How to treat ears after piercing with a chlorhexidine gun. How to treat the ear after piercing: types of antiseptics, their composition, rules and features of treating a pierced ear. How and with what to treat ears

I myself was pierced with a regular sewing needle, and everything was fine, I was treated with hydrogen peroxide. It is better to wipe with alcohol. You can use miramistin or chlorohexidine in solution instead of alcohol and peroxide or brilliant green. You can drip alcohol (the best option) or salicylic acid (this is also alcohol) onto the puncture site. Therefore, if you decide to try it, it should not be vodka, but an antiseptic solution from the pharmacy.

In what cases should a child’s ears not be pierced?

The fact is that 70% of it is needed, more of it tans the skin, less of it is not as effective. Alcohol, by the way, is not such a good option. This will allow you to process them. It is important to note that the formation of a small amount of pus on earrings is a completely natural phenomenon. If these symptoms do not go away within a week, immediately go to the doctor. You should also do this if your ear hurts or shoots badly.

Do not insert any metal into a fresh wound.

5 times a day).

4. After 4 days have passed from the moment of puncture, it is worth scrolling the earrings to the sides to ensure the expansion of the channel and avoid stagnation in it.

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Again, my daughter wanted it herself and bullied me for a month. The aunt who pierced our ears until we were seven children doesn’t even take them. And all these babies with pierced ears and boys! These two drugs do not sting at all; the baby will feel pain or discomfort. It's better to spend a little money and get it pierced at a salon. As a result of this procedure, the ears may begin to fester. If you are planning to get your ears pierced, don't do it yourself. I just got my daughter pierced before school, she’s 7, and I gave it to myself at the same time, since the holes in my ears were overgrown and my daughter looked at me and survived the procedure with dignity.

As we have already said, it is better not to remove the earring, so as not to injure your ear again. You can also apply solcoseryl, then it will heal much faster. Then turn it a little (so that the earring does not grow in). It is not necessary to poke the earring during processing. After two months, you will be able to wear other earrings not even made of precious metals, but you should still not forget about care, and try to wear earrings made of high-quality metal more often.

The healing period of the ears after a piercing depends largely on how correctly the operation was performed. Although today there are fairly safe methods for ear piercing, including using a special gun with loaded earrings, there is always the possibility of infection in the wound. This usually happens if unsterile needles are used in the process or if someone's ears are pierced at home. In this case it may start inflammatory process or keloid scars may form.

The individual characteristics of the body are also of great importance. Pierced ears may not heal for quite a long time if the earrings inserted into them are made of metal that causes an allergic reaction. It is initially recommended to wear items made of special medical steel or gold. However, if you are allergic to nickel, some gold earrings should also not be worn until the wound has completely healed, since their alloy contains a small amount of this metal.

There is especially a lot of nickel in 583 and 750 gold.

The healing time of the ears after a piercing is also affected by proper and timely care for them. Every day after this procedure, it is necessary to treat the damaged part of the ear with an antiseptic, such as Chlorhexidine or ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Every two days, while wiping, you need to carefully turn the earring so that it does not adhere to the skin and the wound is healed faster. However, it is not recommended to remove the first earrings until they are leaking.

On average, ears heal after piercing from 4 to 6 weeks, but this process can also take 2-3 months. If pus comes out of the wound during this period, you should consult a doctor. The same should be done if the ears do not heal for a longer time.

Ears should not be pierced for those who suffer from cystic acne, blood diseases, or eczema. It is also not recommended to do this if you have diabetes.

How to properly pierce your ears

To avoid unpleasant consequences after ear piercing, such an operation should only be trusted by an experienced specialist. Today this can be done in any tattoo parlor and even in many hairdressers, but not all artists can choose the right place for the future hole. As a result, the weight of the jewelry pulls the earlobes down over time.

It is best to pierce the earlobe, since there is no cartilage in this place and healing occurs much faster. In addition, there are the fewest important active points associated with many organs. It is especially important not to experiment with piercings in other places of the ear in children, much less give them piercings on the tongue or lip.

Piercing your ears with a gun is the easiest and safest method. In this case, the earring is automatically inserted into the ear, which prevents pathogens from entering the wound. But after such a procedure, proper care of the punctures is necessary.

Treatment of ears after piercing

Ear care after piercing

In the first days after the procedure, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Earrings that were used during the piercing should not be removed for at least two weeks. If you are satisfied with their design, then it is quite possible to leave them for a longer period.

3. How to treat ears after piercing with a gun? Every morning you need to wipe the puncture site with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic. Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide are excellent for these purposes. But it is better to avoid using alcohol-containing products, as they can cause a burn.

4. If you notice that the wound has begun to turn red, wash it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure should be repeated until complete healing.

5. If you are getting your ears pierced in winter, be careful to keep the headgear you wear clean. A dirty cap or hat can cause the wound to become infected.

6. Try to put your hair in a bun. Loose hair can lead to infection in the wound.

These simple measures will help your punctures heal faster.

Ear piercing with a gun: daily care

After a month after the piercing, the earrings can be removed for a while. This way you can carefully treat the wound. If you notice a little pus, don't be alarmed, this is a completely natural process.

Graceful ears with beautiful earrings are a symbol of femininity and sophistication. Nowadays you won't surprise anyone with pierced ears. The ears of very young fashionistas began to have their ears pierced especially early.

After an ear piercing, many people do not follow the basic rules for treating the wound, which ultimately leads to inflammation. To avoid this, let's look at how to properly care for pierced ears. .

In the first month after piercing, you need to be especially careful and avoid contamination. The puncture wound is most vulnerable to germs and bacteria within a month.

Therefore, before handling, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Then prepare an antiseptic. This can be medical alcohol, 3% hydrogen peroxide, or a special solution that is used in the salon. What is the best way to treat your ears after a piercing? , decide for yourself.

Young children find it difficult to treat wounds on a daily basis. Especially scrolling earrings. These procedures can meet with a lot of indignation. For such cases, medical glue is ideal. It will protect the wound from inflammation, and daily procedures with treatments and scrolling of the earring will no longer be necessary.

What to do after ear piercing?

The main thing after a puncture is to treat the wound 2 times a day with any antiseptic. You need to treat the puncture immediately after you automatically touch your ears with dirty hands. Or they returned from a walk, where road dust and germs could settle on the wound.

Be sure to wipe the wound with alcohol after taking a bath or shower, because running water is also fraught with a lot of dangers. When treating your ear, twist the earring a couple of times. It is enough to do this once a day. This simple procedure promotes speedy healing.

How long does it take for ears to heal after a piercing?

In addition to the most important question about caring for your ears after a piercing , Many people are interested in how long to wait for a wound to heal.

On average, you will have to wait about a month. Although it depends individual characteristics body. Some people can boast of healing within a week, while others wait for this event for more than a month.

During the first two weeks, the wound must be treated 2 times a day, then, if there is no inflammation, once a day is enough.

How to care for gun pierced ears. What earrings do you need?

Question: how to properly treat ears after a piercing will not be sufficiently explained if you do not clarify which earrings should be worn during the period of active healing of the piercing.

First of all, you need to clarify that jewelry will not be suitable during this period. You only need earrings made of gold, silver and medical alloy. Otherwise, the wound will fester. These earrings must be worn for at least 2 months. After this period, you can wear any earrings.

We should also pay attention to the shape of the earrings. It is advisable if these are simple carnations. They are lightweight, do not put any strain on the ears and promote their speedy healing. Leave long designer earrings and rings for the future.

If a girl of preschool or primary school age had her ears pierced, then preference should also be given to stud earrings. Children at this age can accidentally injure their ears during active games or when their hair gets tangled. Therefore, this issue must be thought through before buying earrings for your daughter.

Sometimes, despite all the measures taken, the wound still becomes inflamed and rots.

It is necessary to take immediate measures to quickly relieve pain and swelling. But if the inflammation does not go away within three days, consult a doctor immediately!

Treatment of suppuration consists of treating the wound with an antiseptic 6-10 times. Sometimes treatment with boric alcohol becomes justified. Then anti-inflammatory ointments are applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin: Levomekol, Aekol, Acerbin, Baktosin and others. This treatment regimen is continued until complete recovery.

How to care for your ears after a gun piercing?

Care and treatment for the ears, both after a piercing with a gun and with a regular piercing, are no different. Treatment should be daily and consistent to prevent the wound from festering.

Caring for your ear piercing after a piercing

Piercing of the ears, nose, and navel also requires close attention and special care. Treatment and treatment is similar to a standard ear piercing.

How to care for your ears after a piercing? Special instructions:

  • Earrings should not be removed during the first month after the piercing.
  • After this time, you need to carefully remove the earring and treat it with an antiseptic. Also anoint your ear with alcohol and let it rest from the earring for three hours.
  • But don’t forget to put the earring back on later, otherwise your ear will become overgrown and all your efforts will be in vain.
  • Only after two months can you wear any earrings. But don't wear them too long, as they can catch on clothing and damage the newly healed wound.
  • Do not visit saunas, swimming pools and steam baths during the first month after the piercing.

Video about ear piercing and care

Your little princess wanted to wear earrings - and you made her wish come true. To mix discomfort at a minimum, you consulted with a pediatrician and dermatologist, found a salon with a good reputation, and discussed the details with the specialist. The girl bravely (or not) endured the procedure of having her ears pierced – and they are adorned with stud earrings chosen by the young beauty. What to do next?

Pierced earlobes need to be properly cared for so that they heal quickly and painlessly.

How long does it take for ears to heal after piercing?

Ear piercing – surgical intervention, which does not pass without a trace. The wound heals in at least two weeks, on average – a month and a half. How long it will take in each specific case depends on the characteristics of the child’s body (the state of immunity, metabolism, the presence of infections, chronic diseases). Regular mechanical impact interferes with the skin regeneration process. Make sure that the baby does not touch or fiddle with the ear, put the hair up or pull it at the back of the head, do not wear clothes with a narrow neck or high collar, or hats that cling to the ears.

Earring material for better healing

After the ears are pierced with a gun, special stud earrings are inserted. They are made of titanium or Teflon:

  • titanium is a physiologically inert metal, it does not react with body fluids, does not oxidize, so there is no allergy to it;
  • Teflon is superior in chemical resistance to all synthetic materials and noble metals - even nitric and hydrochloric acid does not destroy it.

To avoid allergic reactions during wound healing, choose these materials. When the ear is completely healed, try changing the jewelry by treating it with a disinfectant.

Carefully monitor the condition of the lobe - an unfavorable reaction can also occur to the noble metal.

Rules of care after piercing

The puncture site is an open wound surface that must be properly treated for quick and painless healing. When the ears are pierced with a gun rather than a needle, the child suffers minor injury and requires care. At first, due to the pain, the baby may be capricious and try to pull out the earring. Patiently stop such attempts by diverting your attention to other objects.

How and with what to treat puncture sites?

Depending on the characteristics of the child’s body, choose the method of treating the pierced lobe:

  • Chlorhexidine - gel is applied to the puncture site in a thin layer, a cotton swab or disk is moistened with the solution, and the wound is wiped;
  • Miramistin - comes in a bottle with a lid and a special nozzle, can be used as a spray - spray the wound on both sides;
  • alcohol with water (1:1) - wipe the earlobe with a moistened swab (not for use in children under 5 years old).

Treatment with these agents is carried out 3-4 times a day, turning the earring to get the antiseptics deep into the wound. Before going to bed, you can smear the puncture site and the jewelry rod with Bepanten or Levomekol.

BF-6 glue will help protect the puncture site from contamination and infection. If the baby is over a year old, apply a thin layer of it to the wound, grabbing a little skin around it, wait until it dries and a film forms (from 2 to 5 minutes). The film lasts 2-3 days, then disappears.

If the ears heal without complications, gradually reduce the number of daily treatments. When unpleasant pain, itching, burning, pus and swelling, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if swelling or suppuration appears?

Slight swelling, redness and discomfort on the first day after the procedure are not a cause for concern. If the ears do not heal for a long time, the earlobe swells, hurts and festers - inflammation caused by infection has begun. Consult your doctor. Most likely, the child will be prescribed a bactericidal tatracycline or syntomycin ointment, Levomekol. Do not stop daily procedures; before applying the drug, the wound must be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide to clean it.

If there is no purulent discharge, swelling and redness may be a reaction to the jewelry - the material from which the earrings are made, or to the very presence of a foreign object. Perhaps you have overdone the treatments, or your child is constantly injuring the healing wound by scratching or rubbing the ear. Observe the baby, reduce the intensity of care. If there is no improvement, consult a doctor.

Sometimes swelling after ear piercing does not go away due to the material of the earring itself, and you just need to change the jewelry

Like any skin injury, a puncture in the ear heals best if there is access to air to the wound, hygiene is maintained, and contact with pathogens is avoided. Following simple rules will help the puncture heal quickly:

  • Before going to the salon, wash your child, wash his hair - for 5 days after the procedure, baths, swimming pools, and open water are contraindicated;
  • If possible, exclude or limit communication with other children, beware of infections;
  • when walking, make sure that the girl does not touch her ears with dirty hands, have antibacterial wet wipes or special disinfectant gels with you;
  • Do not allow strangers to touch your ears and earrings - let them admire your beauty from a distance.

Treat your child's ear piercing responsibly. Stock up on care products in advance and be patient. And then your girl will be beautiful and healthy.