Vitamin E medical name. How to take vitamin e capsules. Indications for use of tocopherol

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General characteristics, forms and name of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound with pronounced antioxidant properties. The traditional name for vitamin E is also used - tocopherol. In addition, due to its ability to maintain youth for a long time and its beneficial effect on conception and gestation, tocopherol is also called the “vitamin of youth and beauty” and “fertility vitamin.”

Vitamin E is a mixture of eight bioorganic structures that have the same properties and are its varieties. These types of vitamin E are called vitamers and are divided into two large classes - tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocopherols and tocotrienols each include four vitamers E. In principle, all eight vitamers have almost the same activity, therefore they are not separated in the instructions for use and various descriptions. Therefore, when talking about vitamin E, they use the name common to all vitamers - tocopherol.

But the first of the E vitamers was obtained and identified alpha-tocopherol, which is most often found in nature and is the most active. Currently, the activity of alpha-tocopherol is taken as a standard, and it is with it that the activities of all other vitamers E are compared. Therefore, in some very detailed descriptions any preparation with vitamin E can be seen that its content corresponds to N units equivalent to the activity of 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol. But nowadays the amount of vitamin E is usually expressed in international units (IU) or milligrams, with 1 IU = 1 mg.

Alpha, beta and gamma tocopherols have the most pronounced vitamin activity. And delta tocopherol has the most powerful antioxidant properties. Manufacturers of various medicines, depending on their purpose, the necessary type of vitamin E is added to the composition to ensure the most pronounced biological effect.

Since tocopherol dissolves in fats, it can accumulate in the human body in almost all organs and tissues. This happens when a large amount of vitamin E enters the body, it does not have time to be excreted and penetrates all organs and tissues, where it dissolves in membrane fats, forming a depot. The largest amount of vitamin E can accumulate in the liver, testes, pituitary gland, adipose tissue, red blood cells and muscles.

Due to this ability to accumulate, vitamin E can be found in the body in high concentrations, much higher than normal, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems. Excess quantity vitamin E in the body is called hypervitaminosis and, just like hypovitaminosis, is accompanied clinical manifestations arising due to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems.

Insufficient intake of vitamin E into the body leads to its deficiency or hypovitaminosis, which is accompanied by disruption of organ function with characteristic clinical symptoms.

That is, in relation to vitamin E, both an excess and a deficiency can be created in the human body, and both conditions cause disturbances in the normal functioning of various organs. This means that vitamin E should be consumed only in the required amount, without allowing too much or too little of it into the body.

Absorption and excretion of vitamin E

Vitamin E enters the human body with food and is absorbed from the intestines in the presence of fats and bile. This means that for normal absorption of the vitamin from the digestive tract, it must be combined with a small amount of vegetable or animal fat.

Approximately 50% of the total amount of vitamin E contained in the food bolus is absorbed from the intestines, provided that there is a normal amount of fat and bile. If there is little fat or bile in the intestines, then less than 50% of the incoming vitamin E is absorbed.

During absorption from the intestine, vitamin E forms a complex with fatty acids (chylomicrons), in which it penetrates first into the lymph and then into the blood. In the blood, vitamin E is released from the complex with chylomicrons and binds to proteins. It is in this complex of protein + vitamin E that it is transported by the bloodstream to all organs and tissues.

In tissues, vitamin E is released from its binding to protein, and in combination with vitamin A, it participates in the synthesis of ubiquinone Q, a substance that transfers oxygen from red blood cells directly into the cell.

Vitamin E is excreted from the body both unchanged and in the form of metabolites. Moreover, most of vitamin E - 90% is excreted in feces through the intestines, and only 10% - in urine through the kidneys.

Biological role of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a unique substance that has the ability to rejuvenate the body, slowing down the aging process. That is why it is called the vitamin of youth and beauty. The effect of slowing down aging is achieved due to the powerful activation of tissue respiration processes, during which cells are well supplied with oxygen and decay products are removed from them.

Vitamin E also reduces blood clotting, preventing excessive thrombus formation, and therefore improving microcirculation and preventing blood stagnation in various organs and tissues. A decrease in blood clotting activity leads to the fact that it flows better through the vessels without clogging them. In addition, vitamin E makes the walls of blood vessels smooth, as a result of which cholesterol plaques are not deposited on them, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. Improving blood properties and the condition of blood vessels, as well as preventing atherosclerosis, together ensure the prevention of cardiovascular failure with regular use of vitamin E.

Vitamin E improves functioning immune system, due to which infectious and inflammatory diseases of any organs are prevented. In combination with vitamin A, it protects the lungs from negative impact polluted air. Vitamin E also improves muscle tone and performance, relieves cramps and accelerates the healing of various wounds and burns. When vitamin E is used, wounds heal with less or no scarring.

Separately, it must be said that vitamin E improves sexual function in men and women, having a beneficial effect on the production of hormones and the condition of the reproductive organs. For example, in women, tocopherol improves blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, and also promotes the production of the required amount of progesterone and the formation of the placenta during pregnancy. In women, vitamin E alleviates the course of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome, and also promotes complete cure fibrous formations of the mammary gland. In men, vitamin E improves sperm quality by normalizing the functioning of the gonads. In addition, tocopherol significantly improves potency.

In all people, regardless of gender, vitamin E reduces blood pressure, dilates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents cataracts and anemia, and also maintains the normal functioning of the nervous system.

As an antioxidant, vitamin E has the following biological effects on the human body:

  • Actively binds to free radicals, deactivating them;
  • Protects cells from damage by free radicals;
  • Slows down already running processes of free radical oxidation of lipids and DNA of cells;
  • Reduces the rate of formation of new free radicals;
  • Protects other vitamins from the negative effects of free radicals;
  • Improves the absorption of vitamin A;
  • Prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation on the skin in the form of brown spots;
  • Destroys and prevents the appearance of cancer cells, thereby reducing the risk of malignant neoplasms various organs;
  • By protecting cells from damage by free radicals, it reduces the rate of aging;
  • Improves the formation of collagen and elastin, necessary to maintain the properties of connective tissue;
  • Facilitates the course of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin E intake standards

Typically, the amount of vitamin E is reported in international units (IU) or milligrams (mg). However, sometimes manufacturers provide outdated units for measuring the amount of vitamin E, called tocopherol equivalents (TOEs). Moreover, 1 mg = 1 IU, and 1 ET is approximately equal to 1 IU, so all three units of measuring the amount of vitamin E can be considered equivalent.

The daily requirement of an adult and a child over two years old for vitamin E is 8–12 IU, and in men, other things being equal, it is higher than in women. In children of the first year of life, the need for vitamin E is 3–5 mg.

The need for tocopherol increases in the following situations:
1. Active muscle work, for example, when playing sports, physical labor etc.
2. Eating large amounts of vegetable oil.
3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding increase the need for vitamin E by at least 2 to 5 IU.
4. The recovery period after infectious and inflammatory diseases.
5. The healing period of various wounds.

According to dietary standards, the optimal intake is 15 mg of vitamin E per day for adults and children over three years of age. Safe from the point of view of the development of hypervitaminosis is the consumption of a maximum of 100 mg of vitamin E per day. This means that you can consume up to 100 IU of tocopherol per day without fear of developing hypervitaminosis.

However, clinical studies conducted in last years, indicate that more correct and, at the same time, safe dosages of vitamin E are 100–400 IU for adults and 50–100 IU for children. It is these dosages of vitamin E that provide not only the physiological needs of the body, but also effectively resist the aging process. For some diseases, as part of complex therapy, vitamin E can be taken in dosages of 1200 - 3000 IU.

In blood serum, the normal concentration of vitamin E is 21 – 22 µmol/ml.

Symptoms of deficiency and lack of vitamin E in the body

When there is insufficient intake of vitamin E into the human body, a deficiency develops, called hypovitaminosis. Hypovitaminosis leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Impaired tissue respiration;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Deterioration of potency in men;
  • High risk of miscarriage, miscarriage or spontaneous abortion in women;
  • Early toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • Anemia due to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells;
  • Decreased reflex levels (hyporeflexia);
  • Ataxia (impaired coordination of movements);
  • Dysarthria (impaired speech intelligibility with the impossibility of normal pronunciation of words and sounds);
  • Reduced sensitivity;
  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • Hepatonecrosis (death of liver cells);
  • Nephrotic syndrome;
  • Increased activity of creatine phosphokinase and alanine aminotransferase in the blood.
Severe hypovitaminosis E is observed quite rarely due to the ability of the vitamin to accumulate and gradually be consumed in conditions of deficiency of its supply from the outside. However, even a slight deficiency of vitamin E can provoke infertility in adults and hemolytic anemia in children.

Hypervitaminosis can develop in two cases - firstly, with long-term use of high doses of vitamin A, and secondly, with a single dose of a very large amount of tocopherol. However, in practice, hypervitaminosis E is very rare, since this vitamin is not toxic, and its excess is used by the body as an antioxidant. Thus, almost the entire volume of vitamin E entering the body can be effectively used without remaining free and without damaging various organs and tissues.

Clinical studies have shown that even daily consumption of vitamin E at 200–3000 IU per day for 10 years did not lead to the development of hypervitaminosis. A single dose of vitamin E in a high dosage can cause nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or increased blood pressure, which go away on their own and do not require any special treatment or discontinuation of the drug.

In principle, hypervitaminosis E can provoke the development of the following symptoms:

  • A decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia), leading to bleeding;
  • Reduced blood clotting ability (hypocoagulation), causing bleeding;
  • Night blindness;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, nausea, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach after eating, etc.);
  • Decreased glucose concentration (hypoglycemia);
  • General weakness;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Deterioration of potency in men;
  • Promotion blood pressure;
  • Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly);
  • Increased concentration of bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia);
  • Hemorrhage in the retina or brain;
  • Increased concentration of triglycerides (TG) in the blood.
Taking vitamin E in very high dosages (more than 10,000 IU per day) during pregnancy can cause birth defects in the child.

When vitamin E is administered intravenously, swelling, redness, and calcification of soft tissue may occur at the injection site.

Vitamin E – content in products

The maximum amount of vitamin E is found in the following foods:
  • Soybean, cottonseed, corn, sunflower and olive oils;
  • Sprouted grains of corn and wheat;
  • Corn beans;
  • Pearl barley, oatmeal and corn;
  • Shrimps;
  • Squid;
  • Egg;
  • Zander;
  • Mackerel.
The above foods contain the most vitamin E. However, in addition to these foods, there are others that are less rich in vitamin E, but also contain it in relatively large quantities.

Products that contain a fairly large amount of vitamin E, but not the maximum, are the following:

  • Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, clementines, mignolas, pomelo, grapefruits, lemons, limes, etc.);
  • Liver of animals and fish;
  • Acne;
  • Sunflower seeds ;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Dried apricots;
To provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin E, it is necessary to consume any of the listed foods daily.

Preparations with vitamin E

Currently, there are two main types of drugs containing vitamin E on the domestic pharmaceutical market. The first type is pharmaceutical drugs containing a synthetic analogue of the vitamin, which has exactly the same structure as the natural tocopherol molecule. The second type is dietary supplements (dietary supplements) containing natural vitamin E obtained from extracts, extracts or tinctures of plant or animal raw materials. That is, there are pharmaceutical synthetic vitamin preparations and natural dietary supplements.

In addition, there are monocomponent and multicomponent preparations containing vitamin E. Monocomponent ones contain only vitamin E in various dosages, while multicomponent ones contain several vitamins, minerals, trace elements or other useful substances.

The dosage of vitamin E can be different, however, both in dietary supplements and in pharmacological preparations it is standardized and indicated in IU or mg. Due to the relatively low dosage, dietary supplements can only be used for preventive use as an additional source of vitamin E. And pharmacological drugs are used for both prevention and treatment.

Synthetic vitamins E

Currently, the following vitamin preparations containing tocopherol are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
  • Aevit;
  • Alphabet "Our Baby";
  • Alphabet "Kindergarten";
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate solution in oil;
  • Biovital Vitamin E;
  • Biovital-gel;
  • Vitamin E 100;
  • Vitamin E 200;
  • Vitamin E 400;
  • Vitamin E 50% type SD powder;
  • Vitamin E-acetate;
  • Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vita bears;

A balanced and rational diet is, first of all, a diet enriched with a sufficient amount of vitamins necessary for the body. Despite the unconditional importance of nutrients, including proteins, fats and carbohydrates, not a single biological or physiological process can do without them alone: ​​for normal life and functionality of the body, high concentrations of vitamins are also required.

Compromised immunity, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, nervous disorders and causeless apathy are only a small part of the symptoms characteristic of a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the body. This substance is considered essential in the treatment of many diseases, most of which could be avoided by taking care in advance of preparing a diet rich in tocopherol. What is vitamin E, what foods does it contain and how does it affect the body?

Vitamin E. A little history

The discovery of vitamin E can be considered an accidental (and happy!) coincidence. Studying the effect of diet on life, Herbert Evans, back in 1922, carried out a huge number of laboratory experiments and experiments. Thus, he was able to find out that animal feed for rats, artificially enriched with vitamins A, D, C, B (that is, at first glance, everything necessary for normal development), caused reproductive dysfunction in rodents - visually healthy animals stopped reproducing and producing food. healthy offspring.

By adding lettuce and wheat germ to their menu, the scientist managed to restore their ability to reproduce. Thus, a new substance was isolated, which was called the reproduction vitamin. Only in 1931, his research was continued by Olcott and Mattill, who studied vitamin E in detail, identifying other vital functions of this substance, after which pharmaceutical companies began to actively synthesize it, offering patients an artificial analogue of the vitamin.

Despite the importance of this discovery, not every patient needed a vitamin supplement: it turned out that tocopherol is found in abundance in plant foods, completely compensating for all the body’s needs. Having correctly composed the diet, adherents healthy image life and an adequate plant-based diet intuitively received all the necessary additives inherent in food by nature itself. This form of the vitamin, unlike the synthetic one, was easily and naturally absorbed by the body, replenishing the deficiency and providing biological processes with a vital “building block”, without which the foundation of health would not be stable and complete.

Properties and functions of tocopherol (vitamin E)

Vitamin E is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in the body's fat tissue, providing a safety net in case of subsequent deficiency. However, this ability of the substance in no way excludes the possibility of hypovitaminosis: even the most fortified diet, rich in tocopherol, allows you to do without its regular intake for a maximum of a couple of months. However, vitamin E in foods plant origin is contained in more than sufficient quantities, and therefore nothing overly complex is required to make up for its deficiency - it is enough just to correctly compose daily diet and supplement it with vegetable oils, without which the absorption of tocopherol is impossible.

Not only tocopherol is a natural form of vitamin E - this substance can also be represented by tocotrienols. They have a similar structure, but are bound by different molecules and are less active than tocopherols. Once in the body and metabolized, the vitamin is included in the cell membrane and protects it from oxidative processes that occur under the influence of external destructive factors. Thanks to this property, tocopherol plays a key role in maintaining youth and health of tissues and organs, normal growth and development of the body, the formation of bone and muscle structures, liver functioning and other important processes.

In addition, vitamin E affects the red blood cell formula, allowing red blood cells to move more freely and not stick to damaged vessel walls. Adequate consumption of tocopherol helps maintain the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, providing the body with oxygen and nutrients that are carried through the bloodstream.

Initially, vitamin E was used exclusively in gynecology and reproductive medicine. It was universally prescribed to pregnant women and those who were just planning a replenishment, to strengthen the reproductive system and bear a healthy baby. However, vitamin E later began to be used in other areas. Its antioxidant and restorative properties were appreciated by immunologists and cardiologists, recommending their patients a diet rich in vitamin E to maintain the body.

Even in the beauty industry, there is a place for plant extracts with tocopherol, because this substance can quickly and carefully smooth the skin, get rid of the first signs of aging, facial wrinkles and pathological hyperpigmentation, as well as strengthen hair and nails. Thanks to this, almost every high-quality cream and balm contains wheat germ oil - the most valuable source of vitamin E in products on the cosmetic market. However, those who regularly consume tocopherol with food do not need such “stimulants”: their body already receives everything it needs to maintain natural beauty, youth and health.

Symptoms and consequences of hypovitaminosis

Vitamin E is found in plant-based foods in more than sufficient quantities, so adherents of a complete vegetarian diet rarely suffer from a lack of this substance in the body. However, those who eat exclusively unhealthy foods of animal origin and do not monitor the balance and nutritional value of their diet can experience the unpleasant symptoms of hypovitaminosis E from their own experience. The following signs are characteristic of this condition:

  • Muscle weakness. Physical imbalance and fatigue even with small physical activity appear at the slightest lack of tocopherol. This is why athletes so carefully monitor the intake of this substance into the body, because intense exercise becomes simply impossible without a complete fortified diet.
  • Reproductive dysfunction. This symptom affects not only women, but also men. With hypovitaminosis E in representatives of the stronger sex, not only does libido decrease, but sperm production is also inhibited. Girls begin to suffer from menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances, which together lead to the impossibility of conception.
  • Psychosomatic disorders. If lethargy and loss of strength can be attributed to manifestations of muscular dystrophy due to hypovitaminosis, then constant apathy, bad mood, nervousness and the inability to concentrate on the simplest things are clear symptoms that nerve cells and the brain also lack vitamin E. This condition is easily corrected with a diet rich in tocopherol. All functions are fully restored with a sufficiently fortified menu.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. With a lack of tocopherol, blood cells begin to stick together, growing like stalagmites inside the vessels. Erythrocyte plaques, in turn, reduce blood supply to all organs and systems, and in advanced cases cause heart attacks.
  • Early aging. Hypovitaminosis E manifests itself not only in functionality, but also in a person’s appearance. With a lack of tocopherol, there is withering and dulling of the skin, the appearance of early wrinkles and age spots inherent in the aging process.

All these symptoms, with the exception of the most advanced and serious ones, are reversible. Knowing the importance of vitamin E, what foods it contains and what it affects, it will not be difficult to assess the importance of this substance and revise your diet, enriching it with tocopherol - and then all lost abilities will quickly return, and you will again feel a surge of strength and joy in life !

Possibility of vitamin E hypervitaminosis

Daily norm of tocopherol, necessary for the body, quite high. Thus, infants under six months of age need at least 3 mg of this substance, which they can receive through mother’s milk. After six months the rate increases to 4 mg; Just at this time, the babies begin to receive complementary foods, which, of course, include vegetable purees. Children from 1 to 3 years old require 6 mg, from 4 to 10 years old - 7 mg. Guys over 11 years of age should receive about 10 mg of vitamin E daily from food, and girls - 8 mg. However, during pregnancy, women’s need for tocopherol increases to 10 mg, and during lactation - up to 12 mg, because at this time the mother provides vitamins not only to herself, but also to the baby.

Despite the rather high daily requirement, hypervitaminosis E should not be completely ruled out. A serious excess of vitamin E can be accompanied by cramps and painful sensations in the muscles, disturbances in vision, heart rhythm and breathing rate. This disease most often affects those who take synthetic supplements, since vitamin E in products is presented exclusively in a natural, easily digestible form. In addition, vitamin-based pharmaceuticals contain spatial isomers of tocopherol, which, unlike the natural product, have low bioactivity and can cause adverse reactions.

Foods containing vitamin E

Natural tocopherol is synthesized exclusively by plants, and therefore plant foods are considered its main source. The highest indicator is typical for unrefined vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing, since low temperatures during the processing of seeds and nuts make it possible to preserve the most valuable composition of plants. The leading position is occupied by wheat germ oil - just 1 tablespoon can compensate for the daily requirement of an adult for vitamin E.

Others are also rich in tocopherol vegetable oils: sunflower, rapeseed, olive, soybean, almond, etc. However, you can get this useful substance not only from oils - natural vitamin E is contained in the products from which these oils are extracted, and therefore you can use them in their original form.

Create a diet rich in vitamin E

A summary table will help you navigate among numerous sources and correctly create a fortified menu (the norms as a percentage of the daily requirement are indicated for an adult and are optimized taking into account variability).

rice. Product A portion Amount of vitamin E in mg % of daily value
1 Almond 60 g (1/4 cup) 15,3 102 %
2 Wheat germ oil 1 tbsp. l. (10 g) 15 100 %
3 Hazelnut 60 g (1/4 cup) 9 60 %
4 Avocado, puree 230 g (1 cup) 6,12 41 %
5 Rice bran 118 g (1 cup) 5,81 39%
6 Sunflower oil 1 tbsp. l. (13 g) 5,75 38 %
7 Dried apricots 130 (1 cup) 5,63 38 %
8 Almond oil 1 tbsp. l. (13 g) 5,33 36 %
9 Wheat germ (sprouts) 30 g (1/4 cup) 5 33%
10 Safflower oil 1 tbsp. l. (13 g) 4,64 31 %
11 Spinach, puree 156 g (1 cup) 4,52 30 %
12 Rye flour 128 g (1 cup) Z.49 23%
13 Sweet potatoes, mashed 328 g (1 cup) Z.08 21 %
14 Cranberry juice 253 g (1 cup) Z.04 20 %
15 Orange juice 240 g (1 cup) Z.02 20 %
16 Peanut butter 2 tbsp. l. (30 g) 3 20 %
17 Pine nuts 60 g (1/4 cup 3 20 %
18 carrot juice 236 g (1 cup) 2,74 18 %
19 Broccoli, puree 184 g (1 cup) 2.4Z 16 %

Based on the table above, it is easy to create a complete menu for all family members and provide yourself and your loved ones with tasty and healthy fortified food, rich in vitamin E. This is the only way to maintain and increase your health and remain vigorous and cheerful for many years!

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance, another name for which is tocopherol (from Greek - “to bear offspring”). Responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, slows down the aging process.

The antisterile vitamin has powerful antioxidant and anti-radiation properties, promotes the maturation of germ cells, activates spermatogenesis, and enhances the functions of the mammary glands. Enjoys the fame of a vitamin essential for women's health, especially when planning pregnancy.

But the list of beneficial effects of vitamin E on the body does not end there. Medicine knows the beneficial effects of tocopherol on the nervous system, liver, eyes, blood vessels, skin and other organs. You can also often find information that it is tocopherol that promotes conception. Is this true or just another fiction of the advertising industry? Now let’s try to figure it out. And at the same time, reveal other secrets of the main vitamin of “youth and fertility.”

How the world learned about tocopherol

The name “tocopherol” usually refers to 8 saturated alcohols, the most common of which is alpha-tocopherol, which also has the highest activity. Substance E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is relatively resistant to high temperatures, acids and alkalis. But it is difficult to tolerate direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation and chemical influences.

For the first time about this useful substance in scientific world started talking in the early 20s of the twentieth century. Then, using the example of white rats, a connection was established between reproduction and vitamin E.

Scientists have found that it is enough to exclude a fat-soluble food factor from the diet of a pregnant female, and the fetus dies. The lack of vitamin also has a detrimental effect on the health of males - the structure of the seed changes.

In 1936, scientists first obtained an extract of vitamin E from the oil of sprouted grains, and 2 years later they synthesized tocopherol. But Scientific research They didn’t stop there, and soon the world learned that the E-factor affects not only the reproductive system - its functions in a living organism are much broader.

Characteristics of the vitamin

Effective, a vitamin of fertility, beauty and youth - these characteristics have made fat-soluble E-substance popular not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. The unique properties of tocopherol did not leave chemists indifferent. As a result of long-term research, scientists have come to the conclusion that in nature there are no two absolutely identical vitamin E molecules. Each tocopherol molecule is a compound of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, but in each case it is a unique combination that does not resemble previous versions. Chemists are still struggling to find an answer to how this can happen. So far to no avail.

On the other hand, science knows another uniqueness of the vitamin - it, being a stimulator of the reproductive system of all living things, is responsible for the continuation of life. Thanks to such features, many call this substance a real miracle of nature.

Meanwhile, researchers managed to create vitamin E in the laboratory. The pharmaceutical version of the substance is capable of performing the same functions as the natural vitamin, but is much weaker and less active. Another difference is that all molecules of synthetic vitamin E are identical. Chemists have failed to replicate nature's trick.


Vitamin E is eight bioorganic compounds (vitamers) with similar functions and properties. They form two classes of substances - tocopherols and tocotrienols. Depending on the form, the scientific name of vitamers is determined. Each of these classes has its own unique effect on humans, although they are not separated in the composition of medications. The highest activity is alpha-tocopherol, the most common form is d-alpha-tocopherol, the most active antioxidant is delta-tocopherol. In various medications, depending on their purpose, they introduce different shapes and vitamin E concentrates, which allows you to maximize the biological properties of the substance.

The story about the biological role of antisterile vitamin E in the human body should probably begin with the effect of the substance on cell membranes. The condition of the membranes depends on tocopherol, the main task of which is to pass the necessary beneficial substances into the cells. However, we remember from school biology lessons: in addition to useful substances, free radicals “live” in the body, striving to disrupt the healthy balance in the metabolic process. Figuratively speaking, in the human body there is a constant struggle between “good” cells and free radicals. And at this stage, vitamin E is the main player: its molecules help cells “fight off” “attacks”.

Red blood cells provide an excellent example of this process. The job of red blood cells is to provide oxygen to the body's cells. But it is red blood cells that often become victims of free radicals. That is why, in case of poor health, it is important to eat any product containing a large amount of vitamin E as an “first aid” - the body will appreciate the care almost instantly, and in the long term, vitamin supplementation will prevent anemia.

Continuing the “blood” theme, one cannot help but mention the role of tocopherol in the coagulation process. E-substance prevents excessive formation of platelets, thereby improving blood circulation throughout organs and tissues, helping to avoid blood stagnation and the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This means it serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis and heart failure, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens blood vessels.

The functioning of the reproductive system (male and female) largely depends on the saturation of the body with vitamin E. For women, tocopherol is normal blood circulation in the uterus and ovaries, the production of progesterone, the correct formation of the placenta during pregnancy, the relief of PMS and menopause syndrome, the cure of fibrous formations in mammary glands. The benefits of the vitamin for men include normalizing the functioning of the sex glands, increasing potency, and improving sperm quality.

It is not without reason that tocopherol is known as the “vitamin of youth” – it has the power to slow down the aging process.

Last but not least, this is achieved by supplying cells with additional portions of oxygen and protecting them from free radicals. Thanks to this ability, vitamin E plays the role of an antioxidant in the body and also enhances the abilities of the immune system.

The vitamin is also indispensable for the lungs. In tandem with vitamin A, it protects the respiratory system from the destructive effects of polluted air.

The beneficial properties of vitamin E for the skin are manifested in the ability to accelerate wound healing, reduce scarring after burns, and prevent the early appearance of age-related pigmentation. In addition, the substance’s ability to influence the formation of collagen and elastin has been proven, which helps maintain connective tissues in good condition.

And at the end of the last century, scientists discovered another unique ability of vitamin E - tocopherol - to slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease, which had long been considered untreatable. Also, through experiments, the anti-cancer effectiveness of vitamin E and its ability to prevent the transformation of nitrites into carcinogens was proven.

Circulation in the body

The “journey” of vitamin E through the human body begins at the stage of consumption of food rich in this beneficial substance. Absorption begins in the intestine. But for the process to proceed normally, a certain amount of fat and bile must be present. Fulfillment of these conditions allows the body to “pull out” approximately 50 percent of the vitamin from the eaten food. The next stage is the formation in the body of a complex of fatty acids, which then penetrates the lymph and blood. Already in the blood vessels, tocopherol is combined with and in this form is transported to tissues and organs. At the next stage, freed from proteins and combined with a new “companion” - vitamin A, tocopherol takes on a new function - it participates in the process of synthesizing ubiquinone Q (responsible for transporting oxygen directly into cells). Well, the last stage of the “journey” of a vitamin by the human body is excretion. Tocopherol can be excreted in two forms: as a metabolite and without changing its form. About 90 percent is excreted in feces, 10 percent in urine.

Of all the properties of vitamin E, the most well-known is its benefits for women's health. In particular, this is the ability to increase the likelihood of conception and successful pregnancy. But the “talents” of tocopherol do not end there. It is able to have a beneficial effect on almost all human systems and organs. Among the most pronounced benefits are the following:

  • able to inhibit the aging process and the appearance of senile pigmentation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • participates in the process of hormone synthesis;
  • affects blood circulation and coagulation, strengthens blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes wound healing, reduces scarring on the skin;
  • reduces blood pressure, blood glucose levels;
  • prevents the development of cataracts;
  • protects against seizures;
  • promotes rapid muscle development, increases endurance;
  • protects the body from the influence of tobacco smoke;
  • improves mental activity;
  • restores liver cells;
  • improves the functioning of nerve cells;
  • relieves PMS and menopausal syndrome, corrects the menstrual cycle;
  • promotes sperm production;
  • increases libido;
  • improves the quality of skin, hair, nails;
  • prevents the development of depression, apathy, and weakness.

And even on this beneficial features tocopherol does not end.


Vitamin E is one of the few beneficial substances whose measurement units cause confusion among consumers and sometimes even health professionals. The fact is that three international designations are often used for tocopherol:

But they indicate not so much the dose of the drug as they characterize its bioactivity. And they take it as a unit of substance minimal amount a drug that can affect the body, in particular red blood cells. But in Lately Increasingly, they are resorting to determining doses in mg. Meanwhile, when converting tocopherol from international units to milligrams, it is important to take into account its form - natural or synthetic.

1 mg of alpha-tocopherol is 1.49 IU of natural or 2.22 IU of synthetic equivalent of the substance. That is, when it comes to the fact that an adult should receive 30 IU of the vitamin per day, in terms of conversion this need corresponds to 20 mg of natural tocopherol. The dose of the synthetic analogue will be higher, since the bioactivity of the pharmaceutical form of tocopherol is almost 2 times lower.

However, there is another definition of the vitamin dose. It is also called differently: daily rate, daily value, Daily Value (DV). This unit of measurement is used to determine the tocopherol content of food products.

For example, you can take the product that is most saturated with vitamin E - wheat germ oil. One tablespoon contains 100 units of the daily value, or 20.3 mg of alpha tocopherol. This means that this is the 100 percent daily requirement of vitamin E that a person needs to replenish reserves. But in a similar portion there will be only 5.6 mg of the vitamin, or 28% of the daily value. However, food containing more than 20% of the daily value of tocopherol is considered to be highly saturated with the vitamin.

Therefore, when looking at tables of dosages or vitamin content of foods, it is important to understand what determination system underlies them in order to avoid incorrect calculation of consumption rates.

Dosages and consumption rates

Being a fat-soluble vitamin, tocopherol (entering the body in excess) easily accumulates in almost all tissues and systems. The most active process of accumulation occurs in liver cells, red blood cells, pituitary gland, testes, muscles, and adipose tissue. Sometimes the size of such vitamin “depots” becomes so large that they cause disruption in the functioning of organs and systems.

Hypervitaminosis, as well as a lack of E-substance, can cause visible and tangible disturbances in the functioning of the body. And this explains why it is important to know how to take tocopherol, when (before or after meals) and in what doses, so as not to provoke an excess and accompanying health problems.

The required daily dose of the vitamin is determined based on 3 parameters. Accordingly, in many countries of the world it is customary to talk about three options for vitamin standards:

  • recommended;
  • adequate;
  • upper permissible.

An adequate norm is determined individually, taking into account the state of health, lifestyle and other indicators that affect absorption.

The upper permissible norm is the highest possible dose, the intake of which does not cause excess in the body and does not negatively affect the body.

However, all dosage indicators relate exclusively to alpha-tocopherol standards. What the doses of other forms of vitamin E should be is not yet known to science.

Recommended norms for vitamin consumption in tables and reference books are a generalized norm for the average healthy person. It is possible to determine the individual need for a substance only in laboratory conditions. To do this, a common test is used: blood serum is exposed to hydrogen peroxide and the level of tocopherol in the blood is calculated to protect red blood cells from peroxide.

How is the dosage determined?

As already noted, the dosage of vitamin E can be determined by different systems. Therefore, it is important to remember that 1 IU of vitamin E is:

  • alpha tocopherol (natural form) – 0.67 mg;
  • tocopherol acetate (synthetic analogue) – 1 mg.

It is also easy to distinguish a natural vitamin from its artificial “clone” by “labeling”. The natural form of the substance is indicated by the mark “d”, the synthetic form by “dl”.

And now, having this useful knowledge, we can move on to talking about dosages. By the way, today there is no single answer for the whole world to the question: how much vitamin E to take? Some sources indicate the daily intake for adults at 10-12 IU, others increase the daily dose to 30 IU.

Meanwhile, there is a formula, knowing which, it is easy to calculate your own portion of tocopherol per day. For children, this norm is determined based on the proportion: 0.5 mg per 1 kg of weight. For newborns, a separate dose of the substance is usually not indicated, since the norm of tocopherol is obtained from mother’s milk. For adults: 0.3 mg, multiplied by weight in kg. But this dose can be adjusted based on the special needs of the body.

Factors requiring an increase in the daily dose of the vitamin:

  • a diet of foods rich in;
  • menopause;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • threat of pregnancy;
  • smoking;
  • intense physical activity;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Typically, therapeutic doses of vitamin E are 100-400 mg of tocopherol acetate. For pregnant and nursing mothers, people after a heart attack and stroke, as well as those diagnosed with cardiosclerosis, the dose of the drug is determined individually by the attending physician.

Sources of vitamins in food

The fact that vitamin E is an essential substance for the body is already clear, as is the fact that its reserves must be restored regularly. Especially when you consider that almost 70% of tocopherol reserves are lost from vitamin depots every day. It’s not difficult to replenish your “bins” if you know which foods contain enough vitamin E and eat healthy foods (just don’t overdo it).

If you ask the question: “What is the most natural tocopherol?”, then you won’t have to look for an answer for long. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance, which means its main source is fatty foods.

The list of products rich in tocopherol is headed by vegetable oils from wheat germ, sunflower, olives, corn, pumpkin, and is also present in cottonseed, flaxseed and soybean oil. But there is almost no tocopherol in the butter that many people consume daily. But to preserve the beneficial properties of the product, for culinary purposes it is better to use it as a component of salads rather than as a basis for frying.

Among the foods that contain vitamin E are: seeds, nuts, legumes (especially peas and beans), flax, oats, liver, yolks, milk. From plant products It is worth paying attention to green leafy vegetables, dandelion greens, alfalfa, raspberries, nettles, and rose hips.

Deficiency in the body and its consequences

There is an opinion among doctors and nutritionists that modern man is able to receive the required daily intake of vitamin E daily with food and does not need additional intake of synthetic analogues. Meanwhile, it’s worth mentioning: this rule only works if you have a balanced diet, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and the absence of diseases that affect the process of assimilation of food. Several categories of people are called “risk zones”.

The first are premature babies, whose absorption process has not yet been fully regulated. Usually these are children whose weight does not exceed one and a half kilograms. A lack of tocopherol in infants risks various types of retinal damage and a higher susceptibility to infectious diseases.

The second category is people with diseases that impede the absorption of fats. In this case, the body experiences a deficiency of not only vitamin E, but also other fat-soluble substances. Often, a lack of tocopherol is accompanied by diseases of the nervous system, decreased immunity, and diseases of the muscles and retina. For this category, the only way to restore vitamin balance is to take synthetic vitamin E analogues in water-soluble form.

The third category is patients of gastroenterology departments whose absorption of nutrients is impaired. First of all, we mean people with a removed gallbladder, with cholelithiasis, liver diseases (cirrhosis or hepatitis). The cause of vitamin imbalance is also a diseased intestine.

As for the other groups, hypovitaminosis E is extremely rare in them. And if it is diagnosed, the cause is most often an unbalanced diet (even starvation) and a complete exclusion of fatty foods from the diet (women who choose completely low-fat foods to lose weight are at risk).

But how can you diagnose vitamin deficiency in yourself or your loved ones? What symptoms should you be wary of?

The first and most early sign E-deficiency – muscular dystrophy (also applies to the heart). As a result of this disease, muscle fibers disintegrate, die, and calcium salts are deposited in their place.

Necrotic processes also start within the liver, fatty degeneration is diagnosed, and glycogen levels decrease.

Vitamin deficiency also affects the blood - red blood cells become less tenacious. The nervous and reproductive systems of women and men also suffer, and problems with the thyroid gland begin.

External signs of vitamin E deficiency:

  • inattention;
  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of skin quality;
  • metabolic disorder (sharp change in weight towards increase or decrease).

Some researchers, citing their own experiences, argue that tocopherol is not capable of causing an overdose, and hypervitaminosis is an extremely rare phenomenon. Others, on the contrary, never tire of reminding people how to drink tocopherol acetate correctly so as not to cause harm to the body.

Vitamin E indeed has practically no toxic properties. But if a person who has been taking tocopherol acetate for a long time begins to experience surges in blood pressure, diarrhea, bloating and nausea, it can be considered that this is an overdose of the vitamin.

Other possible side effects from overdose:

  • allergy;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • liver hyperemia;
  • changes in blood clotting;
  • on early stages pregnancy - the risk of having a child with heart failure.

Contraindications to the use of tocopherol acetate:

  • allergic reactions caused hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • myocardial infarction and high blood pressure;
  • parallel use of drugs to reduce levels.

Diabetics should take vitamin E preparations especially carefully, since it is possible that while taking tocopherol you will have to reduce the usual dose of insulin.

Therefore, it is advisable to start a course of fortification with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it, while monitoring the condition of the body. Take the drug with caution for people with cardiosclerosis and at risk of thromboembolism.

Indications for use:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • increased physical activity;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • menopausal disorders;
  • dysfunction of the male reproductive glands;
  • neurasthenia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • psoriasis, dermatosis;
  • illnesses muscle tissue and joints;
  • diseases accompanied by fevers, chronic diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • cancer, recovery after chemotherapy and surgery;
  • with smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • malnutrition;
  • elderly age.

The dosage of the drug in each specific case is determined individually by the attending physician.

When taking tocopherol or food rich in vitamins, you cannot hope for maximum absorption of the substance by the body if you do not adhere to the rules for combining chemical elements. For this it is advisable to at least general outline understand what the compatibility of nutrients is.

So, the simultaneous combination of vitamin E and...:

  • ...selena – enhances the effects of both substances;
  • ...iron - does not cause oxidation if Fe is divalent, in other cases the vitamin is destroyed;
  • ... potassium - the absorption and synthesis of potassium is impaired;
  • – accelerates the absorption of A-substance;
  • – the protective properties of tocopherol are enhanced;
  • ...insulin – reduces the body’s need for additional hormone administration (for insulin-dependent diabetics);
  • ...non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids - enhances the effect of the latter;
  • ...blood thinning drugs - can cause bleeding (if the doses of the vitamin are high);
  • ...during chemotherapy, radiation treatment - reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

Tocopherol deficiency reduces the amount of magnesium in the body, and zinc intake aggravates E-hypovitaminosis (if it already exists).

Tocopherol capsules or tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach. First, you should eat a product containing fats, and after 30 minutes take a vitamin.

And lastly: an absolutely incompatible combination is vitamin E and alcohol. Alcohol completely neutralizes the beneficial properties of tocopherol.

Analogues of natural vitamin E

Modern pharmacology offers 2 types of drugs containing vitamin E:

  • with a synthetic analogue;
  • bioactive supplements with natural tocopherol (extracts, extracts, tinctures from plant and animal raw materials).

There are also multicomponent and monocomponent fortified preparations. The composition of the former is a combination of different vitamins and useful ones, the latter contain only one active ingredient - vitamin E.

In dietary supplements

The dosage of tocopherol in dietary supplements is significantly lower than in drugs intended for treatment, so dietary supplements are often used as a means of prevention. The instructions for use will explain when it is best to take the drug and in what doses. It is important to remember that the presence active substance It is not the same in different names.

Today, preparations with E-substance are available in tablets, dragees, capsules, and in liquid form (oil solution, drops, ampoules). The release form determines the method of administration of the drug: internally or externally. However, the most popular options among consumers are tablets, capsules and vitamin in oil.

The advantage of capsules is that they are a ready-made combination of fat and tocopherol - a combination necessary for absorption. The second advantage of this form is that there is no need to eat fatty foods before or after eating.

Tocopherol in oil is used as follows: drop the required dose of the substance onto a piece of black bread and eat. How many drops to drink per day is indicated in the instructions for use. However, this form may cause some side effects in the form of nausea or even vomiting.

After taking the vitamin in the form of powders or tablets, you need a light snack with vegetable oil (for example, salad).

Liquid vitamin in oil is a tocopherol solution with a concentration of up to 98 percent. This form is used by injection (intravenous and intramuscular) or as an external medicine. The solution has gained particular popularity in cosmetology as a panacea for the skin, a means for hair growth, and a medicinal substance for nails. Often this form is the active component in cosmetics.

How to preserve vitamins in food as much as possible

Nutritionists never tire of repeating that no synthetic analogue can fully replace the beneficial effects of natural vitamins on the body. But it's not that simple. It’s not enough to learn a list of foods that contain the most tocopherol and take them every day. The main thing in stocking natural vitamin E – properly prepared food. And for this it is important to know where and how to store E-containing products, how to prepare them in order to preserve the maximum portion of the beneficial substance.

Tocopherol belongs to substances that are sensitive to heat treatment, direct sunlight and exposure to air. To preserve the beneficial substances in vegetable oils, they should not be heated, but added cold to salads. It is also important not to store containers with oils in direct sunlight (on a windowsill, table), or in open containers. And freezing and canning kill up to half the vitamin content in foods. Vegetables, fruits, and salads rich in tocopherol should be eaten immediately after cutting.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing E-substance should be stored in a closed container, protected from sunlight.

Vitamin mixture recipe

There is no desire to compensate for the lack of vitamin E with pharmaceutical preparations? Then you can use a natural vitamin mixture as a medicine. Just 1-2 tablespoons of a delicious nut and berry mix per day is enough - and you can forget about hypovitaminosis.


  • (collect after light frost) – 1 kg;
  • walnut – 250 g;
  • hazelnut – 250 g;
  • natural honey – 500 g.

Grind everything, mix thoroughly with honey and store in the refrigerator.

Vitamin E and...

  • …period.

A regular menstrual cycle is one of the important indicators of a healthy female body. Not only pregnancy can cause a delay in menstruation. Unbalanced nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalances, and illnesses are often the cause of failure. And to normalize the menstrual cycle, gynecology actively uses drugs based on vitamin E, which can improve the general condition of the female body and establish the necessary processes in the reproductive system. For therapeutic therapy, tocopherol is used in tablets or injections; the dosage is usually determined by the doctor. Meanwhile, the most common treatment program for delayed periods is to take 0.4 g of tocopherol every morning, starting from the 16th day of the cycle. What does vitamin E provide in this case? Contributes to more rapid growth endometrium to the size necessary for the onset of menstruation. But it is necessary to take the drug only after ovulation has passed.

  • ...pregnancy planning.

The presence of tocopherol in the doses necessary for the female body is an important component for conceiving and successfully bearing a child, since it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. It is advisable to start taking vitamins at the stage of pregnancy planning, so that the body has time to get stronger and restore vitamin “depots”. This step will prevent miscarriages, fetal death and other complications.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, tocopherol:

  • normalizes the process of progesterone production (a hormone necessary for egg maturation and fetal development);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • improves skin condition, prevents stretch marks;
  • corrects the growth of the uterus;
  • promotes normal formation of the placenta;
  • increases the body's endurance.

At this stage, the generally accepted recommended dose of vitamin E is up to 400 IU daily (adjusted individually). Take the vitamin from the pharmacy twice a day. Additionally, it is important to remember what natural tocopherol is found in and introduce these foods into your daily diet.

  • …pregnancy.

For pregnant women, it is important to understand two things about vitamin E. First, pregnant women cannot do without tocopherol, especially in the first (prevents miscarriage) and third (prevents swelling) trimester. Secondly, only a personal physician can determine the correct doses. You should not experiment with dietary supplements, because the consequences of an overdose or hypovitaminosis will primarily affect the child’s health.

Taking an adequate dose of the drug regulates hormonal background, reduces toxicosis, weakness, swelling, convulsions, and also has a positive effect on uterine tissue and placental cells.

  • ...climax.

With age, the reproductive functions of the female body fade away, hormonal levels change, which often causes a deterioration in well-being and mood. In this period female body requires special attention. And not the least role in weakening the menopausal syndrome is played by tocopherol, which gynecologists often prescribe to their patients. Modern pharmacology offers women over 45 different multivitamin complexes, and speaking of natural sources of the vitamin, it is important to include vegetable oils and nuts in the diet. But it is better to entrust the determination of the required daily rate of tocopherol to an experienced doctor and not experiment on your own body.

  • …breast.

Tocopherol is also indispensable for the breast - it promotes the normal functioning of the mammary glands. From a cosmetological point of view, oils with vitamin E can strengthen the skin, make breasts more elastic, and protect against stretch marks during lactation. In gynecology and mammology, tocopherol is known as a remedy effective in the treatment of mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands. In this regard, a complex of vitamins A and E has proven itself especially well. But take tocopherol acetate very carefully and only as prescribed by a doctor. breastfeeding in order to avoid hypervitaminosis in a child. During this period, it is ideal if the nursing mother receives vitamin E exclusively from natural food sources.

But not only women's vitamin...

Quite often you can hear that vitamin E is an exclusively “female” drug that is responsible for the health of the fairer sex. However, tocopherol is equally useful and necessary for both women and men. So, why is an antisterile vitamin needed and why is it prescribed for men?

In addition to the well-known positive effect on human body, tocopherol is simply irreplaceable for the stronger sex, if only because:

  • regulates hormonal levels and protects testosterone from destruction;
  • increases the bioactivity of sperm;
  • improves blood supply to the genital organs;
  • enhances fertility;
  • prevents the development of infertility.

Tocopherol deficiency negatively affects not only the reproductive system, but also increases the risk of diseases of the muscles, heart and blood vessels, and leads to a slowdown in metabolism.

It has been established that the minimum daily requirement for vitamin E for men is approximately 10 mg, medicinal purposes(for example, for prostatitis), it is permissible to increase the daily dose to the upper permissible limit - 300 mg.

But even this is not all the effects of vitamin E on the male body. Recent experiments have confirmed that tocopherol affects the muscle activity of bodybuilders and the process of protein metabolism. This means that it can be safely used in bodybuilding as a means of reducing fatigue and preventing muscle atrophy. Lack of vitamin causes weakness and hypotension in bodybuilders, reduces the level of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and creatine.

Probably, if someone decided to hold a competition for the most important vitamin for beauty, the grand prize would undoubtedly go to tocopherol. It is difficult to find another substance that is so beneficial for skin, hair, and nails. But these are general phrases. Let's try to understand in more detail what tocopherol is useful for and how to use it to maintain freshness and youth for a long time.

For skin

Any changes in the body - positive or negative - immediately affect the skin. Irritation, acne, dryness, cracks, peeling, early wrinkles... Have you found at least one of the listed problems? It is possible that the problem lies in a lack of tocopherol.

It is known that under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the skin dries out and loses its plasticity. Now add to this the influence of hard water from the city water supply, the influence of wind and frost, household chemicals...

But vitamin E will help restore its former beauty, softness and elasticity. By enriching the epidermis with oxygen, it will not only help get rid of wrinkles, stretch marks and pallor, but will also speed up the healing of wounds and cracks, being a strong antioxidant, slow down the aging process and eliminate inflammation on the skin.

Due to these properties, tocopherol is included in most body gels and lotions, creams for feet, hands and nails. Vitamin-enriched products are easy to prepare at home. The easiest way is to replace the cream with cosmetic oil from, for example, wheat germ. The second way is to add a couple of drops of vitamin E oil solution to the finished product. The most effective way is to prepare your own cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics of your own skin.

DIY body cream

Take as ingredients:

  • half a teaspoon of glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers;
  • 1 teaspoon each of castor and camphor oil;
  • 10 drops of vitamin E.

Cooking method

Pour boiling water over chamomile, let it brew (you can overnight) and strain. Having pre-mixed all the oil ingredients, add them together with glycerin to the herbal infusion. Gently stir the mixture, the consistency of which should resemble a thin cream. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days. Use to soften and eliminate roughness of the epidermis.

Remedy for stretch marks (on the abdomen, chest, thighs)


  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • vitamin E – 650 mg (30 percent oil solution).

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply during massage to problem areas. To enhance the effect, use morning and evening.

For face

Vitamin E creates a rejuvenating and tightening effect for facial skin. Thousands of women around the world have become convinced that there is nothing better for the skin around the eyes than vitamin E oil applied with light massage movements. Tocopherol is " ambulance"for eyelids. Just a few procedures are enough to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. For lips, vitamin E in oil is necessary during cold seasons - it removes signs of chapping and quickly heals cracks. Teenagers use tocopherol as a remedy for acne. Do you dream of lush, long and thick eyelashes? Then, again, you just need to stock up on vitamin E. For eyelashes, tocopherol can be used like mascara: apply with a brush along the entire length and do not wash off for several hours. Within a month, not only you will appreciate the results.

And, of course, we must not forget about vitamin face masks, which can be easily prepared at home in a couple of minutes, and the results from a course of procedures will delight you for years.

A mask made from vitamin E, sea buckthorn and vitamin E, taken in equal parts, can rejuvenate your face. Exfoliate dead epidermal cells - a mixture of honey, tocopherol and egg white. A sour cream mask will tighten your face, lemon juice, honey and vitamin oil solution. A remedy made from yolk, honey, milk with added vitamin will heal blemishes after acne. Tones - grated cucumber seasoned with 15 drops of tocopherol acetate. A mask made from healing aloe juice, fatty sour cream and vitamin E will help moisturize your facial skin. A mixture of cottage cheese, olive oil and a few drops of vitamin. A vitamin scrub mask is also easy to make: mix rolled oats with honey, yogurt, olive oil and tocopherol solution.

These are just examples possible options vitamin masks. You can mix others if desired healthy foods, “seasoning” them with a small portion of vitamin E.

For hair

Knowing about the restorative and strengthening abilities of vitamin E, it would be strange not to use this substance in hair products. Accelerating metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp, is an excellent cure for hair loss, gives hair a healthy shine, accelerates its growth, eliminates fragility and dullness. To strengthen the follicles, oils from jojoba, wheat germ, burdock, as well as a solution of tocopherol acetate are suitable.

Ready-made products will help you grow thicker hair faster cosmetical tools with the addition of vitamin E or a homemade mask.

Recipe 1

Mix 1 tablespoon each of vitamin E, burdock, olive and almond oil. Rub into the scalp, cover with a towel and leave for several hours. As intensive therapy, use twice a week.

Recipe 2

Take a teaspoon of vitamin E and a tablespoon of jojoba and burdock oils. Warm it up a little and apply to the entire length of your hair. Keep for at least an hour. Wash off with shampoo. Repeat several times a week for a month.

Vitamin E is a real storehouse of useful substances. But, as is the case with any useful element, it is better to ensure that the body receives sufficient doses of tocopherol from natural – tasty and healthy sources, and not to seek salvation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. I've been preparing this material for a long time. I thought it would be easy. Well, what can I write about - a very useful vitamin, about which everything has already been said a long time ago. But it so happened that I recently bought the book Transcend, which describes the latest research in medicine. I discovered a lot of new things, some even shocked me. I was especially struck by vitamin E. I’ll tell you about it today.

By the way, I highly recommend purchasing this book to anyone who wants to “pump up” their health. It gives specific recommendations - which vitamin supplements are best to take and at what age. No advertising - just research, conclusions and what to do.

Numerous studies confirm the positive use of this element on our body. For example, one of the largest was a study that lasted for 9 years. 11 thousand elderly people aged 67 to 105 years participated. As a result, a shocking discovery was made. It turns out that when taking vitamins E+C together, overall mortality is reduced by 34%. The number of diseases has also decreased coronary disease hearts by 47% ( 1 ).

Vitamin E is 8 similar, but at the same time different compounds. They are divided into 2 classes of components: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each class has 4 different connections, for a total of eight.

A good diet or the right supplements contain all 8 compounds. But we will focus on only two of them: alpha tocopherol and gamma tocopherol. The remaining six compounds are beta-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol and delta-tocotrienol.

The figure shows the structure of alpha and gamma tocopherol molecules. I think you'll notice that the only real difference is in the "head" (on the left side). It protects against free radicals and oxidation. The structural difference between the molecules is small. But it determines how substances behave in the body.

The antioxidant activity of D-alpha tocopherol is 100, and D-gamma tocopherol is 130.

Pharmaceutical companies are paying more attention to the extraction of alpha-tocopherol. The reason for its popularity is that it is easier to isolate and synthesize compared to other constituents. Therefore, almost all pharmaceutical supplements called “vitamin E” contain only alpha tocopherol acetate.

How does it work

Vitamin E still remains the main antioxidant that protects our body from the effects of free radicals. So, free radicals are “cellular renegades”. They cause serious damage by changing the biochemical structure of cells. These "pests" can even damage DNA.

Scientists believe that due to the molecular chaos created by free radicals, various diseases develop. Many researchers are convinced that the cumulative effects of free radicals are a characteristic feature of aging.

Remember your elementary chemistry course: molecules are made up of atoms. Each atom consists of a nucleus at the center and electrons that travel around it. The key here is that the electrons are in a pair. Free radicals are missing one electron in their outer shell.

The molecule doesn't like being in this state. As a result, she frantically searches for a way to bring herself to a stable state. Unable to withstand this situation, the free radical steals an electron from its own kind. As a result, a chain reaction starts. One free radical steals an electron from another molecule, turning it into a free radical. And he again steals from the other and so on.

When a free radical damages DNA, the genetic mutation is passed on to other cells. Sadly, this situation provokes the appearance of cancerous tumors. Imagine what would happen if free radicals were formed unhindered. They would accumulate and accumulate, and then they would simply kill us.

But here, under the pleas of good molecules, “superheroes” appear :) These are antioxidants. They donate their electrons to prevent free radicals from stealing them from molecules that perform important functions.

Why does the body need it?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble element that acts as an antioxidant. He is a protector of our cells from the effects of carcinogens and toxins. Found in many foods, including some oils, nuts, poultry, eggs and fruits. Also available as a supplement in supplement form.

This element is also a “reproduction” vitamin. By the way, this corresponds to its second name “tocopherol”. Translated from Greek, toсos means “offspring,” phero means “give birth.” Therefore, “tocopherol” is literally translated as “bearing offspring.” It is important during pregnancy for the full development of the fetus and the prevention of miscarriage. It is also prescribed for conception.

In addition, this element is used for:

  • prevention of thrombophlebitis;
  • preventing angina pectoris;
  • prevention of arteriosclerosis;
  • reducing total cholesterol levels;
  • maintaining blood levels;
  • improving blood circulation in the extremities;
  • stroke prevention;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • coordinated work of the muscular system;
  • protecting the thymus, hypothalamus and adrenal cortex from destruction;
  • reducing symptoms of menopause (prescribed also for delayed menstruation);
  • fight against inflammatory processes;
  • preventing the development of cataracts.

And it is very important for the skin. Therefore, vitamin E for the face is often prescribed. Tocopherol is also actively used.

What does it contain?

The best way to get vitamin E is to eat foods high in this element. Such sources represent a balanced combination of the necessary components. They provide complete protection against free radicals.

Whole grains, nuts, dark green vegetables and some fruits are good sources of this element. Vegetable oils are also rich in tocopherol. However, refined oils contain 2/3 less vitamin E than cold-pressed products.

The table below presents to your attention products containing tocopherol in large quantities. The data are given at a consumption rate of 15 mg (the indicator is taken as 100%).

Tocopherol contained in food is resistant to acids and alkalis. It practically does not collapse at temperatures of 170-200 degrees. With such methods of heat treatment at home as cooking, canning, and sterilization, the vitamin E content remains almost unchanged.

However (paradoxically), when frying in a pan, most of the tocopherol is lost. Ultraviolet rays are also detrimental to this vitamin - the lion's share of the element is destroyed.

Deficiency Symptoms

Severe tocopherol deficiency is rare. However, the possibility of its occurrence should not be ruled out. A serious shortage of this element is manifested as follows:

  • Decreased sexual activity. The production of hormones decreases, resulting in uterine dysfunction. This often leads to infertility.
  • Premature newborns (weighing less than 3.5 kg). For children, deficiency is extremely dangerous - they have not developed the process of assimilation of fats. In such babies, tocopherol deficiency manifests itself in damage to the retina or infectious diseases.
  • Dystrophy of the heart muscle with premature death of red blood cells.
  • Softening of the brain (the cerebellum suffers the most).
  • “Goosebumps” on the skin, numbness of the limbs, deterioration in coordination of movements. In addition, against the background of these symptoms, muscular dystrophy may appear.
  • The appearance of age spots on the skin.
  • Damage to liver cells.
  • Nervousness, depression, insomnia and other signs of a neurological disorder.

Benefits of use

By consuming foods rich in this vitamin, you will reap great benefits for your health. I'll tell you about the most basic ones:

  • Balancing cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a substance produced in the liver. When its level is in balance, the body is healthy. When oxidized, cholesterol becomes dangerous. Research has shown that vitamin E serves as a protective antioxidant that combats this factor ( 1 ).
  • Youthful skin. Vitamin E helps strengthen the walls of capillaries and also accelerates their regeneration. The skin becomes more hydrated and elastic. Research has shown that tocopherol helps reduce inflammation in the body and skin. And it is incredibly useful for the face. Tocopherol helps maintain healthy and youthful skin ( 2 ). Also, taking vitamins E + C together may be helpful in reducing the signs of acne and eczema.
  • Hormone balance. This element plays an important role in the balance of the endocrine and nervous systems ( 3 ). Symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include PMS, excess weight, allergies, urinary tract infections, and skin changes. They also include anxiety and fatigue. By keeping your hormones in balance, you can more easily maintain a healthy weight and a regular menstrual cycle. Taking tocopherol 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after menstruation can reduce PMS symptoms. Are minimized painful sensations and duration of bleeding. And, of course, you will feel more energetic :)

  • Improves vision. Vitamin E may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is common cause blindness. Keep in mind that E must be taken together with other elements to be effective. You need to absorb it with vitamin C and zinc. In addition, taking high doses of vitamin E and vitamin A has been found to be very beneficial. This duo speeds up regeneration and improves vision in people who have undergone laser eye surgery.
  • Helps people with Alzheimer's disease. Tocopherol slows the worsening of memory loss and functional impairment in people with moderate Alzheimer's disease. By taking E + C in tandem, you can reduce the risk of developing some forms of dementia ( 4 ).

Daily norm

Daily intake is measured in milligrams (mg) and international units (IU). How much to take depends on age. In Russia, various dosages are officially recognized depending on gender and age:

For children:

For adults:

Tocopherol obtained from food is absorbed only by 20% - 50%. And even then, if the products did not lie on the store shelves for a long time. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables.

Additional tocopherol is needed for:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • selenium deficiency;
  • excessive stress;
  • taking contraceptive and hormonal medications;
  • recovery of the body after surgery;
  • the presence in the diet of a large amount of food rich in;
  • epilepsy;
  • scleroderma and malnutrition (in pediatrics);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • diseases of the tendon-ligament apparatus.

People who are regularly exposed to hazardous toxic substances also need additional vitamin E.

Instructions for use

If your body doesn't get enough vitamin E from food, supplements that you can buy at the pharmacy can help. They produce liquid tocopherol (in ampoules or bottles), capsules or tablets. The price of the drug depends on the form of its release, dosage and other factors.

But as I wrote above, in most cases it’s all alpha tocopherol. Therefore, when purchasing supplements, make sure that the ingredients list alpha and gamma tocopherols. Or they also write “ All forms of tocopherols are present ».

I admit that so far I have not been able to find such vitamin complexes in our pharmacies. I could only find it on iherb. And even there it was not easy to choose a good option. I bought these vitamins:

The jar indicates how to take it and the composition is detailed. It contains a full complex of tocopherols. Plus .

Side effects

Knowing what vitamin E is useful for, you can significantly alleviate your condition and speed up the treatment process. But it is important to follow the norm. In most cases, side effects are not experienced when taking the recommended dose. However, when 10-20 daily doses are taken for a long time, an overdose occurs. Those at risk are those with diabetes, those who suffer from heart disease, and those who are deficient in potassium.

Interaction with other drugs

Supplemental tocopherol may slow down blood clotting. Therefore, if you use medications that also slow down clotting, you may increase your chances of bleeding. These medications include aspirin, clopidogrel, ibuprofen and warfarin.

Vitamin E is closely related to selenium. Their intake into the body should be directly proportional. Otherwise, there will be a deficiency of the first or second element. In addition, selenium is beneficial for tocopherol - it “heals” its damaged molecules.

A deficiency of this vitamin often leads to poor absorption of zinc and magnesium. In addition, medications used to lower cholesterol may interact with vitamin E.

Additional consumption of tocopherol reduces the body's need for insulin. However, it is important for those suffering from diabetes to monitor their glucose levels and take E only under the supervision of a doctor.

Write, did you like today's article? Share the link to it with your friends on social networks. And don’t forget, there is still a series of articles ahead that will introduce other valuable elements. And that’s all for today – for now.

Name, abbreviations, other names: vitamin E (e), tocopherol, reproduction vitamin.

Chemical formula: C31H52O3

Group: fat soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum E ( genus. Vitamini E), Alfa-Tocopherol Acetate


2 groups: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each group contains 4 types of vitamin E.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For cells: maintains cell membranes (membranes) in normal condition and prevents them from deforming.
  • For the circulatory system: prevents the formation of blood clots (normalizes clotting), helps clear veins and arteries of clots, can promote the formation of new vessels, improves circulation.
  • For the body: it fights free radicals well, thereby protecting the body from aging, from the appearance of spots and wrinkles, and from the formation of oncology.
  • For the heart: ensures proper functioning of the heart muscle.
  • For men: ensures proper maturation of sperm, improves potency.
  • For women: maximizes the ability to bear a pregnancy, normalizes the cycle and relieves symptoms of menopause.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with the following diseases: cardiosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, acute myocardial infarction. Use with caution in case of thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, hypertension.

Indications for use:

Hypovitaminosis E, vitamin deficiency, infertility, menopause, threat of miscarriage, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, kidney inflammation, ulcer, skin diseases, leg cramps, joint diseases, burns to the skin, age spots, psoriasis, rheumatism, Alzheimer's disease.

For children: prematurity, diseases in which fat absorption is impaired, dystrophy.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

Hemolytic anemia, neurological disorders, intermittent claudication (pain and cramps in the calves when walking), severe cramps in the legs, dystrophy of the heart muscle, diaphragm and skeletal muscles, liver necrosis.

In children: dystrophy.

In men: impotence, prostatitis, poor semen.

In women: problems with pregnancy, “difficult” pregnancy, fetal malformations.

Symptoms of deficiency:

Severe fatigue, muscle weakness, apathy, lethargy, inattention, migraines, skin problems, nervousness.


Hypersensitivity to the drug, allergy to the drug, cardiosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, acute myocardial infarction. Use with caution in case of thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, hypertension, diabetes (you must monitor the indications).

Side effects:

Allergies, diarrhea (rare), pain in the epigastrium.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 10 IU of vitamin E per day
  • For women - ~ 8 IU / day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 3 IU / day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 6 IU / day.
  • For teenagers (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 7 - 10 IU / day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 11 IU / day.
  • For nursing - ~ 11 IU / day.

1IU = 0.67 mg alpha-tocopherol = 1 mg alpha-tocopherol acetate

Level of vitamin in blood:

2.5 – 3.7 µg/ml. – newborns

3.0 – 9.0 µg/ml. – from one year to 12 years

6.0 – 10.0 µg/ml. – from 13 to 19 years old

5.0 – 18.0 µg/ml. – adults


Possible, but very rare.

Overdose symptoms:

Diarrhea, increased gas formation, increased blood pressure, nausea, headaches, osteoporosis (rare).

Main sources:

Vegetable oils, nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts), legumes, lettuce, sorrel, wheat germ oil, bran, yolk.

How long can you take:

If taken in large doses, then no more than a month.

Release form:

Capsules with solution, dragees, oil solution, tablets, ampoules.

Best before date:

About vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E is highly soluble in fat and the presence of fat is required for the absorption of tocopherol. It does not dissolve at all in water, but tolerates high temperatures and exposure to acids and alkalis. It does not tolerate light and exposure to oxygen or ultraviolet radiation very well.

Vitamin E has one pattern: the more the body needs vitamin E, the less vegetable fats you need to consume (they contribute to an even greater need for it).

Vitamins A, C and E are the most powerful antioxidants, but tocopherol (E) is the most powerful among them. In addition to free radicals, they effectively fight both deformed cells and oxidizing agents.

Tocopherol is not compatible with iron - vitamin E almost completely destroys iron, so you cannot combine tocopherol and iron supplements.

Vitamin A is well compatible with vitamin E (E helps the body better absorb retinol), so among the vitamin preparations you can find a combination product called Aevit. It is available in capsules and solutions for intramuscular administration.

Tocopherol enhances the effect of certain drugs: steroid hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroids.

Vitamin E is not compatible with blood thinners, alcohol, potassium (potassium is not absorbed), or during chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

Alpha tocopherol acetate

Artificially synthesized vitamin E. Most often in medications and vitamin complexes that is what is used. Considered a food additive – E307.

Natural alpha-tocopherol is designated on labels as d.

Synthetic alpha-tocopherol acetate – dl.

Vitamin E for women

It is one of the main therapeutic agents in the treatment of conditions such as infertility, difficulties with pregnancy, problems with menopause or menstrual cycle. In addition, tocopherol helps to avoid stretch marks on the skin, reduce the negative aspects of toxicosis, normalize the production of female hormones (progesterone), maintain optimal functioning and functions of the uterus and ovaries, treat fibrous formations, and mastopathy.

But! You need to be very careful in taking this vitamin, since its excess can lead to serious consequences: an increased likelihood of developing heart disease in the fetus and even stillbirth. Therefore, pregnant women and women planning pregnancy are NOT recommended to take additional vitamin E (only that which comes from food).

How to take (for medicinal purposes)

The drugs are taken either orally or by injection (very rarely), as well as externally.

The tablets are usually taken with meals, once or twice a day. Oil solutions can be used both internally (soak bread in it) and as injections.

The injections are usually given once a day.