Invitation to a science show. Science and entertainment shows. Project expenses monthly

Chemical experiments are boring for those who studied the material without interest! Our science show for children will prove to you that knowledge is much more interesting than movies and computer games. We will not only show you something that children have not seen before at school, with us you can experience miracles and create with your own hands!

The chemistry show for children with “Fun Country” is completely safe. At the same time, curious kids and teenagers will certainly be interested in scientific experiments, namely transformations, combustion, smoke screens and explosions. Our scenarios are designed with safety in mind, so you don't have to worry about injuries! Also, you need to take care of a professional photographer and cameraman in advance to capture important points celebrations!

We work in Moscow and the region, the price of a fantastic science show is only 7,000 rubles!

Experiences for children include:

Dry ice:

  • Ice Breath
  • Reaction to boiling water
  • Inflating a CO 2 balloon
  • Dry soda
  • Explosion (champagne effect)
  • Lots of steaming foam
  • Fog

A liquid nitrogen:

  • Breaking a Rose
  • Steaming popcorn
  • Dog Squeeze
  • Cryo-ice cream
  • Hammering nails with a banana and breaking it
  • Nitrogen explosion
  • Nitrogen shower
  • Watering all guests with nitrogen
  • The Dragon

Other experiments:

  • Smoke without fire
  • Newtonian fluid
  • Pharaoh snake
  • Hydrogen explosion
  • Shish kebab from a ball
  • Burning hand
  • Polymer worms

A chemical show for a birthday, any children's party or even for adults is an incredible performance with professional actors and unforgettable emotions! We guarantee 100% safety at the show, vivid emotions and full involvement of all participants in the celebration in our performance.

Miracles with liquid nitrogen

Surprise your child with something extraordinary! It seems that today this is simply impossible! Moreover, looking back at the constant technological progress, but being a participant in something enchanting, experiencing the world of science with your own hands is much more interesting than watching videos. We know how to impress with experiments regardless of age and hobbies!

Scientific experiments with liquid nitrogen are unforgettable, combining knowledge with entertainment is what our team specializes in! Where else will you see something frozen to -196 degrees Celsius? Do you believe that simple rubber, when exposed to nitrogen, will become harder than iron and sound louder than percussion instruments?

A chemistry show for a children's party will prove that unreal things can exist. You can touch liquid nitrogen with your hands, see how the gas turns into liquid, freeze a rose and break it into several small roses. Forming crystals in a second, wind speeds of 250 km per hour, creating snow, nitrogen explosions and nitrogen drinks are a lot of fun, and this is something that does not happen in the school curriculum.

By ordering a holiday with us in Moscow or in the region, you will receive a non-standard, unique program with an erudite professor who loves to have fun. All our viewers become participants in the show, revealing the secrets of the chilling substance in the most unusual way.

Amazing chemistry

Chemistry shows for children for a birthday, graduation or other interesting event are an unusual and fun celebration, you definitely won’t be bored! A professional presenter will involve every child in the game, tell and show fantastic secrets about the structure of our world. Our scenarios contain all the most impressive experiences that will not leave indifferent either children from five years old or fourteen-year-old schoolchildren.

During the festive event you will learn:

  • What is dry ice, with a temperature of -78.8 degrees Celsius, and how does it control flowers - there is even such on Mars;
  • You can try a cocktail made from dry ice;
  • Try the power of crazy pressure that makes even traffic jams shoot out;
  • Is there such a thing as disappearing ink?
  • What is it like to be in a smoke screen and take a chemical shower with dry ice foam;
  • How polymer worms and slimes are made.

Such an event will become a trump card not only for a child’s birthday, but will also perfectly complement an adult holiday, so that the children do not get bored, but have a great time.

Secrets of physics revealed

"Merry Country" will surprise anyone who is not yet familiar with modern science! The children's science show captures the attention of even the most restless and disobedient - there is everything here for both those who like to create and those who want grandiose destruction. We will teach you how to string balls without piercing them, create hurricanes in bottles, waterfalls from beads, and show you incredible changes in the properties of the most ordinary objects.

We say no to boring formulas, rules and numbers! Just an interesting, exciting practice for which you don’t have to buy anything yourself. Crazy but safe experiments with fire and substances, maximum interaction and involvement in the process. This is amazing and will be remembered for a long time!

What have you heard about Newtonian fluid? This is a substance that defies laws! Order our scientific show in Moscow or in the region - and you will be able not only to see, but also to touch a liquid that becomes harder if you press on it - a liquid on which you can even walk, and which can change shape.

On any holiday unforgettable experience Pharaoh's snake also leaves. It appears suddenly and out of nowhere, hisses, sometimes sparkles, wriggles and grows.

Cryoscience is a shock

Experiment with “Merry Country” - we will reveal even more secrets of dry ice! With us you will learn how dry soda is created, try yourself in the difficult task of “popping” cryobubbles and hear how an ice cube can squeal if pressed against metal.

Dry ice is the secret of real wizards; you can even use it to make a fire extinguisher and put out a fiery hurricane. Do you want magical fog? Cryoscience can handle this too!

Dry ice does not turn into water! It is completely safe, incredibly beautiful and bewitching. Even simply inflating balloons becomes unusual if you have dry ice, because you can also spill boiling water on it. What will happen? Let's find out together!

Incredible scientific miracles can happen at any children's party! The guys will meet with a real cloud of liquid nitrogen. Together with the professor, they will study how the properties of long-familiar things change under the influence of piercing cold. After all the spectators, a dangerous number awaits the presenter - he will put liquid nitrogen into his mouth. And at the end, the birthday person will receive an unusual glowing crystal as a gift.

  1. Demonstration of liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches –196C.
  2. Turning rubber into a very hard substance.
  3. The bravest girl will be able to dip her hair in liquid nitrogen.
  4. We pour liquid nitrogen onto the hand of the presenter, and then everyone.
  5. Air and liquid nitrogen.
  6. Why can't you drink liquid nitrogen?
  7. The professor puts liquid nitrogen into his mouth!!!
  8. Rose and liquid nitrogen. Dip the rose into liquid nitrogen, then smash it!

Dry ice show

Crackles and explosions - a show with dry ice will definitely cause a storm of emotions! Accompanied by the "leader" research fellow“The guys will see what frozen carbon dioxide can do. They will discover the secret of the flying cork and disappearing ink. A safe hydrogen explosion will invigorate even adults. The professor will grow a crystal especially for the birthday boy and then disappear in a smoke screen.

Program composition:

  1. Dry ice demonstration. Its temperature is –78.5C.
  2. Dry ice taste.
  3. Cork shot.
  4. Our indicator paints will color the water in the wrong colors.
  5. Hydrogen explosion. The experiment is safe!
  6. Let's conduct experiments with disappearing ink.
  7. Let's grow a luminous crystal and give it to the birthday boy.
  8. Smoke screen. We create fog, like on a stage near the stars.

Tesla show

This program will help children touch the mysterious experiments of Nikola Tesla and learn a lot of interesting things about electric current. Viewers will become real masters of electricity: they will learn to light a light bulb with their hands, control lightning, see the ring of Saturn and experiment with a neon spiral. All elements of the program are absolutely safe and incredibly exciting.

Program composition:

  1. Let's show the appearance of flashing lightning.
  2. Let's light the light bulb right in our hands.
  3. Let's learn how to control lightning with our hands.
  4. Experiments with neon spiral.
  5. Let's light up the ring of Saturn using an ordinary fluorescent lamp.
  6. Let us place the current in a complete vacuum.
  7. Create a whole chain of lightning using a hammer!

Color chemistry

Why do children love chemistry? Because she gives bright emotions! This program will help children see how chemical reagents color liquids in the most different colors how the properties of various objects change. Before their eyes, the professor will melt the foam, try to burn the money, and create a smoke screen. All elements of the show are absolutely safe.

Program composition:

  1. Colored glasses!
  2. The same? Or different? From what angle to look...
  3. Melting foam!
  4. Soap bubbles that will light up
  5. A ball that won't burst!
  6. We set fire to real money, because we are sure that it will not burn!
  7. How does the professor's head boil when he comes up with another experiment?
  8. Oxygen in liquid form

Show for children

The most striking chemical experiments are collected in this program. Young viewers will be able to taste ice, learn why the cork pops out of a bottle, and see how special “chemical” paints work. The secrets of all real explosions will be revealed to them, a crystal will grow before their eyes and the theory of human invisibility will be tested. It will all end in a spectacular smokescreen.

Program composition:

  1. Terribly cold substance in the freezer drawer
  2. Let's taste the icy substance!
  3. Cork Shot
  4. At first glance, these are ordinary paints. But if you take a closer look...
  5. All the secrets of real explosions in our chemical show
  6. A solid stalactite of amazing shape!
  7. Is it possible to make a person invisible?
  8. Smoke screen, after which there will be no fire alarm

Electro-vacuum show

What is a vacuum? Maybe there are aliens in it? The children will see experiments with this environment: for example, they will find out how tea will behave if it is placed inside. Then the professor will introduce them to a mini Tesla coil, show them that a person can be a conductor of current, and light a light bulb with his own hands. Viewers will also be able to try their hand at fighting the wind and try on rainbow glasses.

Program composition:

  1. Do you want to know what a vacuum is?
  2. Alien!
  3. Vacuum tea
  4. Plasma tea
  5. Mini Tesla Coil
  6. Let's learn to control the current and light lamps in our hands!
  7. Rainbow glasses
  8. Wind 250 km/h

Show in the dark

Science or magic? The professor will show viewers that a person can control various chemical and physical phenomena. Everyone will be able to try to light a light bulb with their own hands, create lightning, and become real conductors of current without danger to health. Participants will have incredible experiments with glowing slime and a self-igniting napkin. And it will all end with a mini-hurricane.

Program composition:

  1. It turns out that you can light a match without even touching it.
  2. We light a light bulb in our hands without connecting to the network
  3. Lightning is in our hands
  4. Man and current!
  5. Chemical light explosion
  6. Glowing slime!
  7. Self-igniting wipe
  8. Let's create a real hurricane with our own hands

Dry water

Can water be dry? Really, she won’t even wet her hands if you put them in a container with this substance? The children will be able to check this themselves, and also see what happens if they place a burning light bulb or a document with an important seal in dry water. For the bravest ones, the professor will invite you to put your hands in the water with an electrical appliance turned on (let's tell you a secret, nothing bad will happen).

Program composition:

  1. Introduction to dry water
  2. Test dry water by putting your hands in it
  3. Switched on light bulb in dry water
  4. Indelible seal
  5. Hands in water with electrical appliance turned on

Parents do not believe that a birthday party or holiday can bring new knowledge. But in vain! The 33 Pleasures agency and our animators will show that science and chemical experiments are not boring formulas at all, but incredible magic that you can do yourself or with adults.

First, the animator-professor will demonstrate interesting trick, and then explain how it happened. This is how a children's science show becomes educational and educational. Often, after such themed parties about science, children begin to study better at school or even decide on a profession for the future. In any case, this is a great option to diversify cartoons and super heroes with real special effects. Optimal age participants for such a show program are from 5 to 12 years old.

Video from our holidays

How does a science show work?

  1. Our animators go to the location in advance to prepare reagents and all the props.
  2. All safety points are checked.
  3. About 30 minutes are needed for preliminary activities.
  4. Actually a children's program with a demonstration of chemical reactions, for example, with liquid nitrogen.
  5. Mandatory cleaning by our animators of all materials, reagents, and props.

To host a science show, you can choose a restaurant, cafe, shopping mall, street or house. The occasion could be a birthday, graduation, anniversary, school holiday. We will captivate and interest any number of children. The number of animators needed to organize the kids and ensure safety at the chemists’ party will depend on this.

If you are opening a restaurant, cafe, store, or planning a children's event for City Day or an enterprise anniversary, a chemical science show will be wonderful entertainment. Even adults open their mouths in amazement at what can be created with simple materials at hand!

Various science show scenarios for kids, teenagers and adults, cheerful animators and complete immersion in real magic. Professional organization of holidays.

Scientific and chemical show in Moscow: exclusive to order

We are ready to immediately dispel the myth that science can be boring - with our artists and presenters, any holiday will captivate you until the last second! We organize and conduct turnkey science shows for children and adults, from short performances to fiery all-night parties. Author's scripts, talented animators, unprecedented stunts will present a spectacle from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Chemical show to order is:

  • hydrogen explosions;
  • flash freezing and experiments with liquid nitrogen;
  • unimaginable metamorphoses with objects;
  • fire in hands;
  • Newtonian fluid and pharaoh's snakes;
  • experiments with dry ice;
  • unique sweets, drinks and much more.

If you want to enjoy a science show or take an active part, let children become wizards and learn something mega interesting - we will be happy to help. Even picky people can't resist the temptation to touch everything with their own hands.

Individual program with travel around Moscow and the Moscow region

The scientific and chemical show is suitable for events of any format. Order a performance at home, at kindergarten or to school, for a birthday in a cafe, to a restaurant, to the office for a corporate event, wedding, New Year's party, promotion or store opening, festival. The entertainment program is adjusted taking into account the wishes of the client and the theme of the event.

We have the necessary props, consumables, music and lighting equipment, special effects. And also talented animators and presenters, beautiful costumes and a sea of ​​fresh ideas so that guests get maximum pleasure and positivity. The performance may involve one artist and a group of animators. Details, including cost, are agreed upon in advance. The experiments are safe even for children. And to make it more fun for children, the visual part can be easily combined not only with experiments, but also with a game, a quest, or a master class.

The key requirement for a children's or student's party, wedding, corporate party, or anniversary is a venue with sufficient space for what is happening. If you haven’t chosen one yet, we will be happy to suggest interesting options and a scenario that is ideal for you. You can view photos and videos of the scientific show, meet in person, and find reviews about us at any time.

Call and reserve your event in advance while dates are available.