Where does the soul go after death? What does a person feel when he dies? clinical death. Last minutes of life. Soreness with various deaths

After passing away loved one our consciousness does not want to put up with the fact that it is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and the living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider it as a small particle of the Divine consciousness. On Earth, the soul manifests itself through the best qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, the ability to forgive. Creative skills are considered a gift from God, which means that they are also realized through the soul.

It is immortal, but the human body has a finite lifespan. Therefore, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Major theories about afterlife

Myths and religious beliefs of peoples offer their own vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of death and ending with the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Judgment

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the heavenly court at which one's earthly deeds are judged. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Paradise for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underworld of Hades under the custody of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to the level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people in Tartarus.

Judgment on souls is present in various variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had the deity Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed for heavenly fields solar god Ra, where the rest of the road was booked.

Souls of the righteous go to heaven

Soul evolution, Karma, Reincarnation

Religions ancient india look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

Nearby there are souls of close people who have passed away earlier. They look like living substances that emit light, but the traveler knows exactly who he met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel is waiting - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path that the soul walks is illumined by the Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is the Guardian Angel. On the other - the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer by telepathy, without words, in the ancient language of images. It shows the events and misdeeds of a past life, but without the slightest hint of judgment.

The road passes through a space filled with Light. Survivors of clinical death speak of a sense of an invisible barrier that probably serves as a boundary between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Beyond the veil, none of the returnees comprehended. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased visit?

Religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, because under the mask of a deceased relative, a demon-tempter may appear. Serious esotericists also do not approve similar sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate our world.

Church condemns seances to communicate with the dead

However, such visits can occur at the initiative of those who have left the Earth. If in earthly life there was a strong connection between people, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and watch them from the outside. People with high sensitivity feel this presence.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered bursts of energy emanating from a dying body. The bursts were captured by ultra-sensitive film. On the basis of observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

The doctor of technical sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which allows fixing fine-material radiations of the human body and obtaining an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded the energy processes at the time of death. In fact, Korotkov's experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component comes out of a dying person. The scientist believes that then the consciousness, together with the subtle body, is sent to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolff from California

Adherents of the theory of multiple parallel universes. Some of their variants coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any living being (more precisely, its spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions of reality, and each separate part is unaware of twins from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of man and the life cycles of plants that die in winter, but begin to grow again in spring. Thus, Lanz's views are close to the eastern doctrine of personality reincarnations.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives simultaneously.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of his work, he observed people who were on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is formed not by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, the spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as a free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science do not deny. Scientists, by the way, even called its exact weight - 21 grams. After leaving this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

However, we, while remaining on Earth, cannot voluntarily make contact with departed relatives. We can only keep a good memory of them and believe that they also remember us.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

What does a person experience when he dies? When does he realize that his consciousness is leaving him? Will something unexpected happen the moment our life comes to an end? These questions have tormented philosophers and scientists for centuries, but the topic of death continues to excite every person to this day, according to NewScientist.com.

Death comes in different forms, but one way or another, it is usually an acute lack of oxygen in the brain. Whether people die as a result of a heart attack, drowning, or suffocation, it is ultimately due to a severe lack of oxygen to the brain. If the flow of freshly oxygenated blood to the head is stopped through any mechanism, the person will lose consciousness in about 10 seconds. Death will come in a few minutes. Exactly how depends on the circumstances.

1. Drowning
How quickly people drown is determined by several factors, including the ability to swim and the temperature of the water. In the UK, where the water is consistently cold, 55 percent of drownings in open water occur within 3 meters of the shore. Two-thirds of the victims are good swimmers. But a person can get into trouble in seconds, says Mike Tipton, a physiologist and expert at the University of Portsmouth in England.

As a rule, when the victim realizes that he will soon disappear under the water, panic and floundering on the surface begin. Struggling to breathe, they can't call for help. This stage lasts from 20 to 60 seconds.
When victims eventually sink, they do not inhale for as long as possible, usually 30 to 90 seconds. After this, a certain amount of water is inhaled, the person coughs and inhales more. Water in the lungs blocks gas exchange in thin tissues, a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx occurs - a reflex called laryngospasm. There is a feeling of bursting and burning in the chest as the water passes through the respiratory tract. Then a feeling of calm sets in, indicating the beginning of a loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen, which, ultimately, will lead to cardiac arrest and brain death.

2. Heart attack
Hollywood heart attack - a sudden pain in the heart and an immediate fall, of course, happens in a few cases. But a typical myocardial infarction develops slowly, and begins with moderate discomfort.

The most common symptom is chest pain, which may be prolonged or come and go. This is how the struggle of the heart muscle for life and its death from oxygen deprivation is manifested. The pain may radiate to the jaw, throat, back, abdomen, and arms. Other signs are shortness of breath, nausea, and cold sweats.

Most victims are in no hurry to seek help, waiting an average of 2 to 6 hours. Women are more difficult, as they are more likely to experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, radiating pain or nausea to the jaw, and do not respond to them. Delay can cost lives. Most people who die of heart attacks simply don't make it to the hospital. Often the actual cause of death is cardiac arrhythmia.

Approximately ten seconds after the heart muscle stops, the person loses consciousness, and a minute later he is dead. In hospitals, a defibrillator is used to make the heart beat, clear the arteries, and inject drugs that bring them back to life.

3. Deadly bleeding
How soon death from bleeding occurs depends on the wound, says John Kortbeek at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. People can die from blood loss within seconds if the aorta is torn. It is the main blood vessel leading away from the heart. Causes include a serious fall or a car accident.

Death can occur in a few hours if another artery or vein is damaged. In this case, a person would go through several stages. The average adult has 5 liters of blood. The loss of one and a half liters causes a feeling of weakness, thirst and anxiety and shortness of breath, and two - dizziness, confusion, a person falls into an unconscious state.

4. Death by fire
Hot smoke and fire scorch eyebrows and hair and burn the throat and airways, making it impossible to breathe. Burns cause severe pain through stimulation of the pain nerves in the skin.

When the area of ​​the burn increases, the sensitivity decreases somewhat, but not completely. Third-degree burns do not damage as much as second-degree wounds because the superficial nerves are destroyed. Some victims with severe burns reported not feeling pain while they were still in danger or engaged in rescuing others. Once the adrenaline and shock gradually wear off, pain quickly sets in.

Most of the people who die in fires actually die from poisonous carbon monoxide poisoning and lack of oxygen. Some people just don't wake up.

The rate of onset of headache and drowsiness and unconsciousness depends on the size of the fire and the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air.

5. Decapitation
Execution is one of the quickest and least painful ways to die if the executioner is skilled, his blade is sharp, and the condemned man sits still.

The most advanced decapitation technology is the guillotine. Officially adopted by the French government in 1792, it was recognized as more humane than other methods of deprivation of life.

Maybe it's really fast. But consciousness is not lost immediately after the spinal cord is severed. A study in rats in 1991 showed that the brain was kept alive for an additional 2.7 seconds by consuming oxygen from the blood in the head; the equivalent number for humans is approximately 7 seconds. If a person falls under the guillotine unsuccessfully, the time of pain sensation can be increased. In 1541 an inexperienced man made a gash in the shoulder rather than in the neck of Margaret Paul, Countess of Salisbury. According to some reports, she jumped from the place of execution and was pursued by the executioner, who struck her 11 times before she died.

6. Death by electric current
Most common cause death from electric current - an arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest. Unconsciousness usually follows after 10 seconds, says Richard Trohman, a cardiologist at Onslaught University in Chicago. A study of electrocution deaths in Montreal, Canada showed that 92 percent died of arrhythmias.

If the voltage is high, then unconsciousness occurs almost immediately. The electric chair was supposed to cause instant loss of consciousness and painless death due to the passage of current through the brain and heart.
Whether this actually happens is debatable. John Wickswo, a biophysicist at the University of Nashville, Tennessee, argues that the thick, insulating bones of the skull would prevent enough current from flowing through the brain, and prisoners could die from brain heat, or from suffocation due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

7. Fall from a height
This is one of the fastest ways to die: the top speed is approximately 200 kilometers per hour, achieved when falling from a height of 145 meters and above. A study of fatal falls in Hamburg, Germany found that 75 percent of the victims died within the first seconds or minutes of landing.
The causes of death depend on the place of landing and the position of the person. People are unlikely to reach the hospital alive if they fall headfirst. In 1981, they analyzed 100 deadly jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It has a height of 75 meters, the speed when colliding with water is 120 kilometers per hour. These are the two main causes of instant death. As a result of the fall - a massive contusion of the lung, rupture of the heart or damage to the main blood vessels and lungs by broken ribs. Landing on your feet significantly reduces injuries and can save lives.

8. Hanging
The method of suicide and the old-fashioned method of execution is death by strangulation; the rope puts pressure on the trachea and arteries leading to the brain. Unconsciousness may be observed within 10 seconds, but it will take longer if the loop is not positioned correctly. Witnesses to public hangings often reported victims "dancing" in pain in the noose for minutes! In some cases - after 15 minutes.

In England, in 1868, the "long fall" method was adopted, involving a longer rope. During the hanging, the victim reached a speed that broke her neck.

9 Lethal Injection
Lethal injection was developed in Oklahoma State in 1977 as a humane alternative to the electric chair. The state medical auditor and the chairman of anesthesiology agreed on the introduction of three drugs almost immediately. First, the anesthetic thiopental is administered to avoid any feeling of pain, then the paralytic agent pancuronium is administered to stop breathing. Finally, potassium chloride stops the heart almost immediately.

Each drug is supposed to be administered at a lethal dose in excess to ensure a quick and humane death. However, witnesses reported convulsions and an attempt by the convict to sit during the procedure, that is, the introduction of drugs does not always give the desired result.

10. Explosive decompression
Death due to exposure to vacuum occurs when the vestibule is depressurized or the suit ruptures.

When the external air pressure is suddenly reduced, the air in the lungs expands, tearing the fragile tissues involved in gas exchange. The situation is aggravated if the victim forgets to exhale before decompression or tries to hold his breath. Oxygen begins to leave the blood and lungs.

Experiments on dogs in the 1950s showed that 30 to 40 seconds after the pressure was released, their bodies began to swell, although the skin prevented them from "bursting". First, the heart rate increases, then sharply decreases. Bubbles of water vapor form in the blood and travel through the entire circulatory system, obstructing the flow of blood. After a minute, the blood ceases to effectively participate in gas exchange.

The survivors of decompression accidents are mostly pilots whose planes have depressurized. They reported sharp chest pains and an inability to breathe. After about 15 seconds, they lost consciousness.

All people are mortal. This simple truth is perceived differently at every age. Little children know nothing about the existence of death. To teenagers, it is presented as something distant and almost unattainable. This explains the readiness of teenagers to take unjustified risks, because it seems to them that life will never end, and death comes only to others.

In adulthood, the transience of life is felt very acutely. Questions about the meaning of life begin to torment. Why all these aspirations, worries, worries, if only oblivion and decay lie ahead? Older people eventually come to terms with the idea of own death, but with special trepidation they begin to relate to the life and health of their loved ones. In old age, a person alone is left with thoughts about the imminent end of his earthly existence. Someone is terrified of death, others are waiting for it as a deliverance. In any case, the final is inevitable.

What's next? What awaits the human soul? Major world religions agree that death is not the end, but only the beginning.

Buddhism: the soul cannot die

From the point of view of Buddhism, death is not only a natural but also a desirable process. It is only a necessary step for achievement of the Ideal. But the Ideal (Absolute) is not achieved by everyone.

beyond life

The soul does not die with the body. Its fate after death depends on how a person passed his earthly path. There are three options:

  1. Rebirth (relocation).
  2. Achievement of nirvana.
  3. Room in hell.

Among the punishments prepared for sinners are the following:

  • torture with hot iron;
  • freezing punishment;
  • roasting torture.

Having passed all the tests that still follow take symbolically the soul is reborn. According to Buddhists, birth and life are not blessings, but new torments.

Rebirth or Nirvana

Sinners are waiting for an endless series of migrations. At the same time, it is possible to be reborn not only by a person, but also by an animal, and a plant, as well as celestial. It should be noted that it is not the soul itself that is reborn in the usual sense of the word, but karma - a kind of mentality, one of the characteristics of which is the ability to undergo numerous changes or transformations.

Nirvana awaits the righteous after physical death. Literally, "nirvana" is translated as "extinction". But the flame of life does not die out with the cessation of the existence of the human bodily shell, but continues in a different way. One of the Buddhist monks Nagasen describes nirvana not only as the absence of fear, danger and suffering, but also as bliss, tranquility, purity and perfection. More precisely characterize state of nirvana very problematic, because it is beyond the bounds of human thinking.

Islam: conversation with angels

The body is just an instrument that is completely subordinate to the spirit. Death is considered as the cessation of the functions of the body, its individual organs and systems. Life stops by the will of the Lord, but the angels are entrusted with taking the soul of a person and accompanying it to another world.

Azrael - messenger of death

At the time determined by the Almighty, when the earthly path of a person has come to an end, angels descend to him. The former life of the deceased affects how his soul will leave after death, how easily it leaves the body and what awaits it in afterlife. If the righteous dies, at first luminous and smiling angels of mercy appear to him, and then Azrael himself comes - the angel of death.

Pure souls leave the body smoothly and gently. The martyrs, who accepted death for the glory of the Lord, do not at all immediately realize that they have died, since they do not at all feel the agony of death. They just move to another world and enjoy eternal bliss. Angels everywhere greet the spirit of the righteous, admiring him and praising all the good deeds done by a person during his lifetime.

Sinners die painfully. They expect death with fear and anger, and their souls, without any pity, literally break out of their bodies. Angels do not say beautiful words to them, they do not accompany them to the Almighty. On the contrary, they are treated with disdain, pushed back into the grave.

Munkar and Nakir - questioners from the grave

After the soul appears before Allah, He tells the angels to carry it back to the grave, which is not only the last refuge of the body, but also initial stage transition to eternal life. It is in the grave that the soul is waiting for a conversation with two angels. Nakir and Munkar ask everyone what religion he professed during his lifetime, whether he believed in God, whether he did good deeds. The righteous have no difficulty in answering all these questions.

If a person led a sinful lifestyle, then he may be punished already in the grave, acting as a kind of purgatory. F. Gülen, in the article "Convictions" posted on the Islamic information portal, compares the grave with a bitter medicine, which is followed by recovery and deliverance from hellish torments.

In the afterlife, the spirit of the righteous feels the bliss of paradise. Good deeds done during life, prayers read will appear before him in the form of good friends and helpers. Bad deeds will haunt sinners in the form of ill-wishers, as well as snakes and scorpions. The soul, which has unresolved sins, will suffer punishment in order to be cleansed and, having risen at the appointed hour, go to heaven.

After the transition to another world, the accounting of good and evil deeds of a person stops, but everything that he left on earth after himself is taken into account. It can be written books, created things, properly brought up children, a contribution to the development of society. Everything will be counted. If any act of a person, committed during his lifetime, caused evil and continues to harm people even after his death, then sins will accumulate. For them, too, will need to answer and be punished.

On the appointed day, Allah will resurrect not only the soul of man. His body will also be resurrected from the particles that did not decompose after being buried.

Judaism: the immortality of the disembodied spirit

The continuation of the life of the human soul after physical death is the main idea of ​​Judaism. In the Torah, the concept of immortality is not fully disclosed; it touches upon the issues of people's earthly life. The prophets tell the Jews about the other world.

The connection between the perishable body and the eternal spirit

The uniqueness of a person, unlike representatives of the animal world, is given by the presence of a soul, which is nothing but the innermost essence of God. Every human soul is in heaven until the day of its earthly birth. The connection between body and spirit begins at conception and ends at death.

After the death of the body, the disembodied spirit is in confusion: it sees its physical shell, but cannot return to it. The soul mourns and mourns for its body for 7 days.

Awaiting the verdict

During the year after death, the soul has no place where it can find peace. Watching the decay of the tissues of the body that served her during life, the soul is in turmoil and suffers. This is a strong and very painful test for her. It is easiest for the righteous and those who did not give of great importance external forms, paying special attention to the internal content.

The soul is sentenced after 12 months. Judgment may take less time, but for sinners and wicked people it lasts exactly one year. Then the soul enters Gegein, where a purifying spiritual fire awaits it. After that, she can claim eternal life.

Christianity: ordeals of sinners

The soul in the next world needs to go through ordeals, each of which is a punishment for a certain sin. Having overcome the first test, the easiest, the soul moves on to the next, more difficult and serious. Having gone through all the ordeals, either purification or overthrow into Gehenna awaits her.

20 torture

A person's personal experience gained during his lifetime, his views and beliefs affect the passage of ordeals and their perception. There are twenty trials in total:

  1. Idle talk or love of empty talk.
  2. Deceit.
  3. Slander and gossip.
  4. Laziness.
  5. Theft.
  6. Love of money.
  7. Covetousness.
  8. Unrighteous condemnations.
  9. Envy.
  10. Pride.
  11. Anger.
  12. rancor.
  13. Murders.
  14. Sorcery.
  15. Fornication.
  16. Adultery.
  17. Sodom sin.
  18. Heresy.
  19. Cruelty.

Each of the addictions to which a person was prone during his lifetime, after his death, will turn into a demon (publican) and will torment the sinner.

From the fortieth day to the Last Judgment

After the completion of the ordeals, the soul is shown heavenly abodes and the abysses of hell, and on the fortieth day they determine the place where the Last Judgment is to be expected. Now some souls exist in anticipation of eternal joy, while others - endless torment.

There is an exception to this rule. The innocent soul of a child after death will immediately be granted peace and bliss. And the Lord will allow children who suffer during their lifetime from all sorts of ailments and ailments to choose any place in paradise that they like.

When the appointed hour arrives, all bodies will be resurrected, united with their souls and brought before the judgment seat of Christ. It is not entirely correct to talk about the resurrection of the soul itself, since it is already immortal. The righteous await immortal life, full of joy, and the wicked - the fire of hell, by which one should understand not the fire familiar to man, but something known only to God.

eyewitness accounts

There are testimonies of people who, having suffered clinical death, literally returned from the next world. They all describe the events that happen to them in approximately the same way.

After the soul separates from the body, it is not immediately aware of what has happened. Watching her lifeless body, she gradually begins to understand that earthly life is over. At the same time, the consciousness of a person, his thoughts and memory remain unchanged. Many recall how all the events of their earthly life flashed before their eyes. Someone is sure that, being in another world, he was able to learn all the secrets of the universe, but this knowledge was later erased from memory.

Looking around, the soul notices a bright glow, radiating love and bliss, and begins to move towards the light. Some hear at the same time a sound reminiscent of the sound of the wind, others seem to hear the voices of dead relatives or the call of angels. On the other side of life, communication takes place not at the verbal level, but with the help of telepathy. Sometimes people heard a voice commanding the soul to go back to earth, because there were unfinished business and the mission of man was not completely fulfilled.

Many experienced such peace, calmness and joy that they did not want to return to their body. But there are those who felt fear and suffering. Then they needed a lot of time to recover and get rid of painful memories.

Often people who have experienced clinical death change their attitude to life, religion and begin to do things that were previously unusual for them. At the same time, everyone claims that the experience gained had a strong influence on their future destiny.

Scientists who adhere to materialistic views are sure that the visions described by people in a state of clinical death are just hallucinations caused by a lack of oxygen. There is no evidence for the reality of post-mortem experiences.

Without transgressing the line separating life from death, no one is given to know what is prepared for him in the other world. But everyone can worthily pass his earthly path and not commit evil deeds. Not because of the fear of heavenly punishment, but because of the love of goodness, justice and one's neighbors.

From the moment the heart stops, the bodies become surprisingly active. And let the dead not be able to tell what decomposition is and how this whole process goes, but biologists can do it.

Life after death

The irony is that in order to rot, our body must be teeming with life.

1. Cardiac arrest

The heart stops and the blood thickens. The very moment that doctors call "the time of death." As soon as this happens, all other parts of the body begin to die at different rates.

2. Two-color coloring

The blood that the “motor” has stopped dispersing through the vessels accumulates in the veins and arteries. Since the blood no longer flows, the body takes on a complex coloration. Its lower part turns purple-blue, like a juicy black eye after a glorious brawl. The laws of physics are to blame: blood settles in the lower body due to the effects of gravity. All the rest of the skin above will have a deathly pale color, because the blood has accumulated elsewhere. The circulatory system no longer works, the blood loses hemoglobin, which is responsible for the red color, there is a discoloration of the blood, turning into a pale color of the tissues.

3. Deadly cold

Algor mortis is the Latin word for "deadly cold". Bodies lose their lifetime 36.6°C and slowly adjust to room temperature. The rate of temperature decrease is about 0.8°C per hour.

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4. Rigor mortis

Hardening and stiffness of the muscles of the limbs occurs a few hours after death, when the whole body begins to stiffen due to a decrease in ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Rigor mortis begins with the eyelids and neck muscles. The process of stiffness itself is not endless - it stops later, when the enzymatic decomposition of muscle tissue starts.

5. Chaotic movements

Yes, the blood has drained and congealed, but bodies are still capable of twitching and bending for hours after death. Muscle contracts when a person dies, and depending on how many and which muscles contracted during the agony, it may even appear that the body of the deceased is moving.

6. Youthful face

As the muscles eventually stop contracting, wrinkles disappear. Death is a bit like Botox. The only trouble is that you are already dead and cannot rejoice at this circumstance.

7. The intestines are emptied

Although rigor mortis causes the body to freeze, not all organs do so. Our sphincter at the moment of death finally finds freedom, getting rid of the endless control of the brain. When the brain ceases to regulate involuntary functions, the sphincter does what it wants: it opens, and all the "remnants" are expelled from the body.

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8. Corpses smell famously

Corpses are known to stink. Putrid odors are the result of a surge of enzymes that fungi and bacteria, imprisoned for decomposition processes, perceive as a signal to attack. In the tissues of a corpse there is a mass of everything that allows them to actively multiply. The "feast" of bacteria and fungi is accompanied by the generation of putrefactive gases with corresponding odors.

9 Animal Invasion

Literally on the heels of bacteria and fungi come meat flies. They hasten to lay their eggs in the dead body, which then turn into larvae. The larvae cheerfully bite into dead flesh. Later they are joined by mites, ants, spiders, and then larger scavengers.

10. Farewell sounds

Wild trash of all doctors and nurses! The bodies will emit gases, creak and moan! All this is the result of a wild combination of rigor mortis and violent activity of the intestines, which continue to release gas.

11. The intestines are digested

Since the intestines are filled with a variety of bacteria, after death they do not have to go far - they instantly pounce on the intestines. Getting rid of control immune system, bacteria literally run wild and arrange a wild feast.

12. Eyes pop out of their sockets

As the organs decompose and the intestines produce gases, these gases cause the eyes to bulge out of their sockets and the tongues to swell and protrude from the mouths.

"Universal Pictures Rus"

Shot from the film "Total Recall"

13. Puffy skin

Gases tend upward, gradually separating the skin from the bones and muscles.

14. Rotting

Following the "sliding down" blood, all tissue cells under the influence of gravity tend to go down. The tissues of the body have already lost their density due to decomposed proteins. As soon as putrefaction reaches its apotheosis, the corpses become "sugary" and spongy. In the end, only bones remain.

15. Bones go last

Decades after bacteria, fungi, and other organisms have done away with flesh, the protein in bones breaks down, leaving behind hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral. But over time, it turns to dust.

The dead hear everything

Everything that happens to us beyond the line separating life from death was, is and will remain a mystery for a long time. Hence - a lot of fantasies, sometimes quite scary. And especially scary if they are somewhat realistic.

The dead woman giving birth is one of such horrors. A number of centuries ago, when mortality in Europe was prohibitively high, the number of women who died pregnant was also high. All the same gases that are described above led to the expulsion of an already non-viable fetus from the body. All this is casuistry, but the few cases that have occurred are documented, writes the Bigpicture portal.

A relative sitting in a coffin is a quite probable phenomenon, but, to put it mildly, exciting. People in past centuries felt about the same as we do today. It was the fear of witnessing something like this, combined with the hope that the dead might suddenly come to life, that led to the appearance of “houses of the dead” at one time. When loved ones doubted that a person had died, they left him in a room of such a house, tying a rope to his finger, says Naked-Science. The other end of the rope led to a bell placed in the next room. If the deceased "came to life", the bell rang, and the guard serving in the chair next to the bell immediately rushed to the deceased. Most often, the alarm was false - the cause of the ringing was the movement of bones caused by gases or the sudden relaxation of muscles. The deceased left the “house of the dead” when there was no longer any doubt about the processes of decay.

The development of medicine, oddly enough, only exacerbates the confusion around the processes of death. So, doctors have found that some parts of the body continue to live after death for a long time, writes InoSMI. These "long-livers" include heart valves: they have connective tissue cells that retain a "good shape" for some time after death. Thus, the heart valves of the deceased can be used for transplantation within 36 hours of cardiac arrest.

The cornea lives twice as long. Its usefulness lasts three days after you die. This is explained by the fact that the cornea is in direct contact with the air and receives oxygen from it.

This can also explain the "long life path" of the auditory nerve. The deceased, according to doctors, loses his hearing as the last of all his five senses. For another three days, the dead hear everything - hence the famous: "About the dead - everything or nothing but the truth."

Answers your questions: Paratrooper, fought in Afghanistan. A wound in the head, as he writes to himself, blew off half of the skull. After the operation, the memory was partially unlocked.
He about himself: There was no clinical death. I had surgery on my head (4 hours). They gave anesthesia, "left" and ... ended up in a room where 3 some kind of beggars were sitting at the table. Considering my "case", they explained that I was now "on pause", i.e. 1 earth second is eternity. To the question: "Where is it here?" with a sly smile, they answered that on Earth, only in its two hundred or so parallel level.
Reality - 100% (the most interesting thing is that I was in my clothes, but I was lying naked on the operating table). I was told that my contract provides for a 2nd instant incarnation. There were 2 options: either "turn it on" or turn it off on Earth and attack into a lower purgatory. I chose the 1st... Then I ended up in a terrible place. I had only vision and thoughts, nothing else. There was no memory. I didn't know who I am? and where am I? Ignorance gave rise to wild horror. The space was multidimensional, alive. Colors are white and all shades of red. I assume that it was a glitch from anesthesia. After an eternity, I opened my eyes and remembered everything - not only the operation, but who I was and where I came from, I remembered the Abrenocenter, the House and my cosmic name. Unfortunately, the next morning, like many other things, I forgot it. After the operation, there was no time to write down, and I didn’t think that the unlocked memory would begin to close so quickly. Until a headache, he tried again to remember his own, and not earthly, name and ... could not. I only remember that it was short. "That" memory closes over the years, but I learned the most important thing for myself. I started my 2nd incarnation (with a "defeat" in rights and a change in life). Friends disappeared, tastes changed. 2 incarnations in 1 life - so as not to waste Time ... On my palms - along the 2nd line of life.

1) Is it suicide to seek death by doing dangerous work or life-threatening sports?
This is not suicide, this is a departure from the tasks assigned to you. Placed by whom? By yourself - even before a business trip ... They fly to Earth to shed imper (negative energy), and because this purgatory is karmic, then all the "travelers" earn Karma and tie knots that need to be "untied" (peacefully) or "cut". For example, almost all domestic and criminal murders are a failure by the killer of his karmic scenario. These people were specially placed in conditions when the knot tied by them earlier had to be untied (score "5") or cut (score "2").
I was taken in the wrong direction... Actually, everyone has different tasks (later you will learn about your own in the Karma Department), they are connected mainly with Karma. But one task for everyone is not to break the commandments and not to sin (i.e. not to collect the Earth imperil instead of resetting the Home one) and not to try to escape from here ... A person is sent here, for example, for 58 years. And he, doing extreme sports, breaks into a "cake" at the age of 20 (not having time to drop the imperil). He is returned here for 38 years, but not immediately, but until 70 years have passed here. Time is wasted, and there are a lot of "hemorrhoids" ...

2) Is it suicide if not treated for some deadly disease?
No, no, it’s not ... It’s the same as considering the defense of the Motherland in the war as suicide (many soldiers die). Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction are suicide (although working out for them will be easier than for physical suicides).

3) Is reincarnation such an invention of the human mind, in which there is logic, but there is no sense?
People who have at least 7-9 business trips to this planet do not have such questions (they intuitively feel that they live here not for the first, and, perhaps, not the last time). If you asked such a question, then it’s definitely not the first time, but no more than 3 ...

4) Why is the choice always one-sided in any religion - either you obey it, or you go to hell?
And you are already in Hell! ... And although this Hell is - " general regime"and with resort conditions, this does not change the essence. Obey the rules or you will be lowered ... even lower, into more severe purgatory.
On Earth, there is still freedom of choice (do not obey), below - it will not be ... Of the 9 purgatories, we are at the top (9th). So, there is still room to “fall” ... By the way, progress is not alien to the “devils”. They haven't been frying anyone in pans for a long time. The process of beating the dope out of sinners is automated and computerized, which "pleasantly" surprises novice sinners (they immediately demand the return of a more "humane" frying pan). After all, the Earth is not the "Center of the Universe" and not the "cradle and light" of the Universe, but the most common prison (Base-purgatory, if scientifically).

5) The female soul in the male body. What is it in terms of reincarnation? Punishment or error?
Women's souls only enter female bodies, men's - in men's. If a person feels like a person of the opposite sex, then one of the energies (Yin or Yang) has "blocked oxygen" in him. This is a karmic punishment (to be in the "skin" of someone over whom he has been scolding for several lives).

6) Life on Earth was brought from outer space, what do you think?
Earth does not belong to the monadic planets on which life spontaneously arises. Life here was brought by the Sirius civilization (by the way, all Japanese come from there).

7) I often read somewhere that we ourselves choose where to be born, when, and with whom ... And I just can’t understand why then children choose drunk parents, sadistic parents, and so on. , all in the same vein. If there was a choice, then why did they doom themselves to suffering?
Those who have not sinned in terms of choice have a complete "carte blanche". For sinners, the more sins, the less choice. It is the drunks and sadists who were such in a past life that are sent to drunks and sadists.

8) How to sell your soul to the devil?
There are things that are dangerous to joke with!!! You were joking, but "Bottom" has already taken note of you ...

9) Why??.. Here you fight.. like a fish on ice.. but there is no result?
So, there is no access there ... you are not allowed to do this.

10) Why are suicides not accepted in heaven? Or do they still accept, but somehow especially?
To Heaven for all of us - as to China with cancer (even further). From this purgatory, everyone returns Home - to the same physical-material world, like the Earth. EVERYONE will return, only sinners (including suicides) will return much, much later

11) Why are suicides weak people for you?
Whoever you ask, everyone thinks that way. And no one thought how bad it was for them... Apparently, hopelessness made them take such a step... They cannot be called weak... And, of course, a lot depends on the environment; their indifference increases the number of suicides ... If it were possible to show potential suicides what awaits them after death, then 99% would refuse this undertaking (all earthly "problems" would immediately seem like Paradise to them, I'm not kidding). If the person did not pass the "test", then in the next. attempt (after Hell) he will again be put in the same situation, but the "rules of the game" will become tougher ... After 3 "failures" the Triatom's "fuse" will work - pers. will be born without arms and legs (or paralyzed) and will not physically be able to commit suicide...

12) Is it true that if there is a close suicidal relative in the family, then this carries a negative for the whole family and what kind?
The truth is that everyone who "contacted" with a suicide in the last year and a half or two years of his life (whether relatives or friends) will be punished for his sin. They may not go to hell, like a suicide, but in the future it will not seem enough to them. They will not believe me, but not a single suicide occurs spontaneously - on a spiritual level, a person makes such a decision 2 years before ... and it is impossible not to notice the change in 2 years. It is the environment that can prevent sin, if .... wants.

13) Is Jesus Christ a man or an alien from unknown worlds?
He was the most ordinary person, like all other people. It's just that "Above" he was given a "task" (from there they worked miracles for him) ... And there are no aboriginal people on Earth; we are all aliens...

14) What are you striving for? The purpose of your life path? Where are you going? Why did you come into this world, do you think?
Came (like everyone else) to be cleansed. Of course, in purgatory it is not forbidden to "evolve" and "learn", only....they don't send a whole Soul here. Then our Triat will dissolve in it and everything Earthly will become a damn thing to us ...

15) Children's sins are forgiven, right? They frighten me here that I will burn in the fire and everything is so unpleasant. Until how many years is it goodbye?
Karma begins to "work" at the age of 12-14. Parents are responsible for children's sins, if they are not, then the environment of the child (for his crimes, these adults go to hell; I'm not kidding) ... But their egregors people. begins to fill with energy "+" and "-" from birth (this energy is generated by any thoughts, emotions and actions). This is the "fuel" for the next incarnation, which determines its quality (the more "minuses", the worse life and vice versa). Young sinners do not go to hell, but thanks to egregors, their next life (childhood) turns into a nightmare (and illness is not the worst thing yet) ... With "repentance" it's not so simple either ... For example, repentance before death will not help (as they say, it's too late to rush about!) ...

16) Why does space have three dimensions and time one?
Because they were artificially set here like that. In the karmic world, there must be one temporary LINEAR dimension so that causal relationships are not violated (time in the form of a flowing river). There is no house of the laws of Karma, and time there is different (in the form of a stagnant lake). There are several time dimensions - undulating, pulsating, sprayed ... different. In the 3-dimensional Universe, almost all planets are lifeless. In the 4-dimensional Real (having millions of subspaces), life in our Universe is literally teeming, and the stars are located differently there.

17) I want to live in another country....
Even before birth, we ourselves choose (or "deserved" according to past incarnations) the place of birth and habitat. You can change the country, but ... avoiding one "test" can add 10 new ones ....

18) How do you feel about people who use drugs?
Drugs (any) are the invention of the Devil. Those who are addicted to them (who have accepted this “gift”) “sign” under certain “agreements”, in short ... you won’t envy their posthumous fate ... My attitude towards suicides is negative, or do you think that suicide is only physical self-destruction? ??
P.S. Alcohol "hollows" the brain and psyche, but at least it does not destroy the consciousness and Soul, as drugs do ... even very "light" .... even if rarely.

19) Is it possible to see your guardian angel in the astral plane? Has anyone seen who entered the astral plane?
The so-called "Guardian Angels" are ordinary people of flesh and blood who have already left the Earth (or are preparing to be sent here). Usually relatives or friends. You can see them in a dream (they do not fly in the astral plane - there are no wings). Everything in the astral plane is IMAGES, and even demons can create them...

20) Is there life after death and where do suicides end up?
After "death" the soul sees everything, hears, feels... flies like a bird (a month and a half). Then (in transit through the adaptation center) he returns home (from where he was sent here on a business trip). He wakes up in a physical body and ... a feast begins (with alcohol - after all, one must celebrate the return and meeting with relatives who were "lost" here ...). The memory remains, moreover, the cosmic memory is unlocked... There are no post-mortem flights for suicides - they are lowered several purgatories below (working out there is different for everyone). Having worked, let's say, in the 4th, they rise (with working out) in the 5th, etc. ... Until the "nine" -Earths rise, a lot of time will pass. They will return home, but later than others.

21) Is there justice? .. before God and before people ...
The laws of Karma operate on the Earth, and these are the Laws of Justice — when the balance of the energies "+" and "-" is equalized due to the one who violated it. It’s just that good or evil is rewarded to some immediately, and to others in the next life ...

22) How do you feel about reincarnation? Does she really exist? And what is its meaning?
There is, no doubt about it. In short, we are sent to this purgatory (from other MATERIAL worlds) to shed the imperil (negative energy). Dropped - returned home. Here 100 years pass, and there - about a month (relatives will not have time to get bored). You live there ("having turned off" time) for 50 - 500 - 1000 years (without aging, without getting sick) and again here - on a business trip ... Those who, instead of resetting, gained Earth imperil, are lowered lower - there time is even slower (compared to Earth - there is a real Hell). In total - 9 purgatory bases (not counting thousands of branches in their parallel worlds). "Nine" (Earth) - the very first and easiest. This is not an independent civilization, here even Time and Space are set artificially. "Incarnations" are not "Roly-Vstanka" (born-died-born-died...), they are short business trips to this planet...
Reserve incarnations are needed in order not to waste time on "death-birth". From here, after all, they do not immediately get home. In the parallel layers of the Earth there is a Huge Office, from where thousands of people (operators) watch us, there (in the "sanatorium") they bring to life all the ex-"dead". Depending on their sins, they are then sent Home, to Hell, or ... they work out on the spot, but many sinners "fly" from here to Hell immediately. Last time I did not get there, but I was almost never at Home either. Therefore, in a business trip contract, I signed a clause that I was "slowed down" in which case (contracts are different for everyone) ... Suicides mostly end up in 4-6 purgatory (and God has nothing to do with it), so I don't advise "running away" ...

23) Why are some able to survive the catastrophe, while others - seemingly just as strong - go to the bottom?
Because the time has not yet come for some, and for others it has already come - to leave the Earth ... Catastrophes, etc. - just decorations. If it's time for someone to leave, then even being in the safest place, he will ... leave.

24) Is it true that after death a person continues to live in the spiritual realm? What does God say about this?
Not true! After "death" you will be a spirit for only a month and a half, then you will wake up in your own physical body in a "sanatorium" located in the parallel world of the Earth. There is a religious department there, find its chief (for earthlings, he acts as God), do not be surprised if he is in torn jeans and with a can of beer in his hand. He will tell you that the real Creator cannot communicate with purgatory Earth and many spiritual knowledge was transferred from Above not to earthlings, but to MATERIAL civilizations Sirius, Dessa, Orion, Daya, Alpha and Vega, from which we are all sent here on business trips. It is for these worlds (and not for the Earth) that the Spiritual World is the ceiling. But earthly senses intercept this information and start scribbling "Revelations" that have nothing to do with the Earth... After the "sanatorium" everyone returns to their historical homeland, where one can live indefinitely. 90% of people consider the aforementioned civilizations to be a real Paradise and they are not in a hurry to rise to the Spiritual spheres, and not everyone is allowed there ....

25) There is a question. Who are the Aryans? And what modern people can be considered their descendants?
The first incarnants that appeared on Earth were from Dessa (most people lived there on the planet Aria, other planets were technical), so here they called themselves Aryans, Aryans .... Now the number of inhabited planets on Dessa has increased to 56th (the main one is Delta) and are sent here not from one, but from 5 civilizations. In 1941 most of the natives of Arya concentrated in Germany and the USSR, the cutting of the karmic knot (war) started by the Aryans back in the time of the "King Pea" began ...
Most Russians come from Dessa, so draw your own conclusions about where the Aryans live...

26) Civil marriages.
Such "marriages" are sinful, because the commandment "Do not commit adultery" is violated! (they have no help from Above)... In the karmic world, every little thing matters, incl. and the notorious "stamp" - this is spelled out in the "Travel Contract", which everyone signs before being sent to Earth.
If you have chosen the Dark Path, this is your right; wander further, only then don’t bother why some from this Purgatory are returned Home, while others (including you) will be lowered lower, where you can no longer decide anything .... There they will decide for you - in front or behind ... and everything would be fine, but there is one heavy "But" - these processes are not connected with pleasure in any way (and all the memory with the "+" sign will be blocked so that there is no Hope for everyone who enters it)...

27) Where do the Gods disappear to?
Who are we? Children of God... In the third month of pregnancy, the Soul enters the mother's fetus, and the baby "comes to life". On the 40th day from birth, the Spirit Comes... And the child becomes Triune.
What then happens to our divine child? And then he gets into the dense earthly energies, first of his parents, then of school, then of the institute, society, society. First he cries, 26) Believers and unbelievers! How do you feel about civil marriage(in short, to cohabitation)?
adapting and trying to maintain its integrity. And then he adapts, condenses his field in order to survive.... Gradually, his fine-structured components are detached, and by the age of 30 he becomes just an ordinary mortal person. Such are the things ... Is it possible to preserve the originality? Only by limiting the child from harsh educational measures, from the pressure of the environment ... only in an atmosphere of absolute harmony and love can one grow God out of a little man?

I'll fix it a little. The soul of a child enters the astral body of the mother (and not the fetus!!!) at the 2nd month, and for some even earlier. It enters the child on the 40th day after birth (approximately)... "Subtle constituents" do not come off from anyone... Earth is purgatory; and in them - suffering and death are natural ... even children, although they are not "children" at all (up to 14 years of age, no one is sent here) ... Almost all dead children are "signalmen", they are here for this and are sent to die so that at the moment of death they can pass on a higher vibrational code to their parents. But there are also "carriers"; they give their code on the "40" birthday. And then ... if they drink a little, smoke and swear, they will dock with the vibrations of the Earth (by the age of 25-30) and will live ... And if you bring them up "in harmony and love", then they will leave young ... In short, we are all Gods, only we are now in ... a "general regime colony".

28) There are only three options: Is Jesus God, a deceiver or a madman? What do you think?
All 3 options are wrong! 2000 years ago he was the same "God" as we all are with you. But he was never a deceiver and a madman (calling himself the Son of God, he did not deceive, because we are all sons and daughters of God) ... He, a mere mortal, wanted to go to the Spiritual world, and from Above he was told - to You still have an ununtied karmic knot on the Earth, until you untie it, we won’t let it go ... So he went on his last business trip to Earth (with a load mission). And he was not the first, just ... other tortures and executions were frightened, and the mission (to give a new religion) seemed to many a bit heavy ... P.S. I'll probably be punished there, but... I'll say it anyway. Almost all the "miracles" were done not by Jesus, but by those who helped him from Above (not from the Spiritual world, but from the material House).

29) What happens to the soul after death?
A month and a half is on Earth (sees, hears, feels everything, instantly moves in space). Someone all these "40 days" hangs from the ceiling in his apartment (or ... over his grave, waiting for the "Last Judgment"), someone "sits" in the nightstand, someone "travels" the Earth. Then the "dead"... wakes up in his own physical body in the "Sanatorium" (an adaptation center in the parallel space of the Earth); old people come to life there at the age of forty. After adaptation, everyone is returned Home, to those civilizations from where they were sent here on a business trip. There, all the bodies will be different, but they will also be made of flesh and blood ...
Earth is not an independent civilization, but a closed purgatory with fake time and space. We are here temporarily (on a business trip). "Death" is the return Home, to the same material world...

30) Here is God, he cannot be immanent and transcendent at the same time?!
Explain to me: why turn to God? Will he listen and do something? It turns out that a person through prayers can control the actions of God? So which one is God then? Man CAN NOT control the actions of God? Moreover, why ask him to do something?

That God exists is a fact. From this purgatory, not a single person can communicate with God, just as convicts cannot communicate with the president; their letters will be read (and reviewed on behalf of the president) by the head of the colony. Our prison is watched by tens of thousands of people - those who play the role of "God", angels and saints, personal operators and departed relatives. If Karma allows, they help (like my wife), if not, they can't wait for help (like me)... Absolutely everything consists of energy. Obscene "bundles" and Prayers are energy MANTRAS; the first - destroy the Soul, the second - put the energy in order, while you cannot combine them (sin and pray); to explain for a long time... If a person asks something from God and receives it, then he is helped from Above (if allowed) by the same people, and not by God.... Yes, and God is not the most important commander in our Universe; he is only the head of the Light Ones (like the Devil over the Dark Ones). And the main one, who is called the Absolute (or Nature) ... P.S. Millions of dying and starving is normal for Purgatory #9. In the other 8 purgatories - a real hell, believe me ...

31) What is the difference between life before and after death?
And what kind of "death" are we talking about - Earthly, Cosmic or Monadic? If we talk about the Earth, then... how is your home different before leaving... to kindergarten, school, work,... and after coming out of them? Almost nothing... When they say that after Earth's "death" life continues in the form of energy, this is... part of the truth. After a month and a half (and those who died in the war - after 3 months), all these "" energies "come to life in their own physical body of flesh and blood, and the blind begin to see, the legless wake up with legs, etc. ... Ex -the priests begin to get everyone there with questions like, why wasn’t this in the Bible and where is the promised Paradise? But there are no angels...

32) If you could meet Jesus, what would you learn from him?
A couple of years ago (cosmic time) Jesus was the same person as we all ... He just wanted to move into a more upper world(there, at home, we all have such a right). But Upstairs they told him - you still have a joint on Earth (an untied karmic knot), you untie it, and at the same time complete the mission - give people a new religion ... Therefore, he did not avoid execution ... And no one didn't lie about the "Son of God," tk. we are all children of God...
I saw him ... but I'm not in a hurry to accomplish his feat ....

33) What do you think God will say to you at the end of your life journey?
The real God will not say anything (we are even further away from him than before China - cancer). For earthlings, "GOD" is the head of the religious department in the office that watches over the Earth. And what can he (in torn jeans and with a can of beer in his hands) tell us, demobilized people? Imagine a convict writes a letter to the president. But he will read it and give an answer (on behalf of the President) OFFICER. Also, from this purgatory, no one can communicate with the real God.... In order not to offend the feelings of believers, I will say that almost all churches are connected by energy channels to those Spiritual worlds that are much, much closer to God than the above-mentioned boss. ..

34) Does God punish or just leave unattended?
God does not punish. The laws of Karma operate on Earth (what you sow, so you reap). If the person jumps from the 5th floor and breaks his legs, will he blame God for this? No, because knows about the law of gravity (earth attraction). And the laws of Karma are exactly the same cosmic laws, only not physical, but energetic...

35) Is there life after death?
On Earth, “death” is a periodic change of “containers” for Triatoms (as we say), i.e., a change of fake physical receptacles for a real particle of the Soul. To be immortal at Home (in the absolutely material and physical world), you need to periodically "fly" to this purgatory and ... "die" .... I swear to you - when you "die", then in 35-45 days you will wake up in the "Sanatorium" in your native body, and you will be met by relatives who "died" earlier (if they want and if they are allowed). But "Sanatorium" is not a Home, It is.... "Airport"; when you adapt there, you will be returned home...

36) Do you think there is another world?
There are an infinite number of them. And for those worlds, our world is also "other world". In fact, space and time on Earth are set artificially (there are several hundred artificial parallel worlds, branches of purgatory Earth, I mean not 4th and other dimensions, but 3rd dimensions). But the three-dimensional dimension is not Reality. And also on Earth - 1 temporary linear dimension (it's like the flow of a river), and in real life - time is pulsating, spiral, dotted (like a stagnant lake) ...

37) And 100, and 500, and 1000 years ago people lived on Earth, suffered, loved, thought, and today even their names have not been preserved? Isn't it a shame that the same thing will happen to us in 1000 years, and we will be forgotten? Or does nobody need it? And if it is not necessary, then maybe there is no point in living?
When you were 3-4 years old, you also "suffered, loved and thought." Are you drawn to that infancy time? If you pull (suddenly you are 10 years old?), then by the age of 50 it will stop pulling. Also, you will not care about this earthly life when you get home. Not a whole Soul is sent to the Earth, but only a billionth part of it - Triat; upon return, the microscopic earthly "I" will dissolve in a huge Soul so much that the Earth will cease to excite you ... Of course, many THERE (including me) have a "collection" of earthly business trips, but the main thing in them is no one and where I was born here, and what good did I do ....
P.S. With all the "Earthlings" (familiar and not so) you will meet at home

38) Does anyone know a way not to grow old? What about living forever? or at least 150-300 years ....
You know very well this way - to be forever young and healthy, for this you went to Earth. Just don't remember it for the time being. According to earthly chronology, I am hundreds of billions of years old, but there, at Home, my real body, which is in a lulled state in the storage of bodies, is only 28 years old. Even if I die here at the age of 98, I will still wake up there at the age of 28 .... I think you will not be more than that there either, although ... no one will forbid you to be there forever 18 years old ... You know everything as well as I do, it's just that your memory (as well as others) was blocked before being sent to Earth. People "fly" here not to get younger and healthier here, but to be forever such (and IMMORTAL) at Home; for Russians - on Dessa (the constellation Cygnus, 56 inhabited planets). 100 years pass here, and about a month there, so your relatives, who remained at Home, will not miss you especially ... The desire to prolong one's existence in this prison (in the "Trash of the Universe") is caused by the fear of death or the lack of faith in immortality... Earth is not an independent planet, but a closed purgatory of several civilizations, so be patient and don't worry. The motherland will not forget you!... By the way, there is a museum of the Earth on Dessa (life-size)...

39) The husband sends her for an abortion ... My daughter is 14, pregnant at 5 weeks, we rent an apartment with her parents, she says that we will never buy our own housing if there is a second child, I don’t think so, there will be no difference with one either, but here also maternity capital will be able to help with housing, I think. I want a baby, what should I do?
At the 5th week, the soul of the child is already in the astral body of the mother. If you have an abortion, where will this soul live in 9 months? According to local laws, this soul will be taken away by "blacks"; having pumped her up with "fuel oil", they will put her in the body of some drunkard. This is how killers are born... How can you then look into the eyes of your murdered child, and those whom he killed?...

40) What is better to be GOOD or EVIL?
Yes, everything is dual (even God and the Devil). But the Earth is the purgatory of the Light civilizations.. Only the Light ones are sent here (to reset the imperil, the energy that you call "evil"). The remaining 8 bases were created for those who, instead of resetting, on the contrary, gained earthly imperil (compared to Earth, it’s a real hell there, and not only murderers and robbers get there) ... And it’s also beneficial to be kind, because what kind of energy you pump into Egregors, this will be the quality of your next business trip (from bad "fuel" it will not be good) ...

41) What do you think is on the outskirts of space?
There begins another space (with other "parameters"). The number of universes is infinite. Yes, yes, there was a "Big Bang", but not 13 billion years ago. People discovered our planet 15 billion years ago (according to terrestrial reckoning), and there were already signs of life on it. In 100 years, you will all be very surprised to learn that the speed of light is not the same everywhere (in some places the light generally stands still), and our three-dimensional world is not reality. In real life, stars and constellations are not at all where they are seen by earthly astronomers

42) Have you ever thought about what will happen to us after death? Where will we be and will we ever...?
I didn't think so. I know perfectly well what will happen ... At first, you fly invisible for a month and a half (many all this time hang in their apartment under the ceiling or “sit” somewhere in the nightstand, and I won’t even look at my funeral - I’ll immediately fly to other countries " study"). Then, from a month to six months, you will have to spend in a "sanatorium" (many, having come to their senses there, do not believe that they have died, because everyone has earthly bodies, and they feed them the same cutlets). And then our sinful Triatoms return Home (our real physical bodies and Souls are now there in a sleepy state)... When I return, I will celebrate this event for a long time with relatives and friends... Because there are no spirits and angels... Because everything there is made of flesh and blood ... Because the Earth is just a purgatory, where even time and space are not real ...

43) One thing I could never accept, if a person is the pinnacle of perfection, why are there so many all kinds of freaks among us: in physical, mental and moral forms?
What other peak?... In the multidimensional Infinity, for those who are "below" we may be cool, but for those who are "up" we are just insects...

44) Is the death of the body the recovery of the soul?
Yes, yes, it is .... For this, we are all sent here, to Terra Purgatory (sorry, to Earth). I have already answered many many times here - in order to be forever young, healthy and immortal at Home, you need to periodically fly here on business trips and ... die. And another way to reset the empire from the soul has not yet been invented. They didn’t understand me .... And you don’t need to understand that our real physical bodies and Souls are now in a lulled state on Dessa, and only Triatoms are sent here, and even after “death”, after 35-45 days we come to our senses in Adapte not in their earthly bodies (as it seems to everyone), but only in their copiers .... P.S. From here we cannot get to Paradise, first we need to return Home, only there is no money, violence, lonely and .... Claves ( cemeteries)...

45) Why so? Everything is going well in your life, and at that moment fate appears and puts your life in cancer.
There are no accidents; What goes around comes around. Yes, often a person sows 5 lives ago and now does not understand (does not remember) why he got it so ... In one Asian country I heard a cynical, but essentially true saying - Do not condemn a soldier who stabbed a child with a bayonet, because. in the next life, a bayonet will also be stuck in this soldier (who will be a baby), and do not feel sorry for the murdered child, because, in a past life, being a soldier, he stabbed another child.

46) How do you know where you will go to Paradise or Hell, if the next world is judged not only by deeds and words?
About 20 years ago, my cosmic memory was partially unlocked, and such issues (including religious ones) stopped bothering me. The funny thing is that we are all already in Hell, because. Earth is purgatory (the most "humane" of all). Just don't talk about millions of happy earthlings, billionaires, and so on. That's all - until the first "hemorrhoids", the first maniac, the first stroke ... (when you return Home, where there are no diseases, old age, death, crimes, there are no duties and there is a right to everything, you will feel the difference). No one will judge, all the more so, not the Soul is sent here, but only its particle - the Triat. After the Earth, sinners are sent to more terrible purgatory not by God and the Devil, but by the mechanisms of certain laws (if a person put his fingers into the socket and was electrocuted, then one cannot say that she condemned and punished ..). And those who have returned judge themselves. When the memory of the ex-dead is opened in the posthumous "sanatorium", then their consciousness (essence-conscience) expands a thousand times - some, remembering what they did here, beat their heads against the wall (figuratively). You cannot get to Paradise from here, first I have to return Home... although... compared to the Earth... it's almost... And I won't go to Hell, because. I know the "rules of the game". And you're right - for many, Hell begins here.

47) Is there a meaning to life if we die anyway?
About 20 years ago, after a severe traumatic brain injury, I came to my senses and ... remembered why I was sent to Earth and where I would return later. The shock was so strong that I began to tell everyone about it, but ... no one believed. Imagine that the Earth is a prison, a purgatory. What kind of self-improvement can there be in prison, given that it is not our Souls that are sent here, but only their microscopic particles — Triatoms? Of course, there, on Dessa, Sirius, Orion, Daya, Alpha ... trillions of times better - there are no diseases, old age, death, no crimes, no lonely people, no money (everything you need, you get for free). In general, 90% of people consider these material worlds as Paradise and are in no hurry to become "Angels". But in order to live there forever, you need to periodically go on business trips to Terra Purgatory, where you are now ... My advice to you all is to keep the commandments, and then you will live at Home for hundreds, thousands of years (until the next business trip) and have everything, oh what you only dreamed of ... Those who have abortions cheat (about suicides, murderers, thieves, scammers, etc. I generally keep quiet), At home they will rest for a couple of weeks and ... again to Earth in worse conditions, or - "formatting" Personality.

48) And then they will make sure that people do not die at all? Well, after... many many many years... Scientists will be able to do that?
In my homeland, Desse (where most Russians come from) used to die. Then scientists (not ours, but peep-eyed ones, from Sirius) discovered that there is only one way to get rid of diseases, old age and death - to drop imperil (negative energy). But it can be dropped only in very gross material worlds. It was there that the purgatory bases were created to reset the imperil. The Earth is one of such bases... It's a paradox - to be immortal at Home, you need to periodically fly here on business trips and die here... All of you are business travelers, just don't remember it... yet. The immortality of the House is to be forever young (20-30 years old) and never get sick. And overpopulation does not threaten there, because. we can revive any planet (there are 56 habitable planets on Dessa).