Temperature during pregnancy: what to do. Causes of an increase and decrease in t ° during pregnancy Normal temperature at 5 weeks of gestation

For a healthy person, normal body temperature is between 36.0 and 36.9 degrees Celsius. Thermometer values ​​between 37.0 and 37.9 degrees are called subfebrile, from 38.0 to 38.9 degrees - febrile, from 39.0 to 40.9 degrees - pyretic, more than 41.0 - hyperpyretic.

The listed classification is valid only for measurements taken in the axillary region. The temperature in the mouth is higher by about 0.3 degrees, in the rectum - by 0.5 degrees. You should also take into account the measurement error of the thermometer.

Favorable body temperature during pregnancy

The temperature during pregnancy may be slightly elevated compared to the values ​​of the average person. This phenomenon is associated with the action of the hormone progesterone. After ovulation from the second half menstrual cycle in a woman, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. This organ produces progesterone, a hormone that supports gestation.

One of the functions of progesterone is to maintain a high basal temperature (measured in the rectum) at a level of up to 37.4-37.5 degrees. Such values ​​are necessary for the processes of implantation and cell division of the fetal egg. If a woman does not become pregnant, a few days after ovulation, the corpus luteum dies off, and the temperature returns to normal values.

If the conception took place, the corpus luteum does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone. That is why the basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy is often several tenths of a degree higher than normal values. However, in some women it may remain below 37.0-37.1. Such values ​​are typical for expectant mothers whose normal body temperature in the armpit is less than 36.6 degrees.

Attention! The permissible temperature in the 1st trimester of pregnancy when measured in the armpit lies in the range from 36.0 to 37.2 degrees, for more later dates the maximum values ​​normally do not exceed 36.9 degrees.

Summarizing the above, the temperature in early pregnancy, measured in the armpit, can lie in a wide range from 36.0 to 37.2 degrees. When the thermometer is in the oral cavity, the upper values ​​\u200b\u200breach 37.4 degrees. Basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can reach 37.5 degrees.

However, the corpus luteum functions only until the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Normal body temperature in pregnant women after 14 weeks of gestational age should not exceed 36.9 degrees when measured in the axillary region.

Low temperature during pregnancy

Low body temperature during pregnancy - a temperature that is less than 36.0 degrees when measured in the armpit. Sometimes such indicators are the result of improper use of a thermometer. In other cases, low temperature in early pregnancy is the result of the following diseases:

#1. Hypothyroidism.

Its hormones affect all processes occurring in the human body, including heat transfer. With a reduced amount of thyroxine, there is a decrease in metabolism, weakness, fatigue, and swelling. People with an underactive thyroid may experience chills without fever.

#2. Nutrient deficiencies.

A person receives energy and warmth when eating food. In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often suffer from toxicosis, which is why most of the food is not digested and the body experiences starvation.

#3. Fall of immunity.

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother synthesizes fewer antibodies, which can be manifested by a decrease in body temperature.

#4. Increased loads.

Stress and physical fatigue can provoke disturbances in the thermoregulation center located in the brain.

Low body temperature in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is often the result. The decrease in hemoglobin occurs due to the growing need for iron and vitamins B3 and B12, which do not come in sufficient quantities with food. Due to the decrease in the number of red blood cells, the intensity of metabolism and heat production decreases.

Another cause of a drop in body temperature in the middle or end of the childbearing period is gestational diabetes. The disease leads to impaired glucose metabolism, which leads to pathologies of thermoregulation.

Low body temperature does not directly affect the fetus. However, the listed diseases and conditions can provoke malnutrition of the unborn child, his growth and developmental delay.

When diagnosing a body temperature below 36.0 degrees for more than two days in a row, a woman should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe additional tests and instrumental research methods that will help diagnose and choose treatment.

High body temperature during pregnancy

Fever during pregnancy is almost always one of the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases. This reaction is protective, since many pathogenic microorganisms cannot live and multiply with high heat exchange. An increase in body temperature occurs due to the activation of the center located in the medulla oblongata.

Quite often, infections are accompanied by other complaints. The most common of them are symptoms of general intoxication: dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc. Depending on the focus of the lesion, other complaints that are characteristic of certain diseases join the general complaints: abdominal pain, cough, blood in the urine, etc.

Any microorganism is conditionally dangerous for the fetus. Bacteria and viruses can cause the following negative reactions:

#1. congenital anomalies.

Even cold pathogens can cause fetal malformations. The earlier the infection occurs, the more serious the consequences for the unborn child. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, there is a risk of such severe anomalies as the absence of a heart or kidney, underdevelopment of the brain, and an increase in the number of limbs. Quite often they lead to intrauterine death of the fetus. In later pregnancy, microorganisms cause less severe malformations that are compatible with life. The most dangerous agents are the causative agents of TORCH infections - toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes.

#2. Decreased blood supply to the placenta.

Due to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, a delay in its growth and development, pathology of the central nervous system is formed.

#3. Placental abruption.

This pathology is manifested by bleeding from the vagina and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. without rendering medical care Placental abruption ends in fetal death.

#4. Increased uterine tone.

Some bacteria and viruses synthesize antibodies that affect the smooth muscles of human internal organs. Due to this, the uterus begins to spontaneously contract, which leads to miscarriage or premature birth.

#5. General intoxication.

The severe course of the disease affects the entire body of the expectant mother. With infections, the cardiovascular, urinary, digestive, and respiratory systems can suffer, which will lead to a decrease in fetal nutrition.

High fever treatment

In no case should you self-treat for infectious diseases during pregnancy. The doctor must make an accurate diagnosis, assess the need for treatment and select. Many medications are contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, so their independent selection can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In most cases, subfebrile temperature should not be brought down, as it helps the mother's body fight infection. Temperature readings above 38.0 degrees almost always require intervention.

Among non-pharmacological methods of treatment elevated temperature body one of the most famous is tea with a variety of additives. , lemon, lemon balm, raspberries and other products have antiseptic properties, strengthen the immune system, supply the mother's body with vitamins.

Also, the expectant mother should drink as much clean cool water as possible. It causes sweating, which lowers body temperature. Wiping with cool water is useful, cooling the skin of a woman.

Treatment of SARS in pregnant women:

Medical treatment is extremely limited during pregnancy. The safest are Paracetamol preparations, which in the course of studies did not cause congenital anomalies of the fetus. However, the data medicines should not be taken for more than 3-5 days in a row, as they contribute to impaired kidney and liver function.

In the absence of the effect of Paracetamol, the doctor may prescribe more serious drugs. Nurofen - modern facility, which not only reduces body temperature, but also relieves pain and inflammation. However, this medication is prohibited from taking from 30 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Nurofen affects the smooth muscles of the uterus and, when taken in the 3rd trimester, can provoke pathologies of labor.

Celecoxib preparations are one of the strongest remedies for fever. However, medications should not be used in the third trimester of pregnancy. At earlier dates, their admission is possible only if there are serious indications.

Acetylsalicylic acid preparations are strictly prohibited in early pregnancy, as they increase the likelihood of developmental abnormalities in the unborn child. Also, drugs of this group cannot be used in the third trimester of the gestation period due to their effect on labor and the cardiovascular system of the fetus. The drugs can be used from 14 to 28 weeks, but even at this time they are not advisable to take, since there are more effective and safer analogues.

Disease prevention

To prevent infection of the expectant mother, immunity should be increased. To do this, she is recommended to engage in light sports - feasible gymnastics, swimming, badminton, etc. Also, a pregnant woman should walk a lot on fresh air, avoid strong physical activity and stress.

To strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother, you should take a responsible approach to planning your diet. It should include a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Several times a week, a pregnant woman should eat lean meat, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. If necessary, the expectant mother can take vitamin complexes.

Also, a pregnant woman should reduce the likelihood of infection. To do this, she is recommended to ventilate the room in which she is, not to contact with sick people, dress warmly, and not sit under a draft, fan and air conditioner. She should avoid it whenever possible. public places especially during the autumn-winter period.

A woman who is expecting a baby is advised to carefully follow the rules of hygiene. Upon arrival home, the expectant mother should thoroughly wash her hands and wash her face with soap. It is advisable to rinse the mouth with an antibacterial rinse. During pregnancy, you should not touch animals that can be carriers of infections.

Few people know that the 5th week of pregnancy occurs approximately 20 days after conception.

This is due to the fact that the beginning of pregnancy in medicine is not considered the moment of fertilization, but the first day of the last menstruation, when an unfertilized egg is excreted from the body, and a new one comes in its place.

That is why people get confused in terms, waiting for events that are at least two weeks away.

The fifth week is characterized by the fact that it is on her that a woman learns about her position and both physiological and psychological changes begin in her body.

What are the signs and sensations

The main thing in the fifth week is the absence of menstruation. In parallel, there is a change in taste and appetite, the first signs of toxicosis appear: nausea, discomfort, irritability. Sometimes there may be headaches or lack of sleep.

All this is the result of a change hormonal background organism. Also, a woman can fix the following changes in her body:

  • some increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • sometimes there is a significant increase in their sensitivity;
  • feeling of heaviness or pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased fatigue, desire to sleep, general weakness;
  • changes in the perception of the organs of smell and touch.

There is a fairly large percentage of women (about 25-30%) who do not experience discomfort not only in the fifth week, but almost the entire pregnancy.

This situation is also considered normal by doctors. If you are one of these women, you can be considered lucky.

What happens to the fetus at 5 weeks pregnant

It's still too early to talk about the fetus. The embryo will become a fetus in about a month.

At present, the embryo weighs less than one gram, and in size (3 millimeters) does not exceed a grain of rice.

At the same time, it is already fixed to the wall of the uterus and the necessary substances from the mother enter its body. There is no placenta or umbilical cord yet, so the metabolism goes through the capillaries formed in the inner lining of the uterus.

Photo: embryo at 5 weeks

The fifth week of pregnancy is the third week embryonic development, at this time the body of the embryo is actually formed. Its cells are separated from extra-embryonic tissues (yolk sac and chorion).

In the fifth week, gonoblasts form in the yolk sac. They will later be transformed into germ cells of the embryo.

Inside the embryo, there are active processes of laying the main organs and systems of the body. It all starts with the formation of the chord.

Next to the notochord and almost simultaneously with its formation, symmetrical paired organs begin to be built: these include the kidneys and lungs.

A little later, the formation of other organs begins: the liver, pancreas and thyroid glands, and others. On this stage it is necessary to start taking iodomarin (for the thyroid gland) and folic acid (for the nervous system of the child).

Already in the process of formation, the chord has a slight bend, which will be pronounced by the end of the fifth week: the embryo becomes like a comma.

It has pronounced anterior and posterior poles corresponding to the head and legs. The size of the fetus will already allow you to see it with an ultrasound.

The fifth week is the time of the formation of the heart of the unborn child. Already at the end of the week it will begin to beat, and in a few more days these blows can be fixed.

The nervous system is also actively developing. During the formation of the chord, the closure of individual parts of the neural tube occurs, which subsequently turns into the spinal cord.

Closer to the anterior pole, at the end of the fifth week, small thickenings can be observed - these are brain bubbles from which the baby's brain will form. Simultaneously with the nerves, small thickenings appear on the chord - the first muscles will soon begin to form from them.

What should be the temperature

Feelings of weakness in all parts of the body, as well as a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible at the 5th week of pregnancy, may occur against the background of an increase in temperature from 37.0 to 37.3 ° C.

This behavior of the body is considered the norm, since an increase in temperature is characteristic of the process of restructuring the hormonal background observed at this stage of pregnancy.

With satisfactory health, such temperature rises should not be a cause for concern.

However, as the temperature rises to large values(from 37.5 ° C and above), especially if there are additional symptoms of colds (in the form of cough, runny nose, etc.), urgent measures must be taken.

Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.


Requires revision. It is in the fifth week that it is necessary to make adjustments to the diet in the direction of healthy, and not just tasty foods. Additionally, this process is complicated by the fact that appetite and taste preferences change, and it is difficult to say how these changes will manifest themselves.

Generally speaking, the diet should contain a lot of vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries and everything else that can be eaten without pre-treatment.

The most important component of the menu should be products containing protein - meat, fish, dairy products, cottage cheese. The latter is especially relevant because it is the product with the highest calcium content.

Fried foods should be excluded from the menu almost completely. Use a steamer as your main cooking tool.

Use iodized salt when cooking (good for the thyroid gland). Actively use greens, asparagus, citrus fruits and any nuts in dishes (they contain folic acid- a necessary element for the formation of the nervous system of the fetus).

Photo: the diet should look something like this

Well-being and toxicosis

It was previously noted that the fifth week is a transitional period in which all sorts of changes are possible, the consequences of which may affect the well-being of the mother. The main problem of the first trimester is toxicosis, which begins to manifest itself from the 5th week.

Photo: toxicosis begins at week 5

In fact, toxicosis is somewhat akin to withdrawal symptoms, since the previously familiar hormonal background changes and a whole group of active substances can completely change its composition, which naturally will affect the worldview and well-being.

The main problem with toxicosis is intolerance to any taste or smell, or the feeling that an unpleasant smell is haunting you. This condition is sometimes so obsessive that it can harm the psyche.

It should be understood that this will not last forever, in addition, there are currently funds that can significantly alleviate toxicosis in pregnant women.

Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

If it proceeds without complications, then the continuation of sexual life with it is not only not prohibited, but even recommended. The recommendation is due to the fact that spermatozoa are an additional nutrient material for the fetus, since they are rich in protein.

There is no danger to the fetus in this case. In general, in the first trimester, despite all sorts of unpleasant consequences in the form of toxicosis and the restructuring of the body, a woman's sexual desire only increases.

It is believed that sex in the first 12-15 weeks proceeds in the same way as in the usual, "not pregnant" mode. And only starting from 4 months (15-16 weeks) it is necessary to take care of sex safety issues due to an increase in the size of the abdomen.

An additional plus in sex in the first trimester is that there is no need to use contraception.

HCG norm

Chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is a hormone produced by the chorion after the embryo is strengthened on the uterine wall.

By its concentration, they judge how long the pregnancy is for a woman, or, in the event of a mismatch between the real terms and the concentration of this hormone, they decide on the pathologies of pregnancy.

Its concentration in non-pregnant women is less than 5 mU / ml. During pregnancy, it can increase tens of thousands of times.

It is estimated that from the moment of conception to the 4th week of pregnancy, its level increases by 2 times every 40 hours. The peak of hormone synthesis falls on the 5th week of pregnancy from conception, then the rate of its production begins to subside.

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG is from 10,000 to 30,000 mU / ml.

Photo: the effect of hCG concentration on the color of the second test strip (3 to 5 weeks)

A low or high level of hCG indicates the absence of pregnancy, its serious problems, as well as a miscarriage. Problems may be in violations of the functioning of the placenta, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

What problems may arise

The list of problems can be quite long. The most dangerous problem in the first trimester is missed pregnancy 5-6 weeks. It is especially relevant if the pregnancy was planned.

According to statistics, every 5th pregnancy is terminated due to fading. As a rule, at this time it is asymptomatic, with minor discharge.

Consider the most common problems during pregnancy:

Brown discharge or bleeding

The most unpleasant situation, since it is a harbinger of a miscarriage. Regardless of whether it happens or not, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

The consequences of a miscarriage can be the most unpleasant - up to death, and the time can be counted down to minutes.

Pulling or pain in the stomach

There may be a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen, similar to pain before menstruation. This means an increased tone of the uterus at the 5th week of pregnancy, which can lead to its interruption.

This situation is typical for many women in the early stages. You should pay more attention to rest, not to be nervous, not to use uncomfortable shoes, and so on.

Cold and runny nose

They are frequent companions of pregnancy due to reduced immunity of the mother. These phenomena are especially unpleasant at the 5th week of pregnancy.

During this period, taking any medication is highly undesirable. Both the disease and the medicine will adversely affect what happens to the baby and mother.

The very first signs of a cold should be extinguished immediately. Use folk remedies: drink teas, gargle, rinse your nose.

Pulls the lower back

Many women suffer from this problem, which is one of the consequences of hormonal changes in the body. At the same time, processes of softening of the ligaments and discs take place in the lumbar region, which leads to discomfort.

This can take quite a long time - up to 20 weeks. Treatment is individual and requires consultation with a doctor.


It poses a threat during pregnancy only in case of severe, severe and unstoppable diarrhea, as it leads to dehydration of the mother's body and miscarriage. In other cases, diarrhea brings nothing but a feeling of discomfort.


Dizziness is a common companion of toxicosis. The recommendations for preventing or reducing the manifestation are very simple - more rest and calmness.


Due to changes in the synthesis of progesterone, a feeling of heartburn is possible in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Treatment as such is not needed - everything is achieved by a regular diet or fractional meals.


The problem is similar to the previous one, but temporary pancreatic insufficiency is added to progesterone. The treatment is the same: diet and fractional nutrition.

Questions and answers

We will try to consider the most typical situations and questions that expectant mothers have related to the fifth week of pregnancy.

What are the signs of an ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks

There are several such signs. Some are self-detectable, some require medical discovery or confirmation.

Consider them:

  • clearly defined pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right when turning the lower back;
  • with cervical fastening - abundant bleeding at 5-6 weeks;
  • too high or low levels of hCG;
  • a consequence of the previous symptom is a weak second strip in a pregnancy test at 4-5 weeks.

In any case, the final answer about the nature of the pregnancy will be given by ultrasound.

Can you get a flu shot at 5 weeks pregnant?

There is no single opinion. Most flu vaccines are contraindicated during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. On the other hand, it is much more dangerous to get the flu at any stage of pregnancy than to get sick with its “lightened form”.

Therefore, if you have a high predisposition to viral diseases better get used to it. If the immunity is strong enough, it is better not to vaccinate at the 5th week.

In any case, many factors must be taken into account, which will require additional consultation with a gynecologist and therapist.

If you smoked before 5 weeks of pregnancy

It is believed that until the 15th week of pregnancy, smoking does not affect the embryo and fetus. However, than before future mom quit smoking, the better. In addition, toxicosis is better tolerated without cigarettes.

The physiological dependence of a person on nicotine disappears 3-4 days after smoking cessation. It is advisable to do this before the onset of toxicosis.

What happens to the breast at 5 weeks pregnant

There are sensations of tingling and discomfort in the mammary glands. The chest may begin to itch or become very sensitive. Sometimes there is a temporary darkening of the nipples or veins become visible through the skin.

Over time, these manifestations go away, do not be afraid of them. In addition, the breasts slightly increase in size and are rounded.

Can you do an ultrasound at 5 weeks pregnant?

Can be done any week. There is no harm in this procedure. Another question is that on such early term the embryo can only visualize the head and tail. It is extremely rare that by the end of the 5th week the heart has time to form so that it can be heard.

How bronchitis affects pregnancy 5 weeks

Bronchitis, unlike all kinds of "childhood diseases", such as measles and rubella, does not have a special effect on pregnancy and its harm to the fetus is insignificant, but it cannot be completely ignored.

The main problem with bronchitis is a possible termination of pregnancy due to frequent bouts of coughing, which causes contractions of the abdominal muscles.

To a lesser extent, there is a risk of hypoxia in the fetus due to difficult ventilation of the lungs of the mother, which can occur in chronic forms of bronchitis.

So when this disease appears, it must be stopped; "Intensive" therapy is not needed, but treatment should not be postponed.

Why are the ovaries felt during pregnancy 5 weeks

During pregnancy, the functioning of the ovaries stops. Therefore, in most cases, pain in them is caused by their constraint due to stretching of the uterus.

Another cause of pain may be their inflammation. And in 99% of cases, this inflammation was even before pregnancy. The most unpleasant thing is that these pains, as well as the degree of inflammation, will only get worse.

If there is pain in the ovaries that increases day by day, you should consult a doctor to treat the inflammation.

The fifth week of pregnancy is the period at which most women find out that they will be mothers. Human body It is laid unusually quickly, so it is necessary at this time to lead the right way of life, not to overwork and give up bad habits.

Changes in a woman's body starting from the 5th week can not always be called pleasant, however, nothing in this life is given just like that. But in order to experience the happiness of motherhood, you can endure a little ...

Video: Video guide. 5 week. Getting registered

From the moment fertilization begins, in the first weeks, an increased or decreased temperature during early pregnancy is not excluded, which is caused by changes occurring in the woman's body. When the mercury column is in the range of 37-37.5 degrees, this is acceptable and does not indicate pathologies. If other symptoms occur and high rates persist for a long time, you should be wary - this can cause a miscarriage or be a sign of any infections.

What is temperature during pregnancy

How many degrees should be the temperature during pregnancy? At healthy woman the thermometer mark changes within 36.6-37.7 ° C. This is how the body responds to hormonal changes. The indicator increases in the second phase of the cycle during the production of the hormone progesterone, which appears during pregnancy and is responsible for the safety of the fetal egg. The temperature mark is about 37 ° C on initial stages gestation is considered normal. If low-grade fever is accompanied by a fever, then this may be a sign of a cold or a dangerous infection.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

BT, or basal temperature, will tell a lot about women's health: will show fertile days (the most favorable for conception), the presence of ovulation, its absence, determine pregnancy. With its help, the work of the ovaries is evaluated, the development of pregnancy is monitored in the initial stages (12-14 weeks). BT is measured:

  • vaginally;
  • oral;
  • rectally (in the rectum, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed).

The period from the first day of the menstrual cycle to the onset of ovulation is considered the first phase of the cycle. BT should be at around 36.2 and 36.8 ° C. Throughout the second phase of the cycle, temperature fluctuations can be in a small range of 37-37.5 °C. 2-3 days before menstruation, there is a decrease in basal temperature to 36.2-36.9 ° C. If there is no sharp drop in the indicator and it remains at around 37.5 degrees, this is a sign of pregnancy. elevated temperature regime will be observed up to 4 months of gestation.

In the early stages

To fix a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus is necessary. When the level of an important hormone rises in the body, the basal temperature during early pregnancy increases to 37.3 ° C. Measurement of indicators can be continued until the 16th week every day. The norm of values ​​is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A slight increase does not indicate pathology. Basal temperature in early pregnancy may be as follows:

  • 3rd week– from 37 to 37.7 °С;
  • 4th week- 37.1-37.5 ° С;
  • from 5 to 11 weeks- high, but if the basal temperature is more than 38 ° C, consult a doctor immediately;
  • 12th week– not less than 37.0 and not more than 38 °С.

Fever during early pregnancy

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What body temperature can be in early pregnancy

I know that the norm is 37-37.4 in the early stages, it was the same with my son! And now I measure it and it showed as much as 37.6! No symptoms of a cold or inflammation! Even before the delay, the temperature was 37.2-37.4, I didn’t attach much importance, since I’m already familiar with such a sign of pregnancy, and it became the first for me! But to get to 37.6 - today is the first time! Has anyone had this from pregnancy?

IVF pregnancy signs

It is rather problematic to separate the signs of pregnancy from the consequences of a puncture and taking stimulation and support drugs. All signs of pregnancy in the body appear against the background of growing hCG and hormones, this usually happens no earlier than 14-20 DPP. In our experience, there may be no signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Most of our feelings can be explained by the drugs taken and the consequences of ovarian puncture: - Pregnyl (hCG) from the puncture remains in the body for another week after replanting and causes most of the symptoms: breast swelling, frequent urination, bloating, pain in ...

Often, women during pregnancy notice that in the first trimester their body temperature lingers at around 37. But in the normal state, this means that a certain inflammatory process. This, of course, worries them.

However, in vain. The body is not yet in a new state, it is a small shock for it, so it reacts this way, but in fact it is natural. This is also explained by the fact that the body actively produces the hormone progesterone, and it is characterized by a slightly elevated temperature - up to 37-37.5.

Very often (up to 70% of cases), while women experience headaches, nasal congestion are symptoms of a cold. If, in addition to the above signs, the infection or virus does not manifest itself in any way, then you should not worry, but the doctor must be warned.

The main causes of temperature 37 during pregnancy

It is also caused by the fact that during hormonal changes, the heat transfer of the body occurs slowly. In addition, the temperature may also rise because the room has low humidity, or it is not ventilated. If these oversights are corrected, the condition of the pregnant woman will return to normal.

It happens that the temperature rises slightly without any external symptoms, however, the woman feels that something is wrong in the body. Then you can measure the rectal temperature, which also always reflects changes in the body. Usually it shows 37.4-37.6 °.

If a temperature of 37.5 is a sign of illness?

Not all pregnant women, suddenly feeling hot, immediately rush to measure the temperature, because for some time they still feel normal. Meanwhile, sometimes even a temperature of 37.2 can be the first sign of SARS, an infection of the intestinal or genitourinary system.

But we must not forget that during pregnancy a woman's immunity is weakened, and she easily picks up any infection. Signs of this - temperature 37, 3, which increases, body aches, headache, runny nose, sore throat.

The ARVI virus is dangerous for complications for the pregnant woman and the fetus. And this is the development of otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, which can lead to the appearance of malformations in the development and termination of pregnancy.

The temperature may rise due to the appearance of pyelonephritis, which occurs, in turn, with inflammation of the kidneys, which is very common in pregnant women. In addition to fever, its symptoms are chills, body pain, weakness, painful urination, giving back pain.

Another reason for a temperature of 37 is late toxicosis, which appears during the third trimester. It makes itself felt by continuous nausea, severe vomiting, loose stools.

Is there a danger to the fetus at a temperature of 37?

By itself, such a temperature does not pose any danger either to the woman or to the fetus, if she does not keep it due to any diseases. But if it rises over time to 37.8 ° and above, this is already very unsafe for the course of pregnancy and fetal development, especially in the first trimester. After all, all the main systems of the body are formed precisely at an early stage of pregnancy: cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, sexual.

If a temperature of 37.8 appears in this time period and does not subside quickly, this may be fraught with defects in the upper lip, palate, eyeballs, jaw and limbs of the child.

In addition, such a high temperature for 24 hours in most cases (90%) affects the development of the facial skeleton and brain - this is especially dangerous for the first month of embryo development. At high temperatures, the process of protein synthesis is also disrupted, and this makes the blood supply to the placenta worse, which threatens miscarriage or premature birth.

Any, even the most insignificant ailment, can be evidence of a virus that has arisen in the body, which notifies of its appearance by an increase in temperature. And this suggests that at a temperature of 37.0 and above, it is imperative to notify your attending physician about this so that, if necessary, he takes timely measures to protect the pregnant woman and her unborn child.