How is acute coronary heart disease manifested and why is it dangerous? Treatment of ischemic heart disease Is coronary heart disease treated?

Ischemic heart disease is a lack of blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle). The disease is very dangerous - for example, in acute development, coronary heart disease immediately leads to myocardial infarction, which causes death in middle-aged and elderly people.

Table of contents:

Causes of coronary heart disease

The main cause of the development of the disease in question is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which is accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and narrowing of their lumen.

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Of course, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries does not occur on its own - it is caused by malnutrition, bad habits, and a sedentary lifestyle.

It is noteworthy that coronary heart disease can occur acutely - in this case, we will talk about saving the patient's life. But quite often the disease under consideration has a gradual development - at first there is practically no narrowing of the lumen of the coronary artery, and the patient will experience only mild, non-intense symptoms during physical exertion, and after some time the disease will make itself felt even in absolute rest.

With coronary heart disease, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, which can affect the patient's well-being in different ways: it all depends on the form of coronary artery disease.

Silent coronary heart disease

It is also called asymptomatic, because the patient does not experience any inconvenience, cannot identify the exact symptoms, and generally considers himself to be absolutely healthy. This form of IHD is quite insidious - it can turn into an acute one at any time and then it will be difficult to save a person.

To prevent the most severe development of the clinical picture, doctors recommend visiting a cardiologist at least once every 6 months and undergoing a preventive examination - this will help identify incipient coronary heart disease and provide timely assistance.

angina pectoris

Regular attacks, chest pain, shortness of breath are characteristics of angina pectoris. This form of coronary heart disease can last for a long period, the patient will only complain about discomfort and deterioration in physical activity.

Unstable angina

A dangerous condition that may indicate the onset of myocardial infarction - at least doctors place a patient with signs of unstable angina in a medical institution and carry out not only treatment, but also round-the-clock monitoring of the work of the heart muscle.

Unstable angina is manifested by frequent attacks, each subsequent one will differ in the intensity of pain and the addition of unusual symptoms.

Arrhythmic form of coronary artery disease

It proceeds in the form of atrial fibrillation, is characterized by cardiac arrhythmias, can quickly and suddenly turn into a chronic form of leakage.

The arrhythmic form of coronary heart disease is often perceived by doctors as a signal for urgent action - the patient is placed in a medical institution, he is prescribed a full examination and competent treatment.

myocardial infarction

This form of coronary heart disease is the most dangerous for the normal life of the patient - myocardial infarction is the process of death of a section of the heart muscle, which always proceeds in an acute form. Myocardial infarction develops due to the separation of a plaque or thrombus from the wall of the coronary artery, which leads to blockage of its lumen.

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In this case, only professionals can help.

With a sharp decrease in the amount of blood supplied to the heart muscle due to complete blockage of the coronary artery, the heart stops and comes clinical death person.

Note:all these forms of coronary disease can occur/develop independently, but most often there is a combination. For example, angina pectoris and arrhythmia are often diagnosed at the same time, which, if left untreated, necessarily leads to myocardial infarction.

Symptoms of coronary heart disease

The disease under consideration can proceed quite secretly, therefore it is recommended to pay attention to even minor changes in the work of the heart. Warning symptoms are:

  • recurrent chest pain that may radiate to the arm, shoulder blade, or neck;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • burning sensation or heaviness in the chest;
  • intermittent feeling of lack of air;
  • feeling anxious for no apparent reason;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting of unknown etiology.

Treatment of coronary heart disease

When the first symptoms of the disease in question appear, after visiting a cardiologist and clarifying the diagnosis, the patient will be offered, first of all, to radically change his life - to adjust both his lifestyle and diet. Of course, both drug therapy and regular monitoring of the work of the heart will be prescribed, some folk remedies will also be effective in the treatment of coronary heart disease - therapy should be carried out in a complex manner.

Nutrition for IHD

The menu of a patient with diagnosed coronary heart disease should be based on the principle of rational nutrition, balanced consumption of foods with a low content of cholesterol, fat and salt.

It is necessary to exclude or significantly reduce the use of:

  • meat and fish dishes, including broths and soups;
  • rich and confectionery products;
  • Sahara;
  • semolina and rice dishes;
  • animal by-products (brains, kidneys, etc.);
  • spicy and salty snacks;
  • chocolate
  • cocoa;
  • coffee.

It is very important to include the following products in the menu:

Note:you need to eat with diagnosed coronary heart disease fractionally - 5-7 times a day, but in small portions. If there is excess weight, then it is imperative to get rid of it - this is a heavy burden on the kidneys, liver and heart.

We change the way of life

To prevent the development of the most severe forms of coronary heart disease, you need to follow only three rules:

  1. move more. Nobody says that you need to set Olympic records, but it is necessary to abandon the car, public transport and the elevator in favor of walking. You can’t immediately load your body with kilometers of roads traveled - let everything be within reason. In order for physical activity not to cause a deterioration in the condition (and this happens with ischemia!), be sure to get advice from your doctor about the correctness of the exercises.
  2. Leave your bad habits in the past. Smoking and drinking alcohol is like a blow that will definitely lead to a worsening of the condition. Even an absolutely healthy person does not get anything good from smoking and drinking alcohol, to say nothing of a sick heart.
  3. Take care of your nerves. Try to avoid stressful situations, learn to calmly respond to troubles, do not succumb to emotional outbursts. Yes, it's hard, but it is this tactic that can save a life. Talk to your doctor about taking sedative medicines or herbal teas with a calming effect.

Medical therapy

As a rule, patients with diagnosed coronary heart disease are prescribed nitroglycerin and its derivatives - medications that promote vasodilation. As a result, the blood flow through the coronary artery is significantly accelerated and improved, the heart muscle is fully supplied with oxygen.

The intake of acetylsalicylic acid will also be effective - it prevents vascular thrombosis and improves blood composition. As part of therapy, it can be prescribed and medicines that lower cholesterol levels.

note: there can be no question of any self-treatment! Any, even the most harmless at first glance, drugs should be prescribed by a specialist.


Do not forget that to support the work of the heart muscle, increase the lumen in the vessels and prevent thrombosis of the latter can be means belonging to the category of "traditional medicine". Of course, you need to consult with your doctor and get his approval in principle for the use of various decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants - this is an indispensable condition for achieving a therapeutic effect.

The most popular prescription drugs to take with coronary heart disease:

Take 1 tablespoon of dried fruits, pour 250-300 ml of boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours. It is better to cook everything in a thermos. Ready infusion is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze.

How to apply: 2 tablespoons of infusion three times a day 20 minutes before eating. Duration of admission - 30 days, then you need to take a break for 2-3 weeks.

Hawthorn is excellent for angina pectoris and in combination with motherwort herb - they are taken in 6 tablespoons, poured with 7 cups of boiling water and insisted for 10-12 hours. You need to take this decoction 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal preparations

Mix white mistletoe leaves (1 tablespoon) and buckwheat flowers (2 tablespoons), pour all 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10-12 hours (preferably overnight). You need to consume 2 tablespoons of infusion three times a day before meals.

Mix jaundice grass, sunflower reed flowers, dill seeds (2 tablespoons each) and coltsfoot leaves (1 tablespoon). 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. Take an infusion of ½ cup 3-5 times a day before meals.

Grind the corn root (40 grams), add lovage herb officinalis to it in the same amount, pour water so that the mass is completely immersed in it, cook for 8-10 minutes. Then the decoction is infused for 40-60 minutes and taken 1/3 cup three times a day after meals.

Mix horsetail, hawthorn flowers and herb mountaineer bird (each 20 g) and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. The resulting amount should be drunk during the day in small sips.

Note:all listed herbal preparations can be taken no more than 30 days in a row. Then you need to take a break, undergo a preventive examination and consult with your doctor about the advisability of further use.


With its help, inhalations are made, which will be useful for coronary heart disease and other diseases of the main organ in the body.

Grate 5 g of horseradish root on a fine grater, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then inhalations are done either over a wide and shallow basin (bowl) or over the spout of a teapot.

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease is the main thing in the whole process of treating this insidious disease. It is impossible at the very first pain in the chest to independently decide that the disease in question is developing. The most reasonable thing is to immediately contact a specialist to conduct a full examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

Acute coronary heart disease is a group of heart diseases that are caused by circulatory disorders, that is, a complete or partial cessation of blood flow to the heart. This includes focal dystrophy, coronary death. We will discuss this in more detail below.

What it is?

Acute coronary heart disease (CHD) is a pathological condition that occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. Due to the fact that blood flow is disturbed in the coronary arteries, the heart does not receive oxygen and nutrients in the right amount. And this leads to ischemia of the cells of the organ, which in the future is dangerous for the development of a heart attack, and death.

Men over 50 years of age are more susceptible to this disease, but its occurrence in women is also not excluded. To date, the disease has rejuvenated and is often found in young people.

Causes and risk factors

The main cause of acute ischemic disease is the narrowing of the coronary vessels responsible for the nutrition of the heart. Vascular stenosis is caused by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries, as well as by blockage of the lumen by a thrombus. When the amount of lipoproteins in the blood increases, the risk of developing coronary heart disease increases by 5 times.

The presence of certain diseases can become a predisposition to the occurrence of coronary heart disease:

  • diabetes;
  • heart diseases (malformations, tumors, endocarditis);
  • kidney failure;
  • chest trauma;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • aggravated lung disease.

The likelihood of developing acute coronary heart disease increases with the presence of certain factors. These include:

  • heredity;
  • elderly age;
  • overweight, improper diet;
  • addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction);
  • constant presence in stressful conditions;
  • the use of oral contraceptives by women;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • cardiac operations.


The disease has several types of course. It is important to identify them in order to choose the right treatment. There are the following types of cardiac ischemia:

  1. myocardial infarction is an acute condition that is necrosis of the heart muscle. It proceeds in 2 stages - 18-20 hours after the onset of acute ischemia, the death of muscle cells develops, and then the affected tissue is scarred. Often the cause of a heart attack is the detachment of a cholesterol plaque or blood clot, which disrupts the supply of oxygen to the heart. A heart attack can leave behind consequences such as aneurysm, cardiac failure, ventricular fibrillation, and this is dangerously fatal.
  2. Sudden coronary death- occurs within 6 hours after the onset of acute ischemia. It occurs as a result of prolonged spasm and narrowing of the coronary vessels. As a result, the ventricles begin to function uncoordinated, the blood supply worsens, and then stops altogether. Causes that can provoke coronary death:
  • ischemic process in the heart;
  • thrombosis of the pulmonary artery;
  • congenital defects;
  • chest trauma;
  • hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart muscle;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pericardial region;
  • vascular diseases;
  • severe intoxication;
  • tumor, infiltrative processes.

Death comes suddenly apparent reason within an hour after the manifestation of complaints.

  1. Focal myocardial dystrophy- is not an independent disease, but is manifested by pronounced cardiac signs along with other diseases (, tonsillitis, anemia)

All of these forms are a serious danger to the health and life of the patient. The lesion extends to the brain, kidneys and limbs. If timely medical assistance is not provided, the outcome can be disastrous.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

The main complaints in coronary heart disease will be the appearance of severe pain in the sternum and shortness of breath. Sometimes an attack of acute ischemia of the heart begins abruptly, that is, sudden death against the background of complete health. But in many cases, the state of health worsens with the appearance of some symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nervousness, anxiety;
  • cough;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • severe sweating;
  • , increase or decrease blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty inhaling or exhaling;
  • prostration;
  • fainting;
  • cold extremities.

Violation of the blood flow of the coronary vessels, which enrich the heart with oxygen, leads to myocardial dysfunction. Within half an hour, the cells are still viable, and then they begin to die.

Necrosis of all cells of the heart muscle lasts from 3 to 6 hours.


If the patient is concerned about any complaints for a certain time, you should consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps these are alarming bells of coronary heart disease.

Based on the accompanying complaints, examination and additional examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and selects the appropriate treatment. On examination, the cardiologist should pay attention to the presence of edema in the patient, coughing or wheezing, and also measure blood pressure. The next step should be the referral to laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. These include:

  1. Electrocardiogram - the precursors of acute ischemia or infarction in the course are evidenced by pathological teeth in the results of the study. Also, using an ECG, a specialist can determine the time of onset of the pathological process, the volume of damage to the heart muscle, and the localization of the focus.
  2. Ultrasonography heart - allows you to identify changes in the body, the structure of the chambers, the presence of scars and defects.
  3. Coronary angiography - makes it possible to assess the state of the coronary vessels, localization and degree of their narrowing, as well as to determine the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques in them.
  4. Computed tomography - reveals all of the above changes in the body, but more reliably and quickly.
  5. Blood test for cholesterol, sugar, protein enzymes.


The likelihood of complications depends on the extent of myocardial damage, the type of damaged vessel, and the time of emergency care.

In acute ischemia, the most common complication is myocardial infarction.

Also, the consequences of coronary disease include:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • violations in the work of the myocardium (conductivity, excitability, automatism);
  • dysfunction of contraction and relaxation of the chambers of the heart.

And the most dangerous and irreversible complication of this disease is acute heart failure, which can lead to death. About 75% of patients die from this complication of coronary artery disease.


If the patient or you are suddenly disturbed by pain in the heart, it is necessary to call an emergency medical service and provide first aid before the arrival of doctors. The outcome of the attack depends on how quickly it is provided.

The patient must be laid on a horizontal surface and provided with a flow fresh air. You can also put a Nitroglycerin tablet or Corvalol drops under his tongue.

Drug therapy for acute ischemic disease consists of the following drugs:

  1. Drugs that dilate the coronary vessels - Papaverine, Validol.
  2. Anti-ischemic drugs - Corinfar, Verapamil, Sustak.
  3. Drugs that have an effect on atherosclerosis - Probucol, Crestor, Cholestyramine.
  4. Antiplatelet agents - Curantyl, Aspirin, Thrombopol, Trental.
  5. Statins - Lovastatin, Atorvastatin.
  6. Antiarrhythmic drugs - Cordarone, Amirodarone, Difenin.
  7. ATP inhibitors - Captopril, Enalapril, Kapoten.
  8. Diuretics - Furosemide, Mannitol, Lasix.
  9. Anticoagulants - Heparin, Phenylin, Warfarin.
  10. Preparations for hypoxia - Mildronate, Cytochrome.

When there is no improvement from drug treatment, they resort to surgical interventions. There are 2 types of surgical treatment of acute ischemia of the heart:

  • Angioplasty - by this procedure, the narrowed coronary vessel is expanded and a stent is inserted there, which will continue to maintain a normal lumen.
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting - an anastomosis is applied between the aorta and the coronary vessel to provide full blood supply to the damaged artery by bypassing the damaged area.

At home, together with medicines, with the permission of the attending physician, methods can be used traditional medicine. They are aimed at stabilizing blood pressure and improving metabolism. The following compositions are recommended:

  1. Garlic tincture. Take 50 grams of garlic, grate and pour 150 grams of vodka. Leave to thaw in a dark cool place for three days. Ready infusion take 8 drops 3 times a day for a week.
  2. Herbal complex from ischemic heart disease. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions the grass of motherwort, hawthorn and chamomile. To prepare a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of dry extract into 150 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for about 20 minutes. Then strain and drink the entire volume on an empty stomach. Take this composition until the condition improves.

During the treatment of an acute period of coronary heart disease, as well as for the rest of his life, the patient must adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This refers to the observance of a balanced diet. That is, this is a restriction on the intake of daily amounts of liquid and salt, the exclusion of fast carbohydrates and animal fats. It is also necessary to minimize physical exercise, as they create an additional load on the work of the myocardium.


In most cases, the acute course of coronary artery disease ends in serious consequences and even death. An unfavorable prognosis awaits the patient if the disease developed due to arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and impaired fat metabolism. It should be remembered that it is in the power of doctors to slow down the progression of the disease, but not to cure it.


In order to prevent coronary heart disease, both in healthy people and in people at risk, you need to follow simple but effective recommendations:

  • to eradicate such addictions as smoking, love of alcoholic beverages;
  • alternate work with leisure;
  • introduce more vitamins, dairy products into the diet and exclude harmful foods;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle add physical activity;
  • maintain normal body weight;
  • control blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • periodically undergo preventive examinations and take an ECG.

Compliance with these simple points prevents the likelihood of developing acute coronary disease and improving the lives of any category of people. For people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, prevention measures should become a way of life. Only in this case, you can live many more healthy years.

The state of the whole organism depends on the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Pathologies associated with the heart sometimes develop for decades without pronounced symptoms. But one day, deviations in the full functioning of the cardiac and vascular sphere can lead to a crisis, the consequence of which is often disability or death. One of these pathologies is coronary heart disease. Let us consider in detail what is ischemia of the heart.

What is IBS

Ischemic heart disease (CHD) what is it? The first letters of the definition of pathology are usually used when abbreviating the concept, that is, IHD is coronary heart disease. Ischemic heart disease is a condition where the blood supply to the middle muscle layer of the heart (myocardium) is disrupted. The main cause of coronary artery disease, due to which the blood circulation in the myocardium fails, is the defeat of the coronary arteries. As a result, there is an imbalance between the metabolic needs of the heart muscle and the full supply of oxygen and nutrients. Delivery of all necessary resources to the myocardium is carried out by means of blood flow through the coronary arteries.

What exactly is cardiac ischemia? This is a condition when less oxygen enters the bloodstream than the myocardium needs for normal functioning. In fact, myocardial ischemia is due to its oxygen starvation. Pathology is acute, leading to myocardial infarction (transmural or small-focal), and chronic coronary artery disease, when periodic angina can be observed. At the same time, it can manifest itself as pain attacks in the region of the heart, due to insufficient supply of the main heart muscle with blood substance.

Chronic state of ischemic heart disease

Chronic ischemic heart disease develops with age and as a result of lack of treatment or non-compliance with the prescribed course of therapy. Chronic ischemia can be present in a patient for a long time and in a form that is not always manifested by pain, which lulls vigilance. Therefore, persons at risk of developing a chronic form of coronary artery disease must completely abandon bad habits, change the diet towards the predominance of plant products. And also increase physical activity at least take daily walks.

And besides everything, with such a disease as chronic ischemia, it is required to periodically conduct blood tests for cholesterol levels and other necessary examinations.

Complications in HIBS (chronic ischemia):

  • Postinfarction or diffuse cardiosclerosis.
  • Violation of the heart rhythm due to narrowing of the gaps in the arteries.
  • Death of heart muscle cells (myocardial necrosis).
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Sudden cardiac arrest.

Based on the list of complications, it becomes clear how chronic ischemia is a dangerous cardiac disease. It is also insidious because one drug therapy in any case will not be enough. To maintain normal myocardial tone, you will need to strictly adhere to a healthy lifestyle. And the fulfillment of this condition will entirely fall on the patient and will require him to systematically observe the correct daily routine, diet and physical activity. This is where the danger lies, since not every person is ready to radically change their usual life, especially if the signs of coronary heart disease are still only slightly felt.

Causes of coronary heart disease

Among cardiovascular pathologies, myocardial ischemia is one of the most common. According to statistics given by scientists in the field of medicine, ischemic syndrome and, in addition, cerebral stroke are characterized by the highest mortality or disability rate in almost 90% of cases. The culprits of such a huge value of mortality are often the people themselves, who are at risk. But, despite the individual predisposition, due to heredity or the wrong way of being. They neglect the warnings and recommendations of doctors to eliminate the factors that cause chronic ischemia.

Clinical causes of ischemia:

Causes Description
Atherosclerosis of myocardial arteries Chronic disease of the coronary vessels that carry arterial blood to the heart muscle. This pathology is characterized by a loss of elasticity and thickening of the arterial walls. The narrowing of the blood passage in the arteries is due to atherosclerotic plaques, which are formed from compounds of fats and calcium.
Tachycardia contributing to palpitations With an increase in heart rate, the myocardium needs an increased blood supply to meet metabolic needs.
Spasms of the coronary arteries A sudden contraction of the smooth muscles lining the vessels, which leads to a narrowing of its lumen and impaired blood flow. It usually occurs as a result of stress, hypothermia, smoking, intoxication, taking certain medications, and others.
Thrombosis Blockage of the coronary vessels can be caused by the breakage of an atherosclerotic plaque located in absolutely any vessel, and the transfer of this thrombus with the bloodstream to the myocardial artery. Thrombus detachment occurs most often when it reaches a critical size.

Factors provoking ischemic pathologies of the heart muscle:

  • genetic predisposition.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Too much cholesterol.
  • Lack of insulin.
  • Lack of physical mobility (physical inactivity), sedentary lifestyle.
  • Frequent consumption of fatty foods of animal origin.
  • Regular stressful situations.
  • Large body weight.
  • Elderly age.

The male part of the population has a greater tendency to heart pathologies. So, according to some reports, at the age of 35–45, the ratio of mortality among men and women from coronary heart disease is 5:1. Among the more advanced age category of representatives of both sexes, this figure is already 2:1.

Cases of coronary heart disease in women are observed during menopause, when monthly blood renewal ceases. Signs of coronary heart disease in men are found more often due to an unhealthy lifestyle, the systematic use of heavy food, addiction to smoking and alcohol, and also because of the frequent exposure to stress in the process. labor activity. After considering what constitutes coronary heart disease symptoms and treatment, this is the next step to take to restore the health of the heart muscle.

Signs of ischemic heart disease

What are the main alarming symptoms of coronary heart disease signal the presence of pathology? Myocardial ischemia is often characterized by an abnormal pulse. As a rule, a person may feel too frequent or intermittent heartbeats. Signs of ischemia are often expressed by chest pain in the left hypochondrium. Painful signs of coronary artery disease sometimes manifest themselves during physical exertion, not necessarily associated with sports exercises. It happens that discomfort in the region of the heart is felt when climbing stairs or any other hill. By nature, such sensations resemble pressing or squeezing pain, they can be given to the left or both arms, neck, lower jaw, to the shoulder from the side of the heart.

The most common symptoms of cardiac ischemia include:

  • Pain in the region of the heart, lingering longer than 5-10 minutes.
  • Difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath.
  • Nausea, accompanied by weakness and sweating.
  • Dizziness with clouding of consciousness, sometimes leading to fainting.
  • Perceptible interruptions in the work of the heart.

Symptoms of cardiac ischemia, rather related to the consequences, are expressed in cardiac arrest or cessation of blood circulation due to a rapid heart rate, reaching up to 300 heart beats per minute. Such a pathology is usually not recoverable and leads to fatal consequences.

Therefore, one should not underestimate the slightest manifestations of tachycardia and eliminate the source of the deviation in time.

The presence of IHD symptoms can be detected several at the same time. With such a development of events, it is urgent to take appropriate measures, among which a visit to a cardiologist is recommended, or, at least, an initial rejection of bad habits and fatty foods. In case of suspected ischemic heart disease, it will most likely be needed to eliminate the symptoms and carry out the treatment in full.

Therapy for coronary heart disease

How to treat coronary heart disease? Many people who worry about their health ask themselves the question: “Is it really possible to cure coronary heart disease completely?” It will be optimistic to answer whether it is possible to cure such a pathology as myocardial ischemia - it is possible. But only if the patient's condition is not brought to the extreme degree of the pathological process. The success of IHD treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the sooner a person starts therapy for ischemia of the heart, then the treatment will be much more effective. With the development of irreversible processes, the treatment of coronary heart disease is carried out using mechanical manipulations.

Treatment of myocardial ischemia by surgical methods:

  • Coronary artery bypass grafting, which consists in excising a damaged segment of the circulatory system, in particular a deformed vessel, with its replacement with an artificial analogue.
  • Endovascular surgical method is a complex operation performed in the vessel cavity, but without its dissection.
  • Angioplasty is used to expand the lumen of the vascular area by blowing it.

In not advanced cases, the treatment of cardiac ischemia may be limited to the use of one or a combination of the following agents:

  1. Aspirin for blood thinning.
  2. Means that eliminate excess cholesterol.
  3. Drugs that reduce blood pressure.
  4. Nitroglycerin and other nitrates to eliminate pain in angina pectoris.

How to treat ischemia of the heart at home? In addition to surgical or drug treatment of ischemic heart disease, the patient will be prescribed special diet, consisting of a meal with a moderate content of cholesterol and minimizing animal products.

The severity of the diet and the degree of physical activity in coronary heart disease will directly depend on the stage pathological condition patient. The greater the degree of damage to blood vessels, coronary arteries and myocardium, the easier cardio training should be, which is better to start with long walks in fresh air. It is strictly not allowed to walk near highways, near hazardous enterprises and other industrial and gassed objects in order to restore the myocardium, the purest ozone is needed.

Diagnosis of coronary artery disease is possible only after the conclusion of a cardiologist. The doctor, as a result of studying the totality of all the information received, will confirm the presence of coronary heart disease or establish other causes that affect the patient's state of malaise. Diagnostic methods include: clarification of disturbing symptoms, interpretation of blood test results (for cholesterol, blood sugar, AST and ALT, triglycerides and other substances), the use of instrumental diagnostic methods (ECG, echocardiography, ultrasound of the heart, coronary angiography, stress tests and other procedures ). In the case of a diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, the patient will be assigned individual therapy. But even if the suspicions of coronary artery disease are not confirmed, each person should remember that the normal state of the cardiovascular system directly depends on a healthy lifestyle.

In contact with

When the vessels that feed the heart begin to narrow, the blood flow to the myocardium is disrupted, which leads to the emergence of various cardiovascular pathologies, united under the concept of "ischemic heart disease".

Causes of ischemia

The most common cause of coronary heart disease (CHD) is the development of atherosclerosis. When the disease occurs, damage to the arteries occurs: the walls of the vessels become denser, the gaps in the arteries are greatly narrowed, and the general blood flow is disturbed. Oxygen starvation occurs in the heart muscle, which leads to the appearance of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are more than 30 causes that trigger the processes of atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries. Main reasons:

  • Smoking. In the vessels, nicotine provokes a spasm. Contained in tobacco, carbon monoxide causes damage to the walls of blood vessels, and this increases the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Age. With age, the arterial walls become thinner, irreversible processes begin in the body, the risk of developing and developing various ailments increases significantly. Dangerous for coronary heart disease is considered to be over 55 years old (for women) and over 45 years old (for men).
  • Hypertension. The constant increase in pressure, if left untreated, leads to rapid wear of the walls of the arteries and accelerates the aging process.
  • Heredity. A certain contingent of people whose relatives suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system have a high risk of developing coronary heart disease.
  • Constant and chronic stressful situations. In the process of stress, arteries are destroyed. Often people try to "relieve stress" through alcohol, smoking, or overeating. All these factors together lead to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Physical inactivity and overeating put a strain on the heart and blood vessels.
  • The presence of cholesterol in the blood. The formation of cholesterol plaques is one of the main factors in the development of atherosclerosis.

Taking hormonal contraceptives, chronic infections, and increased blood clotting can also trigger coronary disease.

In men, the risk of atherosclerosis and ischemia is several times higher than in women (usually the risk occurs during menopause). This is due to hormonal factors, differences in lifestyle and some genetic characteristics.

There are cases that coronary heart disease occurs in people without bad habits, thin build, with normal pressure and fairly high physical activity. Here, the causes of the disease lie in a change in the composition of the blood: blood test indicators can indicate the risk of developing coronary disease, and the doctor will prescribe preventive measures to prevent it.

Symptoms of coronary artery disease

The disease goes through several stages, depending on this, the symptoms of coronary heart disease are classified as follows:

1. Asymptomatic stage. The disease does not make itself felt, although cholesterol plaques are already beginning to appear in the vessels, which are still too small to clog the passage.

2. First manifestations. The sizes of plaques increase, the artery is already closed almost by half. Heart failure begins to develop, symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the sternum (radiating to the back, left arm, etc.);
  • Dyspnea;
  • severe dizziness;
  • Frequent unstable heartbeats;
  • excessive sweating;
  • Clouding of consciousness (pre-fainting state) or fainting.

3. Progression of the disease. The gaps in the artery are getting smaller, the work of the heart is deteriorating. On the background pain swelling occurs behind the sternum, shortness of breath bothers even at rest, tachycardia attacks appear more often, unreasonable anxiety and fear of death begin to appear.

4. The final stage. At this stage, the likelihood of critical conditions (myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac arrest) increases. Manifestations:

  • Sudden uncontrolled pressure surges;
  • Severe pain in the sternum (manifested in any condition);
  • Atrial fibrillation.

All of the above symptoms of coronary heart disease do not manifest themselves simultaneously - in a certain form of coronary heart disease, one or the other signs may predominate.

Classification of coronary heart disease

Ischemic disease includes several clinical forms that manifest themselves in different ways:

In women, the manifestations of ischemia are more vague and not permanent. There is weakness and frequent fatigue, which can cause the disease to be confused with the usual flu or indisposition from overwork. Therefore, in women, coronary artery disease is diagnosed more often already in the later stages, when immediate treatment is required.

Often, forms of coronary disease can pass one into another (acute coronary syndrome): angina attacks, for example, can be replaced by a heart attack or even sudden death.


Before treating IHD, a cardiologist prescribes a number of diagnostic measures aimed at identifying the form and stage of the disease.

How is ischemia diagnosed?

  • Drawing up an anamnesis: clarification of complaints and determination of the causes leading to the onset of the disease, the presence of cardiovascular diseases in relatives.
  • Initial examination: heart murmurs are heard, the presence of wheezing in the lungs is determined, the presence of edema is checked, pressure is measured.
  • Ordering blood and urine tests. Studies of indicators make it possible to establish signs of coronary heart disease, to detect probable complications and prerequisites for the onset of the disease.
  • Electrocardiogram: determines the electrical activity of the heart, reveals disturbances in the functioning of the myocardium. If ischemia manifests itself exclusively during stress, an ECG with stress is prescribed: the patient performs certain physical efforts, and the device simultaneously records the performance of the heart.
  • Echocardiogram. Ultrasonic waves help to study the work of the heart muscle in real time: to study blood flows inside the heart, assess the state of blood vessels, and identify a possible heart attack. An echocardiogram, just like an ECG, can be done with exercise.
  • Coronary angiography: evaluates the state of the myocardium and vascular patency by introducing a special dye into the vessels. The procedure can cause complications, so it is usually performed when there are indications for surgery.
  • MRI and computed tomography: allows you to more accurately assess the condition in which the coronary arteries are located.
  • Holter monitoring: detects violations of the heart muscle in dynamics. The patient during the day wears a special device that records changes in the work of the heart in vivo, which allows you to quickly identify the prerequisites for the onset of pathology.

After the examination, the diagnosis of "ischemic heart disease" is not made - there must be a decoding of the disease: IHD: exertional angina, IHD: myocardial infarction, etc.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of coronary heart disease is a set of specific measures, the purpose of which is to regulate the necessary blood flow to the myocardium in order to prevent the development of additional pathologies.

There are the following directions of treatment of ischemic disease:

  1. Non-drug therapy.
  2. Therapy with medications.
  3. Operative (surgical) intervention.

All these measures are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, eliminating the factors that cause the disease, and reducing mortality from ischemia.

Non-drug therapy

These include activities aimed at adjusting lifestyle:

  • Regular physical activity (cardio training, gymnastics, swimming).
  • Change in nutrition. The transition from junk food (fatty, salty, smoked) to the introduction of more fruits, vegetables, fish, grains into the diet. In heart failure, water intake should be limited to reduce the load on the heart muscles.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Stress management. You should reduce as much as possible the number of stressful situations (at work and in the family). Meditation, yoga, and taking sedatives will help.

At different forms ah coronary heart disease activity mode should be limited, tk. with strong physical exertion, there is an increase in the need of the heart muscle for blood supply, which can increase the manifestations of coronary disease. Physical exercises should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, and the load should be increased gradually in the process of rehabilitation measures.

Therapy with drugs

Drugs that carry out therapy for coronary artery disease are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Antiplatelet agents (drugs that reduce clotting and prevent the development of blood clots): aspirin, ticlopedin, dipyridamole, pentoxifylline, iloprost.
  2. Anti-ischemic drugs (reduce oxygen demand in the heart muscle): β-blockers (relieve pain, dilate blood vessels, restore heart rhythm) or calcium antagonists (used if there are contraindications to taking beta-blockers or if they are not effective enough). The drugs in this group include: nebivolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol.
  3. Hypocholesterolemic drugs (cholesterol-lowering drugs): statins, bile acid sequestrants, fibrates, etc.

Additionally, diuretics, nitrates, antiarrhythmics can be prescribed - in the absence of contraindications to admission.

Popular drugs for ischemia:

  • Thrombo ASS;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • bisoprolol;
  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • Nebivolol;
  • Carvedilol;
  • Aspigrel;
  • Agrenox.

It is advisable for a patient with ischemia to have nitroglycerin tablets in the medicine cabinet - they have the ability to relax blood vessels, relieve angina attacks and pain syndrome.

Surgical intervention

If drug therapy fails and there is a risk of developing a heart attack, surgery is prescribed:

  • Coronary angioplasty (or PTCA). The procedure is both diagnostic and therapeutic. A special frame-stent is installed in the blocked artery, which keeps the walls of the vessel from re-narrowing.
  • Aorto-coronary bypass. With the help of a surgical operation, the blood supply to the heart muscle is restored by creating a bypass channel through which blood will be delivered to the myocardium.

Depending on the indications, stage and form of coronary artery disease, other surgical measures can be used: minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting, brachytherapy, transmyocardinal laser revascularization, etc.

Measures to prevent ischemia

Prevention of ischemia is a set of measures that eliminate risk factors for the onset of the disease and prevent complications. First of all, this is a change in lifestyle and compliance with simple rules:

  • You can not drink alcohol in large quantities, and cigarettes should be abandoned altogether.
  • You can’t worry and get annoyed over trifles - stress and excessive emotional stress should be avoided.
  • Physical activity cannot be avoided - they must be strictly dosed and include regular cardio training, swimming, gymnastics, etc.
  • You can not eat junk food (fried, spicy, salty) - you should include more cereals, fish, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  • You can not overeat - it is necessary to maintain optimal body weight and prevent obesity.

Ischemia is very dangerous and can lead to serious complications. However, if the patient complies with all the doctor's instructions regarding treatment and preventive measures, this will definitely protect him from myocardial infarction and other serious consequences. Not a single remedy can protect against ischemia if the patient does not change his habits and does not choose a healthy lifestyle.

Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is a real scourge of our time. They talk about it much less than about cancer or AIDS, but according to statistics, death from heart disease occupies a leading place in Russia, and in half of the cases the disease that led to death was coronary artery disease.

Causes, groups and risk factors

Ischemic heart disease is a blockage of the coronary artery, which leads to, that is, the necrosis of part of the heart muscle due to oxygen starvation. This can lead to:

  • Smoking. Sudden death syndrome from heart disease occurs 5 times more often in those who smoke regularly. The reason for this is the effect of nicotine on blood vessels. It damages their tissues, narrows, provokes the development of atherosclerosis. Especially strong is the effect of nicotine on women. They have a degree of damage to the vessels of the heart from smoking 2 times more than men.

    23% of deaths from coronary artery disease are caused by the daily intake of a dose of nicotine and combustion products into the body.

  • Excess weight. Obesity is a sign of lipid metabolism disorders. Fat cells enter the bloodstream and can cause thrombosis of the heart arteries, which leads to a heart attack. The danger arises when the overweight index exceeds 0.25. It is calculated by the formula: weight (kilogram) / height (meters) squared.
  • Constant stress state. Nervous strain causes narrowing of the coronary vessels. If they already have cholesterol plaques, then this process can accelerate blockage.
  • Sedentary lifestyle because it contributes to the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.

Particularly susceptible to coronary artery disease and are at risk:

  • People with hereditary predisposition. Direct relatives who have had myocardial infarctions, or who have suffered from angina pectoris, are a warning about vascular problems inherent in this genotype.
  • Men. Statistically confirmed that most often. The chances are equalized when a woman begins menopause.
  • Dyslipidemics. These are people with elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, an imbalance in its fractions, an increase in triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The norm of cholesterol is 5 mmol / liter, triglycerides - no higher than 1.7 mmol / liter, LDL - 3 mmol / liter for those who have not had a myocardial infarction and no more than 1.8 mmol / liter for those who have already suffered so clear manifestation of IBS.
  • Diabetics. Diabetes mellitus at least 2 times increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Moreover, it often leads to a set excess weight(especially type II).
  • . The higher the blood pressure, the more likely it is to develop coronary heart disease and heart attacks. It must be maintained no higher than 140/90, but it is advisable to lower it to 120/80-130/80.
  • Aged people. With age, due to adverse environmental factors, bad habits, and poor nutrition, vascular wear occurs and the likelihood of thrombosis increases.


Since 1984, there has been a unified classification of forms of coronary heart disease:

  1. Sudden coronary death also known as primary cardiac arrest. This definition includes the cessation of the work of the heart muscle during an attack, or within 6 hours after it. It can be of the following types, depending on the consequences:
    • death;
    • successful resuscitation.
  2. angina pectoris. It manifests itself in the form of a sharp or pulling pain in the chest, extending to the left arm, neck and jaw. The diagnostic sign is that the pain syndrome appears during physical activity (running, walking, climbing stairs), and disappears after taking nitroglycerin or rest.
    There are the following types of angina pectoris:
    • - the most dangerous period of coronary artery disease, which can end in a fatal heart attack. The pain attack lasts from 1 to 10 minutes, the pain is characterized as pressing or burning. The reason is the poor permeability of blood through an artery or vessel due to lipid accumulations. Unstable angina is divided into new onset, early postinfarction and progressive.
    • Diagnosed if symptoms do not develop within 2 months. The reason is the same as for the unstable form. The pain appears with loads on the body and lasts 5-10 minutes. It has 4 severity classes. At the first moderate physical activity is allowed, the symptomatology of the fourth class suggests the maximum restriction of movements, since angina pectoris can occur even at rest.
    • occurs regardless of whether there was a physical load or nervous strain. Otherwise, it is also called variable, spontaneous, Prinzmetal's angina. This type is considered rare, it is characteristic of only 2% of patients with angina pectoris.
    • Coronary syndrome X or is a pathology in which an imbalance in the supply of oxygen to the cells of the heart (ischemia) was not provoked by arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis. The cause of coronary syndrome X has not been established. There are several theories on this subject: anatomical or metabolic disorders in the vessels, increased pain sensitivity. Women are more susceptible to this type of angina pectoris.
  3. myocardial infarction, that is, necrosis of part of the tissues of the heart muscle caused by oxygen starvation. Usually death occurs half an hour after the onset of an attack, which, unlike angina pectoris, is not blocked by taking nitroglycerin. But there are atypical heart attacks, in which there is no pain in the sternum, but there is shortness of breath, pain in the abdomen, confusion of speech and consciousness. With the last symptoms, it can be confused with. Due to diabetes, a “silent” myocardial infarction can occur, that is, there will be no signs of the death of heart tissue.
    Depending on the degree of tissue damage, there are:
    • Small-focal infarction - diagnosed when the occlusion of the vessel was incomplete, there were bypass routes for blood flow in the affected area, or there was a blockage of the small branches of the artery, which did not lead to large-scale tissue necrosis.
    • Large-focal myocardial infarction implies complete or significant damage to the heart muscle. It is extremely dangerous, in 30-40% of cases this type of heart attack ends with the death of the patient on the very first day after the attack.
  4. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis manifests itself if myocardial infarction has passed relatively well. It is diagnosed after 2-4 months. After an attack. Such scars are dangerous in themselves, as they can interfere with the normal functioning of the heart muscle. A scar that is too large leads to an aneurysm of the heart. It is removed operably, otherwise it can burst and kill a person.
    Depending on the location of the scars on the heart, there are various symptoms of postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Attacks of cardiac asthma may occur, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, edema of the lower extremities, atrioventricular blockade, acrocyanosis appear.

  5. Heart failure occurs when the body's metabolic requirements are greater than the activity of the heart muscle can provide. That is, the frequency and strength of heart beats is not enough to drive enough blood through the body and enrich all tissues with oxygen and nutrients. There are 4 classes, 2 stages (chronic and acute) and 3 types of localization (left ventricular, right ventricular and mixed) of heart failure. The main symptoms are severe shortness of breath and cardiac arrhythmias.
  6. stand out in a separate form of IHD. The main forms are tachycardia (increase) and bradycardia (deceleration). Also, arrhythmias are divided depending on the place and causes of occurrence.
  7. Painless form of myocardial ischemia is a special type of manifestation of IHD. It has all the causes and consequences of coronary disease, but the patient has no pain syndrome at all. This is associated with the death of nerve cells in previous heart attacks, short manifestations of ischemia (less than 3 minutes), a decrease in receptors that recognize adenosine (an activator of painful impulses), or a decrease in the production of adenosine, the release of natural painkillers by the body, the influence of toxins and the reaction to drugs.
  8. Acute coronary syndrome- this is a combination and constant or one-time joint course of various forms of coronary heart disease. Often, angina pectoris is accompanied by arrhythmia and can result in myocardial infarction or postinfarction cardiosclerosis and stable angina pectoris with concomitant chronic heart failure, which are observed simultaneously.


Ischemic disease can progress very slowly, for example, over decades. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the first signs of coronary artery disease, which often appear in combination. These include:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
  • sweating;
  • sudden fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • cloudiness of consciousness;
  • leg swelling.

In the process of development of IHD, the above forms appear with their own characteristic symptoms. Most often, they are heart rhythm failures and retrosternal pain, which radiates to the arm, neck, jaw, and even teeth.

Ischemic heart disease has an undulating course, which means periods of exacerbation and normal well-being. They can be related to the weather, sleep and nutrition, the level of physical activity, the course of diseases that led to the development of coronary artery disease.

In women, exacerbations of heart disease are often associated with the period of the menstrual cycle or the onset of menopause.


Diagnosis always begins with an examination and questioning of the patient. It is important not only to determine the presence of ischemia, but also to find out the specific form of the disease for the correct treatment.

Then you need to donate blood for tests to find out the content of sugar, cholesterol and enzymes characteristic of angina pectoris.

If you suspect the presence of heart disease appoint:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG). It is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart. The procedure takes several minutes. Conductors are attached to the chest, legs and arms, and a special device records the work of the heart.
  • There is a variation of the ECG with stress. She is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. A person undergoes an ECG while doing physical activity, usually they are running on a treadmill.
  • If the previous test did not give a clear result, then the patient is injected with a radionuclide, thallium isotope is usually used, which is why this diagnostic method has a second name - thallium examination. After, the sick person spends some time in a calm state, and the second part of the test involves a load. At this time, it is filmed by a special camera. Based on the analysis of the record, a diagnosis is made. There are cases when the direct implementation of physical exercises is impossible, due to age, excessive excess weight or injuries. Then the subject is injected with drugs that simulate the load: dobutamine, adenosine, dipyridamole.
  • Holter ECG. This examination is prescribed if a person complains of occasional arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fainting and other symptoms of coronary artery disease.
  • The subject is put on a device that records all changes in the heart rhythm during the day. Along the way, the patient keeps a diary. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made. Diagnostics can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital. Depending on the state of health of the patient.

This method of diagnosis allows you to identify what situations of everyday life provoke seizures, how they affect the work of the heart muscle.

  • Ultrasound of the heart. Thanks to him, in 85% of cases, the degree of heart damage is accurately determined. On ultrasound, you can see scars, clogged vessels, dystrophy of individual sections of the heart muscle.
  • MRI of the heart. Carried out under the influence of frequency radio pulses and a magnetic field. As a result of information processing on a computer, images of the heart, blood vessels and pericardial tissues are obtained.
  • Coronography. A catheter with an iodine-containing contrast agent is inserted into the artery of the inguinal zone and brought to the cardiac artery, where the drug is released into the bloodstream. This method gives a clear picture of the state of the vessels of the heart.
  • High quality computed radiography. This diagnostic method has become available only recently. An x-ray beam scans the heart at high speed. The data obtained make it possible to create a detailed three-dimensional model of the organ and its sections.


IHD therapy involves reducing the oxygen consumed by the heart or creating conditions for its greater access. Conventionally, treatment can be divided into several groups.

Conservative medical treatment

It includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Antiplatelet agents. They are designed to remove the viscosity of the blood, to make it less thick. These include clopidogrel, acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Diuretics. Necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. This reduces the load on the myocardium.
  • Anticoagulants. A proven heparin is usually prescribed. It perfectly thins the blood and prevents thrombosis.
  • Beta blockers. These drugs reduce the frequency of myocardial contractions. These include metoprolol, carvedilol. But, they can not be taken in diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Nitrates. The main one is nitroglycerin. It relieves an attack of angina pectoris, as it dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, taking this drug with low blood pressure is prohibited.
  • Beds and fibrators. They are designed to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Non-drug methods

These include:

  • massages;
  • quantum therapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • shock wave treatment;
  • increased external counterpulsation.

Preliminary consultation with the attending physician is required.

Surgical intervention

It is resorted to, as a last resort, if drug treatment has not shown a positive trend. There are such types of surgery:

  1. An operation that removes a blockage in a blood vessel is called bypass. The patient's own veins removed from the thigh or internal mammary artery act as shunts. Shunting is of 2 types:
    • Coronary. During it, the coronary vessels are connected by shunts to the external ones.
    • Aortocoronary - fastening of the aorta and coronary artery.
  2. Balloon vascular dilatation method. It involves the introduction of special substances through a balloon. These drugs expand the damaged vessel.
  3. Percutaneous intraluminal angioplasty is an operation to introduce a metal ring that restores the lumen in the vessel and maintains it.

Folk remedies

Before using any method of alternative medicine, the patient should consult with the attending cardiologist and therapist.

It should be remembered that medicinal herbs do not give a quick therapeutic effect.

The most common folk remedies:

  • hawthorn tea. Regular use with weekly breaks once a month is allowed. Hawthorn fruits normalize blood pressure, increase blood supply to the coronary vessels. When brewing, motherwort can be added to it, which calms the nervous system. Tea can be drunk cold or hot, but sweeteners should not be added to it. If there is inflammation in the body, then ordinary chamomile flowers are added.
  • Heather decoction. After brewing, it is insisted for a day. Then you can use 50 milliliters per day. Heather helps regulate heart rhythms.
  • Garlic removes cholesterol from the body, dilates blood vessels. To prepare it in the most useful way for the treatment of ischemia, it is necessary to grind, mix with honey in equal proportions and put in a cool dark place for 7 days. After taking 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day.

Medicinal herbs useful in IHD include sweet clover, linden, meadowsweet, raspberries, horsetail, oregano, moritz, and a letter.

  1. You can not play sports, overstrain physically and emotionally. On initial stages development of the disease, walking, cycling and swimming are allowed.
  2. Follow a prescribed diet that excludes:
    • salty;
    • smoked meats;
    • fried food;
    • fast digestible carbohydrates (chocolate, pastries, cakes, cookies, etc.);
    • animal fats ( butter, lard, fatty meats).
  3. If you are overweight, your daily calorie intake is reduced in order to lose weight.
  4. It is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium, potassium, fiber and proteins:
    • nuts;
    • grenades;
    • citruses;
    • seaweed;
    • seafood.

    Any diet will be powerless if a person does not give up passive or active smoking, drinking alcohol.

  5. Stick to a daily routine and sleep well. Sleep is very beneficial for vascular health.

Forecast how long they live

It is impossible to say unequivocally who and how long will live with coronary heart disease. It develops individually. The prognosis is generally considered unfavorable, since the disease is chronic.

Treatment involves a complete change in the habits and daily routine of the patient. He must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, regularly undergo examinations and take courses of drugs.

It is also important what form the IHD took and how quickly it was detected. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the easier it is to stop the development of the disease.

Possible Complications

It is difficult to talk about complications in the context of the disease, the forms of which are heart attack and cardiac arrest. By itself, IHD is already terrible in its manifestations.

But myocardial ischemia can create favorable conditions for the appearance and development of:

  • congestive gastritis;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal dropsy;
  • stroke.


The most effective prevention is to eliminate the causes that can trigger the development of coronary heart disease. This will require:

  • Quit nicotine addiction.
  • Avoid alcohol intoxication.
  • Monitor weight, cholesterol and sugar levels.
  • Eat properly.
  • Exercise moderately to control body weight, but not overstrain the heart muscle.
  • Normalize the daily routine so that there is enough time left for sleep and leisure.
  • Find a way to psycho-emotional unloading. It can be a hobby, travel, sessions with a psychotherapist.
  • Start keeping a blood pressure diary. Data is entered in the morning and evening, if sharp jumps are noticed, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

In addition to all of the above, it is very important to observe your mental state. Stressful work, difficulties in the family, crises in creativity - all this first of all strikes at the heart. You should learn an even internal approach to life's troubles, or, if possible, change the traumatic environment to a more gentle one.

You can find out more information about the nature, causes and course of coronary heart disease by watching the video:

Ischemic heart disease is a life-threatening disease caused by lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. IHD is difficult to diagnose, treatment depends on the degree of its neglect. For timely detection of violations, you should regularly visit a cardiologist and monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood.