How to increase muscle mass ectomorph. Ectomorph muscle building: nutrition and training basics. Diet and weight training program for ectomorphs

Ectomorph is one of the three most common. The main characteristics of the ectomorphic component of a person are high growth and a tendency to thinness. In turn, naturally plump endomorphs easily increase body weight (most often due to fat), while athletic mesomorphs have a genetic predisposition to gain muscle mass.

The main advantage of an ectomorph can be considered a high metabolic rate and a low level of subcutaneous fat. In other words, it is much easier for people with such genetics not only to follow the figure, but also. Unlike other somatotypes, they do not require careful monitoring of calories consumed and strict adherence to healthy eating rules.

The downside of the genetics of male ectomorphs is the difficulty with gaining mass - even with regular strength training, although they look athletic and fit, they can easily be considered thin. At the same time, for most ectomorphs, gaining 5-7 kg of muscles is a serious challenge, requiring a change in attitude not only to their training, but also to everyday nutrition.

Muscle Growth Strategy for an Ectomorph

A fast metabolism fundamentally distinguishes lean ectomorphs from overweight endomorphs and muscular mesomorphs. An ectomorph teenager can eat harmful and high-calorie foods for weeks without gaining significant excess weight. However, unfortunately, only up to a certain age, after which, even against the background of general thinness, it can begin to grow.

At the same time, nutrition is the main secret of how an ectomorph can quickly build muscle and gain mass. Naturally skinny guys who want to bulk up need to significantly increase their daily calorie intake, as well as consume whey isolate every few hours. The reason is that the growth and further maintenance of muscle mass requires a significant amount of calories.

Mass gain rules for ectomorphs:

  • Workouts for
  • Increasing calorie intake by 20-25%
  • Nutritional emphasis on slow carbohydrates and high-quality protein
  • Using Techniques to Accelerate Muscle Recovery

In order for an ectomorph to be able to build lean muscle, and not just gain weight from fat, an increase in calorie intake must occur along with the rejection of empty calories. In other words, food should not just be high-calorie, but also nutritious - contain carbohydrates, fiber, omega-3 sources, vegetable oils, and a number of vitamins and minerals.

To gain mass, the daily caloric intake should be approximately 10-15% higher than normal, amounting to at least 2500-2900 kilocalories for men with a height of 170 cm.

Nutrition for gaining mass for an ectomorph:

  • increased calorie intake
  • a lot of healthy carbohydrates ( , )
  • lots of vegetables (sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals)
  • (accelerates muscle recovery)

Sports supplements for mass gain

Taking sports supplements such as whey protein can help an ectomorph gain mass faster. Drinking creatine is necessary not only to increase strength, but also to increase weight. The substance increases fluid retention in the muscles, as a result of which you can gain an additional 3-5 kg ​​in the first few weeks of taking the supplement.

In turn, sports isolate can become a source of protein for muscles if you find it difficult to maintain an adequate level of protein intake in the diet. In other words, if you do not have the opportunity to eat food 4-6 times a day, an isolate or even a gainer can replace it. However, it can only be used in combination with powerful strength training.

Ways to increase testosterone

In addition, for muscle growth for ectomorph men, it is important to ensure that daily nutrition helps maintain high level testosterone. First of all, it is necessary to regularly consume foods containing sufficient amounts of zinc and magnesium - including seafood, pumpkin seeds, almonds and other nuts. Acceptance will be an alternative.

Also on speed dial mass also affects the ability of the body to recover, healing micro-damages in the muscles. One of the most simple ways acceleration of these processes is a sports myofascial massage, which helps to break down the lactic acid formed in the muscles after strength training. It is also important that you can do this at home on your own.

Ectomorph workouts for mass gain

The right training strategy for ectomorphs involves fairly rare, but heavy strength training. For muscle growth, functional training, football, crossfit, swimming, running or other cardio should be reduced to a minimum. The most effective mass gain strategy for an ectomorph will be choice.

Multi-joint, of which this program consists, involve all the large muscles of the body in the work, thus triggering hormonal changes in the body and naturally increasing testosterone and growth hormone levels. Separately, it should be noted that the triple split with the division of training into different muscle groups in most cases is not effective for ectomorphs.

Basic exercises for rapid growth muscles:

  • Deadlift (legs, glutes, back)
  • Barbell Squat (legs, abs, glutes)
  • Bench press (chest, shoulders, triceps)
  • Bent Over Row (back, shoulders, abs)
  • Standing barbell press (shoulders, abs)

The Importance of Proper Technique

Another problem with mass gain is that ectomorphs who begin training often do not know that it is important not only to perform exercises with a lot of weight, but also to constantly and consciously feel the involvement of certain muscles in the work. Only this guarantees that the technique of the exercise will not be violated, and the load will fall on exactly those muscles that require it.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting sports injuries and the development of chronic problems with low back and neck pain. It is also necessary to play sports no more than two to three times a week (the duration of the workout should be no more than 45-60 minutes) and sleep at least 8 hours a day - muscles do not grow during strength training, but during recovery and, in particular, during sleep.


The main rule of mass gain for naturally thin ectomorphs is quite rare, but at the same time heavy strength training. The exercises must be done with slow speed, perfect technique and a complete sense of involvement of the muscles in the work. The next element of a muscle growth strategy should be high-calorie meals 5-7 servings per day.

Ectomorphs include people endowed by nature with a lean physique. As a result accelerated metabolism they never have problems with the deposition of fat, but this feature negatively affects the desire to gain weight.

When designing a training program individual characteristics ectomorphs must be taken into account without fail.

Features of ectomorphs

The requirement to take into account individual properties is due to the fact that only in this way it is possible to compose effective program training and nutrition. A careless attitude to the features of the physique leads to the fact that many hours of persistent training programs for a long time to gain muscle mass for an ectomorph turn out to be unsuccessful.

Ectomorphs are not distinguished by high strength indicators. IN ordinary life a person with this type of physique is called "drish". They are characterized by the almost complete absence of fat. This type is characterized by the following features:

  • low fat content;
  • underweight;
  • low muscle mass;
  • high metabolism.

It is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass even with long and hard training, and stopping classes always nullifies the achieved result.

Features of the training program

In connection with such features, the strategy and training program aimed at gaining muscle mass for the ectomorph must be special. In people with such a physique, muscle growth takes a long time and is always associated with a special training program, which is based on basic exercises, a special diet and daily routine. Basic Rules:

  • each workout should be preceded by a warm-up lasting from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • short training time, the duration of which should not exceed 40-50 minutes;
  • high-intensity exercises using medium weights;
  • the absence or minimization of cardio loads;
  • visiting the gym no more than three times a week;
  • obligatory rest between approaches lasting at least 2-3 minutes.

The limitation on the duration of the workout is due to the fact that muscles with this type of physique do not have natural endurance, and prolonged exercise will lead to the opposite effect - weight loss. A feature of the ectomorph training program is that one muscle group trains no more than 1 time per week.

At the same time, there is a main rule of training - the number of approaches without warming up should not exceed 3 or 4 times.

An attempt to use training with many approaches is fraught with catabolism for an ectomorph, that is, the breakdown of muscle fibers.

Even though dial muscle mass with such a physique it is rather difficult compared to other types of figures, but with correct mode nutrition and exercise program is possible. The basis of the training program for muscle growth for an ectomorph should be basic exercises that involve most of the muscles when they are performed. These include:

  • deadlift;
  • squats using a barbell;
  • push ups;
  • bench press;
  • twisting.

The first visible result in an ectomorph can be noticeable after 2.5 months of training. After weight gain, they can be gradually introduced into the complex of exercises to increase strength endurance, which will further prepare the body for the transition to the next stage to strengthen muscle mass using isolating exercises.

Nutrition Features

For the growth of muscle mass, ectomorphs must necessarily provide the body with high-calorie nutrition with a high protein content. In the diet, the protein content should be at least 3 grams per kilogram of weight. The following proportions should be followed:

  • 20-30% proteins;
  • 50-60% carbohydrates;
  • 20-30%. Zhirov.

Calculating the required number of calories is very simple. General value calculated in such a way that 1 kg of weight accounts for 45 to 55 kilocalories. With an average weight of 65 kg, the calorie content of food per day should be 2,900-3,600 kcal. In nutrition, it is worth giving preference to foods with a low glycemic index. These products are:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • brown rice;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • whole grain bread.

Ectomorphs must necessarily take a complex of vitamins, the presence of vegetables and fruits in the diet is necessary. In order to accelerate the growth of muscle mass and faster energy recovery, a gainer is recommended - a mixture of protein and carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition is easy to control. If during the week the weight gain is 300-400 grams, then the diet is correct and the training program for the ectomorph for growth and muscle gain is also chosen correctly. A lower number indicates the need to make adjustments.

Workout program for ectomorphs

The mass training program for the ectomorph was compiled taking into account three visits to the gym and its duration is 2.5 months. Between each workout there is a rest break of 1 day. The program is based on basic exercises that allow you to ensure a sufficient level of muscle stress during their implementation.

Do not try to increase the intensity and number of approaches, trying to complete more of them.

Such actions can lead not only to a lack of muscle mass growth, but also to the exact opposite result.

It is not recommended for beginner athletes to immediately start with complex training programs using a set of exercises by world bodybuilding stars. Such classes in most cases are purely individual and are not suitable for ectomorphs. The main rule of training for this type of physique is better.

Workout 1 - chest and triceps development

The first approach is performed for the purpose of warming up using a bench press. In total, 5 approaches are performed, taking into account the warm-up and the 10x8x8x8 scheme. Between each approach, a rest time of 2 minutes is given.

  • 4 sets of bench press using dumbbells according to the scheme 8x8x7x6;
  • 3 sets of breeding arms with dumbbells in the prone position for 10 repetitions;
  • Push-ups using bars 3 sets with the number of repetitions 12x10x8;
  • 3 sets of push-ups from the floor with a narrow arrangement of hands for 10-15 repetitions.

Between each basic exercise with repetitions, a break is given for 2 minutes to allow the muscles to rest.

Workout 2 - developing the muscles of the back and biceps

  • A warm-up is performed using a classic deadlift. The following complex is sequentially done:
  • taking into account the warm-up, 5 trips are performed according to the scheme 10x10x8x8 - deadlift;
  • 4 sets with repetitions 12x10x8x6 - barbell tilt;
  • 3 sets according to the scheme 10x8x6 - thrust behind the head of the upper block;
  • 4 sets according to the scheme 12x10x8x6 - bending the arms in a standing position using a barbell;
  • 3 sets of 6 repetitions - bending the arms using dumbbells using the hammer method.

Between each approach, a rest of at least 2 minutes is required.

Workout 3 - development of the muscles of the legs and shoulder girdle

For warm-up, 2 sets of squats with a barbell are used. Next, the main complex is performed:

  • 6 approaches, taking into account the warm-up according to the scheme 10x10x8x6 - squat with a barbell;
  • 3 sets with repetitions 5x12x10 - leg press on the simulator;
  • 3 x 12 reps - barbell row to the chin;
  • 3 x 12 reps - dumbbell bench press in a sitting position;
  • 3 x 12 reps - lifting dumbbells while standing to the sides.

The peculiarity of the body of an ectomorph is that it quickly gets used to a specific training program. The total time of training for one program should not exceed 3 months, otherwise the growth of muscle mass will slow down. It is enough to make minor changes to the program in the form of a degree of inclination, grips, weights used to ensure further weight gain.

In the ectomorph training program great importance has the right nutrition, training, daily routine. Any mistake and lack of due attention to the features of the body type will lead to the fact that the development of muscles is slowed down, and in exceptional cases regression may begin.

If you had to live with one of these traits, which one would you choose?

  • Hands like bean pods;
  • sunken chest;
  • Dilapidated deltoid muscles (shoulders);
  • Tendency to accumulate fat around the waist;
  • Fragile hands.

Consider yourself lucky if you sit back and think about the answer, because there is a type of people that I call skinny ectomorphs. Unfortunately for them, they have all these features.

I confess that I was once such a skinny ectomorph. And if it hadn't gotten to the point where I was teased in ninth grade about having "boobs" with my physique, maybe I wouldn't have broken the curse.

But consider my pain as your growth (from the phrase “no pain - no gain”), because here I must help you break free in the same way. But there is one thing that I have learned over the years - we can't play usual rules . For true skinny guys this is an axiom. They seem to never be able to To gain weight. For ectomorph food is like a shoveled heap of life support, which is rapidly falling down the garbage chute.

Unfortunately, skinny people are so, partly because of their own inexperience, because they follow the same advice. Bad news that thinness is a kind of purgatory. How do you follow one path in an attempt gain weight- get along with it and fat. And if you turn down the other path in an attempt to remove excess weight, and with it the muscles also mysteriously melt.

And what is the conclusion? How to gain muscle mass ectomorph (thin)?

Lean maintenance with signaling

Your physique is shaped by signals sent from outside. Stay outside for a while on a nice sunny summer day and you'll get a tan - an adaptation to better withstand solar radiation.

Thinness is a consequence of the signals sent, but not strong enough to cause an ectomorph to gain muscle mass or destruction of adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, most skinny people aren't exactly trying to send the right signals at all. They do it. However, their signals are usually wrong. Below are seven secret signals that will help answer the question " how to gain weight ectomorph?»

1. Stop Prioritizing Cardio

While cardio training is generally recommended for losing excess weight However, the best results for weight loss are often demonstrated by a properly selected diet. Running on a treadmill can deprive you of 300 calories, which can be immediately replenished with Twinkies (the famous American pastry).

One of the biggest problems with lean individuals is quite simple - they are just skinny. What will heart rate-loss cardio do to you in the name of burning fat, without having a muscular body? The correct answer to this question will be: you will turn into a skinny, lanky person with another baggage of psychological problems.

2. Start lifting weights

Instead of a treadmill, prioritize weight training. Don't seek refuge in the gym different type. Movie " pumping iron taught us that the barbell should be the foundation of any quality training program for anyone who wants to reach muscle growth . Remember, it's about signaling. Take for comparison the bench press and the Butterfly machine (Pec Dec Machine) for training the pectoral (pectoral) muscles.

During the bench press, you stabilize the bar as it swings right over your throat. This creates a powerful impulse to your nervous system. If your body could speak, it would probably say: If you lose your balance this barbell will crush your throat". Compare this to sitting on a butterfly machine, where there is no need to stabilize anything. You could even yawn once or twice, or count all the crows. Where would you get a stronger signal? The answer is obvious - where there is a direct allusion to the importance of having developed musculature for survival.

3. Don't bulk up

Work with weight and build some muscle mass but be careful. Don't eat-eat-eat in an attempt to "gain" (gain weight, in jargon). Such a bombardment of calories will only give you more body fat. which ultimately makes weight gain even more likely.

In addition, our subcutaneous fat is a terrible nutritional ingredient (that is, instead of muscle, we store even more of our excess calories as fat). Creating more fat cells is only bad news - it can take up to ten years for them to completely "die" (1).

Do not misunderstand me - weight gain is a priority for thin people . But you don't have to follow the traditional " weight gain" to make it happen. By itself, the fat layer is energy reserves. Fat will not magically turn into muscle until it is broken down and used for energy needs. Let the body use this fuel in the name of gaining muscle mass, before resorting to homemade food, in order to "add".

Eat a little less each day than you need and lean heavily on iron. Good things will happen.

4. Stop doing the bench press

Majority muscle building training programs not adapted to the specific needs of thin people. For example, the bench press is often included in the mandatory barbell exercises for gaining muscle mass. But ectomorphs should not be doing that.

I know it's like blasphemy, but skinny people are already terribly complex about their upper chest being out of proportion compared to their lower chest. The horizontal bench press, if performed correctly, puts a lot more emphasis on the lower chest. Therefore, the incline bench press is the best alternative.

Skinny are unique in their own way. Not only are we struggling with our genetics, we are also struggling with self-inflicted torment throughout our lives. There are some aspects of our body to which we are somewhat more sensitive. It's much more worth addressing problem areas when you're making substitutions for equivalently valuable exercises.

An incline bench press instead of a flat bench is a good substitute. In the same way, replacing exercises with leg extensions in favor of squats is not a bad decision.

5. Don't Neglect Hand Isolation Exercises

Today, among the general recommendations is to ignore the direct work of the hands (isolation exercises) in favor of large, complex exercises ( basic exercises). I can't completely refute this, however, for lean people, ignoring arm isolation exercises is a misguided decision.

Do not misunderstand me. Do your deadlifts, pull-ups and presses. But there's nothing wrong with adding, say, a few sets of curls. Perform a narrow grip barbell curl, reverse narrow grip (Arnold's favorite exercise) and a dumbbell curl with a hammer grip. It just might turn your skinny, bean-like arms into delicious green trunks.

6. Don't underestimate your success with poor nutrition (what to eat to gain muscle mass)

You train hard to build muscle and burn fat so don't let your life outside of the gym ruin your efforts. First of all, it means watching your diet.

Every day - at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight (about 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight). This will help with the muscles. Make a choice in favor of natural products (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits) instead of processed ones. Stop eating processed grains and sugars (which are also found in packaged fruit juices), flavor-enhancing protein supplements, sugary yogurts, and sports drinks. Some skinny guys may even have to eliminate wheat, flour, and milk from their diet to keep their body fat levels as low as possible.

Therefore, replace processed grains and sugars with fruits and vegetables. Replace sugary drinks with water and occasional tea or coffee. And finally, shopping should be done in this way: first, stand on the perimeter of the grocery store. Usually you need to look out for "fresh products", not those in open boxes that can lie on the shelves for centuries.

7. Relax and get some sleep

Keep your nerves under control. Excessive stress and lack of sleep do not bode well, especially muscle growth without an extra drop of fat.

If you don't have at least seven hours of sleep, start here. Don't be afraid to take a nap in the middle of the day until you make up for the lack of sleep.

Leave most of your work in the office. Devote some pleasant pastime to yourself every night. It is very useful to relieve stress in just five minutes before you fall asleep.

Use this breathing exercises described in the classic book Bill Starr, « Only the strongest will survive».

  • Inhale through your nose as close to 100% as you can;
  • When you think you have reached 100%, register this last breath;
  • Hold the breath for 5-10 seconds;
  • Exhale 100% through slightly pursed lips;
  • When you think you have reached 100%, register this last breath;
  • Hold on to the exhale for 5-10 seconds;
  • Repeat.

It clears your mind and improves your heart rate, especially before bed.

thinness fetters

Being skinny sucks and there's no reason to pretend it isn't. Narrow shoulders, tiny wrists and a lankier build are the exact recipe to wake up Emeril Lagaissom in you (famous on foreign TV cookery), which would create a stunning combination of views on the problem of longevity, as the pinnacle of culinary art. But do not condemn yourself to life imprisonment - being afraid to take off your shirt in public. As long as you continue to follow these seven tips to help you understand how to gain mass as an ectomorph- there is hope. What are you waiting for?

1) Arner E, Westermark PO, Spalding KL, Britton T, Rydén M, Frisén J, Bernard S, Arner P. Adipocyte turnover: relevance to human adipose tissue morphology. diabetes. 2010 Jan;59(1):105-9.

Translation from English of an article by Anthony Michel from the official website of Arnold Schwarzenegger

There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. An ectomorph is a thin person with a very low percentage of fat, a fast metabolism and rather thin bones. Mesomorph - characterized by broad shoulders, but at the same time has a rather narrow waist. Endomorph - thick bones, broad shoulders, but the waist is clearly larger than that of the mesomorph, as well as the percentage of body fat.

But most often a person does not belong to any one body type, but is a mixed type: ecto-mesomorph or meso-endomorph, etc.

Why is it difficult for an ectomorph to gain mass?

The ectomorph has very fast metabolic processes in organism. What does it mean? All cells in our body are constantly consuming energy: for regeneration, hormone production, temperature maintenance, etc. On average, the entire human body is updated in 40 days. Those. During this time, old cells die and are replaced by new ones. But in ectomorphs, this process is faster. Consequently, the body needs more energy per unit of time.

However, it is not always possible to eat properly and abundantly, and it turns out that the energy level of ectomorphs is constantly at a low level, and it is barely enough to maintain the natural functions of the body, not to mention the growth of muscle mass. All food literally burns out and is spent on metabolic processes, and there are simply no resources left for muscle growth.

There are pluses in this too: an ectomorph will always look lean and have a low percentage of body fat, and gained muscles will look very aesthetically pleasing!

Basic nutritional rules for mass gain for an ectomorph

You should pay special attention to diet and proper diet nutrition. It is from competent nutrition in an ectomorph, one can say by 99%, that success in gaining muscle mass depends. So the basic rules are:

1. The ratio of BJU should be something like this: 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 15% fat.

2. Daily calorie content should be calculated according to the formula: multiply your weight by 40, and add another 200 kcal on non-training days and 500 kcal on training days. For example, a person weighing 60 kg per day should consume at least 2600 kcal (60 x 40 + 200).

3. Special attention should be paid to the consumption of omega-3-6-9 fats. Omega-3 is found in fish and flaxseed oil, and omega-6-9 in olive and sunflower oil.

4. From sources slow carbohydrates preference should be given to porridge: rice, oatmeal and hercules. It is better to refuse buckwheat, because. you get less energy from it, and its glycemic index is much lower.

5. Porridge must be boiled in milk, and for every 200g of dry cereal, add 4 tsp. Sahara. So you get a lot more energy. Even if you have an intolerance to dairy products, you can still safely add 50 ml of milk at the very beginning of cooking, because. high temperature destroys lactose, and after cooking porridge, lactose will no longer be in it.

6. In addition to milk, add more water to the porridge to make it boiled. Thus, you will raise the glycemic index a little more, and it will also be easier for the intestines to digest it.

7. Meals should be very frequent, every 1.5-2 hours. And even better every hour - if you are at home and have the opportunity to eat often.

8. Imagine eating food is your job. Those. The goal is not to have fun, but to work! Yes, sometimes it will be very difficult to consume more food, but the result depends on this, because nothing is easy, everything is given with difficulty.

9. The amount of protein is standard: in the range of 1.5-2g per kilogram of weight, no more. You should not chase the amount of protein. In the first place are carbohydrates, and they should be consumed first.

10. For proper bowel function, you should eat more vegetables. Vegetables improve peristalsis and help better absorption of nutrients.

11. Drink more water: With a fast metabolism, the body requires more water, especially when gaining muscle mass. The lower the viscosity of the blood, the easier it is for nutrients to reach their destination. Thus, the muscles will receive a powerful stimulus for growth.

Diet for mass in ectomorphs

  • (8:00 am): 300 ml glass of water, 1 banana.
  • (8:30): Hercules porridge 60g, chicken breast 30gr, 1st spoon linseed oil, 1 tsp honey.
  • (10:00): Rice 60g, chicken breast 30g, 1 whole egg, vegetables, 1 tsp. honey.
  • (12:00): Rice 50g, chicken breast 40g, vegetables, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 banana.
  • (14:00): Oatmeal 50g, chicken breast 40g, 1 tbsp. sunflower oil, a glass of juice.
  • (15:30): Rice 60g, chicken breast 30g, 1 whole egg, 1.tsp. linseed oil, 1 tsp honey.
  • (16:00): Beef or pork 40g, oatmeal porridge 80g, vegetables, 1.tsp. olive oil.
  • (16:30 - 17:30): Workout. At the training.
  • (5:30 pm): Eat 2 bananas immediately after your workout.
  • (18:00): Hercules porridge 70g, beef or pork 50g, vegetables, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp honey.
  • (19:30): Rice 40g, fish 40g, 1 whole egg, vegetables, a glass of juice.
  • (21:00): Rice 30g, chicken breast 40g, vegetables.
  • (22:00): Cottage cheese 150g.

If you have a desire and you are especially fanatical about gaining mass, then you can make a meal in the middle of the night. It can be the same cottage cheese, 50-70 grams, something from slow carbohydrates, for example, rice porridge 30-40 grams and 1 tbsp. linseed oil. Do not eat fast carbohydrates, they are not needed at night.

What sports nutrition can be used by ectomorphs

Here you should pay attention to only two things: gainer and creatine. Gainer should be taken between meals, 3-4 times a day. However, it should be added only when the diet is established and there is no result in mass gain. If there is progress, even if it is slow, then you do not need to add a gainer. Remember, regular food will not be replaced by any supplements. That's why they are supplements - in addition to the main food.

The next supplement is creatine. It should only be used by experienced athletes who have been exercising for at least 1.5 years. It must be taken into account that when taking creatine, the overall energy expenditure of the body increases, and you must increase the calorie content, as well as consume more water, because. Creatine has the ability to store water in the body. Otherwise, if there is not enough water in the body, it can cause significant harm to health. That is why this supplement should be used with extreme caution.

I would like to note some more useful points for ectomorphs and for all those who are having difficulty gaining muscle mass.

The reason for slow weight gain is often improper bowel function: too fast peristalsis (the intestines simply do not have time to get useful substances from food) or lack of enzymes (substances that help better absorption of food). There may also be other reasons ... I am not a doctor, so I cannot give a full consultation on this issue. That's why the best option will undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract in the clinic, so to speak for prevention, it will not be superfluous.


Actually, this article comes to an end. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, I will try to answer everything. Hope you got a lot useful information from this article, good luck!

Your personal trainer online

Important! If you are determined to achieve the result and want to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time (gain muscle mass by correctly compiling a diet / nutrition plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

  1. When buying beef, try to choose the least fatty cuts, such as rump or tenderloin. If desired, beef can sometimes be replaced with lean pork (loin). Red meat must be present in the diet.
  2. Fish can be used both red and white. They are both rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and unsaturated fatty acids omega 3. The same goes for seafood.
  3. Dairy products should also be included in your diet. They have a fairly good amino acid composition. Milk, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese are better to buy with a small percentage of fat content.


Optimal and inexpensive sources of carbohydrates are rice, durum wheat pasta, oatmeal, potatoes, vegetables, fruits.

Preference should be given to foods with a low glycemic index so as not to provoke strong insulin surges. Otherwise, you not only risk gaining excess fat, but also harm your pancreas.

Cereals should be selected with minimal processing. For example, round-grain polished rice is not the best choice. It is better to buy raw basmati rice or another variety. It's a little more expensive, but much more useful. Also pay attention to the cooking time of cereals. If it is less than 10 minutes, then there is no benefit in this product.

Vegetables can be eaten without special restrictions. They are rich in vitamins and fiber, which will improve digestion. But with fruits you need to be careful. Many of them, such as bananas, are very high in sugar. One banana contains up to 30 grams of sugar. It's easy to get carried away. It's better to leave simple carbohydrates for those periods when the body needs a source of quickly digestible energy: after waking up, before, during and after training.


Egg yolks are high in fat vegetable oil, nuts, peanut butter.

The difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids should be clearly understood. Saturated fats are detrimental to health, causing obesity and raising the level of "bad" cholesterol. This leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. unsaturated fats in turn, in moderation are beneficial to health. They reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalize cellular metabolism, and minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Saturated fats are fats plant origin. Their consumption should be kept to a minimum. Trans fats are also dangerous to health, it is better to refuse them altogether.

Sports nutrition for ectomorph

It is often difficult to reach the daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with only natural food. Then sports nutrition for an ectomorph comes to the rescue. Consider the main products.


Quality protein is the foundation of any diet. With the help of protein, it is much easier to get your daily protein intake. Especially important is its intake after training, between meals and before bedtime (we are talking about casein). During the period of gaining muscle mass, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive isolate or hydrolyzate, whey protein is enough. Choose products of any western brand whose price policy suits you.


They are also protein-carbohydrate mixtures, they are the most controversial product. Some consider them a pointless product, and some do not see their progress without it. The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle.

Most gainers on the market are made up of two main components: whey protein and simple carbohydrates (sugar, maltodextrin, dextrose, etc.). Buying this is really not entirely reasonable, the same mixture can be made at home without spending extra money.

But there are other gainers, which include complex carbohydrates, and cheap and useless components, like sugar, are replaced with expensive amylopectin. Amylopectin is a fast carbohydrate that does not cause an insulin spike, which does not lead to fat storage, only fast energy. Such a product is the best fit for ectomorphs for use before or after training. Amylopectin is also great for use during training - it constantly energizes and enhances the pump.

BCAAs and amino acids

Any athletes (, isoleucine, valine) will only benefit. These are the three amino acids with the highest concentration in muscle cells. Here is a short list of their benefits:

  1. increased protein synthesis;
  2. reduction of catabolic processes in the body;
  3. improving the breakdown of adipose tissue;
  4. acceleration of recovery after training;
  5. stimulation of insulin production.

The optimal time for taking BCAAs or complex amino acids: immediately after waking up, before, during, after training and before bed. However, the daily dosage of amino acids should be large enough, not less than 30 grams. From the dosage of 5-10 grams declared on the packaging by the manufacturer, the ectomorph will not feel anything at all. BCAA is advisable to use in conjunction with another amino acid -. Glutamine is essential for the body to maintain immunity.

This sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for an ectomorph will be extremely useful. Thanks to the intake of this supplement, the mental attitude to training improves, the blood supply to the working muscles increases, and more energy is consumed.

Many pre-workout complexes contain various stimulating substances (DMAA, DMHA, ephedrine, etc.). For ectomorphs, their intake is undesirable, as they will “make” you work in the gym until a sweat and burn too many calories. This will make it difficult to gain muscle mass. In addition, to get the full effect, they should be consumed on an empty stomach. Too long break between meals is formed (about 4 hours). For an ectomorph, this is undesirable. Therefore, it is better to opt for complexes with a small amount of stimulants (100 mg of caffeine will be more than enough) and working components for pumping like arginine, agmatine or yohimbine.

Vitamin and mineral complex

Classes in the gym lead to a large waste of vitamins and minerals. This leads to weakening immune system organism. For this reason, every athlete often has colds. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use a vitamin-mineral complex all year round, so you will be sure of your health.


Creatine is considered to be one of the most effective supplements. It promotes the accumulation of ATP molecules in the muscles, which allows you to perform more repetitions and work with more weight. The most common form is creatine monohydrate and can be purchased at any sports nutrition store at an affordable price. Numerous studies show that creatine actually promotes muscle growth and strength. At the beginning of creatine supplementation, many advise to do the "loading" phase, but recent research disproves this myth. It is enough to consume about 5 grams per day, and it is better to break this amount into several small doses.

  1. Focus on total calories. It's okay if there is sometimes a slight imbalance in nutrients, but the total calorie content should always be about the same.
  2. Keep fast food consumption to a minimum. For ectomorphs, it is quite acceptable to regularly consume their favorite “bad” food in small quantities. However, it is better to find a healthier alternative to this. Burgers, pizza and pastries can be made at home using healthy ingredients.
  3. Drink more water. This is necessary for normal hydration and maintaining the water-salt balance. A person needs to consume at least 1 liter of water per 30 kg of their own weight.
  4. Don't overeat. You should experience a slight hunger every 2-3 hours, then you can easily eat the required amount of food. If every time you eat to satiety, then 6-8 meals will not fit in you.
  5. Do fasting days. This will improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Try to fast once every two weeks, consuming only water or kefir, and see the result.

Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

Based on the above, the nutrition program for an ectomorph for gaining muscle mass per day should look something like this:

meal Products
Immediately after lifting
  • 1-2 servings of BCAAs
  • 1 banana, peach or apricot
  • 100 grams of oatmeal (dry)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 4 boiled or fried whole eggs
  • 1 serving of vitamin-mineral complex
  • 0.5 servings of creatine
  • 150 grams of cereal, pasta or potatoes
  • 250 grams of beef
2 hours before workout
  • 100 grams of rice
  • 200 grams chicken or turkey
  • salad from fresh vegetables and olive oil
Before workout
  • 1-2 servings of BCAAs
  • 1 serving of pre-workout complex
  • 0.5 servings of creatine
During a workout
  • Amylopectin or simple carbohydrates
  • 1-2 servings of BCAAs
Immediately after training
  • 1-2 servings of mass gainer or whey protein
First dinner
  • 100 grams of cereal, pasta or potatoes
  • 200 grams chicken or turkey
  • salad with fresh vegetables and olive oil
Second dinner
  • 250 grams of fish
  • salad with fresh vegetables and olive oil
Before bedtime
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese or a serving of casein
  • 50 grams of nuts

It is not necessary to follow this ectomorph nutrition plan exactly, you can always add, remove or replace something. The main thing is to eat healthy food, stick to the daily calorie content consistently, train hard in the gym and remember to recover.