Lunar calendar for a month. Lunar calendar for the month When is the first lunar day in January

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January 1, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. This is a great day to understand yourself and fit into the rhythm of life. You will be able to understand whether you are setting the right goals for yourself and what to do next. Strive to make your desires and dreams come true.

January 2, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, full Moon in Cancer. Today is a better day than ever to cleanse your aura; visiting yoga would be an excellent solution. But you shouldn’t start new things and projects, put all your efforts into intensive work on the idea you are currently implementing.

January 3, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Forget today about all the problems and troubles, devote yourself to creativity, even if you don’t have the ability, the process itself is important. This will help you relax and take your mind off the bustle around you.

January 4, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Be sure to weigh all your decisions. Today is exactly the day when you need to “measure seven times, cut once.” Not worth doing business, but a great time to explore new places.

January 5, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. Be careful, avoid scandals and gossip on this day, there is a risk of losing the recognition of colleagues and friends. Today, almost everyone is alarmed and takes everything with hostility, so choose your words carefully.

January 6, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. Today everyone is “starting up at half speed”, be careful with your actions and expressions, otherwise there is a possibility of losing everything achieved through hard work.

January 7, 2018, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Virgo. On this day, everyone is extremely aggressive; it is better to protect yourself from all kinds of conflicts and quarrels by staying at home. Do some spring cleaning, it promises to be successful.

January 8, 2018, 21st lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. Finally, you can relax and calm down, there is no point in trying, everything you need will find you on its own. The waning moon will help improve your figure, give up flour and sweets from today.

January 9, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. You may experience a loss of energy during the day, it is better not to take fateful decisions, and devote the day to making new acquaintances and finding the right contacts. Friends made today will remain for a long time.

January 10, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. The time is ideal for spiritual development; today you will be able to study beyond the norm. You will be able to train your memory and increase your ability to concentrate on the right material.

January 11, 2018, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. If you crave solitude, today is the ideal time for this; you can devote yourself to relaxation and learn something new and interesting. Today is a very inert day, let laziness break out.

January 12, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. An unrealistically phlegmatic day, in no state of mind for quarrels, but not enough strength for joy. On this day you can relax with your family, enjoy a wonderful movie with a cup of hot chocolate.

January 13, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. A day of concentration and intricacy. An excellent period to make insidious plans, and abstract abilities are also emerging today. You can go on a hike for the purpose of enlightenment.

January 14, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. You will be overjoyed if you meet old friends, remember past years and just chat in a quiet and cozy atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony. You can also think about the customs of your family and introduce new traditions to become even closer to each other.

January 15, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. Perfect time for mysticism and witchcraft. This is a time of charlatanism and fantasy, keep your eyes open so as not to become a victim of ill-wishers, put off all dubious matters for a more appropriate time. Don't give in to provocations.

January 16, 2018, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. This day will help improve your intuition; you can meditate to strengthen your abilities. Having reviewed all unresolved cases, you will definitely find the most optimal way out of the situation. An excellent time to resolve all issues.

January 17, 2018, 29, 1-2 lunar day, new Moon in Aquarius. Today is the basis for further actions and actions. Whatever foundation you lay now, that’s how the whole month will pass. The success of your efforts depends only on the planned events; try to organize yourself as worthily as possible.

January 18, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. Day of accumulation of positive energy, devote time to receiving pleasant emotions and impressions. Favorable time for walks and travel. A great solution would be to go on vacation and have a good walk.

January 19, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. Today you should be more reasonable and careful, be compliant to negative points from outsiders and forgive your ill-wishers, this will only bring you good luck.

January 20, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces. This is a very powerful day, a constant surge of strength awaits you. To channel your super-powerful energy in the right direction, do what you do best, and success will follow. It is also a favorable time to help animals.

January 21, 2018, 5-6 lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces. Control your surge of strength, which turns into aggression. The moon will significantly intensify all negative emotions, especially for those born on this day, so stress is possible, which is not very good for the body as a whole. Try to control your thoughts and actions to avoid troubles and losses.

January 22, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, growing Moon in Aries. You can say a happy day, it is favorable for any endeavors. Today you will be able to bring all your plans to life; success will be promoted in all your actions and words. If you can’t decide on something for a long time, today is the right time.

January 23, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries. The ideal time to get married. Those getting married on this day will live in harmony and mutual understanding, the family will be strong and happy, the envy of everyone. The day is also great for all kinds of research, but large gatherings should be avoided.

January 24, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries. Do something unusual, the result will surprise you, and perhaps you will acquire a new hobby. All kinds of handicrafts have a great effect on the nervous system and concentration, develop patience and meticulousness, which in the future will help you achieve your goals.

January 25, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Taurus. If you have been worried about some disease for a long time or something is wrong with your health, today will be ideal for visiting the hospital, but completely undesirable for all kinds of operations. It is also good to start long-term treatment, it will definitely end in a positive result.

January 26, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Taurus. A suitable day for cleansing karma, removing damage and fighting chronic diseases. Also today you can cleanse the internal organs, which will significantly improve your overall well-being and appearance, or just go to a beauty salon.

January 27, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. On this day you can do any business except trade and gambling. This is a calm day, try to enjoy every minute of it and absorb the maximum positive energy from space. Today it is advisable to give gifts to loved ones and give alms, bringing prosperity upon yourself.

January 28, 2018, 12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. A great day to go to the gym, sign up for a fitness class or go to the pool. All endeavors will be crowned with success, many victories over yourself await you. It's also a good time to say goodbye to bad habits.

January 29, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. Today you can start any serious business, you can change your job or move, you will only benefit from this. This is a great time for unforeseen decisions, just be careful with divorce, there is a risk of losing more than you gain.

January 30, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. This is the most intense day, which provides you with an opportunity to change or correct something in your affairs, look from the outside at the work done and dot all the i’s. Try to use as much energy as possible, as you won’t be able to store it in reserve.

January 31, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, full Moon in Leo. The moon has reached its peak, all you have to do is skim the cream. But ill-wishers are not slowing down, so do not accept gifts and be vigilant towards unpleasant people. Today there is an opportunity to meet a castle in the air on the path to improvement.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in January 2018

  • From January 1 2:38 to January 1 11:10
  • From January 3 1:46 to January 3 10:22
  • From January 5 2:10 to January 5 11:12
  • From January 7 5:51 to January 7 15:14
  • From January 9 19:12 to January 9 23:05
  • From January 11 17:53 to January 12 10:04
  • From January 14 11:48 to January 14 22:42
  • From January 17 9:30 to January 17 11:32
  • From January 19 14:52 to January 19 23:26
  • From January 22 4:13 to January 22 9:27
  • From January 24 7:16 to January 24 16:39
  • From January 26 6:16 to January 26 20:40
  • From January 28 13:39 to January 28 21:57
  • From January 30 19:40 to January 30 21:53

Two full moons in January 2018, when one falls on the beginning of the month and the second on its last day, are sure to be an emotionally intense period. At such times, it is important to follow the previously outlined plan, avoiding drastic ideas to change your image, place of residence, or business partner. You shouldn’t give in to momentary passions and rush to pack your bags to move to the new object of your love. Allow time to flow calmly, the Moon to move from one Phase to another, and yourself to remain true to the principles and course of life.

The full moon differs from the rest of the synodal day in that on this day the Moon is especially active and many people feel its wave-like energy physically. The force field tends to either strengthen or become weaker. The energy is often so powerful that even a positive charge causes negative consequences for a person due to the inability to “control oneself.”

Those who consider themselves to be sensitive, temperamental and emotional people should make it a rule on the days of the Full Moon to control their own mental balance. Sometimes it is during the Full Moon that accidents and little things can seem like something significant and serious, which can cause a real mess in life.

The Moon at the beginning of 2018 is still under the influence of the Fire Rooster. The period is characterized by relative calm. One should not expect violent natural phenomena, cataclysms, or dubious signs from the sky. The month is quite predictable, filled with everyday worries and solving everyday problems. Taking into account seasonal characteristics and long holidays, it makes sense to diligently monitor your health, paying great attention to the gastrointestinal tract, throat, and state of mind.

Moon by Phases:

  • Gaining strength and growing: on the 1st, as well as from January 18 to the 30th.
  • Full moon: 2nd at 05:04:03 and 31st at 16:26:32.
  • New Moon: 17th at 05:17:12.
  • Quarter One: 25th at 01:20:20.
  • Quarter Last: 9th, 01:25:13.
  • Departing: from 3rd to 16th.
  • At its apogee: at 02:11, January 15.
  • At perigee: 1st at 21:56 and 30th at 09:55.

On days when the Earth's satellite is growing, a small risk is allowed, for example, in financial investments. Such periods are favorable for mental and physical work. The new moon will help in planning the near future. On the Waning Satellite, you need to take care of your health, avoid litigation, get more rest and sleep. The moon is at perigee, which means you should be careful in your words and not give in to bad thoughts.

January cycle

People are individual, so the influence of the Moon on everyone is individual. There are general criteria that apply to the majority, but those who really care about the help of natural resources need to observe their emotional and physical reactions to changing Moon Phases.

Table of the lunar cycle in January 2018:

Date/day of week



Synodic day

Zodiac sign

Favorable days (Bl.) and unfavorable days (N.)

Number 1. Mon.

Phase two. The moon is growing

Day from 14 to 15

From Gemini to Constellation Cancer

2nd number. Tue

Full moon in

Phase three. Descending

From Cancer Sign to Leo Sign

The moon is waning

Number 5, Friday.


Leo and Virgo

Day 19 and 20

From Virgo Sign to Libra Sign

Descending. Still Phase Three

9th number. Tue


From Libra Sign to Scorpio Sign

10th, Wednesday

Descending, Quarter Four




From Scorpio to Sagittarius Constellation

13th. Saturday.


Number 14. Sunday.


Day 26 and 27

Sagittarius and Capricorn


Descending, Quarter Four

New Moon at 5:17

Day 29, 1 and 2

From Capricorn to Aquarius

01/18/2018. Thursday.

Moon in Growth. Phase One


Aquarius and Pisces



From the Constellation Pisces to the Sign Aries


From 8 to day 9

Aries and Taurus

Number 25. Thu.

Height. Quarter One

26th. Friday.

Second Phase. Height.

Constellations Taurus and Gemini




Gemini and Cancer

29th. Monday.

Height. Phase Two.

31st. Wednesday.

Full Moon at 16:26

Full moon

The January Moon abundantly sends positive impulses to Earth, which can be safely used to improve relationships with loved ones. This is a time for reconciliation, forgiveness, joint events, and friendly meetings. The first full moon in January 2018, the date of which falls on the 2nd, is an excellent time for love victories and family reunions. The energy of the planet’s satellite does not encourage sudden changes in life, thoughtless risks in search of quick benefits and a thirst for danger for the sake of adrenaline. You should hold back the ambitions of your nature, not bet on luck, but give priority to prudence and caution. The best decision– dedicate the day to communicating with relatives.

On the 31st, the Moon will pass under the Sign of Leo. The first half of the day should adhere to the usual rhythm of life. Those who work in a close team need to ignore barbs, otherwise quarrels with colleagues are possible. This day is favorable for people who want to make a career. You can put a little pressure on your superiors, but you need to be consistent, otherwise there is a chance to end up on the list of those who do not try to finish what they started. The moon will help those who are ready to move on and are not afraid of difficulties.

Fast rhythms, endless streams of news and information, deprive modern man ability to manage your time. Taking the help of the Moon is becoming increasingly fashionable in our age of information and digital technology. Relying on natural and cosmic resources, you can look deeper into yourself and feel the taste of life to the fullest.

Every month there is a change in the lunar phases, which affects our lives. To avoid mistakes, you should know in advance what awaits us in the future and how to cope with problems that may arise suddenly.

The new moon is a special short-term period that we experience every month. This day is most favorable for new beginnings and planning for the future. Already on January 17, 2018, the Moon will begin its rebirth again, and you will have the opportunity to start life from scratch and think about new victories and ways to achieve success.

Features of the January New Moon in 2018

Already on January 17, the New Moon period awaits us. On this day, the Moon will be in the constellation Aquarius, which will have a beneficial effect on creative activity and mental abilities. Spend time on courses that interest you and educate yourself. The knowledge gained will benefit you and become an indispensable weapon in the fight for a successful future.

The new moon is considered a favorable time to get rid of everything unnecessary. Therefore, if after the New Year holidays and hearty meals you want to bring your figure back to its former shape, then feel free to go on a diet or even try therapeutic fasting. However, before taking such a responsible step, be sure to consult your doctor.

The day will be under the auspices of Mercury, the patron saint of the environment, which means that luck will await those who show their mental and Creative skills. It is undesirable to put things off until later, because on January 17 you will have the opportunity to say goodbye to the past and begin new beginnings.

Finance and career on the January New Moon

Teamwork can not only be more fun and productive, but also useful, especially during the New Moon. You will have a chance to improve relationships with colleagues and superiors and take a big step on the career ladder. Don’t be afraid to offer new ideas, even if they seem too extraordinary to you: during this period, your creativity will come in handy, and management may like your proposals.

On the New Moon, financial transactions can turn out to be successful for you if you avoid unnecessary spending and aim to improve your financial situation. If you want to gain wealth in 2018, then invest your money in a reliable project or simply buy a lottery ticket. At this time, luck can be on your side only if you yourself believe in your success and the positive outcome of your risk.

Love and Relationships on the New Moon

The new moon is a favorable period for improving your personal life. If you are already a couple, but your relationship leaves much to be desired, consider looking for new love. In this short period, you can correctly prioritize and understand whether you need to save an unreliable union or whether it’s easier to go in search of new romantic adventures.

Wednesday is a good day for meeting new people. If you wish, you can overcome your isolation and open up to frank communication with a potential life partner. During the New Moon, intuition intensifies, so follow the prompts of your inner voice when meeting and communicating with the person you like.

Health and mood January 17

On the New Moon, your inner strength may be great, which will have a positive effect on your success in the future, but may have a bad effect on your health. The desire to do everything at once can lead to a loss of energy, so at the end of the day you will feel very unwell and apathetic. To avoid this, try not to overwork: in 2018 you will have the opportunity to turn your ideas and plans into reality more than once.

At this time, you need to think about your health, since during the New Year holidays it could be greatly affected by a large amount of heavy food and alcohol consumption. Try to unload your body through diet or fasting, and most importantly, get rid of bad habits. Spend more time on your lungs physical activity that will help you get in shape and achieve your former lightness.

The energy of the January New Moon will have a positive effect on your emotional state. You will be able to stay in good mood if you avoid conflicts with others and negative emotions. Some feelings are destructive and prevent us from moving towards our goals - they should be avoided not only during the New Moon, but also on other days.

January is a rather important month, since it is at the beginning of the year that we set new goals for ourselves and begin to move towards them. The calendar of favorable days will help you know when to make responsible decisions and when not to take risks. We wish you success in your new endeavors, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Moon is the space object closest to Earth, a satellite of our planet and the luminary of the night sky. She is associated with the feminine principle and the element of water. And as confirmation of this, ebbs and flows occur. But not only the ocean consists of water. All living beings on Earth are primarily composed of water, including humans. And even so, it is already clear that lunar rhythms have an influence on all living things on our planet.

A detailed and accurate lunar calendar for the month of January 2020 on the site will help you live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you, will help you find out when there will be a new moon and a full moon, a full moon (date, what date, exact time), the beginning of a new moon and a full moon, which lunar days ( lunar day) in January (01).

It will also help to correctly and accurately determine the phases of the moon, when there will be a waxing, young or waning, outgoing, old moon, new month, what lunar day, when will favorable days in January or unfavorable days.

The lunar cycle or lunar month has 4 lunar phases and consists of 30 days - lunar days! A lunar day is different from a normal one. It lasts from sunrise until the next moonrise. These data can be found in our lunar calendar.

Moreover, you need to pay attention that the moonrise can occur at any time of the day, and it is from this moment that the next lunar day begins. And there may be 29-30 of them. The 30th lunar day does not happen every time. If it does not happen, that is, there are 29 days in the lunar month, the month is considered less favorable.

Favorable days in January 2020:

From January 1 to January 9 - waxing moon (new, young, waxing, rising moon, new young month)
. from January 11 to January 24 - waning Moon (old, descending, defective)
. from January 26 to January 31 - waxing Moon

These are the days of the waxing moon, after the new moon, and the days of the waning moon, after the full moon.

Unfavorable days in January 2020, date, date:

These are the days of the full moon, new moon, 1st quarter and 4th quarter. Be careful and very careful!

When does 1st lunar day begin and how long does it last?

1/2 lunar day. What does it mean? When exactly does the 1st and 2nd lunar day begin, how long does the 1st lunar day last, duration in time.

1 lunar day (lunar day) begins during the beginning of the New Moon. The 2nd lunar day begins at moonrise (the time is indicated in the table). Thus, 1 lunar day lasts from the beginning of the New Moon until the time of moonrise - until the beginning of the 2nd lunar day.

Moon calendar as of January 01, 2020

The lunar calendar indicates Moscow time. Be sure to consider your time zone to determine local time. The beginning of the lunar month is the new moon - 1 lunar day.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the time of moonrise on that day. The lunar calendar also indicates the transit of the Moon in a zodiac sign and the exact time of entry into this zodiac sign.

date Lunar day Sunrise time Zodiac sign Entrance sign Moon phase
1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
6 13
7 14
8 15
14:12 Twins
9 16
10 17
Cancer Full moon
11 18
a lion
15:17 Descending
12 19
18:21 a lion Moon
13 20
14 21
15 22
16 22
17 23
18 24
19 25
20 26
21 27
22 28
23 29
24 30
25 1/2
Aquarius New moon
26 3
Aquarius Growing
27 4
28 5
29 6
30 7
31 8

Moon phases: date, date, exact time for the month of January (01.) 2020

According to astrologers, each new moon creates the foundation for all future events that will occur in the next month, until the next new moon. The first new moon of the new year 2018 is doubly important - it is believed that it will set the background for all the next 12 months.

What date is the new moon in January 2018

Looking at our lunar calendar for 2018, we see that The first new moon of the new year will occur in the sign of Aquarius and will occur on Wednesday January 17, 2018 at 5 hours 17 minutes 12 seconds Moscow time.

As you know, the exact time of the new moon differs for different cities. However, simply adding or subtracting the time difference is not correct; the onset of the new moon is calculated depending on the moonrise in each specific city or town.

1 lunar day in January 2018

In January 2018, the first lunar day will last only a few hours:

New Moon January 17, 2018 in Aquarius: what you can and cannot do

At the beginning of the new year 2018, many are planning dramatic changes in their lives. Someone is going to start losing weight, someone is planning to get rid of bad habits or even start life from scratch. If your plans could not be implemented since January 1, then the first new moon of 2018 is best time in order to put them into practice.

So, the new moon in January 2018 is ideal for:

  • start the fight against excess weight
  • go to the gym
  • quit smoking
  • get rid of alcohol addiction
  • start looking for a new, higher paying job
  • start renovating your apartment or building a house.

The January 2018 new moon will occur in the sign of Aquarius. This position of the night star can become a catalyst for global changes in life and cause unforeseen situations with far-reaching consequences.

The New Moon in Aquarius is favorable for active and active people who quickly get bored with everything and who need constant novelty. But many find it difficult to part with the usual routine of everyday life, and change can bring suffering to them. To enjoy the opportunities that come, you need to leave the past in the past and be willing to move beyond the ordinary. On the day of the new moon, try to get a clear picture of what you are ready to let go and what you intend to accept into your life. An intention formed on this day can start a series of amazing events that will make you happier.

To bring your dreams closer, it is good to make wishes on the new moon and perform a ritual for new beginnings, which can relate to love, money, work and much more.