What is the Bormenthal diet? Dr. Bormenthal's diet: intensive weight loss without prohibitions. Dr. Bormenthal's diet menu

In this article you will learn about the Bormenthal diet and its principles. How to create a menu for 1 day, week, month?

The Bormenthal diet first appeared in Russia in 2001. This is a joint development of nutritionists and psychotherapists. The Doctor Bormental clinic was opened in Moscow, and then branches began to open in other Russian cities. Now the Bormenthal diet is recognized as the best not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Diet according to Bormenthal. Operating principle

The main principle of the Bormenthal diet is weight loss without prohibitions

The basic principles of the Bormenthal diet are as follows::

  • Losing weight without exhausting diets
  • Losing weight without physical activity
  • There are no restrictions on any products

The Bormenthal diet is based on counting calories and the desire to lose weight.

How to start following a diet?

At the very beginning, when you decide to lose weight on the Bormenthal diet, you need to find out the reason for overeating

First you need to find out the cause of overeating and eliminate it. Everyone has their own:

  • No power mode
  • Nervous stress
  • Diffidence
  • Fatty food at night

Adhering to the Bormenthal diet, you need to eat 1000 kcal of any food per day, athletes and people who work physically 1200 kcal.

There are no prohibited products, but It is advisable to eat low-calorie foods. It is important to include in the menu every day protein foods: meat, fish and eggs.

This diet must be followed until you lose weight.

Then you can slightly increase the caloric intake and observe your body whether it is gaining weight again or not, and again add or decrease the caloric intake. A good result will be a state of the body when excess weight does not gain or decrease.

What can you eat?

When adhering to the Bormenthal diet, it is advisable to exclude fatty, high-calorie foods, such as fast foods

According to the Bormenthal diet, you can eat different foods, but you must strictly observe calorie counting. And in order not to sit hungry all day, having eaten all the allotted calories in the morning, you need to choose low-calorie foods.

You need to eat less fatty and sweet foods - they are high in calories..

Foods to eat every day:

  • Proteins (eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese)
  • Complex carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, vegetables)
  • Vegetable oil

Products to limit:

  • Bakery
  • Full fat dairy products
  • Sausages
  • Fat meat

As it is?

According to the Bormenthal diet, you need to eat warm food and drink hot tea after eating

At the Doctor Bormental clinic, experts advise:

  1. Eat food only warm, and after eating, drink 1 glass of hot tea.
  2. Eat 6-7 times a day, serving 200 g, no more, last snack 4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Follow 1-2 times a week fasting days . On such days, eat kefir or vegetables.

To speed up weight loss need to get busy light physical activity (walking), massage, wraps and other procedures.

Doctors at the Doctor Bormental clinic do not recommend heavy workloads..

Note. If you decide to follow the Bormenthal diet, it is not advisable to drink alcoholic beverages and spicy foods, so as not to stimulate your appetite.

Contraindications to the use of the diet:

  • Women who are breastfeeding and pregnant
  • For patients with diabetes
  • Patients with cancer
  • People who have mental disorders
  • For cardiovascular diseases (stroke, heart attack)
  • Children under 18 years old
  • For older people over 60 years of age

Diet "Doctor Bormenthal", menu for the week

According to the Bormenthal diet, the weekly menu should include lean meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits

Eating according to the Bormenthal diet, During the week you need to prepare dishes from fish, lean meat, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Eat 6-7 times a day, but remember that the portion should be small, up to 200 g.


  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs. (130 kcal)
  • Sea kale 100 g (16 kcal)
  • Cupcake 50 g (153 kcal)


  • Mushroom soup 200 g (52 kcal)
  • White cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil (83 kcal)
  • Boiled potatoes with butter 100 g (126 kcal)
  • Piece of boiled pike perch 50 g (35 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea without sugar (2 kcal)
  • Vinaigrette 100 g (128 kcal)
  • Buckwheat 100 g with beef goulash 30 g (257 kcal)

Second dinner


  • 1 boiled egg (63 kcal)
  • Barley porridge 100 g (137 kcal)
  • Apple (45 kcal)
  • 1 glass of hot tea without sugar (2 kcal)


  • Cherry 150 g (75 kcal)
  • Vegetable soup (28 kcal)
  • Rice porridge 100 g (152 kcal)
  • Beef goulash 50 g (90 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Sea bass fillet 50 g (70 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Stewed cabbage 100 g (90 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 cup yogurt (118 kcal)


  • 2 egg omelette with mushrooms (250 kcal)
  • 1 glass of hot tea without sugar (2 kcal)
  • 1 PC. marshmallows 65 g


  • Piece of boiled chicken – 100 g (135 kcal)
  • A few slices of cucumber 50 g (8 kcal)
  • 1 slice of black bread (8 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Pea soup 250 g (121 kcal)
  • Rice porridge with vegetables 100 g (152 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • 1 apple (45 kcal)
  • Boiled potatoes with sauce 100 g (90 kcal)
  • Beet salad 50 g (33 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir (60 kcal)


  • Millet porridge 100 g (168 kcal)
  • Turkey piece 50 g (75 kcal)
  • Carrot and onion salad 50 g (30 kcal)


  • 1 glass of hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • 2 slices of Dutch cheese 20 g (70 kcal)
  • Ukha 200 g (92 kcal)
  • 2 slices of bread (16 kcal)
  • Vinaigrette 50 g (64 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Salad with cucumbers and sour cream 100 g (33 kcal)
  • Piece of boiled pike 50 g (35 kcal)
  • Mushroom pilaf 100 g (119 kcal)
  • White cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil 100 g (67 kcal)
  • Tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 glass of fermented baked milk (175 kcal)


  • Oatmeal 100 g (177 kcal)
  • Medium apple (35 kcal)
  • 2 divisions from a whole chocolate bar (68 kcal)
  • Tea without sugar (2 kcal)


  • Salad with cucumbers and tomatoes 100 g (32 kcal)
  • Boiled chicken 50 g (77 kcal)
  • 1 glass of hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Rassolnik without meat 300 g (138 kcal)
  • Rice porridge 50 g (56 kcal)
  • Sea kale 50 g (8 kcal)
  • Tea without sugar (2 kcal)
  • Marshmallow 1 pc. (55 kcal)
  • Fruit salad 100 g (103 kcal)
  • Beef meat (50 g), stewed with zucchini 100 g (107 kcal)
  • Salad with cucumbers and sour cream 75 g (24 kcal)
  • Tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir (60 kcal)


  • 1 egg omelette (125 kcal)
  • Tomato and onion salad with vegetable oil 100 g (108 kcal)
  • 1 glass of hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)


  • Sandwich on bread (1 piece) with a piece of boiled turkey (50 g) and cucumber slices 50 g (95 kcal)
  • Borscht with chicken 200 g (171 kcal)
  • 2 slices of white bread (20 kcal)
  • Salad with Chinese cabbage, seasoned with sunflower oil 50 g (40 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream 50 g (130 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Barley porridge with zucchini 75 g (105 kcal)
  • Fried beef liver 50 g (100 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir (60 kcal)


  • Buckwheat porridge (100 g) with beef schnitzel (247 kcal)
  • Medium tomato (17 kcal)
  • Hot coffee without sugar (2 kcal)


  • Butter bun 50 g (133 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Cabbage soup without meat 200 g (62 kcal)
  • Boiled potatoes with sour cream 50 g (58 kcal)
  • Salad from sauerkraut 50 g (35 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese 100 g (195 kcal)
  • Tea without sugar (2 kcal)
  • Rice porridge with tomato sauce 100 g (113 kcal)
  • Boiled beef 50 g (90 kcal)
  • Hot tea with sugar (29 kcal)

Second dinner

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir (60 kcal)

Diet "Doctor Bormenthal", menu for 14 days

After staying on the Bormenthal diet for 14 days, you will learn to choose what to give preference to: an apple or a cake

If you decide to follow the Bormenthal diet, It is preferable to eat low-fat protein foods of animal origin, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

After every meal include in the menu hot tea, you can have coffee, juices, but you still need to give preference to hot drinks. Besides, you need to drink up to 2 liters of purified water per day. There should be no swelling, since we include little salty and smoked food.

To prevent your skin from sagging after losing weight, you need to do cosmetic procedures: massage, clay wraps, peeling, baths with added sea ​​salt, visit the bathhouse and sauna.

Diet "Doctor Bormenthal", menu for a month

Clinics "Doctor Bormental" operate in many cities of Russia

When planning a diet for a month, you need to consider that every day the diet menu should include at least 50 g of animal protein.

Preference should be given to low-calorie foods. Gradually you need to reduce flour and fatty foods.

If Several weeks have passed since following the diet, but the weight does not go away or is still increasing, then you need to discard the following:

  • Sausages
  • Potatoes
  • White bread
  • All fatty foods, and dairy products with a fat content of more than 1%
  • Alcohol
  • Sweet drinks

Note. If you get sick while following the Bormenthal diet, you need to increase your daily calorie intake by 200-300 kcal.

Diet "Doctor Bormenthal", menu for every day, diary

Scales for those on the Bormenthal diet are a very important thing

If you decide to follow the Bormenthal diet, first of all, you need:

  1. Buy a kitchen scale to weigh all your food before you eat it.
  2. Download calorie tables for raw foods and prepared foods from the Internet and hang them on the refrigerator.
  3. Keep a diary and write down everything related to food and weight.
  4. Buy scales to weigh yourself.

In the diary we record our weight, the number of foods eaten per day, calculate their calorie content and make sure that their calorie content does not exceed 1000-1200 kcal.

Also We record new cooked dishes with calculated calories in the diary. Moreover, after some time We adjust what needs to be changed to improve weight loss results.

Menu for 1 day

  • Buckwheat porridge – 80 g (70 kcal)
  • Chicken piece – 100 g (91 kcal)
  • 1 medium sized tomato (17 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea without sugar and 1 shortbread cookies. (35 kcal)


  • Boiled pike perch – 100 g (70 kcal)
  • 2 pcs. bread (26 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea without sugar and 1 marshmallow. (60 kcal)
  • Pea soup – 250 g (165 kcal)
  • Boiled turkey – 100 g (84 kcal)
  • Beetroot salad – 100 g (67 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea with sugar and lemon (30 kcal)
  • Fruit salad – 200 g (70 kcal)
  • 1 sweet pepper stuffed with rice and meat (140 kcal)
  • Pickled cucumbers – 100 g (22 kcal)
  • 1 glass of tea without sugar with 2 divisions from a whole chocolate bar (68 kcal)

Second dinner:

  • Cabbage soup with sour cream – 200 g (71 kcal)
  • 2 slices of black bread (16 kcal)
  • 1 glass of kefir with zero fat content (45 kcal)

Recipes for the Bormenthal diet

The Bormenthal diet is simple and straightforward, the only alarming fact is that you need everything you eat. count calories.

Here are some calorie-counting recipes.

Meat baked in the oven with mushrooms, onions and tomatoes (117 kcal per 100 g of finished dish)


  1. Grease the bottom of a deep frying pan sunflower oil (10 g).
  2. Slice onion half rings (150 g) and put it on the frying pan.
  3. Place onion on top 300 g thinly sliced ​​chicken fillet.
  4. Then we lay out the plates raw champignons (130 g).
  5. On top of the record tomatoes (150 g).
  6. Lubricate the top sour cream (50 g) and sprinkle with grated hard cheese (100 g).
  7. Bake over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Uganda salad(the finished product contains 128 kcal per 100 g)


  1. Banana (100 g) cut into cubes and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Raisins (20 g) soak for half an hour, wash, dry and add to the bowl.
  3. Then we add 20 g oatmeal and 40 g diced chicken ham.
  4. We add zest of 1 small lemon and squeeze out juice.
  5. We fill everything 100 g cream, let it brew for half an hour and spread it on lettuce leaves.

According to the Bormenthal diet, it is advisable to eat low-calorie dishes, one of them is vegetable stew

Vegetable stew(the finished dish contains 26 kcal per 100 g)


  1. Heat the frying pan, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and fry it until golden brown 1 medium, finely chopped onion.
  2. Add 300 g finely chopped tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes with the lid closed.
  3. Then add the diced zucchini and eggplant (300 g each), 1 sweet pepper, cut into strips, continue to simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Fry in a dry frying pan 1 tbsp. spoon of flour without top, dilute 1 glass hot water, salt, add bay leaf, let it boil, pour in the vegetables and simmer until tender.

Results of the Bormenthal diet

The Bormenthal diet is recognized as the most effective in the world, which is why the results are amazing
  • The main thing in the Bormenthal diet: count calories, eat in small portions no more than 200 g, chew thoroughly. The difficulty of the Bormenthal diet is counting calories. And although this alarms many, there are still many adherents of this diet.
  • The diet is recognized as the most effective in the world, since by following it, the weight once lost does not return, and they begin to lose weight as soon as they stop eating excess, according to the requirements of the diet.
  • Following the Bormenthal diet in the first week you can lose 2-6 kg depending on the weight gained. IN further weight loss is 7-13 kg per month.
  • Everyone has their own time period for following a diet. You can contact a nutritionist and he will calculate what weight you need to achieve and in what time.
  • Usually the diet must be followed until the desired weight is stable - about six months. Then you can increase the calorie content to 1600-1800 kcal per day.

Bormenthal diet: calorie table

These tables should take the best place in your home if you decide to follow the Bormenthal diet.

Calorie table for meat, fish, dairy products, cereals and eggs, according to which you need to count calories according to the Bormenthal diet

Calorie table for vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, fats and baked goods according to the Bormenthal diet

Calorie table for ready-made meals prepared according to the Bormenthal diet

The Bormenthal diet is created for ordinary people who cannot afford special nutrition and gyms. In addition, the Bormenthal diet disciplines its adherents. By following it, you will not “seize up” another conflict with your boss or family.

Video: Popular diet for weight loss. Dr. Bormental

The topic of weight loss has become more than relevant in the last few decades. Epidemic slender figures began in the distant 80s, when the world's catwalks were filled with long-legged, fit beauties. However, along with the fashion for perfect figure a problem arose excess weight. So, today about 20% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from obesity, which is what the creators of newfangled diets and weight loss drugs take advantage of. And in this article you will learn everything about Dr. Bormenthal’s diet and how to calculate yours for the most effective weight loss.

What is the merit of Dr. Bormenthal?

Many believe that Dr. Bormenthal is a real person who created a unique diet. In fact, the name of the character Mikhail Bulgakov from the novel “Heart of a Dog” was named after a network of clinics whose nutritionists, psychotherapists and endocrinologists help adjust the diet and lifestyle of their patients.

The principle of nutrition according to Bormenthal has been around for more than 12 years. Over the entire period of its existence, the clinic has helped several thousand patients lose weight, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

However, not everyone can afford treatment in this institution. So, for a course on developing an individual power system, the client will have to pay about 35,000 rubles. But in addition to the diet, the doctor will necessarily prescribe various cosmetic procedures - massage, skin tightening, peeling and much more. Prices for one procedure at the clinic vary from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. But don't be upset. After all, knowing the calorie content of finished products according to Bormental and following all the recommendations, you can lose weight without expensive courses and procedures.

Diet according to Bormenthal

An individual diet in the clinic is compiled after all tests have been completed and the metabolic age of the body has been measured. However, there is a simplified weight loss scheme according to Bormenthal, based on calorie counting and gastronomic restrictions, which is suitable for almost everyone. The only exception is a group of people for whom severe food restrictions are contraindicated.

Like any diet, the principle proper nutrition according to Bormenthal, includes a number of mandatory rules, following which you can achieve very good results:

  • The patient needs to calculate his calorie corridor to determine the volume daily diet. The minimum amount of food consumed should not be below 1100 calories per day.
  • For quick results, you need to consume enough proteins, vegetables and fruits every day.
  • To accurately count calories you need to purchase
  • according to Bormenthal, it should always be in a visible place.
  • Be sure to drink at least 2.5-3 liters clean water in a day. This will avoid dehydration.
  • Meals should be divided into 6-8 approaches.
  • Do not ignore the need for regular physical activity, which will help speed up your metabolism.
  • Make it a rule to arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week.

Daily menu

Nutritional rules according to Bormenthal suggest a daily balanced diet containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the body will not receive the most necessary substances and the consequences may be negative.

The advantage of the diet is that a person can eat absolutely everything. The main thing is to correctly calculate the calorie corridor according to Bormental. Over time, a person learns to determine which foods make him feel full faster and what should be permanently excluded from his diet.

How to calculate your calorie corridor?

You can calculate the calorie corridor according to Bormenthal using the following simple formula: OO = A + B - B, where:

  • A = weight x 9.99;
  • B = height x 6.25;
  • B = age x 4.92.

From the resulting number, women need to subtract 161, and men add 5. The resulting figure is the calorie corridor according to Bormenthal, which will allow you to maintain weight. If you subtract 200-300 calories from this number, you get the daily requirement for weight loss. The table of caloric content of foods according to Bormenthal will help you calculate your diet. However, it is not recommended to consume less than 1100 calories per day, as the body will become weak and exhausted.

Table according to Bormenthal

For convenient calculation of calories consumed, there is a special table that shows the parameters of the main products typical for the diet of Russian residents. Calorie content here is indicated per 100 grams. In other words, if you need to calculate the value of 300 grams of any product, then the number of calories from the table must be multiplied by 3. So, knowing the calorie content of products according to Bormenthal, you can correctly structure your diet so as not only to avoid gaining excess weight, but also to lose weight .

Product Calories per 100 g Product Calories per 100 g
Mutton315 Cream120
Beef180 Sour cream115
Brisket470 Ice cream220
Duck400 Ryazhenka85
Pork265 Yogurt51
Boiled sausage250 Brynza260
Smoked sausage380 Wheat flour348
Sausages135 Rye flour350
Turkey150 Rice337
Veal90 Beans328
Granular caviar250 Semolina340
Pollock caviar120 Buckwheat345
Pollock70 Pearl barley341
Shrimps85 Oatmeal380
Flounder89 Lentils310
Pike41 Peas278
Zander45 Soybeans395
Salmon140 Millet352
Cod60 Cocoa (powder)375
Perch94 Chicken egg65
Bream48 Sea kale16
Crab70 Language156
Herring57 Canned fish319
Milk60 Pasta350
Kefir38 Cereals304
Cottage cheese226 Cornflakes369
Parmesan cheese330 Potato83
Russian cheese371 Carrot33
Curd cheeses380 Onion25

Calorie content of ready meals according to Bormenthal

For the convenience of calculating calorie content, specialists from the Doctor Bormental clinic have developed a table based on the most common dishes in Russia that are prepared in any family. Thus, you don’t have to count the calorie content of all the components of a salad or soup; you just need to find the required name in the table.

Dish Calories per 100 g Dish Calories per 100 g
Boiled potatoes250 Vegetable salad97
Fried potatoes310 Borsch116
Boiled buckwheat370 Okroshka260
Braised cabbage160 Rassolnik245
Fish meatballs250 The vinaigrette130
Meatballs350 A sausage sandwich150
Boiled chicken130 Vegetable caviar90
Stuffed cabbage rolls500 Pea soup240
Beef with vegetables290 Kharcho235
Cutlets92 Potato soup233
Beef Goulash340 Noodles soup250
Fish with vegetables220 Aspic40
Wheat bread265 Rice porrige300
Rye bread215 Baked chicken370

Dr. Bormenthal's calorie table allows patients to be more attentive to their health and regulate their daily food intake.

Proper completion of the diet

Exiting the two-week diet should be smooth. So, you should add 50-100 calories to your daily intake for 2-3 days. After the diet, the patient is advised to adhere to his calorie range. If your calorie intake increases, you will eventually begin to gain weight again.

You should not abruptly interrupt your diet and increase the amount of calories above the daily norm. Such a sharp jump could disrupt metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to an immediate gain of fat mass.


The Bormenthal diet should not be used certain groups persons This includes children under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly. The table of caloric content of foods according to Bormental in case of contraindications is not mandatory, but everyone needs to exclude fast food and other harmful foods from their diet.

Under no circumstances should anyone who suffers from any chronic or infectious diseases or hormonal disorders go on this diet. In any case, it is imperative to consult with specialists - a psychotherapist, an endocrinologist and, of course, a nutritionist.

Additional measures in the fight for a slim figure

In addition to proper nutrition, various cosmetic procedures that can be done at home effectively promote weight loss. Vacuum or roller massage with the addition of essential oils citrus. Those who are faced with the problem of saggy and dry skin after a sudden weight loss will benefit from body wraps. Laminaria can be used as a base for wraps ( seaweed), blue and white clay, ground coffee or honey.

However, any cosmetic procedure has its contraindications. Thus, wraps should not be performed by people who are allergic to the components of one or another composition used, as well as by pregnant women and those who are actively undergoing inflammatory processes in organism. A sudden release of toxins during the procedure can only worsen the situation.

Physical activity is included in the mandatory weight loss program according to Bormenthal. You can start with classic exercises, gradually increasing the load and number of repetitions. It is imperative to walk for 1-2 hours a day fresh air. Swimming, yoga classes for beginners and cycling are very helpful in fighting extra pounds. In addition, physical activity will prevent the sagging skin that everyone who loses weight experiences. And, of course, you should always calculate the calorie content of ready-made dishes according to Bormenthal.

Dr. Bormenthal's diet for weight loss and its basic rules, as well as the pros and cons of this diet, and a menu for the week with a diet of foods.

Overweight people use various weight loss techniques. They try various diets and work out in fitness clubs. One of the most effective methods today is the Bormenthal diet.

What is Dr. Bormenthal's diet?

This is a kind of comprehensive weight loss technique that contains several components, the main ones being nutrition and psychological state. This technique does not promise quick results. Weight loss will be slow but guaranteed.

According to the developers, weight gain is due to improper eating behavior. When, during stressful situations, a person tries to “eat up” negative emotions, or, on the contrary, to reward himself with something tasty for his achievements. At the initial stage, a person must understand the reasons for overeating. What factors led to this result and learn how to experience stress differently, without the participation of food.
This diet is suitable for all overweight people, with the exception of those for whom this method is medically contraindicated.

There are several basic diet rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you starve. During hunger, metabolic processes in the body are inhibited, metabolism decreases, which will lead to excess weight gain. Do not forget that by satisfying your hunger you will lose weight. When food enters the body, the metabolic process starts, thereby melting fat. For this reason, it is important to have a full breakfast. Breakfast is considered to be the meal taken in the morning, not the first meal.
  2. It is very important to learn to distinguish appetite from hunger. When the stomach begins to demand food, this is hunger, and if you are just bored and want a snack, then this is appetite. You should eat only at the request of the stomach, and not the soul.
  3. Always count calories. The daily calorie intake is 900-1500. Its value will be individual and depends on your lifestyle and initial weight. If you are hungry, then you should raise the bar. As mentioned earlier, you can’t go hungry. When playing sports, you should increase your calorie intake, and if you have a passive lifestyle, reduce it.
  4. You don't have to force yourself to eat Brussels sprouts if you don't like them. Eat what you enjoy, but in such quantities as not to exceed your daily calorie intake. There are no strictly prohibited dishes.
  5. You need to accurately calculate the actual number of kilograms that you need to lose to optimal weight. Optimal weight is not the desired weight, but the one that is suitable for you, taking into account your height, initial weight, age, gender and other determining parameters.
  6. You need to drink the amount of liquid that your body requires. Don't pour liters of water into yourself to fill your stomach. The water will quickly come out and the feeling of hunger will come again.
  7. Don't forget about light sports. This could be swimming, walking or skiing.

Low-calorie foods are taken as the basis. This does not mean. That you won't be able to afford steak or cake. You can eat any food, but keep in mind that you need to meet your daily calorie intake and not be hungry. It is useful to include a variety of boiled cereals, fruits, and vegetable oils in your diet. Reduce the consumption of sausages, fatty foods, and sweets to a minimum - these foods are high in calories.

There are no weight loss methods without contraindications. There are groups of people for whom Dr. Bormenthal’s weight loss technique cannot be applied. These include pregnant women, mothers while breastfeeding, persons under the age of majority, and the elderly. Patients with cancer, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Also having chronic diseases. During an exacerbation, you should not use this diet on yourself. In any case, you should first consult a specialist, because switching to low-calorie foods will lead to stress for the body. So you can consider what are the positive and negative aspects of this diet.


  • One of the big advantages is that it will certainly give results. Everyone loses weight individually, but it can be considered at a rapid pace compared to others.
  • Eating occurs on average every 4 hours, and as a result, the desire to simply have a snack almost never arises.
  • There are no restrictions on products. If you want to eat something high-calorie, then do not deny yourself it. Just count the number of calories and make your next meal less high in calories.


  • One of the main disadvantages is this. That the body will initially experience stress, which may manifest itself as weakness and decreased performance. Deterioration of mood. It can also lead to decreased immunity and possible hormonal disorders.
  • With initial weight loss, and subsequently, the skin may become loose. And the muscles are weak. For this reason, it is necessary to keep the body in shape; physical activity and physiotherapy are required.
  • In the first weeks, you may feel unwell from reducing the amount of carbohydrates and calories.
  • Constant calorie counting is required. Even if you reach your optimal weight, you will still need to keep records and count the calorie content of your meals for some time. After all, it is important not only to achieve results, but also to consolidate them.
  • Constantly control your appetite. Only hunger can be satisfied. Therefore, you will have to give up festive feasts.

Dr. Bormenthal's diet for weight loss - menu for the week

It is best to plan your diet in advance for the day, even better for the week. Here is one example of a week's nutrition according to Bormenthal.

1 day. Breakfast -

two boiled eggs - 130 kcal;
sea ​​cabbage 100g – 16 kcal;
a cup of unsweetened tea – 2 kcal;

Breakfast 2

cup of unsweetened tea – 2
two pieces of chocolate – 68


mushroom soup 200g – 52
cabbage salad with sunflower oil – 83
boiled potatoes 100g - 126
boiled pike perch 50g – 35
cup of hot tea – 2

Afternoon snack
100 g vinaigrette – 128

boiled buckwheat 100g+ beef goulash 30g – 257
a cup of hot tea with sugar – 29

Dinner 2
glass of low-fat kefir – 62

Day 2 Breakfast

boiled egg – 65
pearl barley porridge 100g – 137
green apple – 45
cup of tea without sugar – 2

Breakfast 2
banana – 80

borscht with chicken broth – 40
rice porridge 100g – 150
beef goulash 30g – 54
cup of sweet tea – 29

Afternoon snack
cottage cheese casserole from low-fat cottage cheese 100g – 86
a cup of sweet hot tea – 29

stewed cabbage 100g – 90
cup of sweet tea – 29

Dinner 2
glass of 1% kefir – 76

Day 3 Breakfast
omelette - 2 eggs and mushrooms – 250
tea – 2
2 gummies – 70 kcal. Breakfast 2
boiled chicken 100g – 135
cucumber 50g – 8
sweet tea – 29

Pea soup 200g – 120
chicken casserole with mushrooms 100g – 157
cup of sweet tea – 29

Afternoon snack
cherries 100g – 50

boiled potatoes 100g – 90
beet salad 50g – 33
cup of sweet tea – 29

Dinner 2
glass of kefir – 60

4 day Breakfast
millet porridge 100g – 168
boiled duck 50g – 75
carrot salad – 30

Breakfast 2
cup of tea without sugar – 2
marshmallows – 80

200g fish soup – 93
black bread 2 pieces – 16
cabbage salad – 83
cup of sweet tea – 29

Afternoon snack
vinaigrette – 64
boiled pike 50g – 35

vegetable stew – 97
carrot salad – 33
a cup of sweet tea – 29 kcal.

Dinner 2
glass of yogurt 170

5 day Breakfast
oatmeal – 177
apple – 45
half a marshmallow – 60
tea – 2 kcal.

Breakfast 2
cucumber salad with sour cream – 56
boiled chicken breast 50g – 77
sweet tea – 29 kcal.

pickle 200g – 134
rice porridge 50g – 56
bread 2 pieces - 16 k
sweet tea – 29

Afternoon snack
Banana and apple salad 100g – 103 kcal.

stewed zucchini with beef – 107
cucumber – 24
cup of sweet tea – 29

glass of low-fat kefir – 62

The Bormenthal diet was created through the joint efforts of nutritionists, psychologists, and doctors from various fields. The technique does not involve fasting or strict food restrictions, but requires compliance with certain rules. The process of losing weight occurs without much effort, there is no psychological discomfort, and there is no load on the internal organs. The program was developed in 2001 taking into account the peculiarities of the life rhythm of a modern person.

The Bormenthal diet differs from other methods in the absence of clear restrictions.

  1. A person is allowed to eat what he wants, but in small quantities. If you want a chocolate candy or a cake, you can satisfy your desire. The brain receives information that the need has been satisfied, and the craving for this product will not appear soon.
  2. Daily calorie content should be 1200 kcal for women, 1400 kcal for men. You need to constantly count calories and record data in a diary. You can see what it should look like on the Internet, and you can download the form. The calorie content of breakfast should be 30%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%, second dinner - no more than 10%.
  3. Meals are four times a day, plus an extra dinner. The break between meals should be no more than 4 hours. The last dinner is recommended 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Drink 2 liters of pure spring water per day. You should start your day with a glass of water.
  5. You should limit your consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates. These include premium pasta, flour, confectionery, any sweets, except honey, dried fruits.
  6. It is not recommended to eat fatty foods, salty, spicy, smoked, and canned foods. Food should be steamed, boiled, baked. Serve warm. Too cold dishes make digestion difficult, hot ones cause burns and irritate the mucous membranes.
  7. Dietary nutrition involves avoiding alcoholic drinks. Alcohol slows down metabolic processes. Introduce more protein foods into your diet, both plant and animal origin. Chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork, rabbit, lamb, seafood, fish. Fiber-rich unsweetened fruits, nuts, seeds, low-fat fermented milk products.
  8. To control your weight, you should weigh yourself daily and record the results in a diary.
  9. Physical activity during the diet is not recommended, but is allowed. If you plan to go to the gym or do heavy physical work, you should add another 200 kcal to your daily diet.

The Bormenthal diet is one of the most loyal. A person does not change his usual diet much, but slightly adjusts it. The basic principle of the diet is proper nutrition, calorie distribution, and strict weight control.

Results of the Bormenthal diet

In a week, without discomfort and special restrictions, it is possible to lose up to 4 kg. The important thing is that a person does not experience psychological discomfort and does not feel limited. Can afford any tasty dish.

The Bormenthal diet has no time limits. Gradually, it develops its own diet, which is then maintained throughout its life. Having studied the calorie content of each individual product, you can create a menu and adjust the nutritional value without a diary. There is no difficult way out of the diet, eat proper nutrition all your life.

Advantages, disadvantages

The Bormenthal diet has a lot of advantages, thanks to which many women and men choose it.

Positive sides:

  • There are no special restrictions on food. You can afford sweets, candy, chocolate, cake.
  • Psychological comfort is not disturbed, the diet takes place without stress for the body.
  • You can choose yourself proper diet on every day.
  • Physical activity is allowed with adjustments in caloric intake.
  • An individual nutrition system is developed, which is maintained throughout life, not only during the period of weight loss.
  • Weight loss up to 4 kg per week, normalization of metabolic processes, cleansing the body.
  • You can use regular products, without buying special delicacies.

Negative sides:

  • The need to constantly count calories, which causes inconvenience during initial stages dietary nutrition.
  • Keeping a diary, weighing yourself daily. You need to get used to this, set aside time for these activities every day.
  • The temptation to afford more is high. I'll eat today, but won't tomorrow. But it’s not always possible to keep everything under control.

The Bormenthal diet is easy to use, but requires serious intentions, internal discipline, and a firm decision to lose weight. overweight. reinforce dietary food requires a psychological attitude. The need for keeping a diary and weighing disappears after studying the calorie content of each familiar product. The serving size is determined by eye. Therefore, there are no particular disadvantages in the Bermental method of losing weight.


You should prepare for the diet. Buy kitchen scales, floor scales. Choose a notebook for keeping a diary.

  1. The menu needs to be compiled in the evening. Calculating the calorie content of each product, values ​​per 100 g can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. You are allowed to eat no more than 200 g of food at a time. Portions should be small. After each meal there should be a slight feeling of hunger.
  3. The meal should be completed with a cup of hot tea, sweet cookies, candy, or fruit. This gives a feeling of completion and satiety. The brain receives information that feeding is complete.
  4. Snacks during the day are allowed between breakfast, lunch, and after dinner. But they must be extremely light.
  5. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. The meal lasts about 15 minutes. Dishes are served at a comfortable temperature. In this case, saturation occurs, food is easily digested, and internal organs work harmoniously.
  6. You need to start the day with a glass of clean water. Drink at least 2 liters per day, not including tea, compote, and other drinks. We are talking about spring water, or at least non-carbonated mineral water.
  7. Alcoholic drinks and spices stimulate the appetite. When losing weight, you should avoid them; in the future, they are allowed, but taking into account the calorie content. You should reduce your intake of salt and sugar, but do not give them up altogether.
  8. After eating a piece of cake or chocolate, you need to subtract the calorie content of the product, subtract it from the daily norm. There must be balance.
  9. Fasting days should be arranged once a week. Eat only apples, kefir, cabbage.
  10. During illness or malaise, you should add 200 calories to your daily diet and introduce a plentiful drinking regime.

You need to be prepared for the fact that your weight will remain unchanged for the first 3 weeks, but you shouldn’t despair. The body gradually adapts to a new mode of operation and gets used to the regime. Therefore, significant results can be seen after a month. By continuing to eat right, you can achieve the desired result and maintain it for a long time.

Contraindications, special instructions

The technique is not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, mental disorders. For chronic diseases of the digestive tract, you can use the Bormenthal diet, but prepare dishes taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Not recommended for children under 18 years of age, adults over 60 years of age, patients with diabetes mellitus, or cancer.

The Bormenthal diet is one of the few methods that does not deprive a person of energy reserves; on the contrary, it promotes replenishment. It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products, nuts, and lean meats. At the same time, it is recommended to give up unhealthy snacks, alcohol, spicy, fried, and salty foods.

During the diet, the extra pounds are not just lost, the body is healed and cleansed of waste and toxins. With the right approach, you can use the technique during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Physical activity promotes fat burning and speeds up metabolic processes. That's why the right combination Diets and physical activity are also welcome.

Tables for the Bormenthal diet

The most important thing in the technique is to study the calorie content of foods.

Meat products kcal/100 g FishAndseafood kcal/100 g Dairy kcal/100 g Legumes and grains kcal/100 g
brisket 480 carp 80 curd cheese 385 cocoa powder 380
ham 370 chum salmon 160 Lambert cheese 382 soybeans 400
Korean 430 bream 50 Russian cheese 377 oat groats 375
braised pork 350 pollock 75 Dutch cheese 360 cereals 310
sausage 350 fried salmon 135 Parmesan cheese 340 wheat flour 350
mutton 310 smoked salmon 375 cream 20% 295 wheat cereal 345
beef fried 200 perch 100 sour cream 20% 215 Rye flour 350
beef stew 175 zander 45 cottage cheese 20% 250 barley groats 340
fried chicken 200 herring 60 cottage cheese 0% 85 pearl barley 345
140 cod 60 ice cream 210 corn flakes 370
rabbit meat 110 pike 40 milk 3.2% 55 semolina 348
turkey 145 pollock caviar 125 kefir 3.2% 65 buckwheat 335
goose 280 chum salmon caviar 250 kefir 0% 35 rice 340
duck 380 squid 80 Ryazhenka 90 lentils 320
beef liver 115 canned fish in oil 330 acidophilus 60 beans 330
language 155 seaweed 20 yogurt 60 millet 355
kidneys 70 crayfish 80 feta cheese 255 barley flakes 320
heart 90 sprats in oil 245 curdled milk 65
sausages 140 crabs 80 cottage cheese with sour cream 255 chickenegg kcal/100 g
sausages 165 shrimps 90 full fat yogurt 95 fresh chicken egg 75
veal 85 herring 100 milkshake 195 egg powder 550

Bormental's diary records information; it is kept in free form, but more conveniently in the form of a table. Products, names of dishes, serving size, number of calories, as well as the results achieved after each weighing are indicated.

According to the diary, you can track the trend towards weight loss, determine which foods contribute to the rapid dissolution of fats, and which ones delay the process. Based on this, the menu is adjusted.

Menu for every day

You can make up your own meals for every day, but for a clear example, a menu is given with a ready-made calculation of calories for the daily requirement.


  • boiled or steamed chicken breast, 80 g (70 kcal);
  • soy sauce, 2 teaspoons (8 kcal);
  • boiled buckwheat, 80 g (70 kcal);
  • tomato (19 kcal);
  • half a cake, a cup of black coffee without sugar (35 kcal).

The total calorie content of a delicious breakfast is 200 units.


  • cabbage soup, or soup, 300 g (63 kcal);
  • 2 pieces of black bread or crispbread (26 kcal);
  • a spoonful of low-fat sour cream (8 kcal);
  • half a marshmallow, tea without sugar (50 kcal).

The nutritional value of lunch is 147 kcal.


  • boiled potatoes, 150 g (60 kcal);
  • sauerkraut, 150 g (20 kcal);
  • lean fish, 100 g (60 kcal);
  • tea without sugar, 2 gummies (40 kcal).

Lunch calories are 185 units.


  • boiled or steamed rice, 80 g (85 kcal);
  • sour sauce, 2 spoons (8 kcal);
  • boiled veal, 80 g (80 kcal);
  • cucumbers, 100 g (22 kcal);
  • unsweetened tea, 2 slices of dark chocolate (70 kcal).

The nutritional value of dinner is 265 kcal.

Second dinner

  • sour cabbage soup, 300 g (63 kcal);
  • bread (13 kcal);
  • sour cream, 1 teaspoon (8 kcal);
  • banana (60 kcal);
  • kefir 1%, glass.

Nutritional value – 200 kcal.

For the whole day, a person receives about 1000 kcal.

Recipes for delicious dietary dishes

Prepare something delicious low calorie dish can be done with a prescription. Experts have already calculated the number of calories per 100 g in advance.

Boyar-style meat

Heat 20 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan, lay out 200 g of chopped onions, on top 350 g chicken breast, cut into thin slices. Place 150 g of champignons and 180 g of tomatoes, cut into rings, onto the chicken. Pour 100 g of mayonnaise on top, sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in the oven for 45 minutes. The calorie content of the finished dish is 117 kcal.

Uganda salad

Cut a banana into slices, mix with 25 g of oatmeal, pre-soaked raisins (30 g), 50 g of lean ham, cut into cubes. Mix 0.5 cups of sour cream with the juice of one lemon and zest. Pour over the salad, let it sit for half an hour, and serve with fresh lettuce. Calorie content - 129 units.

Vegetable stew

Cut 300 g of tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants into cubes, 1 each bell pepper, onion. The peel is pre-cleaned. Pour into a saucepan vegetable oil, throw in the onion, sauté until golden brown, throw in the rest of the vegetables. Simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour with salt, a little water, add to the vegetables. Simmer until done. The nutritional value- 27 kcal.

Dessert with banana

You will need 125 g of low-fat yogurt, 200 g of cottage cheese, berries, banana, 1 teaspoon of cocoa or a slice of chocolate. Cottage cheese is mixed with yogurt, berries and chopped banana are added, and sprinkled with cocoa or grated chocolate. The calorie content of the dish is 78 kcal per 100 g.


Boil chicken backs (450 g) in water for 5 minutes. Drain the first broth, pour 2 liters of water over the meat, and place on the stove. Fry the onion in a frying pan, add beets, carrots, and at the end 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Throw the prepared vegetable dressing into boiling water, add shredded white cabbage, potatoes, salt. Cook until done. Served with sour cream and herbs. Calorie content – ​​44 units.

Quitting the diet

Bormenthal's technique does not require any sacrifices; one quickly gets used to it and does not feel burdened or deprived of joy. After achieving the desired weight loss results, you can slightly increase your daily calorie intake, but continue to follow the principles of proper nutrition. In this case, the weight will remain normal all the time.

The Bormenthal method is a psychocorrection of excess weight, which involves 25 special techniques. Thanks to them, appetite decreases, a stable motivation to lose weight is formed, food addiction is eliminated, metabolic processes are activated, and the volume of the stomach decreases.

After visiting the clinic, a person undergoes testing to determine the causes of excess weight and general health. Then he receives special instructions and begins to attend group and individual training sessions.

All activities for the development of eating behavior function in a complex and complement each other. Moreover, each subsequent technique enhances the result of the previous one.

Losing weight quickly doesn't have to be difficult

Training sessions based on the Bormenthal method teach balanced nutrition skills, create an emphasis on breathing exercises and focus on independent desire to lose weight.

Initially, specialists calculate the calorie corridor, then all difficulties are recorded and discussed. At the end of the course, the person continues to be under the supervision of a psychologist who monitors his motivation and helps him deal with breakdowns.

Thus, the main task of the clinic is:

  • detection of hidden psychological problems, preventing a person from feeling relaxed;
  • determining the causes of excess body weight.

Losing weight using the Bormenthal method

The Bormenthal method weight correction course includes 25 hours of training, which are divided into several types of classes:

Type 1 classes.

At the first stage, the psychologist tries to “transfer” a person from the fat accumulation mode to the fat consumption mode. This is how the foundations of proper eating behavior are formed, metabolism improves, and the imaginary feeling of hunger is suppressed.

Classes of 2 types.

Basics involved breathing exercises, and also instills the ability to distinguish a real feeling of hunger from an imaginary one.

Classes of 3 types.

There is a transition to a different diet due to:

  • developing the belief that pleasure comes down to more than just eating food;
  • muscle tension is removed.

Classes of 4 types.

On at this stage formation and development of independence in human actions occurs.

Subsequent classes.

They involve consolidating previously formed skills of rational, balanced nutrition and a certain system of thinking.

Dr. Bormenthal's Nutritional Principles

  • You need to take a multivitamin complex daily;
  • 1/3 of the daily food intake should be protein;
  • It is forbidden to go hungry and skip meals;
  • before meals (about 30 minutes) you need to drink a glass of water;
  • every day you should use hepatoprotectors that protect the liver and prevent fatty cirrhosis;
  • For normal digestion, it is necessary to ensure the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids into the body. fatty acids(30 ml unrefined olive oil, 20 g fatty fish, etc.);
  • alcohol consumption is prohibited;
  • useful physical activity in moderation;
  • Sweeteners are not recommended for use;
  • You should strive for one meal to combine 4 taste sensations: sour, bitter, salty, sweet;
  • careful calculation of the calorie content of foods is necessary;
  • Fruits should be treated as a delicacy and eaten half an hour before meals;
  • Carbohydrates that are easily digestible are best eaten in the first half of the day;
  • It is advisable to always have a glucose tablet or a piece of sugar with you to prevent fainting;
  • It’s better to eat while “jumping” along the corridor, namely 2-3 days along the lower limit, 2-3 days along the upper limit;
  • Dr. Bormenthal's method allows for daily consumption of 800-1000 kcal - it all depends on lifestyle. At the same time, you can eat everything, the only condition is the presence of lean animal protein in the diet;
  • products that have a “ballast” calorie content (fruits, yoghurts, juices, kefir, etc.) very poorly saturate the body, so it is better to eat a sandwich rather than juice with an apple;
  • eat hot food as often as possible;
  • in the process of losing weight, it is appropriate to use massage and physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • with a long step in reducing body weight, you can try to make a protein zigzag, namely, add 200 kcal to the upper limit of the corridor at the expense of poultry, fish and cottage cheese. You need to eat this way for 2-3 days, then follow the lower limit for 2-3 days. Then proceed as usual.

Effective Bormenthal diet or how to easily lose weight

The result of weight correction using the Bormenthal method largely depends on the motivation and desire of the client himself. So, it is easier to cope with this problem for those who came to the clinic for early stage psychological dependence on food.


  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • persons under 18 years of age, elderly age from 60 or more;
  • This technique is not recommended for athletes.

Dr. Bormenthal's method: advantages and disadvantages

  • sometimes it is permissible to enjoy your favorite ingredients;
  • literacy of specialists working with each patient;
  • effective result.
  • the diet is not balanced;
  • are not taken into account individual characteristics exchange processes;
  • can lead to bulimia and anorexia.

And remember that you are not on a temporary diet - you are changing your own lifestyle and developing a new system of eating behavior.