The first lunar day in July. Waning moon. Mood and health in July

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The influence of the Moon depends on the phase in which it arrives, and the period of the waxing Moon is considered the most favorable, reports RIA VladNews with reference to Informing.

Astrologers believe that the waxing moon is the best time to start new projects. And in general, all new beginnings during the waxing Moon most often end well. It is also good to start new relationships and acquaintances during the waxing Moon. During this period, a person replenishes his energy reserves. In addition, the waxing Moon is an ideal period for starting a new business, negotiating, concluding new contracts, changing your image, and everything new. It is also good to get haircuts during the waxing moon if you need your hair to grow quickly.

The positive influence of the waxing Moon is felt by plants and animals. Often, experienced gardeners and gardeners try to plant plants on the growing moon. It is believed that during this period they will be fueled by the positive energy of the Moon.

Waxing Moon in July 2017, periods of the waxing Moon:
The waxing Moon in July 2017 will be in two periods:
- the first period of the moon’s growth will begin from July 1 to July 8 inclusive, and the second from July 24 to July 31 inclusive.

The first period of the waxing moon in July 2017:

On July 1 and 2, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Libra.
On July 3 and 4, the waxing Moon will move into the sign of Scorpio.
On July 5, 6 and 7, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Sagittarius.
And on July 8, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Capricorn.

The second period of the waxing phase of the Moon in July 2017:

On July 24 and 25, on this day the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Leo.
On July 26 and 27, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Virgo.
On July 28 and 29, the waxing Moon will again be in Libra, and on July 29 and 30, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Scorpio.

But even during the period of the waxing moon there may not be favorable days. This is due to the constellation in which the Moon is located. Yes, no favorable days, according to astrologers, will be: July 2, 3, 8, 11, the period from July 16 to 19, July 20, July 23, July 26, July 31. These days, the risk of aggressive behavior increases and the likelihood of conflicts is high. Health problems are also possible, the likelihood of injury increases

The advice of astrologers for the period of each waning of the Moon is always different, because it is important to take into account not only the phase of the Moon, but also its presence in a particular Zodiac Sign. In July, the waning of the Moon will be positive.

In July 2017, the Moon will decrease from the 10th to the 22nd. An unfavorable time will be the period from the 13th to the 17th, and even this does not mean that you will not be able to cope with negative energy. Negative programs intensify during such periods because the waning Moon is inactive.

Period from 10 to 12 July

In these three days, immediately after the Full Moon, Aquarius will come into force. At the beginning of the waning of the Moon, this Zodiac Sign is very good at helping people find motivation for action and think outside the box, so astrologers advise on July 10, 11 and 12 to fully concentrate on work and active recreation. Meetings with old friends and distant relatives can bring particular success.

A creative approach to solving any problems will be very useful. An additional advantage can be found in the fact that it will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, that is, you can start the week not only confidently and effectively, but also correctly from any point of view. Aquarius is a working, restless Sign. He is for any movement, for dynamics.

Period from 13th to 17th

For the rest of the week, the Moon will be in complete dissonance with the stars. On Thursday and Friday it will be time for Pisces to rule the roost. They can deprive you of luck in the financial sphere, and add uncertainty in love. This Sign can only help you relax properly, but weekdays are not the time to relax. Do not forget that only you can help yourself in a difficult situation.

Saturday and Sunday will pass under the Sign of Aries. The Moon and Aries very rarely agree. Failures will await impulsive and imprudent people. Don't trust your intuition on July 15th and 16th because it will lead you down the wrong path these days. Physical activity It’s better to moderate it a little, because it will be very difficult to restore strength. In love, try to give more than to receive - selfishness will now be unnecessary.

On Monday, July 17, the Moon will move into the constellation Taurus. The waning lunar disk and Taurus usually go well together, but on Monday the 23rd lunar day will arrive, which will be very unstable in itself. On this day, all human weaknesses and vices are activated - greed, jealousy, selfishness, hypocrisy. If they give you promises, then know that they may be empty. Don't get too excited on Monday.

Period from 18 to 22 July

On Tuesday, July 18, a favorable period will begin again for all of us. Money signs will have special meaning, to which you should pay special attention. On Tuesday, when the Moon is in Taurus, you can spend money on home improvement. It will be possible to start repairs or rearrange furniture. The environment will help you find a good mood.

Gemini will come into effect on the 19th and 20th. This will mean that it's time to go to the hairdresser or beauty salons. Take care of yourself. Men can start a cycle physical exercise. Buy a gym or pool membership. On such days, any new beginnings are good. Idleness will be tantamount to losing, so try to find the motivation for action.

The last two days before the New Moon will pass under the auspices of Cancer. Cancer will help you get closer to those you love on Friday and Saturday. Try not to distance yourself from friends, significant other and relatives. Take every opportunity to strengthen your relationship. This will be a great time for romance, dreams, and planning joint activities.

This waning Moon period will be very positive, so make the most of it. Even on difficult days you will be able to stay afloat. All in your hands. Believe in yourself to change your destiny and set yourself on the right wave. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.07.2017 06:51

There are a huge number of superstitions about the Moon. In the distant past, the Moon was both a deity and a participant...

Name: waning or old moon.

Waning Moon (old Moon) and its influence

The waning moon washes, exhales, dries, calls for activity and energy expenditure. The body is tuned to energy consumption, release and cleansing.

Waning Moon (old Moon) – health

With the old Moon, the body easily and willingly expends energy, while remaining vigorous and strong. At this time, we tolerate pain more easily, cope with infection faster and recover more easily from illnesses and operations.

Therefore everything surgical interventions(except for urgent ones), all medical procedures associated with a load on the body and requiring the expenditure of strength and energy should be carried out only during the waning Moon.

The same applies to visiting the dentist - regardless of whether you are going to fill your teeth, remove them, or install dentures. On the old Moon, the most effective and timely are all procedures for cleansing, washing and relieving inflammation of organs and parts of the body, depending.

Losing weight during the waning moon

When the Moon is waning, you can allow yourself to eat too much without the risk of gaining weight. But on the other hand, both diets and fasting days more effective during the waning moon. By limiting yourself in food during the waning moon, you can lose twice as much weight and do it in a shorter time.

Waning Moon (old Moon) – beauty, hair cutting

It is better not to go to the hairdresser during the waning moon. At this time, we are especially strong and actively expend energy, and we must apply this power in our lives and realize ourselves. By visiting a hairdresser on this day, we risk giving him our power or leaving it on the ends of the cut hair. After this, both your activity and energy will dry up, your hair will begin to hurt and grow poorly. The exception to this is .

With an old Moon, it is easier for the skin to get rid of something extra that bothers it, for example, acne, blackheads, freckles, age spots and other “troubles.” All kinds of cleaning are shown - internal and external.

Waning Moon calendar for 2020 contains information about the dates and times of the beginning and end of days of decreasing Moons.

Waning Moon (old Moon) in zodiac signs

Waning Moon in Aries

These days, teenage complexes may awaken in you; everything is seen in black and white. In other people, gaiety seems to be malice, activity - aggression, kindness - weakness, friendliness - hypocrisy. When the Moon is waning in Aries, it is better to find something logical to do; relax by playing checkers, chess, or solving crosswords.

Waning Moon in Taurus

The feeling of harmony fills us with joy, a feeling of fullness of life. However the world, alas, is not so harmonious, so enjoy life with an eye on its business side.

Waning Moon in Gemini

Unexpectedly, we receive reproaches for illogicality and non-commitment. Remember vanity and activity are different concepts. If you deliberately create chaos, then it must be understandable to you and you must navigate it freely.

Waning Moon in Cancer

It's time to delve into the past. The Old Moon in Cancer connects the past with the present. Get out your old planners, notebooks and notebooks. There you can find information that was not interesting before, but now suddenly comes in handy.

Waning Moon in Leo

The most favorable time for public speaking. A skilled speaker easily impresses his views on the audience. During the waning Moon in Leo, a great opportunity arises to convince people that you are right.

Waning Moon in Virgo

These are the days of bringing cleanliness and order. You can clean everything from home floors to financial documents.

Waning Moon in Libra

These days are most favorable for constructive discussion of different opinions. At this time, people subconsciously avoid quarrels and try to communicate with each other as politely and correctly as possible. Here, concessions are made not because of the stubbornness of the parties, but out of a desire to find the most convenient and acceptable forms of cooperation.

Waning Moon in Scorpio

This period can be called the time of rebirth to life. Old unnecessary things disappear, old connections are broken, or, on the contrary, lost relationships are restored. Be extremely attentive to everything that unexpectedly arises from the past.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Hierarchy takes on special significance. These days, the bull should under no circumstances allow himself to do things that are only allowed to Jupiter.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

By these days, people accumulate strong internal emotions that are ready to spill out. To avoid this, it would be good to listen to soulful music and go to a concert. If you throw off the burden of emotions in time, you will meet the old Moon in Capricorn calm and peaceful. You will subtly feel the world around you and will not react painfully to its imperfections. This state of mind is one of the brightest and most pleasant.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

These days you don’t want to open up your inner world to outsiders. Focus on business, without communicating with people at a close psychological distance.

Waning Moon in Pisces

Beautiful time! The sense of rhythm intensifies, you feel with pleasure the beating of the vital pulse, the seething of vital forces at every point of your body. Try not to fall into euphoria. During this period, concentrate on the most important things, the main goal. A surge of energy can crush many obstacles on the way to it.

Find out the favorable and unfavorable days in July in order to plan important events my life since maximum benefit for business and love relationship. predicts that the first half of the month will be filled with events and meetings. During this period, all business contacts will go well, the main thing is not to overexert yourself and take care of your health.

The second half of the summer month favors people who are decisive and capable of action. For those who have planned a vacation during this time, you can give advice to communicate more with your loved one and relatives. Even if conflict situations arise, try not to be alone.

But for those who will continue working, the stars recommend paying more attention to their surroundings. Perhaps it's time to rid yourself of outdated relationships and start something new in life. New project or a new job will give you confidence and allow you to significantly expand your financial activities.

July 1, Saturday

7-8 lunar day, first quarter, Moon in Libra

A favorable day for relaxation and communication with loved ones. You can safely go on a short trip or a longer business trip. Communication with people will bring joy, and the opportunity to dream will give you new original ideas. Take care of your health and do not overload your liver with heavy foods, try to drink more water.

July 2, Sunday

8-9 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

A great day for a walk in nature or a trip to the country with friends. Today you may receive unexpected calls from acquaintances whom you could only dream of meeting before. Pleasant surprises also await those who have planned a romantic dinner for the evening, as the second half of the day is conducive to pleasant rest and relaxation.

July 3, Monday

9-10 lunar days, Moon in Scorpio

A stressful and difficult day when you need to avoid excessive communication and never make long-term promises. Overexertion can cause depression, so put off all important tasks for another time and do only what requires immediate execution. Spend the evening in a calm home environment, trying to recharge yourself with positive energy from pleasant and positive people.

4th July, Tuesday

10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A good time for creativity and making original, non-standard solutions. It is personal charisma and charm that will help you today gain authority and attract like-minded people to your side. Communication with friends will allow you to expand your horizons and create new, promising projects. Business meetings are easy and fruitful, and legal issues will require support from influential people. Today

July 5, Wednesday

11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for any undertakings and business negotiations. It is better to focus your attention on routine work and systematically move towards the goal. If possible, pay off your debts and keep your promises to your children or loved one. Self-sacrifice now will result in good dividends for you in the future.

July 6, Thursday

12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A calm, smooth day, when work moves on its own, and constructiveness reigns in relations with business partners. But be careful, a carelessly spoken word can turn against you and make you very nervous. Therefore, carefully consider your plans for this day in order to benefit only yourself and smooth out all possible conflict situations at home and at work. On the night of July 6-7, time

July 7, Friday

13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A chaotic day, rich in events, but requiring mental and physical strength. For some, it will bring new, joyful events, while others will encounter difficulties in communication and will not be able to stop their emotions in time. The winners will be those who control their every step and clearly plan their day by the hour. For the afternoon, you should plan a walk in nature or a soulful dinner with your loved one. July 7, 17 and 27, favorable days for

July 8, Saturday

14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

The first half of the day is favorable for anyone business activity and brings positive changes to our lives. Vigor and a healthy desire to achieve your goal will be supported by the stars and you can easily get an excellent result. The second half of the day is conducive to communication with nature and leisurely activities. A cleansing diet and meditation in front of a candle or fire will benefit.

July 9, Sunday

15-16 lunar day, Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon 7.07

An unfavorable day when the best thing you can do for your benefit is to relax and relax in the company of positive people. Communicating with nature and collecting medicinal herbs will have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Postpone all serious conversations, meetings and resolution of financial issues until a more favorable period. Enjoy the opportunity to communicate with those who are ready to reciprocate your feelings and do not demand anything in return.

July 10, Monday

16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

A good and harmonious day to start new things and projects. Today all work is going well, and new ideas fill your entire consciousness. Dynamic work activity will bear fruit in the near future, and negotiations with business partners promise to be successful. When signing contracts, a sense of proportion and caution should be observed. If possible, collect more information about your new friends and business associates.

July 11, Tuesday

17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

On this day, the positive trends of yesterday's endeavors continue, and there is enough energy to manage to do several things at the same time. Take advantage of the chance that gives you Moon calendar as of July 2017 and boldly bring all your ideas and undertakings to life. Support from like-minded people is guaranteed, but relatives can give timely and quite valuable advice.

July 12, Wednesday

18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

A controversial and difficult day, when success is guaranteed for those who have previously laid a good foundation for their financial well-being, but lovers of easy money should not count on luck. Follow all the agreements you have made and do not get involved in adventures and then Fortune will be on your side. Dedicate the second half of the day to your family and allow yourself to find peace of mind in an atmosphere of love and reciprocity.

July 13, Thursday

19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

An unfavorable day for important meetings and signing business papers. Today, many people will want to take a break from work and plunge headlong into their dreams and daydreams. Self-deception can take you far, and broken illusions are not worth taking your own fantasies too close to your heart right now. Therefore, concentrate all your will and do not succumb to provocations and momentary desires. Although light flirting and a pleasant evening in company, where you are welcome and will not demand too much, will restore freshness of sensations and relieve a bad mood.

July 14, Friday

20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Pisces

A good day for those who are used to acting independently and know how to get away from conflict situation. Today, the stars favor people who can think creatively and out of the ordinary. A fresh look at banal things will help you find new ideas for business and expanding your financial activities.

July 15, Saturday

21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

The day is fraught with impulsive and thoughtless actions, so give up important meetings and business activities. But a shopping trip and a telephone conversation with one of your relatives is quite capable of replacing auto-training. Try to enjoy simple things like a deliciously cooked dinner or a walk under the moon with your loved one.

July 16, Sunday

22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries.

An unfavorable day for any business activity and making responsible decisions. Don’t plan anything for today that requires increased energy costs, so as not to feel disappointed later. Better concentrate on relaxation and pleasant thoughts. The cleansing effects of water and fire will help you gain mental comfort and physical health.

July 17, Monday

23rd lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

A calm day that brings good luck to those who purposefully move towards their goals and are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. Time favors those who have decided to expand their business or have planned to invest securities in a promising project. You can count on a stable income and support from influential people. Spend your workday evening in a comfortable environment with pleasant interlocutors who are ready to provide you with moral support.

July 18, Tuesday

23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

A neutral day, suitable for continuing previously started projects. Today, all the things that were started earlier are progressing well. The lunar calendar for July 2017 predicts that this day is favorable for conception and taking care of your health. Therefore, any preventive measures to improve your well-being or a trip to a beauty salon will bring you maximum benefit.

July 19, Wednesday

24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

The day favors people engaged in the field of intellectual work and brings new trends to all spheres of people's lives. Business meetings and business negotiations are fruitful, and communication with influential people and officials will turn out to be in your favor. Today Fortune will smile on brave and determined people who know how to take risks to benefit their business.

July 20, Thursday

25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A critical day when it is better to reduce your business activity to a minimum and, as they say, “lay low.” Gentleness and resourcefulness in communicating with people, as well as the ability to hide your true feelings and emotions under the guise of goodwill, will help you avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. In the future, this tactic of behavior will bring you benefits and the opportunity to live your life without fear of getting into an awkward position.

July 21, Friday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A good day to resolve legal issues and sign important business papers. Negotiations on work must be conducted with an eye to the long term and not rush into a decision. The second half of the day is conducive to pleasant relaxation and music and any kind of creativity.

July 22, Saturday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A positive day to start renovation work, solve real estate problems and start new projects. Lunar calendar for July 2017 advises you to spend time in a pleasant environment, and also pay attention to your health. People with chronic diseases may experience exacerbations, so preventive measures will help avoid problems.

July 23, Sunday

28-29-1 lunar day, Moon in Leo, New Moon 12.45

The day is good for leisurely relaxation and planning new things and projects. Try to direct your capacity in a positive direction and temporarily exclude from your field of vision people who are unpleasant to you. The ideal option is a trip to nature and relaxing near a pond near a fire. The energy of these elements will smooth out the negative tendencies of the zero cycle of the Moon and you will be able to pay more attention to solving your problems.

July 24, Monday

1-2 lunar days, first quarter Moon in Leo

A great day to start all new projects and affairs, as they say, with a clean slate. The position of the stars in the sky favors active work and communication with people. Catch luck by the tail and boldly work to expand your business and increase profits. Any active work will bring income and the opportunity to gain financial stability and independence.

July 25, Tuesday

2-3 lunar days, waxing Moon in Leo

A controversial day, filled with emotions and the desire to prove one’s importance and superiority. The atmosphere of feelings is heated to the limit, so quarrels and conflicts are possible literally out of the blue. Gather your will into a fist and suppress the aggressive nature within you. Great help will be provided by relatives who will come to the rescue in time and help with business advice. And it’s good to spend excess energy in a fitness club or gym. Moderate physical exercise will relieve stress and help cleanse the soul and body of negativity.

July 26, Wednesday

3-4 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A good day for positive changes in life. Anyone who has planned to move or search for a new place of work today will receive the support of the Higher Powers and will be able to easily realize their potential. Active work will be rewarded in the form of stable profits and support from like-minded people.

July 27, Thursday

4-5 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A difficult day when many will want to act according to the principle: “All or nothing.” The risk of getting involved in a dubious adventure today is extremely high, so try to limit yourself in your desires and do not demand too much from life. There may be conflicts with law enforcement agencies and controlling structures.

July 28, Friday

5-6 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

The first half of the day is suitable for business activity in all areas of life. You can safely sign business contracts and take part in mass events. In the afternoon, you need to reduce your productivity and devote more time to health. A calm and sincere atmosphere will allow you to regain good spirits and strengthen your position in the family.

July 29, Saturday

6-7 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

A very positive day when you can calmly sail through life and enjoy communication with loved ones. It is in communication with relatives that today you can get maximum opportunities for self-realization. Look through your address book and be sure to call those you haven't seen for a long time. A friendly conversation will restore energy balance and give new ideas for business or creativity.

July 30, Sunday

7-8 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

The increased energy of today will fill you with the desire to do something and expand your circle of friends. Channel your energy in a positive direction and act boldly. After noon Lunar calendar for July 2017 advises you to definitely clean your house and improve the energy of your apartment with the help of an aroma lamp and pleasant, relaxing music.

July 31, Monday

8-9 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A busy day when communication with colleagues at work will force you to show maximum tact and diplomacy. A good sense of humor and the ability to end a conversation on time will help you avoid a conflict situation. A good period for travel, traveling and starting new things. Use the positive trends of today to your advantage and you will for a long time cement your image as an active and positive business partner in the eyes of the people around you.

In contact with

The second month of summer will delight everyone with a large number of favorable days that can be devoted to fruitful work and communication with loved ones. Information about when they occur will help each of you live in harmony with nature and enjoy every moment of life.

Midsummer will be a successful period for businessmen and all people who are passionate about their business. Only on July 9, when the Moon reaches its peak of activity, the stars recommend restraining emotions and smoothing out conflicts. But all other days are favorable for relaxation, communication and searching for new ideas in order to expand the business.

Full moon in July 2017

The moon will reach its maximum size in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, which portends success for all people whose activities are related to real estate and intellectual work. Despite unnecessary stress and increased conflict, you can resolve complex issues if you have the support of like-minded people.

Unfavorable tendencies of the Full Moon can be compensated by communication with nature and Higher Powers. On this day, all types of fortune telling are excellent, as well as the collection of medicinal herbs. Pleasant music, as well as being near an open body of water where you can hear the sound of waves and birdsong, will help smooth out increased aggressiveness.

New Moon in July 2017

The main feature of July 23, when the Moon reaches the zero phase of the cycle, will be the opportunity not to suspend your active activities and fully use this day to your advantage.

Since the New Moon will occur in the zodiac sign of Leo, this is an excellent time to go to a beauty salon, as well as begin all procedures aimed at improving the health and rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body. Take into account the important information that the Higher powers give us and then everything unfavorable and favorable days in July 2017 will be carried out with maximum benefit for life.

Waxing Moon in July 2017

In July 2017, the Moon will be in its waxing phase from the 1st to the 8th, as well as from July 24 to 31. It is precisely because of the large number of days when the Moon arrives that all people will have an excellent opportunity to expand their business or start a new profitable project.

The most favorable days of the month when you can plan a family celebration or sign important business contracts are July 3, 7, 24 and 28. These days the moon will pass zodiac signs Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo and Libra, and the stars will favor everyone who cares about external beauty and knows how to show character. - favorable time in this summer month. Lucky days for getting married in 2017 fall on July 7 - a holiday, July 17 and 27.

Waning Moon in July 2017

The days when the crescent Moon will decrease in size will occur from July 10 to July 22. During its waning period, the celestial satellite of the earth will pass through the zodiacal constellations of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. For this reason, it is important to devote the period of the waning moon in July 2017 to giving up bad habits and maintaining a healthy diet.

Please also take into account the fact that July 14 and 19 in the year of the Rooster will be very favorable days for everyone who is creative and wants to expand their social circle through new, extraordinary acquaintances. These are the days of experimentation and successful flirting with the opposite sex.

Moon without course 2017 July

A feature of the single Moon is confusion and making momentary decisions under the influence of emotions. At such times, it is difficult to rely only on your perception of life, so it is advisable to listen to the advice of your loved ones and those who are truly dear to you.

Knowing when we are expected unfavorable and favorable days in July 2017, you can adjust your plans to take into account the Moon without a course. We advise you to pay the greatest attention to the evening hours of July 2, 7 and 27, when unforeseen surprises are possible, such as a call from distant relatives or unexpected news.