How does cystitis affect pregnancy? Diseases of the genitourinary system: is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? You can get pregnant after cystitis

Cystitis is one of the most unpleasant diseases of the genitourinary system. Anyone can get this inflammation: from small to large, from child to old man, from woman to man. And it so happened that more representatives of the beautiful part of the world suffer from cystitis. It's all about the genitals: in a woman they are always open to different types harmful bacteria that cause... The disease itself is not dangerous, especially if it is treated immediately. But what happens if suddenly a girl plans to conceive?

Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis and how will this affect the pregnancy itself? Let's try to figure out all this and give the most correct advice on how to deal with such a problem.

Cystitis is translated from Greek as “bubble”. The disease is quite common in both women and men. No one is safe from it.

Cystitis is inflammation Bladder, which can manifest itself as a symptomatic infection, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, its function may be impaired and urine sediment may change.

The following types of cystitis exist in nature:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary;
  • Spicy;
  • Chronic;
  • Infectious (specific and nonspecific);
  • Non-infectious (chemical, thermal, toxic, allergenic, medicinal, radiation, nutritional, etc.).

The main reasons for the development of cystitis in women and men are:

  • Infection. It can enter the urethral canal from the anus or vagina. The infection is pathogenic or opportunistic in nature. This problem is caused by hypothermia and decreased immunity. This is basically the case, but sometimes the infection enters through a different route. For example, through the kidneys (descending route). They can even penetrate through the blood duct (hematogenous pathways). And there is also a lymphogenous pathway - this is through the lymph.
  • Medicines. In some cases, medications can cause a side reaction in the form of cystitis. For example, cytostatics (treats malignant diseases);
  • Allergic reactions. It even exists that an allergy to something specific causes cystitis. Everything is simple here, you need to avoid this product.

Certain factors may also influence the formation of such a disease. This:

  • Too tight underwear. It provokes the proliferation of bacteria in the genitals;
  • Sex without order. Having a lot of sex with different people, as well as sex without contraception, contributes to the development of infections;
  • Intestinal problems;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Crashes in hormonal background . When hormones change in the body, the microflora of the mucous membrane of the vagina and urethra also changes;
  • Diseases caused by reduced immunity. It is clear that reduced immunity reacts poorly to passing bacteria from the outside, hence the inflammation.
  • Poor personal hygiene.

We’ve sorted out the reasons, now let’s look at the most common symptoms of cystitis.

Anyone can easily determine that he has such a disease, because the symptoms are very vivid and it is simply impossible not to recognize them.

So, among them are:

    • Itching and burning when sitting on the potty. The most common type of symptom. Its origin mainly indicates an allergy or infection. If the culprit is an allergy, then this is due to a large release of histamine, which is a mediator of inflammation. And the infection will release toxins that accumulate in the urine, reaching the organs and irritating the mucous membrane;
    • Pain. A sensation of pain can also be noted in the perineum. The nature of the pain varies, as does its intensity. There are cases, about 10%, when cystitis passes painlessly. But there remains a feeling of discomfort and distension. Not everyone can associate this symptom with cystitis. Quite often, with such pain, one gets the feeling that the patient has a back pain. A few more additional pains can be in the form of: headache, fatigue, elevated temperature bodies.
    • Blood in the urine (hematuria). In such cases, the urine has a pale pink or brick color. Often such urine indicates a virus of the mucous membrane of the urinary system. Here doctors make a diagnosis: acute or complex cystitis.
    • I often want something small. And when I go to the toilet, there is nothing.
    • Unpleasant smell of urine.

Cystitis itself does not cause any problems with the process of conceiving a child. After all, they leak in the bladder, and not on the way to the uterus. The vagina and cervix remain open and free for sperm. Yes, and the cervical mucus remains unchanged. So the sperm will pass all the way unhindered and there it will meet the egg to fertilize it.

But if cystitis is in an advanced stage, when inflammation has spread to other organs affecting the reproductive system, then problems with conception are possible.

For example, during inflammatory processes, adhesions form. To remove them, you need to be examined by a doctor, and then blow them out or remove them.

And not only the above problems can cause untreated cystitis to be dangerous, but also cause many infections of the reproductive system.

Here are some of them:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Gardnerellosis;
  • Mycoplasmosis.

Such diseases cannot be avoided. So before, it is better to undergo a qualified examination and treatment. And when a woman is completely confident in her good health, you can safely plan. Then the entire pregnancy will go without problems with minimal risks. At the same time, the expectant mother will feel good, and as a result, a beautiful, healthy and strong baby will appear.

We've sorted out conception, but now the question is different: what to do if cystitis appears when a woman is already expecting her little toddler?

In such a situation, when a woman’s body works for two, it is very easy to pick up health problems. Difficult times have come for the body, so it is very difficult for it to cope with all external bacteria. Cystitis is not a rare disease. And here you need to understand that the most uncomplicated cystitis can harm both the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

The main consequences of cystitis, which is not treated in pregnant women, are:

  • Natural termination of pregnancy ();
  • Premature birth;
  • Septic pathogens of mother and fetus;
  • On early stages, when a woman is not yet aware of her “interesting situation” and undergoes a course of antibiotics, then this threatens the death of the embryo. Or leads to pathological abnormalities in the born child.

A very sad situation. So, firstly, you need to see a doctor for immediate help. He, in turn, based on the patient’s complaints, will establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional tests:

  • Urine: general analysis, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction), for bacteriological culture and analysis according to Nechiporenko. Having detected leukocytes or pathogenic bacteria in the urine, the doctor confirms the diagnosis and prescribes treatment.
  • Analysis on;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs;
  • Cystography;
  • Cystoscopy. The last two tests will determine the form of the disease, the tumor, or find stones in the bladder.

Pregnant women often have asymptomatic cystitis. Science has not yet determined why this happens.

Therefore, before each doctor’s appointment, paunches are required to undergo a general urine test. Based on the results, the doctor looks at the condition of the leukocytes, bacteria, and proteins.

Girls, don't ignore it and hand it over important analysis, if you want to avoid complications during labor and premature birth.

We all know that there are few drugs for treating cystitis for pregnant women. But they exist. In this matter, the main thing is not to engage in nonsense (self-medication), but to be treated according to the rules by a specialist. Moreover, a girl should already think not only about herself, but also about her future child.

Bladder infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Science has developed some that expectant mothers can also take. For example, these are “Amoxiclav”, “Monural” and others. Such products kill microorganisms that infect the body.

In some cases, installation is prescribed. This is a procedure for injecting a drug into the bladder itself. This is done in a hospital using a catheter.

Traditional methods of help are quite popular. But for a pregnant woman they can become life-threatening. Therefore, they are prescribed only by a doctor. It can be , medicinal plants, complex teas, herbal teas and the like.

Among the famous assistants are:

  • Horsetail;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Chamomile.

Regular warming can save a pregnant woman from cystitis. This is assigned as an additional . A gynecologist can refer you to. He will also prescribe the number of sessions. At home, you can use a warm salt heating pad. She will partially remove painful sensations and will give you the opportunity to sleep normally.

In order not to be bothered by cystitis, you need to follow a number of small rules:

  • Comfortable underwear;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Do not overcool;
  • Limit fatty and spicy foods;
  • Move more;
  • And think positively.

Using such simple and pleasant advice, a pregnant woman or just anyone will not know what it’s like to have cystitis.

Many people ask: is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? The inflammatory process in the bladder is a common urological pathology, occurring in adults (mainly women) and children. If you suspect the existence of a disease, a woman should urgently visit a doctor, especially if she wants to become pregnant. It's no secret that any disorder in the body expectant mother negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby in the womb.

How does it affect conception?

The pathology does not have a negative impact on conceiving a child, and a pregnancy test for cystitis will show the long-awaited result. However, a disease caused by infection (gonococcal, chlamydial, trichomonas and Klebsiella) can be an obstacle to conception. In such cases, to restore reproductive activity, the root cause of cystitis should be treated, which is indicated by the result of a thorough examination.

Difficulties with conception will occur in women who let the disease take its course, as a result of which the inflammation spread to nearby organs (fallopian tubes, ovaries, kidney organs). Complications in pregnancy occur due to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable for a woman to undergo a full examination of the whole body. If cystitis is detected, undergo effective therapy. Untreated inflammation of the bladder in time brings discomfort to the woman and provokes negative consequences that interfere with the healthy functionality of the body, and this can affect the normal course of pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic cystitis?

The chronic form of cystitis is not an obstacle to conception. However, the pregnancy period is characterized by weakened immunity and against this background, chronic cystitis will worsen, causing discomfort to the expectant mother. To treat chronic inflammation of the bladder, they resort to antibacterial therapy, which will have a negative effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman and the baby developing in the womb. It follows from this that it is better to get pregnant after cystitis has been cured, and in case of chronic cystitis - after achieving stable remission.

Signs that should alert an expectant mother

Burning sensations while going to the toilet are a reason to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy planning, the expectant mother should carefully listen to changes in the body. In case of any changes or discomfort, you should test for cystitis at home, and then visit a specialist for timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The following symptoms are possible for cystitis:

  • small volumes of urine discharged during frequent urges to urination;
  • burning sensation during urination;
  • presence bleeding in urine;
  • visual changes in the urinary fluid (turbidity and a sharp, repulsive odor);
  • regular discomfort in the pelvic area not associated with the process of urination;
  • feeling of pressure in the pelvic area;
  • increased body temperature.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with cystitis interests patients with both acute and chronic forms of bladder disease. A urologist will help establish the cause-and-effect relationship of inflammation of the urinary tract.

If at the time of the disease the woman was already pregnant, the assistance of a gynecologist will be required. Only in severe cases of bladder inflammation is it recommended to terminate the pregnancy. But such a decision requires diagnostic confirmation of the presence of serious developmental anomalies in the fetus.

Pregnancy during cystitis - what are the chances?

Inflammation of the bladder affects the functional ability of the ovaries only in half of the cases. Therefore, the menstrual cycle remains unchanged: ovulation occurs, which means that the possibility of reproductive ability is preserved.

If inflammatory process from the bladder has spread to the organs of the reproductive system - in particular, the ovaries, the cycle is disrupted. This indicates a complete absence of ovulation, which predisposes to infertility.

In general, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during cystitis is high, especially if the disease has become chronic and has periods of remission.

Bladder inflammation and infertility

The presence of cystitis reduces the likelihood of fertilization for several reasons:

  1. Tubal obstruction. The fallopian tubes are important structures in the female reproductive system. Violation of their anatomical usefulness contributes to the development of infertility. A chronic inflammatory process (in this case, cystitis) promotes the production of sticky secretion. It seals the lumen of the fallopian tubes, reducing the chances of fertilization. The patency of these channels is determined during an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The referral is issued by a gynecologist.
  2. Having a sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea - all these infections are sexually transmitted. They are associated with the development of cystitis, since they are characterized by the production of pathological secretion. Subsequently, it enters the bladder and causes inflammation. In 50% of cases, the patient’s attention is drawn to the presence of problems with urination, but not a genital infection. Infertility often develops against the background of sexually transmitted diseases. The reason is that mucous and purulent secretion glues the genital canals together and prevents the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus. Therefore, in case of chronic cystitis, patients are referred to laboratory research– to exclude sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Long-term inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) and appendages. Against their background, a violation occurs menstrual cycle, the likelihood of conception decreases. The ovaries do not produce female sex hormones in the required quantities, which also affects the patient’s well-being.

Against the background of psycho-emotional instability, cystitis, and as a result, infertility, rarely occurs. The psychogenic etiological factor is the most difficult to identify, but if the patient is planning a pregnancy, she will need to see a psychologist.

Inflammation of the bladder requires the use of antibacterial agents - uroseptics and antibiotics. Without using them, it is impossible to get rid of the infectious process for a long time - it will regularly worsen. Recurrence of attacks is preceded by getting wet feet and a short stay in a draft.

The pharmaceutical capabilities of drugs contradict the possibility of full development of the fetus. They have an intense embryotoxic effect. This means that under the influence of medications, the fertilized egg is rejected or dies.

In the 2nd trimester, antimicrobial substances lead to malformations of the child. What are the most common consequences for the fetus?

  • “cleft palate”, “cleft lip”;
  • partial formation of the skull bones;
  • polydactyly (polydactyly);
  • pathologies of the structure of the spinal cord;
  • violation of the anatomy of the heart.

A potential outcome of taking antibacterial drugs during treatment for bladder inflammation is a disruption of the intestinal microflora. Its normalization also involves taking antifungal agents, which are harmful to the child.

If cystitis that occurs in a pregnant woman is not treated, infection of the amniotic fluid and fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) will occur.

One of the reasons why it is recommended to plan a pregnancy is the importance of preliminary examination. A complete diagnosis allows you to identify inflammatory and infectious processes and eliminate them in a timely manner. And only after making sure that there are no diseases, you can plan a pregnancy.

How to avoid cystitis when planning pregnancy

It is enough to avoid hypothermia, take care of personal hygiene, and avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine (they irritate the walls of the bladder). Before and after sexual intercourse, you need to take a shower - this will avoid infection of the urogenital tract due to bacteria.

Pathogenic microorganisms may be present on the genitals of both partners. The listed measures help minimize the risk of developing cystitis during the preparation for pregnancy.

How to avoid cystitis while pregnant

During pregnancy, you can avoid the development of inflammation if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Follow intimate hygiene . During pregnancy, vaginal secretion increases. If you do not eliminate it in a timely manner, you can provoke inflammation of the bladder.
  2. Avoid visiting public toilets, temporarily limit yourself from trips to the sea or going to the pool.
  3. Don't hold back the urge for too long. The enlarging uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing increased urination. By holding back the urge, a woman provokes stretching and irritation of the organ, which increases the likelihood of inflammation. Especially considering the fact that intravesical stagnation of urine causes infection.
  4. Avoid any type of hypothermia. Dress according to weather conditions and avoid getting wet in the rain.
  5. Avoid intimacy without contraception. Sex life strictly contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In the second, there are no special restrictions, but you need to use condoms to prevent the introduction of bacteria from your partner’s penis.

To prevent cystitis during pregnancy, it is not recommended to consume coffee, citrus fruits, excessive amounts of pickles, sour fruits and vegetables.

To minimize the risk of inflammation, it is important to have bowel movements in a timely manner. Constipation (inability to defecate for more than 3 days) contributes to compression of the bladder and the development of intoxication due to stagnation of feces.

Laboratory testing of blood, urine, and ultrasound of the bladder can establish or exclude the presence of cystitis during pregnancy. The same set of diagnostic procedures should be completed at the stage of maternity planning. It is preferable to supplement the examination of the bladder with an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Insidious inflammation makes many girls worry: is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? Family planning is under threat. How to carry a baby to term, what is the danger of cystitis during pregnancy? The answers can be gleaned from the article.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis?

When planning a pregnancy, a woman should listen to all the changes in her body. It is difficult to get pregnant with advanced cystitis. At this stage, inflammation can affect the kidneys, ovaries and appendages. Advanced cystitis can provoke the appearance of adhesions in the fallopian tube. Here you will need the help of a urologist.

Only after being under the supervision of a doctor can you find out for sure: Can you get pregnant with cystitis? or not. During treatment, taking all necessary medications, you should carefully listen to the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow them. Taking antibiotics before pregnancy can prevent and prevent its development.

Like any disease, cystitis has an impact on conception. Taking medications affects both the woman’s body and the fetus. You can get pregnant during cystitis if you take into account some rules:

  • When washing daily, use warm water and neutral pH;
  • Refuse the bath in favor of a shower;
  • Avoid any hypothermia;
  • You can’t stand it if you want to go to the toilet;
  • Try to eat more natural foods;
  • Move more.

Tight underwear can provoke, since pressure on the pelvis leads to inflammation. If you adhere to the above rules, you can get pregnant during cystitis and carry a healthy baby. Pregnancy planning is carried out after various tests to detect cystitis.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

With severe inflammation there may be cystitis is dangerous during pregnancy, as the blood supply to the fetus may be disrupted. In this case, the embryo can become infected through the blood. Late gestation is less dangerous; by this time all the most important systems of the fetus have been formed. During this period, take certain pharmacological drugs that will not provide negative impact for the fruit.

Untreated cystitis serves as a fertile ground for bacteria of the genitourinary system. Cystitis during pregnancy is dangerous, because infections such as ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and gardnerella develop. They negatively affect the fetus. Cystitis often occurs after intimacy. If conception occurs with it, it occurs, which is often treated with antibiotics, which can harm the embryo. Protracted cystitis gives reason to check the kidneys with an ultrasound: pyelonephritis may develop, which is a serious threat to pregnancy.

Cystitis affects pregnancy due to the presence of infections that cause it. They penetrate the placental barrier. As a result, premature detachment of the placenta is possible, and the embryo may become infected. The following points should cause concern:

  • Presence of blood in the urine;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Pressure in the pelvic area;
  • Burning in the ureter;
  • Cloudy urine;
  • Unpleasant smell.

Cystitis has a negative effect on pregnancy and more later. Long-term inflammation of the endometrium can trigger premature labor. If you manage to carry the pregnancy to term, there is a danger of the baby ingesting pathogenic microbes during a long passage through the birth canal. In this case, the child’s body becomes intoxicated and dangerous infectious diseases develop.

Pregnancy after cystitis

After successful treatment of cystitis by a urologist, you can plan a pregnancy. Pregnancy after cystitis should not take place without a systematic examination to detect relapse. If the disease remains untreated, then there is a risk of developing other forms of infection. Some of them require mandatory antibiotics for treatment, and this is very dangerous for the embryo.

It is much safer to be completely treated first than to endanger yourself later and put your baby at risk. Cystitis and pregnancy are compatible if you assess the situation sensibly and take prescriptions correctly. Pregnancy after cystitis should begin with multi-stage preparation, including:

  • Taking essential vitamins;
  • Complete laboratory diagnostics;
  • Mandatory treatment of chronic diseases.

A healthy lifestyle is an essential condition for a planned pregnancy. Preparing for pregnancy in advance will help avoid adverse consequences associated with the disease. Reproductive function is also preserved.

Video playlist about cystitis (video selection in the upper right corner)

Inflammation of the bladder is one of the most common urological diseases on the planet, and it so happens that it mainly affects women. It is especially dangerous when this pathology develops at the planning stage or early stages of pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis, and how conception will affect the health of the expectant mother and baby - further in the article.

In acute cystitis, the patient's well-being noticeably worsens. She's worried:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • leakage of urine in small portions, ending strong burning sensation along the urethra;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum;
  • cloudiness, darkening of urine;
  • discharge of blood at the end of urination.

It's unlikely that sex would be a good idea in this state. Sexual relations become possible again (and enjoyable for both partners) when the symptoms of the disease subside. But does cystitis affect conception? Practice shows that no.

If the disease is acute, uncomplicated, and the inflammation has not spread to nearby pelvic organs, it does not affect the reproductive system, and you can get pregnant with cystitis.

However, doctors categorically do not advise their patients to become pregnant against the background of exacerbation of the pathology. If cystitis began in the first half of the cycle (for example, after menstruation), you can start planning again only after complete recovery.

Why is fertilization dangerous during cystitis?

Even against the background of successful conception, inflammation of the bladder can negatively affect the course of pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. Abdominal pain in acute cystitis is provoked by severe muscle spasm. It causes hypertonicity of the uterus and causes miscarriage.
  2. Most often, the cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms - E. coli, staphylococcus, enterobacteria. Without timely treatment, infection of the fetus, intrauterine death, or the formation of severe malformations may occur.
  3. An infectious process always requires the prescription of antibiotics. Since most medications are prohibited during pregnancy, the effectiveness of treatment may not be sufficient.
  4. Advanced cystitis can be complicated by kidney inflammation. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnant women, because during pregnancy the load on the urinary system increases. When the expectant mother has pyelonephritis, the process of normal removal of excess fluid from the body is disrupted, and the risk of developing preeclampsia increases.

That is why urologists advise planning a pregnancy after cystitis no earlier than 2-3 months later. It is important to give the body time to recover. If conception does occur due to illness, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Features of early treatment

In the first 12 weeks, the formation of all organs and systems occurs in the embryo’s body. This period is considered critical: any influence “from the outside” is undesirable. That's why most medicines in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Read also: Cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment with drugs

But it is necessary to treat cystitis after conception. The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Of the medications allowed during pregnancy, the following are used:

  • antibiotics – Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Monural;
  • uroseptics – Canephron N, Fitolysin;
  • antispasmodics – No-shpa;
  • NSAIDs – Paracetamol.

Antimicrobial drugs of the penicillin series (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav):

  • have a wide spectrum of action;
  • absolutely safe even in early pregnancy;
  • relatively inexpensive.

However, the effectiveness of these antibiotics is reduced due to the growth of resistant microflora. Many patients also experience allergic reactions.

Monural is a synthetic antibiotic based on phosphonic acid with a bactericidal (destroying microbial cell) effect. It is approved for the treatment of pregnant women and is easy to use.

Plant-based uroseptics (Canephron N, Fitolysin) have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, mild diuretic, antispasmodic effects. Often prescribed to expectant mothers during exacerbation of cystitis as an adjuvant. Suitable for long-term treatment. Often used for prevention.

Antispasmodics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate the most unpleasant symptom of inflammation – pain. Mild forms of cystitis are usually not required.

In addition to taking medications, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It could be still water, compotes, berry (cranberry, lingonberry) fruit drinks. Too fatty foods, as well as pickles, smoked meats, fast food, and sweets should be excluded from the diet. The basis of the diet should be light dairy and plant foods.

Uncomplicated forms of the disease usually resolve within 5-7 days, and subsequent pregnancy proceeds without any special features. If unpleasant symptoms persist for 10 days or more, you need to undergo an in-depth examination:

  • detailed blood test;
  • bacterial culture of urine with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys.

The results obtained will help clarify the diagnosis, exclude the possibility of complications and adjust the treatment plan.

Chance of getting pregnant during chronic course

The likelihood of conception is significantly lower if a woman has chronic cystitis. Since in this disease the inflammatory process occurs in close proximity to the genital organs, it can easily “spread” to the uterus and appendages. The more often a patient experiences exacerbations of cystitis, the higher the likelihood.

Gynecologists know the facts when advanced cystitis became the cause of infertility. For example, chronic inflammation in the pelvis led to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. As a result, an obstruction occurred and the egg could not meet the sperm. In some cases, damage to the uterus caused endometrial failure, the impossibility of implantation of the fertilized egg and its rejection after conception.

During the adhesive process in fallopian tube the risk of occurrence increases significantly ectopic pregnancy- attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. This complication is life-threatening for a woman due to the risk of internal bleeding and requires emergency medical attention.