1200 calorie diet menu. Low-calorie diet - menu for a week (1200 kcal). cabbage casserole

Losing weight is always a hot topic for women of all ages, because a passive lifestyle, fast food, and stress leave a mark on the figure every day. Today there is a huge variety of diets, most of them based on severe restrictions and rigid rules. But not always a strict diet is synonymous with effective. Restricting yourself in nutrition, you can greatly harm the body, often intensive weight loss leads to dehydration and poor health.

Having studied different variants, experts agreed that one of the most effective, safe and healthy diets is a program that takes into account the calorie content of foods consumed every day. The approximate norm for women is 1200 calories. If you consume less, your metabolism will slow down, and the body will use muscle tissue for energy.

Pros and cons of the program

A balanced diet where you get 1200 calories a day has numerous benefits. This technique is time-tested, has many fans and variations. The main advantages of this simple program are:

  • high efficiency, you can get rid of 5 kg in a month excess weight;
  • safety, the diet is completely harmless and does not provide for a categorical rejection of certain foods;
  • a minimum list of contraindications, absolutely everyone can adhere to the methodology, only pregnant women, adolescents, women over 50 years of age, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system require an individual approach;
  • availability, food is prepared from simple products that can be found in the nearest store;
  • duration, most diets are designed for a week or 14 days, and their continued adherence increases the risk to health, the program "1200 calories per day" can be performed all year round without interruption, keeping the body in shape.

The disadvantages of the technique are much less. It is necessary to learn and not forget to do it. During the adaptation period, weakness and drowsiness may appear, but as soon as the body gets used to the new style of eating, these signs will pass by themselves. It is important to consider that the program is not suitable for people involved in strength training or working in difficult industrial conditions, as they expend much more energy, which means they need more calories.

Adhering to the PP and counting your menu by calories, you need to understand that there are a number of rules that must be followed. By closing your eyes to these requirements, you risk harming your body and reducing the effectiveness of the diet to zero. To prevent this from happening, do not forget the following recommendations:

  • give up fried, salty, sweet foods and alcohol;
  • fast food, ready-made breakfasts, convenience foods and carbonated drinks are also prohibited;
  • Perform a simple set of physical exercises 2-3 times a week;
  • before switching to a new diet, be sure to consult a doctor or nutritionist;
  • do not change the recipes of dishes at your discretion;
  • drink a lot, the daily norm of liquid is 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water.

Never starve! You need to eat fractionally in small portions, you should have 5-6 meals a day. Of these, 2-3 main (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as well as 2 light snacks. You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, only in this way you can quickly feel a feeling of satiety.

Try to eat varied approximate menu for a month. Preference should be given to and . Make sure that vitamins and minerals, fiber are present in the diet. A harmonious combination of these elements will improve the stool, start the metabolic process, and help reduce the thickness of the fat layer.

Diet for 7 days

A daily menu for 1200 calories is not as difficult as it might seem. Stick to a ratio of 55% complex carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 15% fats, among which vegetable should predominate. We offer options for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks in grams and calories, which you can focus on when compiling your weekly nutrition schedule using this method.


  • salad (cabbage with carrots), add olive oil and a little lemon juice + 50 grams of rye bread with a small piece of cheese + 50 grams of boiled sausage (total 300 calories);
  • a slice of black bread + soft-boiled egg + tomato + tea or coffee (total 300 kcal);
  • a glass of fresh (better than orange) + 100 gr + coffee (total calorie content 400);
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt + a tablespoon of oatmeal or oatmeal flakes + tea (total 300 calories);
  • omelet with greens, 3-4 eggs + coffee (300 kcal in total);
  • , 150g + a glass of any juice (300 kcal);
  • toast with butter or cottage cheese butter + tea (300 calories).

First snack

  • a glass of coffee with 1 tsp. sugar or tea with honey - 120 kcal;
  • 1 green apple or 150 ml yogurt (100 calories)
  • herbal tea - 100 kcal;
  • citrus fruit or a glass of green tea (150 total);
  • orange or apple - 100 kcal;
  • half a banana and 150 ml low-fat yogurt - 150 calories;
  • 200 ml apple juice without sugar - 100 kcal.


  • 120 grams of boiled turkey meat + 120 grams of jacket potatoes + green tea no sugar (total 420 calories);
  • chicken broth with herbs + vegetable salad with olive oil (400 kcal);
  • 150 gr boiled low-fat fish + lettuce with olive oil (300 kcal);
  • 120 g boiled brown rice + any vegetable (300 total calories);
  • lean fish fillet + carrot salad (total 300);
  • chicken chop + seaweed salad (300 kcal);
  • 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat + 100 grams of baked chicken breast (300 in total).

Second snack

  • a glass of fermented milk drink with a fat content of not more than 1.5% - 120 kcal;
  • herbal tea, add honey and lemon - (total 100 calories);
  • herbal tea or grapefruit (100 kcal);
  • tea + a slice of low-calorie cheese (total 150);
  • 60 grams of dried fruits + tea (200 kcal in total);
  • 100 ml low-fat yogurt - 100 kcal;
  • a glass of kefir - 100 calories.


  • 200 grams of fish + 150 grams of vegetable salad (250 calories in total);
  • 150 grams of boiled chicken or turkey fillet - 300 kcal;
  • 100 grams of boiled beef liver + 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat (total 300 kcal);
  • a serving of porridge + sausage + pickled corn (300 calories);
  • vegetable salad with olive oil and citric acid (about 300 kcal);
  • 100 grams of baked or steamed beef + one tomato (300 calories);
  • 50 gr curd mass + vegetable salad(no more than 300 kcal).

Combine any options, stay within your 1,200 calorie daily allowance, and drink water, and you'll see results in no time. beautiful shapes, great health and radiant skin will be the main signs that the new style of eating suits you and is having a beneficial effect.

Such a diet ensures the loss of extra pounds without observing strict restrictions and feeling an excruciating feeling of hunger. A limited 1200 calorie per day diet is the perfect option for getting leaner.

The effectiveness of the 1200 calorie diet

The low calorie diet is designed to fast weight loss saving the result. After completing the course, it is important to adhere to the norm according to age, weight, figure parameters. The effectiveness of the diet lies in the underestimated calorie intake. The body spends more energy on metabolic processes And physical activity than comes with food.

By creating an energy deficit, the 1200-calorie diet kicks off the process of losing weight, using its own fat stores as "fuel" to provide the body's resources. With this diet, about 0.5 kilograms of excess weight is lost per day. A low-calorie diet for 1200 calories is suitable for almost everyone, the contraindication is:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding - during this period, the mother eats for two;
  • adolescence - the body is in the stage of growth and development;
  • sports mode or an active lifestyle - to compensate for energy costs, a person needs more calories than in a static state.

Basic diet rules

Nutrition must be balanced. The diet should include different sources vitamins, minerals, amino acids. The menu is better to make up of your favorite products that are allowed. This will make it easier to stick to a low-calorie, 1200-calorie diet. Diet rules:

  1. Strictly maintain the caloric content of the daily diet of 1200 kcal.
  2. Observe the proportion of proteins / fats / carbohydrates in the ratio 30/20/50.
  3. The food is fractional, the daily norm is divided into 3 main meals (morning, afternoon, evening) and 2-3 snacks (light second breakfast, afternoon snack, last dinner) with an interval of 3-4 hours.
  4. The calorie content of each main meal should be approximately 300-400 kcal, the amount is enough to saturate the body with nutrients for several hours.
  5. The duration of a low-calorie diet varies from 3 to 7 days.

Approved Products

The main meal for 1200 calories per day is lean sources of protein (poultry, fish). Carbohydrates are allowed mainly complex (cereals, legumes, root crops), which are digested from 60 to 90 minutes, providing a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Foods to eat on a low calorie diet:

  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet);
  • whole wheat bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fruits (citrus fruits, apples);
  • berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries);
  • vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas);
  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • fermented milk products (kefir 1%, cottage cheese 2%);
  • meat products (chicken, turkey);
  • lean fish (pollock, pink salmon);
  • seafood.

Prohibited Products

wishing to have slim figure it is better to avoid simple carbohydrates (ice cream, sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.), which are digested in just 15–20 minutes, stimulating an increased appetite. On a diet, it is strictly forbidden to use the following products:

  • sugar;
  • baking;
  • Dessert;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • marinades;
  • preserves, jams;
  • sausages;
  • canned fruits;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Menu for 1200 calories per day

For breakfast, preference is given to cereals, egg dishes. They dine with meat products with a side dish of legumes and vegetables. The best choice for dinner is kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. For snacks, sour-milk products or fruits and berries are also suitable. Sample menu for 1200 kcal per day, table:


Products or meals (kcal)

Oatmeal on water 150 g (132), 1 hard-boiled chicken egg (1.57).

Whole grain bread slice 50 g (37.5) with low-fat cheese 100 g (340).

Lentil porridge 150 g (170), chicken breast 200 g (226), tomato and cucumber salad 100 g (89.2).

Grapefruit (35).

A glass of kefir 1% 200 ml (80) with prunes 50 g (130).

Buckwheat porridge on water 150 g (195), 3-4 hard-boiled quail eggs (168).

Berry mix (strawberry, raspberry) 200 g (87).

Boiled beans 200 g (200) with turkey 150 g (210 kcal), coleslaw with herbs 100 g (75).

250 ml glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (36).

Greek salad 150 g (290).

Millet porridge on water 100 g (340 kcal), 1 egg (1,57).

Orange (43).

Mash 150 g (450) with steamed pollock 250 g (176), cabbage salad with cucumbers and herbs 100 g (38.3).

Sweet and sour apple (47).

200 ml glass of low-fat drinking yogurt (148).

Oatmeal on the water 200 g (176) with dried apricots and prunes 100 g (223).

Whole grain bread 100 g (75) with 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs (3.14).

Boiled red lentils on water 150 g (168), baked pink salmon 200 g (256), cabbage and carrot salad 100 g (140).

Green apple (47).

Curd 2% 150 g (180).

Diet Recipes

This dish is the most useful type of dessert. The combination of various fruits and berries with honey provides the salad with a unique taste. Strawberries can be replaced with strawberries or raspberries, oranges can be replaced with tangerines, apples can be replaced with any of the preferably green varieties.


  • apple - 50 g;
  • orange - 50 g;
  • strawberries - 50 g;
  • honey - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel orange and banana.
  2. Fruit cut into large pieces, strawberries into 4 parts.
  3. Mix ingredients.
  4. Drizzle with liquid honey.

This dish has great taste and high nutritional value. It provides the body with almost all the useful substances needed during the day for life. Red lentils have a delicate texture, and thanks to lightly fried vegetables, they acquire a rich taste.


  • red lentils - 150 g;
  • zucchini - 50 g;
  • broccoli - 50 g;
  • pepper - 50 g;
  • greens - 10 g;
  • oil - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal, pour hot water and put in a double boiler or in a water bath to cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Wash the fruits, cut the zucchini and pepper into cubes, divide the broccoli into small branches with dense groups of small buds.
  3. Lightly sauté vegetables in olive or sunflower oil.
  4. Mix the prepared porridge with vegetable dressing.
  5. Add spices to taste.
  6. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs.

The dish belongs to the classics of the culinary genre - a delicious and quick salad to prepare. Juicy fragrant vegetables seasoned with herbs and vegetable oil The perfect accompaniment to any main dish. The rich vitamin and mineral composition provides the body with many essential microelements at a low calorie content of the dish.


  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • pepper - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 10 grams;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash vegetables, cut into cubes.
  2. Finely chop fresh herbs.
  3. Mix ingredients.
  4. Dress the salad with oil.


In the hopes of losing weight, many do not understand that for the result it is not enough just to eat right, you need a calorie deficit. A 1200 kcal menu is a great option for women who do not want to endanger their bodies, but dream of quickly and effectively losing 5-7 kg per month on this regimen.

Why exactly 1200 kcal?

A 1200 kcal diet is the best option for losing weight girls at any age, because it does not create much discomfort, is built solely on simple and understandable principles, and gradually prepares the body for any exceptions.

Need to know! Proper nutrition for any number of calories is, first of all, a balanced diet that does not harm the body.

1200 kcal includes a low-calorie menu, which is based on a deficit of food consumed, as a result of which the losing weight begins to gradually lose weight. overweight. The big advantage here is that nutrition includes the intake of meat, lean fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes and other foods that the body needs. The main feature is a reduction in the amount of consumption, respectively, caloric content.

You can correctly compose a diet for 1200 kcal at home, the main thing is to familiarize yourself in detail with all the principles and features of the diet, pay attention to prohibited foods that should not be present in the diet, even in a minimal amount.

Interesting! For one month of eating at a reduced calorie content of 1200, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight without causing harm to the body, without provoking disruptions in the operation of certain systems.

If you are unable to familiarize yourself with complete information and understand the essence of low-calorie nutrition, you can listen to nutritionist Kovalkov, who in simple terms He will tell you all the features of such nutrition, and give the necessary recommendations regarding dieting.

1200 calorie per day split meal plan

Starting proper nutrition for weight loss, you first need to make sure that the body is ready for such major changes, and in the process will not give any failures. It is also worthwhile to first familiarize yourself with the menu for 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products, to understand whether such nutrition will bring pleasure to the body, and whether it is ready for change.

A balanced diet implies a constant calculation of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), which will not allow you to reach the daily caloric intake. So, in clear words, the fractional nutrition plan consists of the following items:

  • Determination of the personal readiness of the body;
  • Getting to know the menu proper nutrition;
  • Training in calculating the calorie content of each consumed product;
  • The distribution of more calories in the first half of the day;
  • Exclusion of all high-calorie foods.

Building a menu for 1200 kcal per day is not difficult, it is much more difficult to psychologically prepare for this, and make it clear to the body that this is necessary for health.

Set of low-calorie products

A diet of 1200 calories a day requires great dietary restrictions, the exclusion of prohibited foods. But this does not mean that the food will be scarce, not tasty and monotonous. A 1200 kcal diet can be built from tasty foods that are low in calories. The table below lists such products.

Oat flakes 50 g170
Fat-free cottage cheese 100 g110
boiled egg75
Yoghurt 200 ml165
Borscht with meat 400 g250
Boiled chicken breast 200 g600
Beef cutlet360
Pasta 50 g155
Sausages 2 pcs.275
Bitter chocolate plate140
Baked potatoes 1 pc.100
Orange juice, 200 ml36
A glass of milk110
Fat-free kefir 200 ml66
White bread 100 g265
Honey tsp40
Black coffee8
Black tea55

From these products, you can prepare a diet meal on proper nutrition, satisfy your nutritional needs, and continue to actively lose weight on a deficit.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

Nutrition for weight loss always says that you need to exclude certain foods, limit the number of their consumption, and focus on proper nutrition (PP). The 1200 calorie diet menu should not include forbidden foods that only contribute to the accumulation of body fat, calling into question all the results achieved so far.

Prohibited ProductsCause
fried foodsFried foods create a very pleasant aroma, as a result of which the production of hydrochloric acid is stimulated, and appetite increases.
Pickled foodsThey contain a large amount of salt, which prevents the rapid digestion of food, resulting in weight gain.
Spicy dishesSpicy foods stimulate the appetite even more, and do not allow you to control the amount of food eaten.
sour berriesPromote the production of gastric juice, which stimulates an increase in appetite.
Cooked vegetablesDuring heat treatment, vegetables get rid of all useful components, and bring the body only extra calories, without benefit.
Sweet carbonated drinksThe composition contains a huge amount of sugar, which is not absorbed by the body, but is deposited in the form of fat.
White breadYeast bread contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds.
SweetsSweet foods further stimulate appetite, increase blood glucose levels, and saturate the body for only a minimal amount of time.
ButterLarge amount of cholesterol.
MayonnaiseA fatty product with the most harmful composition for the body.

Important! If the goal is to lose extra pounds, the above products should definitely be abandoned.

Menu for a week for 1200 kcal per day

For proper weight loss without harm to the body, you need to know the features of the menu for 1200, what products it consists of, what you need to focus on. The menu for the day involves not only the selection the right products, but still a complete focus on quantity. Consider the menu for every day.


  1. Morning - oatmeal 30 g, a spoonful of honey, orange and coffee without sugar.
  2. Snack - 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, coffee.
  3. Lunch - chicken soup, tea, marshmallows;
  4. Afternoon snack - 200 ml of kefir.
  5. Dinner - vinaigrette 100 g, 100 g boiled chicken breast.


  1. Morning - a sandwich of whole grain bread and cheese, coffee;
  2. Snack - juice, banana;
  3. Lunch - borscht;
  4. Snack - a glass of milk;
  5. Dinner - 3 stuffed peppers, tea.


  1. Morning - buckwheat porridge 30 g, boiled egg;
  2. Snack - baked apple;
  3. Lunch - chicken fillet 100 g with vegetables;
  4. Snack - a glass of fat-free yogurt.
  5. Dinner - baked pollock with vegetables.


  1. Morning - cereals 40 g with dried fruits.
  2. Snack - fruit juice.
  3. Lunch - mushroom soup.
  4. Snack is an apple.
  5. Dinner - boiled rice with pieces of chicken breast.


  1. Morning - oatmeal with milk 30 g.
  2. Snack - banana, tea.
  3. Lunch - chicken breast, vegetables.
  4. Snack - a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner - baked salmon 100 g with vegetables.


  1. Morning - wheat porridge, tea.
  2. Snack is an apple.
  3. Lunch - buckwheat porridge with vegetables.
  4. Snack - vegetable salad.
  5. Dinner - cottage cheese casserole 100 g


  1. Morning - milk porridge, coffee.
  2. Snack - peaches.
  3. Lunch - chicken and wholemeal pasta.
  4. Snack - cheesecake with raisins, tea.
  5. Dinner is a glass of water.

This menu is worth focusing on in order to quickly lose extra pounds, get rid of annoying fat and bring the body into tone.

Simple recipes for 1200 calories for weight loss

A menu for 1200 calories a day can be the most diverse if you learn how to cook healthy diet meals which will bring saturation and nutrients to the body. Below are the most best recipes dishes that can be prepared during the weight loss phase.

Vegetable soup

Proper nutrition should be characterized by a minimum calorie content, be tasty and healthy. A proper nutrition menu cannot do without vegetable soup, which is prepared easily and simply.


  • Cauliflower;
  • Carrot;
  • Potato;
  • fresh broccoli;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Zucchini;
  • Green pea.

All ingredients are ground and prepared for cooking. First, diced potatoes are sent to boiling water, then carrots and onions. Cook until half cooked. After that, the rest of the ingredients are placed in the pan, and everything is cooked for another 10-15 minutes, until the vegetables come to a ready-made shape.

Salmon for a couple

The 1200-calorie low-calorie weekly diet menu also includes deliciously cooked steamed salmon, which is a great option for a protein dinner.

The preparations are pretty simple. First you need to prepare the salmon steak, sprinkle it with spices, salt and send it to a cool place so that everything is well soaked. Next, the steaks are placed in the steam cooking bowl and cooked for 20-25 minutes. After that, they are served with vegetables or any side dish.

Vinaigrette with beans

Menu by day for a week at 1200 kcal suggests the presence dietary salads, which will be an excellent option for a full dinner or snack. The recipe for making a vinaigrette salad with beans is very simple, consider its main features.

In the cooking process, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Boiled potatoes;
  • canned beans;
  • boiled carrots;
  • Pickle;
  • White cabbage;
  • Onion;
  • table vinegar;
  • Boiled beets;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

First you need to cut into cubes cucumbers, potatoes, onions and carrots. Then cut the beets, cabbage into strips and add the beans. Everything is well mixed, salt and spices are added as desired. Salad is ready!

Why can't you eat less than 1200 calories daily?

Even during weight loss, the body needs the necessary amount of useful components that come directly with food. If you cut the caloric content of the diet to 1000 or less calories per day, the body begins to malfunction dramatically, the person loses strength for activity, important processes begin to break down in the body.

A diet of 1200 calories a day is the most minimal in order to lose extra pounds without harming the body. It is very important to learn how to count calories correctly, to get them in a day only useful products without exceeding the allowable limit.

How much weight can you lose in a month on a 1200 calorie a day diet?

Losing weight is a rather individual process that depends on many factors in the body. The average number of kilograms dropped in one month of such nutrition is 5-7 kg. Indicators may vary depending not only on individual characteristics body, but also from the initial amount of extra pounds.

Simple meals will allow you to quickly and easily prepare meals, eat right, and achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

How to make a menu according to a diet for 1200 kcal, see the video:

You need it quickly, and in the summer it is doubly relevant, the menu for 1200 kcal per day will help out. With recipes for a week from simple products, it is not difficult to organize an inexpensive dietary meal on your own. It is enough to understand how it "works" and to know the exact calorie content of the dishes used.

Calorie diet: how it works

Let's be honest, the calories offered are scarce, they are barely enough to support normal life. Therefore, it is absolutely not suitable for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, athletes, those who lead an active lifestyle, people with pathology of the heart and blood vessels, chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive tract. But it is also not recommended for sedentary healthy people to “sit” on it for more than 14 days, and it does not make sense. During this period, the body will adjust to a strict menu for a week with calories and slow down the metabolism. The weight will stop coming off.

But overtaken by weakness, drowsiness, irritability, depression. The culprits of poor health, low emotional background are ketones, which are formed during the burning of old fat deposits. To reduce their number, to avoid possible intoxication, the diet is slightly shifted towards carbohydrates. They should be at least half of the menu for the week. There will be no bust with calories if you eat, for example, Rye bread with bran, whole grain bread, muesli, cereals, sometimes durum wheat pasta.

For active removal of toxins, we recommend drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day, including mineral water, green tea. About a third of the “plate” is allocated to proteins in this nutrition plan, and only 20% fall on fats, mainly vegetable. If you maintain this balance, do not skip meals and do not cut portions, you can become slimmer in a short time and without harmful health consequences. This is exactly what the menu for 1200 kcal per day is aimed at. With a week of simple products, cooking will take a minimum of time, and breakfasts, lunches and dinners will delight you with a variety of delicious ones. Food should not only saturate, but also bring pleasure.


Breakfast: oatmeal porridge (100 g) with raisins (tablespoon), green tea without sugar.
Lunch: fat-free kefir (glass), Fitness bread (2 pcs.).
Dinner: chicken fillet baked with Provencal herbs (80-100 g), boiled "wild", brown rice rich in vitamin B and fiber (100 g), ripe tomato, freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.
afternoon tea: a glass of yogurt (1.5% fat), kiwi or orange.
Dinner: canned tuna in its own juice, leaf lettuce seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.

The menu in calories for the day is a good idea to supplement with suitable vitamin and mineral complexes, consult your doctor, and fish oil in capsules.


Breakfast: protein omelet with asparagus, a piece of gray bread from wholemeal flour or "Borodinsky", tomato, black coffee with cinnamon.
Lunch: bifidoc (200 ml), pear or apple.
Dinner: fish solyanka, chicken schnitzel, sauerkraut, flavored with green onion and sunflower oil (one teaspoon), cranberry juice.
afternoon tea: low-fat kefir (glass), strawberry (100-150 g) or orange.
Dinner: Meat cabbage rolls stuffed with minced beef, sliced ​​bell peppers and herbs, green tea with lemon (jasmine, chamomile).

Protein omelet with asparagus (150 g - 60 kcal)

Beat whites from three eggs with 50 ml of milk. Boil asparagus (60 g). Put it in a mold greased with vegetable oil, pour the milk-egg mixture. Bake in the microwave or oven. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Fish hodgepodge (250 g - 105 kcal)

Cut into small pieces fish fillet (350 g). Chop vegetables: sweet pepper, tomato, a couple of potatoes, mushrooms (50 g). Dip them in a pot of boiling water (1 liter) and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add the fish, finely chopped pickles (2 pcs.) And tomato paste (1 tablespoon). Simmer over low heat covered for another 10-15 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, put the bay leaf and dill. Add lemon juice directly to the soup bowl.

Chicken schnitzel (100 g - 132 kcal)

Lean meat from the breast (160 g) to clear the skin, fat layer, lightly beat off, salt and pepper. Cook in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of water (15-20 minutes) or in an air grill.

Meat stuffed cabbage low-calorie (200 g - 240 kcal)

Leaves white cabbage(at the rate of 2 per serving) blanch in salted hot water 3-5 minutes. Boil rice (2 tablespoons), when cool, mix with ground beef (150 g). Chop half of the onion there. Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves with an envelope. Stuffed cabbage pour tomato juice(150 ml) and simmer for about half an hour.

By the way, it is not necessary to follow the order of the dishes on the menu in calories per day. Instead of the above dishes, use any other recipes, with kcal, the main thing is not to make a mistake, so that no more, no less than 1200.


Breakfast: boiled egg, whole grain toast, coffee or tea with milk.
Lunch: yoghurt with cereals (120 ml), apple baked with cinnamon.
Dinner: sea fish soup, turkey meatballs in tomato sauce, tomato, cucumber and parsley salad with olive (sunflower) oil, unsweetened decoction of dried fruits or rose hips.
afternoon tea: cold soup tarator from kefir, fresh cucumber and greens.
Dinner: chicken breast, baked, stewed or boiled, mix of celery, arugula, dill with lemon juice, tea.


Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100-120 g), grated carrot with apple and raisins, seasoned walnuts and yogurt (no more than 3% fat), cocoa.
Lunch: tangerines or kiwi (2 pieces), green tea with a slice of lemon.
Dinner: cabbage soup on mushroom broth with sour cream, notothenia stewed with carrots and onions, boiled potatoes (2 pieces), blackcurrant juice.
Snack: kefir, fresh berries or orange.
Dinner: turkey chop (90 g), tomato and bell pepper salad, green tea with honey and lemon balm.

Fridays A

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with dried apricots, grapefruit, tea.
Lunch: cottage cheese (150 g) with radish, dill and parsley.
Dinner: stewed beef (130 g), for garnish - green pea(150 g), apple, berry compote (fruit drink).
afternoon tea: biscuits or drying (5 pieces), kefir.
Dinner: champignons (180 g), stewed with tomatoes and onions, with sour cream (a tablespoon), non-carbonated mineral water.


On weekends, if you wish, you can learn new, more complex recipes, with kcal no higher than 300-400 units. Don't want to push around the stove? A varied menu in the summer, with an abundance of fruits and vegetables, is easy to compose from dishes that take half an hour or even less to prepare.

Breakfast: steamed dried apricots (50 g), dietary bread rolls (2 pieces), Adyghe cheese (40 g), black coffee.
Lunch: soft-boiled egg, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: mushroom risotto, apple compote.
afternoon tea: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) with strawberries or raspberries.
Dinner: pink salmon stewed with vegetables, lettuce leaves, berry juice.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (100 g), unsweetened tea with milk.
Lunch: salad of mozzarella or cheese (80 g), tomatoes and basil with olive oil, table mineral water.
Dinner: squid stew with sour cream (tablespoon), large baked potato, vegetable juice.
afternoon tea: apple or orange, natural yogurt (120 ml).
Dinner: fish casserole with egg, vegetable salad, black tea with honey.

A month later, a menu for 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products can be repeated. If you continue to follow a healthy diet, the lost kilograms will not return.

The problem of reducing excess weight today is very relevant. The choice of those who wish is offered a great variety of various power systems that allow you to reduce weight. One of those is 1200 calorie a day diet.

This food system is based on the consumption of no more than 1200 calories, as the name implies. Calories are the energy released in the body when food is broken down. All foods have different calorie content, so in order to properly follow this diet, you need to count the calories you eat per day.

Nutritionists say that 1200 calories a day is the minimum, but it definitely helps to lose unnecessary pounds. At the same time, such a diet does not harm the body.

Pros, cons and contraindications


  • Efficiency even with minor physical exertion;
  • Large selection of products for the menu;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • It has no serious contraindications. The only exception is teenagers.

Cons of this diet:

  • Regular weighing of each product and careful control of calories.
  • People who are used to eating too many calories need to be more careful. A sharp decrease in energy value can lead to dizziness and loss of strength.
  • If the diet is planned incorrectly, then there may be a lack of vitamins and elements.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Adolescence less than 15 years old;
  • Increased blood sugar.

The basic rules that are important to follow for people on a diet of 1200 calories per day:

  1. Compliance with the daily calorie content and the need to meet the 1200 calories.
  2. Pay more attention to protein foods, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  3. Reduced consumption of carbohydrate foods, but include in the menu complex carbohydrates, such as,whole grain bread, cereals, necessary. They contain a large amount of nutrients.
  4. Reducing fat intake.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of fast food, pastries, sweets, mayonnaise, alcoholic beverages.
  6. Total calorie reduction is not allowed. If not enough, then you can add 100-200 calories.
  7. Not recommended for intense physical exercise as this can lead to sagging skin.
  8. Quantity saturated fat should not exceed more than 9 grams per day. They are necessary so that a large load on the heart muscle is not created.
  9. It is important to drink an unlimited amount of pure non-carbonated water.
  10. Try to avoid frying food in oil. The best option there will be baking, boiling and stewing.
  11. Try to include raw vegetables and fruits in every meal.


What should you eat on a 1200 calorie a day diet? It is necessary to highlight a number of products that need and can be included in the diet, and there is also a list of products that it is desirable to exclude from the menu.

Approved Products

Don't forget about fruits in your diet

Foods containing complex carbohydrates:

  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Cereals (oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley);
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, ...);
  • Fruits and berries (citrus fruits, apples, blueberries, strawberries, ...).

Protein Sources:

  • Sour-milk products (cottage cheese with a fat content of not more than 2%, low-fat hard cheeses, low-fat kefir);
  • Meat and organ meats (white chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken stomachs, turkey, turkey liver, ...);
  • Eggs (chicken and quail);
  • Seafood (low-fat fish, squid, shrimp, mussels, ...).

What foods are not allowed?

  • Sugar and products containing it. These are sweets, milk chocolate, ice cream and other various desserts, carbonated drinks.
  • Baking - cakes, pastries, pies.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, store-bought sauces.
  • Pickles and smoked meats.
  • Sausages.

Sample menu for the week

The first day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge boiled in water, one hard-boiled chicken egg.
  • Lunch: banana.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast, vegetable stew, buckwheat porridge.
  • Snack: 250 milliliters of 1% kefir.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, one apple.
  • At night: low-fat yogurt.

Second day

  • Breakfast: whole grain sandwich with a slice of low-fat cheese, 150 grams of salad from fresh vegetables and greenery.
  • Lunch: apple.
  • Lunch: oven-baked cod fillet, vegetable soup with beans.
  • Afternoon snack: grapefruit.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, cucumber.

Day Three

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water with banana slices and nuts.
  • Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: sea stew, boiled rice, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of 1% kefir.
  • Dinner: chicken liver, one apple.

Day four

  • Breakfast: whole grain bread sandwich with a slice of low-fat cheese, fruit salad from kiwi, oranges and strawberries.
  • Lunch: one egg omelette and 100 grams of low-fat milk.
  • Lunch: chicken sorrel soup, durum wheat pasta.
  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: boiled pollock fillet, stewed vegetables.

Day five

  • Breakfast: cereal cookies, a piece of low-fat cheese, an orange.
  • Lunch: banana, some nuts.
  • Dinner: stuffed peppers minced chicken, rice and carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
  • Dinner: boiled shrimp, scrambled eggs from 6 egg whites.

Day six

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with the addition of pieces of dried fruit, one chicken egg.
  • Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: baked turkey fillet with vegetables, durum wheat pasta.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit and berry salad.
  • Dinner: steamed cod, fresh vegetable salad.

Day seven

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast with hard cheese and one egg omelet.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit salad, a glass of fat-free yogurt.
  • Lunch: salad of boiled squid, celery and fresh cucumber, seasoned with natural yogurt; vegetable soup with vermicelli.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: protein omelette with spinach.

This sample menu, you can change it to your liking. The main thing is to meet the required calorie content, that is, 1200.

Diet Recipes

Shrimps with mild sauce

To prepare this dish you need:

  • 800 g shrimp;
  • Hard cheese with low fat content;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • Parsley;
  • Salt.

First you need to chop the garlic with a garlic press. You can also finely chop it or grate it on a fine grater. Then the garlic should be put in a pan and pour water. Then add milk and boil. At this time, it is necessary to clean the shrimp and send them to the pan.

The contents are thoroughly mixed and left to simmer. Parsley needs to be washed and finely chopped. Sprinkle the shrimps with herbs and put the grated or finely chopped cheese into the pan. The cheese should melt well in the skillet. Simmer until tender, stirring constantly. After cooking, remove the shrimp from the stove and put in a dish for serving.

This recipe contains 112 kcal.

To prepare this dish, you will need:

  • Chicken liver - 500 g;
  • One bulb;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

The liver should be cut into thin slices. Then put the liver in a pan with olive oil. Finely chop the onion and lay it on the liver. Fry for about 10 minutes. Then pour about 2 cups of water into the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 15 minutes. The dish is ready to serve.

The dish contains 153 kcal.