Lunar calendar for December of the year growing. The magic of numbers. Caring for patent leather shoes

The star of the night dictates its own laws, and in order for you to avoid failures in 2016 and be able to plan your time and energy, we have prepared for you useful tips and recommendations for every day of December 2016.

Astrological tips will allow you to navigate the lunar and solar rhythms, take into account the peculiarities of lunar days, in order to always be in good health and good mood.

Lunar calendar for every day of December 2016

December 1 - Thursday

Moon in Capricorn (9:43), 3rd lunar day (17:58)

In the first days of the lunar cycle, refrain from new activities. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

Fragrance of indoor plants

To smooth out the rough edges of relationships, it is good to create a kind of gazebo at home for relaxation. Arrange several houseplants with round or heart-shaped leaves, such as the Usambara violet family and Crassula (“ Money Tree"). This will fill your apartment with a pleasant aroma, cleanse the space and open the way for positive energy that will attract beneficial changes into your life.

December 2 - Friday

Moon in Capricorn (10:32), 4th lunar day (18:49)

A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Don't lie or gossip, don't give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

Growing Moon - moisturize, nourish and protect

Wise Ayurveda recommends anointing the entire body with oils once a week, paying special attention to the joints: rubbing elbows, knees, wrists, shoulders, hips. After rubbing, it is recommended to stay warm for 2-3 hours, and then take a warm (not hot) bath. Olive or sunflower oil is great for rubbing.

December 3 - Saturday

Moon in Capricorn (11:14), 5th lunar day (19:48)

The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Debt Repayment Day: If you have debts and pay them off today, you will not need to resort to loans later. Take on only well-thought-out and carefully planned tasks. It is useful to start performing a set of health-improving exercises.

To stay fit

You shouldn't always suppress your anger. Those who constantly restrain themselves are more susceptible to somatic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Pamper yourself from time to time. Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding healthy image in life, allow yourself a tasty morsel. But only sometimes.

December 4 - Sunday

Moon in Aquarius (11:50), 6th lunar day (20:53)

The day is quite intense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over a hundred times first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a difficult situation and facing problems.

Humorous moment

The baby woke up in a bad mood and whined, and the grandmother said:

- If you don’t be capricious, Santa Claus will give you a tower crane.

- Great! - he was delighted. - Now I will have two!

- Why two? - Grandma was surprised.

“And I found the second one under your bed.”

December 5 - Monday

Moon in Aquarius (12:20), 7th lunar day (22:03)

A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today you should not live according to plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions, and there's a chance you'll get honest, sincere answers.

Mushroom pilaf

For 500 g of mushrooms: 1 cup rice, 1 onion, 1 large carrot.

Season the mushrooms (porcini/champignons or others) with salt, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Fry the onions and carrots - also in vegetable oil. Place everything in a saucepan with a thick bottom and add the washed rice. Pour water 2 fingers above the rice, add salt and simmer over low heat until the water boils away. Then wrap it up and leave it for 30 minutes.

December 6 - Tuesday

Moon in Pisces (12:47), 8th lunar day (23:16)

Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Provide support to those who need it. On this day you can improve a lot in human relations, turn your life for the better.

Do you want to look young and beautiful?

Move. Even 8 minutes of physical activity or sports a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after 30 years.

Sleep in a cool room. It has been proven that those who sleep at a temperature of 17-18 °C remain young longer. The reason is that the body's metabolism and manifestation age characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

December 7 - Wednesday

Moon in Aries (13:10), 9th lunar day

An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to the influence of others. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, and to avoid the influence of others. It is undesirable to actively communicate or be in crowded places.

Gestures of affection

Experts who study human behavior believe that the best place for the first touch - this is the area from the elbow to the hand. If, having met, you immediately touch a woman somewhere in the area of ​​the shoulder, face, hair or back, this touch, of course, will be perceived as too “bold”. If a woman, leaning towards you, rests her chin on her palm, do the same, turn towards her, resting her chin on her hand. To show that you are interested in your friend's words, you can raise your eyebrows in surprise, nod your head, frown in disbelief, and maintain eye contact at all times.

December 8 - Thursday

Moon in Aries (13:33), 10th lunar day (0:32)

The best time to relax. Communication with nature is beneficial. It’s good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, and how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to give in to vanity, talk less and listen more.

Caring for patent leather shoes

It is useful to lubricate patent leather shoes with the following composition: 1 egg yolk is mixed with 3 tablespoons of turpentine and beaten thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass; Add 1 teaspoon of castor oil to this mass, then shake the mixture again. The prepared composition is applied in a thin layer to patent leather shoes and allowed to absorb slightly; the remainder is wiped off with a rag.

December 9 - Friday

Moon in Aries (13:56), 11th lunar day (1:51)

Take time with all your endeavors, finish what you started, plan for the future. If you control your emotions, today you will succeed in any current affairs. The calmer this day goes, the better. Avoid stress and try to look within yourself.

Choosing nuts

You can buy whole, peeled, and ground, but whole nuts have an advantage: they not only completely retain their aroma and taste, the shell protects them from the damaging effects of light and oxygen. Cut, ground or shelled nuts become rancid faster, reducing their the nutritional value, they become less and less useful. In any case, it is best to purchase peeled (and especially ground) nuts in small quantities and store them protected from light and in tightly closed containers.

December 10 - Saturday

Moon in Aries (14:21), 12th lunar day (3:13)

On this day it is not advisable to do anything and start. It’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

If your shoes are a little too tight

If your shoes are a little tight, wrap them for a few minutes in a towel soaked in boiling water and wrung out well. Hard shoes are lubricated with castor oil and cleaned with a brush or woolen rag.

December 11 - Sunday

Moon in Taurus (14:49), 13th lunar day (4:37)

December 12 - Monday

Moon in Taurus (15:23), 14th lunar day (6:01)

Mask for dehydrated skin

Melt 50 g in a water bath butter, add 2 yolks and mash. Pour half a glass of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile inflorescences. Strain the infusion, squeeze out the sediment and mix half a glass of infusion with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Gradually stirring, pour the infusion into the creamy yolk mixture, and then 30 ml of vodka. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

December 13 - Tuesday

Moon in Gemini (16:06), 15th lunar day (7:23)

Be careful

The symbol of the 15th lunar day is the Snake. This period, on the one hand, is quite favorable, but on the other, dangerous, because the influence of the Moon is the strongest. The difficult day of the full moon has arrived. For health, as well as for everything else, it is especially unfavorable. It is believed that many ailments of this day are caused by bad thoughts. All your positive and negative qualities grow several times. And if you don't want the negative aspects of your personality to take over, be careful.

December 14 - Wednesday

Full Moon, Moon in Gemini (16:59), 16th lunar day (8:38)

Ginger cookie

Butter at room temperature - 70 g, sugar - 200 g, egg (lightly beaten) - 1 pc., molasses - 70 g, ground cinnamon - 1 pinch.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Line baking trays with baking paper. Cream butter and sugar into light air mass. Gradually, in portions, pour in the egg, without ceasing to beat. Add molasses, vinegar and mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour along with baking soda and ground spices and add to the butter mixture. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half. Then divide the dough into 4 parts and roll each into a roll, cut the rolls into 10 pieces, roll the pieces into balls. Pour sugar onto a flat dish and roll the balls in sugar. Place them on a baking sheet at a large distance from each other and flatten slightly. Bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

December 15 - Thursday

Moon in Cancer (18:02), 17th lunar day (9:41)

The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. Businesses started during this period work out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in life.

Create a festive atmosphere

Live life to the fullest, in all its manifestations. Express your emotions openly. Feel how many unrealized opportunities there are around you, and you will soon notice that distrust, the tendency to make premature judgments, and the desire to complain will dissipate like a haze. Good mood will become a familiar state, and you will want to make the world warm and cozy.

December 16 - Friday

Moon in Cancer (19:13), 18th lunar day (10:32)

While drinking, have a snack!

The fact that “the degree needs to be increased” is confirmed by medical research. Cocktails cause intoxication faster, and the health consequences are more severe. Be sure to snack on every glass you drink, and not with a cucumber, but in a good way, with something fatty. Remember that smoking and drinking at the same time doubles the effect, you are guaranteed a headache the next day. Have a glass before bed lemon juice and 2 tablets of citramone.

December 17 - Saturday

Moon in Leo (20:28), 19th lunar day (11:11)

Humorous moment

— Your husband looks great in a new suit!

- Still would! Moreover, this is not only new suit, but also a new husband.

December 18 - Sunday

Moon in Leo (21:42), 20th lunar day (11:42)

How to choose gifts

December 19 - Monday

Moon in Virgo (22:55), 21st lunar day (12:08)

To make the laundry smell fragrant

In order to leave all the sorrows and sorrows behind in the outgoing year, with a flawed Moon in Cancer, it is advisable to wash everything properly. To make your textiles have a pleasant aroma, a lot, for example, you can add 1-3 drops essential oil when rinsing clothes after washing. Or you can prepare an aroma medallion for your wardrobe. Take a filler - it can be a mixture of herbs, buckwheat husks, talc or just a piece of cotton wool - and soak it with the following composition: cinnamon - 1 drop, geranium - 1 drop, grapefruit - 1 drop. Or: bergamot - 1 drop, nutmeg - 1 drop, lemongrass - 1 drop. Now sew the precious “core” into a fabric bag and hang it or put it in the linen closet.

December 20 - Tuesday

Moon in Virgo, continuation of the 21st lunar day (13:21)

Are you looking to strengthen your family?

Do you constantly improve your relationship with your husband? Do you adapt to his habits? Do you tolerate his friends? In response to these questions and a bunch of similar ones, almost every married lady will say: “Yes.” Even if she does not strive to adapt to his personality, but persistently adjusts him to her living standards. It's time to reconsider your family standards. And his family model too. The overwhelming majority of marital conflicts arise due to different ideas of the husband and wife about the family.

December 21 - Wednesday

Moon in Libra (0:06), 22nd lunar day (12:49)

A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, transforming human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

Yolk mask rejuvenates the skin

Take 1 egg yolk, combine with 0.5 teaspoon honey, 4 drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Beat everything until foam forms, then add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or ground oatmeal. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use for the care of dry and normal aging skin. The mask nourishes and cleanses the skin, and also regulates its water-salt balance.

December 22 - Thursday

Moon in Libra (1:15), 23rd lunar day (13:08)

A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you will be able to achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

Trips and travel

Travel dreams symbolize your progress in life. If the trip is generally safe and proceeds without incident, it means that your life will continue in its usual rhythm, without any special changes. In such a dream, where the trip proceeds calmly, pay attention to those who are next to you - perhaps they need your help or you can get some advice from these people.

December 23 - Friday

Moon in Libra (2:22), 24th lunar day (13:28)

This is the time of accumulation of information. It’s better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations in these lunar day are repeated, returned, like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and rework. Contacts with people who are new or not too close are productive.

Create a holiday atmosphere tips

Live life to the fullest, in all its manifestations.

Express your emotions openly. Feel how many unrealized opportunities there are around you, and you will soon notice that distrust, the tendency to make premature judgments, and the desire to complain will dissipate like a haze. A good mood will become a habitual state, and you will want to make the world warm and cozy.

December 24 - Saturday

Moon in Scorpio (3:28), 25th lunar day (13:49)

The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in this life.

December 25 - Sunday

Moon in Scorpio (4:34), 26th lunar day (14:13)

During the full moon, avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

Salad "Beaucaire" in French

100 g each of ham, champignons, apples, mayonnaise, olive oil; 200 g each of potatoes, beets, parsley, celery root; 0.5 teaspoon of dry mustard.

Boil vegetables, mushrooms and roots and finely chop: beets and potatoes into slices, apples, ham, celery and mushrooms into strips. Mustard and vegetable oil beat, mix with mayonnaise and pour over chopped products; mix everything.

December 26 - Monday

Moon in Sagittarius (5:38), 27th lunar day (14:41)

A peaceful, harmonious day, when mental comfort is very important. Eliminate shouting, aggression, and unceremonious behavior completely - they can lead to irreversible consequences. A favorable period for intellectual pastime: think over and plan your actions for the week.

December 27 - Tuesday

Moon in Sagittarius (6:39), 28th lunar day (15:14)

Today the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly. Try to direct your energy in a creative direction: you should not limit yourself to gaining new experiences. Absorb information, share experiences, communicate.

December 28 - Wednesday

Moon in Sagittarius (7:37), 29th lunar day (15:55)

The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Provide support to those who need it. The “crowd instinct”, base instincts, are becoming more acute, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

How to choose gifts

There are basic principles that should be followed. When choosing a gift for a person you don’t know well, don’t look for personal items, for example, a tie, socks, or cosmetics. It is also necessary to avoid the “stereotype” of a gift, for example, doctors usually suffer from an overabundance of sweets. If you know about the hobbies of the recipient, choosing a gift is not difficult at all. Neutral gifts: flowers, a bottle of good wine, cognac, champagne, cards with congratulations. A gift for loved one must be personal, reflecting his characteristics and interests. It's good if the gift pleasantly surprises you.

December 29 - Thursday

New Moon, Moon in Capricorn (8:29), 30th, 1st lunar day (16:43)

The day of illusions, delusions, deceptions and poisoning (you can get poisoned even with high-quality products). Do not give in to suggestion, laziness, or earthly temptations. Put off all important matters, no matter how urgent they may seem to you. Be alone with yourself. The best things to do are routine things.

We clean and put away

Soon New Year- which means it’s time to prepare for the holiday, it’s time to wash and clean everything so that all things sparkle and the house is filled with comfort and freshness. During the days of the waning moon, any dishes made of any materials are very easy to clean. You can also easily clean silverware, crystal, brass and copper items. At the same time, you will spend half as much cleaning products, and besides, you can do without aggressive chemicals, using only available home remedies that every housewife can find.

December 30 - Friday

Moon in Capricorn (9:15), 2nd lunar day (17:40)

A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But don’t give up what you started and be sure to finish it. Overload is contraindicated today. Dedicate the evening to home, family, loved ones.

How to survive the holiday

Subconsciously during the holidays, people try to prepare very tasty, complex dishes, buy exceptional gifts, etc. Psychologists suggest being realistic and flexible: if something doesn’t work out, then so be it. You should also know and remember that a long-awaited holiday often becomes a serious psychological test for both adults and children, and instead of joy it can only leave disappointment and fatigue. Be wiser!

December 31 - Saturday

Moon in Aquarius (9:53), 3rd lunar day (18:44)

An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

Time for fast action

The day is very active, although health reserves are still small. However, they can be replenished by doing pleasant pre-holiday chores. This is a time of creativity and inspiration, when everyone begins to seem good, kind and sympathetic. The main thing is not to miss the moment and direct it in the right direction, transform lunar energy into the creative process. Wish everyone happiness, good luck and goodness, and your sincere wishes will return a hundredfold.

Moon calendar as of December 2016, this is the best assistant in planning things. Count on lunar days and be aware of possible favorable or unfavorable moments in your life.

Moon phases in December 2016

The phases of the moon in December are:

  • the new moon begins at 9:53 am on December 29th;
  • full moon - at 03:07 on December 14th;
  • waxing moon - from December 1st to 13th, as well as from December 30th to 31st;
  • waning moon - from December 15th to 28th.

There will be no lunar or solar eclipse in December 2016.

Today will be a fruitful day for determined people. In business and personal relationships, qualities such as courage and straightforwardness are needed. All things started will bring success.

The day favors brave people. Any signed agreements will bring benefits in the future. Great time to start long or short trips.

Time for active things, you can go outside, play sports, and in the evening pay attention to your loved ones and children. You should not start new things. Trust your intuition, it will not let you down.

According to the lunar calendar for December, today is a favorable day for household chores. But don’t be lazy: if you spend this time on the couch, you will miss the opportunity to solve long-term problems.

The day is good for studying, working and planning things. Today you can set goals for long-term projects or tasks. Don’t say a lot of words, it’s better to spend your energy on implementing your plans.

Time for colossal changes in life. Job searches and moving to a new place of residence will be successful. Today's acquaintances will later transform into strong friendships.

According to forecasts for December 2016, today is a successful day. Any business you start will be successful; you can change everything that does not suit you in your personal and professional life. This lunar day will bring clarity to your life. Water has healing properties; you can visit a bathhouse or sauna.

The period is not conducive to food experiments; there is a danger of being poisoned by unusual food products. It is better to devote the evening to charity.

A favorable time for self-improvement and enrichment of your spiritual world. Any conflicts with others are contraindicated.

A great day to visit the temple. Pay attention to your family. Don't leave home for a long time. If possible, ask for forgiveness from the people you offended.

Be careful: financial losses are possible. There is a high probability of getting carried away with purchasing goods and getting into debt.

Today you can safely invest money in new projects. In the near future they will bring considerable profit. In the afternoon, start planning your vacation. Alcohol today is doubly harmful, do not get carried away with strong drinks.

The day is unfavorable for starting new things. Get involved in solving pressing problems. You can continue protracted repairs or construction.

The best time to visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, or massage parlour. Chatting with friends will bring pleasure. Travel and travel on this day are not recommended.

This day is best spent at home. Communication with friends and relatives is unfavorable. At work, try to talk less and do more.

Be generous and generous today, spend your free time for good deeds. Success awaits you in love matters.

According to the lunar calendar for December 2016, today is a favorable time for revealing secrets and mysteries. Everything hidden will become clear, so it is best to admit the wrongdoing yourself.

Day of peace of mind. Today is the best time to visit the temple and spend time with loved ones. The more goodness you sow, the more grace you will reap in the future.

Heavy Energy Day. Beware of any conflicts; those around you will take all objectionable words with hostility. Stay home if possible.

Today is a favorable time for forgiveness. Old grievances will fall into oblivion, making room for warm communication. Don't be lazy - any business you start will be successful.

Bad time to drive. There is a high probability of getting into or causing an accident. Try to get around on foot. Don't forget to pay attention to elderly relatives.

A good time to start a new relationship. Be yourself, sincerity on this day is the key to family happiness for many years.

Today you need to spend part of your free time on sports. But don't overdo it: excessive exercise can harm your health. In the evening, do not indulge in alcoholic beverages.

Pay attention to your family and friends. Today, more than ever, they need your support. The day is not favorable for changing jobs or place of residence.

A wonderful time to expand your horizons. Read a good book, watch a good movie, try new foods, meet new people. There is no need to make important decisions today.

Try not to listen to others and not to give in to vanity. By responding to aggression, you risk diving headlong into a long quarrel.

Be careful with strangers, there is a risk of deception. Try not to overwork; excessive activity can be harmful to your health.

Pay attention to routine and boring work. It will not only help you cope with difficult thoughts, but will also prepare a springboard for the implementation of an interesting and profitable idea.

The lunar calendar for December predicts a good day. You can safely make plans for the year ahead. At the end of the day, a pleasant surprise awaits you from a loved one.

Today you can safely go to the registry office and register your marriage. A family created on this day will be strong and happy. Do not take to heart the caustic or unpleasant phrases of people around you.

Do not utter thoughtless words and wishes. Even in New Year's Eve Watch your emotions. Only in this case will the energy of today benefit you.

The full moon is the peak of lunar activity, the final stage of each lunar month. All life on Earth feels the power of our satellite. Chaos and disorder are brought into people's lives.

Follow to know what the mood of the Moon is on a given day. This will help you keep your luck on a short leash. Knowing what can await you in one case or another, it will be much easier to make plans for the day. It will not be possible to predict the future using calendar forecasts, but it will become easier to manage.

Features of the Full Moon on December 14

As many already know, in November humanity was able to see the so-called supermoon. This is a special phenomenon when the Moon approaches the earth. It does not move in orbit at the same distance from us, because the orbit is elongated, elliptical. There are periods when the Moon gets closer than usual - this is called perigee. Due to the seemingly insignificant approach, the disk of the night Moon, illuminated by the Sun, increases by 13-15 percent. This is not very much, but it is quite noticeable even to the naked eye.

In December, the supermoon will be much less noticeable than in November, but the changes will still be noticeable. In addition to the size itself, the luminosity will also be increased - by about 20 percent.

If the skies are clear, you will also be able to see the peak of the star shower called the Geminids. Up to 130 meteors per hour is a lot. We can only hope for cloudlessness, because two major astronomical events on the same day are the greatest rarity. Don't forget to make a wish on a falling star and enjoy all the beauty of the meteor shower and the big moon.

Full Moon and Gemini

This time the Full Moon will take place under the auspices of Gemini. This Zodiac Sign does not contribute to the normalization of the situation. On the contrary, it worsens it, because Geminis are not able to control everything that surrounds them. This is the Sign that has large stock energy, but has no means to control it. On the Full Moon, the likelihood of chaos is already prohibitive, and Gemini will add fuel to the fire.

In love and relationships With other people you should pay more attention to your actions. Even one wrong word can draw a line between you. The only plus of the Full Moon, or, more precisely, an indulgence, is that all disagreements will most likely remain on this day. To turn friendship into enmity or love into hatred, it will take much more effort than just the wrong word or action. Don't show your indifference, don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness and control yourself throughout the day. December 14 is a Wednesday, so most people will be working, so try to leave all your business problems at work and your personal ones at home. Be cool and do not show negative emotions, as they can ruin your luck.

In finance and business extreme caution is required. Write down everything that needs to be done, otherwise you may forget it, and the consequences of carelessness during the Gemini Full Moon will be disastrous. What you definitely shouldn’t do on December 14 is buy something expensive. Gambling people, who are driven only by the thirst for easy money, may suffer defeat and, most likely, will not be able to recoup it in any way later. Risks during this Full Moon are contraindicated for absolutely everyone. Take care of household and urgent matters.

In terms of mood and health the coming Full Moon will also not be without problems. Gemini will give many of us apathy and laziness, which will be very difficult to give up. It is on days like this that people, getting up when the alarm clock rings, say to themselves: “I’ll lie down for a couple more minutes and then I’ll get up.” They usually get up after an hour. If you don’t want to constantly be in nervous tension, do things in advance, without putting them off until later.

This Full Moon will be very unfavorable and dynamic, which is why even the most collected and attentive may encounter life path some problems. The main thing is not to worry about what is not important to you at the moment. Live December 14th in the present.

Pay attention to the little things hidden from view and remember that thoughts are material. The lunar calendar reminds you: by thinking about good things, you attract positivity and luck into your life, increasing your energy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.12.2016 07:30

On the full moon, rituals are performed for money, love and to attract good luck. At this time the person becomes very susceptible to environment. ...

The moon grows gradually, and each growth phase has a specific energy potential. It is at this time that the accumulated forces will serve as a kind of “battery” for the entire next month. Recently we already wrote about, and now it’s worth finding out what activities to fill the time from the first to the thirteenth of December..

Phase No. 1 - from December 1 to 6

To carry out important tasks, the starting phase of the moon’s growth does not provide a sufficient energy charge. That is why, in the period from the first to the sixth of December, you should beware of matters that require a global expenditure of energy and high level concentration.

The following activities are best for this week:

  • completion of current affairs;
  • cooking medicinal decoctions;
  • creation;
  • housework;
  • meditation;
  • interpretation of prophetic dreams;

What not to do:

  • get involved in conflicts and quarrels;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • go on business trips and long trips;
  • load the body with intense physical activity;
  • take on responsible work and projects.

First quarter December 7

JoeInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya learned that the first stage of the Moon’s growth will be almost completed, and December 7 will be the starting point when enough energy has accumulated. A period for significant deeds and undertakings will begin. Inner harmony will be felt especially clearly.

  • resolve conflicts that have long plagued;
  • offer your creative ideas at work;
  • meet new people.

Remember that on physical health the waxing moon has a negative effect. Chronic diseases will worsen during this period, and wounds received on December 7 will take longer to heal. Those who have meteosensitivity need to pay special attention to their health on this day.

Phase No. 2 - from December 8 to 13

The last stage of the Moon's growth is a period when energy accumulates in excess. At this time, it will be necessary to finish all the accumulated tasks and start new ones. The most favorable day, according to astrologers, for this will be December 13th.

What will be beneficial in the period from the eighth to the thirteenth of December:

  • New acquaintances;
  • active physical exercise;
  • communication with loved ones;
  • development of your own business;
  • business ideas;
  • planning.
  • What will have a negative impact:
  • emotional incontinence;
  • indulgence bad habits;
  • laziness;
  • conflict situations.

Good luck on the waxing moon

Astrologers say that the time when the Moon is growing is the most ideal for carrying out conspiracies and rituals, and various herbal decoctions will have an excellent effect on the immune system. In addition, do not forget that you need to get your hair cut during the waxing Moon. will tell you which specific days you need to cut off the ends, apply makeup and cut your hair.

Gain strength and be in a good mood!

All times are indicated according to winter Kyiv time.

To find out events: Moscow time: + 1.

Central European Time: - 1.

Waxing Moon: December 1-13, 30-31 Waning Moon: December 15-28
For each organism in the sublunar space, the energy potential begins to increase from the new moon and reaches its maximum at the full moon. This is the period when the external form of manifestation of the life activity of all organisms on Earth is most active. For example, plants at this time quickly reach towards the Sun, accelerating their growth, and are in a hurry to conquer as much open space as possible. From the moment of the full moon, the external manifestation of energy begins to decline. Each organism directs its efforts to maintain the positions it has gained on the growing moon. During this period, processes of internal redistribution of energy occur, adequate to external changes. In plants, for example, the internal structure of the trunk and branches is strengthened, but during this period the tree pays the main “attention” to its root system.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:20-16:11Sleeping Moon: 06:08–10:52

Sunrise-sunset: 07:21-16:11

4 l.d. "BALANCE" A favorable day to assess your own strengths, analyze and plan the prospects of what you can accomplish in the future. On this day you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

Moon in Capricorn

Sunrise-sunset: 07:22-16:10Sleeping Moon: 12:16–21:43

5 l.d. “ACTION” If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is the day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and business qualities in a person.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:24-16:10

Main influence: 5 l.d.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:25-16:10Sleeping Moon: 13:23–24:00

Main effect: 6 l.d.

6 pp. "DEVELOPMENT" If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of your partners, the professional competence of your employees, and evaluate other opportunities. Don’t take on something that you are not competent in!

Moon in Aquarius

Sunrise-sunset: 07:26-16:10Sleeping Moon: 00:00–06:30

Main influence: 7 l.d.

7 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You will be able to realistically evaluate the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plans. The space will conduct a viability test. So less fuss!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:27-16:09Sleeping Moon: 16:05–24:00

Main effect: 8 l.d.

8 pp. "BIRTH" It is good to begin the implementation of any plans. The impulse that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. It is recommended to assign the main investments for this day - this will give the maximum effect.

Moon in Pisces

Psychologically difficult period. Our ideals are tested for strength, and the life lived in a month is tested for compliance with our moral principles. Intuition sharpens and parapsychological abilities. And sentimentality and spiritual dissatisfaction can push to extraordinary actions of noble origin, repentance and self-sacrifice. People become excitable and emotionally unstable. The unconscious and uncontrollable uncertainty characteristic of this period promotes emotional communication, but harms all major undertakings. During this period, it is very easy to lose your way, opening your soul to outside influences. It is recommended not to start disputes or sort things out at this time.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:28-16:09Sleeping Moon: 00:00–12:15

Main influence: 9 l.d.

9 l.d. "ACCULLATION" If you manage to avoid scandals and unpleasant surprises, it is good to accumulate obligations. This is a day of reorganization and strengthening of existing capabilities. Eliminate scandals! It is advisable to bring plans into line with reality. Take care of your health!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:29-16:09

Main influence: 10 l.d.

10 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is a good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive, and contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit.

Moon in Aries

This is a period of accumulation of mental strength. The surrounding space creates conditions for the manifestation of a person’s individual spiritual potential. At this time, the Moon increases our spiritual strength, and we are filled with energy and optimism. But you should not show enthusiasm in practical activities - it will quickly pass, and piled-up business undertakings will turn into “unfinished construction”. Sobriety of thinking under the pressure of the energy acquired during this period is replaced by the desire to use it up. Even the most brilliant ideas these days should be washed not with champagne, but with the sobriety of their assessment. It is best to think about new ideas and develop programs for their implementation, look for supporters and associates to implement your plans!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:30-16:09Sleeping Moon: 03:06–14:40

Main influence: 11 l.d.

11 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality turned out to be natural and harmonious for you. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Main influence: 12 l.d.

12 l.d. "ACTION" The day will test whether your business qualities correspond to reality. Action day! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is good to overcome barriers of misunderstanding, find points of reconciliation, and test competence.

Moon in Taurus

A time of accumulation and regrouping of vital forces. The situations created at this time are of fundamental importance, and depending on individual characteristics, they can cause irreversible changes in life. Intuitively sensing the significant influence of the Moon on the formation of their future, people show increased caution and pragmatism that is inexplicable at a rational level. The desire for stability and peace intensifies in people, as well as dependence on material wealth, the need for financial stability, the desire for material comfort and beauty. And, nevertheless, this is a favorable moment for performing responsible actions that are especially significant in your destiny and carrying out events that are important to you.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:31-16:09Sleeping Moon: 06:04–14:41

Main influence: 13 l.d.

13 l.d. "DEVELOPMENT" The day will check how well you and your activities correspond to the actual accumulated experience, knowledge and other potential. It’s good to combine opportunities (money, strength, connections) and act actively. You should not take their word for it - you should verify the accuracy of the statements personally.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:32-16:09

Main influence: 14 l.d.

14 l.d. “EMBODIMENT” The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction. A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities, and affairs that scatter your strength and resources, preventing you from concentrating on the main thing.

Moon in Gemini

The period of information processing associated with its accumulation and dissemination. A favorable time for understanding and assessing situations, and in general for mental activity in the field of systematization and analysis. People are talkative to the point of talkativeness, easily engage in conversation, and are highly communicative. During this period, it is good to conduct “reconnaissance of foreign territories.” But a person’s openness to perceive information of a diverse nature can do a disservice. Under the Moon in Gemini, new or unclear information can lead to incorrect conclusions and false conclusions. Before you join the conversation, think about how much you need this?

Sunrise-sunset: 07:33-16:10Sleeping Moon: 07:57–14:08

Main influence: 15 l.d.

15 l.d. "BIRTH" This is one of the Critical days! It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and money to maintain internal activities (home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:34-16:10Sleeping moon: 23:37–24:00

Main influence: 16 l.d.

16 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" It is good to carry out actions aimed at processing the results of labor. The day provides an opportunity to make radical changes in Destiny! You just need to draw conclusions from the mistakes made. Day of gaining experience and wisdom! Less emotions.

Moon in the sign of Cancer

The period of accumulation of impressions. The sensory perception of the world is heightened, and emotions prevail in the motivation of actions. The emotional state is unstable, and its changes can fluctuate sharply without visible reasons. From tears and sentimentality, a person easily moves to anger and aggression. The Moon in Cancer shows people to be caring towards others, but you should not go too far, otherwise your good intentions will backfire on you. At this time in the business sphere, it is not recommended to start projects that are important to you, enter into major transactions and sign important contracts. You may be influenced by interested parties. Strive to objectively evaluate your own feelings!

Sleeping Moon: 00:00–15:14

Main influence: 17 l.d.

17 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" We recommend adjusting internal structural connections - this is a good day for personnel changes. Trips, negotiations and agreements aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:35-16:10

Main influence: 18 l.d.

18 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality have had a harmonious impact. The day of harmonizing the internal structure and consolidating the established positions in the surrounding space. A good day to evaluate your obligations.

Moon in Leo

The period of accumulation of sensations. At this time, people pay more attention to the aesthetic sphere than usual. And when making decisions, they are guided more by their feelings than by logical conclusions. At this time, we strive to attract maximum attention to our person, we want recognition of our merits and would not mind listening to flattering speeches. This is a period of pleasure and intimate communication, but it is difficult to make true friends at this time. The Moon in Leo awakens adventurism and the need for adventure in people. We are more confident in ourselves, and therefore can demonstrate our best qualities.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:36-16:11Sleeping Moon: 18:55–19:51

Main influence: 19 l.d.

19 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Main influence: 20 l.d.

20 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:37-16:11

Main influence: 21 l.d.

21 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.

Moon in Virgo

The period when the relationship between the spiritual and the material intensifies, the state of mind affects health. The sense of duty and responsibility increases, and the effectiveness of communication depends on specifics. This good time for work that requires close attention to detail. The desire for order awakens in us, and we can begin spring cleaning. Bringing cleanliness and order will have a positive and sometimes unexpected effect. It’s as if relationships in a family or professional team will improve by themselves, and unwanted people will forget the way to your home!

Sleeping Moon: 03:56–04:39

22 l.d. "BIRTH" One of the critical days of the lunar month requires a new look at yourself and your activities. On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you will be able to look into your future. The day when you can find happiness and open the way to achieving it.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:38-16:12Sleeping moon: 21:31–24:00

23 l.d. "ACUMULATION" Day of accumulation of Knowledge of your Destiny. External energy expenditures are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a useless waste of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work and the period you have lived.

Moon in Libra

The need for comfort increases. Overloading the body is contraindicated! Scandals and conflicts will directly affect health - during this period the seeds of all our diseases are laid. You can put doubtful acquaintances to the test by scheduling a meeting on this very day. Irritation and disharmonious effects on your perception will become the basis for appropriate conclusions. People around them become more tolerant of each other and are more understanding of the needs and problems of others. Receptions, parties, and weddings will be successful at this time.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:39-16:13Sleeping Moon: 00:00–16:32

24 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" And the internal space and connections should be streamlined. This will contribute to the inclusion of reserves and will allow for more productive activities in the next Lunar cycle. A good day for working with personnel - it is useful to thoroughly explain the responsibilities to subordinates.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

During this period, attention should be directed to the state of vitality. Our well-being most actively affects emotional sphere, and the decisions made depend almost entirely on the state of health. In this regard, people, it seems to us, become harmful and irritable. Therefore, the period is very conflicting, but favorable for working with papers, getting a job and changing your place of residence. Good luck shopping for antiques, medicines and real estate. Try to avoid mass communication and heavy drinking of alcohol.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:40-16:15Sleeping Moon: 00:00–05:18

Sunrise-sunset: 07:40-16:18Sleeping Moon: 10:07–24:00

2 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore, it is important to do right choice: what you want to see in your Destiny and what you don’t. You should take documents, concluding contracts, dating, purchases and offers seriously.

Moon in Capricorn

Period of routine work. Days of productive thinking. A favorable time for comparing thoughts with reality. Plans developed at this time will be practical and will actively influence the situation. You should not contact your superiors or official institutions - resolving the issue may fall into the merciless millstones of routine. The position of the Moon in Capricorn is also unfavorable for financial activities, trade and barter transactions. It is not recommended to schedule engagements and marriages during this period, or to make acquaintances or business connections. The Moon in Capricorn is a period of good, sober advice. But it is better to contact specialists. This is a favorable time for agricultural work and the purchase and sale of land.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:41-16:19Sleeping Moon: 00:00–03:28

3 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is a day of active action in the field of improving structure and form. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, this is how they will be throughout the entire lunar month. And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then you should do it on this day.

Moon in Aquarius

At this time, situations are perceived very acutely, and responsibility for one’s own actions increases. Careless steps can cause irreversible processes in our lives, causing irreparable harm. But at the same time, space helps a person change his destiny. Deliberate, balanced and targeted actions will help you change the attitude of others towards you personally and towards issues that interest you. At this time, it is enough to do a small, but expressive, specific, and most importantly sincere act and you will be able to evoke in any person goodwill and support in your affairs. This time is also favorable for all activities related to technology, and especially with its purchase and repair.