What a year it will be for the cat. Health and business activity

Chinese horoscope on 2019 is the year of the Rabbit predicts that the year of the Yellow Pig will bring passion, love, and the desire to create and do what they like to representatives of the fourth zodiac sign.

Career horoscope for the Rabbit sign

In the Year of the Yellow Pig, Rabbits will face various career opportunities, but all of them will be full of stress and tension. It is for this reason that carefully evaluate your abilities, supply of vital energy and time. In order to have firm confidence in everything and to nullify any overexertion, it is strongly recommended that you spend time acquiring new professional knowledge and skills. When agreeing to a new position or job, carefully evaluate your compliance with the required criteria!

Financial horoscope for the Rabbit sign

In 2019, the Yellow Pig indicates that hard and persistent work will only bring good results closer to the second half of the year. This means that a significant improvement in material well-being in the fall will not come as a surprise to you, but will be a logical result of the effort and time spent. It is not recommended to make additional investments in already profitable projects. The best thing to do is to invest your money in new investment ideas.

Love horoscope for the Rabbit sign

The connection between the zodiac sign Rabbit (Cat) and the Yellow Pig gives belligerence to relationships, suppressing feelings of trust between people. This means that in 2019 you will experience certain problems in social and love relationships.

If you are looking for your love, then you should take a closer look at the representatives of the Dog, Rat, Ox or Snake sign. If you are a woman and were lucky enough to be born in the year of the Rabbit, you will have a very good chance of meeting a suitable partner. If you are already in a romantic relationship, remember that there is a possibility of major arguments occurring throughout the year that could become a major headache for you.

Health horoscope for the Rabbit sign

Working too hard can undermine your overall well-being. Be wary of symptoms such as dizziness, migraines, and respiratory problems. Timely, proper rest is the main preventive measure!

Years of birth of the Rabbit: 1951,1963,1975,1987,1999,2011.

Lucky numbers: 1,3,5,9,15,19,35

Western Astrology Equivalent: Pisces

Green color


The year will begin with nervousness in relations with a partner, because the Rabbit will be very busy with new plans and, most likely, will pay little attention to his soul mate. In the spring, this trend may even worsen. In the summer, interest in your career will subside a little - there will be a chance to improve relationships in your family or, if you don’t have one, meet a loved one. And this will happen in the fall. Lonely Rabbits will feel a thirst for adventure in the spring and will frivolously change partners.


Some problems await you in the spring: indigestion, nervous tremors or deep fatigue. Get enough sleep, exercise, go on a diet, then you can avoid these excesses. Fall is ideal for finding new treatments that are right for you. During this same period, you will crave gastronomic pleasures more than ever!


This year the Rabbit will experience changes at work. The rabbit will easily find the necessary solutions and crack difficult problems like seeds. By the end of the year, you will be so off the ground that you will be determined to have an affair with at least a prince (princess), or at least an angel. Come down - it's time to stop drowning in illusions.


At the beginning of the year, the Rabbit should not particularly listen to his partners, because only the plan he outlined with Spring will be successfully implemented; at an incredibly old age, he will think about changing his job or his own enterprise. Go ahead - the time is right. In the summer of the Rabbit, boring paperwork is expected, but new contacts will appear, which will bring revitalization and new prospects.

FIRE RABBIT (1987) in 2017

For the Rabbit, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will bring a lot of new acquaintances. Friendly get-togethers will completely distract him from important matters. And they will require attention. Meanwhile, no one can solve their problems by simply pretending that they do not exist. And although sometimes it seems completely impossible to find a solution, an optimistic outlook and some effort will help you find a way out of the current difficulties.

THE EARTH RABBIT (1939) in 2017

This year will bring the Earth Rabbit a lot of positive emotions - he will easily find a reliable partner and will be delighted with how much they have in common. In the fall, family Rabbits will be surprised to discover that their relatives also provide some benefit.

METAL RABBIT (1951) in 2017

If you already have a family or a regular partner, then you will feel a terrible lack of love and tenderness and will crave more sublime relationships. Talk about this with your loved one: he will most likely want to find a way out of the situation with you. By the beginning of autumn, the intensity of passions will cool down.

THE WATER RABBIT (1963) in 2017

At the beginning of the year, the Water Rabbit will finally find eternal love. True, it will look strange. By breaking hearts, you will test your power of seduction and assert yourself at the expense of others. From the fall, your personal life will no longer be full of passion and sentiment, but your partner’s understanding and participation in it will be guaranteed. In addition, at this time you will have a need for freedom and independence.

WOODEN RABBIT (1975) in 2017

Lonely Wood Rabbits will be overwhelmed by doubts and thoughts. Under such circumstances, avoid any promises or marriage. Perhaps you are simply not ready for something in your life at the moment. If you want to be happy, then, starting in the fall, do not allow relatives to interfere in your matters. Listen only to your heart.

Horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster for women and men

For Rabbits, the coming year cannot be called too good. At the very beginning of the year they will be overcome by apathy and laziness. Some Rabbits may even end up in deep water. This threatens the loss of life goals and motivation. And now about everything in more detail.

Horoscope for 2017 Rabbit woman

Rabbit women need to focus their efforts on drawing up a clear plan that will help you not slide into the abyss of wasting time. This will give you a chance to turn your life for the better and avoid a negative ending to the year.

Thanks to planning, you can quickly get back on track with success:

  • Something unknown will soon await you. Perhaps you will find a new hobby for yourself or get a different specialty. You must use every opportunity that arises to your advantage.
  • This year you will receive attention from male representatives. Most likely these will be only fleeting affairs. Therefore, be prudent and do not get involved in such ventures. This is especially true for married rabbits.

  • In your career, you should be twice as careful. Pay attention to your colleagues. There is a chance that one of them is going to trip you up at the most inopportune moment.
  • You should not get involved in any types of gambling. This is not your path to financial success. It is worth paying attention to real estate. If you achieve profit, it will be only in this area.

Horoscope for 2017 for Rabbit - men

Rabbit men should take a closer look at the people around them. Most likely, someone from your inner circle will want to use them for personal gain. In this regard, we recommend that they show some secrecy and moderate their simplicity. Don’t rush to share your ideas; ill-wishers are quite capable of stealing your idea.

Don't let others get on your neck. Show strength of character more often. Although you strive to maintain peaceful relations with everyone, do not allow them to enter your territory.

You love your friends very much and value good relationships with them. In the new year everything will remain the same. The same applies to family relations. Although you will be invited on dates from time to time, you will refuse for fear of being disappointed. If you are already married, then you will devote all your time to your spouse and children. A time of tenderness and romance will come for you.

Horoscope for 2017: video

Look what astrologers predicted for Rabbits in the coming year.

Svetlana Rozhenko

The fighting Rooster, filled with ebullient energy, will never allow the furry animal to get bored. At the beginning of the year, the Cat-Rabbit will have to keep his furry ears on his toes, as the feathered bully will try to test his strength. The middle will pass neither shaky nor unsteady, giving you the opportunity to relax and take a breath. But the last third will be replete with pleasant surprises - just have time to turn around, collecting the Rooster’s generous gifts! By following the advice of the horoscope for the Rabbit in 2017, the Rooster, you can get the maximum chance of catching luck by the tail.

Love and family in the 2017 Year of the Rooster

Energetic “Crow!” Already in the first weeks of January, the fire bird will force many shaggy couch potatoes to wake up from their usual lazy slumber and begin to draw in the wind of change with their nostrils. Lonely Cats will begin to preen themselves intensively, radiate charm and shoot their eyes left and right in search of a partner; those who are in a boring relationship decide to end it and go in search of a new couple. Their idea will have every chance of being crowned with success, since the Rooster cannot stand loneliness and will try to bring everyone together with their soul mate: some for a couple of months, and some for life.

But choose without haste. The Cat will have a chance to start a serious relationship only in June-August, and until then, flirt, wag your tail, arch your back - in a word, enjoy flirting - but do not rush to indulge in passion. The stars advise fluffies to seek, first of all, spiritual unity with their partner. It is such a union that will receive the approval of the firebird and a chance to exist for many years.

Thanks to their natural gentleness, family Cats will jokingly settle minor disagreements with their other halves, treat their relatives and friends kindly, and begin to improve their everyday life. The next 12 months are ideal for establishing stronger ties between households, having offspring and changing housing.

Career and finance for those born in the year of the Rabbit

The fussiness of the noisy bird will confuse the Cat at first, so until July-August his career will freeze in place. However, having gathered his thoughts and assessed the situation, the dexterous animal will be able to show what it is capable of. Do not hesitate to demonstrate zeal: be enterprising and diligent, make useful contacts, agree to long business trips. Those who are active and proactive will receive from the Rooster the soft chair of the boss, while the inert will remain sitting in front of a half-empty bowl.

The year is suitable for changing your type of activity, but only on condition that it is an informed decision. Having taken off from his place at the random behest of his soul, the Cat risks falling into a puddle.

The first six months will bring good income to the purrs. Alas, they will also provide expenses, forcing Cats to invest heavily in home improvement, their professional growth, and the like. Don't be discouraged, in the end, all this will work for your future well-being.

  • In 2017, it is better for Cats to stay away from suspiciously tempting offers, gambling and lotteries. The rooster himself prefers to obtain food by long digging in the ground and expects the same from others.
  • Play sports. The imposing lifestyle, so dear to Cats, does not promote health. In addition, at the beginning of the year, beware of colds, in the summer, beware of intestinal disorders, and in the fall, beware of getting into an accident.
  • Pay more attention to your hobby. For many Cats, it will become a source of unexpected and tangible extra income.

The motto of the year for the Cat is “Water does not flow under a lying stone.” Overcome your natural laziness, slowly but persistently move towards your goal, and 2017 will be one of the most successful years for you.

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It cannot be said that 2017 will be successful for the Rabbit. Already at the beginning of the winter months, these people will begin to be overcome by fatigue, laziness and apathy. There is a possibility that some of the representatives of this sign will become depressed.

This condition can result from the lack of a main goal in life or any other motivation. Constant entertainment and wasting time will only aggravate the situation. Without development, a person wastes the days allotted to him by fate.

Moreover, you may miss a real chance to change your life for the better by not being interested in anything. To avoid such an outcome, astrologers advise Rabbits to draw up a clear plan and not deviate one step from it throughout the year.

Horoscope for the Rabbit woman

Before you know it, something new or unknown will enter your life. Perhaps you will learn an interesting hobby that will become your hobby or decide to get another specialty. In any case, do not push away such desires from yourself.

Be prepared for anything. In 2017, representatives of the opposite sex will show increased attention to Rabbits and hint at light affairs. It is worth noting that for family individuals this will seem like a stupid idea, because they are faithful to their husbands and do not regret the choice they made. In your career, try to be careful, because there is a possibility that someone is “digging” under you.

Horoscope for the Rabbit man

Your charm will begin to act like a magnet on women. Anyone who the Rabbit likes will agree to go on a date with him within a couple of days. If you had plans to get married in 2017, then you can safely look for the one.

Moreover, the choice will be very large. In the period under review, friends will play a big role for Rabbits. Probably one of them can save you from a fatal mistake. Listen to the opinions of your loved ones so as not to get into trouble.

Love horoscope for Rabbits

Compiled for 2017, it suggests that Rabbits will also not be active in the love sphere. However, this is of no use to them. You've probably noticed how representatives of the opposite sex are drawn to you.

The personalities of this sign have an incredible inner attractiveness, which they skillfully use. Let's say more, in the middle of summer, people born under this star can quite successfully get married and build a strong family.

The only problem is whether you really want to tie the knot or whether you are happy with everything for now. Autumn will bring for family individuals a slight misunderstanding on the part of the other half, and even serious conflicts are possible.

Career Horoscope for Rabbits

Representatives of this sign in Chinese calendar can hardly be called careerists. With the onset of 2017, they will not change the rules - they will work quietly in their positions, without trying to take a managerial chair. It may happen that you refuse even an offer to lead a team without hesitation.

There is a possibility that you will start thinking about various types easy money, even criminal. You will have to quickly get this idea out of your head. However, even in such dubious events, luck will smile on you.

If you have your own business, then stop acting at random, enlist the support of professionals and then you will be very successful in business.

Finance horoscope for Rabbits

Don't get carried away gambling- you will not be lucky either in cards, or at the betting, or in slot machines. clearly not intended for these purposes. But astrologers saw good profits in the first half of the year from real estate transactions.

Perhaps you will sell your apartment or house profitably. In any case, it is worth remembering that this type of transaction must be carried out at the end of winter or spring.

Rabbits who decide to earn extra money abroad will have to abandon this decision, because such a trip does not promise any profit; on the contrary, new troubles and waste will appear. Avoid loans and mortgages, because your unstable financial condition will not allow you to pay your bills on time.

Health horoscope for Rabbits

The health of representatives of this sign may deteriorate at the beginning of 2017. At this time, the flu virus will rage and Rabbits will not be able to resist it. Try to strengthen your immunity to avoid many viral diseases.

Drink more tea with ginger and lemon, eat right. If you have the opportunity, visit the pool. In spring, cases of poisoning are possible, so Rabbits should carefully monitor their diet.

2017 is also dangerous due to exacerbation of chronic diseases, so worry about this in advance. First of all, visit a specialized doctor.

Horoscope for Rabbit according to zodiac signs

Rabbit - Aries

Financial well-being and luck await Aries born in the year of the Rabbit throughout 2017. Of course, wealth will not “float” into your hands if you take a wait-and-see approach. Money loves hardworking people, so start making your dream come true in winter. Perhaps you have an excellent plan to optimize production - tell your boss about it, let them appreciate such work. Only daily persistent efforts can bring tangible results.

Rabbit - Taurus

In 2017, you may feel for the first time what it's like to be torn between work and your loved one. During the reign of the Fire Rooster, personal life and professional sphere will require increased attention. To remain safe and sound, Rabbits will have to act according to a schedule and pay equal attention to everyone. Find compromises, and then your life will return to normal.

Rabbit - Gemini

Changes are coming for Gemini in their professional field. Most likely, you will want to change your occupation, climb the career ladder, or start your own business. Don’t worry that you don’t have enough strength to implement all these ideas. The Rooster will give Gemini incredible strength and creativity. After all the changes, you will probably feel a surge of moral satisfaction.

Rabbit - Cancer

This year will be very interesting and unusual for representatives of the Cancer sign. Real adventures await you, which will require courage, strength and ingenuity. Cancers must always be on alert so that at any moment they can make the right decision that will not harm themselves or others. Do not be afraid of the coming changes, because the wind of luck is directed in your direction.

Rabbit - Leo

In the first half of 2017, try to use the basic habits inherent in Rabbits - caution and a tendency to cover their tracks. You should not risk your family, reputation and career for the sake of some fleeting whims. Starting from the middle of the year, Leos will have a good chance to improve their financial situation and strengthen relationships thanks to such behavior. Friends and loved ones who will be constantly nearby will be able to relieve excessive anxiety.

Rabbit - Virgo

2017 has prepared a good bonus for representatives of this sign. They will be able to finally establish relationships with old acquaintances with whom they no longer hoped to make peace. The fact that you meet each other will play into the hands of both parties. During the period under review, Virgos can meet a “useful” person, and he, in turn, will play an important role in one of the areas of these people’s lives. As for the love front, you should prepare for changes: a wedding, the birth of a child, a successful acquaintance.

Rabbit - Libra

You may feel that your loved ones are dragging you down and preventing you from realizing your life. The stars assure that such fears are groundless. Perhaps your family simply needs your help and support. Don’t fence yourself off from them, but go to the meeting. As soon as Libra comes to their rescue, things will begin to rise, and after a while they will even laugh at old thoughts.

Rabbit - Scorpio

With the advent of 2017, a reboot and complete renewal will begin for Scorpios. This means that most of the life positions that you have held for several years will turn out to be empty for you. You need to part with them as quickly as possible, and Scorpios will do this with great pleasure. Change your priorities - change your life for the better.

Rabbit - Sagittarius

Rabbit - Capricorn

To find their life purpose, Capricorns must find harmony and peace in their souls. This can be done on a long trip abroad, somewhere in warm regions, where serenity literally envelops the earth. It is in these places that Capricorns will be able to relax and collect their thoughts. If a trip is not for you, find other sources of calm - read famous philosophers, sign up for yoga courses and, finally, love yourself.

Rabbit - Aquarius

The Fire Rooster will not let you sit still: get ready for a stormy 2017! The stars promise Aquarius many useful acquaintances, a change of work chair and a new round of romantic relationships. Life will begin to demand from you quick decisions, a fresh look and sober thoughts. For all this, she agrees to pay with pleasant bonuses - a promotion, money, and even a fateful meeting with your soulmate.

Rabbit - Pisces

Dedicate 2017 to your self-realization. Those Pisces who have some kind of hobby will decide to make money from it and will end up being the happiest people on earth. You will immerse yourself in the creative process without getting tired. Enjoy your inspiration, especially since it will not leave you until the very end of 2017, or even more!

Video horoscope