Lunges are the best exercise for tightening your buttocks. The most effective lunges for the buttocks - a technique for doing it at home Backward leg lunges

Lunges are a weight-bearing exercise used to strengthen primarily the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, as well as the hamstrings, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris. A long lunge puts more stress on the glutes, while a short lunge puts most of the stress on the quads.

Lunges can be performed without additional weights (that is, with your body weight). However, many athletes seek to increase the difficulty of the exercise by using dumbbells (one in each hand) or a barbell (most often held on the shoulders). There is an opinion that lunges with a barbell are an exercise more for men, and lunges with dumbbells for women. With a barbell you can use much larger weights than with dumbbells, since you can support more weight on your shoulders than with your hands.
As an option, there are jumping lunges, when an alternating change of legs occurs during a jump.

Working muscles

Lunges are one of the most effective strength exercises in terms of development. anterior thigh and gluteal muscles, in particular, drawing the middle and lower parts of the quadriceps, that is, to work on the relief of the leg muscles. The movement is multi-joint and involves a large number of large and small muscles. Practically all muscles of the lower body are included in the work while doing the exercise. Various movement options shift the emphasis of the load to different groups muscles. Lunges primarily involve the quadriceps and buttocks; the synergists (muscles that help in movement) are the adductor muscles of the thigh, as well as the soleus muscles. The stabilizers are the hamstrings and calf muscles. In addition, the load falls on the abdominal muscles, back extensors and some other small muscles of the legs and torso

Quadriceps is a group of four muscles that form the front and outer surface of the thigh. Three vastus muscles originate at corresponding points on the femur: vastus externus on the outer portion, vastus internus on the medial portion, and vastus medialis on the central anterior portion.

It is clear that the vastus externus is located on the outer surface of the thigh, the vastus medialis is on the inside, and the vastus medialis is between them. The tendons of all three muscles come together to form the quadriceps tendon, which attaches to the patella and continues down to form the patellar ligament, which attaches to the growth on the tibia.

Rectus femoris muscle is the fourth muscle of the quadriceps group. In contrast to the vastus muscles, it begins on the upper periphery of the cotyloid cavity above the hip joint. Its fibers descend down to the knee, in the tendon part they merge with the tendons of the three vastus muscles of the thigh and are attached to the kneecap. With the help of these four muscles we straighten the leg at the knee. The rectus femoris muscle is in a weak position when the leg is flexed at the hip (for example, during leg extensions).

The three components of the leg biceps are located on the back of the thigh. The biceps itself has two heads - long and short. Long starts at the back pelvic bone. In a chair, you sit in these areas. The short head begins on the outer part of the femur. Both heads then merge into one muscle belly and are attached to the fibula of the leg by one tendon.

Semi-membrane/polemembranaceaand semitendinosus muscles form the inner back of the thigh. The semitendinosus muscle originates from the same place as the long head of the biceps and develops into a tight tendon as it approaches the knee. The semimembranosus muscle is half muscle and half membrane. It begins in the same place as the semitendinosus muscle, crosses the knee joint and attaches to the fibula.

Gluteus maximus muscle is the largest and thickest not only in the thigh structure, but in the entire body. It begins on the pelvic bone and attaches to the back of the femur below the hip joint. It pulls the hip back during hip extension.

Execution technique

Starting position. In the starting position, the position of the legs can be varied, but it is usually recommended to place the legs together and the feet parallel to each other. You can put your feet shoulder width apart,
It is not recommended to place your legs too far apart from each other in the starting position, as this significantly reduces the range of motion and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.

Classic lunges

Classic lunges are performed as follows: place your feet parallel to each other a little wider than your hips and straighten up completely, your gaze is directed forward, your chest is in a “wheel”, your stomach is tucked, your back is slightly arched in the lower back, your knees are slightly bent.

Take a wide step forward (one leg comes forward, first resting on the heel, and then on the entire foot) and, keeping the torso straight, transfer the center of gravity to the forward leg and squat on it. The step should be slow and controlled.
The step forward must be wide, otherwise at the bottom point the knee will extend beyond the line of the toes, which is unacceptable, since in this case the weight of the load is transferred to the knee joint.

The leg extended forward at the bottom point of the exercise should be bent in knee joint at an angle of 90 degrees (the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks are taut like strings), and the knee should be directly above the toes (no further). A shorter stride places additional stress on the knee.

The movement continues until the knee of the back leg is about a centimeter from the floor. But under no circumstances should you touch the floor with your knee, otherwise the whole point of the exercise will be lost.

After this, you need to return to the starting position. Hold your breath and, leaning on your foot forward, rise from the squat and step back with your front leg to the starting position (feet together, hip-width apart). When standing up, the knee of the forward leg should move in the same plane as the legs, that is, when standing up, you cannot move the knee inward or outward. Returning to the starting position occurs only due to the strength of the front leg. Lifting due to the force of inertia and swinging is unacceptable. The back leg is just a support to maintain balance.

In the initial phase of the exercise, inhale, and in the final phase, exhale.

The exercise can be performed either by changing legs each time, or in turns - first lunges on one leg, then on the other. The second option is safer (at least at first), since when throwing forward all the time with only one leg, it is easier to maintain balance

The back should remain straight in all phases of the exercise; under no circumstances should it be rounded. Also, you should not allow any tilting of the body forward or backward. You need to look straight ahead, the neck should be in line with the spine, otherwise there is a risk of straining the neck muscles or cervical injury

When performing any other variations - side lunges (side lunges), reverse lunges (back lunges), lunge walking - it is important to choose the correct step width to maintain balance, do not lean to the sides or forward, and do not do exercises by inertia (no pushing, all movements are performed due to muscle efforts)

Reverse lunges

Lunges with dumbbells

Forward lunges with dumbbells are performed in two different versions. The classic one is one in which dumbbells are held on arms extended along the body.
In this position it is most convenient to maintain body balance.

The exercise is also performed with dumbbells on the shoulders. Thus, it becomes similar to lunges with a barbell. It is more difficult to maintain balance with this option. When doing lunges with dumbbells on your shoulders, turn your toes slightly inward.

In the starting position, your feet are shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, hold the dumbbells on straight arms, lowered along the body, palms facing inward.

As you inhale, step forward, and as you exhale, bending the knee of your front leg, lower down until your back leg touches the floor. During the movement, the knee should move in line with the toe.
As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges with a barbell are performed in two ways, each of which develops certain muscle groups to a greater extent.

    A lunge with a normal step, that is, one in which the step forward is not wide. By incorporating lunges with a regular step into your workouts, you will train your lower body, and place more of the load on your quadriceps.

    Lunges with a wide step, that is, those in which you move your front leg further forward. Like regular lunges, they have a positive effect on the entire lower body, but mostly target the gluteus maximus muscles.

Beginners should not do wide lunges at all. This exercise is even more difficult in terms of maintaining balance. Start with wide lunges when you won’t “wobble” with regular lunges.

In the starting position, holding the barbell on your shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart, look ahead, keep your back straight.
As you inhale, take a step forward. Turn the leg that is in the front lunge slightly inward in the foot area. This position is much more stable than with its direct position.
As you exhale, bending the knee of the leg that is in front, squat down, keeping your back and abdominal muscles tense. A “solid” and tense body will not sway during a lunge, and accordingly will help maintain balance.
The leg that is located below does not touch the floor, but is close to it.
Go to the starting position while inhaling.

When performing lunges, you should not bend your lower back or push your pelvis back. Firstly, because this situation is not stable. Secondly, you can injure your lower back.

  • It is necessary to hold the additional weight with your entire hand; it cannot be held with just your fingers, and the barbell cannot simply be pressed against your shoulders.
  • The back should remain straight in all phases of the exercise; under no circumstances should it be rounded.
  • Also, you should not allow any tilting of the body forward or backward.
  • Don't be afraid to use a prop for support at first! Then, when your muscles become stronger and you can perform this exercise steadily, remove the support and exercise without any help.
  • You need to look straight ahead, the neck should be in line with the spine, otherwise there is a risk of straining the neck muscles or injury to the cervical vertebrae.
  • The exercise can be performed either by changing legs each time, or in turns - first lunges on one leg, then on the other.
    The second option is safer (at least at first), since when throwing forward all the time with only one leg, it is easier to maintain balance
  • The exercise may be overly difficult for those with poorly stretched muscles. Be sure to warm up and stretch your muscles - but don't overdo it.
    You don't have to do full lunges right away. Lower yourself halfway until your muscles are ready to perform full lunges.

Overall effect of the exercise

Lunges are a heavy, compound, multi-joint exercise for developing leg muscles. They provide good definition of the middle and lower regions of the quadriceps. It is lunges that organize a specialized load on these parts of the hips.
In the same time, if you do lunges longer and deeper, the load goes to the buttocks and hamstrings, which makes this exercise useful for training these particular muscle groups.
In addition, lunges significantly improve quadriceps power and endurance, which can come in handy during impact squat training.
When performing lunges, the stabilizer muscles receive a large load, and the athlete also has to maintain balance on one leg, and often with additional weights. This means that the exercise is very useful for developing coordination, stability and balance.

The use of lunges by women

It is important for a woman to make her buttocks and thighs beautiful, so lunges become an almost indispensable exercise for them.

  1. Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand. This will be your starting position.
  2. Take a step back with your right foot, leaving your left foot in place. As you inhale, squat down without bending at the waist and keeping your back straight. Tip: Don't let the knee of the front leg go forward. It should remain parallel to the foot. The shin of the leg that stands in front should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Push off the floor with your feet, while exhaling, rise up and return to the starting position. Push off the floor with the ball of your foot if you want to target your quads and use your heel drive to target your glutes.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions, then change legs.

Warning: This exercise requires a good sense of balance. If you are doing this exercise for the first time or have trouble maintaining balance, try doing the exercise without a barbell, using only your own weight as weight.

Variations: There are several variations of this exercise.

  1. You can do lunges alternately, with your right and then with your left foot.
  2. The starting position can be one in which one leg is already in front. In this case, you will only need to perform an up and down motion, lowering and rising with the weight.
  3. A more complicated version of the exercise is lunge steps. Instead of taking a step back after a lunge and returning to the starting position, you take a step forward again, thus alternating your legs.
  4. Lunges can also be performed using a barbell on the shoulders.

Many people, especially women, dream of beautiful legs and buttocks. There are various exercises that help make this dream come true and achieve very good results.

These include various variations of lunges that provide optimal load to the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. In this article we will look at the correct technique for performing this useful exercise.

Features and benefits of lunges

These exercises effectively work many parts of the body, and by varying their technique, you can independently increase the load on the buttocks or legs, depending on your preferences. The lunge exercise for the hips and buttocks can be performed with your own weight or with additional weights using a barbell or dumbbells.

Lunges are usually referred to as basic exercises, because they are high quality work important muscle groups, improve coordination and flexibility, and also about have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, exercise helps build up muscle mass, burn fat and gain beautiful shapes buttocks and thighs.

What muscles work

Lunges work the hip and knee joints, and also work the following muscles:

The gluteal muscles receive maximum load. Although the length of the step, which affects the work of certain muscles during lunges, is also worth taking into account. The longer the step, the greater the load on the buttocks, and if the step is short - on the quadriceps of the thighs.

Although this exercise is quite simple, in order to avoid injury to the spine, knees and muscle strain, you need to be sure to do a warm-up. The following exercises are suitable for stretching and warming up:

  • Make rotational movements with your head, arms, shoulders, hips and knees.
  • Bend to the sides, forward and backward.
  • Run in place with your knees raised high.
  • Jump in place with or without a jump rope.

After warming up, you can begin the classic version of the exercise without additional weights. Take the starting position:

  • Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.
  • Look forward, keep your back straight.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • The head and back should be in the same plane.
  • Then spread your shoulders and take deep breaths in and out several times.

At home, lunges for the buttocks are performed as follows:

Exercise options

To increase the effectiveness of training, in addition to the classic version of the lunge, you should diversify your classes with other variations:

Reverse lunges. The technique of this exercise is very similar to the classic version. The only difference is that the step is taken not forward, but backward. Additionally, you can use various weights.

Side lunges. With this version of the exercise you can work out the inner thigh. To do this, step to the right and squat down on your leg so that your left leg straightens almost parallel to the floor, without lifting your feet from it. Keep your body straight without leaning forward. Then repeat the same in the other direction.

Cross lunges. The technique of this exercise is similar to reverse lunges, only the leg should not be moved back, but along a diagonal cross path.

This version of the lunge must be performed with a support, which can serve as, for example, a gymnastic bench standing behind.

Take a step forward with one foot, place the other one on the bench with the laces of your sneakers down. Inhale and slowly lower yourself, bending your knee. Keep your back straight. As you exhale, we rise and change legs. You can use dumbbells as weights.

Lunge with knee lift. It will help with high-quality development of the buttocks. His technique is a little more complicated than the classic lunge. To perform this exercise, you need to swing your knee high and lower yourself into a squat. Change legs one at a time.

Jumping lunges. This option combines not only strength, but also cardio. You need to lunge forward, and when returning to the starting position, jump up and change your working leg. Then gently lower yourself into a squat.

The above exercises are considered basic techniques, but there are the following more complicated options:

Deep reverse lunges. In this exercise, you need to take a step back as far as possible in order to work the muscles more effectively.

Diagonal lunge with dumbbell lift. When performing this exercise, you need to lift the dumbbell up to get a good workout on your arms and shoulder girdle.

Reverse lunge with kick. After performing a reverse lunge, lower the knee of your working leg to the floor as you exhale. Then push off the floor with your toe, making a sharp swing forward. During the impact, you need to bring your heel forward and point your toe towards you.

Deep reverse lunge with push-up. This exercise provides a deep stretch to the hip flexors. We lunge back, resting on our hands, and then do push-ups. As a result, the target muscle group is well stretched.

Lunge with body rotation. This exercise, in addition to the lower part, involves the shoulder girdle, arms and torso muscles.

In the process of performing any exercise, you can use various weights, which should be used only after classic lunges have been well mastered. Dumbbells are often used by women as an additional load. There are the following variations of these exercises with dumbbells:

Classical. With this option, the arms with dumbbells are extended along the body to better maintain balance.

You can also hold dumbbells on your shoulders with your arms bent. This position resembles working with a barbell, but maintaining balance will be quite difficult.

For men, it is recommended to perform exercises with a barbell placed on the shoulders. With this placement of the weight, the muscles that stabilize the body are worked out. The technique of execution is practically no different from lunges with dumbbells. You just need to be more careful, performing the exercise without jerking and monitoring your breathing. It is recommended to look only forward.

Lunges can also be performed on. Thanks to it, you will work out the quadriceps femoris muscle well and improve your strength. It is recommended to perform the exercise slowly, doing a large number of repetitions. The Smith machine, among other things, reduces the load on the spine, but when performing exercises with its help, certain nuances should be taken into account, which are as follows:

  • When performing a lunge, there is a possibility of displacement, so you need to position the bench comfortably. You can do without an elevation, but then the load on the supporting leg will be less.
  • Take the bar with a narrow grip and place it on the very top of the trapezoid.
  • In the lumbar region, you need to arch your back and position your buttocks so that your knee forms a right angle.
  • Make sure that when bending your leg, your knee does not protrude beyond your toe.

Precautions and contraindications

Not everyone is allowed to do lunges, as they place quite a lot of stress on the joints. Contraindications include pathologies of the spine and knees (scoliosis, hernia, etc.), for which axial loads are strictly not recommended. These exercises are also prohibited for varicose veins, hypertension and other neurological disorders. Therefore, before starting this kind of exercise, you need to consult with a specialist.

To perform the exercises correctly, you will need comfortable clothing and appropriate flat shoes. When performing lunges, the body weight is concentrated on the heel of the working leg, and the foot should not leave the floor. You need to breathe slowly and deeply, without holding your breath. The toe and knee should “look” in the same direction.

You should pay attention to the following mistakes that beginners usually make:

  • Too small a step, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The body leans forward.
  • Knees do not bend at right angles.
  • The feet are too far apart.

You need to be very careful when choosing the weight with which the exercise is done. First, you should master your technique without weights before you start training with weights.

Beginners can start using weights with light dumbbells up to 5 kg, and experienced women and girls should not get carried away with weights of more than 15 kg, due to the fact that women Health may get hurt in the process.

Your training will be much more effective if you follow a clearly defined goal that you initially set for yourself and create a standard table where you record your results each time.

Try to eat right. Eat fried foods less often, preferring boiled dishes. The basis of your daily menu should be the following dishes that contain animal protein:

  • cottage cheese
  • chicken
  • seafood

To provide your body with the necessary microelements and vitamins, eat boiled, stewed and raw vegetables.

If you follow the basics of a balanced diet, you will quickly gain elastic muscles, and at the same time lose extra pounds.

After intense training, you will probably have sore muscles that need to be relaxed and relieved by doing a special massage. To speed up your metabolism, take a contrast shower. This will help your body get used to the stress faster. With uniform and regular training, your muscles will stop hurting.

To enhance the effect of the exercises, experienced trainers recommend doing several half squats before performing lunges.

Movements should be done with support on the leg in front. If the load is distributed evenly on both legs at once, then the exercise is performed incorrectly, since the buttocks practically do not work.

The back leg is used to maintain balance, and the lift is carried out with the greatest possible load on the front leg.

If the exercise is performed correctly, you should feel tension in the muscles and a slight burning sensation as they stretch.

Before starting the exercises, you need to think through the order of movements and the technique of performing them down to the smallest detail, but first in your mind. After which you can hone your practical skills.

You shouldn’t immediately strive for records. You need to perform the exercises slowly, while feeling how the muscles stretch.

For greater stability, the toe of the foot on which the load is concentrated should be slightly turned inward.

Some instructors do not advise changing legs when performing lunges. They recommend doing exercises first for one leg and then for the other leg. This way the gluteal muscles will be worked more effectively.

During exercises, the weight should be held not with your fingers, but with your hand.

You can’t lower your head, but you need to keep your back straight. Posture control should be carried out at all stages of the exercise.

For the buttocks and legs, lunges are the most effective exercise. The main thing is to strictly follow the correct technique and maintain the appropriate sports regimen. And, in principle, it doesn’t matter which option you choose. They are all good and effective in their own way.

Attention, TODAY only!

Lunges are one of the best exercises for the quadriceps, and are absolutely invaluable for pumping up the buttocks. There are many types of lunges: with a barbell, with dumbbells, while walking, in place, etc. The principle of load distribution is usually this - the longer the lunge, the greater the load on the buttocks. Accordingly, short lunges place more stress on the quadriceps. Today we will look at reverse lunge technique(when a step is taken not forward, but backward).

Reverse lunge pattern

Technique Notes

  • At the lowest point, the knee of the working leg should be bent at a right angle, no less. Never squat deeper than a right angle, as this will place a very dangerous load on the knee. You can read how to avoid knee injuries in various exercises in the article “ “
  • Keep your body straight throughout the entire set. If you tilt your body, excess load will be placed on your lower back. Frequently performing this exercise with a bent body can lead to injury, including damage to the intervertebral discs.
  • For or with a barbell (both straight and reverse), sufficient flexibility of the hip joint and elasticity of the biceps of the thighs and buttocks are necessary. For this reason, lunges are not suitable for everyone. If there is not enough flexibility, then you will not be able to keep your body straight, and what this entails, see above. There is a way out of this situation. You can lunge exactly as deep as your body remains straight. If the depth turns out to be very small, then it makes sense to stop doing this exercise and seriously start developing flexibility.
  • Also very important point at performing reverse lunges is the selection of comfortable shoes. You must be absolutely resilient. For this reason, you should not choose shoes with thick soles. At the same time, the sole should be shock-absorbing. In general, approach the choice of sports shoes responsibly. Very comfortable and durable shoes are produced under the Adidas brand. You can buy it, for example, through the adidas online shoe and clothing store.
  • At the start, try to statically tense your back muscles and hold your breath. This will help keep your body straighter. When the chest is filled with air, it stabilizes the entire rib cage and thoracic spine.

What muscles work?

When performing reverse lunges, the working leg bends at the knee and hip joints. Accordingly, the quadriceps and hamstring flexors (tendons) experience the greatest load. The gluteus maximus muscle also gets quite tense (especially during long lunges). In addition, when holding a straight body, straighten the spine, including the abdominal ones.

Reverse lunges with dumbbells are a basic, multi-joint exercise aimed at developing the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and calf muscles.

A variation, reverse lunges, takes most of the stress off the knee joint.

Main working muscle group: thighs, buttocks.

Accessory muscle group: calf muscles, arm muscles, abs.

Reverse lunges with dumbbells - execution technique.

1. Take a dumbbell of the desired weight in each hand and stand straight. This is your starting position.

2. Take a step back with either leg, keeping the other leg in place. As you inhale, perform a squat, keeping your body straight. The knee of the leg that is in front should remain in line with the foot and not go back, forming a wide angle at the knee joint. The shin of the leg that stands in front should be perpendicular to the floor.

3. As you exhale, push off the floor with your back leg and return to the starting position. Place half the weight on the heel of your front foot, thereby engaging your glutes and quadriceps.

4. Perform the required number of repetitions, then change legs and do the same on the other leg, or perform the exercise alternately with each leg.

You can also perform split squats with one leg already in front. In this case, you will only need to perform an up and down motion, lowering and rising with the weight.

Lunges can also be performed using a barbell on the shoulders.