May calendar. Calendar for May Lunar calendar for May of the year

We bring to your attention a calendar for May 2018, which will help you determine the phase of the moon, find out which ones are now lunar day and their influence on life in May - favorable or negative. The time indicated in the lunar calendar is Moscow (+3 GMT). Consider your time zone if you live in another area. The calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac - the time of its entry into the sign and the time of the beginning of the lunar day.

Moon phases for May 2018

  • New Moon - May 25 at 22:43.
  • Full Moon - May 11 at 00:41.
  • Growing Moon - from 1 to 10, from May 26 to 31
  • Waning Moon - from May 12 to 24
  • Lunar eclipse - no.
  • Solar eclipse - no.

Lunar calendar for May 2018

Waxing Crescent

Waning moon

Waxing Crescent

// 01:16 Moon in Leo

Moon calendar auspicious days for May 2018

The lunar calendar for May has 31 days. The first day of the moon falls on the new moon. This is a good day for undertakings, analyzing the past, learning from lessons, forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it's best to do it on or shortly after the new moon.

On such days, we quarrel less, we understand others better, we endure illnesses more easily. There is energy, strength, everything conceived can be fulfilled. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.

  • 20.05 - 24 lunar days
  • May 24 - 28 lunar day
  • May 25 - 1 lunar day / new moon /
  • 26.05 - 2 lunar days
  • 27.05 - 3 lunar days
  • 29.05 - 5 lunar days
  • 1.30.05 - 6 lunar days
  • 2.31.05 - 7 lunar days
  • May 5 - 10 lunar day
  • May 7 - 12 lunar day
  • 9.10.05 - 14 lunar days
  • 16.05 - 20 lunar days
  • 17.05 - 21 lunar days

In May 2018, the New Moon in Gemini - it's time for an easy pastime. Many will want to spend this period easily, without tedious explanations and quarrels.

Lunar calendar of unfavorable days for May 2018

These days, the moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately, do not understand what is happening. The lunar calendar warns that on such days the number of accidents increases, everything falls out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days, you must refrain from moving. This does not mean that you can not leave the house, just that you should be as careful as possible.

On satanic days, one should not start new business, sign agreements, because everything will not work out as planned. Normal person naturally feels not very well on this day, and if you are lucky on this day, then know that you dark forces rewarded for something bad. It is better to postpone all serious matters for more successful days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise from scratch.

  • 28.05 - 4 lunar days
  • 4.5.05 - 9 lunar days
  • 10.11.05 - 15 lunar days
  • 21.22.05 - 16 lunar day / full moon /
  • 11.12.05 - 18 lunar day
  • 19.05 - 23 lunar days
  • 22.05 - 26 lunar days
  • 25.05 - 29 lunar days

The full moon on May 11 will take place in the sign of Scorpio - this is the time when it is better to do nothing and be as careful as possible. The theme of the month will be related to finance and property. The lunar calendar advises: let go of your old problems, now is the right time for this. Scorpio is a sign of debt, so your main task is to pay them. You need to untie the karmic knots of past incarnations and try not to tie new ones. Women in Scorpio full moon are endowed with a lot of destructive energy. There is a desire to break and destroy everything around you. In order not to break something valuable, it is better to throw out unnecessary old things. Men, do not quarrel with women on this day, otherwise you will regret it.

  • 1.05 23:23 - 02.05 7:12
  • 4.05 7:35 - 12:46
  • 6.05 15:42 - 21:20
  • 9.05 1:59 - 8:00
  • 11.05 0:42 - 19:59
  • 14.05 5:14 - 8:37
  • 16.05 13:22 - 20:50
  • 19.05 3:33 - 6:52
  • 21.05 6:39 - 13:11
  • 23.05 9:59 - 15:33
  • 24.05 22:08 - 15:15
  • 27.05 9:18 - 14:24
  • 29.05 9:59 - 15:12
  • 31.05 14:14 - 19:16

History of lunar calendars: useful to know

The lunar calendar was created a very long time ago. This is partly due to the fact that the movement of the Moon, the closest astronomical body to the Earth, is easy to observe with the naked eye. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the Moon moves across the celestial sphere between the stars, like the Sun, from west to east.

The earliest lunar calendar of which written evidence has been preserved is that of the Sumerians. Approximately 3000 BC. the Sumerians came up with a relatively simple calendar for two seasons (winter and summer), divided into 12 months of 29-30 days in each month (1 year = (6x29) + (6x30) = 354 days). The duration of the month was regulated by observations of the moon. Each new month began in the evening with the disappearance of the crescent of the waning moon. To compensate for the difference between the earthly (seasonal) and lunar (phase) years, the Sumerians simply added an extra month when the need arose.

The only purely lunar calendar has survived to this day - the Islamic one, prescribed by the Koran as mandatory for devout Muslims. Its main purpose is to maintain the Muslim chronology and observe the dates of Muslim religious rites. It uses either the Arabic or Turkish cycle to compensate for the error using leap years. The Arabic cycle is 30 lunar years and includes 19 ordinary years of 354 days and 11 leap years of 355 days, with leap years falling on years 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26 and 29. Turkish the cycle is equal to 8 lunar years and includes 5 ordinary and 3 leap years that fall on years 2, 5, 7. Dates, for example, the religious holidays of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha, in the Islamic calendar are constantly shifting towards advance relative to the sun.

Currently, the lunar calendar is the time interval between two successive identical phases of the moon, the synodic month. The lunar year consists of 12 synodic months with a total duration of 354.36706 days. Thus, the synodic month does not fit without a remainder in the calendar year. But the calendar must have an integer number of days, so the lunar calendar is built like this: the month is rounded up to 29 or 30 days, and taking this into account, the calendar lunar year lasts 354 days (29 days * 6 months) + (30 days * 6 months) = 354 days. Since the beginning of the calendar lunar month should be as close as possible to the new moon or coincide with it, during the lunar year, months of different lengths should alternate. Therefore, usually all odd months contain 30, and even - 29 days.

Thus, the lunar calendar is far from perfect, and in order to harmonize astronomical phenomena and the lunar calendar, it must be corrected from time to time: approximately every three lunar years, insert one day, i.e. instead of 354 days, count 355 days in a year. A lunar year of 354 days is called a simple year, and a lunar year of 355 days is called an extended or leap year.

Calendar lunar days by month for 2018

The peak of the growth of the Moon is the time of the highest activity of energy. On the day of the Full Moon, you will be able to increase your energy and achieve your goals without making much effort.

Practitioners and esotericists call the Full Moon the most powerful and mystical time of the month. On this day, achieving success and fulfilling your desire is easier than ever: the main thing is to accurately imagine the ultimate goal and be confident in your abilities.

What will the May Full Moon be like?

In May 2017, the Moon will reach its peak growth on the 11th. The full moon will come in the constellation of Scorpio: this means that, first of all, the area of ​​feelings and emotions will fall under the influence of the increased lunar energy.

Increased emotionality can cause a preponderance of negative emotions and lead to conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings between loved ones. To prevent the manifestation of negative emotions, try to take care of your emotional comfort: start the day with a peaceful audio meditation, walk on fresh air or your favorite breakfast. The more positive emotions you get in the morning, the more successful the day of the May Full Moon will be.

During the full moon, the personal energy of a person increases significantly. Most often, such a surge leads to increased activity, the desire to take on everything at once. However, astrologers are sure that a huge number of plans the very next day can lead to increased energy consumption, imbalance and deterioration of both moral and physical well-being.

To avoid such depressing consequences, try to correctly distribute your forces and prioritize. Do not take on a lot of things - better direct all your energy to the most laborious.

On the Full Moon, the level of monetary energy increases significantly: practitioners often use this time for financial rites. On May 11, 2017, you will be able to attract material success into your life in the following ways:

  • conduct a ritual for wealth with coins;
  • make a money amulet;
  • read spells for wealth.

All three methods are great for attracting financial flow and increasing future income.

The Full Moon in alliance with the constellation Scorpio can significantly harm people who do not know how to fully control and suppress both negative and positive emotional impulses.

Intemperance on the Full Moon can lead to an irreparable situation, so doctors and bioenergetics are advised to follow several recommendations:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • spend more time with your favorite hobby;
  • if possible, exclude communication with people who cause you a strong emotional outburst.

These simple tips will help you save energy and increase its supply on the day of the May Full Moon. We wish you good luck and only Have a good mood. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.05.2017 05:05

The full moon has always been considered a mystical period of time. At this time, the Moon has a special effect on a person: we become more vulnerable, ...

The impact of the Moon on all living organisms living on Earth has been documented and systematized since ancient times. Modern astrology monthly forms the so-called lunar calendars, access to which is available to almost every civilized person.

Knowing the location of the Moon in a certain period, it is possible to predict the well-being of certain events, risk factors, and even suggest an exacerbation of certain diseases. And now the lunar calendar for May 2017 is presented to your attention.

Moon phases in May 2017

New Moons and Full Moons in May 2017

May 11 (Thu) – Full moon. The Moon exerts the strongest influence on all processes occurring on the planet during this period. The day is considered unfavorable for physical activity and solving important business issues.

May 25 (Thu) – New moon. Great time for cleansing procedures, visiting a doctor. Avoid alcohol on this day and devote more time to your health.

May 3 (Wed) – First quarter. It's time to start a new project, your own business, the implementation of long-planned cases. The growing moon guarantees an influx of vitality and energy.

May 19 (Fri) – Last quarter. If you have been involved in the implementation of any project, it's time to take stock. Do not start new things, try to devote yourself to creating plans for the future.

Moon phase calendar for May 2017

Favorable lunar days

May 2 (Tue) - the growing moon in Leo. Great time for business activity. Do not ignore the support from relatives and friends and take the initiative yourself - offer your friends a helping hand, on this day such events will benefit all parties involved.

May 9, 10 (Tue, Wed) - the growing moon in Scorpio. Days of increased concentration. Great time for mental activity. But avoid big deals, leave them for a calmer and more favorable period.

May 13 (Sat) - waning moon in Sagittarius. Today is the best time for the whole month for land work and going out into nature (see). Peace and joy from such work are guaranteed.

May 17, 18 (Wed, Thu) - the waning moon in Aquarius. The best time to learn something. Attend lectures, take courses, or just read a science book.

May 24 (Wed) - waning moon in Taurus. auspicious day to create their future material base. Do not waste money on nonsense, think over a shopping plan and follow it.

May 26 (Fri) - the growing moon in Gemini. On this day, it is best to start a diet or just spend it in curative fasting.

As for the unfavorable days in May 2017, fortunately, the lunar calendar does not promise us such days. All dates that are not included in the list of favorable dates are neutral and do not affect any processes.

See also:, according to the signs of the zodiac.

The beauty of the Moon, which hides behind the clouds or brightly illuminates the sky, is a factor that has a significant impact on the well-being and emotions of people. Since ancient times, the Moon has been revered, considered a mysterious night star, endowed with special magical abilities.

In some ways, our ancestors were right, because the impact on us lunar phases- undeniable. From this article you will gain useful knowledge about when the New Moon will be, on which days the Moon will wax and wane, and when Full moon May 2017.

  • May 1 - 2, 2017 - The moon is in a growing phase;
  • May 3, 2017 - first quarter;
  • May 4 - 10, 2017 - continuation of the growing phase;
  • May 11, 2017 - Full Moon;
  • May 12 - 18, 2017 - the transition of the moon to a waning phase;
  • May 19, 2017 - third quarter;
  • May 20 - 24, 2017 - continuation of the decreasing phase;
  • May 25, 2017 - New Moon;
  • May 26 - 31, 2017 - the transition of the moon into a growing phase.

Detailed lunar calendar by day for May 2017

May 1, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) - the first day of the last spring month should be spent without any hassle. In the morning it is good to go on a trip, you can also plan and analyze. Toward evening, you can do rejuvenating procedures.

May 2, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - it is important to keep all the negative with you so that it does not return like a boomerang. A suitable day for marriages and large purchases. Haircuts and any manipulations with hair are highly undesirable. Green shades, safari colors and khakis in clothes will bring positive to life.

May 3, 2017 (7, 8 lunar day) - you need to monitor mood swings to prevent severe depression. A new haircut will give well-being and peace in the soul. Set up in a carefree and romantic way pink colors in wardrobe.

May 4, 2017 (8, 9 lunar day) - on this day you can not overload yourself with hard work, as excessive stress can lead to nervous breakdowns. Not the best day for a haircut and change of image.

May 5, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) is a favorable day in all respects - both for commercial affairs, and for solving important issues, and for having a good time with friends and relatives, and for changing your image and hairstyle.

May 6, 2017 (10, 11 lunar day) is an extremely unfavorable period for solving important issues and serious problems. Financial affairs, trade should be postponed. Any undertaking is also undesirable. It is better to finish all current affairs. Then prosperity and happiness will come to the house.

May 7, 2017 (11, 12 lunar day) is a good day for being outdoors. Unity with nature will have a beneficial effect on the body and emotional state. It is better to change the business style of clothes to sports. A comfortable suit and sneakers will make you feel better.

May 8, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) - today it is better to just go with the flow, not trying to change anything. You should try to spend this day in silence and relative calm. A visit to the hairdresser will help unwind.

May 9, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) - sensitive people on May 9, 2017 should save their vitality and energy, not express their negative emotions. The day is very favorable for important matters, large-scale projects, commerce and job changes.

May 10, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - at this time, difficulties and unforeseen problems are likely to arise. Mood swings can disrupt a peaceful way of life. You should also beware of laziness and apathy. A haircut, like coloring, should be rescheduled for another day.

May 11, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - in order not to fall under the influence, you should beware of fuss and excessive activity. It is best to do yoga, exercise therapy, meditation, etc. Light shades in the wardrobe will help you tune in to the desired mood.

May 12, 2017 (16, 17 lunar day) is a successful day in all directions. Any event today will be a resounding success. good time for carefree leisure time with friends.

May 13, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - on this day it is advisable to get up early to recharge your batteries and feel good. A good time for cleansing the body and wellness procedures. The new journey will be successful.

May 14, 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) - changing the image today will be a good idea. Haircut and coloring will also have a beneficial effect on the hair. It's time to get dresses and trousers made of light fabrics from the closet.

May 15, 2017 (19 lunar day) - it is better to spend the day doing household chores and pleasant chores. Serious matters should be postponed to another time. Also on May 15, 2017, you should not marry and make promises. Walking in the fresh air will have a good effect on the body.

May 16, 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) - today you need to avoid stress that can lead to health problems. A good time for household chores, communication with relatives.

May 17, 2017 (20, 21 lunar days) - water procedures today will have a healing effect on the hematopoietic system. This can be a visit to the pool, sauna or a contrast shower at home. A new haircut or styling will give a special charm.

May 18, 2017 (21, 22 lunar day) is not the best day for travel and business trips. It is also better to postpone important matters for a better time. It is better to spend May 18, 2017 reading books, immersing yourself in studies or engaging in self-development. Good time for cutting and coloring.

May 19, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) - the lunar calendar for May 2017 never ceases to please lovers of image change: today you can color, dye, cut and perm. However, the day is categorically not suitable for marriage and other important matters.

May 20, 2017 (23.24 lunar day) is a favorable day for starting large enterprises, opening new businesses, and solving important issues. Additional forces will give bright, catchy colors in clothes.

May 21, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - today, by all means, you need to achieve harmony with your own "I". The day promises to be measured, it is better to spend it in nature, in order to accumulate vital energy. Today is not the right time for haircuts.

May 22, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - the day is not intended for joint work in the team, meetings, meetings and visits to social events. Health today should be in the first place, and hair should not be subjected to any manipulation.

May 23, 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) - serious issues, financial transactions and other important things should still be left out. The day is more suitable for communication with nature, meditation, relaxation.

May 24, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) is a favorable day for starting new projects, productive work and doing important things. Good luck will bring shopping and visiting the spa.

May 25, 2017 (28, 29, 1 lunar day) is not the best day for meetings, solving serious issues and planning. All events must be left to chance. May 25, 2017 is best spent with family, friends and loved ones.

May 26, 2017 (1, 2 lunar day) is a very dangerous period for transactions of any nature. Marriages should also not be scheduled on this day. In addition, it is worth postponing all undertakings. The day is dedicated to creativity.

May 27, 2017 (2, 3 lunar day) - it's time to visit the pool, bath, sauna or conduct water procedures at home. Even an ordinary contrast shower or dousing will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It is better not to start a haircut and change of hairstyle today.

May 28, 2017 (3, 4 lunar day) - today there may be things that have been lost for a long time or there will be a question for an exciting question. Changing your image is bad for your health. It is better to give preference to a stylish image.

May 29, 2017 (4.5 lunar day) - today all attention should be paid to your health: strengthen the body or even make an appointment with a doctor. Timely diagnosis will qualitatively increase the level of vital energy.

May 30, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) is a good day for making appointments, planning, communication. Anti-aging procedures will only benefit. A business suit will help you to tune in a positive way.

May 31, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) is a great day for marriage, making important and responsible decisions, signing contracts, making deals. Today, all acquisitions and purchases will be successful and profitable. A good time for a haircut, coloring, coloring, changing hairstyles and styling.