I want to be an architect! Let them teach me! A.A Plastov "First Snow" essay based on the painting

|Dmitry Nikolaev | 12843

Why not? Always, when you walk around the city, you notice - this is beautiful, this is not beautiful. Some people simply notice, while others think about what needs to be changed and how. Let the cities be more beautiful, and architects will do this.

At 17 years old, I’m already sure where I want to go – . To make this dream come true, I am diligently preparing for the subjects that I will take. My main hobby is dancing, and once I enter university I am not going to stop doing it. Another hobby is creative work: drawing, sewing, and much more. Not long ago I took part in the Republican Technology Olympiad - I took an honorable place there and received a medal.

Place of study:, Cheboksary.

I want to enter the Faculty of Construction.

Hobbies: drawing, dancing.

Movie:“The Proposal”, “The Naked Truth”.

Music: I prefer different music, it all depends on my mood.

Book:"Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol.

Motto:"Go through life laughing" Dancing? That's very beautiful!

For now it’s just a dream to become an architect, but Karyakina Natalya from Cheboksary I'm sure she will succeed. She will become an architect, and there will be many beautiful buildings.

– What is your favorite subject at school?

– This is mathematics, or more precisely algebra. I have always loved to count and calculate things. It was also influenced by the fact that mathematics is taught by a very good teacher, Yulia Izosimovna Rumyantseva, our class teacher. She is not just a wonderful teacher, but also just a good person.

Another of my favorite subjects is literature - I have always been interested in reading, especially the classics. An example of this is the epic novel War and Peace. I believe that this is a book that every person should read in their life.

– Why did you choose the profession of an architect?

– Since childhood, I loved to look at different buildings and I was interested in the process of the emergence of this or that building in our city. One day I watched how a temple was being built, this business simply captivated me, I could not even think that construction was such a complex process. Therefore, in the end, I decided to enroll in the Faculty of Construction - I want to design buildings and structures, as this has always interested me. When I was in art school, I always paid attention to the buildings around me and tried to examine them in detail.

My choice was also influenced by the fact that I study in a physics and mathematics class. After all, an architect is precisely the profession that combines creativity and technical knowledge. The work of an architect is not only to invent and design an object, but also to supervise it in the future. Watching the construction of something that you came up with yourself is great. This is what I have always dreamed of!

– Who influenced your choice of profession the most?

– My mother influenced me the most. By sending me to art school, she developed in me a love for creativity, including architecture. This interest arose for me for a reason. When I was little, I always loved to watch construction. As a child, I had one cherished dream: to look at the construction process from a bird's eye view. It seemed to me that seeing a building under construction the way the birds see it is much more interesting. When I entered art school, I constantly looked at books with the architecture of different countries, and also tried to draw some of them.

– Which university did you choose to enroll in?

– I decided to enroll at Moscow State University, since there is a construction department there that interests me. It is also important that I believe that it is there that I can gain knowledge that will help me “settle” in the profession.

– The profession of an architect can hardly be called widespread. Do you think it will be easy to find a job after receiving your diploma?

– “He who seeks will always find,” That’s what I think about this! In our century, a large number of buildings are being produced, and this will always continue, the old will be demolished, or reconstructed, or new will be built, so I think that I will not be left without work.

– In what subjects are you taking the Unified State Exam?

– In addition to the basics, this is also physics.

– How are you preparing for the Unified State Exam?

– After school I go to tutors. On days free from tutors, I try to prepare myself additionally, or study with teachers from school. It takes me almost all my free time to prepare, and there is practically no time left for rest.

– How necessary do you think tutors are to pass the exam well?

– My opinion is that you should definitely seek the help of tutors, since at school teachers are not obliged to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam. And it’s easier to learn the material in individual lessons, rather than studying as a whole class. From my personal experience, I can say that tutors are very helpful when passing the Unified State Exam.

- Is it difficult or not for you to prepare well for the Unified State Exam?

– I think that preparing for the Unified State Exam is very difficult, you need to devote a lot of time to studying, but this does not mean that it is impossible to pass it well. A little effort and patience, and everything will work out.

– There is less than a year left until I receive my certificate. What would you like to wish your teachers and classmates before you leave school?

– When leaving school, I would like to wish the teachers health, and most importantly, patience. For my classmates, I want to go to a place where they will like it and get a good life in the future.

– What are the advantages of studying at your school? Is it difficult to study here?

– Our school has the most qualified teachers who provide all the necessary knowledge. It is difficult to study in any school, but if you do everything with a smile, then everything will turn out great.

– How do you spend your free time?

– I devote my free time from school and tutors to my favorite dancing and drawing.

so that they are comfortable to live in? Is it possible to create housing that will not harm the environment? Where do you train to become an architect, and what knowledge will help you become a specialist in your field? The editors of O-LA decided to learn about the sacraments of this profession from architect Elvira Bakubaeva from Almaty Vilnius Architechtstogether with Azhara, who enjoys drawing and dreams of becoming an architect.

My name is Azhara Sultansikhova, I am 17 years old. I am in 11th grade at school-gymnasium No. 123. Graduated from the School of Fine Arts and Technical Design (SHIITD) named after. Kasteeva. I plan to enter the Faculty of Architecture after graduation.

Elvira, tell us why you became an architect? What inspired you to master this profession?

You don't come to the profession of an architect by chance. It all started at the Umai art school, where I studied after school. I have always been a creative person, I loved to draw and make sculptures.

In my early childhood I dreamed of becoming an artist, but my dad told me to think about mastering a more applied profession, since I could always become an artist.

I came to a completely logical conclusion that architecture is a profession that combines the work of an artist and brings benefits to society. The more interested I became in the topic, the more I began to learn more about what architects do. At the Umai school we went outside, drew buildings, and studied city landscapes. I had a connection with architecture even then, so after graduating from this school I decided to enter KazGASA.

The most amazing thing about drawing is that you have a piece of paper, you have an image in your head, and you transfer your idea onto the sheet. Architecture begins with the same thing. That is, in the beginning there is nothing, and you act as the creator. For me, this is the most key point in architecture - to create something.

Where to start to become an architect?

It is important to develop, try to learn more about architects and their work. It is advisable to know the structure of education. In Kazakhstan, in order to enter an architectural university, you need to pass a creative exam, which includes drawing. Therefore, you will need drawing and drawing skills. After I studied for a year and a half at KazGASA, I applied for the Bolashak program and entered University College Dublin in Ireland. To enroll, you had to submit a portfolio. Yes, you are not an architect yet, you have no projects, but you must show your drawings, photographs of sculptures, etc. It is important for the admissions committee to show something that will speak about your love for creativity.

What subjects should you focus on in school?

First of all, for drawing - the ability to draw will always come in handy. Then, of course, fine art. Mathematics also needs to be given a lot of attention, since in itself it develops thinking; studying world history will not be superfluous - after all, all historical events influenced architecture in one way or another, and vice versa. And also, probably, literature - this is how you can develop spatial thinking.

Architecture is a broad discipline, what are its main areas?

There are different specialties: urban planning, architecture of residential public buildings, environmental design. The basics are the same everywhere, but by the end of the training everyone is already engaged in the narrow specialty that he has chosen. At the university, I chose the architecture of residential public buildings as my main specialty. But ideally, an architect should have equally good knowledge from all these areas.

Which architects did you look up to during your studies?

I really liked the approach to studying at my university; they emphasize love for the profession. When I arrived in Dublin, at the very first lecture the teacher instilled in us a love of architecture. He conveyed to us that the possibilities in architecture are endless - you can do what you like, and this is what awakened in me a great love for my work. And my inspiration was a Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima, she is the second woman in the world to receive the Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious award in architecture. The first woman to receive this award, as many know, is Zaha Hadid. I like Sejima because she has a clear, harmonious connection between her inner world and what she creates. When planning buildings, she thinks not only about what the building will be like, but also about what will happen inside it, outside it, and how a person will feel there. Her buildings are not limited to four walls, and they are mostly made in light colors and lined with glass, white concrete - which is what I love most. The main principle of her company SANAA is to get rid of everything unnecessary. According to her, they remove as much as possible from the project, leaving a minimum of details, thereby revealing the essence of the project.

Which of her projects is your favorite?

Almost all of her projects are my favorites! My favorite is Moriyama House - this is a residential complex in Japan in which the apartment rooms are located in different blocks. That is, you can be both inside your apartment and outside. What I like about this project is that nature becomes part of your home. Another favorite project of mine is the New Museum of Modern Art in New York. His building consists of several boxes stacked on top of each other, and at first glance it may seem that these are ordinary boxes, but this project is thought out simply brilliantly.

How can buildings and new projects be built without disturbing the natural balance? For example, in Almaty.

Nowadays, a popular topic in architecture is “sustainable architecture”. This is an architecture that does not disturb the natural balance. In the 20th century, we saw that 40% of all energy consumption in cities came from buildings. This is all the electricity that goes to apartments, offices, and other premises. Now architects have come to the principle: do not harm nature and start playing by its rules. The task becomes to carry out natural ventilation, adapting to the specific region in which the building will be built. There is a whole direction in architecture - Vernacular house. This is the architecture of dwellings that do not harm nature - they do not have artificial heating, lighting, or ventilation. An ideal example of a Vernacular house is a Kazakh yurt: when it’s hot outside, it’s cool inside, and vice versa, it can be transported without harming nature.

Just recently I read about this in O-LA magazine - it was written there that heat from airplanes can be recycled and reused for heating buildings.

Yes, such technologies are already actively used in modern architecture. An example of this is solar panels built into buildings. Also in Amsterdam, there will be roads equipped with sensors that collect energy from human steps and convert it into electricity, illuminating the streets of the city.

The architectural styles of Europe and Kazakhstan are very different. It seems to me that we have practically no recognizable architectural monuments, with the possible exception of Baiterek. How can we create our own style that will be recognized all over the world?

Our lack of identity is a delusion. It exists in many, even small cities of Kazakhstan, we just stopped noticing it, it has become an everyday occurrence for us. For a foreigner, for example, Almaty will seem like a special city, with a unique style. The main thing we have is the foundation, which remains from Soviet times and is made in accordance with our mentality, and our task is to bring modern style into our context, not to create an imbalance between what we have and what we want to build. Let’s say that building up a city with buildings in the European classical style is pointless, because the context here and in Europe is completely different. When I talk about context, I mean all the conditions in which the region is located, from climatic conditions to the political regime.

Now we are holding events such as, organizations like ArchCode Almaty are being created, where issues of preserving identity are discussed.

What is your favorite style in architecture?

There is a style that I just love, something that I can enjoy, that I can be inspired by, and then there is something that I work on, and usually these are different styles. I love the classics, it’s a pleasure for me to walk around Rome or Lisbon. I like working in modernism: unlike classics, in modern architecture there are no clear and strict rules, you can create any shapes and proportions, the main thing is that the building works for people. But most of all I like minimalism; the main thing in this style is when every line is justified, and every form has its own meaning.

What difficulties did you have during your studies?

The hardest thing for me is doing the calculations. In theory, everything seemed clear, but in reality it didn’t work out for me at all. However, in my profession this is not fundamentally important, since we always work with designers who carry out all the accurate calculations of the structure.

What are some of the hardest things about your profession?

I think the hardest thing is the constant workload. We can work on weekends, 16 hours a day, with almost no rest. It remains a mystery to ourselves - why is there never enough time? Whatever the deadline, even a very long one, it is impossible to meet the deadline. I thought it was only like this at university - when three months in advance you receive an assignment for your final project, and the night before your defense you completely redo it. But, as it turned out, this is such a feature of the profession. In their circle, architects even joke: there is a deadline before the project is completed - multiply by two. To withstand such a load, you need to love your job.

Architect I have always dreamed of becoming an architect, I see this as the goal of my life. An architect is a specialist who is engaged in architectural design, that is, the development of building plans, their facades in general and in detail, as well as internal spaces. An architect can also be involved in the calculation of building structures, although in our time this is mainly done by engineers. A modern architect, in a broad sense, is the creator of the material part of the urban environment. ralengineers

History of architecture. Only a few names of ancient architects have survived to this day. The first mentions of the name of the builder-architect take place in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The builders of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages are unknown, only assumptions are made about the authorship, this is due to the influence of the church, the author's mark was regarded as pride. However, the marks of the artels and suppliers have been preserved. Only a few names of ancient architects have survived to this day. The first mentions of the name of the builder-architect take place in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The builders of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages are unknown, only assumptions are made about the authorship, this is due to the influence of the church, the author's mark was regarded as pride. However, the marks of artels and suppliers have been preserved.Ancient Egypt Ancient GreeceAncient RomeGothicMiddle AgesAncient Egypt Ancient GreeceAncient RomeGothicMiddle Ages

Modern architecture. The development of computer technology in the twentieth century led to a revolution in architectural design. The development of computer technology in the twentieth century led to a revolution in architectural design. Currently, design documentation is developed mainly using computer-aided design systems. Currently, design documentation is developed mainly using computer-aided design systems. computer-aided design systems. computer-aided design systems.

The architect's task. 1. The main task of the architect is to develop new architectural ideas based on the three eternal principles of “Usefulness, Durability, Beauty,” 2. that is, to create architecture that is easy to use and beautiful in appearance. Thus, an architect is in a sense a “beauty specialist”.

The main activity of an architect. Architectural activity is the professional activity of citizens (architects), with the goal of creating an architectural object and includes Architectural activity is the professional activity of citizens (architects), with the goal of creating an architectural object and includes the creative process of creating an architectural project, the creative process of creating an architectural project, a creative architectural project creative architectural project coordination of the development of all sections of design documentation for construction or reconstruction, coordination of the development of all sections of design documentation for construction or reconstruction, design documentation project documentation author's supervision of the construction of an architectural object, as well as author's supervision of the construction of an architectural object, as well as author's supervision supervision of the activities of legal entities in organizing the professional activities of architects. activities of legal entities in organizing the professional activities of architects. legal entities

By the way, at one of the exhibitions and fairs I met Nastya Korovets, a current participant in the “Unburied Talents” project, an 8th grade student at the V.-Peschanskaya School. It was last summer, on Youth Day. A bright crowd of people in the Kozhedub park crowded around the tables of craftsmen. Guests of the holiday were attracted by the improvised town of craftsmen, initiated by the Palace of Children and Youth and other creative organizations of the city. I was struck by the young age of the craftswoman, whose magnificent decorations made of beads and paper (quilling) were scattered on the table. It was Nastya. And then I bought myself original quilling earrings. So a designer piece from Anastasia Korovets is also in my arsenal as a jewelry lover. “At that time, all the quilling products sold out,” Nastya recalls. How great it is when what you love is also paid for, even if not yet at a fully adult level, but still.

Nastenka’s whole life is connected with creativity. Both mom and dad draw well. The children followed in the footsteps of their parents. Nastya always loved to draw, so she entered art school. Now she is grateful to the teachers for the science and the impressions that the artist gave her. “There was a lot of pleasure for the soul. The art school gave me an impetus, I wanted to develop and work further,” says Nastya. She continues to draw and participate in art competitions; in addition, the girl is passionate about various types of needlework, in particular beadwork and quilling. Mom carefully preserves each daughter’s work. She already has a whole collection of jewelry and boxes. The young needlewoman continues to master the intricacies of the art of bead weaving in the circle of folk art master Natalya Babenko (DDYu).

Your most recent victory is first place at the 11th city competition of the All-Ukrainian festival “Talents of the Rich Motherland.” Which product did the jury like?

This is a beaded collar necklace.

Great. Now you automatically participate in the regional stage of the festival. We wish you victory! How did you get into the beading circle?

Usually. A friend invited me back in fifth grade. I came and liked it. And I’ve been doing it for two years now. Now beads are one of my favorite hobbies.

What would you change about your school?

I would like to strengthen the creative direction.

What are your favorite school subjects?

I love work. I’m also interested in algebra and geometry, I want to study these subjects more, more deeply, and achieve better results. I understand that if possible, you need to do everything in your power. Both algebra and geometry will be useful in the future.

Is the future connected with a dream?

I would like to become an architect. For me, this is the profession of a person who is confident in himself, knows what he wants, what he strives for. Create original, beautiful bridges, buildings, cafes... Yes, I want that.

Where would you like to visit?

In various museums and exhibitions. This is where all the most interesting and exciting things are.

Nastya is a serious and bright person. Knows how to listen carefully. She has a personal opinion about everything. She loves to read science fiction, embroiders, and attends Sunday school at the Church of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke George of Vladimir, where, according to her, she learns something new every time. A versatile creative personality. I'm sure no amount of praise will confuse her. The girl has an adequate outlook on life. May God grant health and creative success to Nastenka and all her loved ones.

Elena Gagina



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Recent sociological studies show that many modern girls and boys are looking for creative professions. Few people want to become builders or plumbers, but many would like to become architects. What is the profession of an architect? How to get it? And what do you need to know in order to succeed in this field?

You no doubt know that an architect designs the interiors and exteriors of buildings in which people live, work, trade and play. But this is only the outer shell. Looking a little deeper, we learn that if you want to be a good architect, then your projects must masterfully balance a variety of and often mutually exclusive requirements - functionality and safety, aesthetics and cost-effectiveness. A good architect should be able to create a glamorous house for a happy housewife, and a high-tech home for an ambitious top manager, fit an old Russian stove for a summer cottage into a modern cottage, or place a high-tech eco-friendly boiler in a semi-antique hut. All this, and much more, requires special knowledge and professional skills. Not only that, from the first conversations with clients to the final delivery of the project, you will be involved in every stage of it, and therefore, in addition to an art education, you will need good communication skills, as well as excellent management and supervision skills. How to become an architect? Let's try to put the whole path in five steps

Step 1: Start in High School

If possible, begin preparing for your future specialty and architectural education while still in high school. Lean on geometry and algebra, don't forget about arithmetic and physics. These sciences will help you develop the ability to quickly and accurately calculate, instantly assess risks and make preliminary estimates literally “on the go.” Don't skip drawing and sketching lessons - you will definitely need the ability to use a pencil and a drawing board. By studying art and history, literature and music, you will develop your aesthetic sense. Computer Science - You'll need it too, because today the vast majority of projects are completed using computer-aided design (CAD) systems, so a good familiarity with information technology and computers won't hurt.

Step 2: Get your bachelor's degree

Bachelor's degree programs in architecture will introduce you to basic design concepts and teach you to consider the different properties of materials. You have to learn to think spatially, sense perspective and choose the right proportions. In addition, you will study structural systems, gain basic environmental knowledge, and develop an in-depth understanding of building technology. Typically, a Bachelor of Architecture degree requires five years of study. Other undergraduate courses may also be suitable for you. For example, a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in architecture will also advance your education.

Step 3: Defend your master's thesis

Curricula for a master's degree in architecture combine theoretical and technological courses, complemented by courses in history, art and culture, all of which will be involved in the design process. In addition, you will take them into account when developing concepts for your future structures suitable for use in real conditions. You will learn to comply with environmental requirements, preserve historical monuments and fit your buildings into the master plans of a specific city, taking into account data from soil studies and geodetic measurements. The programs you will need to study may vary from university to university and may take 2 or 3 years to complete.

Step 4: Get an internship

You will have to work under the guidance of an experienced architect for several years before you are qualified to undertake independent projects. In many countries, architecture is a licensed activity. So, if you are going to work outside our homeland, find out in advance how to obtain the appropriate license. In Russia, such licenses are not yet required. It is enough to have a diploma from an architectural institute. But, nevertheless, an internship is a necessary stage of training. Usually, three years of such “hands-on” work is enough to fully master all the intricacies of the profession and go in search of an open vacancy as an architect. As a rule, graduates of architectural institutes work in architectural bureaus and construction companies, and this is where you should look for the first place for independent work.

Step 5: Become a Freelance Artist

Having gained experience in the company and completed several dozen projects, you can think about private practice. If you feel so empowered and know where to find clients, try offering your personal professional services to the market. Here it would be useful to agree in advance with a couple of construction companies about mutual assistance. You design - they build. Just make sure that your partners are members of one or another officially registered self-regulatory organization (SRO) in the construction industry. According to modern laws, if this condition is not met, the company does not have the right to build houses. In addition, take care in advance of a beautiful portfolio of your projects that you will demonstrate to your potential customers. When to start preparing it is up to you. But the sooner the better. Many leading experts create a personal portfolio, starting from the first day of study at an architectural institute. But over the years of internship and subsequent work in an architectural bureau, it also makes sense to collect a client base - it will be useful to you when you go “free swimming”.