Parapsychological abilities. All books about: “parapsychology Development of parapsychological abilities of clairvoyance magic Papus

Let us allow ourselves to break the tradition that is firmly rooted in all works on parapsychology. We will not begin by listing parapsychological facts, nor will we analyze the history of parapsychological research. You can read about all this in any book on parapsychology. From our point of view, it is best to begin by considering the subject of scientific psychology. It must be said that in scientific psychology itself there is still more than enough mystery.

Here and further we are forced to somewhat violate not only the parapsychological, but also the psychological tradition. Those representatives of scientific psychology who are nevertheless inclined to recognize the reality of parapsychological phenomena attribute them to an area outside the boundaries of psychological science, but we think that there is every reason to believe that the scientific basis of parapsychological phenomena and facts related to scientific psychology is one .

Psychology is one of the ramified experimental observational and theoretical sciences of our time. The development of natural science and the development of psychology make it urgent to consider the issue of the subject of psychology.

The main subject of psychology should be considered the disclosure of the patterns of construction and operation of brain information models of objects in the external world that serve the behavior of animals and humans. Analysis shows that animal life is impossible without those information modeling the world processes that are called mental processes. These processes are, therefore, the most important factor in the existence of living nature.

The higher the level of development of an animal, the more complex its brain, the greater the role the construction of internal information brain models plays in its life and behavior. These brain models play a special role in human activity, being the basis for all types of work and creativity.

Our models of objects in the surrounding world are not simply dead copies of these objects, like, for example, their photographs or reflections in a mirror. Specific feature of these models is that they are alive. This means that the matter from which they are created is living matter.

Each displayed object is experienced by a person in its own way. The same object is displayed differently by different people, finds different life in their psyche. This amazing property of the psyche is very difficult to define. It can only be called a subjective experience.

In connection with the specificity of living matter, which is the substrate of information processes that regulate life and behavior, the understanding of life that was developed by Academician V.I. Vernadsky is of great interest (331). In a number of his works, V.I. Vernadsky clearly distinguishes lifeless matter - he calls it inert matter - and living matter and convincingly proves that life cannot arise from inert matter, no matter how complicated the latter becomes. The starting point of his reasoning is the statement about the eternity of living matter.

Vernadsky wrote: “... we inevitably have to admit that there was no beginning of life in the cosmos that we observe, since there was no beginning of this cosmos. Life is eternal, since the cosmos is eternal” (331, vol. 5, p. 137) . The eternity of life, according to V.I. Vernadsky, presupposes the qualitative originality of the matter and energy that underlies life. Developing this idea, V.I. Vernadsky acts as a consistent dialectical materialist. For him, the implementation of the principles of materialism consisted not in reducing complex forms of matter and energy to already known manifestations of the material world, but in exploring matter and the energy of life in all the complexity of their manifestations.

He wrote: “...recognition of the eternity of life seems to indicate some fundamental difference between the living and the dead, and this difference should be reduced to some difference in the matter or energy found in a living organism, compared with those of their forms, which are studied in physics and chemistry, that is, in ordinary inert, lifeless matter, or does it indicate the insufficiency of our ordinary ideas about matter and energy, derived from the study of inert nature, to explain all processes of living things..." (331, v 5, p. 142).

Understanding the mental modeling of the surrounding world with the help of the brain as a manifestation of this living matter, we can use the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the specificity and qualitative originality of this matter.

Based on Vernadsky's concept in connection with the question that interests us, we can say that the mechanisms of parapsychological phenomena should be sought among those specific manifestations of matter and energy that are characteristic only of living matter. In any case, the basis of the psyche in its both psychological and parapsychological qualities are such material structures that, having signs of life, make it possible to form models of the surrounding world.

The analysis of the material foundations of the psyche should begin with a description of some features of the functioning of the brain. This description alone allows us to advance in understanding the emergence of certain parapsychological features, which, in essence, are psychological features.

The brain is comprehensively described from its anatomical side. But much of the work of this amazing organ remains a mystery. Its connection with the psyche, participation in building models of the surrounding world, and in regulating behavior are indisputable. But how is this connection made? There is no comprehensive answer to this question yet in modern science.

It is known that the brain provides modeling of the surrounding world through the work of billions of nerve cells - neurons. A neuron consists of a cell body, short tree-like processes (dendrites) through which impulses enter the cell, and a long process (axon) through which information travels from the cell. The joint, coordinated work of neurons allows for the construction of models of the external world and the regulation of behavior.

Here it is necessary to emphasize that those information processes that are carried out on the basis of the work of nerve cells and which are called mental ones are most closely related to bioinformational processes in ordinary somatic cells, in other words, with the information service of ordinary cells.

Modern data on the information service of living cells allow us to conclude that this service is objectified in certain chemical structures and includes three components: a) initial, hereditary information, which is encoded in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, b) transport of this information , carried out by ribonucleic acid (RNA), and c) the embodiment of this information using protein structures.

Analysis shows that these three components of the information service are also characteristic of the work of a nerve cell - a neuron. In this case, there are also three components - initial information, transport of information and embodiment of information. The difference is that the initial information in the work of nerve cells, for example those serving vision, comes not from genetic structures, but from the external world. As for the other two components of the information process, there is reason to think that these components are provided by the same structures as in somatic cells: information is transported along the nerve fiber using RNA, the information received by the nerve cell is recorded in protein structures.

This commonality of contours information systems somatic and nervous cells indicates that the psyche is not introduced into living systems from the outside, but is a specialization and modification of information systems that were originally characteristic of life. This kind of commonality prompted researchers to look for the substrate and nature of the psyche in chemical compounds. However, the totality of modern research on the remote transmission of information (see the chapter on bioinformational contact “man-plant”) indicates that molecules are only structures on the basis of which the finest biophysical processes involved in ensuring mental processes are played out.

It was found that the cerebral cortex, like other parts of the brain, is characterized by a multilayered cellular structure, and it turned out that in different areas of the cortex there is a different ratio of cellular layers consisting of different types of cells. The map of the cerebral cortex compiled on the basis of such studies turned out to be simultaneously a map of various mental functions (Fig. 2).

The most specific area is the occipital cortex. Nerve pathways that reflect the state of the retina of the eye enter the occipital region (this is the 17th field on the map above). It is as if objects in front of the eyes are projected onto this field. Surrounding this field are other fields of the occipital region (fields 18 and 19) that provide complex forms and phenomena of perception, the integrity of the perception of objects, their location in perspective, etc.

The center of auditory perception is the field of the temporal region, designated number 41. If the cortex of this field is damaged, partial or complete deafness may occur. Neurons of the nearby 22nd field provide the perception of more complex sound phenomena associated with the integration of sound quality, such as intensity, timbre, rhythm.

The entire posterior part of the cortex is associated with various types of sensitivity, with the parietal region performing a special intercentral function. In this vast area there are fields that unite different kinds sensitivity. There are also areas that control not so much the direct display of surrounding objects, but rather the process of establishing relationships between objects. Such a field, which establishes relationships between objects (subjects) and performs the most important intellectual function in this regard, is field 39, which is located, as it were, at the junction of the temporal, occipital and parietal areas of the cortex.

Neurons that provide motor functions are located in the anterior cortical areas. Their violations lead to motor disorders. Among the fields of the motor zone, a special role is played by field 44, located in the posterior inferior frontal region, which controls the movements of the speech apparatus.

The most differentiated, complex and still mysterious area of ​​the cortex is its frontal region, especially its anterior part. Neurologists note that when the frontal lobes are damaged, attention is impaired, absent-mindedness and easy distractibility appear, and criticism of one’s own actions decreases. A characteristic sign of the so-called frontal patient is indifference, indifference to the environment, apathy, and lack of activity. Reduced self-control is also characteristic of a frontal patient: he laughs for no reason, abruptly moves from laughter to tears and back.

All this suggests that the frontal lobes are the authority that provides the function of general regulation of behavior. It is in the cells of these lobes that the goal is formed and the entire set of actions that make it possible to achieve this goal is controlled.

Such a regulator is really necessary. After all, at the same time, many different influences from the outside world come to all human senses. And in order to see something, it is necessary to select one object from the many surrounding, the rest must become the background, recede into the background.

The entire cerebral cortex can be considered a self-governing system. The neuropsychological data presented here allow us to consider the modeling work of the cortex as the functioning of two large and interconnected blocks of this system - the block of cognition and movement and the block of higher regulation of behavior. The system of cortical self-regulation is, first of all, a system of interaction between cells and the information they contain, which ensures the emergence of holistic pictures and models. A kind of communication channel between the two indicated blocks is the area of ​​the cortex, which provides control of the speech zone. Characteristically, this area is located at the junction of the cognitive-motor zone with the frontal lobe cortex. Thus, the diagram of the cerebral cortex can be considered as a functional diagram of mental activity. This diagram is not simply an indicator of the distribution of anatomical structures, but directly indicates the performance of certain psychological functions by these structures.

An important point in the regulation of this activity is the simultaneous pair work of the cerebral hemispheres. Modeling environment carried out with the help of two cerebral hemispheres that are symmetrical and similar at first glance. In this case, each sensitivity center in one or another hemisphere of the cortex receives impulses both from the sensory organ located on its side, and from the sensory organ on the opposite side.

Such simultaneous representation of the right and left sense organs in the fields of both cortical hemispheres can be observed with particular clarity in vision. The nerve fibers coming from the retina have a partial decussation - chiasma. The fibers coming from the retina of the left eye, thanks to the chiasma, partially end up in the 17th field of the right hemisphere, and partially in the left. The same thing happens with the routes of nerve fibers coming from the right eye: some of them go to their own hemisphere, some to the opposite hemisphere.

There is reason to believe that this double display in both hemispheres probably provides that double objective-background regulation of the display of reality, thanks to which a person simultaneously gets the opportunity to see the object and the objects surrounding it (background). This dual regulation of display and its psychological significance will be discussed in detail below.

Here it should be pointed out that the anatomical similarity of the two hemispheres does not mean their functional identity. Recent studies indicate that the cortical fields of the right and left hemispheres, although they serve a single mental activity and provide a reflection of the same environment, each do so in their own way. Thus, it is now recognized that the left hemisphere in right-handed people, being the dominant hemisphere, is associated with the display of separate, discrete objects separated from each other. As for the right hemisphere, it determines the creation of some holistic picture of the environment.

The structure of brain regulation of mental activity will help us understand a number of amazing phenomena of the human psyche. First of all, this structure allows us to approach the understanding of hypnosis. It is known that the hypnotic state as a specific state of sleep occurs under the influence of the hypnotist’s suggestive words and various types of monotonous influences. The person falls asleep and, it would seem, completely disconnects from all external stimuli. We have already said that the regulator of human behavior and his cognition - the cerebral cortex - in turn, is a kind of self-governing system in which higher levels control the levels located below.

The most complex and highly organized structures are located in the frontal lobes of the hemispheres, in which the highest forms of human behavior are controlled. And the more complex nerve formations are, the sooner they are exposed to external influences. Therefore, when the hypnotic effect begins, it is these higher cells that are inhibited and switched off. This process of inhibition of the cells of the frontal lobes leads to the state of sleep observed in hypnosis. As for the rest of the cortex, they can be awake. Their independent activity is due to the fact that the highest regulator is turned off.

It is known that speech is an important link between higher frontal regulation and all cognitive processes. The speech cortex areas are located in the posterior part of the frontal lobe. The hypnotist uses speech as a tool for controlling everything. mental activity hypnotized. Thus, in hypnosis, a cross-control pattern arises. The hypnotist, as it were, deprives a person of his own frontal lobes and puts in their place his own frontal lobes, which, with the help of speech, control the cerebral cortex of the hypnotized person.

In general, speech is a regulatory channel connecting the frontal lobes with the rest of the cortex. But in ordinary mental activity of people, this control function is carried out with the help of internal hidden speech. Humans need vocalized speech mainly for communication. In hypnosis, this speech becomes the main channel of regulation that takes place between the hypnotist and the patient.

We needed a brief description of the basics of hypnosis because hypnosis is often used as a method of updating some hidden unusual human properties, which are called parapsychological abilities. The brain mechanism of hypnosis allows us to shed some light on the features of controlling these abilities.

From an analysis of brain function, we can conclude that various psychological functions are associated with certain anatomical brain structures. This means that among the anatomical structures of the brain it is necessary to look for those that control the corresponding parapsychological phenomena.

The materials contained in the collection dedicated to the work of the VI All-Union Congress of Psychiatrists (1975) provide data that directly testifies to the existence of special brain anatomical structures that determine, for example, telepathy. Thus, it is indicated that in some patients with damage to the basal-temporal parts of the cerebral cortex, among other symptoms, the presence of telepathic abilities is noted (308).

The cerebral regulation of mental activity briefly described here is absolutely necessary for understanding the amazing abilities developed with the help of special training, created in ancient times in India. The results of this training clearly indicate the important regulatory role of the frontal lobes in the work of individual body systems that contribute to the implementation of its reserve capabilities. As the yogi training system shows, the possibilities for developing the ability to control the processes occurring in the body are enormous.

This unity of the organism was well understood by many researchers in ancient times. Thus, the ancient Indians developed methods of controlling their body and their own behavior. If we analyze the path of development proposed by them, then without much difficulty we can notice in this path a very strong natural science orientation, taking into account the work of various brain structures, and the peculiarities of the functioning of nerve and somatic cells.

Indian thinkers taught that work on the development and formation of higher psychological processes should begin when a person has sufficiently mastered the technique of controlling his bodily functions. Reliable evidence reports that people who have specially trained themselves according to the methods of ancient Indian psychophysiology can, for example, plunge into a state in which they are able to live without taking food, water or access to air. This amazing state can last, as we know, for days, weeks and even months. There is reliable evidence that a person who brought himself into such a state was walled up or completely buried in the ground. After many days, this man was removed from his “grave” and could be quite quickly restored to his normal state. Only after a person has become subject to his purely material processes, such as, for example, breathing or relaxation of the body, can he proceed to the development of his psychological abilities.

This point of view of representatives of Indian psychophysiology on the development and formation of man is in full accordance with the rather strong natural scientific materialist tendency in Indian philosophy. Thus, already in the ancient philosophical monuments of India, called the Upanishads, there are provisions that air, as a certain material substance, is the basis of human mental activity.

Until quite recently, the methods of human development obtained by the ancient Indian civilization were considered pure mysticism in the West. However, the further science develops, the less strange and mysterious these facts and methods become. These facts can be brought into direct connection with the achievements of Russian neurophysiology and medicine. Thus, there is no doubt that the facts obtained in India completely coincide with the principle of nervism put forward by the famous physician of the last century S. N. Botkin (311a), according to which all processes occurring in the body are, to one degree or another, directly influenced by the processes occurring in nerve cells. There is no doubt that the principle of nervism will explain many facts cited by Indian researchers that previously seemed completely inexplicable and mystical.

IN Lately there are more and more different scientific literature, which analyzes ancient Indian methods and facts obtained using these methods. The research of the Soviet philosopher V.V. Brodov is of great interest (70). His book shows that the worldview of such representatives of Indian philosophy, who developed the teachings of the ancient Indians about the formation of man, such as Sri Ramakrishna and his disciple Swami Vivekananda, had a direct impact on the liberation movement of the Indian people against foreign enslavers.

It was the ideas of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda that shaped the worldview of one of the most prominent figures in the struggle for national independence of India - Mahatma Gandhi, who, in turn, influenced the minds of that generation of Indians who, led by Jawaharlal Nehru, achieved the complete expulsion of the British from the ancient Indian land. Jawaharlal Nehru highly appreciates Indian psychophysiological methods of working on oneself. He pointed out that it was the use of these methods that greatly supported his resilience and will to resist during those difficult years that he had to spend in prison, where the colonialists threw him.

These methods of working on oneself are based, as already mentioned, on such purely material aspects as body control and breathing control. Body control was carried out through the practice of specially designed static poses, which are called asanas. As for breathing control, with its help, as the ancient Indians believed, it is possible to extract energy directly from the air around us. Since energy is called “prana,” the system of special exercises with the help of which this energy is extracted from the air is called “pranayama.” Psychophysiological studies have shown that breathing exercises, pranayama, really has a beneficial effect on the human central nervous system.

The mechanism of this effect is primarily that the cells of the cerebral hemispheres, during breathing exercises, receive increased oxygen supply, as a result of which their regulatory activity increases, and this ultimately actualizes hidden resources nervous system and the body as a whole. In any case, the experience of ancient Indian psychophysiologists allows us to draw one fundamental conclusion about the ways of development of human mental abilities. This conclusion is that this psychological development itself must be carried out while simultaneously relying on the development of the ability to control the bodily systems of the body.

From the point of view of the problem of actualizing the hidden psychological capabilities of a person, special techniques developed by the ancient Indians and aimed at direct training of the brain are of great interest.

At first glance, these methods are surprisingly simple. The main technique in this case is training a person’s ability to hold one object in the field of his attention for a long time. For example, you can attach a sheet of white paper with a dot on it to the wall, sit in front of this sheet in a comfortable position and concentrate all your attention on the dot. If you try to do this simple experiment, you will very soon see how difficult it is to continuously maintain attention on some object.

At first, you really manage to keep all your attention on the point. But this is only possible for the first few seconds. Very soon the point begins to blur, as if moving out of sight, and quite a significant effort of will is required to keep it in the center. After some more time, however, completely extraneous thoughts begin to come to mind, which lead away from the object in question. It becomes more and more difficult to fight these thoughts.

Special psychological experiments have shown that none of the people who have not previously practiced this exercise are able to continuously fix and maintain their attention on a point for more than two tens of seconds. What does this mean? This suggests, first of all, that the brain cells of the cerebral cortex, which control voluntary eye movements, have only a very insignificant regulatory ability. These cells quickly get tired, their energy is depleted, and the gaze, which in the first seconds was focused on the object, loses control.

We talked about the fact that one of these higher centers that control eye movements is located in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. Let's imagine that a person, day after day, will try to focus his gaze on a point for some time. This will lead to certain groups nerve cells will be forced to systematically perform static work associated with gaze control. Such static work will inevitably attract an increased amount of blood to these cells. And this is understandable: the more certain cells have to work, the more nutrients they must consume.

The work in combination with the increased blood supply caused by it should inevitably lead to the strengthening of this group of cells and to their development. And then everything happens the same way as with the development of muscles during daily intense physical work: systematically exercised muscle cells develop. The same is true with nerve cells. As training progresses, a person becomes able to hold his gaze on a point longer and longer.

As for the blood that feeds the brain, it flows not only to limited areas of the frontal cortex. It generally begins to more intensely nourish the entire frontal lobe. And the frontal lobe, as we have already noted, is the highest brain regulator of behavior. It controls all our mental activity. In addition, in the lower, basal part of the frontal lobe there are cells that regulate various processes associated with the functioning of human internal organs. Therefore, by attracting an increased amount of blood to the frontal lobe and developing its cells, a person acquires special power over his body as a whole.

Thus, behind a simple exercise practiced by Indians since ancient times, the most complex and interesting processes are hidden. They have a completely definite psychophysiological meaning and do not contain anything mysterious or mystical. This is an attempt to directly influence those areas of the cerebral cortex that provide the highest regulation of human behavior.

It is known that it is the frontal lobes that are responsible for the level of personality development; it is the cells of this area that provide the actual creative activity of the individual. It is natural to assume, therefore, that various methods that positively influence the development of the frontal lobes will thereby influence not only volitional processes, not only the control of behavioral acts and processes occurring in the internal organs, but will undoubtedly influence the creative level of a given person in general.

The method of concentration, which originated many centuries ago in India, has, of course, certain disadvantages, especially when looked at from a European point of view. First of all, this method, associated with focusing attention on a specific object, seems too contemplative for a European. Indeed, for the restless and highly mobile European thinking, a person who strives to develop his creative activity and for this purpose sits motionless in one place, staring at one point, may seem somewhat strange.

The development of will and personality activity is usually understood as activity to overcome obstacles, as curbing one’s instinctive impulses, as achieving complex goals associated with significant stress. And in the course of such active activity, in the course of fighting one’s instincts, in the course of curbing immediate impulses, higher regulatory mechanisms of the cerebral cortex can and are being formed 1 .

1 (European psychological science has already assimilated many Eastern methods. In particular, this applies to the theory and practice of will development. See, for example, the book “The Act of Will” by R. Assagioli, which is included in the main theoretical foundation of humanistic psychology.)

However, even in the case when psychological regulation was not specially trained, but spontaneously developed in the process of life, the mechanisms necessary for such higher regulation also developed in the cells of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. And every conflict that arises in a person, every task that unexpectedly confronts him necessarily causes increased activity of the nerve cells of the frontal cortex.


What is Parapsychology

Parapsychology is the study of events, behavior patterns, or perceptions of phenomena that are beyond the traditional understanding of humans or known physics.

What is PARAPSYCHOLOGY - meaning, definition in simple words.

In simple words, we can say that parapsychology studies various paranormal phenomena, such as:

  • telekinesis;
  • telepathy;
  • the gift of clairvoyance;
  • poltergeist and other unexplained things.

What does parapsychology study?

By and large, parapsychology cannot be called a science in the classical sense of the word. The fact is that the phenomena being studied are, at a minimum, unpredictable, and they cannot be repeated or recreated in the laboratory to obtain accurate data. It is for this reason that parapsychologists have to work with various pieces of information, collect them into an overall picture, and based on this build various theories and assumptions.

It is worth understanding that parapsychology, as a general concept, does not set itself the goal of proving or disproving anything. At its core, this “science” tries to simply describe or record facts that have no scientific explanation, and, if possible, find the most probable reasons of these phenomena.

How did the “science” of parapsychology arise?

History knows many individual characters who tried to engage in research in the field of paranormal phenomena back in ancient times. But a real boom and interest in these phenomena arose at the end of the 19th century. This is due to the craze for various forms of spiritualism, which in turn gave rise to a lot of different psychic studies and researchers. Naturally, almost all sessions of communication with the dead were quackery and an attempt to profit from naive clients, yet interest in these practices was high. However, it was precisely thanks to this excitement that people appeared who tried to understand true reasons certain phenomena. This is how, by and large, parapsychology arose as a “science”.

Let me start with what parapsychology is... This is a discipline aimed at studying the existence and causes of supernatural psychic abilities of people, animals and plants, the phenomena of life after death and similar phenomena. This is a pseudo-scientific area concerning unusual phenomena and human abilities that have fallen out of the consideration of modern natural sciences (from ancient Greek - near, around). Hence the particle "steam". Parapsychology explores human energy and the mysteries of the soul. Parapsychology includes studies related to other areas of psychology: transpersonal psychology, which studies the spiritual or transcendental aspects of the human mind; anomalous psychology, which studies unexplained beliefs and subjectively anomalous events in traditional psychological settings.

Who is a parapsychologist and what is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychologist? "Psycho" from ancient Greek. - soul.

A doctor (physician) works with matter. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist are medical specialists with higher medical education and have received specialization in the relevant field. Psychologist - works with the unconscious. Parapsychologist - works with both the soul and energies.

A psychiatrist treats mental illness. Psychiatry (German psychiatrie from ancient Greek - soul and treatment) is a branch of clinical medicine that studies mental disorders through the prism of medical methodology, methods of their diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Psychiatrists deal primarily with “severe” mental illnesses, giving preference to medicinal methods of treatment.

Psychotherapist, therapy (Greek - treatment, recovery) - a process whose goal is to alleviate, relieve or eliminate symptoms and manifestations; the psychotherapist's field of activity - milder disorders, as well as borderline states - those cases when a person feels bad, but this condition can be called a disease it is forbidden. A psychotherapist, like any doctor, has the right to prescribe medications, conduct medical examinations, and diagnose diseases. The main tool of a psychotherapist is the word, conversation.

A psychologist (psychology from ancient Greek psycho - soul, logy - knowledge), having received the appropriate education and acquired skills in practical psychological activities, as well as using methods and techniques, helps the client to understand a difficult situation. Listens carefully to the client's story; asks clarifying questions if something is not clear to him. Finds out what exactly worries the client in the whole situation.

A parapsychologist is a specialist who studies the hidden side of phenomena and events that happen in a person’s life, and he is also a researcher of paranormal phenomena. In their work with people, parapsychologists, in search of causes and consequences, turn not only to the secret recesses of the human soul, but also deeper, for example, they can look into the past or future using tools that are not popular in orthodox psychology, for example, various mantic systems, numerological matrices , astrological calculations, associative cards, conscious altered states and other techniques... In his work, a parapsychologist does not turn to matter (this is within the competence of doctors), and not even always to the unconscious person (this is the part of psychologists and psychotherapists), but to energy, like to the basis of all existence. But it often happens that in your work with a client you have to combine the processing of psychologists and various techniques of parapsychologists and therapeutic techniques of psychotherapists. All this together gives wonderful results!

Paprapsychologist - a person with the ability to extrasensory perception and influence - psychic, medium, clairvoyant, bioenergeticist, cosmoenergeticist, healer, fortune teller, soothsayer, stalker, spiritual healer... Psycho-metrist (medium, psychic, clairvoyant) - a person with psi ability to extrasensory perception of information through contact with any object about its owner, about events related to this object. The perception of such information occurs, as a rule, in a narrowed state of consciousness of the psychometrist, most often in a meditative trance or a state close to this trance... The perception of such information can also occur in a normal, waking state. The general name of the class to which the term “psycho-metrician” refers is psychic, and, naturally, in the second meaning, “parapsychologist.”

Tasks for a parapsychologist can be located in different areas of your life, on the solution of which he works together with the client:

  • interpersonal relationships - unrequited love, sexuality, inability to enter into new relationships and maintain existing ones, dependence on a partner;
  • family relationships - issues of couple compatibility, family roles of husband and wife, sex in marriage; assistance with changes in the family situation (the appearance of a new family member, divorce, remarriage);
  • parapsychological roots and correction of functional disorders of health and energy;
  • self-knowledge and personal growth;
  • “internal barriers” to career development;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of confidence in one’s strengths and abilities;
  • the desire to understand oneself, improve the quality of one’s life, and maximize one’s potential;
  • emotional sphere: mood instability, anxiety, stress, coping with grief and loss, overcoming the consequences of mental and physical trauma, emotional dependence.

A parapsychologist is a person who has deep esoteric knowledge about the world, about the person in it, about the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of humanity and the individual human soul, and uses this knowledge for the benefit and to help people!

Psychic abilities

Conducting free time in pagan or metaphysical communities you will definitely meet people who have certain pronounced parapsychological abilities.

However, many believe that everyone has a hidden psychic. In some people these abilities manifest themselves in a more obvious way, while in others they simply sit deep inside, waiting for some kind of push to break through.

Types of psychic abilities

There are different types of psychic abilities. Some people are able to guess the future. Others receive messages from the spirit world.

Foresight is the ability to know. For some people, this is accompanied by very detailed messages, such as: “You will get on the bus and meet a dark-haired man.” For others, the visions may be more vague, such as: “Someone close to you is going to have a big change in their family.”

Intuition, or intuitiveness, is the ability to simply know and see things that are not confirmed by certain facts. Many parapsychologists perform excellent readings on Tarot cards, others prefer to learn information from the world of the dead, and for others, visions may come in dreams.

is the ability to see things that are hidden. Sometimes used for remote viewing, clairvoyance is often used to locate missing people and locate lost objects.

Empathy is the ability to sense another person's feelings and emotions. Someone who is an empath must often learn to protect themselves from the energy of others, otherwise they may feel drained.

A medium is someone who receives messages from the spirit world. His visions can take many forms: some mediums see and hear real spirits, others receive messages through dreams or visions. Some can even "channel" the spirit, which can then write or speak information of interest.

7 Ways to Develop Paranormal Abilities

Everyone has a hidden talent, then development must necessarily include exercises with elaboration at many different levels of self-awareness.

One of the best ways to develop one's own psychic abilities is meditation because it allows a person to connect to one's own subconscious and everything that lies within it.

Get clarity. It sounds complicated, but it's not. To achieve conscious clarity, you need to learn to be aware of everything around you.

Sensitive changes in sunlight and shadows, pay attention to wind movements, try to feel who has entered the room and who has left.

Remember everything - this will help you decipher in the future which messages are “real” and which are just a source of imagination or wishful thinking.

Listen and hear. People often say one thing and mean something completely different. And the ability to distinguish truth from lies and determine the psycho-emotional state of a person on an intuitive level will obviously not be superfluous.

Meditate regularly.

One of the best ways to tap into your own intuition is to meditate. By allowing your mind to wander into the depths of the subconscious mind, a “doorway” is created to receive important messages that need to reach the subconscious mind.

Learn to trust your intuition.

Remember if you ever had a spontaneous feeling of anxiety or unconscious fear? Pay attention to such things, because they are often signs through which important messages can be received.

Keep records. Did you just feel like something big was going to happen? Keep a journal to track these sensory messages. After a certain time, look through old records in order to check whether it all came true or whether it was all a figment of the imagination.

Check yourself.

If in fact a person is endowed with strong intuition, then in order to develop it it is necessary to conduct self-examination. For example, there is a meeting coming up with best friend, try to guess what music he listened to in the car or what he did before the planned event.

Then, when he comes, ask and thus trust the truth of your sixth sense? When it rings, before you pick it up and look at the name of the caller, try to imagine who might be calling. Then answer the phone and make sure you are right. Simple exercises, such as this will help develop innate abilities.

Regular practice is the path to perfection.

Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but regular training in the field of intuition development will certainly increase the level of parapsychic abilities several steps higher. Try to find out about different forms fortune telling to find the most suitable one for yourself.

I am sure that these abilities are present in each of us to one degree or another, but not everyone decides to find practical use for them. People endowed with latent parapsychological abilities must at least have a line of intuition.

The line of intuition is a thin line starting on the edge of the palm at its very base, and running towards the center of the hand (Fig. 169).

Typically this line is very short and thin, although from time to time you will meet people with a very long line of intuition. Long lines of intuition make the task of palmists much easier, since they can be used to judge how a person can most effectively use his talent. If the line of intuition is directed towards the line of the mind, a person can be a wonderful spiritual healer, healer and psychic. If she tends to the line of fate, a person will be able to manifest himself in telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy. This does not mean that a person on whose hand the line of intuition is directed towards the line of the mind will not make a good clairvoyant. On the contrary, this person, of course, can devote himself to clairvoyance, but his innate talent is more likely related to healing.

Individual people have two lines of intuition running parallel to each other.

This means that they have prophetic dreams. When I meet with such a sign, I advise the client to keep a diary and write down their dreams in it, preferably every morning.

People with the intuition line are very sensitive and caring. They subtly capture the mood of those around them and understand their feelings. They are naturally endowed with healing abilities and are keenly interested in everything related to mysticism and parapsychology.

As a rule, the line of intuition is present on both hands. People whose intuition line is traced only on the secondary hand are aware of their abilities, but are afraid to trust and develop their natural talent.

In addition to the line of intuition, you need to pay attention to the presence of Solomon’s ring on your hand. It is a semicircle encircling the Mount of Jupiter (Fig. 170).

Be careful: the ring can easily be confused with a straight line located on the same part of the hand and known as the line of empathy (Fig. 171).

People with this line treat others with understanding and compassion. And Solomon’s ring, which gives a person an interest in the world of the occult and paranormal, always has the shape of a semicircle.

The presence of a mystical cross in the quadrangle (see Fig. 166) is also a symbol of a person’s deep interest in mysticism and parapsychology. This sign is an independent small cross, the branches of which do not intersect any of the main lines of the hand.

Talking about development and practical application parapsychological abilities, it is necessary to mention that people who are simultaneously endowed with the ring of Solomon, the line of intuition and the mystical cross have a huge advantage over those who are deprived of these signs. However, people who are deprived of the above signs quickly acquire them, once they become interested in the occult and mysticism.


There is no such person who, having come to a palmist, would not be interested in money issues! The money that the client will inherit is represented by a thin curved line located at the base of the Apollo finger from the side of the Mercury finger (Fig. 172).

This line only says that at some point in time a person will receive money by inheritance. But it is impossible to determine exactly when this will happen.

Earned money is represented by a triangle, two sides of which are formed by the intersection of the lines of mind and fate (Fig. 173).

Inside this triangle you will find another triangle, but much smaller. Ideally, the small triangle should be closed, since this indicates that, having earned money, a person will be able to keep it and increase it. A triangle that is only partially closed means that most of the money a person will earn will be spent. If the triangle does not have a third side, this indicates that the person will spend everything he has. The larger the triangle, the greater the person’s financial potential. However, you should not conclude that a client will become a millionaire just because he has a large money triangle. It is necessary to find other evidence that a person will earn a lot of money through hard work, especially those that would indicate his determination.

How easily a person will earn money can be determined by a thin line running from the life line to one of the hills. If the line ends on the mount of Jupiter, it means that the person will eventually make a career. And here we are talking not only about fame and recognition, but also about money. If this line ends on the Mount of Saturn, money will come to the person through hard, monotonous work. If the line ends on the Mount of Apollo, this indicates that the person is lucky to win money. Finally, if the line ends on the Mount of Mercury, it means that the person will earn money in business or it will come to him as a result of serious scientific work.

Lottery winnings are represented by small triangles on inside life lines (Fig. 174). The life line forms one of the sides of these triangles, and their location allows you to determine the time when the money will be won.

Money winning triangles are extremely rare, since most of us still have to earn money through hard work. Many years ago, a young man came to me, on whose hand I discovered three money triangles. With some amazement I explained their meaning to him. It turned out that he had already won the lottery once. He had to win two more times!


Travel lines are thin lines located close to the edge of the palm (Fig. 175). Their interpretation must begin from the bottom line and end with the top.

At times, a series of these lines can reach the beginning of the heart line.

Some people have no travel lines on their hands. This does not mean that they will never travel anywhere, but indicates that travel as such is not interesting to them.

On the hands of other people, travel lines number in the dozens. And again, this does not mean that they will travel a lot. Rather, the abundance of these lines indicates that a person dreams of traveling and, if given the opportunity, will immediately go on a trip.

As a rule, people almost always manage to achieve their goal. However, you can often meet a person who has several travel lines on his hand, but he has never left his hometown - life circumstances did not allow him to see the world. It could be family obligations, lack of money or incentive, lack of confidence, or something else.

The vast majority of people fall somewhere between these two extremes. Several distinct, clearly defined lines can be found on their hands. These lines symbolize important trips. The hand of a person working as a steward on board an airplane cannot be affected by all the flights he has made, since he is simply doing his job, of which travel is an integral part. These trips do not have of great importance for his life. However, you can probably find several clear travel lines on his hand, since, based on his choice of profession, travel interests him and does not tire him. These lines will indicate important trips. As a rule, a clear line symbolizes a person's first trip abroad. Further, only the most important trips are reflected on the hand.

Travel lines are more correctly called lines of restlessness or restlessness.

People who have such lines on their hands are constantly striving somewhere, waiting for something. They cannot stand routine, but they love change and variety. Most of them dream of traveling to exotic countries, and it is these fantasies that are reflected on their hands.


In addition to the life line, many people know the meaning of thin small lines horizontally located on the edge of the palm between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart (Fig. 176). These lines are often incorrectly called matrimonial lines.

In fact, they are called relationship lines, and thanks to them you can determine how many important love unions there will be in a person’s life. You may be surprised, but my clients have repeatedly become married and married people, on whose hands there were no lines of relationship. This suggests that they are in a convenient or profitable marriage that does not have much spiritual or emotional significance for them. I have never encountered such a picture on female hand, however, I observed it many times in the hands of men.

Most people have one, two, three or four lines of relationships. They are interpreted from bottom to top, from the line of the heart to the finger of Mercury.

A love union can be considered permanent, which often, but not always, leads to marriage if the line symbolizing it goes around the edge of the palm and ends on the palm itself. If the line does not reach the middle of the edge of the palm, this indicates that the love union will be short-lived.

The main difficulty that a palmist may encounter when analyzing relationship lines is that if a strong love union is broken for some reason and then restored, this is reflected on the hand in the form of two lines, despite the fact that the partner remained the same the same as before. Things get even more complicated because double line symbolizes a possible, but not necessarily real, reunion.


In the past, a person could go to a palmist and find out how many children he would have.

The gypsies were especially famous for their predictions in this area. But the lines of children rather reflect only the childbearing potential of a woman, rather than the actual number of children she will give birth to. Today, when there is such a thing as birth control, it is very common to find people with great childbearing potential, but who prefer not to have children. A hundred or two hundred years ago they would not have been able to do this as easily as they do now!

Children's lines are thin vertical lines located under the Mercury finger and in most cases connected to the relationship line (Fig. 177).

By a man's hand you can only determine the number of children with whom he will be connected by spiritual intimacy. I have repeatedly met men with three children, but with only two strong lines on their hands. This does not always mean that such a man is not the father of one of the children, although this is possible. Rather, it means that he is close to his two children, while the relationship with the third child does not work out.

These lines can appear very quickly. My close friend could not give birth to a child for a long time. In the end, she decided to adopt the baby. Three weeks after the baby moved into her home, a line appeared on my friend's arm, reflecting the fact that she had become a mother.