Last frame. Relatives cannot remove the body of a girl who died in the Dominican Republic. Nude selfie: Chelyabinsk crashed on a road sign in the Dominican Republic

Details of the accident have become known, as a result of which a 20-year-old Chelyabinsk woman died on January 16 at the intersection of Sverdlovsky Prospekt and Ostrovsky Street. The traffic police confirmed that the driver of the VAZ-21099 drove through the intersection at a red light when pedestrians were crossing the road at the traffic light. The motorist was repeatedly brought to justice for violating traffic rules, including driving while drunk.

Let us remember that it is a tragedy. A 22-year-old Chelyabinsk resident was driving a VAZ-21099 from Pobeda Avenue towards ChMZ. He jumped out to the intersection with Ostrovsky Street and turned red.

Pedestrian hit by car after road accident

— I changed lanes from the middle row to the last one and got hit by a red light. I tried to slow down, but didn’t have time. As a result, he hit a foreign car and then hit a woman with the back of the car,” he explained to the traffic police.

The KIA Picanto that was hit by the VAZ was driven by a young woman. After the impact, the domestic car flew into pedestrians who had just begun to cross the road. A 20-year-old girl was hit: she was literally swept away by an out-of-control car. She died at the scene.

The young VAZ driver also admitted that he had already violated traffic rules before: he was responsible for driving without insurance and child car seat, as well as deprivation of rights for driving while intoxicated in 2015. This information was confirmed by the traffic police.

I ran a red light and hit a girl

The traffic police clarified that the man was sober at the time of the accident. The issue of initiating a criminal case under Part 3 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person through negligence), which carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison, is being decided.

Social networks were blown up by the news of the tragic death of a native of Zlatoust Natalia Borodina. A 35-year-old woman, while in the Dominican Republic, received a head injury in a situation that was ridiculous to the point of impossibility. Details in the material "AiF-Chelyabinsk".


A half-naked girl climbed out the side window of a car moving at speed and flew out onto the road, hitting her head road sign. The victim was taken to the Santa Domingo hospital, where she died. The moment of death of a resident of the Chelyabinsk region was caught on video, where the tourist can be seen laughing and posing for the operator, who was driving the car at that time.

According to local media reports, a 32-year-old Ukrainian citizen was driving the Kia Picanto. Ivanna Boyrachuk. The incident was classified as an accident. However, many social media users think differently.

“What accident? This is quite close to causing death by negligence, the driver is to blame for everything,” Sergei expresses his assumption in one of the groups.

The traffic police in Chelyabinsk commented on this emergency.

“The driver at a minimum violated traffic rules. Firstly, he was filming a video, which means he was distracted from driving, and secondly, his passenger was not wearing a seat belt,” notes the inspector of the road safety promotion department Alena Bezmenova.

Without insurance

The deceased in Zlatoust is left with a 75-year-old mother, an older sister and an 11-year-old son, who do not have the money to transport Natalya’s body to their homeland.

As the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region explained, either relatives or a tour operator can transport the body.

“The Ministry of Health deals with living patients, in this case we cannot provide assistance,” says a press officer Natalya Kazantseva.

Natalya arrived in the Dominican Republic on her own, therefore, she did not have any insurance.

Tour operators advise: even if you go on an individual tour, you must take out medical insurance, which covers the costs of repatriating the body in the event of death.

The administration of Zlatoust is ready to provide assistance to the family of the deceased.

“We are examining the family, if help is needed, we will provide it,” says the press secretary of the city mayor Yulia Prokopyeva.

Meanwhile, Internet users had mixed reactions to the news.

“In this case, we are talking about an accident caused by the deceased herself or her companions, this will be established by the investigation,” she wrote Elena Baryshnikova.

“The girl decided to fool around, lean out of the car with her bare chest in a foreign country, no one knows anyway. This is a personal matter, whoever wants to have fun. The tragedy happened due to stupidity and accident. And this was put on public display. Now almost everyone is pouring out a ton of negativity towards this girl, as if they themselves were saints,” she noted Zhenya Vaskovskaya.

AiF-Chelyabinsk is monitoring developments.

The news of the death of a Russian tourist in the Dominican Republic spread thanks to a video of the last seconds of her life. Natalya, wearing only swimming trunks, leans out of the car at full speed. The girl smiles widely, but then a road sign pole flashes outside the window. There is a blow and the girl falls on the road. In intensive care, local doctors were unable to save her.


Natalya comes from Zlatoust, in the Chelyabinsk region. She recently turned 35 years old. A correspondent for the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda - Chelyabinsk found her friends and talked to them about the deceased.

Our communication was only within the walls of the school. I remember her as sociable and cheerful. After school, she went to Moscow,” a former classmate shared with us, who asked not to indicate his name.

Here's what family friend Angelica Kling said:

We learned about the tragedy from the Internet. Then the investigator called the family and confirmed everything. In Zlatoust, Natalya is survived by her elderly mother, older sister and 11-year-old son. She was never married. She lived with a guy, gave birth, and they ran away. Nobody knows what she did, but she helped her family with money. Now we don’t know what to do with the body. There is no money for transportation. Maybe they will be cremated there.


A slightly different biography of Natalia was told by her friend Anastasia Akulenko.

She and I were married to siblings. She separated from her husband, he now has his own family, and he does not see his son. Natalya was very worried about the divorce. She was a caring daughter and a good mother. She supported her family. She was not involved in escorting, as the “envious women from the collective farm” say. She was successful without spreading her legs, she earned very well and could afford to rest. IN Lately lived in Cannes, was engaged in visa processing. I could work from anywhere, as long as I had a laptop. That's why Natasha traveled. The son was with her at first, but asked to return to Zlatoust, he missed his grandmother. Natalya did not forget her family and often came to her homeland.

Eh, Natasha-Natasha,” sighs another friend Elena Koroleva. - She carried everything on her back like a man! She helped her needy family with everything. No one worked for them, only she. She wanted everything at once, she thought everything was ahead. But anyone can stumble, we are all not saints, so why judge her by one frame?

The deceased's name is Natalya, she is 35 years old. The girl was born in the Chelyabinsk region and lived in Moscow for a long time, REN TV reports.


According to updated data, the Russian woman hit her head on a road sign. At that moment, her Ukrainian friend Ivanna was driving the car. It was she who filmed the tragic incident with her naked friend. When doctors tried to help the victim, Ivanna took a photo with the barely alive Natalya, writes Life .ru.

As a result of the accident, the Russian woman received a serious head injury and was hospitalized. A few hours later she died, and footage of the terrible incident hit the Internet.

Meanwhile, Natalya’s acquaintances said that she still had a child. At the same time, the tourist could provide intimate services at the resort. “I heard that they were escorts,” said a friend of the deceased from Chelyabinsk, noting that she definitely knew nothing about it.

As Dni.Ru wrote, while on vacation in the Dominican Republic, the Russian woman chose a very dangerous fun. A girl in only shorts climbed out of the car window and showed off her charms to the camera. The car was racing through the streets at high speed, but at some point the tourist flew out of the foreign car onto the roadway.

A young woman suffered fatal head injuries after leaning topless out of a car.

A young woman wearing only white panties leans out of a red Kia Picanto, jokes and laughs. Then he leans back. The video is interrupted by a scream of horror. At the exit from the highway in Punta Cana, the girl is literally carried out of the car. It turned out that she crashed head first into a road sign indicating the direction to the airport.

This was last night. And in the morning, a video with a naked Natasha, who had died by that time from her injuries, was posted by the NTV channel. By evening, the video had received more than 120 thousand views. An order of magnitude more than other videos with deaths on vacation. A woman named Ivanna may have witnessed the incident. Presumably, she was driving the car at the moment when the tragedy occurred. Some media write that Ivanna herself filmed the video on mobile phone, others - that the smartphone with the camera turned on was fixed, and the shooting was carried out in automatic mode. And then the video somehow ends up on the NTV channel, then Ren-TV. Who provided such “cinema” to journalists? At the time of publication of the article, it was not possible to find out the answer to this question: we were unable to reach the press service of the NTV channel; the specified number did not answer.

The Dominican community appealed to everyone who knows anything about the girl, since Natalia only had her international passport with her. Little is known about her. According to some sources, she is a native of Chelyabinsk, according to others - the region. The woman is very beautiful, with the appearance of a film actress, she looks much younger than her 35 years. She moved first to Moscow and then to Cannes, where she was engaged in real estate sales. I was on vacation in the Dominican Republic. There are many photographs of Natalia on social networks, which indicate that she loved the beautiful life - she skied and traveled a lot. Nothing is known about Ivanna yet, except that she is a citizen of Ukraine and permanently resides in the Dominican Republic.

On May 24, Natasha left a note under one of the photographs, which can be considered prophetic: “Remember one simple truth: everything that should happen will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, everything that should not happen will not happen, no matter how much you want it. Therefore, remain calm in any situation.”