Eight myths about caesarean section. How does a caesarean section work: pain-free childbirth or a major operation? Can a caesarean section be performed?

Now this operation is quite common. According to statistics, for every 6-8 women who give birth on their own, there is one who undergoes a caesarean section. Moreover, the risk a woman faces during a cesarean section is 12 times higher than during a natural birth. C-section It can be either planned (the operation is prescribed during pregnancy) or emergency (this operation is performed if complications arose during natural childbirth).

Where did the name of the operation come from?

The word "Caesar" is the Greek form of the Latin "Caesar" (monarch, ruler). It is believed that the name of this operation is directly related to Gaius Julius Caesar himself. According to legend, the mother of the future Roman emperor died during labor pains. The frightened obstetricians had no choice but to take sharp knives and open the pregnant woman’s womb: they hoped to save at least the child. Fortunately for them, the operation was successful, and a great monarch was born. Since then, such operations have allegedly been nicknamed “caesarean sections.”

On the other hand, the name may be due to the fact that during the reign of Caesar, a law was first passed, which required that in the event of the death of a woman in labor, saving the child: cutting the abdominal wall and uterus and extracting the fetus. The first caesarean section on a living woman with a successful outcome was performed only in 1500. The Swiss Jakob Nyfer, who made his living by castrating boars, distinguished himself. When thirteen experienced midwives could not help his pregnant wife, he asked the city council for permission to perform the operation and personally performed a caesarean section on his wife. Everything went well - the wife and child were saved. According to statistics, for every 6-8 women who give birth on their own, there is one who undergoes a caesarean section.

In what cases is a caesarean section performed?

Even though a caesarean section is not a very complicated operation, it is still an operation. When performing a caesarean section, the risk to a woman's health is 12 times higher than during natural childbirth. Therefore, in order to refer a woman for a caesarean section, doctors must have compelling reasons. Only if spontaneous birth is impossible or is dangerous to the life of the mother or child, the obstetrician-gynecologist gives the go-ahead for the operation. In addition, the patient's consent is required for a caesarean section.

The decision to have a caesarean section (planned) is made even before labor begins if a woman has:

  • severe myopia with changes in the fundus;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus or Rh conflict;
  • a narrow pelvis through which the child cannot pass;
  • exacerbation of genital herpes and increased risk of infection of the fetus as it passes through the birth canal;
  • severe late toxicosis;
  • there are malformations of the uterus and vagina;
  • two or more scars on the uterus after a previous birth with cesarean section;
  • if the fetus is in an abnormal position (transverse, oblique) or placenta previa (it covers the cervix and prevents the baby from getting out);
  • during post-term pregnancy.

Caesarean section * during childbirth ** (emergency) is most often performed when the woman cannot push the baby out (even after stimulation with drugs) or when there are signs of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

What happens during the operation?

During a caesarean section, the abdominal wall is opened, then the uterine cavity is opened and the fetus is removed. The wound on the uterus is sutured with a continuous suture, the abdominal wall is restored, staples are applied to the skin, which are removed on the 6th day after the operation. If the postoperative period is favorable, patients are discharged home on days 6-7.

A caesarean section is performed under general anesthesia. Which anesthesia to choose is determined by the anesthesiologist depending on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Now, as a rule, two types of anesthesia are used: endotracheal (anesthesia is administered into the respiratory tract through a tube) or epidural (a needle is inserted into the spinal canal and an anesthetic is administered through it; after 10-15 minutes, the part of the body below the injection site is numbed). The latter type of anesthesia is more popular, since the woman remains conscious and can immediately see the baby that has been born.

Is it possible to have a caesarean section without indications, if desired?

Some countries practice caesarean section at the woman's request. With its help, some pregnant women hope to avoid problems such as labor pain, increased vaginal size, and perineal incisions. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers such tactics unjustified. This is due to the fact that, having avoided some problems, women can acquire others, often more serious, in particular, neurological disorders in the child, a longer postoperative period, difficulties with lactation, and the inability to give birth in the “normal” way in the future...

Cons of caesarean section

  • Psychological discomfort in a woman in labor. Many women suffer because they did not give birth to their child themselves.
  • Unpleasant sensations upon recovery from anesthesia: nausea, dizziness, headaches.
  • Inability to immediately care for your child independently.
  • Inability to immediately breastfeed the baby.
  • Pain in the wound, the need to remain in bed for several days after childbirth.
  • Possible complications after surgery, mandatory antibiotic therapy.
  • Possible neurological consequences in the child.

In addition, it is believed that babies born as a result of a cesarean section are more difficult to adapt to environmental conditions, since from birth their life has been somewhat “simplified” and they have not learned to “fight.” And although according to Gaius Julius Caesar this was not noticeable, the conclusion of the doctors is clear - a cesarean section is justified only when it is not possible to carry out a natural birth that is favorable in all respects.

Caesarean section is one of the most pressing topics among expectant mothers. There are pregnant women who are terrified of this operation, while others, on the contrary, believe that a caesarean section is easier and safer than an independent birth. There are also women who believe that a caesarean section can be done at will.

What myths exist about caesarean section? And where is the truth hidden?

Myth No. 1. A caesarean section can be performed at the woman’s request.

This is a very common misconception and completely unfounded. The doctor performs a caesarean section only if spontaneous childbirth is impossible or dangerous for the woman or fetus. A caesarean section is not performed upon request.

After all, complications may arise during and after surgery. For example, there is a high risk of bleeding, infection, suture dehiscence, etc. After a caesarean section, the stomach hurts and pulls in the area of ​​the suture, the body takes longer to recover than after an independent birth.

The operation also does not have the best effect on the fetus. Nature provides for spontaneous childbirth, and a caesarean section for a baby is additional stress. During the operation, the fetus does not pass through the birth canal and does not experience the pressure difference, which is so necessary for the full start of breathing, “turning on” work digestive system etc.

Myth No. 2. Long before a cesarean section you need to go to the maternity hospital.

If the doctors decide that a caesarean section is indicated for the expectant mother, then, of course, it is necessary to prepare for the operation. But long before the cherished date, there is no need to go to the maternity hospital, as before. All tests and examinations that are needed can be done at the antenatal clinic. You must arrive at the maternity hospital the day before the operation.

A pregnant woman should do general and biochemical blood tests, general ultrasound, (CTG) and an electrocardiogram (ECG). To ensure that tests are not “overdue,” you need to start taking them between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Myth No. 3. If a pregnant woman is myopic, she will have a cesarean section.

This is nothing more than a myth, since myopia itself is not an indication for a caesarean section. Surgery is needed for completely different “vision problems”: increased intraocular pressure and retinal pathology. Pregnant women should not push in such cases, as tension can lead to decreased vision or even loss of vision.

But if the problems with the retina are minor, and there were no deteriorations during pregnancy, then the ophthalmologist may even allow you to give birth on your own. True, you still can’t push fully. In order for the woman not to tense up while the fetus moves through the birth canal, she is given. After this injection in the lumbar region, the entire lower part of the body is anesthetized, and the woman in labor does not feel any pushing.

Nowadays, artificial childbirth is not uncommon. Therefore, many women ask themselves the question of whether to have a caesarean section. But unfortunately, the baby cannot be born on its own and in such cases it is simply impossible to do without surgical intervention. And of course, the pregnant woman will worry that this operation may somehow negatively affect the health of the child or her. Also, a caesarean section is an operation, and surgery is always at least a little scary. Although doctors claim that this is done solely to save the child’s life.

Translated from Latin, caesarean section means “royal incision,” and the birth itself with its help is popularly dubbed royal. Some scientists and historians say that it was through a Caesarean section that Julius Caesar was born. Still others argue that he passed a law that forced doctors to cut the bellies after the death of a woman so that the baby would not die too.

Today, cesarean section is becoming a very popular method of delivery. Very often it is used in relation to famous “star” mothers. If previously caesarean sections were rare, now the percentage of these operations has increased to 27, and in some countries even to 80%. This means that almost every 4 children are born artificially. This has led the WHO to virtually ban caesarean sections in cases where a woman is able to give birth on her own.

Indicators for caesarean section

Typically, a caesarean section is performed only on the recommendation of a doctor. And there may be several reasons for this.
  1. Large fetal weight;
  2. Inconsistency of the pelvic bones (narrow pelvis or deformation);
  3. Diseases of the heart or nervous system;
  4. Poor eyesight;
  5. Diseases of the internal and external genital organs;
  6. Transverse presentation of the fetus;
  7. Several scars on the uterus from previous pregnancies.

What to do on the day of cesarean section

If the caesarean section was planned, then first of all on the eve of this day you should get a good night's sleep. It is advisable to completely abstain from eating in the evening and in the morning. Plus, the woman is also given an enema to completely cleanse the intestines. Before starting the operation in bladder a catheter is inserted to pump out urine and anesthesia is administered.

But there are cases when a caesarean section is not planned. The following indicators can lead to this: hypoxia of the child, causes that threaten the life of the child and mother, bleeding, placental stratum, complete absence of contractions.

Anesthesia for caesarean section

There are several methods of anesthesia for caesarean section: general and regional (spinal and epidural anesthesia). During general anesthesia, the woman in labor is completely unconscious. This method is dangerous because if several drugs are used, it can negatively affect the child. With regional anesthesia, the woman is conscious and can watch the operation proceed. Today, these types of anesthesia are more widely used because they are less dangerous for mother and child. A ban on their use can only arise if there are certain contraindications. Such as, for example, high arterial pressure.

Period after surgery

After the operation is completed, the woman is transferred to a ward, where she is under the supervision of doctors for at least a week. In order for a woman to be discharged from the maternity hospital, it is necessary to conduct several examinations and an ultrasound. When information is received that the healing of the uterine scar is proceeding normally, the mother and child are sent home. In most cases, threads are used to apply sutures, which dissolve on their own after a few weeks, so there is no need to see a doctor about this.

Consequences of caesarean section

After a caesarean section, it is imperative to take care of personal hygiene and change your diet. To do this, you must follow your doctor's advice. And don’t be upset, because most women who had a caesarean section during their first pregnancy almost always give birth on their own in the future.

The final decision regarding how a woman should give birth is made by the doctor at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, after all examinations. Among those who have gone through natural childbirth are not only women with a uterine scar, but also those who were over forty when they decided to have their first child, as well as those who dared to carry and independently give birth to twins.

Dear Irina!

Caesarean section is a complex surgical operation, which is primarily performed strictly for medical reasons. However, more and more often women prefer this method of delivery, guided only by their own desire. Often, women simply want to avoid the pain that accompanies natural childbirth, forgetting that postoperative pain is no less intense than labor pain. In addition, as after any other operation, there is a risk of complications.

Another reason that prompts women in labor to have a caesarean section is the desire to independently choose the date of birth of the child, so that the doctor is not on vacation and the child’s father is not on a business trip. Thus, a situation of forced childbirth arises when neither the woman’s body nor the child are ready for this. It can also have a number of negative consequences for the health of mother and baby.

Some mothers believe that a baby born by Caesarean section is spared the stress of passing through the birth canal. However, it is not for nothing that nature came up with this particular method of birth. By moving through the narrow birth canal, excess fluid is removed from the baby's lungs, which is artificially sucked out in case of surgery.

Indications for caesarean section

There are absolute indications for surgery, when it cannot be avoided, as well as relative indications, when the decision is made by a council of doctors after analyzing the condition of the mother and child. Absolute indications are an anatomically narrow pelvis (degree of narrowing 3 - 4 with a true conjugate of less than 9 cm), complete placenta previa, incomplete placenta previa, but with the risk of serious bleeding, premature placental abruption, incipient or threatening uterine rupture, defective scar on the uterus, the presence two or more scars on the uterus, severe gestosis in the absence of readiness of the birth canal for delivery, heart disease in the stage of decompensation, pathology of the nervous system, severe diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, 3rd degree myopia, retinal detachment, tumors of the cervix, vagina or ovaries, abnormal fetal position, acute intrauterine hypoxia, umbilical cord prolapse.

Relative indications include large fetus with a narrow pelvis, divergence of the symphysis pubis during pregnancy, weakness of labor, post-term pregnancy, IVF or artificial insemination, chronic fetal hypoxia, hemolytic disease of the fetus, the presence of three or more fetuses, severe varicose veins of the vulva and vagina. .

Sometimes, if the age of the first-time mother has exceeded 30 years, due to the risk of perineal ruptures and abnormalities in labor, birth by cesarean section may be indicated, especially in the presence of extragenital diseases or obstetric pathology.

Caesarean section at will

In many countries of the world, a woman has legal right choose your own method of delivery. First caesarean section at will began to be practiced in Japan, South Korea and China. In Venezuela, 60% of births end in surgery. In Russia, there is no legal framework prohibiting a doctor from performing a caesarean section at the request of a woman in labor, even if there are no indications for the operation. Moreover, a number of experts believe that a woman should choose how her child will be born. Nevertheless, officially the desire of a woman in labor is not an indication for a cesarean section. Everything will depend on the doctor and on the prerequisites for surgical intervention, because the obstetrician-gynecologist is obliged to report for each case in which a caesarean section was performed. In many maternity hospitals, the request of the woman in labor is taken into account if there are any relative indications.

Best regards, Ksenia.

I have a medical education. Of course there was practice in the maternity ward. Having seen enough natural childbirth with and without perineal incisions, I decided for myself that my pregnancy would only end through a caesarean section. With this review, I would like to help those girls who are also considering only this option. Having successfully become pregnant, I began to visit various paid clinics so that I could manage my pregnancy with competent doctors and know exactly when, who and where would perform the cherished operation on me. But it was not there! Every doctor was ready to manage the pregnancy. But regarding the cesarean...first I had to sign a contract for pregnancy management (the cost of which is around 60 - 90 thousand) and only at the end of the third trimester the doctor calls a mythical doctor he knows in a mythical maternity hospital and makes an agreement. I initially needed guarantees. And so, we found Lapino Hospital on the Internet. Of course, for average earnings, this is a fairly expensive establishment. But for the sake of having a child (an event that happens once or several times in life, if you like it) you can spend money. At that time, the hospital was holding a promotion: free consultation on pregnancy management. They called. The operator answered the phone immediately, without a five-minute wait, as in other medical institutions. Signed up. We've arrived. Gorgeous clinic. Entrance with passes. There are no queues, although there are plenty of patients. Everywhere there is beauty and purity. They came to the reception and explained the situation. The doctor said that she perfectly understands our desire and everything will be as we want. The only thing is that they will hold a consultation on this matter (apparently they wanted to check my mental health). They set a day and time. After the consultation, I was given a paper that said that I would undergo the desired operation! Then we calmly went to be observed. The doctor left her contact number. And then one night, I realized it was time! I called the doctor and told them to prepare the operating room as we were leaving. The contract includes an ambulance, but we decided to get there slowly ourselves. In the end, we could call her along the way. Security was already aware that we were coming. They opened the door for us right away and told us that everyone was waiting for us. The operation went perfectly! After the operation, my child and I stayed in this wonderful place for 5 days. The chamber can hardly be called a chamber. Rather, this is a room in a five-star Turkish hotel. The room has a TV, internet, air conditioning, toilet, shower with all sorts of personal hygiene products. You don’t need to take anything with you at all, everything is there. The height of the bed can be adjusted by lightly pressing. Emergency call buttons are installed everywhere. I accidentally pressed one at night, and the nurse was in the room in 20 seconds! The staff knocks before entering the room. You can also put a "do not disturb" sign on the door. Great food. They are delivered in beautiful plates with lids. First, second, compote, dessert. Even if you don’t want to eat, you will. Before discharge, the baby and I underwent various ultrasounds. The children's clinic was surprised. Why did you have an ultrasound? Have you had any health problems? Our health is excellent. It turns out that they don’t do ultrasounds in state institutions. The patients are breathing well and can be sent home. The scar after a cesarean section is very neat, about the thickness of a hair. Sometimes I even miss this wonderful place. Of course, it’s a little expensive for me, but you have to pay for comfort. But according to my calculations (I monitored prices in state maternity homes), it is not much cheaper, but the conditions, care, and equipment are not so good. For your second child only in Lapino!

Is it possible to have a caesarean section at will?

Sex before childbirth is quite natural and understandable, but is it worth voluntarily going “under the knife” because of this? Let's look at the pros and cons of an elective caesarean section.

Right to choose

Whether the expectant mother has the right to choose the method of delivery is a controversial issue. Many people believe that only the mother should decide how her child will be born. Most doctors reserve the prerogative to prescribe a cesarean section, although the number of obstetricians listening to the opinions of patients is growing.

In the West, paid cesarean sections at will have become fashionable. Moreover, when signing a contract with the clinic, patients take lawyers with them, not their husbands. The signed list of all possible consequences has full legal force and “frees up” the hands of doctors who are happy to undertake to operate on everyone for a tidy sum.

In Russia, the situation is different: it is quite problematic for our women to have an official Caesarean without evidence for it. The refusal of natural obstetrics, which a woman signs on the threshold of the operating room, is just a formal piece of paper, so doctors do not risk following the lead of their patients, even for decent money. Some even invent diseases for themselves that can serve as at least relative indications for surgery.

Advantages of a “custom” caesarean section

An insurmountable fear of labor pains, fear of injury to the perineum and vagina, fear for the health of the child due to the unpredictability of the birth process. What guides a woman who is capable of giving birth herself when she persuades the attending physician to perform a planned operation on her? For many women in labor, the advantages of cesarean section are obvious:

  • quick and painless extraction of the child;
  • confidence in the life and health of the baby;
  • hope for a favorable outcome thanks to modern advances in medicine;
  • no damage to the genital organs;
  • ability to choose the date of birth of the child.

The downside of the easy way

Caesarean sections have become so commonplace that they are perceived as an absolutely safe procedure. In the eyes of many women, it looks like this: “I fell asleep, woke up, got a baby.” However, a woman who has undergone such an operation is unlikely to agree with this.

  1. According to the woman, the operating table is an “easy” method of childbirth, but intense pain after it for several days will be akin to natural contractions.
  2. Caesarean is an abdominal operation, which means that none of the surgical risks can be excluded. Unpredictable consequences during manipulations, complications and even mortality during cesarean section are not a myth, but a harsh reality.
  3. The sudden removal of a newborn, unprepared for contractions, sometimes sleeping, is too much of a shock for the child, in contrast to the natural process of birth, which for the baby is a stressful situation with a plus sign.
  4. “Caesareans” that have not passed through the birth canal and are separated from their mother during the most important hours of life are more susceptible to intestinal and allergic diseases, and the mother may have problems with breastfeeding.
  5. It is difficult to care for a baby without outside help: every movement is difficult and causes concern for the integrity of the seam.
  6. Recovery after surgery takes many months, but after giving birth, a woman comes to her senses within a few days.
  7. Difficulties may arise with subsequent pregnancies and childbirths.

The risk is great, so the decision to have an elective caesarean section should be made carefully by the woman and her doctor, and not under the influence of immediate desires.

Home " Food " Caesarean section without indications: does the woman in labor have the right to choose? Childbirth and caesarean section.

Childbirth using a cesarean section is the current way of bringing a child into the world today. Despite the fact that this practice has many disadvantages (for example, low adaptability of the newborn to the external environment, difficult recovery period for the mother), in some cases it is irreplaceable. We are talking about situations where, without surgical intervention, the mother and (or) her baby will inevitably die. We'll talk about indications for caesarean section later.

Natural childbirth has always been and will be a priority: according to nature’s plan, only two people should participate in the birth of a new life - mother and child. But doctors did not hesitate to intervene in the sacred sacrament, and figured out how to help a woman if for some physiological reason she cannot give birth on her own. It is reliably known that the practice of dissecting the anterior wall of the abdomen for obstetrics began to be mastered in the distant past. From myths Ancient Greece It is known that Asclepius and Dionysus were born artificially when their mothers died during childbirth. Up to the 16th century. This method of delivery was called a Caesarean operation, and the term we are familiar with appeared only in 1598.

You can often hear this operation called a royal birth. Indeed, in Latin, “caesarea” translates as “royal”, and “sectio” means “cut”. Today, the concept has been somewhat distorted: some believe that with the help of a surgical scalpel, women who imagine themselves to be queens give birth - with complete anesthesia and without the slightest effort of their own. Despite the fact that surgery is resorted to mainly when it is not possible to give birth naturally, many women ask doctors whether it is possible to use a cesarean section without indications.

In some European countries, a woman independently decides how she will give birth. In Russia, doctors insist on the need to perform a caesarean section only when indicated, but there is no official law that would prohibit the “abuse” of the surgical procedure in the absence of compelling reasons. This may be why some expectant mothers choose this particular method of delivery.

List of indications for caesarean section

The grounds for carrying out an operation are absolute and relative:

  • they talk about absolute indications if the life of a woman in labor and her child is at stake. In this case, doctors have no choice and there is only one way out - surgical intervention;
  • We are talking about relative indications when a woman can give birth to a baby herself, but the risk of developing certain complications still exists. Then doctors weigh the pros and cons, after which they make a final decision on the method of delivery.

There are also emergencies related to fruit or maternal reasons when doctors quickly change the course of natural childbirth to operative.

Absolute indications for caesarean section

Many factors can be identified as indications for elective caesarean.

Too narrow pelvic bone.

With this anatomical feature, the course of labor depends on how much the bone is narrowed. Thus, a degree exceeding 3–4 is dangerous with negative consequences for the woman in labor and the baby. A narrow pelvis is associated with the following complications during childbirth:

  • fading of contractions;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • development of endometritis and chorioamnionitis;
  • oxygen starvation of the child in the womb.

As a result of pushing, a woman in labor with a narrow pelvis may experience:

  • uterine rupture;
  • injury to the baby during childbirth;
  • damage to the pelvic joints;
  • the appearance of fistulas in the genitourinary and intestinal tract;
  • severe bleeding after childbirth.

Covering the internal os with the placenta.

Usually, when the placenta is located in the uterus, in its back or front wall, no problems arise. When children's place is attached too low, it completely covers the internal os and, accordingly, prevents the child from coming out naturally. The same difficulties arise if there is incomplete overlap, lateral or edge. In this case, bleeding may begin during contractions, the intensity of which doctors cannot predict.

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta.

If the placenta detaches ahead of schedule, bleeding begins, which can take various forms. With closed bleeding, blood accumulates between the wall of the uterus and the placenta without visible signs; with open bleeding, blood is released from the genital tract. Mixed bleeding is a combination of open and closed forms. A problem that threatens the life of mother and child is solved with the help of an emergency caesarean section.

Uterine rupture.

In this dangerous situation, the answer to the question of why a cesarean section is performed becomes obvious. Without surgical intervention, both mother and child will die. The cause of uterine rupture can be a large fetus, the actions of an inexperienced obstetrician, or improper distribution of the force with which the expectant mother pushes.

Incorrect suturing.

When any surgical operation leaves an irregular scar on the uterus, a caesarean section is performed for delivery. The characteristics of the scar are learned during an ultrasound.

Two or more scars on the uterus.

Two or more operations on the uterus are a serious obstacle to having a child naturally. During normal delivery, tears may appear at the site of postoperative scars. By the way, the number of surgical deliveries is also limited. Answering the question of how many times a caesarean section can be performed, doctors are unanimous - without significant risk to health, women have two caesarean sections in their entire lives. In isolated cases, if there are serious reasons, a third operation may be performed.

Unsuccessful treatment of seizures.

With late toxicosis, in some cases, convulsions occur, which put the woman into a comatose state. If therapy for this condition is unsuccessful, an emergency caesarean section is performed within two hours, otherwise the woman in labor will die along with the child.

Serious illnesses during pregnancy.

We list in which cases a caesarean section is performed:

  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the nervous system in an acute stage;
  • severe thyroid disease;
  • diseases associated with blood pressure disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • eye surgery or severe myopia.

Anomalies in the development of the uterus and birth canal.

Due to the weak contractile activity of the uterus and obstruction of the birth canal, the child is deprived of the opportunity to move forward, and therefore needs outside help. This situation is most often caused by the presence of tumors in the pelvic organs blocking the birth canal.

Late pregnancy.

With age, the vaginal muscles become less elastic, which can lead to serious internal ruptures during spontaneous childbirth. This is one of those cases when you can do a cesarean section, even if all the health indicators of the woman in labor are normal.

Relative indications for caesarean section

  • Narrow pelvis.

This reason for performing a cesarean section is discovered during natural childbirth, when the doctor sees that the circumference of the fetal head does not correspond to the size of the pelvic inlet. This happens if the baby is very large or labor is too weak.

  • Divergence of the pelvic bones.

Every expectant mother faces this phenomenon. The discrepancy of the pelvic bones is expressed by pain in the pubic region, swelling, changes in gait and clicking sounds while walking. But if the pelvic bones do not diverge enough, and in addition to this, the woman has a physiologically narrow pelvis and a large fetus, a cesarean section is inevitable.

  • Weak labor.

When a woman in labor has little labor power, her amniotic sac is artificially punctured to stimulate the process. However, if even such a measure is not enough to activate natural delivery, a decision is made to perform a cesarean section. This is the only way out, otherwise the child will suffocate or get serious injury in childbirth.

  • Post-term pregnancy.

The operation is indicated for unsuccessful stimulation of labor, weak contractions, and the presence of gynecological problems and diseases in the acute stage in a pregnant woman.

  • Pregnancy after artificial insemination or long-term infertility.

If a woman, after numerous unsuccessful attempts, manages to become pregnant and carry a child to term, she undergoes a full diagnosis of the indications so that doctors can make a verdict on the method of delivery. If the woman has a history of abortion, stillbirth, or miscarriage, she will have a caesarean section.

  • Hypoxia or intrauterine growth retardation.

In this case, the expectant mother will also have to undergo surgery. The question of how long a planned cesarean section is performed for such indications depends on how long the child did not receive sufficient oxygen and whether this problem was solved with the help of drug treatment.

In addition, a woman in labor will certainly have to have an artificial birth if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • pubic varicose veins;
  • large fruit;
  • immature cervix;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Reasons for cesarean section dictated by the interests of the child

If the mother herself has no reason to surgical intervention, but the fetus has them, delivery will be prompt. Indications may be:

  • incorrect position of the baby. If the baby is positioned head down towards pelvic bones moms - everything is fine. Any other position of the fetus is considered a deviation from the norm. This is especially dangerous for male babies: being in the wrong position and moving along the mother’s birth canal that is not yet dilated, boys can crush the testicles, which will lead to infertility. The baby's head will also suffer from excessive pressure;
  • hypoxia. If oxygen deficiency is diagnosed, immediate surgery is indicated, otherwise contractions will only worsen the baby’s well-being, and he may suffocate;
  • umbilical cord prolapse. With this pathology, the loops of the umbilical cord often wrap around the baby so tightly that he dies from suffocation. Only an emergency caesarean section will correct the situation, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to save the child;
  • life of the fetus after the death of the mother. When the mother dies, the child’s vital activity continues for some time, then an operation is performed to save the baby.

Restrictions on performing a caesarean section

Doctors, of course, always try to save both lives, but in some cases circumstances do not turn out as we would like, so doctors are forced to save a woman or child. There are several situations in which you have to make difficult choices:

  • severe prematurity;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • serious infection of the baby;
  • chorioamnionitis in combination with high fever during childbirth;
  • prolonged labor (more than one day).

How to do a caesarean section

The most optimal time to start the operation is the activation of labor. In this case, the contractile activity of the uterus will facilitate the manipulations of specialists and will help the baby adapt to external irritating factors. At what stage a planned caesarean section is performed depends mainly on the doctor’s decision, but this does not occur earlier than 37 weeks of pregnancy. Ideally expectant mother admitted to the hospital at 38 weeks of an “interesting” situation.

Almost all artificial birth operations are accompanied by epidural anesthesia. In this case, the analgesic effect extends to the lower part of the body so that the mother can attach the baby to the breast immediately after his birth. An emergency caesarean section is performed under general anesthesia.

At the moment when the baby is about to be born, the doctor cuts the abdominal wall and uterus of the woman in labor to help him be born. After the baby is removed, the incisions are sutured using a continuous suture and staples are placed on top for security. They are removed 6–7 days after the operation, before sending the happy parents and heir home.

How is a caesarean section performed? Video