What does a line extending from the life line mean? What does a double life line on the palms mean? An algorithm that allows you to conditionally determine the time on the life line

In palmistry, the life line is the main one on the hand. It originates between the thumb and index finger. The length and shape of the life line show the level of a person’s vital energy, his ability to withstand illnesses and life’s adversities. Changes in the direction of the life line reflect the changes that occur in a person’s life, so anyone who thinks that the longer the life line, the longer a person will live is mistaken. In fact, the length of the life line has nothing to do with life expectancy.

A short and poorly defined life line indicates a lack of energy, bodily fragility and weakness. If the line is short and thick, then this is a sign that the person is able to successfully resist disease.

If there are branches on the life line and they are directed upward, then this is a sign of good health.

Branches directed downwards are a sign not only of poor health, but also of financial difficulties.

Beginning on the Mount of Jupiter, the life line speaks of great ambition and desire for success. Branches from the life line going to the Mount of Jupiter are a sign of self-confidence and high self-esteem.

If the life line originates from the head line, this means that its owner is a person who is accustomed to weighing everything and carefully considering his every step. But if it starts significantly below the line of reason, this is evidence of insufficient self-control.

If the end of the line bifurcates, with one of the branches ending in the area of ​​the Mount of the Moon, this indicates numerous long journeys.

Small branches from the beginning of the life line to the head line indicate receiving an inheritance. In some cases, this does not mean receiving money and material values, but indicates the strong influence of ancestors on a person’s life and his spiritual development.

The branch to the Mount of Saturn suggests that the life of such a person is a constant struggle, which he is able to withstand without outside help.

Wide life line. A wide, clearly defined life line means a long and happy life. It testifies to the fact that before you is a strong, healthy nature, a person who stands firmly on his feet, confident that he will succeed in whatever he undertakes. If the life line is too wide, without any branches at the ends, then know: you are dealing with a person of a hot temperament, sometimes of a cruel disposition.

Life line of medium thickness. A person with such a life line in the palm of his hand is noble, quite lucky, and energetic. The average thickness of the life line is a sign of a long and successful life. The owner of such a life line is not easily enraged, if only because he is in no hurry to open his soul to anyone. We can say that he carefully guards his calm, this helps to maintain good health, good strong body. Such people hide their strong and gentle soul from prying eyes.

Pale life line. A pale, thin, long life line indicates poor health. And although a person with such a life line gets sick all the time, he lives to old age and dies a quiet natural death. If the life line is very pale, and in some places intermittent, then you are dealing with a melancholic person, who often falls into a state of deep depression. At the same time, vindictiveness and bitterness are not alien to him.

Short life line. A short life line, especially if these lines are the same on both hands, portends a long and easy life, happiness and wealth in youth and adulthood. Such a person succeeds a lot in life, but he often suffers from his own arrogance, and as a consequence of this, from loneliness. He should learn to make a correct assessment of events (using his strong mind), otherwise all sorts of disappointments await him in the future.

A person with such a life line in the palm of his hand often feels weakened energetically; on his life path he encounters many obstacles that he is sometimes unable to overcome.

Short life line with an island. A short life line with an island indicates a possible serious illness with a long and difficult recovery. In addition, an island on the life line indicates that a person has a “second bottom” - a secret life that he carefully hides from others.

The life line consists of many strokes. The owner of such a line often does not have the reputation that it deserves. He is equally characterized by both material and spiritual inclinations. He is a maximalist. Enormous success awaits him in his work and career. Because he is smart and hardworking.

In personal life, too high demands placed on a partner can destroy a relationship.

Long life line. This is a sign of a long and healthy life if the line is straight, not interrupted anywhere and of good color. We can say that a person with such a life line is on the right path. He is a good worker and a wonderful family man, he always knows what he wants. However, a certain life assignment, programming makes him uninteresting, insipid, “too correct,” so creative people around him are bored.

The life line reaches the middle of the palm. A person who has such a life line in the palm of his hand is prudent, intelligent and quickly adapts to situations. A gifted conversationalist, an esthete, illuminated by inspiration and ideas, such an individual is very attractive to others. He may be a successful entrepreneur or make good career, becoming a public relations specialist.

The life line reaches the Mount of Jupiter. The presence of such a life line in the palm of your hand indicates that this is an ambitious person striving for success. He cannot be called quarrelsome, however, he is capable of making quite a lot of enemies due to his intolerance towards less active and weaker people. Such a person should be advised to learn to moderate his temper and intolerance. Subject to control over your negative traits he can achieve success.

The life line ends at the Mount of Jupiter. A person with such a life line has a bright appearance and has great charm. With his manners and demeanor, he attracts people of the opposite sex to him so much that they are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. And if such a person falls in love himself, then his love knows no bounds. He always wants to get a lot out of life, and, as a rule, he succeeds.

The life line begins above the level of the Mount of Jupiter. Hot-tempered and proud owners of this line often do not think about the consequences of their actions. They do not like to be obligated to others, they always strive to rise above others, and never agree with the position of a subordinate. At the same time, they have great physical strength, performance, endurance.

The life line is too close to the thumb. Anyone who has such a life line falls in love immediately and, as it seems to him, forever. He elevates the object of his love to an excessively high pedestal, deifies him and is terribly upset if his beloved turns out to be a simple person with his own weaknesses and everyday problems.

The life line is directed to the Mount of the Moon. You are dealing with a person who has frequent changes in mood and hobbies - during his life he can change his place of work and residence more than once. The same applies to love relationships.

The life line smoothly turns onto the hill of the Moon. This life line indicates that this person is restless, changeable and fussy. He hesitates for a long time before making any decision; he rarely becomes attached to one person for a long time in his youth and early youth. He talks and thinks a lot about the future, but these thoughts almost never come true, as they untimely drown in the stream of new thoughts and plans.

The life line reaches the Mount of Venus. The owner of such a life line needs a strong anchor. Close ones can become such a support; only they can prevent the constant fluctuations of this restless personality. The main need of such a person is his father’s home, where he draws strength, energy, and the desire to work. It is very important for him that the whole family gathers at the festive table. He never forgets the birthdays of even his most distant relatives.

The life line, near which there is a parallel line. About such a person you can say: “There are devils in still waters.” An attractive and mysterious personality, he secretly strives to be the master of the situation, to own everyone at once. He is delightful and dynamic, has a strong temperament and is so devoted to his partner that sometimes he does not listen to reason. He pays for this, because when the scales fall from his eyes, the disappointments are too bitter.

Several parallel lines next to the life line. A person who has such a life line lives a rich emotional life. Sexual relationships are usually stormy: he loves with both body and soul. An ardent and passionate lover, he is capable of going to extremes when, as they say, “from love to hate there is one step.” At the same time, vindictiveness and hostility only intensify over time.

Many parallel lines with inside life lines. Being an excellent sexual partner, the owner of such life lines in the palm prefers to change the objects of his passion from time to time. It is difficult for him to find a reliable life partner; he often marries repeatedly in search of a person who will suit him. I would like to advise those married to him to be more tolerant of possible minor betrayals.

Concentric lines next to the life line. Such lines in the palm indicate that their owner can achieve success in military service or in the diplomatic field. By the number of these lines, you can determine how many love affairs this person has had or will have (how many lines, so many connections). However, none of these hobbies will be serious, just light flirting.

There are dark dots next to the life line. Anyone who has a similar sign on their hand is firmly on the hook of their whims. By uncontrollably eating everything, especially sweets, he tries to relieve stress and fatigue. Unfortunately, the result of such relaxation does not bring the expected results, rather the opposite. And my health suffers. I would like to advise such a person to look around, perhaps he will see that life is full of other pleasures.

Life line in the form of a crescent. Due to the inconsistency and duality of this person’s character, others do not understand him. He easily becomes a victim of persecution and persecution, which makes his life torture and forces him to fight with the world, although sometimes it is more like fighting windmills. Not finding the culprit, he punishes himself, which leads to mental illness, weakening of the body, and a lack of energy and strength. If he does not punish himself, then he takes out his anger on others and becomes socially dangerous.

The life line is interrupted in the middle. The owner of such a line is always dissatisfied with himself and his fate. And although fortune gives him a chance, like all people, he cannot or does not want to take advantage of it. Constant dissatisfaction and grumbling negatively affects health, especially the liver and gall bladder. Such a person should be advised to try to rise above his circumstances and change his attitude towards himself and others.

Broken line of life. A rather bad sign when it comes to human health is that there is a high probability of developing severe chronic diseases. A person with such a line should monitor his health; long walks and sports will be especially good for him. Under no circumstances should he be irritated or angry; only a calm, philosophical attitude towards life and people will help prolong life and improve health.

A break in the life line, connected by a square or quadrangle. The presence of a quadrangle is a good sign, as it prevents a severe illness or portends an illness with a quick recovery. Sometimes this means that a person is destined to experience a serious accident, but everything will end well for him.

At the beginning of the life line is the sign of the island. This indicates that the person will be sick or lack strength and energy. Such people should take care of their health, alternate between work and rest, and train the ability to switch without focusing on problems. You can also wish to communicate only with sincere, open, kind people who will help in trouble and share joy.

At the beginning of the life line there are two or more islands. This life line suggests that a person will have to face the justice authorities in his life. He may have to endure more than one trial. There can be only one piece of advice here: avoid dubious enterprises, try not to commit rash acts.

Life line with a triangle at the end. A person with such a life line in the palm of his hand is a philanthropist. He is able to solve many complex problems and uses this gift to help others; devotes himself completely to public affairs and charity. However, sometimes, while solving the problems of others, he forgets about his own. And the family remains without his attention, which it badly needs.

There is a triangle on the life line. We can say about a person who has such a line that he is a good diplomat, he will always find mutual language with any person. He does not make hasty conclusions; he carefully weighs everything before saying or doing anything. Not intuition, but reason comes first for him. In order to live to a ripe old age and maintain excellent health and good spirits, he should lead a correct lifestyle. Otherwise, you risk a nervous breakdown.

Branching at the end of the life line. Such branching is a sign of absent-mindedness, striving for the unattainable; all projects almost always end in fiasco; often it depends on the inability to concentrate and complete the task; Many things don't work out because of chronic bad luck. In any case, a person must learn to control himself, direct his abilities towards one goal, not get scattered over trifles, develop patience, composure and perseverance.

The life line has a wide fork at the end. The owner of such a line needs constant communication. At the same time, his mood can change literally every minute. He is constantly looking for a bright individuality and loves flirting and traveling. A change of impressions for him is the main thing for which he lives. He is always busy with something, in a hurry somewhere, preoccupied with something. Unfortunately, living in such a rhythm, a person does not notice that he is needed, expected and loved.

A small fork at the base of the life of life. A person whose palm is marked with such a sign is said to be a “Dreamer.” He has a powerful intellect and a good imagination, but he lacks the assertiveness and initiative to put his ideas into practice. Such a person becomes discouraged and loses self-control when faced with opposition. To realize his ideas, he needs ideal conditions.

Crosses at the beginning of the life line. You can be sure that before you is an esthete who loves everything beautiful, is sincere in his affections, and does not betray the people who love him. He thinks clearly, is decisive and is firm in the implementation of his plans. Excessive romanticism does not prevent him from realistically assessing people and their actions. He loves money, but only as a means to achieve his goals.

Cross at the end of the life line. This sign indicates that a person will die a natural death, which will be the end of a long life. If the cross is at the beginning of the life line, then this indicates the difficulties that will befall the person, and these difficulties will haunt him throughout his life.

Fork on the life line under the first finger. A fork or fork in the life line is good sign, indicates the wealth and honors that await a person. He might become famous writer, poet, artist, scientist. A person of a more prosaic profession can make an excellent career and become a big boss. Having achieved wealth, such a person often becomes a philanthropist.

At the end of the life line there are several horizontal strokes. A person who has such a sign on his hand is a born pessimist; he lives in constant sadness, and this is very difficult for those around him. Unsure of people, he does not believe in himself and needs constant encouragement. This attitude to life is very harmful to him, as it can lead to nervous diseases.

Life line in the shape of a staircase. The feeling of inferiority is what prevents the owner of such a life line from overcoming the adversity and failures that haunt him in life. And although the reason for the failures is himself, he blames anyone for injustice, but not himself. He does not know self-criticism, he is often offended by people and remembers insults for a long time, he is vulnerable, disgusted and trusting. They say about such people: “They carry water for the offended.”

The life line consists of many islands and looks like a chain. Possessing poor health and a difficult, contradictory character, such a person needs the support of partners and friends. If he does not receive approval and help, he will feel lonely and lost. If those around you show patience and strength, then in return they will receive impeccable devotion, affection and reliability.

The short life line is adjacent to the fate line.“The minion of fate” - this is what they usually say about a person with such a combination of lines on his hand. And indeed, he succeeds in everything, no matter how difficult the situation he is in. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still come.” Luck may run out, and a person will find himself alone with trouble. Sometimes this combination indicates that a brilliant military career awaits the person.

There are a few strokes at the end of the life line. The owner of this combination is sensitive, acutely perceives all the troubles and joys of life, reacts quickly to injustice, fights for his rights, and sympathizes with others. A sweet and pleasant person, he can sometimes be too touchy, often for no reason.

The area between the life line and the base of the thumb is dotted with long, thin lines. Whatever you promise to a person with such a line on his hand, know that he will never believe you. He knows well what and how much it costs in this life. The main thing that worries such a person is bodily comfort. He is not familiar with emotional experiences and heart troubles. But what he will eat, what he will wear and what he will sleep on are the main problems, he thinks about this constantly.

In addition to the life line, only the heart line and the head line are clearly visible in the palm. The presence of such a combination on your hand indicates that this is a person who has suffered a lot in life. We can say: everything he has was given to him with great difficulty, but these difficulties made him resilient and strong. In the second half of life, the situation will change: you can count on the speedy fulfillment of your deepest desires.

The life line in the middle touches the fate line. A person who has such a combination of two lines cannot achieve great success in life, misses good opportunities, deciding in advance that nothing will come of it. He is afraid to take independent steps due to lack of confidence in his abilities and fear of defeat. That's why he always plays minor roles.

The upper part of the life line rests on the head line. The owner of such a combination of lines on his hand is purposeful and will always finish the job he has started. He has a knack for chess and likes to solve crosswords, charades and puzzles. He is unsociable, he has few friends, but he will always protect those whom he considers true friends. In general, he is an eternal fighter for justice and defender of the weak.

Dark dots on the life line. Such points on the life line indicate serious illnesses that a person is destined to endure. Sometimes such points indicate that a person may be suffering from a disease of the hematopoietic organs or suffer from bleeding. Helps avoid illness healthy image life, constant medical monitoring.

Smooth strokes on the inside of the life line. Outwardly, a person with such a sign on the life line is friendly, equal in communication with others, but not everyone can call him their friend: his true friends have been tested over the years, most often they are childhood friends. This is a responsible, conscientious person; he is somewhat cunning and stubborn. He devotes his whole soul to the work he does.

Lattice on the inside of the life line. Quite an unpleasant sign, because... indicates that in front of you is a person leading a depraved lifestyle. This sign is especially dangerous on a woman’s hand, because... the latticework on the Mount of Venus means love that brings shame. Such a woman is outwardly very charming, she is successful with men, thanks to which she can get married early. However, she is not married for long, as she has a strong thirst for new sensations, relationships and feelings.

A star on the inside of the life line. Such a sign is evidence that you are dealing with a submissive, quiet, and possibly cowardly person. He humbly accepts failures, persecution and all kinds of vicissitudes of fate. They prefer not to have serious affairs with such a person, since at a crucial moment he may become cowardly and back down.

Cross on the inside of the life line. In palmistry, the cross has a double meaning. It may indicate misfortune, or it may indicate an indecisive character. A cross in such a place means a dangerous character, betrays a desperate bully and testifies that a person is capable of the most disgusting acts.

Star on the life line. The owner of such a sign always takes what rightfully belongs to him. He is patient and capable of waiting, but does not like long-term suspense and prefers to sort things out. He is rarely abandoned, because... he is not revealed to the end, remaining a man of mystery for a long time. Anyone who has this sign does not like to change jobs. He doesn't like change at all.

The life line is like a twig. This life line indicates the troubles that haunt a person in his personal and family life. In this case, the lines go up, which is a good sign and indicates the ability to withstand adversity and illness. And although there will be plenty of troubles and obstacles in a person’s life, he will successfully overcome them.

The line of life is in the form of a branch, lowered down. A person with such a sign on his hand has enough stubbornness and courage to achieve his goal. He makes big bets to achieve success and is not afraid of losses. He has developed imagination and creative abilities, but sometimes his interests are too diverse, he lacks concentration, which negatively affects the result.

A person who has a life line with such signs on his hand has well-developed analytical thinking. He is bored with people who are not equal to him in intelligence. He doesn't take anything for granted, which leads to him sometimes not noticing obvious things. The inherent distrust of an individual is also reflected in relationships with people - most often he is lonely and unsociable.

A life line with rare branches directed upward. If a person has such a combination on his hand, we can safely say that in front of you is a leader, a thinker, an independent person. He, without wasting time, begins to implement his plans, does not tolerate interference from strangers in his life, is stubborn and firm in carrying out his plans, and is courageous.

Life line in the form of a zigzag. If you see a hand with such a sign before your eyes, then you can say with confidence that its owner is a diligent person and a conscientious worker. He doesn't have enough stars in the sky, but he does his job methodically, without hesitation. Sometimes he is shy, which prevents the individual from expressing himself and achieving success. He needs the support of others, only in this case will a person believe in himself, and this belief will have a positive impact on his life and activities.

The life line has curved branches, of medium length, directed downwards. It is not difficult to get along with a person who has such a sign on his hand. His main motto is: “Live and let others live.” He is independent, loves to travel, and wherever he goes he feels comfortable and at ease. In an effort to gain new experiences, he easily makes new acquaintances and just as easily breaks them off if a new adventure looms on the horizon. There is a danger of becoming a slave to your desires with this lifestyle.

The life line has straight branches directed downwards. Anyone who has such a life line on their hand loves to make endless comments to their family and friends. However, reproaches against him literally drive the individual into a state of rage. He can boast of health, but the eternal internal conflict will easily lead to nervous fatigue.

The life line is dotted with short horizontal strokes. In everyday life, the owner of such a life line is unbalanced and restless. His behavior is ambiguous, his reactions and actions are rarely understandable to others, and all because the person is not confident in himself. He lacks decisiveness, he cannot take decisive steps alone, without anyone's support or at least good guidance.

The life line is intersected by two deep lines coming from the Mount of Venus. A dreamer, a soft and indulgent person, who sometimes lacks the strength and assertiveness to achieve success not only in his personal life, but also to move up the career ladder - these are precisely the traits that are characteristic of someone who has such a life line. He seeks spiritual community with partners and cannot imagine physical intimacy without a spiritual connection.

There are many small distinct strokes under the life line. Anyone who has a life line with such a sign is easily influenced by others. He is looking for support and support in life. He never dreams of a pie in the sky, prefers a bird in his hands. The main thing for him is family. Here, as elsewhere, he is conservative. If his boss offered him a long business trip to a distant country, he promised him good salary, and here he will think for a long time, doubt and as a result refuse. The unknown scares him.

The life line is crossed by three clear lines. The owner of such a life line should work on the ability to control his temperament. This man is good as a friend, but beware of making him an enemy. When angry, he may lose control of himself. Having overcome this disadvantage, such a person can become a pleasant person and a good worker.

The life line is intersected by two clear lines, resting on the Mount of Venus. In life, the owner of such a sign prefers to take the position of an outside observer, rarely interferes in other people's affairs and never gossips. However, such behavior is just a mask behind which passions rage. Not everyone can immediately see that this person has an excellent understanding of financial matters and has business acumen. And in family life he is usually lucky, he is able to make any woman happy.

The life line is crossed by many small lines. A person who has such a life line on his hand is independent by nature, an individualist by character, an original by mind. He does not belong to those who like to put material things above the spiritual, but he always has money that he gets easily, without much effort.

Stubbornness does not allow people who have many small lines crossing the life line on their hand to continue someone else’s endeavors; they always go their own way.

The life line is crossed by rays starting on the Mount of Venus. Variability and inconstancy - this is how you can characterize a person with such a line on his hand. These character traits can bring big trouble if this person does not set himself a general goal to which he will devote his entire life. The presence of such a line on the hand indicates that this person should restrain himself from numerous unreasonable betrayals that can bring nothing but harm.

A clear straight line runs through the life line connecting the Mount of Venus with the Mount of Apollo. A person with this line has a very strong character, he is capable of deep emotional attachment and devotion. Those around him fall under the enormous charm of this personality. Very attractive to people of the opposite sex, but does not tolerate intrusiveness and restrictions on personal freedom.

The life line is crossed by a straight line connecting the Mount of Venus and the Mount of the Moon. Anyone who has this combination on their hand is gentle and romantic. He is smart, has artistic and aesthetic abilities, and a rich, vivid imagination. His strength is in the mind rather than in the feelings, seeking spiritual rather than physical satisfaction. Without meeting a true feeling, this person is deeply unhappy.

The life line is intersected by a clear straight line descending from the Mount of Jupiter. A person with this combination is ambitious and aggressive. He loves power, implements his ideas with colossal strength and energy, and does not tolerate doubts or obstacles from others when implementing his plans. Being disciplined, he demands the same from others, so he can make an excellent commander.

The life line is intersected by a clear line emanating from the Mount of Saturn. Anyone who has such a line can express their feelings only through action, but not through words, which is often misinterpreted by others. Others can exploit this individual, knowing his sacrifice. For such a person to feel happy, his life partner must be strong and spiritually rich. It is difficult for him to find a partner, because... It is a rare person who can experience harmony in union with such a person.

The life line is intersected by a clear line connecting the Mount of Venus and the Mount of Mercury. A person with this combination is internally very sexual, but is unable to express his desires, considering them offensive to his partner, and therefore often suffers failures in his personal life. Instead of satisfying desires, he brings himself to a state of deep despair through self-flagellation.

Partners do not need to be offended by external insensitivity, because... Internally, people experience a burning passion. It's hard to fall in love, but once it happens, it's for life. Often, representatives of this group mistake physical attraction for love, which leads to the dissolution of their first marriage.

The life line and the head line intersect with a clear straight line. The owner of this combination is shy, sincere, devoted, unable to bear betrayal. Does not tolerate interference in his amorous affairs. Seeks independence, but is not always capable of it. There is a constant struggle between ambitions and uncertainty in him; he is a tangle of contradictions and passions. The main advice is not to build castles in the air, bring your ideas to life, take action.

The life line, head line and heart line are intersected by a straight line. The sensitivity of a person who has such a sign on his hand may be hypertrophied. For a long time he cannot forgive the insults that haunt his mind. Becomes quick-tempered and irritable if anyone tries to give him advice. When faced with difficulties, he often experiences self-doubt.

The life line, head line and heart line are intersected by a straight line on which there is an island sign. Sexy and in general family life A person with such a combination is complex and difficult: beneath the external self-confidence lies an internal constraint. He doesn't make friends and admirers easily, but having found your soul mate, remains faithful for life. Has an extremely strong sexual appetite. Being jealous, his pessimism annoys others; this is the only but important obstacle on the path to success in life.

The life line and the Apollo line are intersected by a line emanating from the Mount of Venus. In the life of a person who has such a combination of lines, a trial is possible, which may not end in his favor. To avoid such a situation, it is better for him not to get involved in dubious enterprises, not to go to extremes.

The life line bifurcates under the Mount of Jupiter. Anyone who has such a life line is brave, full of initiative, courage, and ambition. He has positive leadership qualities, but is also a gentle dreamer. Needs constant support and approval. Disciplined, methodical, strives to rule with the approval of subordinates, acting by persuasion, without resorting to force.

The life line bifurcates towards the Mount of Jupiter. The combination indicates that you are dealing with a fighter by nature: he is strong and does not lose heart before the most difficult test, is calm, brings any task to the end, is far-sighted, has a dominant character and an instinctive desire for leadership. He does not like to obey, is happy when he is in charge, can sometimes be rude to his subordinates and is deaf to the feelings of others. In the army he can rise to the highest ranks. The owner of such a hand is respected for his willpower and abilities.

The life line has a branch to the Mount of Saturn. A person with this line is mercantile: money and business constitute the main goal of his life. He is dexterous, he has enormous business abilities, his financial affairs are so good that in a short time he earns large sums. Smart and inventive. Thinks quickly and makes decisions.

The life line has a branch to the Mount of Mercury. This combination suggests that this is a person who is easy to get along with: he is self-possessed, calm and successful. He quickly recovers from the most severe blows of fate (although there are few such blows in his life), especially when it comes to his condition. Intelligence, dexterity, tact, determination, speed in executing plans - this is the key to the financial success of such a person.

The life line has a branch towards the Mount of Apollo. A person with such a life line has a pronounced desire for success, a desire to climb the career ladder. Practical, able to plan, has a sharp mind, proud, independent. Repays debts quickly. A tenacious mind and the ability to grasp everything on the fly help him learn quickly and do his job very effectively. If he does not control himself, then all efforts are doomed to failure.

The life line has a branch towards the Mount of Mars. Anyone who has this combination on his hand is a leader by nature, quick-tempered, and ambitious. Mercantile, but at the same time wasteful. He is allowed to spend money thoughtlessly, since material wealth comes easily: as a rule, such a person finds wealthy partners. Prefers to make rich friends, otherwise the spouse and friends cannot count on being treated well.

The life line bifurcates in the middle. A life line that has such a division indicates that in front of you is a contradictory person, his actions are unpredictable and illogical. He does not want and cannot be on the sidelines. Energetic, proactive, independent. Makes decisions quickly and is not afraid of failures. Hesitation is fatal for him; he can ruin the whole thing, because... plans hang in the air due to lack of courage to implement them.

A clear line comes from the middle of the life line and is directed towards the Mount of the Moon. The owner of this line is a dreamer and romantic; as a child he read the novels of Mine Reed, dreaming of distant countries and dangerous adventures. His childhood impressions are so strong that he chooses a profession related to travel: geologist, archaeologist, naturalist, etc.

The line runs from the middle of the life line, directed towards the Mount of the Moon and ends with an island. A life line of this configuration indicates that this is a person who is not prone to sensitivity in relationships with others. He is quick-tempered and does not take into account the opinions of others if he considers himself right. Such a person should be advised to cultivate tolerance and abstinence in emotional and sensual interpersonal communication with others, otherwise chaos will arise in his life.

The line coming from the middle of the life line and directed towards the Mount of the Moon is interrupted. A person with this combination is not immune from mistakes that often happen to other people. But in this case, mistakes are the fruit of the inability to control one’s feelings, actions and desires: emotions take precedence over reason.

Having calmed down and looked at what is happening with different eyes, he experiences a feeling of embarrassment both for his own words and for his hasty actions, but alas, it is sometimes impossible to correct the situation.

A line extends from the life line directed towards the Mount of the Moon, on which the lattice is located. The owner of this combination does not experience any tension or difficulties in relationships with people. He solves everything easily and freely. Remaining an active nature, he is able to infect others with his enthusiasm. The qualities of a leader help to cope with any situation, even if the task seems impossible at first glance.

From the middle of the life line there is a branch reaching the line of the head. In the life of a person who has such a line on his hand, changes often occur not on his initiative. At the same time, he himself does not lose his head, but, taking advantage of the moment, turns any situation to his advantage. A person with such a combination of lines is subject to envy and harsh criticism, but this does not prevent him from confidently following his chosen path.

The life line is intersected by a straight line coming from the thumb. A man with this combination of lines has a lot of love affairs. And despite the fact that he loves his wife, he does not feel remorse about his infidelities. However, he takes his partner’s betrayal hard. If a similar sign appears on female hand, then this means that in front of you is a person who loves one and only person in her life. To gain favor, she literally pursues the object of her passion. Such behavior will not bring happiness to either partner.

The line crossing the life line ends at the head line. This combination speaks of the sensitivity and nervousness of its owner. He often tortures himself with unnecessary thoughts and suspicions, sad memories. If such a person does not learn to perceive life as it is, this can lead to prolonged depression or mental illness.

From the base of the life line there is a branch parallel to the fate line. For a person on whose hand such lines are found, not everything is going well. He lacks strong-willed qualities, he is unsure of himself, and in business he lacks perseverance and assertiveness. It’s good if there is a person nearby who can provide him with support. Setting the predominant good principle prevents such an individual from distinguishing good from bad, which often makes him suffer.

The line originating from the thumb crosses the life line and ends at the heart line. This combination of lines suggests that this is a person who always tells the truth and nothing but the truth, without thinking about the consequences. He does not think that thereby he can offend his interlocutor, who, perhaps, does not want to know an outside opinion about himself. With age, this deficiency disappears.

From the base of the life line there is a branch that ends on the fate line. The owner of this combination of lines is patient and sensitive to everyone around him. He rarely engages in intrigue; likes to listen more than talk. Not a careerist, efficient, but at the same time modest and indecisive. He will never say: “The work is finished” until he thoroughly checks everything.

The lines of life and fate intersect with a straight line. This combination indicates that this is a person who stands out among others for his restlessness, brightness and talent: he always manages to make a pleasant impression on others, looks smart and capable thanks to significant actions. And this is not just an appearance - he really can do a lot of things that are not given to others, which causes envy and hostile attitude of others.

The life line and the head line are connected by two short lines. The main feature of a person with this combination of lines is the love of money and all the benefits that it can give. He is not able to lead a miserable life, so he works a lot in order to acquire wealth. Such an individual has a discerning mind and is a pleasure to deal with if his commercialism is reasonable.

The life line is intersected by a straight line coming from the Mount of Venus and reaching the line of Apollo. The owner of such a design on his hand is inclined to expect chivalrous deeds, diplomacy and understanding from those around him. More often than not, his hopes are in vain. Having become a victim of his own gullibility, he withdraws into himself, lives alone, has no close friends and suffers greatly from this. You can correct the situation by turning to the help of an old friend.

A branch from the life line abuts the head line in the area of ​​the Mount of Jupiter. The main character traits of a person with such a pattern on his hand are intelligence and pessimism. His intelligence allows him to make a brilliant career. But a lack of faith in oneself and one’s strengths sometimes leads to the fact that an individual is content with a modest position as an employee with a meager salary. He needs to beware of inactivity, stupid hobbies, and despondency. He must develop confidence in himself and his capabilities.

The life line is intersected by a line going to the minor mount of Mars. Anyone who has such a suppression of lines is practical, shrewd in business, and knows how to give a sober assessment of what is happening. He is not deprived creativity, knows firmly what he wants from life, and will never miss what he wants. It is these qualities that will help such a person achieve career heights and wealth in the second half of his life.

Life Line

If we consider the Life Line from the point of view of the physical level, then it can be used to judge a person’s health at different stages of his life and activity. If we consider the line of Life on psychological level, then a person’s abilities for spiritual and mental self-improvement are visible. The following trend can often be observed: during the same age period, either a deterioration or an improvement in a person’s health and vital activity is noticeable on both the physical and psychological levels. For an accurate and most accurate forecast in this case, it is necessary to check information on other lines and patterns on the hand.

If the Life line in a person’s palm is long, clear, pronounced, reddish, without intersections, breaks and various signs, then this means that the life of the owner of such a palm will be long, this person’s life path will pass without obvious problems and misfortunes, his old age will be dignified and happy, life's existence will be luxurious. If another line, its “sister,” runs parallel to the line of Life, then this is a sign of a strong personality; this person has a strong character and has the makings of a leader. If the Life line intersects with the minor line that comes out of the triangle, then this is a sign of a choleric temperament in a person. This person is quick-tempered, but just as quickly moves away. There is a danger here that this person will subsequently develop a serious illness due to his character.

If the Life line is crossed or broken by other small lines, this means that in the future this person should be wary of injuries and serious illnesses.

If the Life line runs on the palm separately from the Head line, then this indicates that the person has a difficult character, is unsociable, has a hard time getting along with people, is reluctant to admit his own mistakes, has fairly strong sensual drives, is overly self-confident, somewhat selfish and constantly moving. in search of happiness. If branches extend from the Life line, directed towards the finger of Jupiter, then this is a sign that this person will live a happy and prosperous life; a special peak of happiness will occur in youth and middle age. If the branches move away from the Life line and are directed downward, this means that a lot of difficulties and serious trials will arise along the life path of this person; perhaps in old age he will experience need.

The Life Line and the Head Line can be crossed by the lower lines; by their number one can tell how many children a given person will have.

If at the beginning of the Life line there are various signs, points, branches that go somewhat crookedly from the Mount of Venus, this indicates that this person will not be very happy in a marriage. Success and happiness in family relationships portends a “sister” line if it is located at a far distance from the Life line. When a twig moves from the line of Life to the fire of Saturn, this is a sign that one should beware of diseases, colds and poisoning.

If there are dots or nodules on the Life line, this is an indicator of serious health problems. In this case, this person should pay special attention to the work of his internal organs, as well as the organs of vision. If the Life line is weakly expressed, located on the palm in the form of a thin line, pale and with breaks, then we can say that this person is very painful by nature, he takes everything that happens too seriously and reacts too sensitively to the course of things, which gives him There are many unpleasant moments in life. This person is in poor health and the immune system, and the body as a whole needs protection. The Life Line may be directed towards the Mount of Saturn, and this is a signal that this person may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and it is worth paying attention to it as quickly as possible. Also, this person is most likely melancholic by temperament, because of this he may experience frequent depression and mood swings, which, in turn, negatively affects his level of health.

A broken Life line speaks of changes in direction in a person’s life. This sign is a kind of warning that a person will face serious changes in life, not always global, but having an impact.

If the Life line at the end has a break in two parts, then this is a sign that the person is constantly in the process life path doubts all his actions. If there is a parallel line to the Life line, and at the same time it is equal to half the size of the main Life line, gradually decreasing in size, then this indicates that this person is destined to leave his native country and go in search of happiness abroad. If the Life line is located on the palm of a person in the form of a chain, then this is a sign that a serious illness is likely to occur, which will last for quite a long period of time. If abundant branches extend from the Life line towards the Head line, then this is an indicator that this person will find happiness in his life, achieve recognition, and also fulfill his main dream, and material well-being awaits him. If the lines of Life and Head, as well as the branches coming from them, are directed towards the Valley of Mars, then obtaining financial well-being, success and happiness for this person is possible only if he follows a thorny path.

A cross inscribed on the Life line means a warning against a serious and, most likely, fatal illness.

If there is a branch on the Life line and the outgoing branches form a pattern resembling a fork, then this is a sign that the owner of such a palm has excellent health and a lot of physical strength.

A long and clear Life line indicates that this person is active and resilient, and his level of health is quite high.

A short and not very bright line of Life tells about its owner as a person who has too little vital energy, he is not physically strong.

If the Life line breaks on only one hand, then this is a warning about a disease that threatens the owner of such a hand, but the disease will be followed by a quick recovery.

If the Life line has breaks on both hands, then this person should be wary of a serious long-term illness with very serious consequences.

There may be several branches pointing upward on the Life line. This can mean good health, as well as the fact that the owner of such a hand is accompanied by luck and success in all his endeavors and accomplishments.

Covered with small branches going down, the Life line is the personification of material failures and poor health.

If the Life line originates from the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a symbol of the fact that this person is a very ambitious person, capable of achieving phenomenal success in many of his affairs in the future.

The Life Line, originating from the Head line, is responsible for a person’s control over himself. This sign also indicates that this person likes to organize his actions and direct them in the right direction.

If the Life line runs much lower than the Head line, then the owner of such a hand is unrestrained and shows aggression. If the Life line ends with a fork on the hill of the Moon, then this means that this person will travel a lot.

Two small branches extend from the Life line to the Head line - this is a sign that wealth awaits the owner of such a hand, there may be an inheritance, or there will be material support from parents.

If a branch extends from the center of the Life line towards the Head line, then this is the personification of success and recognition of this person upon reaching middle age. If the branches from the Life line are directed to the Mount of Saturn, then the life of this person will be full of struggle and trials, he will pave his life path independently and without any help.

Branches from the Life line towards the Sun line indicate talent, as well as the fact that he will achieve success and rewards for his work.

If the branches extend from the Life line towards the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a sign that the person is very unrestrained, arrogant and harsh. Branches from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon mean a person’s desire for change.

This text is an introductory fragment. author Makeev A.V.

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From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your destiny is in full view author Makeev A.V.

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If we take into account only the life thread, then it is impossible to strictly predict a person’s fate based on it. You need to carefully study the entire map as a whole, and look at the significant aspects and their influence. It is mandatory to study the meaning of other threads, their directions and kinks. Now we will define what the life line and the fate line are and the influence of these roads in a mutual interpretation.

Having carefully examined a life trait, you can discern from it different signs, marks, dashes, breaks. All this will tell us that at some stage of life’s journey some very significant events occur in the fortuneteller’s life. By studying your palms, you can independently determine your fate along the life line for free.

Note. If you see small short branches from the life line to the fate line, going up, then pleasant moments and good events related to your career and personal life await you.


  1. You will meet a life partner who is destined for you and life-changing moments await you with him.
  2. Or Lady Luck herself will smile on you, and you will find a decent job that will ensure your future.

The lifeline cuts into the thread of doom

If you see that the line of life directly enters the line of fate, and then reappears, but is very unclear, then this indicates that at some stage the person has lost the meaning in life. Or he received psychological trauma, but after a certain period he recovered and moved on with his life.

Also, such a situation can be assessed that a person has his own Guardian Angel in his life, who pulls him out of trouble and gives him the opportunity to continue life with a clean slate.

The thread of fate and life are connected at the beginning

If you see a picture where the line of fate comes out of the line of life, as in the photo, then you have a real happy person in front of you, life is good.

This picture can be interpreted in different ways:

  • A fortuneteller can reach certain heights in his career and become quite successful and independent, and relationships with the opposite sex will only be purer and more transparent.
  • Your efforts and investments will yield the desired results. Love and mental well-being, in general, life is good.

Note. Where two threads are connected there is a time for the fulfillment of a long-standing desire that can be calculated.

Other combinations along the life line

Throughout your life, you will experience an optimistic spiritual uplift and energy that empowers and optimizes your brain. Over the years, the energy only grows. Financial receipts are not regular or frequent, but in large quantities.
A lot of interesting adventures await such a person along the way. In addition, the character is distinguished by determination and courage. Such people have like-minded people who are ready to help and support in everything.
At some stages in life there will be a loss of one’s own self. Try to gain strength and solve all the problems that have been shelved. Break all unnecessary ties and prove to everyone that you are capable of great things.
This picture indicates an impulsive person who acts and relies on his intuition, including financial investments. Because of this, such people lose a lot because they do not check everything carefully. The same story happens with love relationships.
Each little thread will tell about the stages of life. Each feature is a certain period of time when you leave your home with another move.
Such a drawing speaks of a long and painful life away from the Motherland. Therefore, life has become aimless, not yours. Seek a mentor to guide you along your own path.
This picture will tell you about significant incidents that greatly offended you. You can also say that such a person trusts others very much and does not pay attention to warning signs. But all the blows of fate do not confuse you.
This combination will tell you that a person is at war with his loved ones. A person most often is not responsible for his actions and words and moves forward very slowly.
Significant people whom a person trusts deceive him. The owner of the drawing can be so crippled by such a betrayal that he will not recover for a very long time; he will need strength and time to recover.

Palmistry: life line and fate line, how to understand what is given to us by fate?

If the fateful feature is clearly and clearly visible in the palm of your hand, then a purposeful, self-confident person is sitting in front of you. Such people try to go towards one goal all their lives. As a rule, this is a career (for example, artist, writer). If the line is often interrupted, it indicates a variable character and a difficult fate.

Note. It is precisely these intervals that suggest that the fortuneteller cannot find his place in life and choose a niche for what to do in the future.

Interweaving of a fateful line with other lines

Many people often experience the intersection of the thread of fate with other lines.

This is how fate provided us, since each intersection carries its own meaning in the life of the fortuneteller:

  1. The line of fate and the line of life intersect - this is a good drawing. If you find such an intersection in your palm, then you can safely be called lucky.

  1. If the life line turns into the fate line and connects at some stage, this predicts fame in a person’s life, good luck, prosperity and talents.

Two important threads touch at one point

You let your family make all the most important decisions in your life, rather than making them yourself.

Such people are not capable of taking responsibility for their own own life, and even more so make important life decisions.

An auxiliary line from the life thread rests on fate

If you see the line of fate enters the line of life or vice versa at some stage, it means that after many years of reflection you have freed yourself from some circumstances that constrained you.

After getting rid of what was stopping you from living, you will go on the right path, thanks to the help of your friend, and begin to believe in life again.

On the branch there is a square between the thread of fate and life

The combination speaks of a pleasant journey, where you will show your ingenuity and your best qualities.

The square between the line of fate and life indicates protection that will give you the necessary talents, then you can safely go on risky ventures even far from home.

The outgoing branch from the line of life stretches parallel to the thread of fate

The owner of such a picture does not make any decisions on his own; others do everything for him.

Everything is bad in your career, love affairs are also not working out. Life somehow passes, and you are all left behind. We can only advise the owners of the drawing to learn to live independently, otherwise their whole life will pass like this.

An auxiliary thread crossing the line of life and fate

You have enemies who are joining forces against you. Because of your individuality, narrow-minded people cannot come to terms with your character traits and begin to weave intrigues.

Note. If you feel like a black sheep, then it is better to pretend to be like everyone else in the service so that those around you can get used to you a little.

The line of life is parallel to the line of fate: various combinations and their interpretation

This combination, as in the photo below, indicates that this is a confident, self-sufficient and independent person who always makes decisions on his own.

The following can be said about this combination: A person values ​​his own independence and does everything in his own way, does not tolerate being controlled and does not tolerate any restrictions.

If the line of fate departs from the line of life at a decent distance, closer to the hill of the Moon, then such “freedom” is gaining more and more momentum.

The owner of the drawing will most likely devote himself social activities or a profession related to it.

For example, a person with early age dreams of becoming a pilot, but his parents want him to go into the family business. Such people make their own decisions and follow the intended path.

There are cases when the pattern on the palm looks like this: the thread of fate runs in a diagonal direction and ends on Mercury. This suggests that this is a person who knows how to negotiate and will find a common language with anyone.

Note. Such people devote themselves to a profession that will make full use of their innate talent.

If there is a cross between the line of life and fate, especially at the end of the thread of fate, then this indicates poor health and poverty in old age.

Branches and branch


Long and clear.

Short and choppy.

The rupture is only on one arm.

Beginning on the Mount of Jupiter (1).

Start on the head line (2).

Palmistry | How to start | Hand | Fingers of the hand | Lumps on the palm | Hand lines | Dictionary | Articles

Line structure and signs | Head line | Heart line | Life line | Line of fate | Sun Line | Belt of Venus

Path of Voluptuousness | Lines on the wrist | Hepatic line | Line of Mars | Marriage lines | Children's lines

Travel lines | Line of intuition | Circle lines | Reading Between the Lines

Compatibility and lines on the palm | Lines and health | Professions on the lines

Long and clear. Good vitality, healthy physique.

Short and choppy. Lack of energy, may be physically weak.

Line continuity problems. Changes in the direction of life.

Branches and branch on all palm lines, are present on almost every hand, and if you look at your lines, you will undoubtedly find many lines that, passing along the palm, branch and diverge in different directions. Lines and, accordingly, branches extending from lines, in palmistry are associated with energy flows, and it is clear that when a strong good line branches into two parts, it weakens and loses strength - at the same time it indicates possible reasons and the consequences that gave rise to the splitting of the line.

The first thing you should learn when studying outgoing branches and branches, this is that the branches extending upward from the main lines of the hand are always favorable, and are good marks on the palm - but unless they are cut by other transverse lines. Branches rising upward are fountains of emotions and favorable impulses of a person’s aspirations in life, this is the time when a person is clear.

Long and clear. Good vitality, healthy physique.

Short and choppy. Lack of energy, may be physically weak.

Line continuity problems. Changes in the direction of life.

The rupture is only on one arm. An illness followed by a quick recovery.

A break in the line on both hands. A more severe illness, with a more difficult and problematic recovery.

Lots of small branches going up. Good health, prosperity.

Lots of small branches going down. Poor health, financial failures.

Beginning on the Mount of Jupiter (1). Big ambitions and probable success.

Start on the head line (2). He controls himself very much and calculates everything.

The beginning is significantly below the line of the head (3). Lacks control, unrestrained.

What do the lines on the hand mean: Life line

A long and clear life line on the hand - Good vitality, strong physique. Short and obstructed Low energy, possible physical soreness.

Similar to a chain - Enthusiasm gives way to apathy, energy comes not easily, in separate spurts. A broken life line on the hand means changes in the direction of life. Broken line on one hand - Illness and speedy recovery.

Broken line on both arms – More serious condition. Many small branches going up - Good health, prosperity. Many small branches going down - Poor health, financial difficulties.

Begins on the Mount of Jupiter (7) – Very ambitious, success is likely. Starts from the head line (8) We control, everything is calculated.

Starts well below the line of the head (9) – Uncontrollable, unrestrained. Ends with a fork, one branch of which ends on the Mount of the Moon - Shows continuous.

A palm reader friend of mine often mentioned that any branches from the lines indicate bad or good situations in life.

Depending on the inclination.

Those. those that went to the top indicate a favorable outcome, and those that went down indicate a negative outcome.

He also said that such branches from the life line indicate drastic changes in life and changes in place of residence.

I have as many as three lines going down from my life line.

He claims that this is for trips abroad. I really dream of traveling around the world and am working towards this goal.

But to say something in more detail specifically about your branches, you need to look at your hands)

But don't put much faith in predictions.


The length of the life line does not indicate life expectancy.

A clear and long life line speaks of large stock vitality, oh physical health person.

A short line is a sign of lack of energy, physical fragility.

If there is a break in the line on one of the hands, this is a sign of illness and a speedy recovery; tearing on both arms is a serious condition.

If numerous branches extend from a line, this is a sign of good health if the branches are directed upwards, but bad health is to be expected, as well as financial difficulties if the branches are directed downward.

If the line starts from the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a sign of ambition and desire for success.

If the line originates from the line of reason, then this indicates that the person is accustomed to weighing and carefully considering his every step. If the beginning is significantly below the line of reason, this is an omen of insufficient self-control.