Why Yandex is not looking for prohibited information. Fast page indexing in Yandex. - Slow document upload speed

Created a website, but can't find it in search engines? No problem! In this article, you will learn how to index a site in Yandex and Google in the shortest possible time. Probably, it is unnecessary to talk about the advantages of quickly getting into the index of search engines. After all, anyone understands that the sooner his site will be shown in search results, the faster new customers will appear. And for this to work, you need to get into the database of search engines.

By the way, thanks to the right approach, the new materials of our site are quite well, and most importantly, are always quickly indexed by search engines. Perhaps you also got to this page after applying the corresponding request in the search bar. From lyrics, let's move on to practice.

How to find out if the site is indexed?

The first thing to do is to find out if the site is indexed by search engines. It may be that the site is simply not on the first page of the search for the query that you entered. These can be high-frequency requests that you need to work on, and not just make and launch a site to be shown.

So, to check, we go into everything search engines, which makes sense to enter ( Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler) and enter the site address in the search query string.

If your resource has not yet been indexed, nothing will be shown in the search results, or other sites will appear.

How to index a site in Yandex?

To begin with, we will tell you how to index a site in Yandex. But before adding your resource, check that it works correctly, opens correctly on all devices and contains only unique content. For example, if you add a site at the development stage, you can simply fall under the filter - this happened to us once and we had to wait a whole month for Yandex to understand that we have a quality site and lift the sanctions.

To inform Yandex about a new site, you need and , the first tool is responsible for additional information about the resource ( region, structure, quick links) and the way the site looks in the results of organic issuance, the second for collecting data on the site ( attendance, behavior, etc.), which, according to our experience, also affects the indexing of the site and its position in the search. And be sure to make a sitemap and specify it in the webmasters panel.

How to index a site in Google?

Most often, Google itself quickly finds new sites and drives them into the search, but waiting for Google to come and do all the work for us is too arrogant, so let's figure out how to index a site in Google.

First up is the Google Webmasters Dashboard, and . We adhere to the same goals - to give maximum information about the site to search engines.

After the sites are added, it should pass 3 to 7 days before search engines update the data and index the site.

You always want new site pages to show up in search results as quickly as possible, and for this there are several secret (and very simple) ways to speed up the indexing of site pages in search engines.

3. To do the manipulation described in paragraph 2, only for the Google search engine, go to the Search Console. Select "Scan" and "See how Googlebot"-add the address of a new page and click "Scan", after that we request indexing.

Website indexing analysis

In conclusion, it should be noted that even after the successful indexing of the site in search engines, the work does not end there. It is necessary to periodically analyze the indexing of the site, as well as remove positions for popular queries. This will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse and not be in a situation where a significant part of the traffic from organic issuance simply disappeared.

This is what happened to many older sites that used the old promotion methods when . At the same time, Yandex announced in advance that it was launching this algorithm and re-optimized pages would be excluded from the search, while Google never announced the release of new algorithms. Therefore, only relentless control will allow you to remain the leader of the topic or become one!

So, you have created a site, filled it with unique content, and then added this site to the most popular search engines, such as Yandex and Google, but for some reason the site is poorly indexed or not indexed at all. In this article, I will tell you about the main reasons for poor site indexing, as well as give you some tips that can speed up the process of getting site pages into search engines.

Before we panic, let's find out how long a site can be indexed after it's been listed in the search engines, and when to start getting nervous.

In most cases, the site begins to be indexed somewhere in 2-4 weeks. Sometimes even faster (even the next day!). If the site is not indexed for more than a month, then it is already necessary to start taking measures to eliminate the reasons that prevent the indexing of the site. It is better, of course, to initially make sure that there are no such obstacles ...

Why the site is not indexed

First, let's look at the main reasons why indexing a site can be difficult:

Non-unique content. Articles on the site must be unique, i.e. they should not be found on other sites. Especially search engines do not like sites with non-unique content that sell links. Such sites sooner or later (and Lately this happens very often) fall under the PS filter, from which it is almost impossible to get out and the pages of such sites disappear forever from the search. If the site had non-unique content, but links from it were not sold, then there is a chance that the site will be indexed and ranked normally after unique articles appear on your site.

Re-optimization, spamming. Don't overdo the amount key phrases in the article, as well as tags , , , etc. Everything should look natural and at ease.

Poor quality content. I think that it is not necessary to explain what low-quality content is. Each of us knows what kind of article he wrote - for people or for search robots ...

The site is a mirror of another site. This refers to the situation when there is a site with absolutely unique content, but in terms of meaning and structure, it completely or partially copies another site. Such sites can also be filtered by search engines. At the very least, Yandex does not like such sites very much and, if it notices, “glues” them with the “main mirror” of all sites.

Site indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file. It happens that the webmaster can accidentally disable indexing of the site in the robots.txt file. So check this file first. If you don’t know what robots.txt is, then in the section “Using robots.txt” from the Yandex.Webmaster service, everything is very well described.

Site indexing is prohibited in meta tags. Be sure to check the HTML code of the site page. If there is a code in the code , this means that search robots are prohibited from indexing the page, as indicated by the noindex command, and from following links on the page (nofollow command). There is a similar meta tag . This meta tag also prohibits indexing text and following links on the page.

Sale of links from the site. Yandex is not against the fact that the site owner earns a little (or a lot) by selling links from his site. But, if you sell too many links (and how many, this is “too much”, only Yandex knows), then this may lead to a massive loss of pages from the index. You should also understand that if you want to make money on a site by selling links, then this site should be really useful for Internet users (well, or at least a little useful), and, of course, the site should have unique articles. I can't say the same for Google. In general, the Google search engine tries to index everything that is possible and impossible - a sort of indexing monster (it happens that Google indexes even those pages that are prohibited for indexing in the robots.txt file if they have links), but it does not rank all pages well (takes into account). There is also an opinion that the page's weight is lost if it has too many external links - this is another reason to NOT turn the site into a link dump.

Link explosion. If one fine day thousands of resources begin to link to an unknown site at once, then this may entail severe sanctions from the search engines, both in relation to the site to which they link, and to the referring sites. Basically, everyone gets hurt!

Hosting blocks search engine robots. Unfortunately, this also happens. So, use the services of trusted hosts that have a good reputation.

The domain you bought was previously banned (blocked) by search engines. If there is an opportunity to study the history of the purchased domain, then be sure to study it.

The site mistakenly fell under the PS filter. This does not happen so often, but it happens (in about 1-2% of cases). If you are sure that your site meets all the requirements of the quality standard of search engines, then you can write them a letter, and after a while (possibly after a long correspondence) your site will be indexed.

Many other reasons, of which there are so many that everything simply does not fit in one article. Turn on the logic, analyze the site, and you yourself will be able to identify the reasons that prevent the site from being indexed in the PS.

How to speed up site indexing

If you are sure that your site does not violate the rules of the game (let's call it that), but it is still not indexed for quite a long time, then search robots simply cannot find your site. Well, they can't and that's it! In this case, you need to help the search engine find the pages of your site, which we will talk about next.

So, how to speed up site indexing in Yandex and Google search engines:

Step 3: Specify in the Sitemap file all the pages that need to be indexed. Many web masters neglect this file, considering it not so significant in the process of site indexing, but in vain. Sometimes it is the Sitemap file that can help the site to be indexed. And I was recently convinced of this when I was given 3 sites for work, which had one common problem - within 6 months each site had only 2-3 pages indexed in the Google search engine. Moreover, all these sites have long been added to the Google Webmaster Center and Yandex.Webmaster, and many pages from different sites have already been linked. Oddly enough, these sites have long been successfully indexed in the Yandex PS, but Google, for some reason, bypassed them. Then I decided to add sitemap files to all sites. And what do you think - in just 2-3 weeks, all 3 sites began to be indexed in Google. I also noticed that if you add a site to the webmaster panel and specify the path to the Sitemap file in the same place, then the site is often indexed in just 1 day! If you don't know what a Sitemap is, you can read about it. Almost every engine has its own plugins that generate a Sitemap file, but if your engine does not have this capability, then you can generate a Sitemap file using a special service such as XML Sitemaps Generator. Just enter the site address and click Start, then download this file and upload it via ftp to the root folder of your site. Then specify the path to the sitemap file in the webmaster panel.

Step 5 (optional): Speed ​​up site indexing with external links. Most effective method indexing the site using external links is to make sure that various (preferably thematic) blogs link to the most significant pages of your site, since they are indexed the fastest (if the blog is popular and frequently updated, then it can be indexed every 2 hours!). You can get eternal links from blogs to the site (2-3 links per page are enough) using the Blogun service or any other services.

What to do if the site is still not indexed?

If all these tips did not help, and your site has not been indexed after another month, then there is only one thing left - to write to search engine workers:

  • Write to Yandex. Practice shows that in most cases they answer the following: "improve the quality of your site ...". But do not despair if you were given a template answer - this means, most likely, one thing, that there was no time at all to review the site. If necessary, enter into a long correspondence with Yandex and defend your rights. Let them know that you care about your site. If you are absolutely sure that your site is of high quality, then sooner or later the filter will be removed from it.
  • Write to Google. You can ask Google a question in Russian, but they will answer you in English and most often with a standard answer. The 1st response will be something like this: “We have accepted your request for a site review…etc. and so on.". The 2nd response, if everything is fine with your site, will be something like this: “We reviewed your site and did not find the presence of spam. Wait for the site to be indexed.

Finally, I would like to give you one last piece of advice. Do not give your site address on various forums, blogs and other resources, and do not tell anyone that your site has not yet been indexed. Dishonest people can take advantage of this by stealing the entire content from your site. Also, you should not register a non-indexed site in directories, because. directory owners can check your site for pages in the search and also steal site pages.

I wish you successful indexing!

Note Popularity: 34%

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34 comments on the post "Why the site is not indexed, or what should have been taken care of in advance"

    Hello, at the expense of point 3, I have a site on ucoz, but for some reason only 2 pages were indexed in Yandex, and although there are files there

    In general, sites made with ucoz are quite well indexed in search engines due to the high trust in ucoz. Sometimes it's enough just to add a site to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Webmaster Center and the site is indexed without any problems in 2-4 weeks, if, of course, it has unique content. Try adding an XML Sitemap file with links to the site pages - maybe that will help. True, I don’t know if sites on ucoz have such an opportunity.

    How long has the site not been indexed?

    Hello. The article is very good, thanks! But I still have a question that no article can answer (it's not written anywhere). My site on uCoz domain is free and VAREZ theme. I add only unique news, I write it myself, errors are only in the names of the main characters of films or games, that is, the search engine does not know these names or phrases. Yandex robots often miss some news, I will add 10 unique films and skip 2! It just skips and is not in the issue. Sometimes after a few months he notices these pages, sometimes he doesn't. Also, you have to wait from a week to 2 months to scan new news. Of course, because of this, I add them RARELY actually the question is: If I add 1 or more new unique news every day, will this problem be corrected? On the site there are 2 sitemap xml maps from the bottom of the yukoz itself and the actual manual map, it has links to all the pages that need to be indexed (I just installed it after 3 months of creating the site. And now the site is already 7 months old)

    errors only in the names of the main characters of films or games, that is, the search engine does not know these names or phrases

    Are you making these mistakes on purpose? It is better that all names are correct. Search engines still know the largest part of the names and titles, and if the name is incorrectly typed in the search, then the PS automatically corrects it. If the site has a lot of incorrect names and errors, then this can adversely affect the indexing of the site.

    If I add 1 or more new unique news every day, will this problem be fixed?

    That's not the problem. The search engine just needs time to find all the pages of the site. There can be many reasons why a site does not index any pages for a long time. It's hard to tell what the problem is when you don't even know the website address. But, judging by your post, your site is indexed normally, but not as fast as you would like. Sooner or later, all pages of your site will be indexed - you just need to wait

    Thanks for the clear presentation of the information!

    But I would like to ask you a question: what to do if the search engine partially indexes the site? More precisely, for some reason, the address does not go beyond the 3rd level for some reason, although all the unique content is located on the 3rd-4th tier...

    What to do if the search engine partially indexes the site? More precisely, for some reason, the address does not go beyond the 3rd level for some reason, although all the unique content is located on the 3rd-4th tier...

    There is only one thing left - to do everything to speed up indexing using the methods presented in this article, and then wait for the pages to be indexed. If within 1-2 months the pages do not get into the index, then something is wrong - perhaps something is preventing the indexing of the site. First of all, check the robots.txt file - very often it is the incorrectly configured robots.txt file that prevents the site from indexing pages. For example, if a Level 3 page is named /indeksaciya-sajta/pochemu-sajt-ne-indeksiruetsya.html, and Disallow: /indeksaciya-sajta is written in the robots.txt file, then this page is unlikely to ever be indexed.

    Hello again, I would like to ask a script that blocks the right button on the page, copying and dragging images, here it is: