I want sauerkraut, a sign of what. I want sour: what is missing and when is it a sign of pathology? What would my wishes mean. Weight loss and diets

why do you want sauerkraut all the time and got the best answer

Answer from Anton Pastushenko[newbie]
Because it's very tasty)

Answer from *COCONUT*[guru]
organism requires
probably not enough vitamin C

Answer from Iina[newbie]
Yes, it's a treasure trove of vitamins!
Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been a hallmark of many peoples, as soon as the name changes, while the dish itself remains unchanged.
Each fruit or vegetable has its own visiting vitamin, and cabbage has methylmethionine. At the same time, sauerkraut is also highly valued for its ability to retain the most important and necessary vitamin C for a long time.
This longevity of vitamin C is due to the fact that it is not only found in cabbage in its pure form, but also in various chemical compounds. That is, during storage, it is not destroyed, even a slight heat treatment does not destroy vitamin C.
In addition to the two main vitamins, cabbage contains a number of equally important vitamins: vitamin "K", vitamins of the "B" group. And also, contains a large group of minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, zinc, copper, boron, silicon. During the fermentation process, cabbage is also enriched with organic acids (acetic, lactic).
The beneficial properties of sauerkraut allow it to be used as an anti-inflammatory, tonic, bactericidal, analgesic and anti-carcinogenic agent. The use of sauerkraut improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar, and also has an effect on cholesterol levels. That is why sauerkraut is recommended for people with diabetes, digestive tract disorders. They even have experimental data, according to which it is known that the substances contained in sauerkraut prevent the division of malignant cells, especially when it comes to tumors of the mammary glands, intestines, and lungs.
The beneficial properties of cabbage are also manifested in increasing the potency in men, and in prolonging the youthfulness of the skin in women. It is especially recommended to use sauerkraut for cosmetic purposes. Masks, creams, infusions based on sauerkraut produce an unprecedented cosmetic effect. These products give the skin velvety, discolor age spots, relieve acne.
The presence of a high level of vitamin "C" in sauerkraut helps to cope with all kinds of stress, depression. Helps to remove toxic substances, especially those arising from the constant use of chemical drugs. Traditionally, sauerkraut has been used to boost immunity, fight off infections, and replenish essential vitamins, especially during the winter. Sauerkraut in its composition is a real storehouse of minerals, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to use such cabbage to improve the activity of the nervous system, intestinal motility, hematopoietic systems, muscular system(heart). It not only supports vision, but also normalizes fat metabolism in the body. As a result, rejuvenating processes are observed throughout the body. At the same time, the juice secreted by cabbage also has beneficial features. Cabbage juice is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, is recommended for the treatment of gastritis with hyperacidity, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Take cabbage juice in a warm form, one glass before meals up to 4 times a day. Such treatment must be carried out within a month.
In general, sauerkraut brine is also prescribed to increase appetite, reduce obesity and various cancerous processes. Regular consumption of cabbage juice helps with atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Answer from war monger[active]
)) and I also want a pickled cucumber ....))

Probably every person noticed for himself strange phenomenon. The one that makes you want to eat something. And not just anything, but something specific. What is it connected with? The craving for salty, sour, sweet or, conversely, bitter, which appeared suddenly, is nothing more than SOS, given by our body about hidden internal malfunctions, a catastrophic lack of one or another vital substance.
IN Lately Doctors are increasingly advising you to take your new eating habits seriously.
If you have never liked sweets, and suddenly you are drawn to chocolate, make a diagnosis for yourself: magnesium deficiency. The same thing happens if you want something sour. Basically, listen to your body. Reaching for something fatter, excitedly drinking carbonated drinks - bad with calcium. Achieve a balance - immediately get sick. They ate bread uncontrollably, and then “tied it up” - before there was not enough nitrogen, and now everything is tip-top.
Previously, they looked longingly at food and felt complete indifference to it - a deficiency of manganese and vitamins B1 / B3, and now they are ready to swallow an elephant - bad with silicon and tyrosine. Everything has its own explanation.

Still, it is better not to wait for signals from the body, but to try to balance your own nutrition yourself, taking into account what and in what product is contained. And here's what to remember.

Magnesium are chocolate, nuts and fruits.
Phosphorus are fish, beef, liver and nuts.
Calcium are cheese, cabbage and mustard.
Sulfur- these are egg yolks, cranberries, garlic, horseradish.
Iron- this is meat, fish, cherries, greens, seaweed, very handy will have a mug of cocoa a day.
Zinc is meat and seafood.
Vitamin B1 are nuts, beans and liver.
Vitamin B3 are beans, meat and fish halibut.

Another way to recognize what is missing in the body is by symptoms.

Knocks out the heart- little potassium. Eat fruits and vegetables.
The skin is peeling- problems with iodine. Eat seafood, onions and carrots.
Yellow teeth- it is not only the addiction to smoking that is to blame, but also the deficiency of certain trace elements. Eat beans, fish and bananas.

What is missing in the body, if you want ...

peanuts (peanut butter)- The desire to nibble on peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily to residents of megacities. If you have a craving for peanuts, as well as legumes, then your body is not getting enough B vitamins.
bananas- If you lose your head from the smell of ripe bananas, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone preparations that “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, which is a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans, or figs.
bacon- Passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes people who are on a diet. The restriction of fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, and smoked meats are just the product in which saturated fat most. Do not want to reduce the effect of the diet to nothing - do not be tempted.
melons- Melons contain a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C. People with a weak nervous and cardiovascular system have a special need for them. By the way, half a medium melon contains no more than 100 kcal, so overweight you are not afraid.
sour fruits and berries- Craving for lemons, cranberries, etc. is observed during colds, when a weakened body experiences an increased need for vitamin C and potassium salts. Draws on sour and those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder.
dried apricots- If you want dried apricots, then you have a lack of vitamin A.
olives and olives- Love for olives and olives (as well as for pickles and marinades) arises from the lack of sodium salts. In addition, people with a thyroid disorder have an addiction to salt.
milk and dairy products- Fans of fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, are most often people who need calcium. A sudden love for milk can also arise due to a lack of essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.
ice cream- Ice cream, like other dairy products, is a good source of calcium. But people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus experience a special love for him. Psychologists see the love of ice cream as a manifestation of longing for childhood.
seafood- A constant craving for seafood, especially mussels and seaweed, is observed with iodine deficiency. Such people need to buy iodized salt.
herring- The need for herring arises due to the lack of proper fats (herring and other marine oily fish contain a lot of useful Omega 6).
sunflower seeds- The desire to gnaw on seeds most often occurs in smokers who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins, which are rich in sunflower seeds.
butter- Cravings for it are observed in vegetarians, whose diet is low in fat, and in the inhabitants of the North, who lack vitamin D.
cheese- He is adored by those who need calcium and phosphorus. Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it contains much more of these substances, and there are almost no calories.
of bread- If you want bread, it means that there is not enough nitrogen in the body (found in meat, fish and nuts).
chocolate- Love for chocolate is a universal phenomenon. However, caffeine adherents and those whose brains especially need glucose love chocolate more than others.

I just want something...

sweet Perhaps you are working to the point of exhaustion and have already irritated your nerves. Glucose is actively involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Therefore, with nervous and mental overstrain, sugar is consumed faster, and the body constantly requires more and more portions. In such a situation, pampering yourself with sweets is not a sin. But it’s better not to gobble up pieces of rich cakes (they have a lot of heavy carbohydrates), but limit yourself to chocolate or marshmallow. The desire to eat sweets can also be caused by a lack of magnesium, chromium picolinate. Magnesium is found in chocolate, nuts and fruits. lack of chromium. Contained in broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, veal liver. Lack of carbon. Found in fresh fruits. Phosphorus deficiency. Found in chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. Sulfur deficiency. Found in cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables ( White cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids). Found in cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
salty If you pounce like a beast on pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and herring, if the food always seems undersalted, we can talk about an exacerbation of chronic inflammation or the appearance of a new focus of infection in the body. Practice shows that most often these problems are associated with genitourinary system- cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.
- lack of chlorides (contained in unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt).
sour Often this is a signal low acidity stomach. This happens with gastritis with insufficient secretory function, when little gastric juice is produced. You can check this with a gastroscopy. Also, food with a sour taste has cooling, astringent properties, helps to relieve well-being during colds and elevated temperature stimulates the appetite.
- lack of vitamin C (contained in rose hips, lemons, kiwi, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, currants and strawberries).
bitter Perhaps this is a signal of intoxication of the body after an untreated illness or slagging digestive system. If you often want something with a bitter taste, it makes sense to arrange fasting days, do cleansing procedures.
burning The dish seems bland until you tip half a pepper pot into it, and your feet lead you to a Mexican restaurant? This may mean that you have a "lazy" stomach, it slowly digests food, it needs a stimulus for this. And hot spices and spices just stimulate digestion. Also, the need for spicy can signal a violation of lipid metabolism and an increase in the amount of "bad" cholesterol. Spicy food thins the blood, promotes the removal of fats, “cleanses” the blood vessels. But at the same time, it irritates the mucous membrane. So don't jump on chili and salsa on an empty stomach.
binder If you suddenly feel an unbearable desire to send a handful of bird cherry berries into your mouth or you can’t calmly pass by a persimmon, your defenses are weakening and urgently need to be recharged. Products with astringent taste contribute to the division of skin cells (help heal wounds), improve complexion. They help stop bleeding (for example, with fibroids), remove sputum in case of broncho-pulmonary problems. But astringent foods thicken the blood - this can be dangerous for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis (with varicose veins, hypertension, and some heart diseases).
insipid The need for such food often occurs with gastritis or stomach ulcers with high acidity, constipation, as well as problems with the liver and gallbladder. Fresh food weakens, helps relieve spastic pains, and soothes the stomach.
smoked meats- lack of cholesterol (contained in red fish, olives, avocados, nuts).
fatty foods
burnt food- lack of carbohydrates (contained in fresh fruits).
cold drinks- Lack of manganese (found in walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries).
carbonated drinks- lack of calcium (found in broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds).
coffee or tea- lack of sulfur in the body. best source sulfur - cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables: white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. Phosphorus deficiency. Found in chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. Lack of sodium (salt). Contained in sea salt, apple cider vinegar (season this salad). Lack of iron. Contained in red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.
in the evening drink tea with cookies- during the day they did not get the right carbohydrates (found in meat, fish, legumes and nuts).
liquid food- lack of water (drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice).
solid food- lack of water (the body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirsty. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day).

But if...

zhor on the eve of critical days- lack of zinc (contained in red meat (especially the meat of internal organs), seafood, leafy vegetables, root crops).
common invincible zhor - lack of silicon, amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, spinach, green and red vegetables and fruits).
appetite has disappeared- lack of manganese and vitamins B1 and B2 (found in walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, legumes and legumes, meat, fish and poultry).
want to smoke- lack of silicon and the amino acid tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, orange, green and red fruits and vegetables).
I want to chew on ice- lack of iron (found in meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries).
I want paint, plaster, earth, chalk- The desire to chew all this usually occurs in babies, adolescents and pregnant women. It indicates a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, which occurs during a period of intensive growth in children and the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus during pregnancy. Add dairy products, eggs, butter and fish - so you can easily fix the situation.
I want onions, garlic, spices and seasonings- An acute need for spices, as a rule, is experienced by people who have problems with the respiratory system. If a person is drawn to garlic and onions and he smears bread with mustard instead of jam, it is possible that there is some kind of respiratory disease on the nose. Apparently, in this way - with the help of phytoncides - the body tries to protect itself from infection.

Passion for food...

Passion chocolate-sweet. More often than others, caffeine lovers and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction”. This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose as the fastest source of energy. Chocolate is the perfect way to do this. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure. Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich complex carbohydrates. And as a dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount of nuts.
Cheesy passion. Spicy, salty, with and without spices... You can't live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you are ready to absorb it in kilograms (at least eat at least 100 g per day). Nutritionists claim that those who are in dire need of calcium and phosphorus adore cheese. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much-needed and extremely beneficial to the body substances, but fats ... Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body perceives milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat a little cheese (no more than 50 g per day) and with raw vegetables.
Passion sour-citric. Perhaps your diet is dominated by hard-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to facilitate its work. If you have a cold, you may also be drawn to sour fruits and berries - an excellent source of vitamin C. Choose meals with a moderate fat content and do not mix many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, salted and overly spicy foods, as well as those that have been overcooked. If you notice digestive problems (especially from the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.
Smoked passion. Passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on too strict a diet. Long-term restriction in the diet of fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and smoked meats contain an abundance of saturated fats. Do not get carried away with low-fat foods - choose one that still has a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter a day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have empirically proven that it is those who consume enough fat that lose weight faster.

Food passions and diseases.

Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An acute need for these foods and spices, as a rule, indicates problems with the respiratory system.
Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible with a disorder of the thyroid gland.
Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for him.
Bananas. If you lose your head from the smell of ripe bananas, pay attention to the state of your heart.
Sunflower seeds. The desire to gnaw on seeds most often occurs in those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that in your body there are a lot of free radicals - the main provocateurs of premature aging.

Yes, it's a treasure trove of vitamins!

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been a hallmark of many peoples, as soon as the name changes, while the dish itself remains unchanged.
Each fruit or vegetable has its own visiting vitamin, and cabbage has methylmethionine. At the same time, sauerkraut is also highly valued for its ability to retain the most important and necessary vitamin C for a long time.

This longevity of vitamin C is due to the fact that it is not only found in cabbage in its pure form, but also in various chemical compounds. That is, during storage, it is not destroyed, even a slight heat treatment does not destroy vitamin C.

In addition to the two main vitamins, cabbage contains a number of equally important vitamins: vitamin "K", vitamins of the "B" group. And also, contains a large group of minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, zinc, copper, boron, silicon. During the fermentation process, cabbage is also enriched with organic acids (acetic, lactic).

The beneficial properties of sauerkraut allow it to be used as an anti-inflammatory, tonic, bactericidal, analgesic and anti-carcinogenic agent. The use of sauerkraut improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar, and also has an effect on cholesterol levels. That is why sauerkraut is recommended for people with diabetes, digestive tract disorders. They even have experimental data, according to which it is known that the substances contained in sauerkraut prevent the division of malignant cells, especially when it comes to tumors of the mammary glands, intestines, and lungs.

The beneficial properties of cabbage are also manifested in increasing the potency in men, and in prolonging the youthfulness of the skin in women. It is especially recommended to use sauerkraut for cosmetic purposes. Masks, creams, infusions based on sauerkraut produce an unprecedented cosmetic effect. These products give the skin velvety, discolor age spots, relieve acne.

The presence of a high level of vitamin "C" in sauerkraut helps to cope with all kinds of stress, depression. Helps to remove toxic substances, especially those arising from the constant use of chemical drugs. Traditionally, sauerkraut has been used to boost immunity, fight off infections, and replenish essential vitamins, especially during the winter. Sauerkraut in its composition is a real storehouse of minerals, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. Therefore, such cabbage is recommended to be used to improve the activity of the nervous system, intestinal motility, hematopoietic systems, and the muscular system (cardiac). It not only supports vision, but also normalizes fat metabolism in the body. As a result, rejuvenating processes are observed throughout the body. At the same time, the juice secreted by cabbage also has beneficial properties. Cabbage juice is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, is recommended for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Take cabbage juice in a warm form, one glass before meals up to 4 times a day. Such treatment must be carried out within a month.

In general, sauerkraut brine is also prescribed to increase appetite, reduce obesity and various cancerous processes. Regular consumption of cabbage juice helps with atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Why do you want white cabbage or apples?

The fact is that each product has in its composition a set of minerals that are necessary for our internal organs. If problems begin with any organ associated with a lack of these substances, then the body signals this to us by the desire to eat a product containing them.



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What is missing in the body, if you want.

Listen to your body - it signals a lack of certain substances

Sometimes you want to taste pickles, sometimes chocolate, and sometimes sprats in tomato. What is it for? Should I listen to the whims of my body? Taste preferences always have a real physiological basis: the body lacks something, and it reports it. This is the process of natural self-regulation of our Have a good mood, health and well-being.

Listen to your desires and you will know what kind of lifestyle you should lead and what to eat in the next four weeks. Why exactly four? Because our goal is to correct the work of the hormonal system with a properly selected diet and daily routine. And such serious things are not done quickly.

1. I want milk, yogurt, cottage cheese

You are anxious, tense and dream of rest and relaxation. Milk contains an essential amino acid from which the neurohormone serotonin is produced. From it, we have an anxiety state, mood and sleep improve. Also, your muscles require calcium to contract rhythmically and not suffer from overexcitation.

2. I want raw smoked sausage

3. I want something salty: olives, herring, pickles

4. I want scrambled eggs or eggs in any form

Why you want sour - a simple way to signal the body about an impending storm

There are times when a person really wants something specific or just having a separate taste. It can be a desire for sour, sweet, salty, fatty, burnt - the list is endless. Usually, the desire for foods of a particular taste may indicate a lack of certain substances in the body or the paucity of food in taste.

Why do you want sour? This may depend on various factors, such as too much intake of sugary foods, long-term consumption of neutral foods, or a sharply increased need for vitamin C (for example, with colds).

It's one thing when addiction appears for a short time and after receiving a certain dose of "sourness" disappears on its own. And it is quite another when the desire to eat sour foods persists for a long time and reaches the point of absurdity. In the first case, there is no reason for concern, in the second case, you should consult a doctor.

Possible causes of acid deficiency


When an addiction to a certain taste appears, first of all, you should pay attention to your daily diet. The most common reason for craving sour is a lack of flavors or vitamins and minerals in the diet. This can be caused by a diet for the purpose of losing weight, when the body is “tormented” by endless hunger strikes and restrictions (for example, adherence to the same type of diet: chicken meat, vegetables or kefir). The appearance of taste preferences indicates a lack of a vitamin and requires a reaction from the person. The symptom is eliminated by normal nutrition.

The second reason may be a commitment to healthy food, when a person follows the diet and limits salty, fatty, fried, smoked. This affects the general condition of the body well, but the taste buds feel the "depletion" of tastes. The problem is solved by a simple variety of everyday dishes, the addition of various foods and sauces that have a sour or spicy taste. The list of meals included in the diet can fully meet the requirements for a healthy diet or be considered "junk food" - a slight deviation in the choice of dishes does not hurt.

With an excess of indigestible food, the body requires sour to improve the digestion process, and “lightening” the diet will eliminate the desire for “sourness”.


Another reason is the lack or absence of vitamin C in food. You can talk about the development of beriberi if you want sour and additional symptoms are pronounced:

  • increased fatigue against the background of normal nutrition and while maintaining the usual load;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • frequent colds (more than 4 times a year);
  • change in sleep patterns (insomnia at night accompanied by daytime sleepiness);
  • fragility of blood vessels (expressed in the constant formation of small hemorrhages and "bruises" on the body);
  • increased bleeding (with injuries or causeless nosebleeds);
  • severe headache and joint pain;
  • myalgia (muscle pain).

Important. The most serious problem of nutritional failure is the development of beriberi. Impoverishment of the body certain group vitamins (or the occurrence of general hypovitaminosis) leads to the development of various diseases.

Infectious diseases

Most common cause for which you want sour is a lack of vitamin C. An infectious disease, accompanied by hyperthermia, requires an increased content of ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the production of interferon.

To speed up the healing process, along with a complex of therapeutic measures and substances, it is required to take vitamin C in an increased dosage (for colds, up to 1000 ml per day for adults and up to 250 for children).

When attacked by viruses, even without visible signs of a cold, the body may request sour, so necessary to fight the infection.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract (especially of an inflammatory nature), there is a violation of acidity. The body compensates for the lack of gastric juice production by consuming acidic foods. The most common disease, accompanied by a decrease in acidity, is gastritis and stomach ulcers. In addition to pathologies of the stomach, cravings for sour can be observed in violation of the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

craving sour during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women want sour, which is considered the norm and does not require correction.

The need for acidic food during gestation occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Nausea in the first half of pregnancy. Pregnancy early dates accompanied by a decrease in enzyme activity, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting (toxicosis of the pregnant). Consumption of acidic foods stimulates the digestive tract and reduces negative symptoms.
  2. Acidic foods enhance the absorption of calcium. The formation of the skeleton of the unborn child requires a large amount of this mineral, so eating acidic foods in the first half of pregnancy is an aid to the development of your baby.
  3. Vitamin C is involved in the absorption of iron necessary to maintain normal level hemoglobin. In addition to helping with iron absorption, vitamin C is essential for maintaining immune system mothers on high level, and is also actively absorbed by the child in the process of formation of connective tissue and the cardiovascular system. To meet the need for sour, it is recommended to use tomatoes, cherries, grapes, lemons, black currants, which will provide the body not only with ascorbic acid, but also with various vitamins and microelements.

Important. Pregnancy may be accompanied by an increase in the body's need for sour, sweet, bitter and other tastes, which is due to the body's protective regulation of the lack of any substances required for the normal well-being of a woman or for the full growth of a baby.

Desire for certain foods that taste sour

In addition to the desire to eat sour, the body may “request” a certain product from the general range that has this taste, which indicates a lack of certain nutrients or minerals. Let's take a closer look later.

Sour berries and fruits

Why do you want a lemon, black currant or cranberry. Usually the desire for these berries signals a lack of ascorbic acid and potassium. The intake of these substances is important for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, digestive and immune systems. You can replace these products with ascorbic acid or a vitamin complex with a high content of vitamin C and potassium.

Dairy products

The body's need for milk, kefir, snowball and other milk-based products indicates an increased need for calcium. With a lack of calcium, osteoporosis develops - increased bone fragility. In addition to calcium, dairy products are rich in essential amino acids: tryptophan, leucine and lysine. They are necessary to maintain internal homeostasis. Also, fermented milk products are rich in prebiotics, which are necessary for the functioning of the intestines and the full absorption of food.


If you want sauerkraut for a long time, you should find out the reason. This may indicate a lack of vitamins (C, PP) and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. The need for the substances contained in this product increases with severe emotional overstrain, prolonged stress or exhaustion of the nervous system.

Also, the desire to consume sauerkraut can be the cause of an infection in the urogenital area, possibly asymptomatic.

Important. A pronounced addiction to a particular product or sour taste often signals a pathological process in the body. Ignoring these signs allows the disease to spread and get stronger, causing a violation of general well-being, and sometimes life expectancy. If you have a craving for sour, you should visit a doctor and undergo an examination prescribed by him, and then treatment. This tactic will keep your health at a high level, and at the same time avoid possible complications.

Possible causes of taste addictions:

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

I can eat it in unlimited quantities.

Why do you want cabbage

Each vegetable and fruit has such a vitamin, which is its hallmark. Scientists have discovered that such a "business card" of white cabbage is vitamin U - methylmethionine

As it turned out, he is able to cure peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, gastritis and intestinal lethargy. An equally worthy property of cabbage is the ability to retain vitamin C for a long time. It can be present there in the same concentration for 7-8 months. Not a single vegetable can boast of such a feature. The secret of this “longevity” is that vitamin C is found in cabbage not only in its pure form, but also in a chemically bound form. This form is called "ascorbigen". Valuable vitamin is not destroyed during storage and fermentation. Even moderate heat treatment will not harm it, since ascorbigen is then converted into ascorbic acid. Cabbage vitamin C performs many biological duties in our body. And since in the spring all chronic sores become aggravated for many, cabbage comes to the rescue. Crunch on health!

Why do you always want sauerkraut?

Why do you always want sauerkraut?

The human body knows how to protect itself. Gives signals and the person feels that he wants something. Eaten sauerkraut in time, when the stomach asks for it, will help to escape from a cold. The body then needs vitamins and substances contained in sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a great source of vitamin C, and your body may be deficient at the moment.

There are other explanations for why you want such cabbage all the time, of course, we exclude pregnancy.

Such an addiction can tell you about severe or chronic stress.

This can cause either anxiety or chronic fatigue and this is due to your nervous system.

At such a moment, we really need the mineral salts that are in this product. And this is also a sign that a focus of some kind of infection has arisen, and most likely in the urinary or genital area.

Therefore, the cause should be found out and eliminated.

If you constantly want to eat sauerkraut, then this is just wonderful. The fact is that sauerkraut is very useful human body, because it contains vitamin C. In addition, scientists have found that sauerkraut has a preventive property against cancer. Broccoli also has anti-cancer properties.

There can be at least two reasons:

1. Lack of vitamins and other useful elements in the body;

2. Possibly originated new life and after a certain period of time you will feel the happiness of motherhood.)

Cabbage in all its manifestations is fresh. Sauerkraut is a source of vitamins of groups c in p and microelements. But sauerkraut also has an extremely positive effect on creating favorable microflora in the intestines - it means that your body needs both vitamins and stomach improvement - less or don't eat meat at all.

Personally, I do not understand this because of my acidity.

I can be drawn to sauerkraut once or twice throughout the winter. But at the same time, I understand how useful it is. It has everything - vitamins, trace elements, help the intestines in cleaning the body.

I understand, but I can't eat. So you are a lucky person.

In general, cabbage is very healthy and tasty. And the fact that you can eat it in huge quantities, then this is your personal feature of your body. And there is nothing terrible about this, because cabbage in any of its manifestations, eat it further to your health!

The period is like this. I have had pickles on the table all week. I ate them with soup, potatoes, just had a snack. And then, as it cut off, I couldn’t look at pickles for a while. Here and at you the same - probably vitamins to an organism do not suffice. Yes, I just want sauerkraut. It will surely pass with time.

The main thing is to eat in moderation. And make sure that there are no adverse reactions like allergies.

What is missing in the body if you want cabbage

question. About his own, about the girlish

But if I want sour all the time, what do I lack in my body? I'm definitely not pregnant.

8 Foods You Won't Gain Weight From.

Do you still think that you can lose weight only by exhausting yourself with diets and constantly starving? Forget! You can lose weight, experiencing quite comfortable sensations and not denying yourself a piece ... well, if not bread, then some other product. You just need to know which foods and dishes do not add pounds to you. There is no need to eat only parsley - there are other low-calorie, and, nevertheless, healthy and tasty things in the world. Soups Soup is a liquid dish that is less caloric than.

Low calorie foods. Olga_Mo's blog on 7ya.ru

In order not to get fat, you need to eat low-calorie foods - everyone knows about this. But how to choose such food for yourself so that you can keep your figure and not suffer from hunger? We have good news: you can choose from the list low-calorie foods those that will saturate you and bring pleasure! The main thing is to resist the temptation and not eat more at a time than fits in your palms. Tasty and satisfying Foods that contain pure protein give the greatest feeling of satiety. Such.

What would my wishes mean. Weight loss and diets

Guys, in the last two weeks I can not get rid of the desire to gorge on fatty salted fish like mackerel or herring. Does anyone know what this could be for? Well, definitely not for pregnancy! And it is fish - not pickled cucumbers or cabbage.

Why do you crave sweets? Weight loss and diets

In the evening I wanted to shake sweet. She ate marshmallows, she seemed to calm down. That's why it? Yesterday it seemed to hold on and did not want to, and the day before yesterday, too, and sometimes it twists like that, so what? Maybe a little bit, right?

Ah, the diet again. Fashion and beauty

I've only been on the diet for a week. And here it is, getting drunk again. How to keep her darling? Rat and all who are on a diet, how do you manage to stay on a diet?

Why women crave sweets: PMS, menopause, and sugar.

And at the same time, the effect of sugar on the body becomes more destructive. We understand why cravings for sweets increase during menopause in women or andropause in men and how hormones affect how much sugar we consume. Hormones are the most important component of our body, so hormonal deficiency or even hormone imbalance can take a heavy toll on the physical and emotional.

When their levels drop, women experience estrogen-related migraines, palpitations, and anxiety attacks. After ovulation, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to rise again, and symptoms subside. PMS is mainly a lack of progesterone. Progesterone stimulates the production of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which acts as a “natural sedative” in the body: calms and helps to fall asleep. If the level of progesterone is too low, a woman experiences anxiety and irritability, she may suffer from insomnia. Too much progesterone can make you feel depressed. A lack of progesterone often causes sugar cravings: you want sweets to take off.

My weight loss has slowed down. Weight loss and diets

Something I have particularly severe PMS happened this month. I want to eat, not so zhor, but I want normal food. I flew away from a half-starved existence, but did not switch to normal food. Now I eat some bullshit like popcorn for dinner and Snickers for lunch. How would I get back on track for weight loss? I still have about 4 kg left, nothing at all. Should be dropped within a month.

the truth is not for "bad" products, but for good ones but in large volumes. I don't know

Listen, why do you want to eat so much? Weight loss and diets

Vporos - what to do, and who is to blame? It's like a hole in my stomach. And until we sing, it really sucks. I've been in pain since morning. Everyone just wanted to kill. I sat in the corner and was silent, so that, God forbid, no one came up 🙁 And then kaaak burst! And immediately felt better. So, how do you lose weight? And it's not like that every day for me. How I envy people who have no appetite! 🙁

I made a ruler especially for this conference, it will be as an incentive to look into the kitchen less.

Why do I eat tea. About his own, about the girlish

Sometimes I brew tea in a straight cup (more often green, less often black). After drinking tea, I eat with appetite all the tea leaves that remain at the bottom of the cup. I just can't resist it! Well, at least no one sees! I am not pregnant (for several months now I have been eating tea like this - sometimes more often, sometimes less often). Not sick (so as to assume that the body is being treated for something with tea). Why am I so drawn to eat tea? Does anyone have any hypotheses?

and the more unusual the desire, the faster it is satisfied, i.e. at one time I wanted to nibble on orange peels, one orange was enough 🙂 maybe there is something like that in tea too ..

I have a version - I'm lazy and I'm too lazy to walk across the entire floor of the TTC to the women's toilet, otherwise I ate the tea leaves and the cup is clean :)))

Legs and arms are numb. Fashion and beauty

My legs and arms started to numb all the time. Constantly, every day. I can’t sit cross-legged, I can’t lean on my elbow, my hands are numb even on the steering wheel. What is this? Could this be because I've gotten better? Or should I go to the doctor? To which?

Girls, why do you want to eat so much on a diet. Weight loss and diets

Girls, why are you so thirsty on a diet, just some kind of thirst. I drink tea. I also had insomnia, although I don't suffer from insomnia at all. Tonight I didn’t sleep at all, as a result I got up at 4 o’clock (((, and now I’m sitting with my nose pecking, but I have to stomp to work

And insomnia, something is missing, you need to change your diet.

maybe the body signals that we still consume too much salt?

What if you want something salty? About his own, about the girlish

I'm not that .. no-no. -) It's just that I broke my leg - I can't, I'm dying .. there is not enough salt. And vobla, and crackers and seeds .. and the food is oversalted .. but it’s not enough for me. -(Is this what? Is this something missing? And how to deal with it? I can’t just ..;-((

Yesterday I saved myself with homemade mulled wine. at night, the truth still ate him with bread and adjika.

Hello dear girls! I really need your advice on diets for weight loss. I now weigh 97 kg with a height of 165 cm. I understand that I need to lose weight, and I am trying to do it. But so far it hasn't worked. I know that it's about nutrition, but it so happened that I raise children alone (children 16 and 12), for food we have about 15,000 = a month (Moscow) and we eat mainly cereals, chicken, pasta, rice, buckwheat , cabbage. I buy fruits for my children. Vegetables Meat - rarely, I almost never buy fish, because

I try not to eat in the evening.

In the morning - an egg and salad, at work - cottage cheese, then lunch - a piece of chicken and salad, in the evening - also cottage cheese with kefir.

Today is the 3rd day.

But there is a wish horror as!

Write a 100 to-do list. I'm serious, I need to remember and write down 100 cases postponed "for later." Yes, even a button, a clasp torn off, even a shelf not dismantled with papers, etc. In the evening, as you want your rice or pasta, roll up valocardine or glycine (which cuts you better from the hooves) and while it starts to act, pick up the list and make some kind of business out of it. Well, at least you start doing it.

When you start yawning, go to sleep. She falls asleep very normally on an empty stomach when it works and with a pleasant feeling that she crossed out one more line from the list.

The main thing here at 3 a.m. will not return for a canceled date with pasta. I know this myself)))

How to determine the lack of vitamins?

Everyone has long heard about the benefits of vitamins for the life of the whole organism and know that their lack can lead to disastrous results. But how to understand which of the vitamins or trace elements is not enough? How does the body signal what it needs? Unfortunately, every second person suffers from a lack of vitamins, even in our informational time. Every third suffers from chronic fatigue with reduced immunity, from which even a small cold becomes real.

salty! how to refuse? Weight loss and diets

Girls, I read you every day, I really need advice, I’m 33 years old, I have a child of 9 years old, I’ve always been very slim, gained a lot during pregnancy, fed for a long time, then I lost weight in a Japanese woman, the result was, then I lost weight to 58 kg by itself - I’m in this weight well, very slim, then a job change and quitting smoking / more than a year / and all sorts of different things, in general, now 68 kg and a dream to lose weight, I can safely not eat sweet and fatty, but I have one problem - salty is my everything, but not salty food, viz.

Lack of iron. Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries.

1. Lack of chromium. Found in: broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, calf liver

2. Lack of carbon. Found in fresh fruits.

3. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes.

4. Lack of sulfur. Found in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale.

5. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids). Found in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.

1. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes.

2. Lack of sulfur. Found in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale.

3. Lack of sodium (salt). Found in: sea salt, apple cider vinegar (to dress salad).

4. Lack of iron. Found in: red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.

Found in: red meat (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables.

Found in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.

Contained in: nuts, seeds, legumes, liver and other internal organs of animals.

Found in: Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes

Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries.

Contained in: nuts, seeds; avoid refined starchy foods.

Found in: Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, and red fruits and vegetables.

Peanuts, peanut butter.

The desire to gnaw peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily to residents of megacities. If you have a passion for peanuts, as well as legumes, then your body is not getting enough B vitamins.

If you lose your head at the smell of ripe bananas, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone preparations that “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, which is a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans, or figs.

Passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes dieters. Limiting fat-containing foods leads to lower blood cholesterol levels, and smoked meats are just the product in which saturated fat is the most. Do not want to reduce the effect of the diet to nothing - do not be tempted.

What is missing in the body? About his own, about the girlish

When you want to constantly sleep and smoke? I don't smoke, but lately I've been craving a cigarette. But so far I haven't smoked a single cigarette. Just want.

dietary disorders (Protasov). Weight loss and diets

Tell me how you act in case of violation or breakdown on the diet (Protasov) - continue it further or start over. The second week of Protasov was with me and I ate (ha! I got drunk.) Hot freshly baked bread. And what, now everything from the beginning to start?

I read someone's (sorry, I don't remember the authorship!) A very sensible approach: just allow yourself 1 violation a day and not suffer remorse later. For example, I can afford a piece of chocolate, strawberries or crackers. Or eat some low-fat soup. I also wanted bread after the first week (however, I steadfastly held on!). Then this desire disappeared somewhere. For 3 weeks I ate only a few cereals and a couple of crackers, I didn’t eat bread. And then I ate it simply because my choice of vegetables is small: carrots or sweet peppers, I don’t like the rest. There must be something. So I wouldn't worry about bread. He must have been cute :)

Eye vitamins. Olga_Mo's blog on 7ya.ru

1. If you began to see poorly at dusk, and bright light is painful for you, barley and conjunctivitis tortured you, this may be a sign of a lack of the most important and well-known "eye" vitamin - vitamin A (retinol). Why is it needed? For the normal functioning of the retina. The pigment, which includes retinol, plays a major role in our vision. It is he who converts the light that hits the retina into electrical impulses, which the brain, in turn, processes into visual impulses. Where.

I really want chips. Pregnancy and childbirth

Terrible, right? 🙁 And, quite specific. In life, in principle, I don’t eat them 🙂 And here it’s been that day. Just feel the taste of them already Drive these thoughts away from me? 🙂 And tell us, please, share how you “violate”? Generally accepted "nutrition standards" in this position :))))

How to give up salt? Weight loss and diets

And I understand that I’m doing it wrong - but I’m salting everything, moreover, I pour a lot of salt into salad, and into rice, and into cereals :-((I can’t eat fresh at all - it turns me back. talked about special salt for weight loss. And what is it, where can I buy it? I also saw on TV that Yulia Vysotskaya, when she cooks, salts everything sea ​​salt. Is this the way out? Where is edible sea salt sold?

Lack of iodine. Weight loss and diets

Maybe someone will come in handy. After giving birth - already six years ago - I can’t regain my previous weight, although I constantly struggle, needles, diets, massage, hypnosis, sports, etc. Plus, I also constantly wanted to sleep, everything I did, I did through force, I constantly drank coffee, energetic drinks, strong vitamins. This year from May! added another 10 kg. to the available extra 20. In general, the guard. Now I have been drinking elementary iodomarin for a month, stupidly according to advertising !, and it feels like I woke up. Sleep during the day.

Sometimes it happens that you sit on the strictest diet, systematically exercise- and the hated kilograms for some reason do not want to melt. Why?

The reason for being overweight is not always in our diet and physical inactivity. Although these two factors are still in the lead in the hit parade of causes of fullness. But it also happens that the cause of fat accumulation are various kinds of endocrine disorders. One of these disorders is a decrease in thyroid function, which is so common in Ukraine. And it's not just an aesthetic issue. appearance, but the most real disease that needs treatment.

Here are a few signs that signal us about an iodine deficiency in the body and insufficient thyroid function:

Dry skin. With a lack of iodine, this dryness is slightly different from what is meant by “dry skin” in the classical sense of cosmetologists. First of all, they suffer from dryness of the lower leg, forearm. The skin becomes dry, rough and takes on a yellowish tint.

Increased fatigue. With a lack of iodine in the body, a person gets tired very quickly. I just went to the store for bread, and I was tired as if I had been running around all day. Are you familiar with this condition? Then run for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

The appearance of edema. When a visible trace remains on your lower leg after pressing for a long time, it means that the lack of iodine is already quite noticeable for your body. But you should be wary even if elastic bands from underwear, socks, watches begin to be noticeably imprinted on your body - this is already a reason to take a closer look at the iodine content in your diet.

It goes without saying that in order to correctly assess the work of your thyroid gland, you need to undergo full-fledged medical examinations: ultrasonography thyroid gland and a blood test showing hormone levels. But a preliminary mini-test is completely realistic to conduct at home. To do this, dip a cotton swab in an alcohol tincture of iodine and draw a small line on inside forearm. If everything is normal with the iodine content in your body, the strip will last for a long time. If there is a significant lack of iodine, the band will disappear literally within one to one and a half hours.

Pregnancy and constipation: how to improve bowel function? 9 tips.

Lots of movement, vegetables, fruits and water. Be careful with drugs

It is simply not enough for defecation: constipation occurs. What to do? Sometimes it is enough to adjust your drinking regime to get rid of constipation. Water can also be an excellent "instant" remedy: it is enough in the morning, on an empty stomach, to drink a glass of cold water in which a spoonful of honey is mixed. What not to do? Trying to replenish the fluid in the body not with water, but with tea, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, flour and slimy soups. Passive way of life Movement is life, it is an axiom. Unfortunately, future mothers often feel a desire to lie down and rest: in the first trimester, toxicosis and drowsiness contribute to this, as the term increases, frequent ailments, increased fatigue, pain in the legs. Yes, a growing belly is not easy to wear. But it is worth remembering that the physio.

Dog EATS sticks/twigs. Pets

How is that? It's eating. Not only plays, but EATS. The girl is 10 months old, purposefully looking for a stick on a walk and starts to eat feverishly. He also loves firewood in the country. Tell me, please, is it very harmful? The breeder from the kennel directly swears (when I asked her): “LOW. Don't give. ' But I couldn't say for sure why. Naturally, the dog is supervised, and it doesn’t eat it all at all in huge quantities 🙂 But it still eats, yes, something gets in. What we lack in.

Stop chewing sticks

How about eating grass in the summer? maybe looking for a replacement

Seven vital foods for spring.

Cabbage. In the spring, vitamin C becomes the most deficient element for our body. Its main sources are fresh vegetables and fruits, which, after winter storage, alas, cannot boast of an abundance of useful substances. In early spring, in our middle lane, cabbage becomes the champion in the content of ascorbic acid. Despite the fact that cabbage loses about 30% of vitamin C during the winter, only 100 grams of a healthy vegetable will provide the body's daily need for this vitamin. Vitamin C completely.

straight BAYUS. SP: get-togethers

wanted to write. about something. since morning. and then I think - oh, probably off topic. where would you go yourself? since we are talking about a child of 9 years old - probably at 7-10? since we are talking about a strange sudden desire for semolina porridge (which I never ate :))) - in psychology? because some kind of yes, spring zhor in a child - in medicine? since we are talking about semolina porridge of such a bright yellow color, such as from durum wheat (I wanted to clarify whether this is crap or is it really so and whether it is less harmful 🙂 and how to cook 🙂 - this.

Is it possible for pregnant women ... Vegetarianism: benefits and harms.

Pregnancy without meat: what is missing in plant foods?

Given this, vegetarians in the winter season should be advised to use special supplements. A vegetarian diet, usually rich in omega-6 fatty acids, does not contain enough omega-3s fatty acids. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are among the most valuable for humans. They not only prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, but are also very important for the formation of the brain and vision of the child, and are useful for cerebral circulation. Vegetarians must include in their diet linseed oil and flaxseed walnuts, rapeseed, hemp and soybean oils. Clinical studies have proven that the level of vitamin B 12 is reduced in the body of vegetarians, since it is not found in plants.

Here, soy protein comes to the rescue of vegans, which is absolutely complete in terms of amino acid composition and is able, when taken daily during pregnancy, to compensate for the increased need for protein. How and what to eat, each person decides for himself. Both plant and animal foods have their pros and cons. I would like to emphasize that doctors have not proven the harm of eating meat in general, but only its excessive daily intake. And not even so much meat as animal fats. Perhaps the most reasonable vegetarian diet for a pregnant woman is non-strict, with the use of dairy products and eggs. Future mother it is imperative to tell the gynecologist about your vegetarianism, and he, together with a nutritionist, will help to draw up proper diet for all nine months of pregnancy.

Here's what I found. Weight loss and diets

What your body lacks Wants: Chocolate Lacks: Magnesium

Listen to your body - it signals a lack of certain substances

Sometimes you want to taste pickles, sometimes chocolate, and sometimes sprats in tomato. What is it for? Should I listen to the whims of my body? Taste preferences always have a real physiological basis: the body lacks something, and it reports it. It is a process of natural self-regulation of our good mood, health and well-being.

Listen to your desires and you will know what kind of lifestyle you should lead and what to eat in the next four weeks. Why exactly four? Because our goal is to correct the work of the hormonal system with a properly selected diet and daily routine. And such serious things are not done quickly.

1. I want milk, yogurt, cottage cheese

IN We are anxious, tense and dream of rest and relaxation. Milk contains an essential amino acid from which the neurohormone serotonin is produced. From it, we have an anxiety state, mood and sleep improve. Also, your muscles require calcium to contract rhythmically and not suffer from overexcitation.

What to do?

TO Every evening drink a glass of warm milk or dine on a portion of yogurt. Prepare homemade cottage cheese casserole.

2. I want raw smoked sausage

IN We do not have enough cholesterol and fats for the active work of the brain and the maintenance of normal hormonal levels. Smoked meat is high in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. And spicy smoked meats stimulate sexual desire.

What to do?

B treat yourself to smoked meats twice a week, but not more often, as they have carcinogenic properties. An excellent source of saturated fatty acids is butter (30 g per day). Cravings for smoked foods among dieters suggests that the time has come to increase the amount of fat in the diet due to avocados, nuts and vegetable oil.

3. I want something salty: olives, herring, pickles

H and table salt pulls when the metabolism is accelerated, which happens with increased activity of the thyroid gland, or during intense physical work, or during pregnancy. Cravings for salt speaks of the desire of the body to conserve strength and at the same time accumulate more energy.

What to do?

E If you are very drawn, eat a whole herring or a can of sprat today. But tomorrow try to make up for the deficit mineral water(Essentuki No. 17 or No. 20, two glasses a day before breakfast or lunch), because a large amount of salt retains fluid in the body and increases arterial pressure.Desire to eat olives, olives, tuna- may indicate deficiencies in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Olives contain a lot of iodine, and tuna contains the amino acids tyrosine. With a lack of these substances, the thyroid gland cannot fully produce hormones.

4. I want scrambled eggs or eggs in any form

.IN Your immunity needs to be reinforced with high-quality proteins and ready-made vitamin A from egg yolk.

What to do?

H Cook yourself scrambled eggs or an omelette from three eggs four times a week.

5. I want cheese

E If you are a woman, then you have a tendency to premenstrual syndrome with swelling, muscle spasms and bad mood. You do not have enough milk fat in combination with phosphorus. When want some cheese- low blood pressure (hypotension). The sodium salts and fats found in salty fatty cheese raise blood pressure.

What to do?

P the most common way to consume every day is 100 g of hard cheese. But given its high calorie content, try limiting yourself to 30 grams of cheese, 200 grams of Brussels sprouts, and 100 grams of spinach.

6. I want something sour: lemon, cranberries, sauerkraut

IN You are in a pre-depressive state or you just work very hard and need a lot of energy. Perhaps you have a slightly reduced acidity of gastric juice. Acidic fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C.

What to do?

H start breakfast with a large orange. Every day, include sweet bell peppers and lemons in the menu. If want to eat cabbage- this may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in cabbage improves intestinal tone, tartronic acid helps digest food, and vitamin U helps heal ulcers. I want a lemon- possible problems with the gallbladder and liver. Lemon stimulates the production of digestive juices, while vitamin C reduces inflammation and destroys bacteria.

7. I want mussels, oysters, squid, shrimp

IN We are most likely deficient in iodine.

What to do?

P The best thing, of course, is to eat 150 g of mussels or 250 g of crab salad daily. But it is much cheaper to constantly use iodized salt and cook seaweed salads.

8. I want garlic, onion, mustard, hot red pepper

At you are about to develop a cold. You are overwhelmed by microbes and viruses, and your immunity requires phytoncides (natural disinfectants).

What to do?

P chewing on a clove of garlic will kill the germs in your mouth. In addition, add fresh onions, garlic and other hot spices wherever possible.

9. I want fermented milk: kefir, curdled milk, buttermilk

IN We are threatened with problems with the intestines, and the beneficial microbes living there call on lactic acid bacteria to help them.

What to do?

P pay for kefir, sour cream and yoghurts with bioadditives that restore normal microflora intestines.

10. I want coffee

At you have low blood pressure and a very active mental activity. You need an additional source of energy.

What to do?

P drink as much coffee as you want. The body will report an overdose with an accelerated heartbeat, and tomorrow you will drink less coffee. Try to get eight or more hours of sleep to keep your blood vessels toned and your blood pressure normal.

11. I want chocolate

IN You crave to love and experience reciprocal feelings. You lack physical affection, warmth, a sense of the joy of life. Chocolate contains stimulants that can cause positive emotions.

What to do?

H Do not deny yourself the pleasure, while remembering that there are a lot of calories in chocolate. Why do you want chocolate- your body asks for magnesium, and it is found in fresh nuts, beans and fruits. You want to eat chocolate if you get tired quickly, are depressed. Chocolate contains flavonoids that improve mood, cocoa helps produce the happy hormone serotonin.

12. I want seeds

AND the desire to gnaw seeds indicates a deficiency of vitamin E, which is expressed in dry skin.

What to do?

G cook salads on unrefined vegetable oil where the concentration of vitamin E is much higher.

If youwant to eat watermelon - it can be caused by kidney disease and Bladder. Watermelon pulp has a diuretic effect and does not allow the body to lose the potassium it needs.

13. I want ice cream

P the rush of love for ice cream speaks of an attempt to return to childhood. if you I want ice cream or when you I want cottage cheese the body signals a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis. The body needs calcium.

What to do?

IN Time cannot be reversed, so you will have to solve problems in the present. Load up on whole-grain bread - it will relieve fluctuations in blood glucose levels and calm the nerves.

14. I want a sandwich with butter, a cake with cream, butter cookies

E if you do not adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle (in which case your body is clearly yearning for saturated fat), then such a desire indicates a deficiency of vitamin D, which is necessary to strengthen immunity.

What to do?

P recoup natural butter for sandwiches. Drink tea or coffee with quality butter cookies (2-3 per day). Fatty cakes can be afforded a couple of times a month. But don't fool your body and make sure that cakes and cookies contain butter, not substitutes.

If you want carrots -possible problems with the skin, mucous membranes, as well as decreased vision, weakness. Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, useful for the skin and organs of vision.

What to do, if...

I want to eat meat . The protein and iron contained in meat foods are essential for building immune cells and maintaining energy in the body. I constantly want to eat meat with a lack of energy and a decrease in immunity.

IfI want oatmeal - problems with the gastrointestinal tract: exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer. Oatmeal envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting it, and fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If I want fish - nervous and mental fatigue. Fish contains a lot of phosphorus and iron, they improve the functioning of the nervous system, help effective work brain.

IfI want persimmons - possible vegetative-vascular problems, lack of energy, as well as dysbacteriosis. Persimmon has a lot of glucose, beneficial vitamins and minerals, tonic, strengthening blood vessels, pectin and fiber normalizes the work of the stomach.

I want to eat apples, I want melons with elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, problems with the heart and blood vessels. These fruits contain a lot of pectin, fiber, which bind and remove bad cholesterol from the body, reduce the risk of thrombosis, and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of stroke.

Even loss of appetite indicates a lack of vitamins B1 and B3, manganese and chlorine, and vice versa, overeating indicates a lack of silicon, tryptophan and tyrosine.

If your appetite increases before and during your period, then you are deficient in zinc.

If there is an unexpected craving for tobacco, it indicates a lack of silicon and tyrosine.

If you sometimes have a desire to eat a certain product, then you should listen to your body, sometimes in this way your body signals a lack of certain substances in the body or some internal malfunctions.