Magician of the 5 of Pentacles. Five of Pentacles is the general meaning of the Tarot card. Reversed card position

Two men in shabby clothes make their way through the snow under a large stained glass window decorated with golden 5 of pentacles. The window is illuminated with golden light, contrasting with the blizzard with its warmth. The beggars passing by must do something to improve their deplorable situation. This is what the Five of Pentacles looks like

General meaning of the card

The Five of Pentacles is a tarot card that appears when a person's economic situation becomes poor. It also falls out when someone loses faith in relationships, the institution of family, or simply in themselves. This is a symbol that illustrates the lack of faith in difficult times. It can be called differently:

  • 5 of pentacles;
  • 5 denarii;
  • 5 coins.

Despite the fact that the meaning of the 5 of Pentacles in the Tarot does not evoke good feelings, this card seems to indicate that a person is capable of much. He can find a simple solution to what worries him, but only if he can muster all the strength to ask for help.

The Five of Pentacles is not an inherently bad card sign. This card can serve as an eye opener, telling the person to examine their feelings and come to an understanding of the root of the situation. To look at life from a positive point of view, you need to empty your heart of what brings you grief.

Upright and inverted positions

The Five of Pentacles is a card with a very ambiguous meaning. Its place in the layout can greatly influence what the value of 5 Tarot Coins will be. This feature is much more pronounced than in other representatives of the Minor Arcana. When doing fortune telling, you should also pay great attention to the surroundings of the card, as it can radically change the meaning.

As a rule, the reversed 5 of Pentacles has a good meaning. This is a clear sign that the person has managed to avoid financial or emotional difficulties, whether they realize it or not. It’s good when the card falls out in a past scenario. If it appears in the future, it is advisable to look at other Tarots to see what exactly will have to be overcome. It’s not a fact that everything will turn out rosy, so it’s better to come up with a plan B just in case.

Past, present and future

If the symbol appears in the last part of the layout, this indicates that the hopeless period of life is over. According to the meaning of 5 denarii in the Tarot, this is the best place for this card. A person may learn that past loss of faith is the root cause of current dilemmas.

When a card appears in the present part of the spread, it indicates that the person is not noticing some great opportunity that is right in front of him. Often this card appears in the present when generous and loving person makes it clear to the fortuneteller that he would like to connect his life with him. The symbol warns against missing out on your happiness by running after an empty person who will ultimately turn out to be a loser.

This card encourages you not to lose faith and to see those things in life that are nearby but remain unattended. Anyone who listens to wise advice will find happiness by avoiding adversity.

In different scenarios, the symbol takes on its own meanings:

  1. Advice - The 5 of Pentacles advises you to prepare for a hike in the arid desert.
  2. A word of caution: don’t try to improve one area of ​​your life while paying less attention to another. This approach to solving problems will result in a major fiasco.
  3. Fortune telling “yes or no”: the answer is “no”.
  4. How the card of the day 5 of Pentacles marks a shortage of cash, a change in plans for a major purchase. A person must tighten his belt for a while, then he can get out of the financial hole.

If the Arcanum falls in a future position of the reading, the future will challenge the fortuneteller. He will have to make a choice on which side of the stained glass window he wants to be on. If you go with the flow, then only outside in the cold and in tattered clothes. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that life is a banquet where only the poorest fools go hungry.

On the other hand, this card allows a person to realize that it is time to live their life, and not just trudge through it.

Impact on areas of life

It is necessary to take into account which area of ​​life interests the fortuneteller. The answer to exciting topics will depend on this:

The not-so-pleasant meaning of the card in all areas is not a reason to panic, it is a signal that the time has come to make the necessary changes in your life.

Tarot card combinations

In order to most correctly interpret the combinations of the Five of Pentacles, it is necessary to consider the relationships in the deck. All cards marked 5 in the Tarot are an echo of card number 5: The Hierophant. It is a card of established order and commitment to social interaction. In addition, each representative numbered 5 is also an echo of the shadow card of the Hierophant, card number 15: Devil. This is a symbol of the abandonment of all principles in the pursuit of pleasure, such deep selfishness that a person becomes a slave to his desires.

All Pentacle cards deal with the energy surrounding the material world, energy that most often expresses itself in the form of money.

So, the meaning of the Five Tarot Coins lies in the question of whether a person really wants to follow his selfish pursuits and ignore the great gifts of the Universe that await the one who is able to refuse temptations for the good of society.

Combinations with other Tarot cards can enhance the card or change its meaning:

  1. If the card appears in a reading with many other pentagrams, the fortuneteller’s problem is money and its alienating power. Perhaps a person is in a social relationship with women who are financially better off than himself, and this makes him feel bad.
  2. If the Five of Denarii appears in a reading with a large number of Sword cards, the state of alienation has a basis in angry words or hasty actions. Perhaps the fortuneteller has recently been excluded from his circle of friends after a serious argument or disagreement.
  3. If Pentacles are accompanied by many Cup cards, this is a sign that apathy is caused by emotions. This situation often accompanies situations when a person himself distances himself from loved ones who love him.

Some of the major cards of the Arcana are combined with the 5 of Pentacles in a curious way. When this card is paired with the Emperor or the Fool, this is a symbol of the exacerbation of the addictions of the "bad boy". The combination with the Tower says that a person is just a victim of circumstances and external forces, and his self-confidence was the saddest loss in recent life upheavals. When Pentacles are paired with the Wheel of Fortune, the person is likely to be in the middle of a game and losing faith in their bet.

There is a special combination that is firm and permanent - an alliance with the Justice card. It indicates that on the path of life the fortuneteller has reached a crossroads; there can be no return. Die is cast. Immediately after a Tarot reading with such a combination, all decisions and actions will have special significance in the short and long term.

Highly undesirable. This is one of the most negative cards, predicting failure, lack of self-realization and financial problems. However, the Tarot Arcana of 5 Pentacles and its meaning should be viewed from different angles - this is the only way to correctly interpret the entire layout and find out the advice of the card.

Description in upright and inverted position

In the upright position, the lasso clearly describes the situation in which a person finds himself and his emotional state. At the moment the questioner is in a very unstable position. The Five of Pentacles speaks of material difficulties, problems at work, self-doubt, and loss of like-minded people. A person experiences a feeling of constant anxiety, fear and loneliness.

However, in his head there are thoughts about resolving the situation and hope for the best.. He clearly understands that solving the problem is only a matter of time and opportunity. But his uncertainty and doubts about everything do not allow him to get off the ground.

also speaks of missed opportunities and unused chances to realize your plans. This makes a person feel guilty and scolds himself for slowness and indecisiveness. Arkan says that circumstances put pressure on a person, which makes him feel worse not only emotionally, but also physically.

The main idea that the lasso carries - this is a state of hopelessness and inability to influence what is happening. If he describes a personality, he talks about a person who has lost everything and now reproaches himself for it.

Map gives advice to pull yourself together and begin to regain strength for further victories. At the moment, it all depends on what direction the questioner will think in, whether he will give up or continue to fight for his place in the sun.

In an inverted position, the card takes on an even more dramatic meaning: difficulties will last longer, experiences will be more acute. Arkan speaks of financial difficulties, dismissal, disorder in business, and unreasonable actions. The cause of all problems is previously incorrect decisions and actions taken.

However, mistakes can no longer be corrected, so the only thing left for the questioner is to reproach himself for misconduct and seek compassion.

The inverted Five of Coins calls to realize the reality of what is happening, stop reproaching yourself for mistakes and finally begin to get out of your position. The card makes it clear that not everything is lost, but the light at the end of the tunnel that a person sees is very far away. To stabilize the situation will have to make a lot of effort, patience and diligence.

The only right decision would be to accept the help of loved ones and start everything from scratch. New motivation and hope for the best will help you overcome fear.

By itself, this card has a very strong influence on the arcana surrounding it in the layout.. Even if auspicious symbols lie around her, she will still overshadow their meaning. The Five of Pentacles is a symbol of imminent disaster, bad luck and a long recovery process.

Divination interpretation

Consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the layouts of relationships, health, situation and professional activities.


The Five of Pentacles in a health reading promises a negative outcome. As an indicator of disease, she can speak about the following problems:

  • oncological diseases
  • depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • reduced immunity
  • anorexia
  • lack of vitamins
  • pneumonia
  • fractures and other injuries
  • congenital pathologies

If we talk about the reasons for the deterioration of well-being, then the unhealthy lifestyle, overwork at work, negative thoughts, fears and complexes are to blame. The card advises urgently to take care of your body, take tests and start treatment.

If we are talking about a patient, then the 5 of pentacles indicates a deterioration in health. Unfortunately, recovery is not expected in the near future.

An inverted lasso most often indicates problems with alcohol, promiscuity and other harmful habits that lead a person to degradation.


The appearance of this Tarot symbol in divination for love is not the most negative sign that can be. The lasso indicates an imminent crisis in relations and the opportunity to fix everything.

The causes of problems are lack of confidence in each other. Moreover, only one of their lovers can experience the fear of losing. Often 5 of Pentacles indicates distrust, jealousy, mutual claims. At the event level, it can mean conflict, accusations and a showdown in a raised voice.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as the wrong choice of partner. The moment came when the questioner took off his rose-colored glasses and saw the real essence of his soul mate. Also, a card in the wrong orientation may indicate betrayal.

If the questioner is alone, then 5 of Pentacles does not promise a meeting with your soulmate in the near future.

Certain situation

The person is depressed. Nothing pleases or interests him. The state of apathy is only temporary. But when everything falls into place again depends on the person himself. Material problems, lack of support from people, lack of understanding of what to do next - all this depresses the situation.

In this situation, it is necessary to show willpower and patience.. A person will have to go through everything that he is currently experiencing. You won’t be able to quickly get rid of negative thoughts and problems. However, having overcome these difficulties, the questioner will become wiser, more experienced and morally stronger.

Professional activity

In for a career The 5 of Pentacles upright can be interpreted in different ways. depending on the circumstances in a person’s life:

  • Fear of losing your job, constant stress and deadlines, a hostile atmosphere in the team.
  • Low salary, incomparable with the work done.
  • Experiences related to occupation(such a card may fall out, for example, to social workers or doctors who deal with problems of the population every day).

upside down lasso predicts a temporary lull at work, stagnation, missed opportunity, dismissal.

5 of Pentacles with other cards

What meaning does this Tarot symbol take on in combination with the major and minor arcana?

With the major arcana:

  • Jester– losses, financial losses, unresolved housing issue.
  • Mage- inability to control the situation.
  • Priestess– loss of skills, powerlessness, emotional burnout.
  • Empress– loss of profit, deal failure, failure.
  • Emperor– dismissal from work, breakup of relationships.
  • Hierophant- diffidence.
  • Lovers– lack of support, quarrels in relationships.
  • Chariot- rivalry.
  • Force– fatigue, reluctance to do anything.
  • Hermit– expulsion, dismissal, loss of authority.
  • Wheel of Fortune- cyclical problems, the beginning of the crisis.
  • Justice- ruin.
  • Hanged- inability to deal with circumstances.
  • Death- Deterioration of well-being.
  • Moderation- humility, the decision to give up.
  • Devil- degradation, bad habits.
  • Tower- illness, loss of property, relocation.
  • Star- faith in the best, thinking out a way out of the situation.
  • Moon- Lack of help.
  • Sun– stability, improvement of the situation.
  • Court- hope for salvation.
  • World– problem solving, successful outcome.

With wands:

  • Ace- hope for the best.
  • 2 wands- missed opportunities.
  • 3 of wands– the situation has moved from a dead point.
  • 4 wands- unrealized plans.
  • 5 of wands- rivalry.
  • 6 wands– wrong decision, financial problems.
  • 7 of wands– lack of independence.
  • 8 wands- failure.
  • 9 of wands– exhaustion.
  • 10 wands– stress, poor health.
  • Page- bad news.
  • Knight- difficulties.
  • Queen– uncertainty.
  • King– depression.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- improvement of the situation.
  • 2 of pentacles– instability.
  • 3 of pentacles– planning for the future.
  • 4 of pentacles- deception and deprivation.
  • 6 of pentacles- help.
  • 7 of pentacles- patience.
  • 8 of pentacles- obligations, work.
  • 9 of pentacles- Believe in yourself.
  • 10 of pentacles- escape from problems.
  • Page- manifestation of diligence.
  • Knight- doubts.
  • Queen- the need to save.
  • King– inability to see ways to solve a problem.

With cups:

  • Ace– chance.
  • 2 cups– support of loved ones.
  • 3 cups– completion of projects.
  • 4 cups- annoyance.
  • 5 cups- financial losses.
  • 6 cups– negative thoughts.
  • 7 cups- head in the clouds.
  • 8 cups- quarrel, refusal.
  • 9 cups– emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • 10 cups- bad habits.
  • Page– search for solutions, support.
  • Knight– ally.
  • Queen– sympathy.
  • King– defender.

With swords:

  • Ace- showdown.
  • 2 swords- condemnation.
  • 3 swords- betrayal and lies.
  • 4 swords- hermitage.
  • 5 swords- meanness, revenge.
  • 6 swords– moving, problems with housing.
  • 7 swords- inattention, mistakes.
  • 8 swords- obstacles.
  • 9 swords– bad thoughts, fears.
  • 10 swords- thoughts about .
  • Page- limited thinking.
  • Knight- the need to show determination and perseverance.
  • Queen– loss, grief, melancholy.
  • King- the need to make an important decision.

Card of the day

Advice of 5 Pentacles promises a difficult day full of stress and minor troubles. However, do not dwell on negative thoughts and panic. The card encourages you to remain calm, no matter what happens. You should not make serious decisions or commit rash actions on this day.

There is a risk of financial losses and misunderstandings at work. It is better to take a break from the hustle and bustle and spend time with loved ones. Try to avoid conflicts and uncomfortable situations for you.

For some reason, the stained-glass window on the map is stubbornly associated with the window of the temple. Yes, stained glass windows in churches are common, but in England stained glass windows were not at all uncommon. On the contrary, the installation of a stained-glass window was often a forced decision - a large solid transparent glass was quite expensive.

When I see the 5 Pentacles, a song based on the poems of Robert Burns, performed by Alexander Gradsky, immediately begins to sound.

In the fields, under snow and rain,
My dear friend,
My poor friend
I would cover you with a cloak
From winter storms
From winter storms.
And if flour is destined
It's your destiny
It's your destiny
I'm ready for your grief to the bottom
Share with you
Share with you.

In addition to the stained glass window, there is another very telling detail on the map - a bell on the guy on crutches. These bells were worn by lepers.

By the way, the bandages on the guy’s leg speak in favor of the version that at least one leper is depicted on the map.

Leprosy - the scourge of medieval Europe in the 12th-14th centuries. It is believed that another misfortune helped to cope with it - the plague epidemic, which mercilessly affected the already weakened body of lepers.

Lepers in those days were perceived as still living dead, and it was almost impossible for them to count on help.


  • Need
  • Poverty
  • Material losses
  • Poverty physical and moral
  • Don't see a helping hand
  • Lose everything

Key Ideas

  • Pointless spending
  • Temporary financial difficulties (pay only tomorrow)
  • Absence good health and welfare
  • Good things may pass you by

Basic meaning

Get the values
5 of Pentacles

Receive a gift

Meanings of 5 (Fives) of Pentacles (Coins, Denariev, Disks) Tarot - for both the upright and inverted cards, Waite gives an equally sad list. Material poverty, material difficulties, chaos and lawlessness. Sad, hopeless card.

The modern meanings of the 5 of Pentacles are practically no different from those proposed by Waite. Material losses, forced expenses, fines, purchase of useless and unnecessary things.

Video: Tarot card meaning - 5 of Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

The map is arranged according to the principle of a trap: it is easy to enter and very difficult to exit. There is nothing impossible to be in the club of the poor. But it is extremely difficult to leave it.

The card does not prevent communication, but it does not contribute to it either.

Relationship intensity

The meaning of 5 (Five) of Pentacles of the Tarot in relationships and love indicates the weak intensity of the relationship between partners. Ties are fragile and break easily. Group partners are easily interchangeable. Nobody is interested in anyone.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The map plays out some very unpleasant scenarios.

Physical and mental exhaustion. A person lacks everything: light, warmth, food. He simply does not have the opportunity to develop as a full-fledged personality, either physically or psychologically. An infantile, anemic creature.

Life in the second-hand style. Food that someone has already eaten, things that someone has already worn, thoughts that someone has already thought. Nothing of our own, everything borrowed. Everything is saturated with the smell of poverty and even misery. Those who still retain the remnants of energy have hatred and envy of those who live at least a little better, while the rest have apathy and indifference.

Five of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana

Five of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana
  • in combination with a card: Spend everything on pleasure
  • in combination with the card: Dire Poverty
  • in combination with the card: Collapse and ruin

Psychological condition

The emotional state is the color of a homeless person. Dirty gray urban camouflage. Depression, depression, lack of interest in everything that goes beyond minimal life support. There are frequent scandals and showdowns over far-fetched petty reasons, with which a person seeks to fill an emotional void. But this card indicates an atrophy of feelings, which can reach such limits that one’s own survival ceases to be a significant problem.

This card reveals another emotional state: a specific type of envy. Everything you got was undeserved. Now, if I had been born in another country, with other parents, at another time, then everything would be even better for me than for you.

In combination with the suit of Wands

5 of Pentacles combined with the suit of Wands
  • in combination with: Inconsistency of actions leads to losses
  • in combination with: The longer you wait, the more you lose
  • combined with: defend one's own poverty

Importance in health matters

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles Tarot in health speaks of the diseases of poverty - tuberculosis, rickets, dystrophy. It may be due to a lack of funds for treatment.

The man's spirit is broken. He admitted that he was sick and was not determined to fight his illness. A difficult, hopeless situation.

Combined with the suit of Cups

5 of Pentacles combined with the suit of Cups
  • in combination with: Friendly help in difficult times
  • combined with : To lose everything, succumbing to illusions
  • combined with: To be on top - to fall to the bottom

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

Poverty is a stable situation. And the card says - now you are stably poor. There can be no talk of any control or manageability.

When a person is poor, there is no opportunity to develop. All energy goes into searching for food and warmth. True, the so-called “professional” beggars are a very profitable business, but the map shows the literal situation: hopeless poverty. A condition to which you get used and you stop looking for a way out of it, to the point of losing your human appearance. A state in which, whatever one may say, there is nothing worthy.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

You can behave with dignity even in poverty, but you can easily lose it by using the weaknesses of other people, playing on their good feelings.

General state of finances and trends

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles Tarot at work says that the general financial situation is bad. But how bad it is can be determined by comparison. For example, barge haulers are one of the most paid professions among peasants. They are not convicts, they are hired workers who were carefully selected. And their rags are just overalls. But “one of the most paid professions among peasants” and “earning a lot” are not the same thing.

The card itself does not indicate that the situation will improve. But such a possibility is not excluded (building window). You don’t see this because you are looking for your next penny, feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about hardships.

In general, the card can simply mark unpleasant, unexpected, stupid expenses. But if we take the Hamburg account, the card is very negative.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The entire map indicates a negative impact on income.

Many books have been written about the positive impact of poverty, but mostly with an educational bias. Be that as it may, this aspect of personal development has nothing to do with the growth of material well-being.

Don't make frivolous spending

Card of the day Caution

Reserve more resources than originally planned

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

5 of Pentacles combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • combined with: Hard work for minimal pay
  • Five of Pentacles Tarot in combination with: Get pleasure from work, but not profit
  • combined with : Spending on family members, forgetting about yourself

Questions to be asked by drawing out the 5 of Pentacles

  • Are you proud of your poverty?
  • What is your advantage in being poor?
  • Are your circumstances really force majeure?
  • How much of your resources are spent on unnecessary and useless things?

Get the values
5 of Pentacles in a convenient PDF format as a gift

Receive a gift

Losing material assets and gaining important life experience in return. This is how the general meaning of the Five of Pentacles card is characterized in a few words. The appearance of five Coins in a reading indicates that difficult trials await the person ahead, which he must overcome with honor.

In this article

Meaning in a broad sense

Crisis, financial losses, unrest related to finances - this is how the Five of Coins is traditionally interpreted if it appears in a reading. Depending on the issue, the card means difficulties, loss of work, the need to save money, hard times. But you cannot interpret the meaning literally and talk only about financial difficulties. In a global sense, the card communicates a person’s fears that burn him from the inside. Fears are most often associated with matters of well-being.

Take a look at the classic image of the five of Coins from the Raider-Waite deck. It depicts people walking dejectedly in the rain and wind past bright stained glass windows. A pyramid of pentacles rises above their heads, they are depressed, shivering from the cold, and in need.

The symbolism of the card says that a person is afraid of change, afraid of being left broke.

Remember that poverty is not only literal. Spiritual poverty is much worse than lack of money. The card is a signal that what usually happens in life is what we fear most. Do not bring trouble with a gloomy mood, try to think positively.

Upright value

When divining financial matters or planning for the future, the Five of Pentacles indicates that a difficult period awaits the questioner in the near future. Protracted lack of money, trials and problems.

  • Pentacles warn that now is not best time lend money, they will not return it to you.
  • In work scenarios, the 5 of Pentacles means imminent dismissal, the collapse of the company, unprofitable investments in dubious projects.
  • When guessing about your health, you should be wary if this sign appears. Disease, surgical intervention- this is what the Tarot card portends.
  • In fortune telling about relationships, the five Denarii means the appearance of a person who will share adversity and become a true friend.
  • If there are bad cards nearby, on the contrary, it indicates a weak-willed, weak-willed partner who is unable to help get out of the crisis.

Reversed meaning

In the reversed position, the 5 of Pentacles indicates that you are wasting a lot of vitality on small things that are not worth attention. Deprived of energy and support, a person is weak and easily breaks under the light pushes of fate, not to mention heavy blows.

The map advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings. Are there people in it who are dragging you down? If the answer is yes, try to tactfully remove yourself from their company. Remember that we are actions, thoughts and friends.

The appearance of an inverted five of coins in a reading is a sign that a person is on the verge of despair, one step away from decisive and terrible actions.

The Pyramid of Pentacles advises you to pull yourself together, pull yourself together and act decisively. But remember, you have to answer for everything. Don't take risks unless the situation calls for it. Act according to logic, do not succumb to momentary impulses.

Value when divining for business and work

When fortune telling for a job, the 5 Denariev card says that the person has great difficulties ahead. Dismissal, long search for a new place, quarrels and conflicts with colleagues and superiors. What exactly to expect, tell the neighboring maps.

If positive symbols appear nearby, such as Peace from the Major Arcana or the Three of Cups from the Minor, do not worry. Everything that is done is for the best. Changing jobs will be painless, you will quickly receive a new lucrative offer.

In a favorable scenario, the card means a change of residence, even immigration.

If the card comes up in response to a question about the attitude of those around him towards a person, then this is a signal that an oppressive and gloomy atmosphere has developed around him. Perhaps someone in the team is spreading gossip, getting jealous and ruining their reputation.

Modern tarologists interpret Tarot differently than their colleagues from the beginning of the last century. Each magician brings his own vision of the situation to the symbolism of the cards. Don't forget about this when you decipher secret signs.

Fear of the unknown is a natural human state, but suffering and difficulties make us stronger - this is another meaning of the Five of Pentacles card.

Meaning when divining relationships

If 5 Denarii appear in the relationship chart, you have a person in front of you who feels absolutely miserable. Basic meanings.

  1. Loneliness.
  2. Loss of connection with the outside world.
  3. Inability to build harmonious relationships.
  4. Misunderstanding on the part of the partner.
  5. The collapse of the family.

Most often, these feelings do not manifest themselves outwardly. A person becomes hostage to fears, illusions, and distorted ideas about reality. It seems to him that the whole world is against him. In fact, these are only internal problems that an experienced psychologist will help solve.

If there are good, positive cards nearby, 5 Denarii means the appearance of a reliable and faithful partner in the life of the questioner. The losing streak will come to an end.

It is important to set a person up to expect joyful events and distract him from sad thoughts. An experienced tarot reader can do this to instill faith in the future. Try to focus the questioner’s attention on the joyful moments of life.

People and places

If the Five of Pentacles is chosen as a significator, then it suggests that we are faced with an indecisive, weak-willed, fearful person. He is afraid that any step he takes is suppressed, devoid of will and will lead to collapse. Such a person does not have a clear goal in life, he is completely subordinate to fears: he is afraid of losing his job, his position. Doubts his own strengths and attractiveness.

When determining a place, the card means tedious, routine work that pays little, organizations involved in debt collection, bank loan collection departments.

Psychological condition

Dejection, fear, weakness - this is how you can characterize the mood of a person who gets the five of Coins. Chronic lack of money drives you into prolonged depression, which only a specialist can cure. The card suggests that the questioner has not smiled for a long time, there is little reason for joy in his life, he is completely immersed in problems.

Alternatively, the Five of Pentacles indicates spiritual poverty. Here is a person who thinks only about the material component of existence. Money has replaced his friends and relatives, but does not bring peace and happiness.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

The Major Arcana of the Tarot can completely change and neutralize the negative meaning of any card Minor Arcana. Consider the traditional combinations of the Five of Pentacles and 22 symbols.

Five of Pentacles and the Major Arcana.

  • The Jester and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial failure. If the questioner is planning to conduct real estate transactions, it is better to refrain from them in the near future.
  • The magician warns that the situation is out of control and you are unable to influence the course of events.
  • The priestess and the five indicate an emotional breakdown, an unstable psyche.
  • The Empress portends failure, failure, problems with partners and colleagues.
  • The Emperor signals the imminent loss of a job, conflicts in the family and quarrels over money issues.
  • The hierophant and the five give out an insecure, notorious person.
  • Lovers warn of a possible quarrel, conflicts with loved ones. Option: You will have to make a difficult choice between money and heartfelt affection.
  • The Chariot portends a serious competitive struggle in which the one who keeps the situation under control will win.
  • Strength and five speak of chronic fatigue, apathy, depression, and lack of will.
  • The Hermit next to the Five of Pentacles is a signal that the querent should beware of isolation. Loss of authority is inevitable.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a sign that everything can change. From wealth to bankruptcy one step.
  • Justice and the 5 of Pentacles promise big problems: financial well-being is under threat.
  • The Hanged Man says that a man has folded his hands and does not want to fight for his place in the sun. Option: look at the situation from a different angle; perhaps the problems are not so terrible.
  • Death next to the five Denarii is a reason to think about health.
  • Moderation indicates a reluctance to fight. A person floats with the flow of life, nothing makes him happy.
  • Devil plus 5 Coins - in front of you is a player, a spendthrift, a gradually degrading soul.
  • The tower indicates impending changes: moving to a new place of residence, health problems, conflicts and discord at work.
  • The moon says that the questioner is captive of illusions, he is isolated, loneliness is depressing, life has no meaning.
  • The Sun next to the Five of Coins is good sign. The situation is gradually improving, you are on the verge of changes for the better.
  • The court gives hope for getting rid of problems in all areas of life.
  • Peace is a positive card that completely neutralizes the negativity of the Five of Pentacles. Everything will work out.

Of the Major Arcana cards, only three (Sun, Judgment and Peace) have a positive effect on the Five of Pentacles. In all other cases, the alignment cannot be considered favorable.

The video is devoted to how the appearance of the Five of Pentacles in the layout and its influence on a person’s destiny is interpreted:

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

When interpreting the layout, pay attention to the influence of the Minor Arcana. In the absence of high cards, it can be decisive.

  • The Ace and Five of Pentacles inspire optimism and faith in the future in the fortuneteller. Don't miss the chance to improve the situation.
  • Two warns of missed opportunities.
  • The Three of Wands says that the situation will improve. Not immediately, but change is just around the corner.
  • Four are plans that will never come to fruition. Option: lost profit.
  • Five portends fierce competition in the spheres of love and work.
  • The Six of Wands falling next to the Five of Coins is a sign that a person is making the wrong decisions. Hence all his troubles.
  • Seven indicates the immaturity and inconsistency of the questioner.
  • Eight portends a streak of failures in business.
  • Nine is a sign of crisis, moral devastation, emotional burnout.
  • Ten predicts a bad mood, poor health, and constant stress.
  • Page of Wands and 5 Coins are harbingers of bad events and sad news.
  • The knight warns of upcoming difficulties.
  • Queen - defeat due to lack of self-confidence.
  • The king - the questioner is in a depressed state, but the problems are actually imaginary.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's consider the meanings of the card in combination with the Cups.

  • Ace of Cups - the querent is given an excellent chance, do not miss it.
  • Two - you have true friends who will support you in difficult times, remember this.
  • Three speaks of completing the work started.
  • Four - symbolizes irritation, annoyance and anger. A person is not satisfied with the results of his work and his payment.
  • The Five of Cups and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial difficulties and major losses.
  • Six advises to drive away negative thoughts.
  • Seven suggests that the questioner is far from earthly concerns. He has his head in the clouds and is not interested in the true state of things.
  • Eight portends a quarrel in the family, disagreements and conflicts.
  • Nine – depressed state. Physical and mental pain.
  • Ten is a sign that the questioner has bad habits that affect his life.
  • The page guarantees the support of loved ones in difficult times.
  • The knight says that a person has good allies, one cannot refuse an outstretched helping hand.
  • Queen - the fortuneteller has someone to turn to for advice.
  • The King of Cups indicates the support and protection of powerful people.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Swords most often enhance the tense aspect of the Five of Pentacles.

  • The Ace of Swords warns of difficult relationships, quarrels, conflicts, problems in the family and at work.
  • The deuce says that enemies are actively slandering the questioner behind his back.
  • Three symbolizes lies, betrayal, treason.
  • Four indicates detachment, hermitism, and a secluded lifestyle.
  • Five warns of revenge, meanness, and envy.
  • Six is ​​an indicator of problems in the real estate sector. Option: moving, change of residence.
  • Seven warns of possible mistakes due to inattention.
  • Eight speaks of obstacles on the way to the intended goal.
  • Nine is about fears, doubts, phobias.
  • Ten indicates suicidal tendencies.
  • The page indicates a person with limited thinking and meager imagination.
  • The knight advises perseverance.
  • The Queen predicts causeless melancholy and sadness.
  • The king recommends accepting fateful decision. The future well-being of a person depends on it.

Classic combination with cards of the same suit

Let's see how 5 Coins manifests itself in combination with its own suit.

  • The Ace of Pentacles and Five say that improvement is close, we just have to wait a little.
  • Two is a sign that events are developing rapidly. The questioner is unable to influence them. Trust your intuition.
  • Three is a signal that it is time to think about the future. Your endeavors will be approved.
  • Four predicts deception, deprivation, need and grief.
  • The Six of Pentacles promises assistance and assistance from loved ones.
  • Seven advises patience.
  • The Eight speaks of the need for important commitments and hard work.
  • The nine, which appeared in the layout next to 5 Denarius, will give confidence.
  • Ten indicates that the questioner is hiding from problems, does not want responsibility, and does not want to keep his word.
  • Page of Pentacles in combination with the Five - to achieve the goal you need to show perseverance and diligence.
  • The knight gives out information about the doubts that overcome a person.
  • The queen predicts material difficulties, the need to save.
  • The king - the questioner is removed from solving the problem. Shifts the blame onto someone else's shoulders.

In large layouts, pay attention to all combinations of cards. Try to read the situation right away, without resorting to the help of a glossary. Listen to the first impression, which is caused by the overall picture, it is the most correct.

The video is dedicated to the fives of the Minor Arcana. It will be interesting for novice tarot readers.

The value of divination for health

The general meaning of the card when divining for health is negative. Often her appearance is a formidable signal. It is a symbol of depression, apathy, an oppressed state of mind, psychological problems. The Five of Pentacles warns of such ailments as:

  • malignant tumors;
  • problems with immunity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • injuries.

The Five of Pentacles cannot be called a negative card. Its purpose is to show a person that life path It's never easy. There are ups and downs. You need to be prepared for them, stock up on courage, patience and the support of true friends. Reject your fears and hope for the best, then you will reach the top of the Pyramid of Pentacles with your hand.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Value in layouts

The interpretation of the lasso largely depends on what issue the person is interested in: the situation as a whole, relationships with a partner, health or career. Let's consider the meaning of the 6 of pentacles in accordance with these spheres.


In the upright position, the 6 of pentacles speaks of strong immunity, good mood and increased vitality. But at the same time, it indicates possible problems that can occur as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, improper daily routine, heavy workload. Problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as diseases of the nervous system, are very likely. A person is advised to get more rest.

If the question concerns the patient’s prospects for recovery, then the card speaks of imminent healing and restoration of the body.

In an inverted position, the card does not acquire a negative meaning, but it indicates that the recovery period will be extended, and an impressive amount of money will be needed for treatment.

Love and relationships

In the sphere of personal life, the 6 of Pentacles describes harmonious relationships between partners. They are interested in spending time together, they have common goals and dreams. Both take the initiative, wanting to bring their other half as much joy and comfort as possible. In such a couple, harmony, equality, and warm mutual feelings reign.

In a reading for a nascent relationship, the card indicates that the other half is ready to do anything to win a loved one. The chosen one or chosen one is able to give without demanding anything in return, which speaks of his sincerity.

Inverted, the 6 of Pentacles indicates the reluctance of one of the partners to build a normal relationship. The person is not ready to take the initiative and fight to save the couple. When this card appears, we can say that one of the partners loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.


For a person in whose reading this symbol appears, the time has come for happiness, prosperity and fulfillment of desires. He achieved his goals and is now reaping the fruits of his labor. Against this background, the development of pride and narcissism is very likely. The Six of Pentacles encourages you not to lose control of yourself. The best thing to do in this situation is to help those who need advice or financial support.

Inverted, the card describes a completely opposite situation. An event involving loss and betrayal has either already happened or will happen in the near future. The questioner should be vigilant in business and work. You should not trust those who raise doubts. The reversed 6 of Pentacles depicts a situation in which a person has fallen into the hands of scammers or found himself hostage to his own carelessness.


In a career reading, the 6 of Pentacles line is one of the favorable Tarot cards. It promises achievement of goals, prospects, increased income, interesting work and complete satisfaction with their professional activities.

In an inverted position, the lasso can symbolize the machinations of competitors, the struggle for a position, a set-up from colleagues, unfair decisions by superiors and a reduction in wages. Also, the card often indicates the impossibility of implementing planned plans due to lack of resources - time, experience and money.

Five of Pentacles in the sphere of love relationships

In the realm of love, the Five of Pentacles has many meanings. Usually a connection between people that brings suffering and is condemned by society. The lasso characterizes a person who has become accustomed to himself and is not going to change himself. The main thing of his feelings is opposition to the cruel world. Sometimes the questioner experiences moral torment and literally forces a solution out of himself.

In some cases, the lasso indicates:

  • to legitimize relations;
  • paternity court;
  • meeting relatives.

Sometimes the 5 of Pentacles is an indication that two people are tired of each other. They don't want to change or fix anything. The couple is waiting for an opportunity to separate. Sometimes the card indicates a clear imbalance in the relationship: someone takes full advantage of their partner’s resources and does not think of giving anything in return.

This is interesting!

Money is not always a resource. These are emotions, sexual energy, connections, joint activities and much more.

For lonely people, the map does not promise changes for the better. It's not yet time to meet your soul mate. The querent feels worthless, unattractive, and this scares off potential companions.

For those who are already married, the card promises a sick relationship. People are used to living together, leading a common life, but there is no longer love between them. And they cannot leave each other, but they are already unbearable to be near. The problem of inability to plan money, keep a budget may come out. Savings will begin to melt, and this leads to a decrease in the well-being of the family.

The card advises someone to think about the fact that not everything can be bought with money. Cannot be purchased true love for coins. But you shouldn’t burden yourself too much with various problems.

It is important to analyze life and get rid of unnecessary aspects. Any relationship during this period will be short

Card in different decks

In the Rider-Waite deck, the card depicts two freezing beggars walking past a stained glass window in a church. The character with crutches has a bell - perhaps this person is a leper. Images of the Five of Pentacles vary from deck to deck. In the Gypsy Tarot you can see beggars sitting under a stained glass window - apparently, this is a mother with two children.

The Sensual Wiccan Tarot for the 5 of Pentacles depicts a couple who have traveled a long way through the desert and find themselves at an impregnable rock. In the Thoth Tarot, the 5 of Pentacles is depicted as an inverted pentagram. In the Golden Dawn Tarot, the image shows a hand holding five roses.

Financial questions


  • Cleaner.
  • Housemaid.
  • Nurse.
  • Church worker.
  • Cleaning up the streets.

In money matters the card is unfavorable. Poverty, loss of finances, debts. In severe cases, this means ruin and loss of home. The querent will be forced to live on benefits or a pension. Moreover, it will save not only money, but also any resources. He needs charitable help. Sometimes the querent is forced to beg.

Problems with money arise due to circumstances or your own stupidity. Any attempts to increase income (invest funds in different investments, bets, etc.) will end in failure and new debts. Perhaps the person himself is to blame for the current situation: having gotten used to spending more than he earns, it is difficult for him to change his lifestyle. He is burdened with fines and other demands to repay debts.