also have a number of negative consequences for the health of mother and baby.

Some mothers believe that a baby born by caesarean section is spared the stress of going through the birth canal. However, nature knowingly came up with just such a way of birth. Thanks to the advancement through the narrow birth canal, excess fluid is removed from the baby's lungs, which is artificially sucked out in case of surgery.

Indications for caesarean section

There are absolute indications for surgery, when it is indispensable, as well as relative indications, when the decision is made by a council of doctors, after analyzing the condition of the woman in labor and the child. Absolute indications are an anatomically narrow pelvis (degree of narrowing 3-4 with a true conjugate less than 9 cm), complete placenta previa, incomplete placenta previa, but with a risk of serious bleeding, premature detachment of the placenta, onset or threatening uterine rupture, defective scar on the uterus, the presence of two or more scars on the uterus, severe preeclampsia in the absence of readiness of the birth canal for delivery, heart disease in the stage of decompensation, pathology of the nervous system, severe thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, grade 3 myopia, retinal detachment, tumors of the cervix, vagina or ovaries, abnormal position of the fetus, acute intrauterine hypoxia, prolapse of the umbilical cord.

Relative indications include large fetus with a narrow pelvis, divergence of the pubic symphysis during childbearing, weakness of birth forces, post-term pregnancy, IVF or artificial insemination, chronic fetal hypoxia, fetal hemolytic disease, the presence of three or more fetuses, severe varicose veins of the vulva and vagina .

Sometimes, if the age of the primipara has exceeded 30 years, due to the risk of perineal ruptures and anomalies of the birth forces, childbirth by caesarean section may be indicated, especially in the presence of extragenital diseases or obstetric pathology.

Cesarean section on your own

In many parts of the world, women have legal right choose the mode of delivery. The first caesarean sections of their own free will began to be practiced in Japan, South Korea and China. In Venezuela, 60% of births end in surgery. In Russia, there is no legal framework prohibiting a doctor from performing a caesarean section at the request of a woman in labor, even if there are no indications for the operation. Moreover, a number of experts believe that a woman should choose how her child will be born. Nevertheless, officially the desire of a woman in labor is not an indication for a caesarean section. Everything will depend on the doctor and on the prerequisites for surgical intervention, because the obstetrician-gynecologist is obliged to report for each case when a caesarean section was performed. In many maternity hospitals, the request of the woman in labor is taken into account if there are any relative indications.

Sincerely, Xenia.

I have a medical background. Of course there was practice in the maternity ward. Having seen enough of natural childbirth with and without perineal incisions, I decided for myself that my pregnancy would end only through a caesarean section. With this review, I would like to help those girls who are also considering only this option. Having successfully become pregnant, I began to visit various paid clinics so that I could manage my pregnancy with competent doctors and know exactly when, who and where, would perform the cherished operation on me. But it was not there! Every doctor was ready to conduct a pregnancy. But about the caesarean... first I had to sign a contract for the management of pregnancy (the cost of which is in the region of 60 - 90 thousand) and only at the end of the third trimester the doctor calls the familiar mythical doctor in the mythical maternity hospital and agrees. I originally needed guarantees. And so, we found Lapino Hospital on the Internet. Of course, for an average income, this is a rather expensive institution. But for the sake of the birth of a child (an event that happens once or several times in a lifetime, if you like it), you can and will spend it. At that time, an action was taking place in the hospital: a free consultation on pregnancy management. They called. The operator picked up the phone immediately, without a five-minute wait, as in other medical institutions. Signed up. We've arrived. Gorgeous clinic. Pass entry. There are no queues, although there are plenty of patients. Everywhere beauty and cleanliness. Came in and explained the situation. The doctor said that she perfectly understands our desire and everything will be as we want. The only thing is that they will gather a council on this matter (apparently they wanted to check my mental health). They appointed a day and time. After the consultation, they gave me a paper that said that I would have the coveted operation! Then we quietly went to observe. The doctor left her contact number. And then one night, I realized that it was time! I called the doctor and told them to prepare the operating room, as we were leaving. The contract includes the departure of an ambulance, but we decided to drive on the sly. In the end, we could call her along the way. Security was already aware that we were going. We were immediately opened and told that everyone was waiting for us. The operation went perfect! After the operation, my child and I stayed in this wonderful place for 5 days. It is difficult to call a chamber a chamber. Rather, this is the number of a five-star Turkish hotel. The room has a TV, internet, air conditioning, toilet, shower with all kinds of personal hygiene products. You don't need to take anything with you, everything is there. The rise of the bed is regulated by light pressure. There are emergency call buttons everywhere. I accidentally clicked on one at night, so the nurse was in the ward in 20 seconds! The staff knocks before entering the room. You can also put a "do not disturb" sign on the door. Great food. Brought in beautiful plates with lids. First, second, compote, dessert. Even if you don't want to eat, you will. Before discharge, my child and I underwent various ultrasounds. The children's clinic was surprised. Why did you have an ultrasound? Have you had health problems? Our health is excellent. It turns out that ultrasound is not done in state institutions. Patients breathe well, they can go home. The scar after cesarean is very neat, as thick as a hair. Sometimes I even miss this wonderful place. Of course for me a little expensive, but you have to pay for the comfort. And according to my calculations (I monitored prices in state-owned family houses), it doesn’t turn out much cheaper, and the conditions, care, and equipment are not so good. For the second child only in Lapino!

Is it possible to do a caesarean at will?

C fucking before childbirth is quite natural and understandable, but is it worth it to voluntarily go under the knife because of this? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of an elective caesarean section.

The right to choose

Whether the expectant mother has the right to choose the method of delivery is a moot point. Many believe that only the mother should decide how her child will be born. Most doctors reserve the prerogative to prescribe caesarean, although the number of obstetricians who listen to the opinion of patients is growing.

In the West, paid caesarean sections of their own accord have become fashionable. Moreover, to draw up a contract with the clinic, the patients do not take their husbands with them, but lawyers. The signed list of all possible consequences has full legal force and “unties” the hands of doctors who are happy to undertake to operate on everyone for a round sum.

In Russia, the situation is different: it is rather problematic for our women to officially procure without evidence. Refusal of natural childbirth, which a woman signs on the threshold of the operating room, is just a formal piece of paper, so doctors do not risk being led by patients even for decent money. Some even invent diseases for themselves that can serve as at least relative indications for surgery.

Advantages of a "custom" caesarean section

Irresistible fear of childbirth in agony, fear of injuries to the perineum and vagina, fear for the health of the child due to the unpredictability of the birth process. What is guided by a woman who is able to give birth herself when she persuades the attending physician to perform a planned operation on her? For many women in labor, the advantages of caesarean are obvious:

  • quick and painless removal of the child;
  • confidence in the life and health of the baby;
  • hope for a favorable outcome due to modern advances in medicine;
  • no damage to the genitals;
  • the ability to choose the date of birth of the child.

The other side of the easy way

Cesarean delivery has become so commonplace that it is perceived as an absolutely safe procedure. In the eyes of many women, it looks like this: “fell asleep, woke up, got a baby.” However, a woman who has gone through such an operation is unlikely to agree with this.

  1. According to the woman, the operating table is an “easy” method of childbirth, but intense pain after it for several days will be akin to natural contractions.
  2. Caesarean section is an abdominal operation, which means that none of the surgical risks can be ruled out. Unpredictable consequences during manipulations, complications and even mortality during caesarean section are not a myth, but a harsh reality.
  3. The abrupt extraction of a newborn unprepared by contractions, sometimes sleeping, is too much shock for the child, in contrast to the natural birth process, which for the baby is a stressful situation with a “plus” sign.
  4. “Caesarites”, who have not passed through the birth canal and are separated from their mother during the most important hours of life, are more prone to intestinal and allergic diseases, and the mother may have problems with breastfeeding.
  5. It is difficult to care for a baby without outside help: every movement is difficult and causes concern for the integrity of the seam.
  6. Recovery after surgery takes many months, after childbirth, the woman comes to her senses in a few days.
  7. There may be difficulties with subsequent pregnancies and childbirth.

The risk is high, so the decision to have an elective caesarean section should be made by the woman and her doctor in a balanced way, and not under the influence of momentary desires.

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