Diet based on chemical reactions, reviews and results. What is a “chemical diet”? What results does all this give?

If you want to get rid of an extra 25 kg of weight without harming your health, then you need to get acquainted with Osama Hamdiy’s weight loss method. This system helps fight obesity in people suffering from diabetes. In addition, this chemical diet is also indicated for those who have diseases of the endocrine system.

By and large, this technique allows you to reprogram all metabolic processes in the human body, and therefore it is necessary to follow it with the same rigor as the doctor’s prescriptions.

Osama Hamdiy's diet is designed for 4 weeks, but, if necessary, it can be repeated from month to month. During this time, someone losing weight can lose up to minus 25 kg of excess weight.

The monthly menu is developed in such a way that patients in prediabetic and diabetic conditions receive all the necessary macro- and microelements.

It is advisable to use the Hamdiy weight loss method no more than once a year. It is worth noting that such weight loss reduces the human need to eat sweets and allows you to learn to control hunger.

Chemical diet It has practically no contraindications, and there are not many people who will have to give up losing weight in 4 weeks. These include pregnant women and women during lactation, allergy sufferers who are sensitive to egg whites and citrus fruits, as well as people who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, even if you do not fall into any of the above categories, please consult your doctor before starting the Osama Hamdiy Diet.

Is there chemicals in the Hamdiy diet?

If you pay attention to the name of the method, then most likely the thought will flash through your head as to whether there are any synthetic additives or chemicals in the Hamdiy diet.

However, Professor Hamdiy is a representative of that small part of doctors who rely only on the body’s reactions and the minimal use of medications.

In one of his books, Hamdiy writes that his dietary approach is based on the body's reactions to changes in certain chemical processes. The diet allows you to get a result of minus 25 kg due to the fact that the body begins to receive more protein, rather than fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, standing on the threshold of an energy deficit, the body gradually begins to use up fat reserves accumulated over the years.

If we talk about the advantages of the Hamdiy diet, unlike all other protein diets, in this method there is no need to reduce the amount of food consumed and its calorie content. During the entire 4 weeks that the chemical diet lasts, weight loss does not occur due to protein expenditure, and therefore muscles do not suffer in any way.
That is, after a month spent on the Hamdiy diet, the patient will not face the problem of a limp muscle corset, unable to support human body in the shape of. Moreover, in 4 weeks, provided that the diet is supported by sufficient physical activity, a person losing weight can not only lose 25 kg, but also tighten their muscles.

How to follow the Osama Hamdiy diet?

In order for the chemical diet to bring you the cherished - minus 25 kg on the scales, for a whole 4 weeks you will have to make friends with these simple rules:

  1. If the menu does not indicate how much food can be eaten, eat until you are satisfied.
    Be sure to tell yourself “Stop!” if you start overeating.
  2. Weigh yourself every morning on an empty stomach for a whole month.
    Record your results and monitor your weight dynamics.
  3. If you start feeling hungry, snack on cucumbers or tomatoes.
    The only restriction is that you can have a snack only after 2 hours have passed from your last meal.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.
  5. In the menu, use only boiled vegetables without salt and oil.
  6. All 4 weeks you can drink coffee and tea, but only without sugar and cream.
  7. Give preference only to low-carb fruits.
    For a month of diet, you will have to exclude bananas, dates, figs and grapes from your menu. But for all 4 weeks you can enjoy grapefruits, oranges, apples, kiwis and plums.
  8. In order for the chemical diet to allow you to lose up to 25 kg of weight, after the 4th week you can extend the Hamdiy method.
    So, in the first two weeks you will have to eat according to the menu of the 1st week, and the last two - according to the menu of the 4th.
  9. If by coincidence you happen to interrupt the Hamdiy diet, then you will have to start all over again, of course, if you want to see the coveted minus 25 kg on the scales.

What features does a chemical diet have?

When deciding on the menu of Osama Hamdiy’s method, be prepared for the fact that you will have to eat eggs quite often. In the first three weeks, this product will be included in the breakfast diet and periodically in lunch and dinner. Perhaps this is why this system is often called the egg diet.

Keep in mind that meat and fish should only be of low-fat varieties. There is no need to worry that there will be no fat left in your menu; they are, one way or another, contained in all protein foods.

To get rid of unwanted 25 kg, it is necessary that at least two hours pass between each meal. By the way, at least 2 hours should also pass before going to bed and having dinner.

Monthly chemical diet menu

By following a simple and quite satisfying chemical diet, you will be amazed at how quickly and imperceptibly as much as 25 kg of excess weight has disappeared. Each week has its own characteristics, which we will talk about.

So, the breakfasts of the first week will be completely identical - half a grapefruit and 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.

  1. For lunch you are allowed to eat an unlimited amount of any fruit.
  2. You can have dinner with stewed or boiled meat.
  1. For lunch, boil chicken breast.
  2. Cooking for dinner vegetable salad with eggs and citruses.
  1. For lunch you can eat toast with low-fat cheese and tomato.
  2. We cook meat for dinner.
  1. You can have lunch with any type of fruit in unlimited quantities.
  2. We have dinner with lettuce and meat.
  1. For lunch, boil eggs and vegetables.
  2. You can diversify your dinner with fish fillet with lettuce, and eat citrus fruits for dessert.
  1. We have lunch with any fruit.
  2. For dinner, salad and meat.
  1. Boil or stew chicken breast for lunch. Tomatoes and boiled vegetables are allowed as a side dish. For dessert we eat citrus fruits.
  2. We have dinner with any boiled vegetables.

Breakfasts of the second week are similar to breakfasts of the first.

  1. Lunch consists of meat and salad leaves.
  2. For dinner, it is advisable to boil 2 chicken eggs and prepare a vegetable salad. For dessert you can enjoy your favorite citrus.

2nd and 3rd days:

Completely duplicate the 1st day.

  1. For lunch we eat boiled vegetables and low-fat cheese with eggs.
  2. Dinner consists of 2 chicken eggs.
  1. For lunch we cook lean fish.
  2. We have eggs for dinner.
  1. For lunch we cook meat with a side dish of tomatoes. We eat our favorite citrus as dessert.
  2. You can cook for dinner fruit salad from oranges, apples, melon and peaches.
  1. For lunch we eat boiled chicken breast and vegetables. You can add fresh tomatoes to the side dish and have grapefruit for dessert.
  2. We're making fruit salad again for dinner.

The third week allows you to arrange all the products for breakfast, lunch and dinner in any order convenient for you.

1st day:

We eat any kind of fruit.

We cook exclusively vegetables.

You can mix fruits and vegetables.

Fish day, complemented by a side dish of boiled vegetables and lettuce leaves with cabbage.

Boil either meat or chicken. We use boiled vegetables as a side dish.

6th and 7th days:

We eat exclusively one type of fruit.

The fourth week is the most diverse and eventful. It is this that prepares the body to exit the diet and allows you to consolidate the achieved result in the amount of minus 25 kg.

For the whole day you can eat a quarter of boiled chicken, 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes, a can of tuna, a piece of rye bread and grapefruit.

Duplicates the 1st, but instead of tuna and chicken you can eat up to 200 grams of stew.

We eat boiled vegetables, up to 50 grams low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers. For dessert you can eat toast with citrus.

4th day:

Boil half the chicken and eat it with 1 cucumber and 3 tomatoes with toast. For dessert we choose any citrus.

Eggs and lettuce are allowed in unlimited quantities. For snacks, you can eat up to 3 fresh tomatoes and one orange.

We drink yogurt, eat no more than 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 pieces of lean meat. You can make a salad of two cucumbers and tomatoes and eat it with toast.

On the final day, you can eat a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with two tomatoes and cucumbers. In addition, you are allowed to enjoy boiled vegetables and a can of tuna with toast. For dessert, as before, we choose any citrus.

09.10.2015 admin

The so-called chemical diet for 4 weeks contains only natural products, and not concentrated powders from the periodic table.

You will eat eggs, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, and lose weight. They say it works due to a special combination of chemical elements in the diet.

The diet literally restarts metabolism, teaches you to eat regular unsweetened foods and helps reduce appetite. The diet does not contain anything that would encourage overeating, so there is a real chance to reduce portions. The only negative is that it is a strict diet, and you must follow it as written.

Chemical diet rules

The most important rule of the chemical diet is do not swap anything, and do not replace products with others. If eggs for breakfast are absolutely not suitable for you, most will recommend going on a similar Maggi cottage cheese diet, where poultry products are replaced with a pack of cottage cheese. So allergy sufferers should refuse immediately. The diet is not suitable for those who are used to preparing a variety of healthy dishes and planning their own menu. In terms of culinary delights, it will not be possible to “disperse”.

You need to refuse:

  • eating sugar. In some descriptions of this diet on the Internet you can also find a ban on sweeteners. It was not possible to find out for certain the opinion of the author of the diet, Osama Hamdiy, on this matter. What is known is that this diet comes from the 90s of the last century, and then the general trend was not the rejection of sweeteners, and it was believed that they did not affect blood glucose levels;
  • switch to black tea and coffee. There is no milk in the diet; many more modern sources claim that it can increase blood glucose levels and cause a strong appetite. It is also not recommended to “get drunk” on tea and coffee; you can have 2 standard cups of one or the other per day, and fill the rest of the liquid with ordinary water or mineral water without gas;
  • After the diet, you should not drink alcohol or eat fatty sweets for a month. This is because diet can affect liver function;
  • the use of pills and fat burners is not required with this diet;
  • physical activity not recommended in the original, V different sources it is mentioned that you need to either walk 30 minutes a day or do any gymnastics at home;
  • chicken eggs for diet, they take the highest grade and hard-boil. Other cooking methods are not allowed;
  • the word “citrus” only means orange and grapefruit. Moreover, those losing weight are advised to eat grapefruits primarily, since they contain much less sugar than oranges;
  • if the menu says “all vegetables”, it does not mean sweet potatoes and potatoes. They cannot be eaten, as they contain a lot of starch and should be regarded as side dishes

Diet features

For a chemical diet, it is recommended to use only fresh fruits and other natural products. The use of canned food is specified additionally. Meat and fish are prepared mainly by boiling in water. If the diet involves frying meat, this means using a dry frying pan and a small amount of water, rather than classic frying in oil.

Everywhere they say that you can lose weight with this diet up to 25 kg. Such results may only be achievable for obese people. You shouldn’t strive for them if your BMI is close to normal.


Before going on a diet, you must clearly understand that everything you do is at your own peril and risk. Doctors do not approve of the use of restricted diets complex carbohydrates and fats. They don't think it's right to eat the same foods for breakfast every day. Many nutritional sources condemn the consumption of eggs so frequently. In any case, the diet cannot be suitable for all people, and it is not intended for physically active people, since the daily calorie intake is low and the menu contains almost no carbohydrates.

You should not go on a diet if:

  • have diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • you are recovering from an injury or surgery and you need energy;
  • have hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone levels are below normal. It is known that limiting complex carbohydrates in the diet can provoke a critical drop in thyroid hormone levels;
  • there is a diagnosis of “hypothalamic amenorrhea”, or violations menstrual cycle. Limiting complex carbohydrates and calories is a great stress for the body, which can aggravate the problem;
  • Have you ever been treated for an eating disorder?, or have unhealthy food addictions, such as chocolate or ice cream cravings. The diet is not balanced; according to doctors, it is precisely such diets that aggravate problems with eating behavior;
  • allergic reactions detected for citrus fruits and egg whites;
  • there is diarrhea of ​​unknown origin and flatulence, possibly with a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis;
  • no desire to follow a diet plan. If you abruptly return to normal eating, the weight will gain again;

Chemical diet menu for 4 weeks

First week menu

  • a variety of fruits in quantities sufficient to satiate as lunch. Boiled or grilled veal without marinade in the evening;
  • one chicken breast instead of lunch, vegetables are not allowed. Eat the salad in the evening, complement it with a couple of eggs and an orange;
  • dried protein bread or grain bread, 30 g of cheese 17%, tomatoes - enough for lunch, boiled or grilled veal without sauce for dinner;
  • apples, pears, nectarines- one thing, in unlimited quantities, for lunch. Dinner is the same as yesterday, but you can add leaf salad;
  • boil broccoli, and add 2 boiled eggs - that's lunch. In the evening, grill any fish, add a green leafy salad and 1 orange for dessert
  • repeat lunch fourth day , but we take different fruits. Dinner - unseasoned green leaf salad, boiled beef;
  • tomatoes with chicken breast without skin and boiled broccoli or cauliflower for lunch. Leftover boiled cabbage (can be supplemented with other boiled vegetables; corn is not a vegetable) for dinner

Second week menu

  • First meal remains the same as last week.
  • First and second days- the same menu. For lunch, boiled veal without salt, green salad without oil. Dinners are like breakfasts, just complement them with salads from allowed vegetables
  • Lunch is the same, like yesterday, only instead of salad there is a cucumber. We repeat dinner
  • For lunch you can eat 17% fat cheese, or less if you find it. You can also eat 2 eggs with a green salad. Eat a couple more chicken eggs in the evening, without anything
  • Lunch will be boiled white fish fillet. Dinner - boiled eggs. This is a fasting day. Keep portions under control
  • We repeat the lunch of the first day, instead of lettuce we take fresh tomatoes. We make a salad from available fruits, plus a slice of melon.
  • Repeats yesterday's lunch, but you need to eat chicken, not meat. Dinner - same as yesterday

Third week menu

  • Egg breakfast is canceled, the whole week - alternating fasting days
  • First - only on fruit. Unlike other diets, this one does not limit the amount of fruit mass;
  • Second- only on vegetables, boiled ones are included;
  • Third- like the first
  • Fourth- white boiled fish and boiled cabbage. You can add green salad;
  • Fifth- only chicken breasts, boiled or steamed, or grilled without sauces. Add boiled vegetables
  • The week ends with two fruit fasting days in a row.

Fourth week menu

It is proposed to eat permitted products in the quantities indicated on the menu, but in any convenient order:

  • Quarter of cooked chicken(meaning a simple bird of the 1st category, not a broiler), a can of tuna without oil 220 g, 4 fresh cucumbers, but only 3 tomatoes plus 1 whole citrus;
  • 200 g veal or beef. 30 g of black or grain bread, cucumbers and tomatoes in the same quantities as yesterday, any fruit you want;
  • a glass of any boiled vegetables, 30 g of bread, a tablespoon of cottage cheese 0-5% fat, 1 citrus fruit, as well as 2 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • half boiled chicken, strictly without skin. 1 large cucumber, 3 medium tomatoes. 30 g of bread plus any citrus fruit;
  • 3 pieces of boiled eggs, fresh tomatoes and 200-400 g of green salad;
  • half a pack of cottage cheese 0-5%, 200 g chicken breast fillet, 2 tomatoes and the same amount of cucumbers, chopped, season with 1 tablespoon of sugar-free yogurt or curdled milk, orange or grapefruit
  • 1 citrus, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese 0; 220 g tuna in water, 30 g grain bread

Menu for exiting the chemical diet

  • Breakfast - oatmeal in water with 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • Lunch- citrus or any other fruit, a cup of berries, yogurt or a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: side dish of buckwheat or rice, veal or chicken breast, any vegetables
  • Snack: berries or fruits, 1 serving
  • Dinner: white fish, cottage cheese or eggs, plus 200-400 g of steamed or fresh vegetables, always with the addition of a spoon vegetable oil or halved fresh avocado

A chemical diet allows you to get rid of 20-30 kg of excess weight in a month. Moreover, the success of the diet is directly proportional to your initial volumes: for example, if before starting the diet your excess weight exceeded 40 kg, then in a month you can easily reach minus 25 kg on the scales.

The 4-week diet contains the biochemical basis of nutrition and is quite easily tolerated. Actually, it was compiled by a doctor Osama Hamdiy for people who are sick. But it turned out to be so effective and universal that it very soon became known throughout the world and is respected both among diabetics and healthy people. During such a diet, it is not necessary to take it, since the main necessary substances will be present in the diet.

Why is the main name of the diet “Chemical”?

Don't be scared! The diet menu excludes unnatural for human body substances and, on the contrary, contains only natural products.

The creator intends a diet based on chemical reactions , which arise from ingested foods in the body and lead to effective weight loss. In fact, the menu is low calorie diet with a limited content of carbohydrates and salt, which is why excess weight is rapidly reduced. Such a diet must be followed strictly according to the description and the proposed menu, and if there is a breakdown or violation of the order, then you must return to the very beginning of the plan.

What is the chemical diet based on?

Thus, a diet based on the chemical reactions of the body allows you to eat healthy and healthy.


Besides four week diet , there is also chemical diet for 2 weeks , allowing you to lose from 7 to 10 kg of excess weight. Its menu is almost the same as the four-week one.

And also, in addition to the diet based on boiled eggs, later Professor Osama Hamdiy compiled a similar chemical diet, also designed for 4 weeks, but based on the consumption cottage cheese . It is suitable for those who cannot tolerate large quantities of eggs or citrus fruits.

A detailed menu of the chemical diet of Osama Hamdiy for 4 weeks, for 2 weeks and the curd chemical diet is given below in the section “ ».

Authorized Products

The diet is replete with healthy and valuable foods for humans. The sheer number of permitted products is also pleasing, because they eliminate the possibility of breakdowns and help achieve good results in losing weight.

Allowed fruits are apples, plums, melons, peaches, watermelons, pineapples, and pears. A special place is given to citrus fruits: grapefruits and oranges.

For a dish of boiled or stewed vegetables use eggplant, carrots, green peas, beans, zucchini.

A salad for lunch, dinner or a snack can be made from any vegetables, excluding potatoes.

Low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat cheese should also be included in your diet for the sake of variety and abundance of protein foods.

A special place is given to boiled chicken eggs, lean meat and fish for greater saturation.

Bread in small quantities is also necessary; it is better to eat rye or whole grain bread - such bread has more benefits.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
olives2,2 10,5 5,1 166
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
olives0,8 10,7 6,3 115
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
arugula2,6 0,7 2,1 25
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20


pineapples0,4 0,2 10,6 49
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
peaches0,9 0,1 11,3 46
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47

Bakery products

bran bread7,5 1,3 45,2 227

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,0 1,9 26,0 149
basil2,5 0,6 4,3 27
cumin12,0 5,0 32,0 112
dried paprika14,1 12,8 54,0 282
allspice6,1 8,7 50,5 263
rosemary3,3 5,9 20,7 131
balsamic vinegar0,5 0,0 17,0 88

Cheeses and cottage cheese

ricotta cheese11,0 13,0 3,0 174
Chees Feta17,0 24,0 0,0 290

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187


chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84

Fish and seafood

flounder16,5 1,8 0,0 83
pollock15,9 0,9 0,0 72
cod17,7 0,7 - 78
hake16,6 2,2 0,0 86

Oils and fats

olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898

Non-alcoholic drinks

water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Prohibited Products

In the first place of prohibited foods for the diet are pasta and carbonated drinks. Soda is extremely high in calories, but that’s only half the story: such drinks change the acid-base balance, which after a while of consumption causes metabolic disorders.

White bread is also contraindicated due to its high calorie content. Also, bread does not provide a feeling of fullness, and we ourselves do not notice how we can absorb half of our entire daily calorie intake with sandwiches.

Fast food is excluded for a simple reason: a healthy meal cannot be prepared in 2 minutes. Consequently, by eating fast food, we get a huge amount of starch, dyes, flavor enhancers, fats, fast carbohydrates, but not complete and healthy food.

Sausages should also be excluded when losing weight on this diet. And in general, they should be crossed out even from your classic diet. Given the well-known fact that sausage is one of the most popular and sought-after products in Russia, it is very difficult to find quality sausage. So it’s easier not to take risks or replace with homemade sausage, without soy, fats and E-additives.

You should forget about confectionery products (sweets, cakes, cookies) once and for all. All of them contain transgenic fats that affect cardiovascular and digestive system, and, of course, on the condition of your body. Harmful sweets You can easily replace it with honey, dried fruits, as well as the most harmless store-bought marshmallows and marshmallows.

Alcohol is harmful to the diet because it is high in calories and deprives the body of fluids. In addition, the snacks that we consume while drinking are most often fatty and high in calories.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80


bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
figs0,7 0,2 13,7 49
mango0,5 0,3 11,5 67


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65

Nuts and dried fruits

dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
vareniki7,6 2,3 18,7 155
dumplings11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
buns7,9 9,4 55,5 339


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -


cream 35% (fat)2,5 35,0 3,0 337

Cheeses and cottage cheese

gouda cheese25,0 27,0 2,0 356
parmesan cheese33,0 28,0 0,0 392
curd7,1 23,0 27,5 341

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209
bacon23,0 45,0 0,0 500
ham22,6 20,9 0,0 279


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332

Fish and seafood

salmon19,8 6,3 0,0 142
salmon21,6 6,0 - 140
trout19,2 2,1 - 97

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%0,5 0,0 16,0 153
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Non-alcoholic drinks

soda water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
* data is per 100 g of product

Chemical diet menu

Chemical diet menu for a month

Breakfast on a chemical diet is always the same: half a grapefruit or orange and 2 boiled chicken eggs.

At weeks 3 and 4, there is a set of foods that need to be eaten per day in 3-5 meals.

This menu table is very convenient, so we advise you to print out several options to attach one to the refrigerator, and the second to always carry with you.

Day Eating 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Day 1 Dinner
  • chicken/turkey meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
  • 400 g lean meat;
  • 150 g canned tuna;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • allowed fruits;
Dinner 200 g lean meat
  • 2 eggs;
  • stewed permitted vegetables;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread
Day 2 Dinner 200 g chicken/turkey meat
  • Vegetable Salad
allowed vegetables, fill up
  • 150 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • vegetable stew
  • allowed unsweetened fruits;
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 eggs;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread
Day 3 Dinner
  • cottage cheese 0%;
  • 1 tomato
  • 200 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
allowed fruits and vegetables, to fill
  • 200 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes
Dinner 200 g lean meat
  • 2 eggs;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread
Day 4 Dinner one type of permitted fruit, to fill your fill
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g cottage cheese;
  • Vegetable Salad
lean fish (flounder / cod / pollock), fill up
  • chicken or turkey meat;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • 150 g poultry meat
2 eggs
Day 5 Dinner
  • 2 eggs;
  • vegetable stew
lean fish (flounder / cod / pollock) lean meat, full
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
  • lean fish;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
2 eggs
Day 6 Dinner one type of permitted fruit, to fill your fill
  • 200 g lean meat;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
allowed unsweetened fruits, to fill
  • 400 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 250 ml kefir
  • 200 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
allowed unsweetened fruits, to fill
Day 7 Dinner
  • 200 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
  • 200 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 tomato
  • 250 g canned tuna;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Dinner vegetable stew
  • 200 g chicken / turkey meat;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 tomato

Chemical diet menu for 2 weeks

A chemical diet lasting 2 weeks will help you lose up to 10 kg. Just like in weeks 1 and 2 of the monthly diet, here you need to start every morning with 2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit. This menu is repeated in weeks 1 and 2 of the diet.

Dinner Dinner
Day 1/8 one type of permitted fruit, to fill your fill 200 g lean meat
Day 2/9 chicken or turkey breast
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange
Day 3/10
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • low-fat cheese
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange
Day 4/11 one type of permitted fruit, to fill your fill
  • lean meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
Day 5/12
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 fresh carrots
  • flounder / cod / pollock;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Day 6 /13 one type of permitted fruit, to fill your fill
  • lean meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
Day 7/14
  • chicken or turkey breast;
  • vegetable stew;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange
vegetable stew

Menu for the curd chemical diet

Breakfast for this type of chemical diet is always the same: 200 g of 0% cottage cheese + one type of allowed fruit. At weeks 3 and 4, this set of products should be divided into 3-5 meals.

First week:

Second week:

Dinner Dinner
Day 1
  • lean meat;
  • Vegetable Salad
  • 200 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • one type of permitted fruit
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
  • 200 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • one type of permitted fruit

Third week:

Fourth week:

Dinner Dinner
Day 1
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 boiled chicken or turkey breast;
  • 130 g tuna;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange
Day 2
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • 200 g lean meat;
  • 1 any permitted fruit;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Day 3
  • fresh cabbage;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 50 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Day 4
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • any permitted fruit
Day 5
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Day 6
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 300 g chicken or turkey breast;
  • 100 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit
Day 7
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • stewed permitted vegetables;
  • 50 g cottage cheese 0%;
  • 130 g tuna;
  • 40 g rye or whole grain bread;
  • 1 orange/grapefruit

In case of failure

The chemical diet of Osama Hamdiy is quite nutritious and includes all the necessary substances that are beneficial to the human body. Thus, it almost eliminates the possibility of slipping. However, if there is a break or breakdown, you need to start losing weight again using this method from the very first day of the first week.

Quitting the diet

Once you finish the diet, evaluate your results. If the goal is achieved, review the diet for your new body, eliminate baked goods, sweets, alcohol, fast carbohydrates and other “useless” foods, and gradually switch to non-diet food. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired results, you can continue to lose weight for another 2 weeks, eating according to the plan for 1 and 4 weeks.

Also, it is necessary to support the diet physical activity, and on this diet it is possible to pay more attention to them. Running, swimming, dancing - any physical activity is suitable to lose weight most effectively during a chemical diet.


During pregnancy and lactation

This diet is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pros and cons of a chemical diet

pros Minuses
  • Simplicity. There is no need to carefully count calories every day, since there is a clearly written menu for all days of the diet.
  • Hearty foods on the menu eliminate pangs of hunger. In addition, the diet includes many microelements and vitamins that are especially necessary for the body.
  • A varied menu will help you avoid disruptions.
  • All diet products are always available.
  • All breakfasts are the same. Be prepared that in the second week you will no longer be able to look at boiled chicken eggs, but for the sake of brilliant results, this must be overcome.
  • A large amount of citrus fruits in the diet can cause allergic reactions: redness , rash . In this case, it is recommended to stop the diet.

A chemical diet is guaranteed to restore your figure to its former slimness, normalize your metabolism and significantly improve your overall well-being. You will learn about the rules of this diet below.

In fact, a chemical diet has nothing to do with chemistry. Reviews of women who have lost weight using it say that it is one of the most useful and natural. It received this name due to the combination of its components, which normalize chemical reactions in the cells of the body.

And when our body functions correctly, many health problems disappear, including obesity. This diet is perfect for those whose weight has exceeded 80, because the chemical diet guarantees a loss of up to 30 kilograms. The results will exceed all your expectations, and you will be happy with your body after it.

This method is good because it is ideal for any age category. The rules, like any other diet, are very strict, and if you expect significant results, you will have to strictly adhere to them.


Let's take a closer look at how to behave during a chemical diet. So,
  1. you need to start it only on Monday, if for some reason you interrupted the recommended one, you will need to start all over again;
  2. It is forbidden to alternate foods prescribed in the diet;
  3. if you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, satisfy your hunger with any vegetable, for example, a cucumber or a tomato;
  4. in order not to tempt yourself, buy only recommended products for the entire period;
  5. the number and weight of dishes on the menu must be observed;
  6. completely eliminate any fats, the diet is based on steaming food;
  7. you can’t wash down your food;
  8. Drink plenty of liquid during the day, up to 2.5 liters (coffee, tea, mineral water or plain water).

Before starting the diet, do not forget to undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor, as it has some contraindications. The chemical diet is contraindicated for heart problems, children and pregnant women.

There is an opinion that a chemical diet is not so useful. Reviews from doctors about her are somewhat skeptical. This is justified by the fact that the diet with such a diet does not contain such necessary for the body carbohydrates. Therefore, if you have problems with the liver and kidneys, it is better to just take note of the principle of the diet itself.

And yet the chemical diet itself, reviews of those who have lost weight, you will, of course, study them, will help you with your choice. Eat two kinds this super diets- for two weeks and a month. You can choose the one that suits you.

For two weeks

So, the chemical diet for 2 weeks menu:

We remind you that it is advisable to start from the beginning of the week. For breakfast the entire period, citrus and a couple of eggs.

Days of the week Week #1 Week #2
Monday Lunch: fruit, one variety.
Dinner: boiled meat – 150 gr.
Lunch: chicken diet meat, a small portion of salad.
Dinner: a couple of eggs, boiled vegetables, citrus, a piece of bread.
Tuesday Lunch: dietary chicken meat – 150 gr.
Dinner: fruit salad with one egg, citrus.
Lunch: chicken diet meat, a small portion of salad.
Dinner: a couple of eggs, boiled vegetables, citrus, a piece of bread.
Wednesday Lunch: cottage cheese, toast, small tomato.
Dinner: beef meat – 150 gr.
Lunch: chicken diet meat, a small portion of salad.
Dinner: a couple of eggs, boiled vegetables, citrus, a piece of bread.
Thursday Lunch: fruit, one variety.
Dinner: salad, preferably green vegetables, dietary chicken.
Lunch: a couple of eggs, cottage cheese, vegetables.
Dinner: a couple of eggs.
Friday Lunch: a couple of eggs, a little boiled vegetables.
Dinner: salad, fish, citrus.
Lunch: fish.
Dinner: a couple of eggs.
Saturday Lunch: Lunch: fruit, one variety.
Dinner: dietary chicken, vegetable salad.
Lunch: beef, tomatoes, citrus.
Dinner: fruit salad.
Sunday Lunch: dietary chicken, one tomato and one citrus each.
Dinner: boiled vegetables.
Lunch: dietary chicken, boiled vegetables, tomato.
Dinner: dietary chicken, boiled vegetables, tomato.

Here is a simple chemical diet for two weeks. Its menu is a bit monotonous.

For a month

If you want to lose more, you will need to follow it for a month. There is no need to add anything to the above diet.

Chemical diet menu for a month:

Days of the week Week 3 and 4
Monday Just fruits.
Meat – 400 gr., canned tuna – 200 gr., tomatoes – 3 pcs., cucumbers – 4 pcs., fruit, piece of bread.
Tuesday Only vegetables.
Meat – 200 gr., cucumbers – 4 pcs., tomato – 3 pcs., toast.
Wednesday Fruits and vegetables.
Cottage cheese - 100 g, tomatoes and cucumbers, two each, boiled vegetables.
Thursday Fish.
Half a chicken, three tomatoes, cucumber, citrus, bread.
Friday Meat.
A couple of eggs, three tomatoes, green salad, citrus fruit.
Saturday Fruit again.
Chicken breast, tomatoes, cucumbers - two of everything, yogurt, no more than a glass, crackers.
Sunday Fruits.
Canned tuna – 200 gr., two tomatoes and cucumbers, cottage cheese – 100 gr., boiled vegetables, toast, citrus.

That's the entire chemical diet menu for the month. During the final period, all recommended products must be distributed into equal portions per day. All those who lost weight were delighted that they were able to get themselves in order in this way, like a chemical diet.

Every woman secretly or openly expresses dissatisfaction with her own appearance. Self-criticism is not only a lady’s favorite trait, but also the most annoying flaw. I would like to always remain young and beautiful, not to know old age, illness and excess weight.

We can only partially fight the first and second, but it’s possible to overcome excess weight. Offers amazing results in 4 weeks. The menu, reviews from those who have lost weight and recommendations from nutritionists allow us to paint the overall picture.

Why go on a diet?

Diet should not become the meaning of life or a systematic accompaniment of your life. Any nutritionist will confirm that a diet is a temporary measure due to the need to lose weight and regain your figure. Therefore, you need to adhere to it for an extremely limited period of time, so as not to cause the body to become accustomed to changes in diet.

Each group of nutrition adherents has a notorious list of diets that promise to once and for all make a thumbnail out of a donut, but a small nuance is overlooked - diets have a short-term effect, and the achieved result will go away if, for example, after alternating monodays you return to a normal diet.

What to do? Check this list of diets in practice, listen to the opinions of those who have already been burned by advice that is far from real life and draw your own conclusion. A good option may become a chemical diet for 4 weeks.

When you first encounter the name of the diet, associations will most likely be with chemistry and microelements. It’s worth immediately assuring those with little knowledge and beginner dietists that there will be no school experiences here. In fact, any action in our body is based on a certain reaction, and a person, like a well-coordinated universal machine, repeats hundreds of complex processes every second.

If the diet takes into account all these processes, then it can become an effective weapon in the fight against excess weight. Hypothetically, a diet for 4 weeks can take away almost a third of excess weight, or from 8 to 12 kg. During the entire period of the diet, it is prohibited to take auxiliary additives, laxatives, or drugs to speed up metabolism. Weight loss occurs solely due to the consumed products distributed throughout the day.

In the first week, try to organize. Let's say have three main meals and a few snacks. Let breakfast be at 7-8 o'clock. Then lunch falls exactly at 12-13 o'clock. Dinner will take place in the evening between 18 and 19 hours. Let diet not be the only way to lose weight. The food table offers foods rich in vitamins and microelements, so the process of adjusting your figure can be equated to a time of general health improvement.

Breakfast lacks variety; Every morning we eat a couple of eggs and one citrus fruit. If you are already tired of eggs, you can reduce their quantity to one for breakfast. Grapefruit often plays the role of citrus, as it breaks down fats more actively. People with a sweet tooth prefer oranges, and kiwis are eaten by those who are bored with both options. The chemical diet for 4 weeks is not at all monotonous. Menu reviews for those losing weight are sometimes criticized, since lunches and dinners are the same during the first two weeks.

But not all seven days coincide on Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. For convenience, a diet table can be compiled indicating all permitted foods.

food during the day and evening

So, what do we eat in this difficult month? On Monday we allow ourselves protein in the form of chicken breast and some greens for lunch. For dinner you will have to limit yourself to fruits without heat treatment. On Tuesday we continue the trend of protein lunches and eat beef, snacking on half a grapefruit. Dinner is modest and delicious - Rye bread, cheese and tomato. On Wednesday, lunch consists of a couple of eggs and dinner will be fish. You can supplement the fillet with fresh herbs. On Thursday we repeat beef for lunch. We treat ourselves to tomatoes and fruit for dinner. Friday is almost the end of the week, and lunch is a little lighter - chicken and orange. For dinner - a salad of cabbage, cucumber and tomatoes. You can treat yourself to a piece of rye bread. The weekend has finally arrived, but you can’t relax, the goodies will wait.

In the meantime, for lunch - the usual beef and grapefruit. For dinner - fish and greens. The week ends with an egg lunch with tomatoes and rye bread, and we will have chicken and grapefruit for dinner.

Rules of addiction

What do nutritionists around the world advise? Add more liquid to your diet! Drink plenty of water and tea. But it is better to reduce the amount of sugar consumed. By the way, it is also not recommended to over-salt your food. If possible, it is better to under-salt it.

The 4-week diet involves high water consumption. The optimal amount would be 1.5-2 liters per day. With large overweight At first, it’s worth holding off on active physical activity. Do yoga or relaxation exercises to ensure normal lymphatic function. Let the chemical diet become a time of self-awareness. A monthly menu will help you get used to your new eating style.

Methods of preparation and volumes of food consumed

There is no greater joy for a dieter than allowing yourself to give up restrictions! If the menu does not indicate the quantity of products and the size of the dish, then you can safely eat it to your heart’s content. This is especially true for fruit for dinner. But there are also strict limits. For example, eat no more than a slice of bread per meal. And since this product contains a lot of carbohydrates, it is not enough for saturation.

It is recommended to choose low-fat varieties of meat and fish. It is not recommended to fry them. Heat treatment does not involve the use of oil. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten not only fresh, but also boiled. So allow yourself fruit and vegetable salads, soups and smoothies.

Why chemical?

A diet that produces extraordinary results seems like magic. Why is it called chemical? Often those who are losing weight cut back on their diet and start active sports, which, of course, gives an effect, but is not suitable for the chemical method of losing weight.

Here you are asked to independently control the absorption of nutrients received from food. The chemical reactions underlying this are provoked by certain products, thanks to which the body functions normally. Several are merged into one program. In particular, the Maggi technique is an almost identical chemical diet. The reviews and results of the diets are the same, and if the rules are strictly followed, a long-lasting effect is guaranteed.

From a medical point of view

One of the most effective methods of advertising a particular nutritional system is the presence of a medical professional in an advertising video or article. A rare visitor will demand a nutritionist’s license and ask about his qualifications. The work of a nutritionist is a delicate one. psychological approach, the ability to set yourself up for a positive result and regain faith in yourself. Often the doctor can give brief description the chosen power system, indicate its pros and cons. But a doctor cannot forbid his patient to eat in one way or another.

So, do nutritionists like the 4 week chemical diet? Reviews from doctors characterize the menu positively, since the daily diet includes extremely healthy elements and a large amount of vitamins, but there is not enough fat, and the body still needs them. Consequently, this technique is contraindicated for some people, as there is a significant increase in the load on the liver and kidneys. People with stomach and intestinal diseases should also be wary. Diabetics and those suffering from chronic illnesses are advised to avoid any diet. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

What do people who are losing weight say?

When choosing a diet, most often we listen to the advice of girlfriends and friends. Among those who want to lose weight, the chemical diet is especially popular. You can create a menu for a month at once, and therefore, buy all the necessary products and limit your temptations, which will inevitably arise if, say, you go to the store every day for milk and lemonade. Often during a diet, people can slip up and realize their breakdown too late, when the refrigerator is empty and there is heaviness in the stomach. In this case, you will have to “cheat” again, because failures are not approved here, and are even punished by endlessly repeating what has been done.

There is also a good point in this regime - a month of proper and measured nutrition is just enough to develop a food habit and give up cravings for sweets and fatty foods. You simply won’t be drawn to shelves with chocolates; a spoonful of honey a day will be enough. Thus, maintaining the achieved result will be quite easy. By the way, reviews of those losing weight agree that it is not at all necessary to coincide with the cherished six hours of the last meal. Let your dinner take place 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise you will have time to get hungry, and it is difficult to sleep on an empty stomach.

Is it possible to pamper yourself?

The cherished question that torments many plump women who want to quickly transform into slender women is whether it is possible to treat themselves to goodies. Maybe allow yourself a pie or chocolate? Let's face it, the diet is harsh, excesses are nipped in the bud. This is the time to learn to pacify your desires and pamper yourself with healthy things. For example, add honey to fruit, bake an apple with cinnamon, cook cabbage cutlets and rub a crust of rye bread with garlic. The flavors are divine and the fats are minimal. As a last resort, you can afford dried fruits and biscuits. One cup of coffee per day is allowed, but, alas, without sugar.

Important nuances of the technique and the last weeks

You will have to remember that animal protein is important for the diet, which is the basis for building balance. That is, the diet is not suitable for vegetarians. In the second half of the diet, you can allow yourself a little more, for example, double the dose of tomatoes.

Significant results can be observed in people who are truly overweight, but if your plans are only to correct your figure, then losing 30 kg will bypass you. People also call this type of food because there are plenty of eggs here. They increase the amount of protein in the menu, reduce carbohydrate levels and help burn fat.

For snacks, it is better to stock up on vegetables, since you will be full of eggs already at breakfast. In the third week, you can unload a little, that is, arrange a series of monodays. In fruit days You can eat all fruits except those rich in glucose. So grapes, dates and mangoes are prohibited. We will also include figs in the danger zone. Vegetables and fruits can be combined in one day. In addition, vegetables can be added to fish and meat days. Be sure to make a day on one type of fruit, for example, stock up on a kilogram of apples. It is not necessary to eat them all.

On last week The results are being consolidated. Each day has its own list of products that need to be distributed. So, on Monday you are invited to treat yourself to 400 g of beef, 200 g of boiled fish, 4 tomatoes and the same amount of cucumbers. You can add a piece of bread and citrus.

On Tuesday we allocate 200 g of beef, repeat the amount of tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as bread. One fruit is allowed. On the third day, we put cottage cheese with vegetables, our favorite cucumbers and tomatoes, grapefruit and bread at the forefront.

On Thursday we replace the cottage cheese with chicken breast, and the rest remains unchanged. On Friday, the diet is based on a couple of eggs with tomatoes and lettuce. For dessert - grapefruit. On the weekend we relax and slowly prepare ourselves to leave the diet - we eat chicken with vegetables, as well as sour milk, cheese, rye bread and citrus fruits.

Quitting the diet

Without a proper return to normal nutrition, there is a risk of quickly saying goodbye to the results achieved. Therefore, we don’t rush into food, but first check the scales and think, are we satisfied with the achieved effect? Maybe repeat the diet? It is advisable to reduce the amount of sweets and starchy foods, and walks for fresh air- increase. In fact, the entire diet involved cutting back on carbohydrates, so you need to reintroduce them gradually and smoothly.

Losing weight using popular methods

Speaking about methods of body correction, one cannot lose sight of those that have filled all kinds of reference books. In particular, the Kremlin diet should be mentioned. The table with points awarded for each product is very reminiscent of a chemical diet with its list of permitted consumption. Most of all, this technique encourages the consumption of protein, that is, meat and poultry.

The Kremlin diet began its victorious march through the media with singer Larisa Dolina. The nutrition table was planned for only a week, but this time was enough to achieve an amazing result - losing 7 kg. Every day Dolina drank 500 grams of kefir, ate sour cream, potatoes, cottage cheese and meat. The result amazed fans and envious people - the Valley even looked younger!

Buckwheat should also be noted among all mono-nutrition systems. And, of course, the cheapest. The only necessary product is the notorious buckwheat, which must be soaked in boiling water or kefir in the evening. In the morning you can eat the resulting porridge. The total daily diet should not exceed 970 kcal.