How to increase blood circulation. How to restore and improve blood circulation in the body. Garden and forest berries

Deviations in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels occur both on their own and as a result of other pathological processes. Restorative measures require an individual approach: clinical cases, as a rule, are unique, therefore standardized schemes provide only a rough guide and exist for the doctor.

Improving blood circulation in the presence of pathological processes requires eliminating the root cause of altered hemodynamics.

In some cases, disruption of blood flow in one area or another is a temporary phenomenon associated with an incorrect lifestyle, the influence of climatic factors, weather conditions, insufficient rest, etc.

In such situations, you can correct blood circulation on your own and without the use of drugs. There are plenty of options. It is better to resolve the issue after consultation with a specialist and under his supervision (cardiologist and other doctors as necessary).

The measures of this plan are indicated for all patients without exception. Regardless of the cause and origin of the disorder.

  • In the absence of specific diseases or diagnoses, this is the main way to correct insufficient blood supply.
  • If one or another deviation is detected, lifestyle changes will improve prognoses and reduce the risks of a negative outcome.

What specific measures will make it possible to restore blood flow:

Refusal from physical inactivity

Insufficient physical activity leads to stagnation venous blood and lymph. The lower extremities are the first to be affected. The notorious varicose veins and insufficient nutrition of the legs begin.

Depending on the individual characteristics organism, the intensity of development, the rate of progression of disorders are different. In any case, problems will arise, sooner or later.

Over time, generalized hemodynamic disturbances occur. Blood supplies poorly not only to the legs, but also to the heart and brain.

Hence the neurological deficits: absent-mindedness, problems with thinking and memory. Fat is stored more actively, atherosclerosis develops, and cosmetic defects begin: cellulite and others.

For many years, pathological changes in the body may be invisible to the patient. The problem will become obvious when the heart is damaged and develops.

Normalization of physical activity level

Poor blood circulation can be strengthened through adequate mechanical activity: at least walking for an hour a day is recommended.

Other types of activity are also possible if health allows. Any, so as not to overload the body.

You shouldn’t torment yourself in the gym or strain yourself too much. This will lead to the release of stress hormones. Cortisol, adrenaline and others provoke a sharp surge throughout the body.

If you stick to this lifestyle for a long time, problems with blood circulation will only get worse. The tendency to heart attack, stroke, and coronary disease is growing.

If it is not possible to engage in physical activity, you need to choose an individual set of exercises that will not be burdensome and will not create unnecessary stress on your health.

It is better to address the question to a specialist in exercise therapy; possible complexes are also described below.

Full sleep

Night rest should be at least 8 hours per night. Plus or minus. For children and adolescents, a downward departure from this indicator is unacceptable.

Not only quantity is important, but also quality. It is recommended to choose a comfortable mattress (the ideal option is orthopedic). Also a pillow. It should be sufficiently rigid and high so as not to overload the neck and not disrupt the nutrition of the brain. It is possible to select an orthopedic option.

It is also important that the bedding is a dark shade, not bright, so as not to provoke stimulation of the central nervous system when light is reflected.

Thick curtains are also important. It has been proven that in such conditions, melatonin is more actively produced, which is necessary for normal sleep and maintaining the body in good shape after a night's rest.

Changing your diet

The issue is worthy of full consideration. But there is no point in choosing a specific average diet.

To improve blood circulation, you need to follow a few simple recommendations: avoiding large amounts of animal fat, no more than 7 grams of salt per day (reducing the amount of sodium will restore normal hemodynamics and prevent vasoconstriction), avoiding semi-finished products and canned food, they contain a lot of chemical compounds, which do not contribute in any way to improving the condition of the circulatory system.

You need to eat in small portions, 4-6 times a day at intervals of 2-4 hours. In order not to overload the digestive tract, overeating can also provoke arterial stenosis, a violation of venous-lymphatic outflow.

Otherwise, selection proper diet- this is a matter of personal taste preferences.

Drinking enough fluids

You should drink up to 2 liters per day, if your health allows, and there are no contraindications in the form of pathologies of the kidneys, excretory system in general, or heart. Only water is taken into account, not soups or other liquid dishes.

Wearing comfortable clothes and shoes

The problem is especially pressing for women. Heels provoke excessive stress on the legs and cause the development of varicose veins in a matter of years. Not to mention the harm to the spine.

Therefore, the ideal option would be to wear comfortable shoes without heels that fit.

The rules regarding clothing are identical. No tight tights, socks, or other dubious wardrobe items.

As for ties and bow ties, they should not be tightened so as not to overcrowd the carotid arteries and disturb the trophism of the brain.

To give up smoking

Cigarettes and tobacco products contain more than just nicotine. Methane, carbon monoxide, cadmium, lead and other compounds create an excessive harmful load on the body.

  • Anticoagulants. Much more powerful drugs with the same effect. Used in difficult cases where there is a risk of blood clots. Heparins and other drugs are included in this group.

  • Nootropic and cerebrovascular. The first ones accelerate metabolism in the brain and reduce the need for oxygen. Used as part of the maintenance therapy of diseases (for example, encephalopathy). Glycine, Phenibut and many others. The latter are used to restore cerebral blood flow. Actovegin, Piracetam.

  • Products based on herbal ingredients. Vinpocetine, Cavinton and similar.
  • Statins. Indirectly restore normal blood flow by increasing the lumen of blood vessels. The main purpose of this group is to remove excess cholesterol, prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels or fight existing ones. These are medicines for atherosclerosis.
  • , means for strengthening blood vessels. Detralex, Venarus, Troxurutin and others. There are plenty of options. Stimulate venous-lymphatic outflow, restore blood circulation in the legs first. Prescribed mainly to combat varicose veins.

There is also a broader group of medications in terms of indications, these include, for example, Anavenol, . They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent bleeding, spontaneous destruction of capillaries, veins, and larger structures.

Other methods of strengthening blood vessels throughout the body are described.

There are combination drugs. They contain active components of a number of pharmaceutical groups, and therefore have the ability to influence several aspects of circulatory disorders. Vasobral, Instenon as examples.

Folk remedies and homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are not recommended. It's a waste of time. This treatment has not been proven effective.

The same applies to the use of herbal folk remedies and “grandmother’s recipes.” Due to the instability of the result. It is possible either its complete absence or excessive action that is dangerous to life and health (for example, when using chokeberry).

Naturopathy is a separate branch of medicine. If desired, it is recommended to contact a specialized specialist.

All of these drugs are dangerous without a doctor's prescription.


Favorable in the absence of specific pathological processes. As for the rest, it all depends on the diagnosis and stage, the moment of starting therapy, and the patient’s body’s response to the treatment. You need to look at the situation.

Circulatory disorders are generally represented by a group of disorders. With the right approach, conditions can be corrected, regardless of its type and origin. But the issue is resolved strictly under the supervision of a specialist, or even more than one.

People are thinking about how to improve blood circulation different ages, professions and gender. Not a single living organism cannot fully function if blood flow is impaired. What is the need for improving blood circulation in the body?

In most cases, the inability of the blood to supply necessary substances to all parts of the body due to lifestyle which a person leads: sedentary, with a lot of coffee, junk food and fast food, as well as alcohol.

In some situations, blood begins to circulate worse due to a number of diseases.

Indications for treatment

You need to think about how to improve blood circulation if you have the following symptoms:

The appearance of spots and rashes on the epidermis.

Very often such spots are red or purple in color. Bruises due to poor blood flow are the rule rather than the exception.

The lower extremities swell.

The body, reacting to a lack of blood in a given area, compensates for this by accumulating excess fluid.

Ask your question to a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

The structure of the nail plates deteriorates.

If there is insufficient blood circulation in the fingers, the nails become brittle and difficult to grow.

Hair follicles weaken.

If the blood does not flow enough to the scalp, the hair weakens, becomes dry and brittle, and hair loss begins to exceed the norm.

The process of digestion of food by the stomach occurs at a slow pace.

Flatulence, increased acidity, irregular bowel movements - all of these may indicate that the blood in your body is not flowing as well as it should, and you need to improve its circulation.

The body often picks up an infection.

Immunity doesn't work the way it should, allowing various viruses and bacteria to pass through the body’s protective barrier.

With sluggish blood flow, it is difficult for him to quickly respond to foreign elements.

When you touch your limbs you feel cold.

If blood circulates through the body at a normal speed - limbs are always warm. Otherwise, your hands and feet will be icy, which is often accompanied by a drop in body temperature.

Fatigue that has become chronic.

If the blood flow does not bring sufficient oxygen and other nutrients to any part of the body, it is very difficult for a person to perform even the simplest everyday tasks (walking up the stairs).

Constantly sleepy.


Increased blood flow can be harmful in the following situations:

  1. Alopecia in androgenic form. Testosterone also enters the bloodstream, causing hair loss.
  2. Some diseases of the epidermis. In case of rosacea, massage and its aggressive forms are strictly prohibited. Blood flow will increase, capillaries will be damaged, which will only make the vascular network clearer. If the capillaries are damaged, hematomas will appear, which will take a long time to heal. It is also impossible to stimulate blood flow by external means in case of any purulent formations.
  3. Menses. Additional stimulation in the uterine area (massage, abdominal pumping) is undesirable, as this is fraught with massive blood loss.
  4. Cancerous tumors. The more actively the blood moves, the faster the malignant process develops (especially with metastases). The same applies to uterine fibroids and cysts.
  5. Varicose veins Excessive loads, high-heeled shoes and cosmetical tools, which can increase blood flow. As a result, the vascular pattern will become even clearer, and nodes will appear on previously invisible veins.
  6. Muscle strain. Strong blood flow will worsen the pain and inflammatory process.
  7. Nausea, vomiting. Stimulating blood flow is likely to make you feel worse.
  8. Thrombosis. Sometimes due to the pressure of blood during intense massage or physical activity the vascular wall may be damaged, which will lead to the detachment of a blood clot.


The body constantly circulates blood in a closed system of the heart and blood vessels. This is necessary for the transport of substances that provide cell functions. Blood delivers oxygen, salts, hormones, water to tissues and removes processed products. Blood circulation plays an equally important role in the exchange of heat in the body.

Why is blood circulation impaired?

Local changes are associated with vascular pathologies of a certain area. Possible reasons such violations:

  • vessel injuries;
  • blood stasis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • ischemia (local anemia);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis or embolism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • smoking;
  • elderly age;
  • overweight;
  • high cholesterol;
  • compression of the vessel by bone elements, muscles, neoplasms.

Local circulatory disorders can cause problems with systemic blood flow.

For example, myocardial infarction leads to heart failure, and bleeding causes acute anemia. Other causes of general circulatory disorders:

  • increased viscosity or thinning of blood;
  • heart diseases affecting myocardial contraction;
  • lung diseases that interfere with oxygen saturation of the blood;
  • acute or chronic anemia;
  • massive bleeding;
  • venous congestion;
  • DIC syndrome.

Signs of poor blood circulation

On early stage hemodynamic disorders and no symptoms are observed. Even as they progress, such disorders cause nonspecific symptoms, so it is very difficult to immediately detect pathology. You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • convulsions;
  • lack of appetite;
  • brittleness of hair and nails;
  • cold extremities;
  • tingling and numbness in the hands;
  • constant fatigue;
  • changes in skin pigmentation;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the legs;
  • swelling of the limbs.

Ways to normalize blood circulation

Walking on stairs can both improve blood flow and strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls. Any physical activity, even ordinary house cleaning, improves blood circulation. Other general recommendations for increasing blood flow:

  • give up cigarettes;
  • carry out hardening procedures;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • maintain normal weight;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • when working sedentarily, get up every hour;
  • Healthy food.

The following methods also help improve blood circulation:

  • Cold and hot shower. Improves blood circulation in small and large vessels. If there is poor circulation in the arms or legs, you can make baths only for them.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes. It would be better if it was orthopedic. For the blood vessels of the legs, it is useful to wear shoes with heels up to 3-4 cm.
  • Massage. Helps improve blood circulation and blood supply to muscles. Massage courses for the legs, neck area or the whole body must be taken at least once a year.
  • Active lifestyle. You need to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. Any kind will help improve blood circulation. physical activity: walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming.
  • Reflexology. Acupuncture is most often used for this procedure. Needles are inserted into specific points on the body. This has a tonic effect on the body.

Medicines to improve blood circulation

External agents are indicated only to relieve symptoms of poor circulation, such as swelling. Ointments are often used for problems with blood vessels of the lower extremities.

They do not eliminate the cause of the pathology. Injections are used when blood circulation needs to be improved or restored quickly. If this is not necessary, the patient may be prescribed tablets.

Oral preparations

To improve blood circulation, use medications from different groups. Specific drug should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the cause of blood flow disorders. The most commonly used medications are:

  • Angioprotectors: Curantil at a dose of 25 mg 3 times a day. (720 rubles for 40 pcs.), Trental 100 mg 3 times a day. (489 rubles for 60 pcs.) The drugs normalize vascular permeability and improve their metabolic activity.
  • Calcium channel blockers: Cordaflex (200 for 30 pieces) 10 mg before meals (maximum 40 mg per day), Cavinton 1 tablet 3 times a day. (300 RUR for 30 pcs.). They reduce vascular tone and relieve spasms.

External preparations

This includes various ointments and gels that not only improve microcirculation, but also strengthen blood vessels. The following drugs have similar properties:

  • Angioprotectors: Troxevasin at a price of 279 rubles for 40 g or Troxerutin at a cost of 460 rubles. for 40 g. Any of the gels should be applied to the skin of the lower extremities in the morning and evening. The drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase capillary resistance, and improve blood rheological parameters.
  • Biogenic stimulants: Actovegin gel at a price of 620 rubles. for 40 g, Solcoseryl costs 344 rubles. for 20 g. One of the products is applied to the area of ​​impaired blood circulation up to 2-3 times a day. The drugs activate tissue metabolism processes, improve regeneration and repair.

Exercises to improve blood circulation

Physical activity is especially necessary for those who have a sedentary job.

A sedentary lifestyle will sooner or later lead to circulatory problems.

They are also caused by excessive stress on certain parts of the body. For this reason, training should be aimed more at relaxing the body. The following types of exercise help improve blood circulation:

  • light jogging;
  • walking;
  • climbing stairs;
  • swimming;
  • water aerobics;
  • strength training with your own weight.

Stimulation of blood circulation in capillaries

The smallest vessels in the human body are capillaries. It is difficult to improve blood circulation in them, but it is possible using the following actions:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your arms and legs and shake them for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Stay in the same position. Hold your hands behind your head, pull your socks towards you. Tighten the muscles of the whole body and move them from side to side, as a fish does. Perform for 1-2 minutes. This exercise not only improves blood circulation, but also relieves spinal fatigue.

Restoring blood supply in the vessels of the legs

Light exercise 1-2 times a day will help get rid of fatigue in the lower extremities and improve blood flow from them. Moreover, this good prevention and a method for treating varicose veins. Gymnastics makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Walk on your knees for 30-60 seconds, then bend, trying to touch the floor with your fingers or the entire palm.
  2. Roll smoothly from toes to heel and back, do 5-10 times.
  3. Lie on your back for 2-3 minutes. make movements with your legs at a fast pace, as when riding a bicycle.

In the neck and head

The complex for improving cerebral circulation is recommended to be performed daily immediately after waking up and before going to bed. Each exercise should be done 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. The whole complex includes the following movements.

  1. Bend your head forward, pressing your chest to your chin, and then back.
  2. Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Perform head tilts left and right. Then complicate the exercise. Place your right hand on your left ear. Tilt your head to the right, resisting the action of your upper limb.

In hand

This set of exercises is necessary for those whose upper limbs are often cold and numb. To perform gymnastics you need to stand up straight. The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Extend your arms forward in front of you and shake your palms for 30 seconds. Then lower it and repeat the same action.
  2. Straighten your arms down, clench and unclench your hands into a fist.
  3. Do the scissors exercise. Straighten your arms forward in front of you, first move your right hand behind your left, and then vice versa. Perform at a fast pace.

In the pelvis

The following type of exercise is useful for those who have prostatitis or gynecological diseases. It should also be performed for varicose veins of the small pelvis. The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms at your sides, lift your pelvis, lifting your buttocks and lower back off the floor. The shoulder blades and head should remain pressed. Hold the position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 7-10 times.
  2. While lying on your back, pull first one and then the other leg to your chest. Do each 8-10 times.

Improving blood circulation through breathing

This kind of gymnastics is useful for everyone, but it has some limitations. You should not exercise immediately after a stroke or in case of severe cardiac dysfunction. Particularly useful breathing exercises with hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Exercise technique:

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth, closing your lips with a tube. Repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Inhale sharply, spread your arms to the sides and bend back a little. Fix the position for 3-5 s. Exhale and take the starting position. Do it another 5-7 times.

Diet Guidelines for Stimulating Blood Flow

The effect of a balanced diet is less pronounced than that given by this or that medicine to improve blood circulation, so you will have to wait. Doctors advise reducing the amount of sugar and salt, limiting animal fat and fast carbohydrates. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water. To improve blood flow, you need to add the following products to your daily menu:

  • nuts;
  • barley groats;
  • flax seeds;
  • olive oil;
  • fatty fish;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • bitter chocolate.

Folk remedies for improving blood circulation in the extremities

Decoctions, alcohol tinctures and infusions help increase blood flow. The alfalfa plant is beneficial for blood circulation. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. its seeds and pour 300 ml of boiling water, then leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain the product before use. Drink 0.5 tbsp. up to 3 rubles/day Continue treatment until signs of impaired blood flow disappear. Improved blood circulation in the legs also occurs after using the following remedies:

Composition of the collection

Method of preparation and use

  • mint – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • flax seeds – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • hawthorn – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • immortelle - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Grind all dried herbal ingredients.
  2. Pour in 1 liter of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat and leave for 2 hours, strain.
  4. Drink 1/3 tbsp. up to 3 rubles/day until the condition improves.
  • willow branches - 1 tsp;
  • string - 0.5 tsp;
  • oak bark – 1 tsp;
  • St. John's wort – 0.5 tsp;
  • chamomile – 0.5 tsp;
  • chestnut branches - 1 tsp.
  1. Grind all ingredients.
  2. Take willow and chestnut branches, oak bark, pour 500 ml of water.
  3. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  4. Add the rest of the herbs and leave for 1 hour.
  5. Take 50 ml 3 times a day. after meal. Continue the course until the condition improves.


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The human body is surrounded by a circulatory system. Blood performs important functions in the body: it enriches the tissues of internal organs with microelements, nutrients, oxygen, hormones; delivers metabolic products to the organs of their elimination. Diseases of the circulatory system lead to disturbances throughout the body: memory, vision, hearing decrease, stability and coordination of movement are impaired, and mental abilities deteriorate.

Factors affecting blood circulation

Many external factors, a sedentary lifestyle, diet, and uncontrolled use of medications disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This causes an imbalance in the entire body.

To improve blood circulation through the vessels, it is necessary to know the reasons leading to circulatory disorders. Experts identify the following factors:

  • emotional and physical stress;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • injuries causing large blood loss;
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • frequent consumption of foods high in cholesterol;
  • exhaustion of the body, anorexia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • clinical diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The first stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system usually occur unnoticed, without pronounced symptoms. In most cases, circulatory disorders are discovered by chance or during a routine medical examination.

Pressure surges, shortness of breath, severe headaches, poor blood circulation in the arms and legs, fingers - these are signs of a disease of the cardiovascular system. They can lead to circulatory arrest. The signs of this condition are as follows: absence of pulse and breathing, loss of consciousness, the skin becomes bluish, the pupils dilate, and the patient falls into a coma. In the absence of resuscitation, death occurs.

Ways to improve blood circulation

Proper blood circulation is the key to health and long life. Venous stasis of blood leads to enlarged veins, high blood pressure, destruction of capillaries, bruising on the body, dark circles in the eye area.

If you have pain in the chest, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, or loss of consciousness, you should think about how to improve blood flow and prevent a stroke or heart attack. To avoid such troubles and to maintain the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, it is important to follow simple tips:

  1. 1. General recommendations:
  • mandatory walks on fresh air; quitting smoking – nicotine tars have a bad effect on the heart and destroy vitamin C;
  • choosing the right posture while resting - to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, it is useful to lie on a flat surface for 15 minutes a day, placing your legs above head level;
  • massage effect on the body - massage of the scalp and neck improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, accelerates the movement of blood in the arms and legs, fingers. To strengthen the blood vessels of the eyes, you should perform circular, rotational exercises, frequent blinking, and also apply contrast compresses to the eyes: hot for 2 minutes and then cold for 1 minute;
  • take a bath with hot water– it is useful to relax for 20 minutes in warm water with the addition of Epsom salts and other beneficial minerals. After taking water procedures, you can use a hot heating pad to increase blood flow to the limbs;
  • wear comfortable shoes - to improve blood circulation in the feet, if possible, you should walk in comfortable, non-compressive, soft shoes, with a slight instep.

2. Proper nutrition:

  • add hot spices to your diet - natural hot spices improve blood circulation and metabolism. These include: rosemary, cinnamon, garlic, thyme, black pepper and chili pepper;
  • balance the diet - to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain for older people, with diabetes in women and men, you can add to foods containing fiber, vitamins, vegetable and animal fats: dark chocolate, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, persimmons, apples, fresh herbs, tuna meat, poultry;
  • drink water – drink enough water at room temperature throughout the day, which will naturally dilute the fluids in the body and normalize blood flow.

3. Physical activity:

  • refusal of the elevator - walking up the stairs uses all the muscles in the body, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • stretching - do small stretches once an hour physical exercise. These actions help saturate the blood with oxygen and prevent its stagnation;
  • yoga exercises - to cope with congestion in the pelvic area, yoga, squats, exercises with a ball and hoop will help in the uterine area;
  • water procedures – a contrast shower invigorates, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 30%;
  • active movements - cycling, short jogging, swimming, - great ways maintaining cardiac muscle tone.

Treatment with medications

To understand how to improve blood circulation, you should first visit a specialist. After a visual examination and collection of information about the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes tests and additional examination using medical equipment.

Based on the information received, the doctor draws up complex treatment measures and prescribes medications:

  • angioprotectors – to maintain vascular tone and accelerate metabolism;
  • reopolyglucin, reomacrodex - increase blood flow;
  • prostaglandin E1 – stimulate the smooth muscles of organs, improve blood flow;
  • the drug "Avimigran" - to relieve pain resulting from decreased tone of blood vessels;
  • the drug "Vazobral" - for cerebral circulatory disorders, vascular atherosclerosis, for the treatment of migraines;
  • vitamin complex.

Except medicines the doctor will recommend special ointments and gels, the action of which is aimed at increasing blood circulation, relieving inflammation, swelling: “Essaven”, “Vetinan”, “Troxevasin” or “Troxerutin”. If venous enlargement appears against the background of the underlying disease, it is necessary to wear special compression garments.

Heaviness and tingling in the legs, swollen ankles, varicose veins - all this indicates that you urgently need to improve blood circulation... What are the causes of the problem, how to improve blood circulation without pills, read on.

Why is blood circulation impaired?

Depending on age, gender, heredity, lifestyle and diet, some blood circulation parameters change. Loss of elasticity of the veins and tissues, as well as weakening of the valves that send blood to the upper body, which are attached to the walls of the veins like little buds on a tree trunk and help move blood back to the heart. This phenomenon leads to a condition called "stasis" and leakage of fluids into the surrounding tissues due to their permeability, causing swelling.

Blood quality also plays a role. Women are more susceptible to circulatory problems than men because female hormones promote greater accumulation of fat and fluids. Venous insufficiency in women is more often observed in the 2nd part of the cycle, during pregnancy, in case of weak physical activity, as well as taking various medications, including contraceptives.

Here's what can impair blood circulation:

  • Static positions, working standing or sitting;
  • Tight clothes;
  • Cross-legged position;
  • High heels or, conversely, too flat shoes;
  • Warm;
  • Passive lifestyle.

Avoid anything that interferes with proper metabolism. It could be:

  • overweight,
  • a diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed foods,
  • coffee and alcoholic drinks
  • constipation,
  • lack of water, dehydration
  • poor oral hygiene,
  • smoking,
  • some hormonal drugs (including contraceptives).

What is the best thing to eat to improve blood circulation in the legs?

If you feel “heavy legs,” then it is advisable to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, sweet, high-calorie, and industrially processed foods. Eat every day fresh fruits- blackcurrant, lemon, lime, tangerine, strawberry, raspberry, guava, kiwi, lychee, mango, orange, grapefruit, blueberry and apricot are good for blood circulation.

The most suitable are fruits and berries rich in flavonoids, substances that strengthen and tone the tissues of blood vessels, which promotes proper blood circulation. Pineapple is also recommended for its drainage effect.

Finally, foods high in vitamin E promote blood circulation; it has antioxidant, vasodilating properties, and also protects the membranes of all cells. There is especially a lot of vitamin E in wheat germ oil, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and pistachios.

The body needs calories, but even the most healthy foods should be consumed in moderation.


To improve blood circulation, eat fresh fruits daily - they contain useful microelements and vitamins.

Minerals to increase blood circulation

Calcium has an anti-inflammatory effect, especially on the walls of veins and blood vessels. The mineral is an enemy of varicose veins and phlebitis; it is recommended to take calcium supplements of 1000 to 1500 mg per day. Calcium reduces pain and fluid retention.

Magnesium is a cofactor for the absorption of calcium, in addition it reduces venous spasms. It is recommended to take 200 to 300 mg in combination with vitamin B6.

Iron through hemoglobin, it transports oxygen to cells, which is vital for many functions, including maintaining the walls of the vein in good condition.

Potassium is a hypotensive mineral that also increases muscle activity. Make sure you consume enough potassium to meet your body's daily needs.

Vitamin C, vitamin B9 and B12 facilitate the absorption of iron by the intestinal wall.

What to do in everyday life

Simple steps help improve blood circulation without any pills.

In bed. Raise the legs of the bed at your feet by 5 -10 cm. Do not place pillows under your feet while sleeping, this prevents normal reverse blood circulation.

Belts and tight clothing. Avoid anything that constricts your body, including tight bras, jeans or tight pants, socks and tights. Natural materials that retain heat are preferred.

In bathroom. In the morning and/or several times a day, if necessary, take a shower and do not forget to massage your feet with a stream of water. In some cases, a contrast shower, from hot to cold, is useful; it helps the elasticity of blood vessels. There are showers on the market that can deliver pressurized water to your legs, arms, legs, or the entire body.

Creams and massage. Creams, gels or sprays combined with massage may provide relief. Massage to improve blood circulation should be performed several times a day in a circular motion from the feet and ankles to the knees and thighs. Repeat the movement 12 times.

At work or at home. Elevate your legs whenever the opportunity presents itself. Carefully inspect your workplace: The hips should be comfortable, but not tight. If your circulatory system is not working at full capacity, forget about the cross-legged position. When you sit, your legs should be slightly apart and bent at a perfect right angle. Avoid heated floors hot bath, hair removal with hot wax, saunas, extra blankets on the bed and sun exposure.

Fighting physical inactivity. Try not to stand or sit in one position for a long time. It is essential to move regularly, at least 5 minutes every hour, if you have a sedentary job. Take advantage of any opportunities for extra movement - for example, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Not only walking helps blood circulation, but also dancing, swimming, jogging, cycling, cross-country skiing, golf, yoga, stretching exercises, strength training, aerobics, judo, horse riding, mountain climbing, tennis, table tennis, basketball, football , volleyball or handball.

Don't forget about breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. Avoid smoking, including secondhand smoke.

How to improve vein tone with plants

There are plants that are effective in treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids and ankle swelling:

Witch hazel used for vasoconstriction, decreased capillary permeability and increased vascular resistance. Witch hazel fights varicose veins, varicose ulcers, hemorrhoids, thanks to the astringent and vasoconstrictor effects of tannins. Its flavonoids increase the resistance of small blood vessels. Use externally and internally.

Holly(or holly) for vein tone. Indicated for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, fragility of capillaries, bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

Red grape leaves tone veins and capillaries. Thanks to the action of vitamin P, capillary permeability decreases and their stability increases. The presence of tannins makes the leaves of red grape varieties an astringent and vasoconstrictor natural remedy. Antioxidants in the leaves stabilize vascular collagen. Red grape leaves are taken for heaviness in the legs, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. It is advisable to combine them with witch hazel.

Ginkgo biloba It has also long been used for circulatory problems and to treat various artery problems.

Hazel. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, venotonic properties. It is advisable to use externally and internally.

Centella(Centella asiatica). It is taken for venous insufficiency, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Useful in gel form in preventing swelling associated with prolonged static positions (air travel, cars, etc.).

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Black currant: has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. Blackcurrant leaves are a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

Maritime pine and grape seeds. Rich in flavonoids with antioxidant properties. These substances reduce the permeability of small vessels and inflammation. Preferably taken in the form of capsules and tablets.

Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). Rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C, provitamin A and tannins. Blueberries protect the walls of blood vessels and are very effective against edema.

Lemon (Citrus limonum) reduces capillary permeability. Used to prevent arterial hypertension and diabetes.
Sweet clover. Has a beneficial effect on venous and lymphatic circulation. The plant is an anticoagulant, in particular, it is used for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.


Herbal tea recipe to improve blood circulation:

  • 10 g. Coronal broom, flowers
  • 15 g. White nettle (deaf nettle), flowers
  • 20 g. Hazel, leaf
  • 5 g. Sweet clover, flowering tops
  • 15 g. Hawthorn, fruits
  • 20 g. Red grapes, leaf
  • 10 g Wormwood, flowering tops
  • 20 g. Ginkgo biloba, leaves
  • 10 g. Anise, fruits (seeds)
  • 10 g Calendula officinalis, flowers

Stir and add one liter of cold water.

Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and drink hot or warm between meals. The recommended course is 21 days.


Aromatherapy refers to alternative medicine. There is currently no scientifically proven evidence that aromatherapy actually works. But if you like it psychologically (pleasant smells calm your nerves or, conversely, give you vigor), then you can use it as an additional remedy, not forgetting about the real treatment that your doctor prescribed to you. Replace effective drugs Doctors do not recommend essential oils: do not waste your money and time.

Ointment recipe to improve blood circulation:

  • Mastic tree (Pistachio mastic), resin 0.5 ml;
  • Italian immortelle, essential oil 1 ml;
  • Tea tree, essential oil 2 ml;
  • Cedar pine, essential oil 3 ml;
  • Peppermint, essential oil 2 ml;
  • Lemon 2 ml, essential oil;
  • Alexandrian laurel, oil 100 ml.

Mix the ingredients and use the resulting ointment to massage problem areas. To improve blood circulation, massage in circular motions from bottom to top, 20 days or more for best results.

Venous insufficiency with edema

  • Running and walking are strongly recommended, but especially swimming or water aerobics 2 times a week, at least 45 minutes of vigorous activity. Indeed, water draws out the fluid that is in the tissues.
  • Do not overuse chemical diuretics, use them only under medical supervision, particularly due to the risk of imbalanced sodium/potassium levels.
  • Also be picky about your use of herbal diuretics and do not use them for more than a week.
  • Reduce salt intake: do not add salt if you eat outside the home (restaurant, cafe, fast food...); use salt with seaweed, spices, seeds; Avoid any canned or commercially prepared foods.
  • Drink slightly mineralized water

Herbal tea recipe

  • Creeping wheatgrass (rhizome) 50 g
  • cherry (peduncles) 20 g
  • corn silk 10 g
  • goldenrod 20 g
  • heather (flowering tops) 20g
  • asparagus (roots) 30 g
  • mint (leaf) 20 g

Mix, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 3 minutes, turn off the heat, steep for 10 minutes, drink for 8 or 10 days. Then you can continue to drink tea 2 times a week.

Additional methods to combat poor circulation

Other methods that are considered effective in circulatory disorders:

  • Lymphatic drainage;
  • Compression garments (stockings, socks): act by compressing the veins to prevent blockages. Especially useful on long trips;
  • Massage insoles: reflexive massage of the sole of the foot is especially useful when standing for long periods of time;
  • Hardware massage feet: ranging from wooden mechanical devices up to electric massagers. Massage the sole of the foot, toes, heels. This helps increase blood circulation;
  • Spa treatments, hydrotherapy;
  • Chinese medicine, Ayurveda

Choosing compression stockings

Despite the fact that all of the listed methods (aromatherapy, diets, use of herbal infusions) have some effect on blood circulation, most patients need the “here and now” effect. Of the variety of methods for improving blood circulation, only the use of compression hosiery - stockings and golf - has an immediate effect. The greatest effectiveness of these devices has been noted for varicose veins.

To maximize the effect, you need to know how to choose the right compression stockings. Total exists 4 classes of compression hosiery- medical products must indicate the pressure force expressed in mm of mercury:

  1. Class I - compression strength 18-21 mm Hg. Art. Suitable for use by people prone to minor swelling of the legs, initial stage varicose veins, pregnant women. Used for prophylactic purposes.
  2. Class II compression hosiery - exerts pressure with a force of 22-32 mm Hg. Art. Indicated for patients with lymphovenous insufficiency who have undergone venectomy for varicose veins.
  3. Class III - pressure force 33-46 mm Hg. Art. used for complicated varicose veins, in the presence of trophic ulcers, and for thrombosis of the deep veins of the legs.
  4. Class IV - compression force over 59 mm Hg. prescribed for lymphedema of the legs.

When using compression hosiery, one should not forget about contraindications: in diabetic angiopathy and in cases of damage to the arteries of the legs, it is contraindicated. It is better to check wearing rules with your doctor, but in most cases, compression stockings are removed only at night.


"Venous circulation, its problems, treatment through alternative medicine." Dr. Claudine Luu, Danglès, 2010
"Aromatherapy, healing with essential oils". Dr. Dominic Baudu, Amyris Editions, 2008
"The Practice of Herbal Medicine", Dr. Jean-Michel Morel, Editions Grancher, 2008

Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.