Yellow lily. Embroidery patterns: lilies Cross stitch patterns: lilies and roses

Manufacturer: Artisan

Vendor code: 558

Size: 130x110 crosses

Color spectrum: 11 shades

Textile: Aida canvas, color – white

Threads: floss

Scheme: color, symbolic

Format: jpg

Difficulty of work: average

A comment:

The yellow lily is an amber flower that radiates the warmth of the sun. The project owes its bright splendor to the tireless work of designers who decided to bring joy into your home even on a gloomy and cold day.

The flower is embroidered only with a full cross, which greatly facilitates the work and allows you to use it not only as a picture in a frame, but also as a decoration for a pillow, box, or anything else where you decide to bring a festive mood and warmth.

The lily embroidery pattern is given in two versions: normal - on one sheet and enlarged - on several. It will be better if you print it on a color printer.

When choosing fabric for embroidery, give preference to Aida canvas. The places for punctures with a needle are clearly visible on it, and since the background will be completely sewn up, uniform weaving of threads in another fabric can only complicate the embroidery process. The optimal canvas color will be classic white. It does not “blind” in the evening and does not “reflect”, like, for example, black. After you carefully measure out the length you need for your creativity, be sure to overcast the edges to prevent fraying.

Select the threads yourself, according to the key. But don't forget to place them in the organizer and label them. After all, a mistake in the shade can ruin the whole job. Floss can be used from any manufacturer according to your taste. This is a plus, since it does not impose strict requirements on the use of a specific shade of thread from a specific manufacturer.

To make your work easier, mark the embroidered areas on the pattern with a previously prepared marker or pencil. Make sure the reverse side is neat and the top stitches of your cross stitches are unidirectional.

At the end of the work, wash the finished plot in warm water, without rubbing or wringing, iron it from the inside out with a not very hot iron and decorate it according to the dictates of your heart. Tips for design are in the “articles” section. But if not one option suits you, then consult about this with the masters of the framing workshop. They will give you a complete and qualified answer.

Flowers of chastity and innocence amaze people with their impeccability and beauty. The Germans have an old belief that says that an elf is born with this flower and lives in it. During the day he sleeps in the cup of the flower, and at night he swings in it and the flower makes a pleasant ringing sound. According to legend, a person who can awaken an elf with his touch will be rewarded with the fulfillment of his cherished desire. You can try to make your wish come true by creating your own flower at home with the help of the “Ribbon Embroidery Lilies” master class.

Creating lily flowers is more suitable for experienced craftsmen, because it consists of many small parts, which can cause a number of difficulties.
Important Recommendations:

The petals are embroidered using a straight stitch.
It is important to take into account that the component of a lily bud consists of different petals - three thin and three narrow, they alternate with each other.
It is necessary to prepare in advance two types of tape of the same color, but with different diameters.

To make the lily look realistic, the bases of the petals are painted orange with acrylic paint, and small black dots are placed on top. You can use a black felt-tip pen or glue and henna mixed together. Everyone also remembers about the pistils with stamens that flaunt inside the lily; they are made with thin wire. On the stamens we make a base in the form of a hammer, and on the pistils, something like a spring. We intertwine the springs and pestles all together and carefully, after piercing a hole in the fabric with an awl, we place them in the embroidery.

Preparatory work

A very simple way to create a real masterpiece with your hands. In order to start work, you need to prepare materials. To embroider flowers such as lilies, you will need:

  • canvas or fabric with a wide weave in a hoop
  • white satin ribbons 12 and 25 mm wide
  • green satin ribbons
  • soft wire
  • acrylic paints preferably
  • PVA glue
  • paint brush
  • toothpicks
  • needle with large eye
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • Diagram or template

Scheme of a lily, leaves, stem and buds.

When all the tools are prepared, all you have to do is be patient and not worry if something doesn’t work out as you would like. If this is your first time encountering ribbon embroidery, you can simplify the task for yourself by placing the fabric in a hoop and drawing on it the outlines of the location of the lilies:

Today, specialized stores have ready-made kits for embroidery with ribbons. If this is your first time embroidering a picture, then it is better for you to use just such a set. The outlines of the flower are clearly printed there and high-quality materials are selected that will not curl up during the work process and irritate the novice craftsman.

Technique for making petals master class

The making of embroidery begins with the petals of the lily. Having drawn three narrow petals and three wider ones, we proceed to embroidery. Using a thin ribbon, sew three petals with reverse stitches:

1. Take a 12mm white ribbon and fasten it into a needle, making a fastening on the ribbon. We draw our needle on the front side in the center of the drawn petal. Next, fold the ribbon underneath:

2. We pierce the center bend with a needle and pull the ribbon down without tightening the petal too much:

3. Turn the tip of the third petal slightly to the side when bending.

4. Lily is a flower that consists of 6 petals, three of them are larger. Try to show the actual size of the flower in your picture. When making flowers, it is very important to leave a little space in the middle, because there will still be pistils with stamens there.

Now we embroider the wide lily petals using the same principle as the narrow ones. This is what all six petals should look like:

  1. Since the 25mm ribbon is very wide, and we need to easily pull it into the eye of the needle, we will need to cut the tip of the ribbon obliquely not at 45 degrees, but at 25. Do not forget to fasten the ribbon:

2. Most novice needlewomen make a big mistake by tightening the stitches too tightly; this will only worsen the appearance of the painting, because the fabric inside will warp.

3. For more experienced craftswomen, we can advise you to perform the petals with a reverse stitch, but starting from a French knot. It’s just that the reverse stitch is more suitable for daisies, and as you know, the lily’s petal is slightly curved.

4. It should be noted that water lilies are embroidered according to the same principle, only there should be twice as many petals and they should be curved not towards the bottom, as in this case, but towards the top.

Petals coloring page

When six beautiful petals look at you, it's time to decorate. It is advisable to use acrylic paints; they do not cause smudges or streaks. The inside of the petals is lightly moistened with water and a small amount of orange paint is applied with a brush, evenly distributed over the middle of the petal.

If you notice that the paint has begun to spread, you need to stop this process as quickly as possible. In this case, a hairdryer will come to your aid; they need to dry the problem area of ​​the flower and you can continue.

Adding specks to the lily

People who have seen a lily at least once in their life remember that the spots in the middle are an integral element of the flower; if you want your picture to be realistic, then they also need to be depicted.

Black henna is used for this. Or you can make the mixture in another way. Like this, for example:

  1. Mix brown paint with a small amount of PVA glue.
  2. Apply the resulting liquid to a toothpick and make small dots along the bottom of the petal.
  3. You can again speed up the process using a hairdryer.

Making leaves and stamens

Making stamens

  1. Embroidery consisting exclusively of white petals will vaguely resemble a lily, so the next step is the stamens, they are made from thin wire. You need to twist it in such a way that you get the so-called “hatchets”, and for pestles, the wire is twisted like a spring:

2. Take an object in the form of some kind of plastic cap and pour in a little flour, squeeze out a little glue next to it and also add a drop of brown paint next to it. And in the middle you need to mix a little bit at a time until it becomes thick:

3. Pistils and stamens are dipped into it and left to dry. For convenience, you can use an old washcloth into which wires can easily be stuck:

4. After the mastic on the stamens and pistils has dried, they are connected into a bundle. Secure the wire with an awl, make a small hole in the canvas and push it inside. Spread the pistils with the stamens:

5. In a similar way, make the remaining flowers in the picture and begin to make leaves with the stem of the plant.

6. On the wrong side of the embroidery, you need to carefully shape the ends of the wire, bending them and gluing them with tape.

Making leaves

To make lily leaves you need to use green tape, but its diameter should be much smaller than the petals, about 5 mm. Everyone remembers that the leaves of a lily are different from its counterparts, so initially it is necessary to create a stem; the leaves will subsequently be attached to it.

  1. The stem is made slightly darker than the leaves; olive color may also be suitable. To make the stem, a twisted stitch or woolen thread for knitting can be used, here it is at your own discretion

2. The stem must have at least 5 leaves attached on each side. The length of the stitches must be at least 4 cm. The petals are made using a straight or reverse stitch. At the end of your embroidery, do not forget to burn the ends; satin and silk ribbons tend to fray.

Design of paintings

As a decoration for the picture, you can add other flowers, if suddenly your picture looks sad, violets look very good in combination with lilies and lilacs. The pleasant purple color is in great harmony with the large white petals. Of course, in life you rarely see these flowers in one bouquet, but our goal is to create a beautiful picture, and not to talk about the fragrant combination of plants.

You can also complement the embroidery with a beautiful bow, which at the end, as if you collect all the stems of the flowers together. All available means can be used - beads, sequins, golden threads and other accessories. If you don't want to overload your composition, pay attention to the color of the canvas. White lilies on a white canvas will be invisible, so try to choose a dark shade, for example, blue, brown or even black. This way you will be able to emphasize the flower itself and make it more voluminous.

As a rule, the work does not take much time; two days of hard work is enough and the picture is ready. Ultimately, you can frame it in a beautiful frame and complement the interior of your home. White lilies look very elegant on festive tablecloths and items of clothing. You can also decorate the box.

You can find patterns for embroidering lilies with ribbons on a variety of Internet resources; over time, you will be able to come up with stitches and additions to your compositions yourself. Of course, you initially need to master the basics of the skill, but be patient and you will definitely succeed.

Video master class Embroidery lilies

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Embroidery with ribbons of flowers: your first lesson. Embroidering white lilies

Ribbon embroidery is quite an interesting and fascinating type of needlework, accessible to many. However, some craftswomen are afraid to take it on. Not knowing where to start. We offer a short lesson in which we will tell you how to embroider flowers with ribbons. First, let's draw flowers: roses, lilac branches, lilies and other buds.

We select satin ribbons in four colors: pink, green and lilac with a width of 6 millimeters, white - 13 millimeters. We cut the ribbons 40 - 50 centimeters long, and those made of silk - 60 - 70 centimeters.

For the first lesson we will take a smaller picture, but no less pretty.

Choose the fabric at your discretion: linen or cotton. We used uniform because it suited the shade quite well, you don’t have to choose it. Also choose ribbons based on your taste. Chenille needles must be used.

You will also need regular needles and cotton threads that match the tone of the base, and scissors.

When finished, our product should be approximately 6*8 centimeters.

Draw an ellipse below and begin embroidering a simple flower using a standard stitch.

We attach the end to the original side with 2-3 stitches. Next, we try on how long the petal will be and sew it on with a stitch, while helping ourselves with the second needle to shape the ribbon.

We make subsequent stitches from the middle without cutting the tape, although, as a rule, it is necessary to cut it off at the end of each stitch and secure it with thread. We make stitches not from one point, but from an adjacent one.

Now you can slightly decorate the flower. To do this, we sew beads or a French knot into the middle.

Take a look at the reverse side in advance so that you don’t worry about it again.

After this, we fix the tape for the next flower. Their number and sizes can be very diverse, in accordance with your flight of fancy. Naturally, flowers should also have leaves. To do this, you will have to perform more complex actions on the ribbon, namely, form a central ribbon stitch.

We do this: we take out the ribbon and measure where it needs to be pierced. Then we recess the needle and carefully pull it to the wrong side, thus forming the necessary texture. Next we made a series of stitches around the flowers, which resemble buttercups. If something suddenly goes wrong, you can easily correct the ribbon by carefully smoothing it with your fingernail or the eye of a needle.

Let's move on to sewing the buds and, directly, the lily. For this purpose, we take a white ribbon 13 mm wide (although you can choose a different color for the lily). The buds are sewn using a left ribbon stitch. The ribbon is pierced on the left and a bud is formed. Sepals are made in the same way, but they begin to form slightly lower than the base of the bud.

Sewing a lily is done using a central stitch, while you can help make the petals with the second needle. To make flowers look more voluminous, avoid over-stretching them.

If you followed our instructions correctly, you should have you will get this kind of ribbon embroidery: