Mass sports events. Organization and promotion of sports events in Russia For professional and competent implementation, it is impossible not to take into account the specific features

British public relations researcher S. Black - former president of the International PR Association (IPRA) in his book “Public Relations. What it is?" defines public relations as one of the management functions, an integral part of the organization's management system, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between the organization and the public Black S. Public Relations. What it is? / S. Black. - M.: News, 1990. - P. 37..

According to the French researcher F. A. Buari, a famous theorist and practitioner of public relations, “public relations is the behavioral morality of a group, the strategy and technology of communication, a genuine application of the humanities aimed at establishing and maintaining friendly relations” Buari, F. A Public relations or trust strategy / F. A. Buari. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001. - P. 87..

P.R. Dixon notes that public relations is a management function through which public opinion is assessed, organizational policies and tactics are aligned with the public interest, and a program of action (and communications) is implemented to win the recognition and favor of the public Dixon, P R. Marketing Management / P. R. Dixon. - M.: BINOM, 1998. - P. 44..

There are a lot of definitions, but in all of them one common point can be identified: the activities of any company these days are significantly influenced by public opinion, and public relations are associated precisely with influencing this public opinion in order to make it favorable for the company. Thus, public relations is a form of promotion designed to create public opinion about a product, service, manufacturer, seller or country in which it is located. Public relations promotes the search for mutual understanding and the formation of contacts with the press, public figures, government and other circles. Currently, there is no clear, comprehensive formulation for this very important social phenomenon, but in Russian practice it has been defined as public relations, or PR.

S. Black, in his book “Introduction to Public Relations,” identifies ten main areas of public relations, which make it possible to obtain the most general idea of ​​the content of the professional activities of public relations specialists and the content of their professional training. These areas are:

Impact on public opinion;

Public relations;

Government Relations;

Public life;

Industrial communications;

Financial relations;

International connections;

Consumer Relations;

Research and Statistics;

Mass media.

More specifically, S. Black expresses the content of the activities of public relations professionals in the tasks facing them. According to the classic, the main tasks of public relations specialists are:

Consultations based on understanding of human behavior;

Analysis of possible trends and prediction of their consequences;

Studying public opinion, expectations and views of society and developing recommendations for the implementation of necessary measures;

Establishing and maintaining mutual communication based on the reliability and completeness of information;

Preventing conflict and misunderstandings;

Promoting the establishment of mutual respect and social responsibility;

Harmonization of personal and public interests;

Improving friendly relations with staff, suppliers and customers;

Improved industrial links;

Attracting qualified personnel and reducing staff turnover;

Expansion of the market for goods and services;

Maximize profitability;

Formation of corporate individuality Black, S. Introduction to public relations / S. Black. - Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 1998. - P. 245..

Propaganda - (lat. propaganda - subject to dissemination) - “activity, oral or through the media, that popularizes and disseminates ideas in the public consciousness” Averianov, Yu. I. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Yu. I. Averianov. - M.: MKU, 1993. - P.320..

Propaganda in the sports field is a special type of propaganda that does not require words, but requires action. There is nothing better for promoting sports than modern sports grounds, systematically engaged people, and sports competitions.

According to S. Black, to understand the role and significance of public relations in the activities of a sports organization, one needs to consider the following points.

1. A sports organization, like any other, is involved in communication processes. The acquisition of influential partners and support from those public groups that are able to influence the success of the organization’s activities or its failure are provided largely as a result of communication. In order for these processes to be successful and purposeful, they must be managed.

2. In a sports organization, like in no other (perhaps the only exception would be a theater troupe), the human factor plays a colossal role. Team formation in in a broad sense words, as a group of like-minded people who share the policy of the leadership and are ready to joint decision set tasks is one of the key tasks in sports. To do this, the so-called system of intra-company communications must be developed.

The term public affairs/relations is used to define the field of public relations focused on social policy and the groups influencing it. This is often the name given to PR departments of government agencies. This area includes the organization’s relations with government agencies at the federal and regional levels (subjects of the federation), relations with local municipal authorities, relations with the local public, political action committees, lobbying, and problem management. The goal of public affairs is to influence social policy (financing social programs - science, education, health care, ecology), distribution of budgets) Vikentiev, I. L. Advertising techniques and Public Relations / I. L. Vikentiev. - St. Petersburg. : Three Chance; 2002. - P. 56..

As stated above, key concept in PR is “the public”. It refers to any groups of people (or individuals) that have any relation to the activities of a sports organization and can influence its well-being under certain circumstances.

From the position of “public relations”, the public can be divided into “open” and “closed”. The “open” public is the broad masses of the population, it is the totality of all social strata, classes and groups, social communities.” The closed public is employees of firms, companies, institutions, government apparatuses, united by official and professional relations. The fundamental essence of the public relations system is that it works both with the “open” public and with the “closed” Karpukhin, O., Makarevich, E. Formation of the masses: The nature of public relations and public relations technologies / O. Karpukhin, E. Makarevich. - Kaliningrad: Yantarny Skaz, 2002. - P. 226.. The effectiveness of PR services directly depends on the depth of understanding of the socio-psychological characteristics of the “open” and “closed” types of public, because it is the public that is the bearer of a certain mass consciousness, public opinion and public sentiment.

Organizing and holding cultural events is a fairly frequently used way to create and maintain a good reputation. Sukhoterin, L., Yudintsev, I. PR in sports / L. Sukhoterin, I. Yudintsev. - Nizhny Novgorod: Arfa, 2010. - P. 148.. Organization of festive concerts with the participation of popular Russian pop stars, theater and film artists, holding mass celebrations, etc. allows you to quickly and effectively increase your rating and achieve recognition simultaneously in various target groups. Carrying out such actions is a very troublesome task that requires the involvement of professionals. This is especially necessary when it comes to large-scale events, such as concerts with pop stars. Local specialists cannot always cope with the situation due to the lack of relevant knowledge and experience in this field.

Let us note that the systematic nature of any action and the complexity of the approach are axioms of work in the field of public relations, therefore the stages of a PR campaign listed below are often carried out in parallel and, as a rule, involve several iterations, and at each new cycle new operations or their combinations are possible:

PR message (“message”, “news”, speech by an influential person, etc.);

Transfer of information, necessarily through various channels;

Overcoming “noise”, distortion, interference;

Perception of the appeal by the audience;


The analysis, which must be both preliminary (at the company planning stage) and evaluating the results of the PR campaign, necessarily includes the following stages:

Preparatory stage (defining goals, setting problems, finding out to what extent they have been achieved, choosing communication channels and determining the adequacy of their choice based on the results of the action);

Calculation stage (planned costs during the preparation of the action, taking into account the quality of work and the efficiency of use of funds upon completion);

The actual analytical stage (determining the ways, methods and means of the campaign, assessing the results of their use) Azarova, L. V., Ivanova, K. A. Public relations: theory and practice / L. V. Azarova, K. A. Ivanova. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 1998. - pp. 57-58..

When holding mass events, one should also take into account the specifics of the region and correctly assess the current situation. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect. For example, a company that has never staged a grand performance decides to increase its rating by inviting nationally known pop performers to the region. Of course, for the unspoiled public this will be an extraordinary event. The effect of novelty will work. But it will be misjudged. Two opposing conclusions can be drawn:

The company is developing so successfully that it allows itself to give citizens such expensive gifts;

The company is doing so badly that it is trying to save its shaky reputation by using the authority of pop stars.

Therefore, in such situations, it is better to start with less significant events of competitions, citywide sports competitions, holidays for children, gradually preparing the audience for the upcoming final chord. In this case, the resulting effect will correspond to the expected one.

As in any other industry, in sports PR specialists pay the greatest attention to cooperation and communication with the media. And this is understandable, since every interview with an athlete increases his value. Let us note that cooperation between specialized media and sports organizations is mutually beneficial. For example, without the media it is impossible to attract fans to the stadium, and without information about a sports organization that is of interest to the general public, newspaper circulation declines. A sports organization can and should work with all media that its target audience reads (watches, listens to).

The specifics of ongoing PR campaigns and created special events are determined in the same way. For example, for several years in a row, FC Lokomotiv carried out the “Bring Mom to Football” campaign, which was extremely popular among fans and, of course, increased interest in the club PFC CSKA Krasnoyarsk fans website and Krasnoyarsk region[Electronic resource]: official. Website. 2009. - Electric. Dan. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen...

Problems solved with the help of public relations:

Formation and enhancement of the image of a sports organization, its good reputation;

Creating positive publicity for its management in the right circles;

Giving the organization’s events a socially significant meaning;

Creation of an effective business communication system for the organization;

Formation of its information aura;

Adjusting public opinion in situations unfavorable for the organization;


Fundraising (finding funds);

Creating a friendly atmosphere within the organization and others.

It should be noted that an integral component of this activity is public opinion research. This is quite obvious, since in order to form or change any opinion, it would be good to find out what the existing opinion is. This leads to two main directions of PR activity: studying public opinion, based on the results of which the required policy is developed and management decisions are made, creating the necessary information flow in order to disseminate the necessary information Yurasova, M. V. Management consulting: sociological methods and technologies / M. V. Yurasova. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - P. 78..

Several years ago, the Moscow football club “Spartak” announced a boycott of the newspaper “Sportexpress”, due to which its circulation fell, because Spartak fans, having learned that this newspaper would not contain information about their favorite team, did not buy it. The boycott lasted two months. As a result, the club and the newspaper, to mutual benefit, found a common language, apparently realizing that it was very difficult for them to exist without each other Club Spartak [Electronic resource]: official. website. 2012. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen. .

A sports organization can and should work with all media that its target audience reads (watches, listens to). As for priorities, they are different for each organization Dzyaloshinsky, I.M. Russian media in the election campaign: lessons of efficiency / I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. - M.: 1996. - P. 62.. For example, if for a football club these are the newspapers “Sport” and “Sportexpress”, then for an elite fitness club - the magazines “Beauty. Health. Fitness", if we are talking about relationships with consumers, or "FITNESS REPORT / FITNESS REPORT", if it is necessary to create or maintain an image in the business environment, since this publication is positioned as "the only business publication in Russia about new products and fitness events industry, market trends, latest developments in the field of fitness club equipment.” Let us draw attention to the importance of identifying the target audiences to whom the information message is addressed.

The specifics of ongoing PR campaigns and created special events are determined in the same way.

An important role is played by the imagination and creativity of a PR professional. And of course, observation. Thus, during the European Championship in Portugal, television viewers around the world admired the fans whose faces were painted in the colors of the national flags of their countries. FC Lokomotiv immediately offered its fans (and this is primarily young people) the opportunity to decorate themselves for free in the club’s signature garnet and black colors. Especially for this purpose, makeup of the required palette, safe for the skin, was ordered from a factory serving the country's theaters and film studios. Now, an hour before the start of each match, a line of people who want to paint their faces with safe makeup forms outside the stadium. Firstly, the fans are simply interested. Secondly, it attracts attention, everyone takes pictures, etc. Such gaming events are always received with pleasure by fans and create additional fame for the club PFC CSKA Moscow [Electronic resource]: official. website. 2013. - Electric. Dan. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen. .

It is necessary to pay attention to the etiquette of relations with the press, because, as stated above, the media are the main channel for delivering key messages.

The journalist strives to find business people who are recognized opinion leaders, at least in their industry, for comments and interviews. QMS, especially electronic ones, prefer rather emotional comments. Preference will be given to that representative of top management who knows how to combine clarity of presentation, emotionality, precise indication of a generally significant problem and ways to solve it in comments or answers to questions from a reporter. Sogomonov, A. Yu. The role of the press in the formation of civil society / A. Yu. Sogomonov . - M.: 1999. - P. 65.. The task of the PR assistant is to support, despite all the extreme busyness of the manager, his “boss” in a similar form. A simple theoretical recommendation that is always difficult to implement: accustom your patron to the idea that you are talking to him as a representative of the public, a journalist - an interviewer, and not a subordinate defending only the honor of his uniform Gusev, K. A. Public relations in economics / K. A. Gusev. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2004. - P. 39..

There are often cases when, instead of helping a journalist collect information, PR specialists hinder this, turning, in the words of I. M. Dzyaloshinsky, into “information filters.” A common situation is when a journalist is perceived by a PR specialist as a serious obstacle that can “spoil” PR information and “introduce “noise” into the original message.”

The difference in the missions of the two professions results in a different attitude towards the audience. A PR specialist addresses the audience as a specific group of people, on whose opinions or behavior the implementation of some private interest depends. He needs to come to an agreement with them, convince them that his offer is profitable.

Based on the sources studied above, we can determine general ideas about the content of the professional activities of public relations specialists; specifics of carrying out PR campaigns; methods of working with journalists, etc. All this will help us correctly form public opinion and competently promote a healthy lifestyle.

Conclusion on the first chapter

Thus, sport has a tremendous advantage over other areas in terms of PR, since sport is PR in itself. It is not for nothing that sporting events are considered PR tools. Here it is necessary to highlight sports competitions with the participation of champions. Undoubtedly, as the theoretical analysis has shown, public relations in the field of sports require further development - both professional and creative development.

The development of mass sports in modern Russian society is actual question of extreme importance. The catastrophic deterioration in the qualitative characteristics of the population of the Russian Federation (low birth rate, high mortality from cardiovascular diseases, drug addiction and alcoholism, a decrease in the overall level of spirituality and morality, a steady dynamics of deterioration in indicators of physical development, preparedness, physical and intellectual performance) is becoming more and more significant sign development of a crisis in the quality of life of significant masses of the population, as one of the important risk factors for national security and the reliability of the conditions for the intellectual, moral, spiritual development of the population, as well as economic progress, political stability and the growth of the international authority of the Russian Federation. In this regard, popularization healthy image life as one of the directions of state policy in the information sphere should turn into one of the priority tasks, on the solution of which the achievement of the set strategic goals largely depends.

The popularization of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle requires a clearly specified division. It can be said that there are two main interrelated organizational forms of sport: mass amateur sports and elite sports.

The first is an organic part of the system of physical education, the physical culture of society: mass sports are only relatively limited by age, state of health, and level of physical development of people. Every person has been involved in mass sports at least once in their life: sports as an academic subject is included in all types of programs educational institutions and military physical training in the army.

In this form, first of all, the general educational, preparatory, applied, health-improving and recreational tasks of sports are implemented. Mass sport is the basis of elite sport, a condition for the physical improvement of younger generations, elite sport allows, based on the identification of individual capabilities and abilities of a person in a certain field of sports activity (through in-depth specialization and individualization of the educational and training process associated with the use of functional loads increasing to the maximum ) achieve maximum, record-breaking sports results, model benchmarks for them, equip mass practice with the most effective means and methods of sports improvement. Records in elite sports, victories in official international, national and other sports competitions create a moral incentive for the development of mass sports.

Mass sport is a continuous social experiment, during which humanity learns its capabilities, accumulates and improves human capital, expands its potential. Mass sports, performing developmental, educational, patriotic, and communicative functions, unite and coordinate individuals and social groups, and develop the nation. In modern conditions, the importance of solving the complex problem of training professional, in-demand and highly paid mass sports personnel - physical education and physical education teachers, instructors, coaches, organizers of sporting events, etc. is increasing. At the same time, the development of mass sports in modern Russian society is extremely difficult. Shortcomings of equipment, high-quality equipment, modern information equipment in gyms, the level of sanitary and hygienic conditions, a weak program and methodological base, and a steadily declining professionalism have led the Russian system of physical education to a serious lag behind the currently required level. Solving these problems requires setting large-scale tasks to transform the content and infrastructure of physical education.

The system of mass sports has a certain independence in the integral social system of society, acting in this case as a social subsystem. The sphere of mass health improvement for citizens, the social system of sports, due to its specificity, has relative autonomy in relation to other social subsystems. At the same time, the social subsystem of sport interacts most actively with the subsystems of healthcare, science, culture, education and training directly related to it. Sport has a significant impact on the socio-economic and political processes of any modern society. In this regard, state propaganda of a “healthy lifestyle” and the development of human potential has a special place in the process of developing sports as a specific infrastructure of a modern mass movement.

The specific regulatory role of the state in the development of physical culture and sports, strengthening public health and developing human potential is to correct social stratification, to affirm and guarantee the equal rights of Russian citizens to the comprehensive development of the individual and society. The goal of state policy in this area is the formation of civic consciousness, increasing the level of social security and self-realization of citizens; formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking and crime among young people; creating conditions for mass physical education and sports activities for children and adolescents.

Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati

annotation : This article clearly highlights the important role of promoting physical culture and sports among young people, its importance in society, its advantages, goals and objectives.

Key words: propaganda, youth, physical culture

In our time, physical culture and sports have acquired such social power and significance that they have never had an analogue in the history of society. Perhaps never.

Physical culture and sports are not only effective means physical development of young people, but also strengthening and protecting their health, the sphere of communication and manifestation of social activity of young people, a reasonable form of organizing and spending leisure time, undoubtedly influence other aspects of human life: authority and position in society, labor activity, on the structure of moral and intellectual characteristics, aesthetic ideals and value orientations.

Physical culture and sports provide young people with the broadest opportunities for development, affirmation and expression of their “I”.

Thus, physical culture is a powerful means of self-knowledge, self-expression, and self-affirmation. By mastering and actively using a variety of physical exercises, a person improves his physical state and preparedness, physically improves, which reflects the degree of physical capabilities of the individual, her plastic freedom, which allow her to most fully realize her essential powers. Successfully taking part in the types of social and labor activities necessary for society and desirable for it, strengthens its adaptive capabilities and the growth of social returns on this basis. The degree of physical perfection is determined by how solid a basis it represents for further development, to what extent it is “open” to new qualitative changes and creates conditions for the transfer of personality to a different, more perfect quality.

Physical improvement can rightfully be considered as a dynamic state that characterizes the individual’s desire for holistic development through a chosen sport or physical education and sports activity. This ensures a choice of means that most fully corresponds to its morphofunctional and social psychological characteristics, the disclosure and development of her individuality. That is why physical perfection is not just a desirable quality of a future specialist, but a necessary element of his personal structure.

When holding mass recreational, physical education and sports events among young people, a healing effect must be achieved.

With the rational organization of mass physical culture and sports events, participants are influenced in the direction of instilling in them an active life position, high morality, citizenship and patriotism, as well as a natural need to use physical exercise and sports, and a healthy lifestyle in the process of their life.

The objective pattern of the increasing role of physical culture in human life has not yet been adequately reflected in society. Therefore, qualified specialists and public activists must conduct targeted activities to improve physical education among young people. To achieve this, young people need knowledge and practical skills in organizing and conducting mass, recreational, physical education and sports events, and sports competitions.

In general, mass physical culture will effectively affect the development of youth personality only if it is part of an integral system of youth education.

For this purpose, physical culture is actively promoted among young people in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Propaganda is various forms (oral, printed, visual, etc.) of dissemination and explanation of ideas, teachings, views, theories that influence the consciousness and mood of a wide range of people.

Promotion of physical culture implies targeted activities to disseminate knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports.

An important feature of physical culture groups of higher educational institutions is the possible involvement large number young people, teachers and staff for regular physical education, sports and tourism, involving them in active participation in mass recreational, physical education and sports events, establishing a healthy lifestyle in society.

A major role in its successful solution is played by correctly organized active promotion of physical culture and sports. For this, it is urgently necessary to increase the level of physical education of students, graduate students, teachers and staff; nurturing the need to promote a healthy lifestyle, the use of physical education in work and rest; activation of extracurricular forms of physical education and health activities among students. Involving all team members in participation in mass recreational, physical education and sports events; increasing the effectiveness of physical education classes and sports and recreational activities; improving work on mass physical culture among young people.

With the help of various forms and means of propaganda, it is necessary to consistently cover the most important sections of work on physical culture.

Propaganda of physical culture and sports at a university should be non-declarative, but very specific, productive and interesting, convincing and witty, patient and intelligible, it should quickly respond to everything new to give additional impetus and dynamism to the work on mass physical culture at the university.

The organization and conduct of propaganda work among young people on physical culture and sports is carried out by the propaganda and propaganda sectors of sports clubs and sports councils.

Thus, physical culture and sports are not only a means of strengthening the health of a young person, his physical improvement, a rational form of leisure, a means of increasing people’s social activity, but also significantly influence other aspects of human life, primarily work activity, moral and intellectual qualities. Physical culture and sports influence the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement, the formation of will, moral and ethical education. IN Lately The share of influence of physical culture and sports on the development of a student’s personality is constantly increasing.


1. Physical culture. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". Rostov-on/D: Phoenix, 2003. - 384 p.

2. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Tutorial For university students. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. - 480 p.


Director of the Autonomous Institution "Surgutsky"

Polytechnic College"

V.N. Shutov

Order No. 01-09-01/398






PLZH SMK 4.2.3….-14

Version No. 1

Date of introduction:___________

Surgut, 2016

1 area of ​​use

This regulation determines the procedure and conditions for holding mass sports events in Autonomous institution professional education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Surgut Polytechnic College" (hereinafter referred to as the college).

The regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting competitions, organizational and methodological support, the procedure for participation in competitions and determining the winners.

2.1. Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989).

2.2. Constitution of the Russian Federation (dated December 25, 1993, as amended on December 30, 2008).

2.3. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions).

2.4. Charter of the college (order of the Department for State Property Management of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 04/10/2014 No. 13-З-610; order of the Department of Education and Youth Policy Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 03/18/2014 No. 293.

2.5. College development program for 2013-2017. (Minutes No. 2 dated December 12, 2012).

2.6. Quality Manual of the Republic of Kazakhstan SPK -2011 (Order of the Director No. 18/1 dated January 18, 2011).

2.7. Regulations on the organization of educational work (Order No. 01-09-01/298, dated October 21, 2014).

SPK - Surgut Polytechnic College

SP - structural subdivision.

4. General provisions

4.1 Purpose and objectives

Mass sports and physical education and recreation events in SP-1 are carried out with the aim of: strengthening sports traditions; promoting a healthy lifestyle and attracting students to regular physical education and sports; improving the quality of educational and training sessions; uniting the group, creating a single team and quickly involving first-year students in the social life of the college; identifying the best athletes and attracting talented guys to different kinds sports; recruitment of national teams of SP-1.

4.2 Competition management

General management is carried out by the deputy director for educational work, direct implementation is entrusted to the head of physical education SP 1, the panel of judges and physical education teachers.

4.3 Program, place and time

4.3.1. All work is carried out in two directions:

Sports work;

- physical education and health work

4.3.2. Sports work.Competitions within the department for the purpose of selecting and recruiting a national team, determining the best 1st year sports groups among boys and girls (as part of the ten-day period for freshmen). Responsible - head of physical education SP 1.

Qualifying competitions within the group, with the aim of selecting the best athletes in sports within the framework of the intra-college Spartakiad in seven sports based on the calendar plan of sports events of the SEC. Responsible – physical education teachersSP 1.

4.3.3 . Sports and recreational activitiesare held as part of events dedicated to March 8th Day “Come on, girls” and Defender of the Fatherland Day “Army fun”. Responsible - head of physical education SP 1.

4.3.4 Program of physical education and health activities “Come on, freshman!”



Number of participants

(main + back)


The final


Street ball

5 (3+2)



Mini football

8 (5+3)




Table tennis


Relay race

13.10; 19.10.2016

Tug of War

14.10; 19.10.2016

4.3.5. Sports festivals dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8th are held on the basis of a separate regulation.

4.3.6. Sports eventsare carried out on the basis of the SPK Calendar Plan.

Competition program for the SPC sports days


Kinds of sports

Number of participants

the date of the







Table tennis




not limited



Bullet shooting



Mini football









4.3.7. SP-1 competition program for individual sports


Kinds of sports

Number of participants

the date of the





Not limited

Not limited


SP 4

Table tennis


Tennis hall SP 1



Sports hall, SP 4

Mini football


Sports hall, SP 4



Sports hall, SP 4

5. Conditions and participants

5.1 Mass sports and physical training events in SP-4 will be held separately for boys and girls.

5.2. Physical education and health activities in the ten-day program for freshmen are carried out on the basis of a separate regulation on the ten-day period.

5.3. SP-4 national teams in various sports will take part in the SPC sports day.

5.4. The winners of the first-year ten-day period among boys and girls will take part in the final competition for the best sports group of the SEC.

5.5. The winners of the competition in the first-year ten-day program will be determined by the highest amount of points scored according to the table among boys and girls separately.

5.6. Winners in individual sports will be determined based on the All-Russian competition rules. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined by the largest number of occupied I, II, III, etc. places

6. Types of sports competitions and drawing system

6.1. Chess

The competition will be held in a round-robin format among 1st, 2nd, etc. numbers. The team championship will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games by the qualifying participants. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined:

by personal meeting, by occupied places among 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

6.2. Table tennis

The competition will be held in a round-robin format among 1st, 2nd, etc. rooms separately.

The winning team will be determined by the highest number of points scored by all participants. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined by the places taken among the 1st numbers, among the 2nd, 3rd, etc.

6.3. Kettlebell lifting (Classical biathlon)

Competitions are personal and team.

The team championship will be determined by the smallest amount of places taken by 5 participants, regardless of weight categories. Weight categories: up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 80 kg, over. 80 kg.

6.4. Bullet shooting

Personal-team competitions. Exercise VP-2.

The team championship will be determined by the highest number of points scored by qualifying participants.

Individual championship - based on the best result.

6.5. Futsal

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all matches.

For a win - 3 points, a draw - 2 points, a loss - 1 point, no show - 0. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: by a personal meeting; by the best difference between goals scored and goals conceded between the contending teams; - in all games; for the most goals scored in all games.

6.6. Volleyball

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games. A team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a no-show. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: by a personal meeting; by the best difference between won and lost games between them; by best goal difference.

6.7. Basketball

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games. A team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a no-show.

If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: - by the best difference in goals scored and conceded between the competing teams; -By the highest number of goals scored.

7. Awards

7.1. The winners and prize-winners in the individual and team competitions of the Spartakiad will be awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

7.2. Winners and runners-up in physical education and health activities will be awarded sweet prizes and diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

8. Applications

Team representatives must carry applications certified by a medical professional and group curators.


Head of SP-4 ______________A.A. Bondarenko





PLZH SMK 4.2.3….-14

Version No. 1

Date of introduction: 02.22.2016

Surgut, 2016

Job title

Last name/signature


Developed by

Physical education teacher

Kaliev K.M.

20.02. 2016


Deputy head of VR

Kalinichenko A.Yu.

21.02. 2016


Senior methodologist SP-4

Miroshnichenko I.V.

21.02. 2016


o holding a military sports relay race “Come on, guys!”

  1. General provisions

Military sports relay race“Come on, guys!” among 2nd-4th year students, SP-4 (hereinafter referred to as the Relay Race) is held in accordance with the plan of college-wide events for the 2012-2013 academic year.

These regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the Relay. The responsible organizer of the Relay is the Energy Department of SP-4.

  1. Goals and objectives
  1. The relay race is held in order to involve minors and youth in military sports patriotic activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing antisocial behavior.
  2. Main goals:
  • instilling knowledge, skills and abilities of initial military training;
  • support and popularization of physical culture and sports among young people.
  1. Relay participants
  1. Military sportsthe relay is team play. Teams consisting of 2-4 year students who have submitted applications in the prescribed form (Appendix 1) by February 22, 2013 have the right to take part in the relay race.
  2. The relay team consists of 20 people.
  3. IN Each team must select a captain to participate in the draw for the competitive stages of the relay and perform captain’s duties in the team.
  4. The team captain is responsible for the life and health of team members.
  5. Members of the teams participating in the relay must be physically healthy, have no medical contraindications to physical activity, and must attend a lecture on safety precautions in each team.
  6. Relay participants are prohibited from:
  • interfere in the work of judges, enter into arguments with them or outwardly express their dissatisfaction with the judging;
  • leave the competition site without the permission of the chief judge of the competition;
  • the team is removed from the competition for any offense.
  1. The panel of judges reserves the right to make decisions in controversial situations not specified in these Regulations.
  1. Place and time

The military sports relay race is held on February 26, 2013 on the basis of the energy department SP-4, at Pushkina, 10.

  1. Management of preparation and conduct
  1. The relay organizing committee is a collegial body designed to implement the goals and objectives of the relay and provide conditions for preparing the relay.
  2. The organizing committee includes representatives of organizers working in the field of military-patriotic education of youth.
  3. The chief judge of the competition is selected by the organizing committee.
  4. Direct executionthe relay is entrusted to the panel of judges, agreed upon and approved by the chief judge of the competition.
  1. Procedure and conditions

6.1. Military sports relay race is a complex game in the Relay programThe following competition stages include:

6.2. Construction and submission of the report: the team captain lines up the participants, gives a report on the formation to the chief judge of the relay.

6.2.2. Team members take their places during the relay stages.

Stage 1 " Obstacle course":

monkey bars, labyrinth, wall, broken bridge. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 2 “Tourism”:

overcoming obstacles, horizontal railings. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 3 "Ambulance":

carrying the wounded on a stretcher. 3 people per team participate. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 4 "Young Firefighter":

The participant needs to connect the fire hoses together and attach the barrel. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 5 “Young Fighter”:

The team member needs to wrap up foot wraps, overcome an obstacle course, and shoot a balloon with a pistol. 1 person per team participates. The speed of movement, accuracy when shooting, as well as the quality of winding the footcloths are taken into account.

Stage 6 “Partial disassembly and assembly of the weight and size model of the AK74 assault rifle”:

1 person from the team participates, each performs partial disassembly and assembly of the AK74. The procedure for partial disassembly of the machine gun (Extract from the “Manual for 5.45 mm KALASHNIKOV AUTOMATINES AK74, AK74M”) (Appendix 1). The time and quality of task completion are assessed.

6.3 Summing up, awarding the winners.

6.4. Each team must pass all competitive stages of the Relay.

6.5. The organizers have the right to include additional types of competitions in the relay program or change the types of competitions provided for by these Regulations, notifying the participants of the game before the start of the competition.

  1. Application Form

7.1. To participate in the relay race, each team must fill out the prescribed form (Appendix 1). The completed application is a document confirming the team’s participation in the relay.

7.2. Completed applications in in electronic format are accepted by the organizers for the college-wide e-mail, Kalinichenko Alla Yurievna.

7.3. Completed applications for participation in the relay will be accepted by the game organizers until February 20, 2013.

  1. Summing up the game and awarding the winners
  1. To evaluate the results shown by teams in competitions, a panel of judges is created, which includes the main judges of the types of competitions. The panel of judges is headed by the chief judge. The composition of the panel of judges is announced to the participants before the start of the competition.
  2. The winners of the relay are determined in the following categories: 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place.
  3. The winners of the Relay are determined by completing the competitive stages of the game best time, as well as the total amount of game points.
  4. For violations related to unsportsmanlike behavior and violations of discipline during competitions, the team receives penalty points. In case of gross violations during the game, the team is removed from the competition. The decision on this is documented in the protocol of the panel of judges.
  5. The composition of the panel of judges considers the results of the competitive stages of the relay in an open manner. The decision is made by simply counting the teams' earned game points by the panel of judges. The vote of the chief judge is decisive.
  6. The results of the game are summed up by the organizing committee, based on the results of the competition presented by the panel of judges.
  7. The decisions of the organizing committee are final and not subject to discussion.
  8. The winners of the game are awarded diplomas.

7. Responsible for the relay race

Main organizers: A.M. Kaliev.

Chief judge: E.A. Tokombaev.

Responsible organizers: A.Yu. Kalinichenko, E.S. Chertukhina, M.A. Gorbunova.

Responsible for photo and video shooting: E.Yu. Petukhova

8. Contact information

Additional information on the organization and conduct of the relay race tel. 206-940 (405) Head of the BP Energy Department Kalinichenko A.Yu.

Annex 1

To the Regulations on the Relay Race

Application for participation in the game

Structural subdivision __________________________________________

FULL NAME. team captain___________________________________________

Team name:

Full name of the participant






PLZH SMK 7.1.- 213 - 16

Version 01

Date of introduction: __.__.2016

Surgut, 2016

1 area of ​​use

This provision defines the procedureorganization and conditions of sports"Army Fun" holiday dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland for young men studying in their first year. The procedure for participating in competitions and determining winners is indicated.

The Regulations have been developed in accordance with:

the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

College Charter;

College Development Program.

3. Definitions, notations and abbreviations

SP - structural subdivision.

4. General provisions

4.1 Purpose and objectives

The sports event is held with the aim of facilitating the organization of healthy and meaningful leisure time for students, promoting a healthy lifestyle, military-patriotic education and preparation for service in the Russian Army.

4.2 Venue and time

The competition will be held in the sports hall SP4 - 02.22.2016 at 15.00.

5. Participants and team compositions

Teams from groups from 441 to 447 will take part in the sports festival

Team composition is up to 20 people.


I. Warm-up relay race - 10 people.

II. Bullet shooting – 3 people.

III. Lifting 24kg. kettlebells with one hand – 3 people.

IV. Sumo wrestling - 3 people. (absolute weight category)

V. Pull-ups on a high bar – 5 people.

VI. "Don't drop the rifle" 10 people

VII. “Scouts and sentries” -10 people.

VIII. Final relay - 10 people.

I. Warm-up relay race

1. Start from the front line of the volleyball court to the 3-meter line, “cuttlefish” back, the ball on the stomach.

2. On the 3-meter line, stand up, hold the ball between your legs and jump to the middle of the hall, where you need to put the ball in the hoop.

3. Jump over the gymnastic bench 3 times.

4. Do a back somersault on a gymnastics mat.

5. Throw a tennis ball at the target (for a miss - a penalty loop).

6.Reach to the next participant, grabbing the ball along the way and pass it to the next one, placing it on his stomach.

II. Bullet shooting

Shooting from a standing position at biathlon targets. 5 shots each.

The team winsknocked out more targets.

III. Lifting 24kg. weights with one hand.Three participants take turns lifting a 24kg weight. for 2 minutes each, with one hand. The winner will be determined by the greatest number of lifts by all participants.

IV. Sumo wrestling Three participants take turns going to the middle of the hall and trying to push the opponent out of the circle. The fight will take place in one round. The team that wins 2 fights wins.

V. Pull-ups on a high barFive participants do pull-ups according to the rules for the maximum number of times in one approach, holding a basketball between their legs.The winner will be determined by the greatest amount of pull-ups.

VI. "Don't drop the rifle"10 participants line up at equal distances in a circle, holding the gymnastic stick vertically on the floor. At the judge’s signal, you must intercept your neighbor’s stick, releasing yours, with the same hand. The team that does not drop the most “rifles” wins.

VII. "Scouts and Sentinels"The sentries are positioned along the side lines of the volleyball court in pairs, opposite each other, with the ball in their hands. The scouts need to take turns running through the sentries who will be trying to hit the ball. The team that eliminates the most scouts wins.

VIII. Final relay1. Start from the front line of the volleyball court in a bag. 2. At the 3-meter line, remove the bag. 3. On the middle line, jump over the bench, crawl back under it, jump over again. 4. Perform a forward somersault on a gymnastics mat. 5. Decide arithmetic example(for an error there is a 5 second penalty). 6.Crawl on your belly under the bench. 7. Perform a forward somersault. 8. Throw darts at the target (for a miss there is a 5-second penalty) 9. Run back, grabbing the bag. Pass the bag to the next participant.

7. Determination of the winner.

The winner of the sports festival will be determined by the smallest amount of occupied places in 8 types of programs.

8. Rewarding.

The teams will be awarded sweet prizes.

Change no.


Ermakova E. G. Organization and forms of sports events as a means of mass involvement of all segments of the population in systematic physical education and sports / E. G. Ermakova, V. M. Parshakova, K. A. Romanova. // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2018. – 3. – pp. 74-76.


E. G. Ermakova, Senior Lecturer

V. M. Parshakova, Senior Lecturer

K. A. Romanova, Senior Lecturer

Perm State agro-technological y university named after. Academician D.N. Pryanishnikova

(Russia, Perm)

Annotation . The article describes the involvement of all segments of the population in mass sports events and why such events are needed for the population. It also talks about the benefits of mass events for every person in the department b ness. Shows the unity of certain groups of people during these events and mutual O action between them. Reflects the impact of sporting events on spectators, etc. And connecting them to sports and physical education.The sporting event will take place T is an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports

Key words: sports mass events, events, disputet, physical education, health, competitions .

In this article I want to tell you how to introduce all segments of the population to permanent n special sports and physical activities b tour. Today, various public events are the most popular form of social activity and recreation for the population, which correspond to O human needs for direct access to political life, spo R creative achievements, culture and creative With stva. In modern conditions, each of us has taken part in sports at least once. V ny competitions. They are, as a rule, accessible to almost all citizens and are held either outdoors or indoors. Various programs are being created, software is being implemented A the current program and regulatory framework for physical education of the population of the Russian Federation(TRP).

Let's pay attention to one of the relevant b new concepts of health improvement practices for all segments of the population. Mass sports m e activities – this is one of the directions A bots of the state and all its institutions to form physical development and n d ivida, raising people healthy b once in a lifetime, instilling a love for sports from childhood. It should be noted that sport is the most important part of physical activity. e skoy culture and represents a volume e exchange of spiritual and material values O human activities that society creates and uses for physical activities of people aimed at professional b preparation for subsequent ma To maximum manifestation of abilities at competition topics in certain motors A telial actions.

For every sports fan e ropy – it's always a holiday. This holiday is very important for everyone T nicks, both for the spectators of the competition and for the athletes themselves.

The organization of a sporting event is carried out so that all layers of us e athletes could show off their physical abilities, and fans and sports enthusiastswill enjoy the With walking And everyone has the right to choose and fight which side he will be on feeling about vat. The main thing is to be part of the team. It can be noted that at the competitions, educational and sports work in physical education organizations is also checked, experience is exchanged, and sports are widely promoted. Therefore, mass sports measures O acceptance, regardless of its scale, should be considered and carried out as a sporting event, at a high level b tour and organizational level. In uh O nationally, a sporting event I It affects people's state of mind e ka, it brings the release of negativity A tive energy, gives an optimistic mood, the opportunity to express individual And dual abilities, the need for communication, good leisure, and a feeling of satisfaction.It may be noted that sports and artistic performances e niya, as an integral part of mass then R Christmas are for modern people a relatively new genre of entertainment A body art.Currently, they are creating different fan clubs that support a team. Target fan club collect information about the team. Widely known among football fans. The success of any event depends on a huge number of factors. Population participation in multi-stage and individual sports V but-mass and health measures O acceptances, can be considered as one of the effective forms of increasing the sufficient h but high level of physical performance e ley of the human body. Sports with O jealousy creates organizations of mass health, physical education and sports R tive work. One of the main aspects To com of modern practice of health improvement and physical education and sports employment I organization and planning is possible R active mass events. The nature of the sphere of physical culture and sports O is in the development of aesthetic, physical e social and moral qualities of a person, about R organization social activities, leisure of the population, disease prevention A niya, education of the younger generation e nia, physical and psycho-emotional recreationself, spectacle, communication, etc.

Currently, presented A exactly a wide range of sports events at different levels, offering e suitable for the participation of people of any age and gender. In general, the organization of a sporting event is a single set of management decisions, both With baking strict compliance with regulations A ment of competitions and interaction of all structural divisions of the organizing committee And theta at the stage of organizational planning O planning and implementation of the event. Us O Competitions test educational and sports work in physical education organizations, exchange experiences, and widely promote sports. The success of a sports event depends on its organization, planning Pl a training is one of the important success factors, that is, sports trainingThe event creates a project to organize the physical training of an individual. Meaning e development of a project means attracting more people, oncethe rise of mass and sports activities , having considered the main With aspects of organizing mass sports events, we conclude that sports V But a mass event is the education in a person of such qualities as willpower, competition, and love of sports. Satisfied b impact from sporting events And repents due to the participation of the viewer in them, to O who is attracted by a high level of development And tia motor qualities, courageous and e real actions of the participants, their high achievements. The sporting event took place e becomes an effective form, propagation n teaching physical culture and sports. In the process of spectators' complicity, one of the subcultures, such as fans, occurred.


1. https://infourok. ru / e ffektivnost - organizacii - sportivnomassovih - meropriyatiy - kak - faktor - povisheniya - fizicheskoy - aktivnosti - obuchayuschihsya -1505451. html

2. http://xn--i1abbnckbm cl9fb.xn p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/574646/


M.V. Parshakova, senior lecturer

E.G. Ermakova, senior lecturer

K.A. Romanova, senior lecturer

Perm state agro-technological university named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov

(Russia, Perm)

Abstract. The article describes the involvement of all segments of the population in mass sporting events and why it is necessary to conduct such events for the population. It also says about the benefits of mass events for each individual. The unity of certain groups of people at these events and the interaction between them are shown.Reflects the impact of sports events on the audience and bringing them to sports and physical culture.The sports event is carried out by the effective form promoting physical culture and sport.

Keywords: Sports events, events, sports, physical culture, health, competitions.