The best chest exercises for women. An effective chest muscle development program for girls. Reduction of hands lying on a bench at the lower blocks of the crossover

Many girls and women are interested in whether it is possible with the help physical activity change the shape and volume of the breast. Can! We will tell you which chest exercises are the most effective and how often you should perform them.

What can be changed

The female breast is the mammary gland and a layer of adipose tissue, which create the main volume of the bust. The size and shape are laid down genetically, and drastically change appearance breasts can only be through plastic surgery.

However, there is also a more affordable option. Under the mammary gland is the pectoral muscle, an increase in the volume of which will help to “grow” the chest. The result, of course, will not be as noticeable and fast as after surgical intervention, but more toned and high breasts are certainly guaranteed.

The female body is designed in such a way that muscles grow much more slowly than in men, unless, of course, special hormonal preparations are used. Therefore, to achieve the result, you should tune in to a long, systematic work.

What you need for exercise

When building the pectoral muscle, you should tune in to serious physical activity. The purpose of training is to cause microtraumas in the form of small tears to the muscle fibers. Muscle growth occurs during the rest between workouts. Therefore, it is extremely important:

In preparation for doing exercises for breast growth at home, you need to get a couple of collapsible dumbbells weighing up to 10-12 kilograms each. At the first stages, depending on the level of training, you should start working with a weight of 3–5 kg, and as the muscles get used to the working weight, add pancakes to the dumbbells.

The second device that will be useful for home workouts is an athletic loop. It is an elastic band with a width of 1 to 7 centimeters, closed in a circle. The strength of its resistance depends on the width of the elastic band. For chest training, a pair of loops with a resistance of 3-18 kilograms is suitable.

The third type of workout that can be done at home is bodyweight training. Such exercises are considered the safest and very effective.

Exercises with dumbbells for chest volume

For the most effective exercise with dumbbells, it is best to purchase an athletic bench, but if this is not possible, you can perform exercises on the floor or use a pair of ottomans:

Bench press with dumbbells

It is better to start the exercise with a small weight for 15 repetitions, and then, gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbells, you can reduce the number to 8 times. There should be at least 4 approaches in total, with a rest between them of no more than 1 minute.

To make this exercise more effective, you can use a pair of stable ottomans or stools. One should be placed under the buttocks, and the second in the upper back. It is important to fix them well on the floor so that they do not move apart. This design will allow you to lower the dumbbells lower so that they touch the chest, and, therefore, the range of motion will be full.

Bench press with dumbbells at an angle

Starting position: lying on the floor, a low ottoman should be placed under the upper back so that the torso forms an angle of about 30 degrees above the floor. Hands with dumbbells are spread apart, elbows are bent, fists look up.

  1. We perform a bench press on the exhale, bringing the dumbbells to the top point, lower them on the inhale.
  2. At the bottom point, the dumbbells should turn in one line and touch the edge of the shoulder, and at the top they should be reduced in parallel. This will maximize the load on the pectoral muscle.
  3. We perform 10-12 repetitions in at least three sets. The exercise is aimed at working out the upper chest, so it will be especially useful for thin women.

For this exercise, you will need a design of two ottomans or stools.

Perform at least 12 repetitions in 3-4 sets. The weight of dumbbells can be taken a little less than for the bench press. If you need a pause to take a break, then you can make it for a couple of seconds at the top point. A pause at the bottom point will only load the muscles even more.

If you use for the exercise a design of ottomans of different heights so that you get an angle as in the previous exercise, then the load will be redistributed to the upper chest and shoulders. Thus, the exercise will be useful not only for volume, but also for breast tightening.

Exercises with dumbbells for tightening the chest

In order for the chest to be taut, it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the ligaments, as well as the deltoid muscles (shoulders) and arms.

Dumbbell press up

For the exercise, the weight of the dumbbells is a little more than for the bench press. You need to complete 4 approaches with the same weight, but the last repetitions should be of the last strength. You can start the first set with 12 repetitions and reduce them by two in each approach. For example, you get 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions.

Mahi dumbbells forward

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells along the body, slightly bent at the elbows.

Alternately raise your arms forward to shoulder level or slightly higher. You can perform the exercise with both hands at once, but in this case the body may sway a little, and the effectiveness of the training will be lower. The arms remain slightly bent at the elbows at all times so as not to strain the joints, but they should not be bent too much either.

With each hand, you need to perform 12-15 swings in at least 3 approaches. This exercise engages the anterior deltoids and upper chest, making it one of the most effective chest lifts.

The most effective chest exercises with an athletic loop

The convenience of using the athletic loop is that it is suitable for training all muscles, while being very compact. It can be used not only in the gym or at home, but also on the sports ground, on vacation or even take it with you on a business trip:

For the first set of exercises, you need to fasten two loops to the leg of a sofa or cabinet.

Press Forward

Starting position: standing with your back to the place where the elastic bands are attached, take the free edges of the elastic band in each hand. The body is slightly tilted forward, for this you can bring one leg forward and focus on it. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fists with elastic bands are pulled up to the shoulders.

As you exhale, straighten your arms in front of you, simulating a bench press. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 10 in three approaches.

Swing forward through the bottom

  1. Starting position: standing to the place where the rubber bands are attached, arms with elastic bands are lowered along the body.
  2. As you exhale, bring your hands forward with your palms up.
  3. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. This exercise works well on the lower chest. The number of repetitions is at least 12 in three approaches.

The second set of exercises can be performed in the warm season on the sports ground. Elastic bands should be fixed on the side supports of the horizontal bar at eye level.

Reduction of hands


  1. Starting position: lower the loops to the line of the shoulders, stand between the supports, the back is even. Put your legs wider than your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides and take the free edges of the loops, your elbows are slightly bent.
  2. On the exhale, we bring our hands together in front of us, squeezing the pectoral muscles as much as possible. At the same time, the elbows move in the same plane, looking outward.
  3. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. The exercise helps to tighten the chest, as well as load the ligaments well. You need to do 12-15 repetitions and at least 3 sets.

Easy push-ups with a rubber band

To perform this exercise, we fix the loops on the crossbar itself.

Starting position: lying down, hands are threaded into loops, back is straight.

We perform push-ups, trying not to bend too much in the lower back. The wider you put your hands, the more the pectoral muscle will be loaded. Elbows should be spread out to the sides. In one approach, there should be at least 10 repetitions.

Such push-ups are suitable even for those who do not have the best physical fitness - the rubber bands pull the torso up, thereby simplifying regular push-ups. This exercise is used even by experienced athletes, because it allows you to work out the muscles more thoroughly.

Complicated push-ups with an elastic band

This type of push-ups is one of the most difficult and is suitable only for those who have good physical fitness.

Starting position: lying down, legs are threaded into a suspended elastic band.

We perform push-ups, trying to go as low as possible. The number of repetitions depends on physical fitness, so the exercise should be performed to failure.

Breast lift and growth exercises with your own weight

Bodyweight exercises have different levels of difficulty, so they are suitable for those who have just started training and those who have training experience.

Push-ups are a basic exercise for the chest and arms. There are many options for performing this exercise, which, accordingly, they can load more biceps, triceps, chest or even shoulders in one way or another.

In order to make the muscles grow, during training, you should ensure the maximum flow of blood. Among athletes, this concept is called productive pumping. It can be achieved repeatedly and intensively performing a monotonous movement. The following exercises are great for finishing off, i.e., they need to be performed at the end of the workout:

Rules for performing exercises and compiling training programs

Composing training program, you should include different exercises in it: basic, for working out several muscle groups at once, exercises for a specific muscle, for revision.

It is also important to constantly change something in the training and gradually increase the load. You can also change the intensity of your workouts. The main task is not to let the muscles get used to and load them as much as possible each time.

At the beginning of the workout, there should be basic, more complex exercises that are performed slowly, with pauses. As the muscles get tired, you can move on to lighter and more intense exercises.

It is very important during training to observe the technique of performing the exercise and breathe correctly. Improper exercise can not only not bring the desired result, but also harm the joints and ligaments.

In order for the chest to look beautiful, one should not forget about posture: the back should always be even, and the shoulders should be straightened. To keep in shape, you need to add exercises for the back to the training program:

In addition to home workouts, you can also work out in the gym with a personal trainer. They also help to strengthen the pectoral muscles of tennis, swimming, skiing.

Setting a goal to tighten and increase the breasts in volume, it should be remembered that the muscles in the female body do not grow very quickly. Therefore, you should not expect to get results in a week. You need to perform chest exercises regularly, correctly and give the muscles enough time and resources to recover. Only this approach will help to achieve the desired result.

A beautiful and toned female body is the result of regular and hard training. They allow not only to maintain weight, but also contribute to a significant adjustment in the shape of the hips and improve posture. If these parts of the body are amenable to change, then in Is it possible to correct the shape of the breast in the same way? To understand whether exercise can affect the appearance of the female breast, you need to consider this issue from an anatomical point of view.

The anatomical feature of the female breast is such that most of the volume falls on the mammary gland and adipose tissue. Weight loss is a non-local process, but affecting absolutely the entire body, and the rate of fat burning for different parts is different. In girls, most often the fat goes faster from the top, the slowest - from the hips and legs.

This phenomenon is genetic. It is almost impossible to influence the rate of fat burning. A certain result can be achieved by cardio training, the impact of which is directed to a specific area. An example of such a workout is running. The effect is achieved by stimulating blood circulation, using fat deposits in the part of the body involved in the exercise as an energy source. The main thing is to be associated with restriction of calories consumed. Otherwise, the outgoing fat will be restored due to the food consumed.

The process of losing weight is accompanied by the removal of fat deposits from the chest. The speed depends entirely on the genetic predisposition. It is impossible to change the nature, but an alternative solution can be found. This is the ratio of body volume to chest volume.

Chest workout for girls

The pectoral muscles located under the mammary gland, like any other muscle, can be adjusted in volume. Increasing, they contribute to the growth of breast volume. These changes are guaranteed, but will not be as dramatic as with breast augmentation through plastic surgery.

Muscles in female body grow much more slowly than in men. The only way to achieve a quick result is to take hormonal drugs. For girls who do not aspire to receive the title of Miss Olympia Bodybuilding, the result achieved through training will be quite enough. The changes will not be big, but noticeable. Every girl is recommended to include an exercise for the chest muscles in her training. They should not be neglected.

Exercises for chest muscles

The body must develop harmoniously. Otherwise, it will look disproportionate. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting basic exercises in which all muscle groups are involved, and not just the chest ones. The main task should be the development of the whole body, and not a specific part.

Training for pectoral muscles often performed in conjunction with exercises to train the back. If the emphasis during the training needs to be done specifically on the chest, exercises for its development should be done first. This will allow you to achieve maximum dedication due to the fact that at the beginning of a workout there is always more strength.

Training program

The result of the training is due to well-chosen exercises, their correct implementation. Breast augmentation program includes:

  1. dumbbell bench press from a prone position;
  2. dumbbell bench press on an incline bench;
  3. dumbbell wiring;
  4. push ups.

You can perform all these exercises both in the gym and at home. The bench can be replaced with a step platform.

For active fat burning

High-intensity workouts require increased loads. All exercises are recommended to be performed 12 to 15 times, making at least three approaches for each. You need to increase the load, bringing repetitions to a maximum of fifteen, gradually. It is better for beginners to start working with light weight, perform minimal amount repetitions, that is, twelve. This will avoid overwork, injuries, hone the technique of execution.

Proper execution should not be neglected for the sake of increasing repetitions. The goal of each subsequent workout is to correctly perform more repetitions. First, work with light weights. When the number of repetitions reaches fifteen, they take heavier dumbbells.

To increase muscle mass

Training to increase muscle mass is not intense. It is recommended to do 6-8 repetitions. It all depends on the weight of the weights. The higher it is, the less repetitions. Approaches are made from 3 to 5.

For burning fat and increasing the mass of the pectoral muscles

Training involves performing 12 repetitions in 3 sets. It helps to find a balance between fat loss and muscle building in the chest area. Best suited for beginners who have not trained before.

Exercises for chest muscles

Exercise is much more effective for increasing chest muscles than using a barbell. This is due to the fact that the amplitude of movement with dumbbells is much greater.

Initial position:

  1. lie back on the bench;
  2. raise the dumbbells in front of you;
  3. the location of the hands shoulder width apart;
  4. palms "look" to the sides.


  1. at the elbows, the arms are bent so that the shoulder and forearm form a right angle;
  2. while exhaling, the weighting agents are lifted up;
  3. dumbbells are lowered;
  4. palms are turned towards each other;
  5. the weighting agent is lowered onto the hips;
  6. sit down and put dumbbells on the floor.


Dumbbells must be raised twice as fast as lowered. During the lifting of the weights, the chest is compressed, while lowering, on the contrary, they are stretched, bringing the shoulder blades together. You can not abruptly throw dumbbells. Otherwise, the possibility of damage to the rotators (rotators) of the shoulder is great.

Exercise puts a significant load on the top of the pectoral muscle. If it is performed while visiting the gym, use a bench with the ability to adjust the angle of inclination. The load is proportional to the slope. The larger it is, the more significant the shoulders will be loaded.


It is similar to the previous exercise, when the press is carried out without tilting the body, but it has one feature. At the extreme (upper point) hands should be located strictly perpendicular to the floor.

The exercise can be done on a regular or incline bench if the workout is done in the gym.


  1. lie down on a bench;
  2. hands, holding dumbbells in them, are raised in front of them so that they are shoulder-width apart, and the palms “look” at each other;
  3. while inhaling, the arms are lowered down through the sides, stretching the chest, using only the movement of the shoulder joint for this;
  4. on exhalation, the hands are brought together in a “hugging” movement.

Push ups

Initial position:

  1. take a horizontal emphasis on the floor;
  2. arms are slightly wider than shoulder level;
  3. the body must be on one straight line;
  4. buttocks should not sag or bulge;


The arms are bent at the elbow joints at a right angle. Some may have difficulty with the classic version of push-ups. An alternative would be push-ups from your knees or with your hands resting on a bench.

A beautiful and toned bust is the dream of every girl or woman. However, dreams do not always come true. Not every lady can boast of spectacular, elastic forms. This often causes complexes. To get rid of them The best decision- workout.

As a rule, girls perform sports exercises with a goal and buttocks. Few think about the muscles of the chest. Nevertheless, with the help of training, you can tighten the chest and make it more attractive. All it takes is hard work and regular practice. simple exercises for pectoral muscles for girls.

The pectoral muscle group consists of two muscles, which, in turn, are divided into subgroups of fibers or long muscle cells. These muscles control breathing, are responsible for the work of the hands. The largest muscle is the pectoralis major. It is located directly under the mammary gland. With regular training, it contributes to some breast enlargement and maintains its tone.

The pectoralis major muscle consists of three groups of fibers:

  • clavicular costal;
  • sternocostal;
  • abdominal.

The pectoralis minor lies below the pectoralis major. It starts from the ribs and is also divided into fibers of the second, third and fourth ribs.

Functional pectoral muscles are pusher muscles. Therefore, to work them out, they perform a set of exercises aimed at pushing weights away from themselves.

Before training

Before proceeding with the implementation for girls, you should understand that you will not be able to achieve a quick result. In sports great importance has perseverance and patience. If you expect tangible results after a week of training, then you will be disappointed. The first results when performing a set of exercises to increase the tone of the chest will appear in three weeks and not earlier.

If a girl has a large bust, then she should train in a special sports bra so that the mammary glands do not sag and pull the skin.

In addition, you need to immediately decide what results you want to achieve. It depends on the number of workouts and load.


Many girls are convinced that sports exercises for the female chest with dumbbells will deprive them of their waist, making the figure more like a man's. In reality, this is not so. After all, the female body does not release such a large amount of testosterone that the muscles begin to increase dramatically.

If a girl does not exercise with dumbbells for three hours a day, taking a huge amount of sports supplements, then only more prominent muscles and a slender posture will give her away. Of course, the weight will also increase (due to the growth of muscle mass), but not significantly. Therefore, you can play sports with dumbbells without any fear for only 1 hour - up to 3 times a week. This is quite enough to achieve the desired result.

When choosing inventory, you should decide in advance what results you want to achieve. To burn excess fat, it is better to choose small dumbbells for fitness, the weight of which does not exceed 5 kg. Ideally, it is better to opt for dumbbells weighing 2 kg. This inventory is enough to lose weight without gaining muscle mass.

Strength exercises with dumbbells for women are a completely different format. For such exercises, collapsible dumbbells are suitable, the weight of which depends on the number of disks worn on the crossbar. The weight of such dumbbells can be from 2 to 15 kg. For training at home, it is better to buy a complete set of collapsible dumbbells. Then it will be possible to gradually increase the load starting from 5 kg and up to 10 kg.

Regarding the material, it is difficult to give any clear recommendations here. But it is better to buy dumbbells covered with rubber, vinyl, neoprene. Such inventory will not slip in the hands.

Rules for effective training

If you want to increase the tone of the pectoral muscles, do workouts regularly and in a timely manner. There are several rules that will increase the effectiveness of doing chest exercises for girls:

  • you need to train 3 times a week;
  • In the period between classes, you need to give the muscles a rest. For the full development of muscles, time is required to recover from increased physical exertion;
  • diet must be strictly observed. The body in the process of training will need proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • to increase the tone of the pectoral muscles, you will need a lot of calories. It means that strict diets for weight loss are banned;
  • when designing a training program, it is necessary to include in it basic exercises for the development and pumping of all pectoral muscles;
  • to achieve maximum effect, you need to increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of approaches.

The best exercises for beautiful breasts

To effectively tighten the pectoral muscles in women, you should first of all do exercises with dumbbells. Perform each 10-15 times in 3-4 sets.

Bench press with dumbbells in a lying position

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back and bend it. Spread your arms in different directions and bend at the elbows with fists up. Now exhale as you lift the dumbbells up, bringing them together. Inhaling, lower your arms and arch your chest forward.

Bench press with dumbbells in a lying position

In this exercise, everything should be done in the same way as in the previous one, only you need to put an ottoman under your back. Everything else is done, as with the classic bench press.

At the bottom point, the dumbbells should form one line. One side of the inventory must touch the shoulder. At the highest point, the dumbbells are brought together strictly parallel. This exercise qualitatively pumps the muscles in the chest area.

To perform the wiring with dumbbells, you will need two ottomans or two stools. Place one stool under your upper back and the other under your buttocks. Straighten your arms, folding them with dumbbells over your chest. Inhaling, spread the dumbbells to the sides to a noticeable tension. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Dumbbell press up

Sit on a chair, resting your shoulder blades on its back so that a deflection forms in the lumbar region. Next, holding the dumbbells, put your hands forward. Exhaling, slowly lift the dumbbells up. Inhaling, also slowly return to the starting position.

It is important that the hands move in one line, so you can’t turn your palms around. Such a bench press will allow you to pump the muscles of the sternum in women with the maximum result. Dumbbells for him should be chosen heavier.

This exercise is performed while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are lowered along the body, and then alternately raised forward to shoulder level. You can, of course, work with both hands at once, but in this position the torso will swing slightly, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. Therefore, it is better to use your hands alternately.

At the same time, it must be remembered that it is impossible to unbend the arms completely. Otherwise, there will be too much stress on the joints, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Exercise pullover for the pectoral muscles allows you to pump not only the muscles of the chest, but also the triceps.

To complete it, you need a bench. You need to lie down on it, taking one dumbbell in both hands. Raise it above your head - arms perpendicular to the body, and then slowly lower your hands behind your head without releasing the dumbbells. It is desirable that the arms be slightly bent at the elbows.

Additional exercises

To make the set of chest exercises with dumbbells for women even more effective, you can supplement it with workouts without equipment or with other equipment. For example, you can use an athletic loop. With it, you can perform the exercises that are described below.

Press Forward

It is necessary to stand with your back to the elastic band and take one end of it in each hand. Now lean forward, putting one leg forward - you can lean on it. Bend your arms at the elbows, pressing the fists with elastic bands to the shoulders. Exhaling, straighten your arms, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at a measured pace.

Swing forward through the bottom

Stand with your back to the elastic bands, lowering your arms along the torso. Now inhale and as you exhale slowly raise your hands with your palms up. Inhaling again, return to the starting position.

Exercise without equipment

Is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles of a girl without using sports equipment? Yes it is possible. You can build chest muscles using only your own weight as a simulator:

  1. For those who have just started playing sports, it is better to start with push-ups from the bench. You need to rest your hands on a sofa or bench, spreading your palms as wide as possible. Inhaling, lower yourself down, touching the surface with your chest. Exhaling, return to the starting position.
  2. Push-ups from knees. You need to get on your knees and rest your hands on it. Inhale and bend your elbows, trying to reach the floor as close as possible. Exhaling, return to the original position. It is important that the elbows look to the sides. Therefore, the palms should be placed with the fingers inward.
  3. Classic push up- is performed from the floor both with a wide setting of the hands, and with a narrow one, which allows you to pump the triceps. It is important that the forearms are parallel to each other at all times. For a greater load on the upper pectoral muscles and the front delta, the arms should not be set too wide, spreading the elbows outward and slightly leaning forward.
  4. Exercise - contraction. Stand with your back straight and bringing your hands together in front of your chest, close your palms. As you inhale, squeeze your hands with all your might, while tensing your chest muscles. Relax your muscles as you exhale. Hold your breath for 2 seconds between breaths. You need to repeat the exercise up to 30 times. For greater effect, you can use an expander ball - this is also an excellent pectoral muscle trainer for women.

Many women believe that diet has no effect on breast size. However, experts conducted research and proved what exactly is the main factor that allows you to maintain a taut bust shape. By doing exercise the body will need more protein, vitamins and minerals.

An increased rate of carbohydrates and fats in a woman's diet leads not only to an increase in overall weight, but also to a change in breast volume. We must not forget that the breast needs nutrition and care just like the rest of the body and skin. Therefore, you can use special care products. If there are no such products, then a regular moisturizer for the face or hands will do.

Also, girls should choose a bra with special attention. If it is too loose, the breast skin will stretch. A bra that is too tight will interfere with blood flow.

It is extremely important not to slouch. Yes, by straightening her back and straightening her shoulders, a woman involuntarily trains her chest muscles, strengthening them.

It is also worth remembering that hot water and sunbathing is also very harmful to the skin of the chest and the female body as a whole.


To learn how to properly perform dumbbell exercises for women, watch the video below.

The breast of a woman consists of mammary glands and adipose tissue. Muscles support the chest, but do not affect its size or shape.

Therefore, with the help of physical exercises it is impossible to increase the breast or make it more elastic. Training can only increase muscle tone and make the muscle frame stronger.

Regular training and exercises for the pectoral muscles help correct posture and fight stoop, it is even posture that can make the chest visually larger.

Chest workout program at home

The most effective exercises are:

  • Push ups
  • Barbell presses
  • Bench presses with gatels

Such exercises help to align your posture, strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms.

Many girls ignore pectoral muscle training, mistakenly believing that they don’t need it or being afraid to look “pumped”. You should not be afraid that the muscles will become voluminous and convex; in order to pump up muscle mass in this area, you need to perform special workouts in combination with sports nutrition.

So, we present the most effective exercises for chest muscles for girls at home. To complete them, you only need dumbbells and a fitball (you can do without it).

Hand strength exercise

The simplest, but at the same time very effective exercise for the chest was known in yoga, as well as in breathing exercises bodyflex.

  1. In a standing position, join your palms in front of your chest.
  2. With all your strength, press your palms against each other and hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Then relax your hands.
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Push-ups on the pectoral muscles

They can be performed:

  • Classic push-ups from the floor. They can be performed as usual, with support on the arms and legs. If such an exercise is difficult to perform, the legs can be bent at the knees and focus on them. If it's hard, you can do push-ups on your knees.
  • Push-ups from the bench happens as follows: Feet should lie on a support, a sofa can be used at home. You need to push up 8 times and do 3 sets.

Press with dumbbells on the pectoral muscles

  1. The most basic bench press looks like this: in a prone or standing position, spread your arms in front of your chest to the sides.
  2. The second version of the bench press is to take your hands with dumbbells back. Hands must be closed.

Each exercise should be started with 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

Exercise "Skier" with dumbbells

  1. In a standing position, bend your arms with dumbbells at your elbows and perform movements as if you were pushing with ski poles - back and forth.
  2. Movements should be performed smoothly and slowly.

Run 10 times for 3 sets.

These are the main exercises that help strengthen the chest muscles. They need to be performed regularly, starting training with two times a week.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition combined with training gives much faster and more noticeable results. To burn fat faster, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. You can not eat an hour before a workout and an hour after it. Any workout speeds up the metabolism. And after exercise, the body actively consumes the accumulated energy. It is worth remembering that the process of active fat burning continues for 2-3 hours after the end of the workout.
  2. Eat protein. This also applies to protein shakes and staples. Protein helps maintain muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. To get a good result, you will have to give up fast carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are very important for our body, but for strength training and weight loss, they must be correct. Fats will have to be eliminated, and sweets and cookies will be replaced with cereals and vegetables.
  3. Drink more water. 2 liters per day is the minimum that a person should consume per day. And we are talking about plain water without gas, coffee and tea are not included here.

These simple exercises that you can perform even at home, and proper nutrition will bring quick and desirable results.

I want to get closer to a girl with a beautiful bust, talk about something (sometimes the topic of conversation is not so important, the main thing is the process itself). The lady with a beautiful bust is usually given more attention. Even bosses and teachers involuntarily distinguish it from the general mass, and it turns out that, along with the bust, life also gives some more additional features. Plus, girls beautiful forms more self-confident.

Big breasts and training: debunking the myths

However, for girls who are dissatisfied with their own bust, there is a great opportunity to improve it, thus changing their lives for the better. And it's not about plastic surgery. Properly constructed sports training allows you to adjust the physique, because, in fact, fitness and bodybuilding were originally invented to make a person more beautiful, eliminating problem areas and improving what already looks good.

We warn you in advance, everything has its limits, and it is unlikely that someone will be able to increase the bust by five sizes without resorting to help plastic surgeon. Since pumping up pectoral muscles for a girl does not mean increasing the size of the bust. At the same time, classes in the gym will help tighten the chest, as a result of which it will not sag and will look more impressive.

In addition, the developed pectoral muscles will lift the chest, due to which it will actually become larger. Training in the gym will not be able to increase your bust by 5 sizes, but it will definitely make your breasts more spectacular. And finally, training the pectoral muscles for girls means improving the blood supply to these areas, which, again, is good for breast size. So, go to the gym, train!

Train or not?

When thinking about whether or not to do fitness, many of the fair sex fear that training will turn them into masculine creatures with a mountain of frightening muscles all over their bodies. Nothing like this. Hormonal background simply won't allow it. But getting a toned, athletic figure is quite within the power of a girl.

Girls should not be afraid of training, female physiology will not allow you to turn into a mountain of muscles, but to get a beautiful and toned body in the gym is absolutely real.

Exercises for an elastic chest

As for the bust best exercises for pectoral muscles for girls, this is a bench press on an inclined bench, push-ups from the floor and wiring with dumbbells. There are also push-ups from the uneven bars, but this exercise is for advanced ones.

Any chest workout program for women should include an incline bench press (approximately 30-40 degree incline) or a flat bench press. In training, you can do both of these exercises, first bench press on a horizontal bench, then - bench press on an inclined one.

Be sure to include bench presses in your chest workout.

You need to start with the smallest weights, gradually adding weight so that the last repetitions are given with effort. From the very beginning, you need to learn to perform exercises with the right technique.

Bench Press Technique:

Similarly, the bench press is performed on an inclined bench, only the bar should be lowered to the upper part of the chest.

Many girls did push-ups from the floor in physical education at school and at the institute. To train the pectoral muscles, you should do push-ups with a wide setting of the hands. Thus, most of the load goes to the pectoral muscles.

How to do push-ups from the floor for the chest:

  • Rest your hands on the floor, spread your arms wide, but without fanaticism, and your legs should be together
  • As you exhale, lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor, trying as much as possible to include the pectoral muscles in the work.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position

It may not be possible for someone to immediately do push-ups from the floor in the correct style. Then, first you need to master the simplified options:

Push-ups with emphasis on the knees (that is, the knees remain on the floor)

Push-ups from the bench

Bench height may vary. The lower, the more difficult. You can start doing push-ups, for example, from the table, then from the bench, and then from the floor.

Wiring with dumbbells is performed as follows:

  • Having taken a place on the bench, squeeze the dumbbells up
  • With your arms slightly bent, lower the dumbbells to the sides as far as possible, but without extra effort. The angle at the elbows should remain constant. Inhale.
  • Bring your hands together, returning them to their original position. Exhalation.

A very useful exercise is push-ups on the uneven bars, it develops the pectoral muscles (mainly the lower part), gives shape to the triceps and gives a complex training effect. At the same time, not every man can do push-ups on the uneven bars at least 10 times, not like a girl. At the same time, when your muscles get stronger after bench presses and push-ups from the floor, you can begin to master the bars under the clear guidance of a trainer.

How to do push-ups on the uneven bars with an emphasis on the chest:

  • Grasp the bars firmly with your hands (if the bars are V-shaped, then take them closer to the edges) and push into a hanging position
  • As you exhale, lower yourself down, while trying to spread your elbows to the sides, and your chin should be pressed to your body. In this technique, the emphasis shifts from triceps to the chest. Sit low, but so that there is no discomfort in the shoulder joints.
  • As you exhale, rise with a sharp upward movement

Here, in fact, are the most effective exercises for training the female breast. Your training should be built around them. At first, it will be enough to do two exercises in two sets. A little later, in two weeks, in each of the exercises, you can add one approach. The number of repetitions in the approach is from 10 to 15. As you train, the weight of the barbell and dumbbells should be increased.

After you master the exercises listed above, which are basic in training the pectoral muscles, and gain experience, you can diversify chest training with various information in crossovers, dumbbell presses at angles, super sets, but we will talk about this in other articles. And now we offer you a simple training program for the pectoral muscles for the initial level of training.

Chest workout program for girls

On early stages a chest workout might look like this:

Day 1 (Monday):

  1. bench press - 3x10-15 (3 sets of 10-15 reps)
  2. wiring on an inclined bench - 3x10-15

Day 2 (Thursday):

  1. incline bench press - 3x10
  2. push-ups from the floor - 3x10-15

In the future, after 6 weeks, the training of the pectoral muscles for girls can be transformed in this way:

Day 1 (Monday):

  1. bench press - 3-4x10-12
  2. bench press on an inclined bench - 3-4x10-12

Day 2 (Thursday):

  1. bench press on an inclined bench - 3-4x12-15
  2. push-ups from the floor - 2-3x15-20
  3. wiring on a horizontal bench - 3x12

If in the bench press and wiring on a horizontal bench the load goes to all parts of the pectoral muscles, then on an inclined bench the top of the chest is more loaded. Therefore, training of such a plan will also help to pump up the chest after childbirth, since elastic, trained muscles will not allow the chest to “sag”.

In addition, when training the chest, other muscles should not be ignored. In the weekly cycle, the whole body must be worked out, and not just those parts of it that the girl herself considers “problematic”. Such training in the gym, among other things, also improves metabolism and contributes to the normalization of weight, and this is another urgent female problem.