Nutrition for building muscle mass menu. Protein diet for muscle mass. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass - menu

If a person who comes to the gym has a clear goal - to build muscle mass, a well-designed training program is not enough. It is necessary to approach the construction of the diet correctly. The menu should be dominated by protein foods, since protein is the main element necessary for building muscle.

The energy expended by a person, replenished by eating food, is directly proportional physical activity. Strength training requires several times more energy than normal human activity. And if you reduce your diet, the body will begin to experience a lack of nutrients. This will negatively affect both your well-being and the results of your classes.

Follow a diet to increase muscle mass - this is not to starve, but, on the contrary, to consume more calories than the energy expended. This fact should not be taken as the only condition for such nutrition. A diet that promotes muscle gain should be balanced and built on six basic principles:

Fractional meals

You need to eat a lot, but in small portions throughout the day. This promotes the rapid absorption of food for energy, rather than for the accumulation of fat deposits. By eating fractionally, an athlete gains muscle mass rather than fat mass.

High calorie food

Each serving of food you eat should contain a lot of calories. The lower the energy value of food, the more often you will have to eat. About 70% of the daily diet, compiled by the nutrition program, must be made up of high-calorie foods.

Slow fats and carbohydrates

You need to exclude fast carbohydrates and fats from the menu - sweet fruits, confectionery and flour products. They require a long time to digest, which leads to the build-up of fat rather than energy. The body does not have time to spend most of the nutrients extracted from fast carbohydrates and fats to renew the expended energy, but sends it to “storage,” that is, to a fat depot.

Sufficient amount of water

A diet for gaining muscles speeds up metabolism and puts the body into a stressful situation, which can be avoided by following a drinking regime. You need to drink at least three liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this point can lead to dehydration, expressed by deterioration of well-being and stopping the growth of muscle mass.


Portions eaten before 16.00 should make up the majority of the daily diet. At a later time in the diet, foods with fast carbohydrates and fats should be avoided.

Sports diet

Involves mandatory intensive training. Otherwise, all the calories you consume will turn into fat and not into lean muscle mass. On training days, you need to eat 2 hours before and after training. Accelerating the process of muscle growth is facilitated by additional intake of sports supplements.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily intake

Balanced nutrition is the main condition for achieving success in compliance special diet for building muscle mass. This can be achieved by following the principle of an inverted pyramid, which determines the ratio of nutrients in the diet:

  • carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%
  • proteins - from 25 to 30%;
  • fats - from 10 to 20%.

Compliance with this rule requires an accurate calculation of all substances consumed per day. This makes it possible to receive more calories than expended during strength training. The excess goes into muscle mass.

To calculate the daily caloric intake, it is enough to use the following formula: “athlete’s weight” is multiplied by “30”, plus “500” to the result obtained. It should also be taken into account that the ratio of these elements is different for both men and women.

For men

  • Squirrels. Some amino acids are synthesized in the body, while other compounds are replenished from the food consumed. And in order to ensure a sufficient amount of protein per day, you need to include protein-rich foods in your diet, for example, meat, milk, fish. The need for a substance is calculated by multiplying your own body weight by two. If an athlete weighs 80 kilograms, then he needs 160 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. Should be reduced, but not eliminated completely. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. The daily norm is determined by age. Men under 28 need 130-160, men under 40 - 100-150 grams. At a more mature age, the amount is reduced to 70 g/day.
  • Carbohydrates. They can be simple or complex. The former are of no value for muscle mass, and the consumption of the latter per day should be at least 500 grams


  • Squirrels. The lack of this element negatively affects appearance representatives of the fair sex. Deficiency leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair structure, and nail plate. Girls, unlike men, need to consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.
  • Fats. The need for this substance is also determined by age. Up to 28 it is 86-116, up to 40 - 80-111, after 40 years it decreases and amounts to 70 grams per day.
  • Carbohydrates. To increase muscle mass, girls need to consume at least 400 grams of slow carbohydrates.

Absolutely any dietary food, including to increase muscle mass, involves the inclusion in the diet of foods that allow you to fully provide all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life. For this purpose, athletes can consume both regular food and special supplements.

Along with foods that are beneficial for an athlete gaining muscle mass, there is also food that needs to be excluded from the diet. It does not bring any benefit to the body and is stored in the fat layer. The list of prohibited foods includes the following food groups:

  • fatty meats, sausages and sausage products, ham;
  • industrial food products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • any types of spread, natural butter, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • sweet pastries, sweets, cakes, etc.;
  • salted, pickled, smoked food.

Protein sources

Protein-rich foods for increasing muscle mass include:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet. You need to consume from 150 to 200 grams of this dietary meat per day.
  • Dairy products with low fat content. This could be yogurt and milk.
  • Cottage cheese and egg whites. The first, along with protein, also contains valuable microelements. Eggs, for obvious reasons, become a source of protein only without the yolk.
  • Sea fish. Salmon, tuna, and so on contain omega acids, which are essential for humans.
  • Cereals. Wheat should be consumed sprouted, bread made from whole grain flour, raw or roasted sunflower seeds. You can eat lentils and buckwheat.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Allows you to obtain the energy supply required for training. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced only for the purpose of losing weight. People gaining muscle mass, on the contrary, need to include the following sources of carbohydrates in their diet:

  • brown rice containing more carbohydrates than white;
  • unsweetened types of fruits by reducing the consumption of grapes, pears, bananas;
  • vegetables, including herbs and garlic;
  • pasta, prepared from durum wheat;
  • cereals

Sources of fats

The optimal need for fats is compensated by consuming:

  • Brazil and walnuts;
  • hazelnuts, almonds, cashews;
  • applesauce pastilles;
  • mackerel.

Designed specifically for naturally thin ectomorphs. Provides six meals a day. Portions should be small so as not to overeat and feel hungry. The results of this diet can be seen after a month.

Diet to increase muscle mass

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Oatmeal, nuts, apple.Potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables.Cottage cheese and banana.Fish, rice, vegetables.Tuna with vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
2 Orange, nuts, buckwheat porridge with honey and milk.Boiled pasta, baked veal, vegetables.Whole grain bread, kefir.Cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.Baked mackerel, vegetable salad.
3 Oatmeal, banana, apple, nuts.Potatoes, lean veal, vegetables.Brown bread, omelette, apple.Smoothie made from milk and fruits.Turkey fillet, rice,Jam, cottage cheese.
4 Rice porridge with milk, nuts, apple.Vegetable soup, veal.Whole grain bread, kefir.Fruit salad.Turkey fillet, baked potatoes.Vegetable salad.
5 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetables.Potatoes, lean veal, banana.Apple, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet with vegetable stew.Strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter.
6 Nuts, banana, oatmeal.Chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables.Kefir, whole grain bread.Kiwi, cottage cheese with honey.Baked mackerel, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
7 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetablesVeal, vegetable salad, apple.Banana, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet, rice, vegetables.Vegetable salad.

Sports nutrition while dieting

A complex schedule or lifestyle does not always allow you to eat up to six times a day. And if such a problem exists, various supplements can come to the rescue to fill the “gaps” in nutrition.

These sports nutrition products include:


Protein powders

A protein supplement involved in the process of creating muscle mass. It does not interfere with a gainer; it is consumed an hour before training.


Retains water in muscle tissue. Drink forty minutes before physical activity.

Be sure to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamins. They not only increase the absorption of nutrients, but also prevent intestinal problems.

Drying the body while increasing muscle mass

In order not only to increase muscle volume, but also to dry out, the diet is tightened. All sources of fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. No cakes, muffins, sweets or sugar-containing products.

You need to eat not six, but seven to nine times. This will prevent the accumulation of fat mass. It is highly recommended to consume vegetable fats instead of animal fats.

The success of building a beautiful, strong, healthy body is the right balance between proper physical training and a balanced diet.

Beginning athletes make a big mistake by relying only on protein foods to gain weight. Of course, protein is the main building block of muscles, but for the proper formation of a beautiful body you also need carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats.

The second common mistake is uncontrolled consumption of the most high-calorie foods to gain muscle mass. Low-calorie fruits and vegetables are important for the proper functioning of the body - you shouldn’t give them up completely. But first things first.

Basic principles of healthy eating for gaining muscle mass

  • Food should be taken 5-6 times per day every 3-4 hours. This is necessary for the uniform supply of nutrients (substances vital for nourishing the cells of a living organism and contained in food) into the body. With 3 meals a day, nutrients are supplied in excess - there is a risk that the body will convert some of them into fat.
  • Drink a lot. When gaining muscle mass, many processes are activated in the body, which require at least 2.5–3 liters of water per day.
  • The amount of high-calorie foods for proper weight gain should be no more than 70% of the total mass of foods consumed per day. Low-calorie foods such as most fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are important for proper digestion, absorption of nutrients and general health body. The total daily amount of calories when gaining weight varies from 3000 to 4000.

When planning your diet, maintain the following balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats:

  • Carbohydrates 50–60% of the total daily diet;
  • Proteins 30 – 35%;
  • Fats 10–15%.

Most of the daily ration (70–75%) should be eaten before 17-00.

About 2 hours before training you need to eat a portion of the product, and slow carbohydrates. Protein is needed to fuel muscles, and carbohydrates will give energy to the body and brain. After training, it is appropriate to drink special sports cocktails containing protein, vitamins and minerals. Entrust the choice of drink and its dosage to a professional - he will help you calculate everything correctly. With the help of sports nutrition, you can resolve the situation when it is not possible to eat properly before training. Within 3-4 hours after training, to restore strength after it and replenish glycogen reserves in the muscles, it is important to consume a portion of fast carbohydrates. However, preference should be given useful products with a high glycemic index, and not “lean” on buns, snacks and sweets.

Use gentle heat treatment of foods (steaming, boiling, stewing). Vegetables, fruits, greens - eat raw.

Monitor the amount of weight gain - it should be about 600–800 g per week. Exceeding the upper threshold should be avoided, otherwise the body will begin to store a lot of fat.

Products for gaining muscle mass

What are they for? Consumption rate for an athlete Balance Products
Squirrels The main building material of the body Approximately 1 g per 1 kg of weight Animals and plants Lean meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley
Carbohydrates Provides the body with energy and replenishes glycogen in muscles 500-600 g (approximately 5 g per 1 kg of weight) 65% difficult Vegetables, fruits, grain products, legumes
no more than 35% “healthy” fast carbohydrates Sweet fruits, dates, raisins, potatoes, pumpkin, rice, muesli
Fats Source of essential acids necessary for building proteins No more than 1 g per 1 kg of weight At least 80% vegetable fats Nuts, seeds and seeds, as well as oils from them
No more than 20% animals Dairy fats, fatty sea fish, butter

The Best Foods for Gaining Muscle

Any product contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a number of vitamins and minerals, so there are a number of products whose regular consumption will saturate the body with many benefits. List of the most important products for those who want to gain muscle mass:

  • Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey).
  • Seafood and fish. It is enough to consume fatty fish 2 times a week or make up for the lack of healthy fats with the help of fish oil.
  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese). Eat cheeses and butter in small quantities.
  • About 6-8 eggs per day. Some nutritionists recommend eating only 2-3 eggs along with the yolks, and consuming only the whites of the rest to avoid cholesterol problems. However, there is no scientific evidence for such a recommendation.
  • Cereals - porridge, pasta, Rye bread as a source of slow carbohydrates.
  • Legumes are rich in protein and at the same time a source of complex carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables are a source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. Just don’t overdo it with starchy representatives – beets, potatoes, carrots.
  • Mushrooms are rich in proteins, fiber and fats, which are almost completely absorbed by the body.
  • Greens are a source of micro- and macroelements.
  • Fruits are controlled by the glycemic index. Sweet fruits and berries - bananas, persimmons, pineapples, watermelons - are best eaten after training.
  • Nuts as a source of protein and healthy fats.
  • Dried fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and complex carbohydrates. Ideal for snacking.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass - menu

Diet for 5 days

Sample menu for a week to gain muscle mass:

7-00 11-00 14-00 17-00 20-00 23-00
Monday Oatmeal + cocoa + a few pieces of cheese Boiled eggs + unsweetened fruit + berry compote A serving of stewed lean beef with beans + tea with honey or jam Handful of dried fruits Vegetable salad with herbs and oil + boiled turkey+ tea or fruit drink Yogurt or kefir
Tuesday Scrambled eggs with bread + tea + apple or pear Yogurt or kefir Chicken with pasta + vegetable salad with herbs + compote or fruit drink 16-00 training, immediately after it a handful of dates Fish with rice + green tea Handful of nuts
Wednesday Millet porridge + cocoa 1-2 fruits Boiled beef + buckwheat + steamed green peas + tea Cottage cheese with honey + tea Vegetable salad + boiled turkey + tea
Thursday Omelette with shrimps and tomatoes + bread + green tea Tea and a few pieces of cheese (you can have a sandwich with cheese) Boiled chicken breast + potatoes stewed with mushrooms + buckwheat + tea 16-00 training, immediately after it a piece of chocolate and 2 bananas Cottage cheese with raisins Yogurt or kefir
Friday Buckwheat porridge + milk Yogurt or kefir Beef with pasta + vegetable salad with herbs and butter + compote or berry juice 2 unsweetened fruits Steamed chicken with green beans + green tea Handful of dried fruits
Saturday Omelette with vegetable salad + tea + cheese sandwich Training at 9:00, persimmon immediately after Pumpkin porridge with meat Cottage cheese with jam + tea A serving of fish and potatoes + vegetable salad + tea Yogurt or kefir
Sunday Barley porridge + cocoa 1-2 fruits or a handful of dried fruits or nuts Boiled beef with pasta + compote Cottage cheese with unsweetened fruits + tea Seafood with vegetables and herbs Yogurt or kefir

The proposed menu is advisory in nature and is subject to individual correction. Compose your diet according to the stated rules, taking into account your daily routine. Proper nutrition is an important step for building a strong, beautiful body! And be sure to weigh yourself weekly to monitor weight gain and timely adjustments to your diet.

If you have questions, ask them in the comments. And in order not to miss new useful articles, subscribe to free site updates. And now you need it. Good luck!

Not everyone is lucky enough to be happy with their figure. Nowadays, when there is no longer any need to hunt for mammoths, food is abundant at any time of the day or night, the main problem, of course, is excess weight. However, some are faced with the opposite story.

Gaining weight may be of interest to both men and women who either have unhealthy thinness, that is, insufficient natural fat, or need to build muscle tissue. And for a proper smooth increase, a protein diet is also required.

In this case, such diversity as in diets for weight loss is not observed. Either a system for increasing the total caloric intake of the diet will come to the rescue, or protein diet for weight gain.

The first involves a gradual increase in healthy fats (nuts, oils, etc.) in the diet and, as a result, thickening of the layer subcutaneous fat. This is important during the recovery period after serious injuries, after strict restrictive diets prescribed for health reasons, to bring the body back to normal. hormonal levels if a woman has difficulty conceiving. Or this is how they solve the problem of a naturally too thin physique, when it is impossible to gain weight naturally.

The second, protein diet, is used to gain muscle mass without adding fat. Let's talk about it in more detail.

The essence of the technique

The body stores fats in reserve as the most effective fuel. Glucose obtained from carbohydrates is used for energy for life and maintaining all processes.

Why is it advisable to use a protein diet to gain body weight? Because proteins are the main building material. To add weight solely through muscles, they need to be built from something. For this, two factors are important: a sufficient amount of protein and proper physical activity.


Any physical exercise, exercise, even walking on a regular basis changes the body. But the task of building muscle must be solved following certain rules.

  1. Cardio exercises (long-distance running, cycling, treadmill, walking, swimming) increase muscle endurance, but not their volume.
  2. Group fitness training (Pilates, port de bras, fitball, taibo, etc.) will also not give the desired effect.
  3. Working out in the gym with light weights does not suit our goals.
  4. What really leads to muscle growth (that is, the growth of connective tissue, an increase in glycogen depots) is strength exercises that involve (especially at first, until any specific muscle is required to be worked on) several muscle groups. And with weights so heavy that you simply physically could not do more than 7-10 repetitions.

Important: growth and recovery take up to 48 hours, so there is no point in doing training more often. During this period we need good food and complete rest!

It is more convenient to start with a personal instructor, this will eliminate mistakes, strengthen the technique of performing the exercise, and protect against injuries.

But relying only on exercise is pointless, because without a special diet the body simply will not have the reserves to build muscle.


The first thing you need to know is your daily calorie intake. They can calculate it for you individually in a fitness center or nutritionist’s office. 20-30% should be added to the calculation. This will be your new daily calorie intake of a protein diet for weight gain.

In addition, it is important that the basis of nutrition is protein. Often, trainers insist on high-quality animal protein. Your personal protein requirement per day is determined by the formula: weight x 2 = number of grams of protein per day

To increase the volume of muscle fibers, you need to multiply by 2.5-3, then a surplus of protein will form, and it will go into action.

Attention: Most foods contain all three macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) in varying proportions. Don’t try to look for something that only contains protein, it’s absolutely unnecessary.

All elements are required by the body, just in different quantities. So the basic guide to action:

  • we use healthy fats(nuts, natural oils) in a small volume, otherwise the synthesis of hormones will stop, and skin problems will loom on the horizon;
  • we eat complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits) for all the calories that remain after subtracting protein, because they provide energy for the processes that we want to start;
  • We organize up to 6 meals a day in small portions;
  • eat before bed!

Before training, you need to have a supply of glycogen, which will be used up during exercise. If it is not enough, a full workout will not work. This means that before exercise you need to eat 1.5-2 hours before exercise. But not later, because the heaviness in the stomach will interfere with classes. However, you can also consume a gainer or chocolate immediately before training.

After training, your diet may vary. Here are some versions:

  • During the “carbohydrate window” period (15-30 minutes after exercise), you need to eat any quickly digestible carbohydrates - banana, kefir with bread, etc.
  • At this time, you should replenish your protein reserves and eat eggs, a protein shake, etc.

Most trainers are confident that whatever you eat immediately after training will go towards restoring lost glyconeg in the muscles.

2 hours after class you need a full meal with all the elements and vitamins and with an emphasis on protein. Minerals and vitamins are not required for muscle growth, but act as catalysts for the processes we need. If it’s late in the evening, let it be an omelette with milk and salad, chicken fillet with vegetables, a cottage cheese dish - to your taste.

Menu options

day 1 day 2
boiled eggs + green pea+ drink without sugar muesli with natural yoghurt and dried fruits Oatmeal + boiled egg + tea


glass of berries

vegetable soup + whole grain bread + 2-3 cashews + green tea sugarless

salad with vegetables and seafood + drink

cabbage soup with meat + bran bread

prunes + dried apricots

cheesecakes with milk

stewed fish + vegetable salad,

sugar free drink

chicken breast with cereal garnish + tomato, sugar-free drink

veal with stewed vegetables+ unsweetened drink

snack skim cheese protein cocktail


The protein diet menu for gaining muscle mass in the following days can be repeated, or you can come up with it yourself, you know the principles.

Attention: Don't skip your nightly snack. To gain weight, it is important to always consume more than you expend, and at night calories go to recovery, breathing and other background processes, that is, they are consumed!

A few words about breakfast. After several hours of fasting, the body must wake up, and for this it needs energy. There are authoritative studies that people who skip breakfast are more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases. There is also a recommendation from professional bodybuilders to consume up to half of your daily calories for breakfast. Decide based on your condition whether to follow it or not. But in any case, a hearty breakfast is the key to a well-structured day.

It is important not to skip meals and not to fast for more than 3 hours. The ideal nutrition option for a man to gain muscle mass would be to eat according to the clock, so the body will quickly adapt to the system and itself will give a signal that it is time to eat. On average, the body's adjustment to a new regime takes about 3-4 weeks.

Another secret to maintaining a routine is planning your meals in advance. At first you will have to weigh everything and keep a food diary, but over time this will no longer be necessary. There are special services for this on the Internet, or you can install applications on your phone.

For those who have not exercised before and have decided to gain weight, increasing physical activity within reasonable limits has a beneficial effect on appetite and nutrient absorption. Therefore, to accelerate weight gain, you need to use the muscles of the body. A set of exercises for both home and. And for those who are especially thin, it’s worth reading the article.

When starting the period of weight gain, a list of necessary products is compiled and purchased for the first week. It’s better to create a menu and prepare food for the whole day at once; this will help you distribute food correctly, so that you don’t add calories at the last moment with anything.

The time to gain weight takes different amounts of time for everyone, so you should clearly define the result. It is better to increase the calorie content and volume of food gradually, this way you can avoid discomfort and confidently move towards your goal. There is no need to rush in this matter, as they say "the quieter you go, the further you'll get". Listen to your body and you will soon see positive changes.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast? Dinner? Dinner? Or all of the above? Now you will definitely master this knowledge. In one of the previous articles entitled "" we examined the most important aspects and components proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass, without which, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to succeed in the metamorphosis of your body.

Today we will answer the question of how to eat properly to gain muscle mass and discuss nutrition strategy. The menu is universal and, by adjusting the portions and replacing some of the ingredients (for example, porridge with milk instead of water and vice versa), is suitable for almost any athlete.

So what is the ideal nutritional “recipe” for building muscle? The answer is frighteningly simple, at least in general terms:

  1. Firstly, you need to eat the right amount of food at certain times of the day
  2. Secondly, eat the right types of food

Doing one or the other is NOT ENOUGH! An example would be an ectomorph who is insanely meticulous about choosing foods to gain muscle mass, but does not eat enough in one sitting. Or an athlete who goes beyond all limits in his mass-gaining quest, devouring absolutely everything in his path until his stomach becomes his largest body part.

The contrast to the above examples should be ideal mode nutrition for gaining muscle mass, which will allow you to grow, gain muscle and mass without turning into an “ugly ogre”. This type of plan requires a more methodical approach. This is what we will look at in the next 9 rules. And it doesn’t matter whether a girl or a man is reading this - this applies to anyone, the only differences are in the portions of the dishes. Try them for yourself, noting the effect of each of them. As a result, you will be able to create your own ideal diet and, combined with a good one, you will definitely succeed in your goals.

Eat more often to gain muscle mass

You won't be able to maximize your growth and gain muscle mass if your meals are split into three or four meals a day. Instead, you need to stick to 6 or even 7 meals a day. The benefits are incredibly multifaceted: smaller amounts are absorbed much more easily, which means you will get many more amino acids, vitamins and minerals than if you ate larger amounts, but only a few times a day.

More frequent doses help increase testosterone and insulin levels, which promote growth, while reducing levels of cortisol, a growth-inhibiting hormone that is produced during exercise. Take this into account when creating a nutrition menu for gaining muscle mass.

Keep Proteins at Proper Levels

Protein consists of amino acids - the main components of muscle tissue and the most important thing in nutrition for gaining muscle mass for an ectomorph. You need a lot of amino acids for your body to build muscle. You need to consume AT LEAST 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. If you weigh 90 kg, you need to include at least 180 grams of protein in your daily plan.

This 26-30 g in one sitting, which is equivalent to approximately 150 g chicken breast or 170 grams of cottage cheese. It's simple math, but many people neglect it and their goals become unattainable.

Manipulate your protein intake at key points

Follow the rule "2 grams of protein per kg of weight" within three or four weeks. If after a while you don't see significant results, adjust your protein intake at two critical times: post-workout and before bed. Post-workout, increase your intake to 40-60g, preferably using fast-acting whey protein. Before bedtime, 30-40 grams of casein protein will help keep you in an anabolic state while you sleep. Otherwise, it will be too long and harmful fasting for the body, and your nutrition for gaining muscle mass and your weight training program will be ineffective.

Increase carbs

Carbohydrates work together with protein to create hormonally favorable conditions for growth. They help the process of transporting amino acids from food to the muscles from which new ones will be made. muscle or will be used to repair damaged tissue during exercise. Well, I think everyone already knows that carbohydrates are a powerful source of energy. Start with 4 g ang. per kilogram of body weight per day. But, unlike protein, divide them between the first five or six meals, removing carbohydrates from the last one or two meals.

Thus, a 90 kg athlete should eat 60-72 grams of coal. in each of his first five or six sittings, with minimal angles. after.

Manage Carbs at Key Points

Follow the rule "4 grams of carbon per kg of weight" within three or four weeks. If results are not observed, increase your carbohydrate intake at two critical times: the first meal of the day and after your workout. Adding even more carbohydrates to breakfast, combined with protein, helps stop the breakdown that occurs during the last two to three hours of sleep at night and speeds up your metabolism (contrary to popular misconceptions, increased metabolism actually increases muscle growth):

  • Number of angles for breakfast and after training it is necessary to increase by 50%. For example, if you ate 60 grams for breakfast, increase to 90 grams.
  • By the fifth week of following the muscle building diet, if you have not yet seen improvement, increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to a total of 5 grams per kg of body weight per day.

Don't avoid fats

A common mistake among those trying to gain muscle size is the inability to distinguish between good and bad fats. The truth is that not all fats are the same. Healthy monounsaturated omega 3 and 6 fats can be a huge support for athletes trying to eat healthy to gain muscle size. Emphasize the following foods that are great for gaining muscle mass: avocados, salmon and other fatty fish, nuts, and healthy oils such as canola and olive.

Say YES to vegetables

Eating a ton of vegetables will not help you get a huge body, but it will be an indispensable aid in processing the other foods you consume. WITH digestive system hardgainers, during mass-gaining diets, often have problems with calories in excess of the norm. It is dietary fiber in our diet that is designed to help with digestive processes - they will provide us with useful microelements and vitamins.