Separate nutrition - compatibility of products with each other. Combination of foods Nutrition: the right combination of foods. Introduction

The combination of products is also important point and gives results quickly. By following these principles, even if not 100%, you will feel the difference very soon.

When your digestive system metabolizes food quickly, you minimize the amount of toxins in the body and eliminate the presence excess weight. The first thing to do is to give preference to foods that are easy to digest. Second, eat these foods in the combinations that are easiest for digestion. Natalya Rose calls such combinations Quick exit.

Some foods eaten together, take 2-3 times longer to assimilate than other combinations. An avocado on a piece of toast will stay in the stomach for 3-4 hours (Quick exit), but the same piece of toast with an egg will already be in the stomach for 8 hours (Slow exit).

Slow exit combinations direct all your energy to the stomach, robbing you of strength and energy. And such dishes, which take 8 hours to digest in the stomach, a person can eat three times a day. This clogs the digestive tract and leads to a variety of other problems - from skin problems and fatigue to arthritis and asthma.

Products are divided into categories: starches, animal proteins, fresh vegetables and herbs, cooked vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, fruits.

– avocado (fruit, but combines like starches)
– cooked starchy vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potatoes, potatoes)
– cereals (millet, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice)
– legumes,
- boiled corn,
– bread and pasta made from whole grains.

Animal proteins
– goat/sheep cheese and other cheeses, preferably made from unpasteurized milk (ideally combined only with vegetables, but some can be combined with other animal proteins),
- fish,
– seafood,
- eggs,
- meat

Products from the same category are combined with each other.

With starches All vegetables are combined.

With animal proteins All vegetables are combined, except cooked starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, boiled corn).

Nuts, seeds and dried fruits combined with raw vegetables and herbs.

Avocado combines like starch. Can also be combined with bananas and dried fruits, but not with nuts.

Fruits should only be eaten on an empty stomach- at least 3 hours after a light meal. Never eat fruit after cooking - this will cause fermentation. Fruits leave the stomach in 20-30 minutes, so within half an hour after fruits, you can eat food from other categories.

Bananas combine with fresh fruits, dried fruits and avocados.

Dairy Can be combined with other animal proteins.

Neutral products
goes well with everything except fresh fruit. These are all raw vegetables; butter; olives, soy sauce, vegetable oils, mustard, spices; almond, etc., nut milk; unheated honey, maple syrup; lemons; dark chocolate (with 70% cocoa content).

Time between meals from different categories should be 3-4 hours.

If you have a big appetite, eat more food from one category. It is better to eat two servings of fish or two servings of whole grain pasta than to eat one serving of fish and pasta.

"Wrong" combinations you can afford it during dinner. The body will have enough time to absorb this before the next meal - breakfast.

“Wrong” combinations during lunch can deprive you of energy for the rest of the day. In addition, if you then eat dinner earlier than 8 hours later, you will complicate the situation by adding a new portion of food to the lunch fermenting in your stomach.

Chocolate with 70% cocoa content- can be an excellent dessert after a dish from any category.

"From light to heavy"
Natalia Rose advises sticking to this principle both during the day and during every meal - start with light foods and end with heavier ones. The day starts with fresh vegetable juices, fruits, then fresh vegetable salad and at the end of the day - cooked food.

Morning- the time when the body gets rid of excess. An ideal breakfast that fills you with energy and vigor - freshly squeezed juice and fruit. By having something more complex for breakfast, you interrupt the cleansing process, directing the body's forces to digestion.

Evening- a time when you want to relax, relax with family or friends. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day, as the body will have enough time to digest it before breakfast. Dinner starts with a salad of fresh vegetables and greens (helps subsequent cooked foods digest faster), followed by nuts/cooked vegetables and grains/goat cheese with vegetables or other animal proteins.

The post talks about the essence of Natalia Rose’s approach.

In the following - about the features of detox for women.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Disputes continue between supporters and opponents of the principle of separate nutrition, taking into account the compatibility of products. Why is it important for a person to know about the proper use of food and the combination of its various different types? How to help the body regulate digestion processes is a question that is interesting to answer.

Compatible and incompatible products

The study of product incompatibility began hundreds of years ago. Ancient healers thought about solving this problem, and modern researchers pay a lot of attention to it. For the health of the body, it is important that the digestive system works properly, which has its own characteristics:

  • products are processed at different rates;
  • each requires its own enzymes to digest;
  • gastric juice is secreted differently to digest different foods;
  • Protein processing requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment.

Using incompatible products causes the body to spend more energy on processing. When one type of food has been digested, ready to be absorbed and excreted, the time has not come for another. Enzymes have not yet been developed - ptyalin in the mouth, the rest - in the stomach. Intestinal dysfunction occurs:

  • the process of rotting and fermentation begins;
  • food is not digested;
  • splitting stops;
  • absorption of nutrients does not occur;
  • toxins are formed that poison the body;
  • various diseases develop.

Compatibility of buckwheat with fish

One of the postulates of separate nutrition is the prohibition of mixing animal proteins and products containing starch. Buckwheat and fish are foods that are not recommended for consumption at the same time. Best option– both products can be eaten separately, with the addition of herbs and vegetables. The reason of that:

  • fish– protein foods that require acid production;
  • buckwheat– belongs to the type of cereals, is rich in starch, it needs an alkaline environment for the assimilation process.

Compatibility of cottage cheese with banana

Is it right to eat a dessert that adults and children love, containing cottage cheese and banana? It is believed that the combination of sweet fruits and sugar is incompatible with protein products. There is a wonderful exception to the rule. Quickly digestible bananas can be consumed in combination with the following foods:

  • fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • greenery;
  • seeds.

Combination of fruits with each other

When thinking about incompatible products, it is important to know that these include melons - watermelon, melon. They require consumption separately from other food, several hours after ingestion. This is especially true for melon, which is digested instantly, starting the fermentation process, leaving other products to rot. The combination of fruits depends on the type to which they belong:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sour.

It is believed that fruit is a product incompatible with other foods, requiring separate consumption between main meals. They fit together like this:

  • sweet– dates, banana, persimmon, dried fruits – are digested slowly, their separate use is preferable, simultaneous use with semi-sweet ones, with each other is acceptable;
  • sour– orange, grapes, pear, currant – compatible with everything;
  • semi-sweet– , berries, apricots are compatible with the first two types.

Compatible vegetables for separate meals

The most favorable food, combined with most foods, is vegetables, which are actively used in separate meals. This speeds up the digestion process. It is not recommended to mix them with milk or fruit. There are compatible vegetables that can be combined with several groups:

  • with my– cabbage, sweet peppers, radishes, cucumbers;
  • with proteins– meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs;
  • fats– vegetable oil;
  • starchy foods– bread, pasta, flour products, potatoes.

What products cannot be combined

As a result of the research, it became clear which foods are not recommended to be mixed. This includes a combination of products:

  • coffee– – caffeine prevents beneficial substances from being absorbed;
  • tomatoes– (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.) – acid in vegetables interferes with the absorption of starches;
  • meat, eggs,– sugar – fermentation occurs;
  • fish– cereals, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.), sour cream – different times for digestion;
  • fermented milk food- meat, bread, cereals - the reason is the same.

Product incompatibility table

To make life easier for those who want to lose weight or who preach the benefits of separate meals, a table has been developed to help quickly navigate the choice of healthy food. With its help, you can figure out which foods should not be eaten together. The table is a grid, at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns of which there is a compatibility mark. Wherein:

  • in the first column from top to bottom the products are listed by number;
  • the top line contains numbers corresponding to the food order from the first column.

Shelton compatibility table

The American scientist Herbert Shelton, who wrote many books on weight loss and fasting, dealt seriously with the issue of separate nutrition. Thanks to his research and propaganda, the system of combining incompatible products became widespread. Shelton has developed a table with which you can easily figure out what you need to eat with what. This promotes stomach function and the ability to stay healthy.

Shelton's table in the intersection of graphs helps to find out the compatibility of the main types of food used by humans. By examining the material, you can understand that melon cannot be combined with anything. It is recommended, for example, to use together:

  • meat– non-starchy vegetables – eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper;
  • potatoes, breadvegetable oil;
  • cereals– all vegetables;
  • sweet fruits– fermented milk products, cottage cheese;
  • starchy vegetablescauliflower, pumpkin, carrots - everything except sugar.

Incompatible foods for weight loss

Using the ideas of separate nutrition, you can not only help the body become healthy, but also lose excess weight thanks to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are diets that take into account incompatible foods when losing weight. You should know incompatible groups:

  • squirrels– eggs, meat – flour products;
  • bread– sugar, tomatoes;
  • fish, meat– grains;
  • sour cream, butter– nuts, proteins;
  • porridge– tomatoes, sour fruits;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, berries, nuts- sugar;
  • at the same time animal proteins, plant origin .

What products are incompatible with antibiotics?

When a doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their combination with food. Antibiotics already have a negative effect on the body, so incompatible products should not add problems. It is necessary to read the instructions for the medications, which stipulate contraindications for eating certain foods at this time. This is especially true for drinking alcohol.

There are products that are incompatible with antibiotics and cause problems:

  • milk, fermented milk food– calcium in the composition binds active substance, which, instead of being absorbed, is excreted from the body, neutralizing the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  • cola, pepsi– irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sour fruits, dry wine, vinegar, pickles– negatively affects the liver.

Products incompatible with milk

Dairy products are a special food for an adult. The body does not produce the required amount of special enzymes to digest them. Can milk be combined with other foods? This product is not compatible with anything. It is advisable to use it in the diet separately from other products, otherwise complications are possible:

  • when combined with melonlaxative effect;
  • consumption with salty and sour foods– herring, cucumbers – pain, poisoning;
  • together with soda- a violent process in the stomach.

Products incompatible with alcohol

It is believed that alcoholic drinks may cause poisoning. At the same time, few people think that these consequences are possible when eating incompatible foods for snacks. This reaction is associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of food with alcohol:

  • mushrooms– actively secrete poisons that enter the bloodstream and affect the liver;
  • chocolate– stimulates the outflow of bile, and alcohol makes it difficult to remove it, provoking a spasm of the sphincter of the duct into the duodenum, – acute pancreatitis develops;
  • grapefruit– blocks liver enzymes that break down alcohol – causes severe poisoning.

It is necessary to combine food and alcohol with caution to avoid unwanted reactions:

  • when washed down with drinks, juices containing sugar, the latter is quickly digested, leaving the alcohol undigested, which leads to poisoning;
  • savory snacks– horseradish, pepper, mustard, slow down the destruction of alcohol, which poisons the liver and harms the heart and blood vessels;
  • melon in combination with alcohol it has laxative properties;
  • grilled meat requires lengthy digestion; alcohol, remaining in the body for a long time, causes symptoms of poisoning.

Each of us has our own rhythm and our own tasks. If you want to be healthy, develop a healthy lifestyle.

Hiromi Shinya

Nutrition: the right combination of foods. Introduction

Nutrition is what people spend most of their time, effort and energy on every day. It is the subject of discussion both at home and at work, among both men and women. The issue of choosing food for people is so serious that often, when meeting a person we previously did not know, it is the presence of some common culinary preferences that can determine whether we like this person or not. You can see that food unites people, but it can also divide them into entire nations. So, if the first sign of a person’s belonging to a particular nation is the language of communication, then the second sign can rightfully be considered the choice of food and a set of culinary preferences. But what is nutrition, and why do we really need it?

From food we get all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Nutrition gives us the strength and energy to live a full life. But nowadays many people think of food not as fuel for the body, but as a means of satisfying their own cravings and desires. More and more often we forget that food, first of all, should be healthy and easily absorbed by the body. After all, healthy food has a beneficial effect on the state of both the body and mind of a person. We are what we eat - the cells of our body are built from the building material that we supply them.

Modern people have forgotten one of the main principles in life - “do no harm,” which applies both to the creatures around them and to themselves. Just like our body, our mind and thoughts are largely dependent on food. For example, there is an opinion according to which eating the meat of a killed animal causes mental blocks and a deep sense of fear in people, similar to those the feelings that the animal experienced at the time of killing. As a result, a person on an intuitive level is afraid to live a full and free life, expand his horizons, and take full responsibility for himself and his family. Nevertheless, refusing to harm animals and switching to a vegetarian diet is by no means a sufficient condition for a healthy lifestyle.

Human nutrition must first of all follow the laws of nature, and if you pay attention to the living creatures living on our planet, you will notice that not a single living creature, except humans, mixes different foods during the feeding process. Cooking is an invention of mankind, originally invented to enrich and decorate human life, but turned into a set of culinary (often harmful) human habits. The desire to enjoy food has developed in people the habit of eating foods that are often completely incompatible with each other. And this, in turn, became the cause of all kinds of diseases and illnesses.

Nutrition experts say that the key to healthy eating is simplicity. The simpler the better. After all, each type of product has its own order of absorption in the human body. The ease of its absorption is due to the finely tuned work of various vital systems of the body: from the endocrine glands to the symbiosis of the billion bacteria inhabiting the human intestines. On the other hand, when choosing food it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics person. What benefits one may harm another. Therefore, the choice of food must be approached consciously.

How our ancestors ate

If we turn to the recent past and look at how our ancestors lived just a few centuries ago, we will notice that people ate quite simply, but were healthy and hardy. Since ancient times, people in Rus' have eaten whole grain porridge, butter, bread, steamed turnips and other simple foods. So, turnips were prepared very simply - steamed. This is where the expression comes from: simpler than steamed turnips. Many other folk sayings have come down to us, testifying to the simplicity of people’s diet at that time:

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.

You can't spoil porridge with oil.

Where there is porridge with butter, this is our place.

Bread is the head of everything.

Water will wash you and feed you bread.

Since ancient times, in Rus' they baked bread from whole-ground flour using sourdough and without yeast. The bread was rye, wheat, amaranth, spelled and other types. They baked bread from sourdough dough with the addition of various seeds, herbs and roots. Before baking, such dough was fermented with the help of lactic acid bacteria, as a result of which heavy starches and sugars were converted into easy-to-digest organic compounds, the bread was enriched with essential amino acids, B vitamins (including B1, B7, B12 and PP), minerals and trace elements . As a result, bread was valuable in composition, self-sufficient and easily digestible product.

The diet of modern man and G. Shelton's nutritional rules

Over the past couple of centuries, after the start of large-scale industrialization, human life, ecology, nutrition and everyday life have changed significantly. Thus, today in many regions of the Earth the soils are so depleted that cereals, fruits, vegetables and other food products do not have half the nutritional value that they previously had. Besides, modern man eats less and less fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, replacing them with heavy, processed, denatured and vitamin-deprived foods. People lead a sedentary lifestyle, often eat snacks, and fast food is ubiquitous. The most popular food product on Earth, bread, is made from polished grains using yeast - it is already difficult to classify it as healthy food. Moreover, sweet, buttery, yeast-based flour products are more popular than ever, causing fermentation in the human intestines and various diseases of the body.

It is no coincidence that it was in the 20th century, when the health of most people deteriorated greatly, that people began to wonder what kind of nutrition was the most correct. At this time, the theory of the so-called separate nutrition of Herbert Shelton and Howard Hay became widespread. Naturopathic physician and nutritionist Herbert Shelton argued that you should only eat foods that go well together. According to Shelton, thanks the right choice food can ensure maximum absorption of nutrients without harming the health of the human body. In addition, Shelton recommended adhering to a number of simple rules: fresh fruits and vegetables should make up more than 50 percent of a person’s diet, refined foods, fast food and table salt should not be consumed, food should be chewed thoroughly, and kept high physical activity, do not eat before bed and more.

Another famous naturopathic doctor, Howard Hay, largely supported the ideas of Herbert Shelton. In addition to the ideas of separate nutrition, he also paid serious attention to the acid-base reaction of the blood when eating food. According to Howard Hay, it is necessary to ensure that a person's diet consists more of foods that alkalize the body, such as salads, greens, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, in the human diet, the proportion of food products that oxidize the body, such as beans, lentils, cereals and potatoes, should be minimal.

The famous European physician, Dr. Ludwig Walb, conducted a series of scientific research and showed how, following the nutritional rules of Shelton and Hay, you can successfully treat people suffering from diabetes, diseases of the blood vessels, heart and other internal organs. Thus, the effectiveness of the rules of separate nutrition has been proven not only by the great popularity of their ideas among people, but also as a result of clinical studies.

Proper nutrition: what goes with what

Modern nutritionists and naturopathic doctors have much in common in their understanding of healthy eating:

  • You need to be able to combine products correctly, for example, cereals can be combined with vegetables, but flour products should not be consumed with sweets;
  • The share of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet should be more than 50%;
  • You need to chew food slowly and be sure to listen to the feeling of fullness;
  • You need to eat in moderation and maintain high physical activity;
  • The last meal should be 4-6 hours before bedtime;
  • You need to exclude any refined foods, fast food and table salt from your diet;
  • You can’t go to stores on an empty stomach;
  • It is advisable to stick to two meals a day.

Scheme of the optimal combination of food products according to G. Shelton

Rules for healthy eating according to Ayurveda

To get a complete understanding of the rules of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, let us turn to the ancient texts of Yoga and the Vedas. Thus, Ayurveda says:

The nutritional rules of each person are individual and depend on his nature, innate constitution, metabolic rate, life goals and personal duty to society.

Ayurveda contains knowledge about how, with the help of certain nutritional rules, you can influence the state of a person’s body and mind. According to this text, the body's constitution is determined by the balance of three physical energies called Doshas: Vata ('Wind'), Pitta ('Bile') and Kapha ('Mucus'). It is believed that health is in order when all three Doshas are balanced with each other. For example, a person with a predominance of Kapha is a person with a slow metabolism and suffering from excess weight. To restore health, such a person needs to eat foods that reduce Kapha and increase Pitta and Vata.

Ayurveda also explains what nutrition is required for different activities and also relates a person's activities to the nature of his thoughts. A person's thoughts can be in one of three states: goodness (Sattva), passion (Rajas) and ignorance (Tamas). For example, a person who is in a state of Rajas is very active, impulsive and may take hasty actions. In the state of Sattva, a person is calm and reasonable. In a state of Tamas, he is indifferent and lazy.

Foods of goodness include: cereals, legumes, nuts, honey, cereals, fruits, dairy products.

Foods of passion include: spicy foods, onions, garlic, tea, coffee, fried foods.

The food of ignorance includes: highly fatty or highly sweet foods, spoiled or old foods, refined foods, alcohol, white flour, meat products, fish and eggs.

Through a certain combination of food products, Ayurveda allows you to regulate both the mental state and the constitution of the human body. For example, for a person engaged in spiritual practices, it is necessary to eat sattvic food, and if such a person has an active metabolism, sattvic food must be combined with food that increases Pitta Dosha, i.e., slows down the metabolism. Another example: if a person who is active and active by nature experiences apathy or laziness at some point in his life, then he may need to eat rajasic foods in combination with foods that restore the balance of his Doshas.

Despite the individual approach to human health in Ayurveda, there are a number of general universal rules for healthy eating:

  • Fruits are best eaten separately from other foods;
  • Rice and other grains go well with vegetables;
  • It is permissible to consume dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, kefir) with cereals and vegetables;
  • Honey should not be heated; when heated, it acquires toxic properties;
  • Milk is not consumed together with vegetables, legumes, sour fruits and fermented milk products;
  • Water should be drunk at least half an hour before meals;
  • It is advisable to prepare food in a state of calm and peace of mind

Nutrition: the right combination

To summarize the review of the rules of healthy eating, we note that all nutrition rules come down to one thing - food should be easily absorbed by the body, bring maximum benefit without causing harm to the body.

According to G. Shelton, food products can be divided into proteins, vegetables and herbs, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits, sour fruits, starches, fats and sugars. Let us consider the following product groups separately and determine the appropriate optimal combinations with them. Food combination scheme according to G. Shelton

Protein products include:

  • lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, beans, soybeans and other pulses;
  • cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • avocado;
  • mushrooms.

The easiest and healthiest combination of proteins with other foods is a combination of proteins with vegetables and herbs. Protein foods can be consumed together with fats. A harmful combination with proteins is the consumption of heavy starchy foods with them, such as cereals, flour products and starchy vegetables.

Pulses as a source of vegetable protein go well with herbs and non-starchy vegetables. However, legumes also contain concentrated starches, so they can be combined with fats, especially easy to digest ones - vegetable oil or sour cream.

Cottage cheese is a hard-to-digest complete protein. It is permissible to combine fermented milk products with fat, such as sour cream and cream.

Due to their rich fat content, nuts are similar to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts contain easily digestible vegetable fats. The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses like homemade ones, that is, something between cottage cheese and cheese.

It is worth mentioning milk separately. Milk is a separate food and should not be classified as a drink that can be drunk like water. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it and isolate it from the gastric juice. Until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, and the digestion process is significantly delayed.


Vegetables are usually divided into low-starch and starchy.

Non-starchy and low-starch vegetables include:

  • parsley, dill, coriander and celery;
  • spinach, arugula, romaine, leaf lettuce, iceberg, radish tops, beets, wild “table” herbs and other tops of all edible plants;
  • white cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, green peas;
  • bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, onion, garlic;
  • eggplants, zucchini, radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips.

Leaf salads, greens and non-starchy vegetables are the most versatile foods in terms of compatibility with other foods. They go well with grains, legumes, cheeses and oils. It is known that acids and oils help absorb micro- and macroelements contained in green lettuce leaves. As a separate food leaf salads can be consumed with a small amount of natural apple cider vinegar and cold-pressed vegetable oils.

Tomatoes stand out among non-starchy vegetables; they have a high content of acids - citric, malic and oxalic. Lettuce goes well with tomatoes, green vegetables and avocado.


Starchy vegetables include:

  • potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots;
  • parsley and celery roots, horseradish.

Starchy vegetables are perfectly digestible with herbs, non-starchy vegetables, vegetable oils, butter or sour cream. You can also eat baked starchy vegetables on their own. Their combination with kefir is acceptable. Combinations with legumes and other starchy and protein foods are considered harmful. The combination of starchy vegetables with sugars is also harmful, since mixing any starches and sugar causes fermentation in the intestines.


Sour fruits include:

  • all citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes), pineapples and pomegranates;
  • sour apples and peaches, sour grapes and plums;
  • sour berries: currants, lingonberries, cranberries, sour cherries.

Sweet fruits include:

  • bananas, sweet grapes, sweet apples and pears, persimmons;
  • dates, figs;
  • sweet berries, dried fruits.

Fruits, especially sweet ones, should be digested as a separate food, and it is recommended to consume them at least 20–30 minutes before meals, and not after meals, so that fermentation processes do not occur in the intestines. For example, first you can eat a couple of bananas and after half an hour you can eat a full lunch.

In small quantities, a combination of sour fruits with cottage cheese, milk and nuts is acceptable. Note that melons, such as watermelons and melons, are also eaten as a separate dish. Sour fruits are better digested separately from sweet fruits, so it is not recommended to mix them with sweet fruits.


Starches in the form of cereals and porridges are the basis of nutrition for most people on our planet. However, all foods rich in starch should always be treated with great care, because starch itself in its pure form is an extremely difficult to digest product. In this regard, perhaps the most important law of separate nutrition is the ban on combining starchy foods with proteins and other types of starch.

Starches can be divided into gluten-rich (gluten-containing) and gluten-free (gluten-free) starches.

Gluten-free starches include:

  • buckwheat,
  • corn,
  • amaranth, quinoa, millet,
  • beans, beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, corn.
  • wheat, rye, spelt, spelled,
  • oats, barley,
  • whole grain wheat or rye bread.

Starches can be combined with fats, especially those that are easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream. Porridge goes well with butter. However, adding sugar (or honey) to porridge is detrimental to the health of the intestinal microflora, as it causes fermentation and the development of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is harmful to consume cereals, porridges, flour products and any other starches with sweet foods, including honey and dried fruits. A combination of porridges, cereals and other starchy foods with sour fruits, berries and tomatoes is harmful.

Note that bread should be a separate meal (maybe together with butter), and not a mandatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

Fatty foods include:

  • flaxseed, rapeseed, olive, sunflower, corn, sesame and other vegetable oils;
  • butter, cream and sour cream;
  • avocado, olives;
  • hazelnuts, pine and other fatty nuts;
  • seeds.

As mentioned above, oils and other fatty foods go well with lettuce, tomatoes and other vegetables. Fats also make a good combination with cereals, porridges and all other foods containing starch. The combination of fats with protein products is acceptable, but not optimal, since fats slow down the process of protein absorption.

It is worth noting that vegetable oils can be useful if they are produced from environmentally friendly seeds, are cold-pressed oils, are consumed in moderation and in raw, unrefined form. Vegetable oils can provide real benefits if they contain an optimal ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These oils include flaxseed, rapeseed and olive oils.

Sugars include:

  • honey, agave nectar, stevia;
  • dates, figs;
  • raisins and other dried fruits.

Any sugars are single products and should be consumed separately from other foods.

Honey is a very healthy product, but you should observe moderation in its consumption, like any other product with a high sugar content. Honey is good to use in herbal decoctions along with lemon juice during periods of body cleansing or therapeutic fasting.

It is worth noting that confectionery and any other products of mixing sugars and starches poison the human body. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then, lingering in the stomach for a long time, the sugars very soon cause fermentation in it. Confectionery products and refined sugar should be completely excluded from your diet.

Water is a single product that is not recommended to be consumed during or after meals. Washing down food with water or any other drink reduces the concentration of gastric juice and slows down digestion. The optimal time to take water is half an hour or an hour before meals.

Combination of foods for proper nutrition: table


To summarize, let us recall the main principles of healthy eating:

Simple meals are easier to digest and healthier. By adhering to simplicity in eating, we do not waste our energy on preparing complex dishes, but maintain sobriety of mind and thoughts and are able to direct our energy to truly important matters.

Our nutrition should be in accordance with our personal nature: body constitution, state of mind, metabolic rate, internal aspirations, lifestyle and duty to society. Having realized our nature, it will become easier for us to make a choice in favor of one food or another.

Below we briefly list healthy foods nutrition and their combinations:

  • Lettuce and non-starchy vegetables are versatile and go well with almost anything;
  • Protein foods go well with greens and non-starchy vegetables;
  • Vegetable oils are beneficial if they are cold-pressed, environmentally friendly and consumed sparingly in their raw, unrefined form;
  • Porridges and other starchy foods go well with butter and other fats;
  • As a separate food, leafy salads and green vegetables are perfectly digestible together with oils, apple cider vinegar or citric acid;
  • Lettuce salads, green vegetables and avocados go well with tomatoes.

Harmful and unacceptable food products and their combinations:

  • Protein foods practically cannot be combined with cereals, porridges, potatoes and other starches; In Ayurveda, a combination of some starches with proteins is acceptable.
  • Any cereals, porridges, potatoes and other starches are poorly digested along with sour fruits, berries and tomatoes.
  • The combination of different protein products (cottage cheese and nuts, legumes and nuts) is a heavy food and prevents the effective breakdown of proteins into amino acids.
  • Sweet baked goods, confectionery and any other mixtures of starches and sugars acidify the body and cause various diseases.
  • Alcohol, caffeine, yeast, table salt, mayonnaise, margarine, white flour, baked goods, table vinegar, meat and store-bought dairy products, processed cheeses, chips, refined oils and other refined products are very difficult to classify as healthy eating and it is not recommended to use them or reduce their use to a minimum. As a rule, such products cause great harm to the body and are not combined with anything else.

Single products:

  • Sweet fruits, watermelons and melons, dried fruits and all types of sugars must be consumed separately before eating any other food.
  • Milk is a product that should be consumed in moderation and not mixed with other foods.
  • Water is always consumed separately, the optimal time for water is half an hour to an hour before meals.

Each of us at least once experienced a state when something from our food did not suit our body. It is known that some food combinations are unsuitable. Let's celebrate this fact and make our meals more enjoyable while improving our health.
The principles and rules of food compatibility were first formulated in the 30s by Dr. Hay.
His theory boils down to the fact that we should eat as much alkalizing food as possible, eat fruits separately and in their natural form, avoid processed and refined foods, and do not mix concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate foods into one dish. Over the past 65 years, we have received a lot of convincing examples to support this theory. These rules are very easy to follow.

Rule 1:
Meat, fish and eggs are concentrated protein foods. To digest it, your stomach needs to produce large amounts of acid and digestive enzymes.
That's why:
- Limit fluid intake during meals;
- Don't eat sugar;
- Eat more vegetables and plant protein along with animal protein;
- After protein meals, take a 2-3 hour break before your next meal. This is necessary for its assimilation.
______Rule 2:
Potatoes, turnips, pumpkin, green vegetables, pasta, nuts, seeds, Brussels sprouts and bread are all complete carbohydrates. Consumption of these products leads to the formation of an alkaline environment in the stomach.
They are very easy to digest. That's why:
- Don't eat sugar;
- Take a 1-2 hour break before your next meal so that carbohydrates have time to be absorbed.
______Rule 3:
Fruits are the best way to provide immediate energy. They are best source sugar that we periodically need. The absorption of fruits occurs very quickly, since our body is able to easily produce the necessary enzymes and hormones. An alkaline environment is formed in the stomach. That's why:
- Eat fruit between main meals;
- Do not eat sweets, chocolate, or other sugar-containing products with fruit;
- Take a 30-minute break to digest the fruit before your next meal.

Along with the simple rules listed above, there are Principles of Nutrition:
1. The acid-base balance of the blood is directly determined by our diet. As noted in “Doctor Shishlov’s Methods,” maintaining an optimal alkaline blood reaction ensures stable health and a cheerful, energetic well-being. Try to provide 55-70% of your daily energy intake from Complex Carbohydrates, as internal stress and acidification are closely related.
2. Many foods are a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Eat them as they are, since it is not possible to separate protein and carbohydrates from each other.
Another thing is mixing concentrated proteins and concentrated carbohydrates (for example, steak and fries). One can hardly expect any benefit from such mixing.
3. Acids are formed in our digestive system from phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, which we obtain mainly from animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, etc.
Alkalies are formed in the digestive system from calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, which are most found in vegetables, pasta, legumes and almost all fresh fruit.
Fresh milk gives a weak alkaline reaction. Our body's needs are met
due to the diversity of this type of product.
4. Our body does not need a “quick” energy boost with pure sugar and sugar-containing products. In fact, the body simply cannot cope with the flow of sugar, and this leads to an unacceptable rise in blood sugar. When this happens, a wide variety of hormones and enzymes are released to restore balance. In addition, sugar begins to feed “unfriendly” microorganisms in the digestive tract, such as fermentation bacteria. Ripe fruits are easily digested and absorbed without disturbing the blood balance. Almost all fruits are immediately digested by gastric juice. Therefore, they must be consumed separately from other foods. The exceptions are bananas, coconuts and apples. They don't ferment well. Therefore, bananas with oatmeal or some other porridge is a completely acceptable food.

Food Compatibility

It is very important for us to know which foods can be consumed together, in what order, and which ones can be consumed separately. If quickly digestible food is consumed after food that requires long-term processing, then the last portion of food is not eliminated in a timely manner due to the fact that the exit from the stomach is blocked by food that requires long-term digestion. After eating, you should not eat astringent foods, such as quince or foods that help decompose food. If you eat garlic after cabbage, the cabbage will not be digested, but will rot. An apple eaten on an empty stomach leaves the stomach within 15-20 minutes, and oranges even faster. If fruits are eaten for dessert after a heavy lunch, then they remain in the stomach along with food that takes a long time to digest and begin to ferment after 20 minutes. Each type of food requires a specific composition of enzymes. This means that in order to digest a particular food, a special composition of gastric juice is necessary. Yes, and other conditions for digesting a particular product differ from each other - an acidic environment is required for the digestion of proteins, and starchy foods are broken down in an alkaline environment, and acidity will only inhibit the activity of the necessary enzyme. Therefore, it is better not to eat protein and starchy foods together. It is better not to eat carbohydrates with acidic foods, such as vinegar, lemon or ketchup. If you wash down the bread tomato juice, then the activity of amylase in saliva, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starchy foods, is suppressed.
There is also a phase of intestinal digestion, when under the influence of pancreatic juice the food gruel that has left the stomach is broken down. But complete breakdown of food gruel in the small intestine is possible only if the food in the stomach is fully processed. For example, porridge in water quickly breaks down under the influence of not very strong gastric juice and quickly leaves the stomach. If you eat porridge with meat, the stomach cannot produce gastric juice of the composition that is necessary for both foods. Therefore, such food remains in the stomach for too long and leaves the stomach incompletely broken down. Of course, pancreatic juice will complete the digestion of this food, but this will place additional stress on the liver, pancreas and small intestine. And the eater himself will feel a “stone in the stomach.”
It is also essential that beneficial microorganisms primarily feed vegetable fiber, and meat promotes the proliferation of microflora, which determines the processes of food decomposition. The human digestive tract is designed for plant foods: fruits, grains, vegetables and herbs. The bacteria in the intestines are important. The conversion of fiber into either nutrients or toxins depends on them. The quality processing of other nutrients also depends on microorganisms. If a person ate properly, the result is obvious: feces have virtually no odor and no gases are formed.
Now in more detail about food groups.

Sweet fruits:
Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits. Fruits break down quickly; sweet fruits linger in the stomach a little longer than sour fruits. Fruits should be taken separately, for example, for an afternoon snack or before a meal. It is very unfavorable to eat fruits after meals, because then fermentation begins in the stomach. You should drink fruit juices separately from other foods, as they are concentrated foods. Sweet fruits go well with each other, as well as with semi-acidic fruits, such as persimmons and apples. Bananas combine worse with other fruits. Sweet fruits can be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs and fermented milk products.
__________Semi-acidic fruits:
Mango, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, apricots, peach, watermelon. These fruits can be combined with sweet fruits, sour fruits, fermented milk products, cream, herbs, as well as protein foods containing a lot of fat, such as cheese, nuts, and fatty cottage cheese. These fruits cannot be combined with eggs, fish, mushrooms, peas and legumes. It is not recommended to eat these fruits with starchy foods. At a separate meal, eat peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, melon and watermelon, because these fruits are processed very quickly in the stomach and do not combine well with other foods.
____________Sour fruits:
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.
These fruits are well compatible both with each other and with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream and fatty cottage cheese.
They can be combined with nuts, cheeses and herbs.
Sour fruits are not compatible with animal proteins, legumes, peas, starchy foods and vegetables.
____________Well-combined vegetables:
Cucumbers, fresh cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, beans, turnips, onions, garlic, beets, rutabaga, carrots, early zucchini, early pumpkin, lettuce.
These vegetables combine well with any food, promoting its digestibility, for example, with proteins (meat with cucumbers, carrots with cottage cheese), with fats (cabbage with butter), with other vegetables, with foods containing starch (bread with beets, with herbs .
You can't combine vegetables with milk!
It is not advisable to eat vegetables and fruits at the same time.
_____________ Poorly combined vegetables:
Cauliflower, green pea, late zucchini, late pumpkin, eggplant, squash.
These vegetables go well with starch-containing foods, such as bread, all vegetables, fats, such as sour cream and herbs.
It is acceptable to eat with cheeses.
Less desirable is the combination of these vegetables with animal proteins, such as eggs and meat.
Absolutely incompatible with milk and fruit.

Products containing starch:
Wheat, rye, oats and products made from these grains, such as pasta and bread, as well as buckwheat, rice, potatoes, edible chestnuts and corn.
Combines perfectly with herbs, fats and all vegetables.
A combination of these products with each other is also acceptable. This should be avoided by people who tend to be overweight. In addition, different cereals differ in the amount of protein, so it is better not to combine cereals with each other.
When combining starchy foods with fats, you must add greens or vegetables at the same time.
The combination of carbohydrates and proteins is very unfavorable. It is especially important not to combine carbohydrates with meat, milk and fermented milk products, for example, porridge with milk, bread with kefir. It is not advisable to combine starchy foods with sugars, for example, bread with jam, porridge with sugar, or with any fruit or fruit juice.
___________Protein products:
Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, feta cheese, milk, buttermilk, kefir, legumes, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, mushrooms.
Ideal with seeds and well-combined vegetables. Promote the processing of proteins and the removal of various toxins.
An exception is milk - it must be consumed separately. It is better to give preference to warm, unboiled, unpasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is very heavy in quality. In some cases, milk can be combined with sweet fruits, such as bananas, but each person has their own individual tolerance to the products.
A combination of proteins with fats is acceptable, moreover, fats of animal origin are better combined with proteins of animal origin, and proteins of plant origin are better combined with fats of plant origin. It must be taken into account that fats slow down the digestion process. To improve digestion, it must be combined with fresh vegetables and herbs.
Proteins are not combined with foods containing starch, fruits and sugars.
Exceptions include cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products, nuts and seeds - they can be combined with fruits.
Lettuce, dandelions, nettles, plantain, green onions, sorrel, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, dill, etc. Greens are compatible with all products except milk.
Butter and ghee, sour cream, cream, vegetable oils, lard and other animal fats. Sometimes fatty meats, fatty fish and nuts are included here.
Fats slow down the secretion of gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. But sometimes taking fats eliminates congestion in the stomach caused by an unsuccessful combination of foods.
Fats go well with herbs, vegetables, and starchy foods, such as porridge with butter. In some cases, a combination of fats and fruits is acceptable, this especially applies to berries, for example, strawberries with cream.
You cannot combine fats with sugars, for example, cream with sugar. Ghee is compatible with almost all products. Vegetable oils are best consumed together with fish, which contains many unsaturated fatty acids. It is better not to combine fats with meat.

Fructose, jam, honey, molasses, brown sugar, syrups.
Together with proteins and starchy foods, they cause fermentation and promote the decomposition of other products.
It is better to consume sweets separately, but this should not be done at the end of the meal. Ideally, it is better to give up sweets or eat them as a separate meal.
The exception is honey. It is recommended to take honey in small quantities along with other foods, as honey promotes the absorption of biologically active substances and delays the process of food decay. Honey cannot be combined only with products of animal origin. Honey should not be heated because it becomes toxic.
Meat, fish, cottage cheese and cheese are very concentrated protein foods. It is possible to live without them; if possible, you should not consume these foods daily.
After eating, it is advisable to sit at the table for at least 5 minutes, and then walk slowly for 20 minutes.
If you follow the rules of proper nutrition, soups are not necessary. It’s better not to cook soups with broth, but to eat puree soup as a starter.


Products containing starch, sugar, do not eat with proteins and acidic fruits
the interval between meals is at least 4 hours
do not eat refined foods (flour, sugar, margarine)
All products are divided conditionally:



All food products are divided into two main categories according to the place of digestion in the gastrointestinal tract:

Basic protein foods of animal and plant origin: meat, poultry, fish and all products made from them, cottage cheese and fermented milk products, milk, cheeses, eggs, legumes, nuts
Products rich in starch: bread and all flour products, cereals, potatoes, rice.


The first column is the most important, because This is where it is easiest to break product compatibility rules. For all types of meat, the combination with green, non-starchy vegetables is favorable, since this combination neutralizes harmful properties animal proteins, helps digest them and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. Use meat and poultry raised without hormones and antibiotics. The combination of animal proteins with strong alcohol precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for the digestion of animal proteins.

GRAIN PEGUMES (beans, peas, lentils):

The compatibility of grain legumes with other products is explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy-to-digest fats - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein they are good with herbs and starchy vegetables.


Consume only fresh, without a yellow coating, with a short shelf life, without preservatives, emulsifiers, heat treatment is not advisable, contain vitamins A, D, E.


Vegetable oils - in their raw form, it is better to use first cold-pressed oil (“virgin”), store in the refrigerator, fry better without oil, if necessary, minimal heat treatment.


Consumption of sugar and confectionery products should be avoided and not combined with any other food. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce gastric motility. Sour belching and heartburn are the results of this process. Honey is a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees; it is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after ingestion and does not burden the liver and all other body systems.


Useful, but without special treatment with sulfur dioxide; blanch before use.


All foods rich in starch should always be treated with caution, because... starch itself, in its pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product. The ban on combining animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate food and not a mandatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition. Make your own bread from whole grain flour with the addition of BRAN - a source of fiber, B vitamins, calcium, and iron. Keep refrigerated.

Only not sanded - brown.


It can partially replace cereal starch, only boiled or baked, preferably with the peel, if you are sure that there was no special processing. Pairs with vegetable salads.


In all cases, sour fruits include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all others are to taste. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables for their high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.


Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because... it's hard on digestion. But it’s better not to combine fruits (sour and sweet) with anything at all, because... they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating, but not after eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons.


These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild “table” herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas. Radishes, rutabaga, radishes, young zucchini and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be green and non-starchy.


This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation; other combinations are either good or acceptable.

Separate food, not drink. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, the digestion process is delayed, the movement of food slows down, this leads to constipation, flatulence, gastric and intestinal discomfort. Milk goes best with vegetables and fruits.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products:

Cottage cheese is a difficult-to-digest complete protein. Compatible with homogeneous products (sour milk, sour cream, cheese, feta cheese).

The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the homemade type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Bryndza is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water from excess salt.

This protein product is not easy to digest. However, eggs are good when paired with green and non-starchy vegetables.

Almonds, hazel. Due to their rich fat content, nuts are similar to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts contain vegetable fats, which are easier to digest. Peeled nuts should be used immediately, due to rapid fat oxidation, or frozen. Combine with vegetable and fruit salads.

Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame - a source of protein, magnesium, calcium. Store in the refrigerator, because... oxidize quickly.
Recommendations for separate meals:


Bread, potatoes, peas, beans, beans, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate foods should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberries, tomatoes and other sour fruits.


This means: do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods along with bread, cereals, cakes, and sweet fruits. At one meal you should eat eggs, fish, milk, cheese, at another - bread, cereals, noodles (if it is not possible to refuse them).


Two squirrels various types and different compositions require different digestive juices and their different concentrations. These juices are not released into the stomach at the same time. Therefore, you must always follow the rule: ONE PROTEIN PER FOOD MEAL.


Cream, butter, sour cream, and vegetable oil should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, or other proteins. Fat suppresses the action of the gastric glands and inhibits the secretion of gastric juices when eating meat, eggs, and nuts.


Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plums, sour apples should not be eaten with meat, nuts, or eggs. The less complex the food mixtures, the simpler our dishes, the more efficient our digestion.


Jellies, jams, fruit butter, molasses sugar, syrups on bread or in one go with cereals, potatoes, sugar with cereals - all this causes fermentation.


If two types of starch (potatoes or porridge with bread) are consumed at one time, then one of them is absorbed, and the other remains untouched in the stomach, like a load, does not pass through the intestines, delays the absorption of other food, causes its fermentation, increasing the acidity of the stomach juice, burping, etc.


Watermelon, honey melon, cantaloupe and other types of melons should always be eaten separately.


The fat in milk prevents the secretion of gastric juice for some time. Milk is not absorbed in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the stomach does not react to the presence of milk with secretion, which interferes with the absorption of other food.

The manifestation of many diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, skin, hair, nails, etc. can be associated with improper human nutrition. We are accustomed to eating incompatible foods, which cause various adverse reactions in the body and lead to malfunctions in its functioning. The food combination table is a reminder for people seeking a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Let's learn to help the body!

Correct (the table will be given below) guarantees high performance digestive system. Eating meals that include compatible ingredients will relieve you of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each human body is different:

You need to come to terms with the first two points to the extent that this is how our body works. But you need to know useful combinations of products and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Mixed and separate meals

Despite the fact that many sources today talk about the benefits of consuming correctly combined foods, there are still supporters of traditional food intake. This means that many people believe that the mixed diet familiar to everyone from time immemorial does not harm the body. And they call the idea that separating foods promotes better digestion simply a fashionable trend.

Is it so? In fact, food can be mixed, this has been done at all times. But there are a number of foods that simply cannot be digested at the same time. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of each of them, certain conditions are necessary - different enzymes and media.

Combination of food flavors

Carbohydrates consumed by a person begin to be broken down in the oral cavity, and then, in turn, are processed by the stomach. Therefore, if you mix them, the absorption process becomes more difficult for the entire digestive system.

The effectiveness and usefulness of separate meals is spoken about not only by people who have tried the method on themselves, but also by doctors who have conducted research in this area. The right combination of foods is not only fashionable, but also necessary for health. The table is shown below. Thanks to her, we will learn to eat wisely.

Product combination table

For clarity and simplification of the concept “ separate meals“We bring to your attention a diagram that will indicate what you can and should eat with.

Product combination table

type of product 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

fish, poultry, meat

1 - - - - - - - - + D- - - - -


2 - D+ + - D- - + + - - - - +

cream, butter

3 - D D- - + + - + + D- D- -
sour cream4 - + D D- + + D+ + - - - - +
vegetable oil5 - + - D - + + D+ + - - - - +
sweets, including sugar6 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
bread, potatoes7 - D+ + + - - - + + - - D- D
tomatoes, sour fruits8 - - + + + - - D+ D- D+ - +
dried fruits, sweet fruits9 - - - + + - - D + DD+ - - D
non-starchy and green vegetables10 + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
starchy vegetables11 D+ + + + - + DD+ D+ + D+
milk12 - - D- - - - - D- D - - - -
dairy products13 - - - - - - - D+ + + - + - +
cheese, feta cheese14 - - D- - - D+ - + + - + - D
eggs15 - - - - - - - - - + D- - - -
nuts16 - + - + + - D+ D+ + - + D-

"-" products are incompatible; "+" compatible; "D" mixing is acceptable.

Explanation of the table

Each line contains information about a specific product and its serial number. Be careful! The columns contain the same products, but only their numbers are indicated. This table requires strict compliance with all points. The combination of foods indicated in it helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and your body.

Separate nutrition as an option for high-quality weight loss

Proper nutrition is not only about health, but also about getting rid of extra pounds. Separate consumption of food and proper combination is an excellent method. You can see this for yourself.

The food combination table should always be at your fingertips; it would be great to switch to this way of eating for life. At first the sensations will be ambiguous. However, over time, you will get a guaranteed result, and tasty and habitual meals will become an absolute norm for you.