The most effective summer diet for weight loss. Summer diets: a delicious path to slimness. Fruit and vegetable diet in summer for weight loss - menu

Do you want to lose weight before summer or before vacation? The summer diet will tell you how to become a smaller size in just 1 week! Without disruptions and with delicious products! Get menu options and find out how to keep the pounds off after your vacation!

Losing weight for a vacation, a trip to the seaside, or simply on the eve of summer is the most common “trend” of the spring-summer period. After all, if in the cold season, figure flaws can be hidden under clothes, then in the hot season, and especially on a beach holiday, you have to undress and open all the reserves that have been deposited over the winter. That is why summer weight loss techniques are considered the most popular, mostly among those who forget to take care of themselves all year round.

The benefits of summer weight loss

Summer - best time for weight loss and not only because summer diets are considered easy, healthy and effective. It is on the eve of summer, and even more so before the sea, that a powerful incentive appears to tidy up your figure. And strong motivation is half the success of any weight loss technique. Moreover, nature itself contributes to the transition to dietary food– a large number of fresh and accessible fruits, vegetables, and berries appear, the proper consumption of which ensures stable and beneficial weight loss.

Almost every summer diet- low in calories, but easy to follow and rarely ends in failure, since such a diet usually contains a large amount of fruit. Being an excellent alternative to sweets, they prevent the appearance of loss of energy, low mood, pessimism and depression, which are characteristic of other weight loss systems.

The only disadvantage of summer weight loss activities is their high allergenicity, since many fruits can cause similar negative reactions in the body. However, from the variety of these methods, you can always choose one that suits all parameters.


All summer diets can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • quick before vacation;
  • rehabilitation after vacation;
  • summer in diet composition.

The first include weight loss techniques that help quickly reduce the volume of your figure before going to the sea, the second - to regain your previous shape after a vacation, and the third are based on the consumption of seasonal vegetables and locally grown fruits.

Before vacation

It is advisable to think about the need to lose weight not before the vacation itself, but much earlier. Then the weight loss will be stable, and its results will last for a long time. In this case, Dr. Moreno’s method may be the most effective for losing weight on the eve of summer.

Moreno Diet

The diet of the American doctor Michael Moreno is not strictly summer. But it is very useful to use to get rid of excess weight accumulated during the winter period, as well as from the food habits developed during this time in order to switch to proper nutrition. Working as a family doctor, Moreno was faced with the fact that every year after the Christmas holidays, all his patients gained significant weight, as a result of which their chronic diseases worsened. Then the doctor developed special program weight loss, which can be very successfully used in anticipation of the summer season. But it takes quite a long time, so you need to start losing weight in advance.

The Moreno diet has a number of advantages over many weight loss methods:

  • provides fast and noticeable weight loss;
  • helps improve health (in the absence of contraindications);
  • creates the right motivation;
  • develops healthy eating habits;
  • discourages addiction to junk food;
  • improves appearance generally.

There are few downsides to such a program. These include:

  • very low caloric intake, especially at the first stage;
  • Possibility of consuming fruits and carbohydrates only until 14:00.

Contraindications are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and diabetes.

Basic Rules

When creating his nutrition system, Moreno took into account the fact that it is very difficult for a person to immediately get rid of habits and dramatically change their lifestyle. This requires time, which the doctor divided into 4 stages, each lasting 17 days (that’s why the diet is often called “17x4”).

It is precisely this period, according to the doctor, that the body needs to get used to new conditions, after which the metabolism slows down and the weight loss process stops. Therefore, after 17 days you need to change your diet again, using exclusively products that are healthy for your figure. The list of permitted ones includes:

  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • limited amount of fruit;
  • a little protein (including eggs);
  • lactic acid products;
  • a little olive (linseed) oil.

All other products are prohibited, especially:

  • sugar;
  • fast food;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods.

In addition, daily 17-minute brisk walks are mandatory.

Sample menu

The diet for each diet cycle is prepared differently.

Stage 1 (days 1–17)

The first cycle is designed to speed up metabolism and start the weight loss process. To do this, the energy value of the daily diet should not exceed 1200 kcal. Weight loss is usually 5–7 kg.

  • breakfast – scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, green tea, 1 grapefruit;
  • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack – natural yoghurt with berries;
  • dinner – chicken breast steamed with asparagus and carrots.

Stage 2 (18-34 days)

At this stage, there is a significant likelihood of weight loss, to prevent which a special dotted diet is used: days with high (no more than 1500 kcal) and very low calorie content alternate. This approach does not allow metabolism to slow down, and also promotes active fat burning.

Sample menu for a high-calorie day:

  • breakfast – unleavened bread, green tea, 1 peach;
  • lunch – vegetable salad with chicken, boiled brown rice;
  • afternoon snack – natural yoghurt with pieces of fruit;
  • dinner – fish baked with vegetables.

The low-calorie diet for the day is based on the menu principle of the previous stage.

Stage 3 (35-51 days)

This cycle is a period of stabilization and formation of correct eating habits. The weight loss is less significant, but it continues.

Sample menu for each day:

  • breakfast – crispy bread, 1 boiled egg, green tea, 1 grapefruit;
  • lunch – a dietary version of Caesar salad with chicken and rye croutons;
  • afternoon snack – crispy bread, green tea, 1 fruit of your choice;
  • dinner - boiled meat, vegetable salad, green tea.

Stage 4 (52-68 days)

On final stage the desired weight should already be achieved. But you still need to continue to follow the recommendations of previous cycles for healthy eating.

Sample menu for each day:

  • breakfast – 2 egg omelet with milk, green tea, 1 grapefruit;
  • lunch – baked fish with lettuce, tea;
  • afternoon snack – natural fruit and berry yogurt;
  • dinner - veal steak, Caesar salad, baked sweet potato.

In general, at stage 4, you need to eat dietary foods during the week, and on weekends you are allowed to increase the caloric content of your diet and add 2 glasses of red wine to dinner.

Moreno Diet - great way improve your internal and external condition. The American doctor offers a slow but reliable way to normalize body weight, which is ideal for the transition from winter holiday overeating to a healthy and light summer diet.

French "On the eve of summer"

Preparing for the summer season and trying on beach outfits, many women discover that they no longer fit as well as they would like and are too tight on their figure, which has gained weight over the winter. At the same time, there is no time for such a thorough diet, which Dr. Moreno suggests, since you need to switch to a summer wardrobe in the coming days. It was for this situation that the French nutritionist Catherine Gursak developed a weekly weight loss method, which is called “On the Eve of Summer.”

By following the French diet “On the threshold of summer”, after just 7 days you can lose 3-4 kg and reduce your volume by one size. But, the main thing is that while losing weight, the most problematic areas will be the waist, hips, and upper arms.

This technique does not require preparing complex dishes, so it is ideal for active business people. Despite the low calorie content of the daily diet (no more than 1200 kcal), it contains many tasty foods that will allow you to enjoy eating.

Basic Rules

The main principle of the French diet “On the eve of summer” is separate meals: You are allowed to consume either animal or plant foods at one time. The first will provide the body with proteins necessary for muscles and hematopoiesis, the second - fiber, vitamins and microelements. In addition, when different foods are consumed separately, nutrients are absorbed better and faster. This helps you feel fuller with fewer foods and significantly reduces the calorie content of your daily diet.

  • drink in unlimited quantities clean water or tea without sugar;
  • replace any product you don’t like with another similar one (vegetables with vegetables, corn flakes with flakes from other cereals, etc.);
  • give up sweet fruits;
  • pause for 3 hours between meals.

If you are prone to flatulence (bloating), you need to give up raw vegetables and fruits, replacing them with boiled, stewed or baked ones.

Sample menu

Dr. Gursak's French diet requires the following menu.

Breakfasts by day:

  1. 1 boiled egg or a piece of lean ham, natural yogurt with pieces of fruit, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  2. 1 orange, 2 slices of bran bread, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  3. A piece of lean ham, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  4. 25 g of muesli, poured with a glass of tomato juice, 1 banana, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  5. Natural yogurt, 1 boiled egg, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  6. 25 g of corn flakes covered with milk, natural yoghurt, tea (coffee) without sugar.
  7. 1 egg, 100 g hard cheese, tea (coffee) without sugar.

Lunches by day:

  1. Vegetable salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil, stewed beets with prunes, fresh fruit.
  2. 100 g of boiled shrimp, 100 g of boiled lean meat, natural yogurt.
  3. 100 g of boiled champignons with green onions, lemon juice and vegetable oil, stewed cabbage, 2 boiled potatoes, 2 kiwis.
  4. 1 boiled egg, 100 g fried fish with onions.
  5. 100 g boiled beets with vegetable oil, 100 g rice porridge with soy sauce, 200 ml tomato juice.
  6. 1 boiled egg, 150 g stewed liver, natural yogurt.
  7. Cabbage salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil, 100 g of fried champignons, 100 g of rice porridge, fresh orange juice.

Dinners by day:

  1. 100 g boiled chicken, 50 g hard cheese, 200 ml kefir.
  2. 150 g stewed cauliflower with soy sauce, a slice of bran bread, 1 jacket potato.
  3. 150 g stewed fish, 200 ml kefir.
  4. Vegetable salad with vegetable oil, 1 jacket potato, a slice of bran bread, tea without sugar.
  5. 100 g cottage cheese, 50 g hard cheese, natural yogurt.
  6. Cabbage salad with parsley and olive oil, a slice of bran bread, 2 kiwis, tea without sugar.
  7. 50 g crab sticks, 150 g stewed liver, 200 ml warm milk.

For snacks between main meals, you can drink a glass of any juice, herbal tea, broth from meat, fish or vegetables.

Mini-diet “Spring-Summer”

The weight loss technique called “Spring-Summer” is also carried out after winter - in the spring-summer period, but lasts only 4 days. This option is perfect for those cases when weight loss before a vacation is carried out in an emergency mode. The result of its observance is the loss of 4–7 kg of excess weight. A positive feature of this diet is a complete, balanced and healthy diet, which allows you to repeat the 4-day course as many times as necessary to achieve the desired weight, but with a break of 1-2 days.

Basic Rules

The spring-summer mini-diet is quite simple to follow, but requires several rules:

  • the optimal diet is 4 meals a day, which will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients that will be consumed and not stored in fat reserves;
  • it is necessary to increase the amount of tartronic acid consumed, which can block carbohydrates, preventing the appearance of fatty deposits (the main sources of such acid are apples, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants);
  • Breakfast and lunch should each make up 40% of the total calorie content of the entire diet, so that only 20% of the daily calorie intake remains for dinner;
  • You should consume at least 2 vegetables and one fruit per day to provide the required amount of vitamins and microelements.

When calculating the caloric content of a dietary diet, it is always necessary to take into account that energy expenditure significantly exceeds the amount of energy supplied with food. Then the breakdown of your own fat and smooth weight loss will begin.

The optimal daily calorie content of the proposed summer diet is 600 kcal. If you do not exceed it, then weight loss will be 800-1400 g per day.

Sample menu

The menu of this diet consists of low-calorie, but nutritious and healthy dishes prepared with minimal heat treatment. This nutritional system is more aimed at maintaining and strengthening health along with gentle weight loss.

The list of permitted foods and dishes includes:

  • vegetable soups;
  • grain breads;
  • lean poultry;
  • fish, seafood;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • nuts;
  • lactic acid products.

For drinks, you can drink weak green tea, a decoction of dried fruits, mineral and purified water.

A sample menu of these products looks like this:

  • breakfast (160 kcal) – apple salad with cinnamon and 1 tsp. honey, 200 ml milk;
  • lunch (160 kcal) – 250 ml yogurt, green tea;
  • lunch (190 kcal) – vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled veal;
  • dinner (85 kcal) – 150 g of beet salad with low-fat sour cream.
  • breakfast (75 kcal) – fresh cucumber salad with herbs, 4 buckwheat bread or 2 slices of rye bread;
  • lunch (225 kcal) – 200 ml orange juice, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch (200 kcal) – 200 g of baked fish fillet, 200 ml of kefir;
  • dinner (100 kcal) – fruit salad of pear, apple and half an orange, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey and 3 tbsp. l. low-fat yogurt.
  • breakfast (180 kcal) – a serving of rice porridge with milk, green tea;
  • lunch (115 kcal) – 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of raisins;
  • lunch (160 kcal) – a portion of chicken broth, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner (100 kcal) – 100 g of boiled chicken breast with herbs.
  • breakfast (195 kcal) – serving oatmeal, radish salad;
  • lunch (85 kcal) – apple, 200 ml water with 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • lunch (200 kcal) – 200 g of boiled shrimp, 200 g of seaweed;
  • dinner (90 kcal) – 0.5 liters of kefir.

The effectiveness of this menu is based on the presence of raw vegetables and fruits in it, the digestion of which requires considerable energy expenditure. In addition, many components of the diet - beets, radishes, seaweed, pears, apples - are themselves capable of burning fat. Also, the minimum calorie content of a balanced diet ensures stable and healthy weight loss.

The easiest

The special summer diet, developed by Russian nutritionists, is called easy for the reason that it is very easy to follow, although it is quite difficult to maintain. The positive point is that it is observed in the hot season, when the appetite itself decreases. In addition, motivation is added by the fact that in just 7 days you can lose 7 kg, while significantly improving your health and appearance.

Basic Rules

The power supply system is based on the following principles:

  • only fresh local vegetables, fruits, berries and low-fat lactic acid products are consumed as a source of protein;
  • You can drink clean water, freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions without salt or sugar;
  • For dressing salads, only yogurt or 0% fat kefir is used.

Any other food, as well as potatoes, grapes, bananas, is completely excluded from the diet.

Sample menu

There is no strict menu in this weight loss system; you can create it yourself, guided by the above rules and personal preferences. An approximate diet for a week could be like this:

Days 1 and 5 – vegetable, you can only eat vegetables (except potatoes) fresh or boiled and stewed:

  • breakfast - salad fresh vegetables with greens;
  • lunch – carrot salad with yogurt;
  • lunch – stewed cabbage;
  • afternoon snack - boiled beet salad with garlic and kefir;
  • dinner – grilled vegetables.

Days 2 and 6 – fruit, you are allowed to eat no more than 2 types of fruit (except bananas):

  • breakfast - apple and peach salad with yogurt dressing;
  • lunch – apple, 200 ml peach juice;
  • lunch – baked apples;
  • afternoon snack – 200 ml peach juice with pulp;
  • dinner – apple or peach, 200 ml of kefir.

Day 3 – berry day, you can eat any berries (except grapes):

  • breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with berries;
  • lunch – 200 ml berry juice;
  • lunch – 200 ml of yogurt, berry salad;
  • afternoon snack - several types of berries;
  • dinner – 200 ml of smoothie made from kefir and berries.

Day 4 – protein, the diet consists entirely of low-fat lactic acid products:

  • breakfast – 100 g of cottage cheese, herbal infusion;
  • lunch – 200 ml yogurt;
  • lunch – 200 g of cottage cheese with dry seasonings or garlic, seasoned with kefir;
  • afternoon snack – 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • dinner – 100 g of unsalted cheese, 200 ml of kefir.

Day 7 – juice day, you can drink only one type of juice (vegetable or fruit).

When following this diet, it is recommended to introduce more vegetables into the diet and avoid overly sweet fruits. This will have a slight effect on the feeling of hunger, but it will significantly reduce the daily caloric intake and allow you to achieve more noticeable results.

After vacation

In most cases, especially when there was an urgent weight loss before the vacation, after the vacation the weight returns or is simply gained due to gastronomic liberties. Therefore, the diet after the holiday becomes no less popular than the one that was used in its run-up. One of the best weight loss systems during this period is considered to be a quick rehabilitation diet for 10 days.

Basic Rules

This weight loss technique is a combination of several mono-diets. On each of the 10 days, it is necessary to consume a certain type of food, which will ensure high-quality cleansing, acceleration of metabolism and active burning of fat gained during the rest period.

During the diet, the following rules must be observed:

  • start every morning with a glass of warm water, in which 1 tsp is diluted. honey and lemon or lime juice;
  • drink at least 2 liters of healthy liquid daily (pure water, unsweetened herbal infusions, etc.).

Also need to increase physical activity through morning jogging, fitness classes or other sports.

Sample menu

The daily diet should be as follows:

  • breakfast – oatmeal steamed with boiling water (3 tbsp.);
  • then for all meals - only apples.

Day 2 – throughout the day, buckwheat porridge is consumed, prepared by steaming overnight (1 glass per 2 glasses of boiling water). It is better to avoid salt and replace it with dry spices.

Day 3 – during the day you need to eat 600-700 g of boiled skinless chicken breast. The use of salt is also undesirable; spices are acceptable.

Day 4 – the diet consists of 800 g of fresh or boiled vegetables. The requirements for seasonings and spices are the same.

Day 5 – you can only eat rice, soaked overnight (1 cup of cereal) and cooked in the morning without salt. Also, in the morning and evening, prepare an infusion of prunes (5-6 pieces per 0.5 cup of boiling water). Take the first portion at night, the second the next morning.

  • on an empty stomach - instead of water with lemon and honey, eat prunes and drink the infusion;
  • breakfast (after 20 minutes) – 150 g of yoghurt with bran;
  • during the day - 200 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of yogurt, 40 g of hard cheese in any order.

Day 7 – during the day, only 800 g of fresh or boiled vegetables are consumed without salt, but with spices.

Day 8 – throughout the day you need to eat buckwheat porridge, prepared by steaming at night (1 cup per 2 cups of boiling water).

Day 9 – the entire diet consists of 600-700 g of boiled skinless chicken breast. The use of salt is also undesirable; spices are acceptable.

Day 10 – only apples (1–1.5 kg).

Thanks to this diet, you can quickly get rid of excess weight gained during the holidays. To maintain the results obtained, it is recommended to carry out the diet every 3 months.

In addition to these diets, which are used mainly to quickly normalize body weight and improve the silhouette of the figure before or after a vacation, there are also a large number of summer weight loss methods. There is no way to describe them all, so it is worth paying attention to the best summer techniques, most of which have an optimal duration of 7 days.

The best summer diets for 7 days

Summer is a time when the realization that you urgently need to lose weight comes already when you need to switch to a lighter wardrobe. In such cases, you need quick, and, most importantly, comfortable diets that will help you lose a few kilograms without stress for the body and psyche.

An important feature of the methods given below is that they are based on foods rich in the “happiness hormone” serotonin and substances with antidepressant effects - tryptophan, zinc, selenium, folic acid, vitamins of group B. That is why even quite strict restrictions are tolerated more easily during this period and do not lead to breakdowns.

There are several basic conditions for the effectiveness of all “happy” summer weight loss systems:

  • drink a glass of water every morning;
  • give up snacks because you have “nothing to do” or are in a bad mood;
  • prevent the development of a strong feeling of hunger by providing fractional meals as needed;
  • stop eating 4 hours before bedtime.

At night, you can only drink unsweetened herbal tea, preferably with a laxative effect. Hibiscus or a mixture with senna leaf and garcinia cambogia are great for this.

All the diets below are designed for 7 days and an average loss of up to 5 kg of excess weight. To prevent the weight from returning, it is recommended to engage in fitness both during the weight loss process and after its completion.

European happy diet

The “happy” method of losing weight in its European version is the most gentle and varied in the composition of products of all the proposed diets of this type. It is based on a fairly large list of products and provides a wide selection of dishes.

Basic Rules

The list of products allowed “for happiness” includes:

  • fresh berries and fruits (except bananas);
  • lean meat and fish;
  • eggs;
  • seafood, pressed seaweed;
  • some vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, arugula, spinach, peppers, asparagus, greens);
  • cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of hard cheese;
  • brown rice, non-instant oatmeal;
  • olive oil, soy sauce;
  • drinks: fresh juices, low-fat kefir, green tea, natural coffee, dry red wine.

At the same time, any fatty and sweet foods, mushrooms, legumes, dried fruits, strong alcohol, nuts, sauces, and baked goods are prohibited.

Sample menu

The daily diet can be compiled according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast (30 minutes after drinking water) – 2 boiled eggs or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey, natural coffee;
  • lunch – 200 g of Greek salad or 200 g of oatmeal steamed with boiling water (not instant), 250 ml of grapefruit juice;
  • lunch - a steamed portion of fish with rice, seasoned with soy sauce (as an option - boiled beef liver with carrot salad or boiled chicken fillet in okroshka with kefir);
  • dinner - seafood, 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of hard cheese, a glass of dry red wine (if you abstain from alcohol - 200 ml of kefir or vegetable juice).

All dishes should be prepared in “healthy” ways (boiling, baking, steaming) and with minimum quantity salt. Vegetables and fruits are consumed raw.


This technique is a “colonial” version of the European happy diet, which also includes foods with invigorating and antidepressant effects, but is the complete opposite of the previous version.

Basic Rules

When “tropical weight loss”, the emphasis is on nuts rich in selenium - Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia. Due to their high calorie content, they perfectly saturate and at the same time supply the body with most of the necessary substances. Since nuts replace almost all other products in the diet, Tropicana cannot be followed for more than 7 days.

Sample menu

When preparing a diet, in addition to nuts, bananas are used, which are also very high in calories and contain many substances that cause a feeling of happiness. These are practically all the foods that can be consumed during a tropical week. This diet can only be supplemented with orange and yellow color, consuming them whole or in the form of juices.

A sample menu could be as follows:

  • breakfast – banana, a handful of cashews, tea or coffee without additives;
  • lunch – 250 ml citrus juice;
  • lunch – salad of passion fruit, persimmon, banana, seasoned with lemon juice, a handful of nuts, 250 ml of peach juice with pulp;
  • afternoon snack – banana, a handful of nuts;
  • dinner – 1 grapefruit, a handful of nuts, 250 ml of pineapple juice.

Bread diet

You can lose weight by summer on a bread diet quite quickly and effectively. The bread weight loss system, developed by Israeli nutritionist Olga Raz-Kestner, helps you lose excess weight comfortably, and also helps increase serotonin and improve your mood. This technique is direct proof that carbohydrates are not among the main enemies slim figure, and you can lose weight with pleasure, without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger.

Basic Rules

A high-carbohydrate diet is an ideal solution for normalizing the weight of people who cannot withstand any diet program due to the lack of sweets in it, which contribute to the production of the happiness hormone. However, all sweet foods are high in calories, while bread contains enough serotonin and few calories.

The basic rules of the bread diet, which must be followed without fail, include the following:

  • lack of hunger - the entire daily diet is divided into portions and consumed evenly throughout the day at intervals of 3-4 hours;
  • consumption of low-calorie bread (up to 45 kcal per 100 g) in the amount of 3-4 slices at a time, while the daily norm for women is 8-12 slices, for men - 12-16;
  • once a day – 200 g of fruit;
  • liquid norm - at least 2 liters, including water, tea, vegetable juices (1 cup of coffee is allowed);
  • the basis of the diet is a large amount of fresh, boiled, baked, stewed or steamed vegetables;
  • the presence in the daily menu of 200 ml of low-fat lactic acid drink (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • three times a week, one serving of bread can be replaced with a piece of lean meat or fish, and on “non-meat” days you need to eat 1 boiled egg;
  • complete exclusion from the menu of all harmful foods - alcohol, fatty and sweet foods, butter, smoked meats, fast food.

Suitable for consumption are rye, wheat, whole grain bread and diet bread. If the product has a higher calorie content, its quantity must be proportionally reduced. Muffins, loaves and other bakery products with a high glycemic index are completely excluded.

Sample menu

The main components of the daily diet are quite simple to prepare. vegetable dishes and bread slices, coated with a thin layer of dressing, which can be used as:

  • vegetable caviar;
  • curd mass with seasonings;
  • avocado paste;
  • mustard;
  • low-fat mayonnaise;
  • ketchup.

A sample menu looks something like this:

  • lunch - orange;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable salad;
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch – carrot salad;
  • lunch – stewed cabbage, a portion of boiled meat;
  • dinner – 200 ml kefir;
  • second dinner - apple.
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch – 3–4 plums;
  • lunch – 1 boiled egg, a portion of bread with dressing;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable stew;
  • dinner - a portion of bread with dressing;
  • second dinner – 200 ml of natural yoghurt.
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch – 200 ml of natural yoghurt;
  • lunch – vegetable salad, a portion of fish;
  • afternoon snack - a portion of bread with dressing;
  • dinner – cabbage salad;
  • second dinner – 1 pear.
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch – 0.5 grapefruit;
  • lunch – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable stew;
  • dinner - a portion of bread with dressing;
  • second dinner – 200 ml of natural yoghurt.
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch - vegetable salad;
  • lunch – a portion of meat with broccoli;
  • afternoon snack - a portion of bread with dressing;
  • dinner – 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • second dinner – 3-4 apricots.
  • breakfast – a portion of bread with dressing;
  • lunch - cabbage salad;
  • lunch – 1 boiled egg, a portion of bread with dressing;
  • afternoon snack – 0.5 grapefruit;
  • dinner - a portion of bread with dressing;
  • second dinner – 200 ml of kefir.

To exit the diet, you need to gradually replace the “bread portion” with the following dishes:

  • a portion of rice, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • a glass of legumes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. muesli.

The main advantage of bread weight loss is freedom of choice and psychological understanding that bread is allowed to be consumed by the rules. As a result, in 1 week you can lose about 5 kg of excess weight, which is a pretty good result, considering the benefits mentioned above.

Despite the fact that all of the above weight loss programs are quite effective for getting your figure in order on the eve of summer, before or after a vacation, the most “summer” diets are those that are based on the consumption of seasonal vegetables, fruits, and berries.

Summer seasonal

Such diets are the most healthy and affordable, but at the same time very effective. First of all, these are methods of losing weight using juices, strawberries, cherries, currants, apricots, herbs and many other similar programs.


It is advisable to carry out juice diets in the summer for the reason that they should all be based exclusively on natural freshly squeezed drinks, which should be consumed immediately after preparation. Packaged juices made from concentrates, lots of sugar and food additives will not help you lose weight.

Basic Rules

There are two ways to lose weight with juices:

  • replacing 1-2 meals with a glass of juice, and otherwise eating as usual - this is a rather lengthy process, the results of which largely depend on the overall calorie content of the diet and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • Make up your entire daily diet from only 2–3 liters of juice and drink them evenly throughout the day, without consuming any other food other than clean water, herbal infusions, and green tea.

The first option is not suitable for quick weight loss before a vacation. It is best used throughout the summer when freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are most available. This method of losing weight will help you easily and comfortably get rid of a few extra pounds and saturate your body with essential vitamins.

The second technique is called “jusing” and is quite tough. At the same time, it can provide fairly rapid weight loss if you need to reduce your volume in order to look good in summer outfits.

You cannot suddenly switch to a strict juice diet. You need to prepare for juicing:

  • during the preparatory week, gradually reduce the consumption of food of animal origin;
  • 3 days before the start of the weight loss process, start drinking 2 glasses of juice daily;
  • On the eve of the event, arrange a fruit and vegetable fasting day.

Sample menu

You can use any juices for weight loss and combine them to your liking. The main thing is that they are natural, freshly prepared and do not cause allergies. It is advisable to dilute them half and half with water, especially beetroot and all citrus fruits. Vegetable juices with pulp bring more benefits for weight loss.

The juice day diet is very simple: 2–3 liters of juice are diluted with water, divided into equal portions and drunk throughout the day. If complete refusal of food is difficult to bear, you can add 1–2 servings of light food to the menu. vegetable salad.

A strict juice diet should not last more than 3 days. During this period, you can lose 2-3 kg of excess weight. The exit from juicing should also be smooth - first add a little oatmeal and fermented milk products. Then 1-2 usual foods per day are gradually introduced.


Strawberries are a very tasty, aromatic berry that almost everyone loves. Therefore, you can lose weight with it with great pleasure. The duration of such a diet is 4 days, during which you can lose 2-3 excess kilograms, while simultaneously saturating the body with vitamins.

Basic Rules

When using the strawberry diet, it is necessary to take into account that the basis of its diet is highly allergenic foods. Strawberries themselves are one of the biggest allergens on the list of berries, which also includes oranges, honey, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Therefore, before using this technique, you must ensure that there are no allergic reactions to all menu components.

In addition, it is not advisable to switch to a strawberry diet if you are prone to any allergies.

Sample menu

The diet of the strawberry food system may be as follows.

  • breakfast - salad of 250 g of strawberries, banana and apple, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt;
  • lunch – 100 g strawberries, blended with 100 ml milk and 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • lunch - 100 g turkey fillet, 400 g vegetable salad of boiled asparagus with cucumber, herbs and 1 tsp. olive oil, 150 g strawberries;
  • afternoon snack – 150 g strawberries, whipped with 75 g natural yogurt, 0.5 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. corn flakes;
  • dinner - 3 jacket potatoes, 150 g of celery and onion salad, 100 g of strawberries, whipped with 50 g of natural yogurt and 50 g of cottage cheese.
  • breakfast – 2 slices of bran bread, 50 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of strawberries;
  • lunch – 150 g of strawberry puree mixed with 50 ml of low-fat yogurt and 100 ml of pineapple juice;
  • lunch – 2 thin pancakes filled with 200 g of mashed strawberries and 50 g of applesauce;
  • afternoon snack - 150 g strawberries, whipped with 150 ml skim milk and 1 tsp. honey;
  • dinner – 300 g vegetable salad of sweet peppers, tomatoes and herbs, 100 g strawberries, 50 ml natural yogurt, 4 breads.
  • breakfast – 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, poured with 100 ml of skim milk, a fruit salad of 150 g of strawberries, banana and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch – 150 g of pureed strawberries with 150 ml of natural yogurt and 1 tsp. honey;
  • lunch – fruit salad of 250 g melon and 150 g strawberries, seasoned with low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • afternoon snack - smoothie made from 200 ml orange juice and 200 g strawberries with 1 tsp. honey;
  • dinner – 200 g vegetable stew, 2 slices of bran bread, 150 g strawberries.
  • breakfast – 2 slices of bran bread, 50 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese, 100 g of strawberries;
  • lunch - fruit salad of orange, apple and 100 g of strawberries, seasoned with 100 ml of natural yogurt;
  • lunch – 100 g of baked fish, 100 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil, 150 g strawberries;
  • afternoon snack – 300 g strawberries, 100 ml natural yogurt;
  • dinner – 150 g vegetable salad, 50 g cottage cheese, 50 ml natural yogurt, 150 g strawberries.

The strawberry diet is low-calorie - the energy value of its daily diet is about 1200 kcal. At the same time, the menu is quite varied and balanced, so it is tolerated by the body quite easily, without stress and a strong feeling of hunger.


Currants are the record holder among berries in terms of content ascorbic acid and other vitamins. In addition, it is low in calories, so during the season it is widely used for weight loss. The currant diet is quick - it lasts only 4 days, but it is quite effective, since it allows you to lose 1 kg per day.

Basic Rules

To lose weight, you can take any currant - white, red or black, choosing it at your own discretion. But it is best to use a combined option:

  • on the first day - white;
  • in the second - black;
  • in the third - red;
  • in the fourth - a mixture of all types.

The diet of the currant weight loss method is quite meager, it contains practically no carbohydrates, so it is difficult to tolerate. It is also not recommended to indulge in currants if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Sample menu

The main meals for each day should be:

  • breakfast – 1 boiled egg, 30 g of hard cheese, a glass of currant compote without sugar;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled poultry or fish, cucumber salad, 300 g of currants;
  • dinner – 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of currants.

As a snack between main meals, you are allowed to consume only 100 g of currants, as well as drink clean water without restriction.


Apricots are good for weight loss due to the presence of a huge amount of potassium salts in them, which actively promote the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates. In addition, these fruits are rich in magnesium and phosphorus, so they are great for helping overcome stress associated with the weight loss process. Eating these fruits cleanses the body of cholesterol and excess fluid, which makes them an excellent basic component of a weight loss diet.

Basic Rules

The apricot diet is designed for 5 days, during which you can lose 5 kg of excess weight. During this period, it is allowed to consume vegetable and meat dishes, fish and dairy products. But all dishes should not contain excess fat, sugar, or salt. You should also avoid processed foods, fast food and other foods that are harmful to your figure.

Sample menu

The apricot diet consists of 4 meals.

  • breakfast – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, coffee or tea without sugar, 300 g of apricots;
  • lunch – a slice of whole grain bread with cheese, 200 ml of milk;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, 200 g of boiled veal, fresh vegetables, 300 g of apricots;
  • dinner - 200 ml low-fat yogurt, 200 g fruit salad with apricots.
  • breakfast – 100 g of boiled rice, 300 g of apricots, coffee or tea without sugar;
  • lunch – a slice of whole grain bread with a piece of fish, coffee or tea with milk;
  • lunch - vegetable broth, 200 g of boiled fish fillet, 150 g of cucumber salad with celery, 300 g of apricots;
  • dinner – stewed zucchini, 200 grams of apricots.
  • breakfast – 1 boiled egg, 300 g of apricots, coffee or tea without sugar;
  • lunch – 200 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch – 150 g of boiled breast, vegetable soup, 300 g of apricots;
  • dinner – 200 ml low-fat kefir, 200 g fruit salad with apricots.
  • breakfast – 150 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of apricots, coffee or tea without sugar;
  • lunch – a slice of whole grain bread with hard cheese, 200 ml of fresh fruit;
  • lunch - vegetable broth, 150 g of boiled fish, tomato and onion salad, 300 g of apricots;
  • dinner - boiled broccoli, 300 g of apricots.
  • breakfast – 150 g of boiled rice with prunes, 300 g of apricots, herbal tea;
  • lunch – a slice of whole grain bread with ham, 200 ml of milk;
  • lunch – 200 g vegetable stew, 100 g boiled chicken breast, 300 g apricots;
  • dinner - 100 g fish broth, 300 g apricots.

Apricots are also ideal for fasting days. Thanks to useful composition They help not only lose weight, but also significantly improve your health, improve your appearance and mood.

On cherry

Cherries appear in early summer, so they can be an excellent option for losing weight before the holidays. At the height of the season, cherries have a reasonable price, which makes them an excellent component of the diet, and the technique itself accessible to everyone.

Basic Rules

The duration of the cherry diet is 7 days, weight loss is 3–4 kg. During this period, it is mandatory to consume cherries, juice or compote from them in large quantities. Additionally, meat dishes, dairy products and vegetables are introduced into the diet. Porridge is allowed only for breakfast.

The following are completely excluded from the menu:

  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • canned food, smoked meats;
  • store-bought seasonings and sauces.

All dishes should be low-fat, not spicy and not too salty.

Sample menu

  • breakfast – 300 g of cherries, 100 g of oatmeal (can be replaced with the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese or 200 ml of natural yogurt);
  • lunch – 200 ml vegetable soup, 200 g of boiled chicken breast or lean fish, 200 ml of juice or cherry compote;
  • afternoon snack – 300 g cherries;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, 200 g of boiled breast or lean fish, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

During the period of weight loss, you need to drink at least 2 liters of healthy liquid, including clean water, herbal infusions, cherry juice and sugar-free compote.

The cherry diet is quite easy to tolerate because it is well balanced and is not associated with severe hunger. At the same time, it does not contain “fast” carbohydrates and other foods harmful to the figure, so losing weight on cherries is very effective.


The method of losing weight on greens is very strict, therefore it requires good health, great strength will and an irresistible desire to look beautiful on the beach.

Basic Rules

The greens diet can be followed for no more than 7 days. This is the duration that is considered optimal for effective weight loss. It allows you to get rid of 5–6 kg, saturating the body with many useful substances contained in greens, in particular, chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. However, it does not provide a sufficient amount of protein, so it should be observed in the absence of significant physical activity.

Sample menu

To lose weight on a green diet, you need to consume 0.5 kg of greens and green vegetables in any form every day for a week. Vegetables and herbs can be eaten fresh, made into salads or purees, or stewed. Dishes should be seasoned with a small amount vegetable oil, since most of the vitamins contained in such products are fat-soluble and are absorbed only with fats.

The specified amount of food is divided into equal portions and consumed throughout the day. You also need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid, including clean water and herbal infusions.

It should be taken into account that when consuming a large amount of greens, the body receives a lot of fiber, which can both improve digestion and cause problems in the form of diarrhea, constipation or bloating.


Similar to the green diet is the so-called “grated” diet, which also involves eating plant foods, but not only green foods, but a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Basic Rules

In a strict version, this nutritional system can last no more than 7 days and requires giving up all edibles, except puree from the specified products in any combination. In a week of such a summer diet, you can lose up to 5–7 kg of excess weight. And fruit and vegetable purees with the addition of greens consumed during this period will additionally cleanse the body of toxins and normalize intestinal function.

Sample menu

To create a daily menu, you are allowed to combine different vegetables, fruits and herbs to produce sour, sweet or other flavors. During the day, you can consume only 0.5 kg of these products, distributing them into equal portions. At the same time, the energy value of the daily diet should be no more than 1000–1200 kcal. Since the largest amount of carbohydrates is found in fruits, it is recommended to use them to a minimum - only to improve the taste of the finished cocktail.

It should also be taken into account that switching to such a food system can cause disruption of digestive processes. Allergy sufferers need to carefully select the components of their diet, avoiding those that can cause negative reactions.

Quitting the diet

All nutritionists pay great attention to those losing weight on the need to properly exit the diet. This rule must be observed especially after strict diets with significant restrictions. In any case, the duration of the exit should at least correspond to the duration of the weight loss process itself.

The exit from any summer diet is based on the following principles:

  • the introduction of prohibited foods into the diet should be gradual - 1-2 items per day;
  • refusal of vegetables, fruits, and berries present in the diet menu is not at all necessary - the achieved result will last longer if you continue to eat properly;
  • During the transition period, it is important not to reduce, but rather even to increase physical exercise to maintain a balance between the amount of energy in and out.

A huge advantage of summer diets is that you don’t have to quit them completely. It is enough to add the main missing products to your diet to make it more balanced.

Then any such technique will become a way of life, which will ensure good health, stable weight and beautiful appearance for many years.

Summer is the most desirable time for many women: when else can you show off in bright dresses, short shorts and parade along the beach in a bikini? Almost every woman, wanting to please herself, has made attempts to get in shape before the beach season, but often attempts to lose weight on her own in winter and spring turn out to be futile. But don’t despair: summer is a great time to start the fight for slimness. In the heat, you don’t want to eat so much, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, you have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on fresh air, so the weight comes off much faster. In addition, fresh seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits will appear on store shelves, low in calories and at the same time rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, allowing you not to feel hungry for a long time - and this is a great reason to try delicious summer diets for weight loss.

In this article we will talk about several diets that are ideal for summer weight loss. Summer diets for weight loss are distinguished by a large proportion of plant foods; these can be either fruit or vegetable diets for the summer, or more traditional options, which also contain protein and carbohydrate foods. Everyone can choose what suits her. We suggest familiarizing yourself with diets designed for both five and seven days.

Five-day summer diet, option 1

A five-day diet allows you to lose several kilograms, cleanse your body, and at the same time eat tasty and balanced food. Get acquainted with the nutrition plan.


  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge in water: after soaking the cereal, cook for 15 minutes;
  • 100 g of fruits or berries;
  • Green tea.


200-250 g of berries or fruits.


  • 150 g of soup from your favorite vegetables;
  • 100 grams of any low-fat protein food (chicken, beef, fish, seafood, eggs);
  • 150-200 g of vegetable stew or vegetable salad, which you can season with olive oil;
  • Freshly brewed berry or fruit compote.

Afternoon snack

A glass of freshly squeezed juice or 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit.


In the evening you can choose one of the following options:

  • Vegetable salad with butter or sour cream;
  • Fruit salad, with a dressing of low-fat yogurt, sour cream or 1 tablespoon of low-fat cream;
  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • Vegetable stew with meat.

Late dinner

  • Two to three hours before going to bed, you can eat a serving of protein food that you ate during the day.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, not counting juices. This summer diet for 5 days will help you lose several kilograms without harming your health or causing physical discomfort.

Five-day summer diet, option 2

If you strictly follow the recommendations, a five-day diet allows you to lose up to 3-4 kg. This summer diet is characterized by a high content of vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals, while being filling and low in calories. Diet dishes It is advisable to steam or boil; frying in oil is not recommended. Despite the absence of strict restrictions, while losing weight you will have to give up sweet, fatty and smoked foods. It is also important to consume at least 2.5 liters. fluids per day, preferably water or green tea. detailed instructions The summer diet menu is presented below.

First day

  • For breakfast – coffee without cream and sugar, a small piece of toasted black bread. You can have a snack with 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For lunch you can eat fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner - 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Second day

  • For breakfast you can eat two or three walnuts to make up for the shortage of useful fatty acids, with black coffee without sugar.
  • For lunch - 100 g of cabbage salad, two or three quail eggs or one chicken.
  • For lunch you can make beef soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200 g of steamed vegetables with mushrooms and a piece of black bread are suitable.

The third day

  • For breakfast - toast from dried black bread, tea without sugar.
  • During the day, you can drink a glass of kefir (low-fat) and eat 100 g of currants or strawberries.
  • Lunch consists of chicken soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner of 200-250 g of any steamed vegetables, with a piece of black bread.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast – green tea (without sugar), black bread crackers.
  • During the day, as a snack, half a banana and a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch meal of fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200-250 g of steamed vegetables with a piece of black bread.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast - tea, of course without sugar, 100 g of seasonal berries.
  • For lunch, you can drink a sip of low-fat kefir and eat two or three walnuts.
  • Lunch food includes beef soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner – 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Such a summer diet for 5 days is tolerated by the body quite easily both physically and psychologically, while allowing a gradual transition to healthy eating without the risk of breaking.

Summer diet for 7 days

This is a seasonal diet for 7 days, extremely simple and effective. Its principle is based on the fact that every day you choose a fruit, vegetable or berry and eat it throughout the day. In case of unbearable hunger, a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt is allowed. The summer diet for a week suggests that you need to drink at least 2.5 liters during the day. still water, green tea or herbal infusions; tea, coffee and alcohol are not recommended during the weekly diet. The summer diet menu is presented step by step.

  • Day 1 – vegetable. You can choose any vegetable and eat it all day in unlimited quantities. Dressing in the form of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil is acceptable.
  • Day 2 – fruity. Choose any fruit, such as apples or oranges, divide them into several meals and eat most of them for lunch. If you are unbearably hungry, you can “eat” a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  • Day 3 – berry day. Fresh berries are not only tasty, but also a healthy source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the latter of which will make you feel full. During the day you can eat any berries in unlimited quantities.
  • Day 4 – fermented milk. You can eat low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. These foods are rich in protein and calcium, which are good for muscle and bone tissue, and also contain beneficial bacteria that are important for normal intestinal function. Consume the selected product in small portions throughout the day.
  • Day 5 – vegetable again. This can be any vegetable, for example, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or pumpkin. You can eat the product either in its pure form or in the form of salads, okroshka with kefir (if cucumbers are chosen). You need to drink mineral water throughout the day.
  • Day 6 – berry day again. You can eat the berries raw, make purees and cocktails from them. In the evening you can “swallow” a glass of kefir.
  • Day 7 – juices. During the day you need to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar, for example, orange, apple or grapefruit. Juices can be consumed both pure and assorted.

As a result of using a diet for seven days, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight and cleanse your intestines. In summer, the diet is usually well tolerated by the body, but it is not recommended to repeat it more than once a month. This summer diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery.

According to reviews, a summer diet for a week gives tangible results, but the first days are tormented by a constant feeling of hunger, which leads to both physical and psychological discomfort and the desire to break loose.

Summing up the summer diet

Summer diets are an excellent opportunity to quickly and deliciously lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. Seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits help replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and at the same time provide a feeling of satiety. However, in the presence of chronic diseases, both the five-day and 7-day diets can lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before deciding to try them.

If you know from your own experience what a summer diet is, you can tell us about your impressions and results in the comments under this article.

Video: Summer diets for weight loss

The summer diet is a great opportunity to lose weight and get healthier, because it is in the summer that nature gives an abundance of vegetables, fruits and berries, from which you can choose a varied and healthy menu.

Losing weight in summer - what are the benefits?

In the summer, our lifestyle changes completely; we try to spend more time in the fresh air, taking walks, going to the dachas, to the sea, to nature, and becoming more active. Moreover, against this background, there is usually a desire to look more beautiful, slimmer, the body simply requires renewal, feeling that there are all the possibilities for this.

With the arrival of heat, the body itself begins to rebuild. We don’t want to eat fatty, high-calorie dishes, but on the contrary, there is a desire to eat something light - cold soups, salads, fruits, berries, soft drinks. Such a diet immediately affects our figure and general condition of the body. Overweight They begin to slowly go away, and lightness appears in the body.

As a rule, with excess weight during this period, many health problems disappear, which is easily explained. After all, fresh vegetables and fruits, which in the summer we have the opportunity to consume literally straight from the garden, are the main sources of vitamins and minerals, so necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and the abundance of fiber in them helps cleanse the body by removing toxins, waste and other harmful substances, as well as normalization of digestive processes. In addition, not only does the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improve, but the immune system is also significantly strengthened.

And if you consider that most vegetables and fruits have low, and some even zero, calorie content, then best products to lose weight, you don’t even have to look for it.

In summer, the body refuses heavy, fatty foods for a reason, because at this time digestive processes slow down, which is why meat consumption should be kept to a minimum - no more than 3 times a week, although protein foods should not be completely abandoned. Since proteins are a source of melanin synthesis, which protects the body from ultraviolet radiation, they must be present in the summer diet, but not in the form of meat dishes. They are a great substitute for eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts.

As you know, in summer, due to heavy sweating, the body loses a lot of fluid, which also removes useful minerals. In order to prevent dehydration of the body and replenish its loss, you need to drink enough liquid, but not sweet carbonated drinks, which make you want to drink even more, but give preference to non-carbonated plain water, fruit and berry fruit drinks and compotes, as well as green tea. These drinks not only perfectly quench your thirst, but also replenish the lack of minerals.

And another important advantage of losing weight in the summer is that it in no way contributes to the appearance of vitamin deficiency and depression, because the aroma and appetizing appearance of various fruits, berries and vegetables only contribute to the appearance of a great mood and the desire to saturate the body with vitamins.

But no matter how useful the summer diet is, it has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

This diet should not be followed by people with severe gastrointestinal diseases, since fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber and amino acids, consumed in large quantities will only have a negative effect.

Therefore, before deciding on a summer diet, it is better to consult a doctor who can give appropriate recommendations and adjust the menu.

Summer diet - basic rules

The main advantage of this diet is the absence of a strict menu, since you are allowed to create it yourself, based on your preferences and tastes. You can stick to this diet for a week or two so as not to harm your health.

A simple and easy summer diet does not require any special instructions, and the system for its implementation is very clear:

  • It is recommended to consume only natural fresh vegetables, fruits and berries grown in your area;
  • use mainly fermented milk products as a source of protein, adding eggs, legumes and nuts to them;
  • for dressing salads, give preference to natural yogurt or vegetable oil;
  • except for vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, other foods should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • Remove potatoes, bananas and grapes from your fruit and vegetable diet.

Summer diet for weight loss for a week minus 10 kg

During the diet, you can eat both fresh and heat-treated vegetables - boiled, stewed and steamed.

A sample menu for 7 days looks like this:

First day

On this day you can only eat vegetables, both fresh and thermally processed - boiled, stewed, steamed.

  • breakfast - salad from any fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • lunch – salad of fresh grated carrots, dressed with yogurt;
  • lunch - any vegetables stewed with beans;
  • afternoon snack - salad of boiled grated beets, dressed with yogurt;
  • dinner - baked vegetables, chopped and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Second day

On this day they eat only 2 types of fruits, for example, oranges and pears.

  • breakfast - fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • lunch – one pear, or freshly squeezed orange juice, diluted in half with water (1 glass);
  • lunch – pears baked in the oven or microwave;
  • afternoon snack – pear juice;
  • dinner - yogurt or kefir (1 glass) and several allowed fruits.

The third day

This day is dedicated to any berries.

  • breakfast - dessert of low-fat cottage cheese, berries and yogurt;
  • lunch – juice from any berries;
  • lunch – any berries (deep plate), kefir (half a glass);
  • afternoon snack – berries whipped with a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner - berries (deep plate) and walnuts(2 pcs.).

Fourth day

  • During the day, you can only drink any low-fat fermented milk drinks in a volume of no more than 2 liters.

Fifth day

  • The vegetable menu of the first day is repeated.

Sixth day

  • The berry menu of the third day is repeated.

Seventh day

  • throughout the day you are allowed to drink only freshly squeezed juice, diluted in half with water, from one type of fruit.

If you tolerated this diet well without feeling any discomfort in the stomach, then, if necessary, you can repeat this menu for another week.

There are many options for a summer diet, so you can choose the most suitable one for yourself, based on several of their varieties.

The best effective summer diets

Each type of summer diet makes it possible to get rid of extra pounds, and do it easily and tasty.

Fruit diet

This feeding method usually lasts 7 days and can be either a mono-diet, for example, one designed to consume only one type of fruit per day, or a mixed diet, when it is allowed to combine any fruits and supplement the diet with fermented milk products.

The exceptions to consumed fruits are bananas and grapes. And if during this period you eat nothing else except fruits, then in a week you can lose at least 5 kg of excess weight.

Vegetable diet

Summer vegetable diet usually represents a weekly fasting, which is advisable to adjust to moon calendar and start losing weight during the waning moon.

The bulk of the diet (about 2/3) should be any vegetables (except potatoes), steamed, boiled or stewed, since in this form they are much easier to digest. The remaining third is occupied by any salads prepared from fresh vegetables and herbs, the dressing for which can be olive oil, lemon juice and spices (instead of salt).

Salad diet

The salad diet is considered a favorite among summer diets, because salads for weight loss are not only very effective in promoting weight loss, but also saturate the body with a lot of useful vitamins.

Despite the fact that salads should be part of our diet all year round, it is precisely in the summer, when there is such an abundance of vegetables, fruits and herbs, that they can be prepared not only extremely tasty, but also varied.

The summer salad diet is designed for two weeks and during this time it makes it possible to lose weight by 5–7 kg.

The first week's menu looks something like this:

  • throughout the day you need to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
  • half an hour before breakfast you need to drink a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice;
  • For breakfast, it is advisable to eat a fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt;
  • lunch and dinner should consist of any salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

The diet of the second week completely repeats the menu of the first, but twice a week you are allowed to eat a small piece of boiled lean beef or chicken.

The daily drinking ration consists of 2 liters of still water, including green tea and fresh fruit compotes.

Summer diet - reviews from those who have lost weight and doctors

As a rule, the results of this diet are impressive - you can lose 10 kg in 10 days if you strictly adhere to it. But doctors do not recommend using this technique often, since the body must receive the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which only plant foods cannot provide.

To consolidate the results obtained, you need to exit the diet gradually, introducing animal proteins in small quantities, and it is best to garnish the meat with salads and stewed vegetables.

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No matter how diverse they are summer diets for weight loss and their menus, they still have something in common - complete exclusion from the diet of alcohol, sweets, coffee, fatty and fried foods .

In addition, useful summer diet for weight loss (menu examples different systems meals will be further) implies large intake of liquids (tea, juices, water).

There are many types of summer diets. Each girl, based on her preferences, chooses the one that suits her best. Some people want to lose 4-5 kilograms in a week, for others two is enough. An important factor is that no diet will give the desired result if you don’t stick to it .

In addition, each woman’s body is individual - some easily lose weight, for example, in a week, while others need more time. This also needs to be remembered if, according to the diet menu, the girl ate food according to the rules, but the result ultimately did not live up to expectations.

Then you should wait a little longer and the result will not take long to arrive.

Fruit and vegetable diet in summer for weight loss - menu

The peculiarity of this diet is that you need to adhere to four meals a day for a week . According to the plan, you need to consume it for the whole day msmall portions of food, but quite often .

Plus diet: fast weight loss. And without the risk of regaining your original weight almost immediately after finishing the diet regimen.

The menu is quite simple:

Breakfast: hot water with lemon or fruit salad, sprinkled pumpkin seeds+ green tea.

Dinner: 100 g chicken breast baked with lemon and herbs. Served with boiled broccoli + tomato juice. Or 100 gr. rice with baked or grilled vegetables (red peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, garlic) + tea/juice to taste.

Afternoon snack: 1 any fruit + a glass of freshly squeezed juice or plain water.

Dinner: any light soup with 1 slice of bread (preferably not a loaf) or fresh vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.

Special summer diet for weight loss, menu from American nutritionist Jackie Nugent

Fruit and vegetable diet is one of the best summer diets for weight loss

If you want to pamper yourself and make your diet more refined and incredibly tasty, then Jackie Nugent's seven-day meal plan, author of the book "Big Green Cookbook", perfect for this . The New York-based dietitian developed this plan specifically for the summer, when markets offer an endless variety of vegetables and fruits, and fancy food is the last thing anyone wants to cook during the hottest part of the season.

Besides, Jackie Nugent offers a wide variety of foods in her diet, which allows her to stick to it for more than one week, because such a varied meal plan simply cannot get boring.


Breakfast: 1 cup fruit-based low-fat yogurt + 1 energy bar + small ripe peach. Or porridge with fruit - cereals to taste (oatmeal, semolina, barley, crunch) + 3/4 cup of regular light soy or skim milk + 1/2 cup of assorted fresh berries.

Dinner: turkey sandwich. Half a small whole grain baguette with 1 tbsp. cream sauce, 150 g smoked turkey and 1/2 cup arugula. Serve with 1 large chopped tomato, seasoned sea ​​salt and balsamic vinegar.
Tea or juice to taste.

Or sushi – 6 pieces vegetarian sushi roll (avocado with brown rice). Serve with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.Tea/juice to taste.

Or chicken Caesar. Mix ½ head of romaine lettuce + 1 chopped fresh pepper + 3 tbsp. low calorie Caesar dressing. Serve with pre-grilled chicken breast(cut into slices), 15 grapes or 3/4 melon, cut into cubes.
Tea/juice to taste.

Dinner: light soup (any or which one you know how to cook) + 1 slice of bread; tea to taste.

Summer vitamin diet

Everyone knows that vitamins are a source of useful substances that no living creature can do without. A vitamin diet in the summer for weight loss (we will indicate the menu below) - this is double benefit. Diets you can stick to whole year, but it is most economical to do this in summer and autumn. What is its meaning?

Vitamin diet menu

For breakfast - “summer salad”. Two hundred grams carrots, as many apples and fifty grams horseradish. Grind all this in a blender, add salt, add a little granulated sugar and pour sour cream(approximately 75 grams, 15%).

You also need to do carrot drink which they drink in the morning. To do this, grate the carrots, fill them with cold boiled water and forget about it for several hours. Afterwards, decant, mix with any juice (from sour fruits and berries) and add a little sugar.

Any diet, and summer diet in particular, requires large fluid intake.

For lunch take 200 grams pumpkin soup . For this we take one onion and simmer on 1 tablespoon vegetable oil at the bottom of the pan, then add 700 ml of boiling water, 1 dessert spoon of seasoning (you can use 10-15 vegetables or chicken, meat), add chopped pumpkin And carrot. Boil for 20 minutes and grind with a blender.

Using the same principle, you can prepare carrot soup (5-6 carrots, orange juice, celery 1 root and a large apple, 1 beet, 1 bell pepper, zucchini and cauliflower).

For the second course, fish with red hot pepper. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and pepper. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, put chopped carrots and sprinkle them with salt, and fish meat on top. Pour in low-fat sour cream and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the fish with onions and leave for another 10 minutes.

For afternoon tea: for one glass kefir 2 tbsp. beet juice, juice halves lemon . Mix and drink.

For dinner in this diet pumpkin porridge . You need to pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, pour one hundred and fifty grams of rice into it, and on top put finely chopped pumpkin (half a kilo) and four tablespoons of butter, salt, add water and cook over low heat. Porridge can be eaten with juice or fruit, both fresh and canned.

Diet alone for weight loss will not be enough - you also need to exercise or at least do simple physical exercise

The advantage of this summer diet for weight loss is that the menu is low in calories.

Pros of the diet:

  • economy;
  • product availability;
  • little time spent for cooking;
  • result in the form of 5-7 kg lost;
  • possibility of regular use(you can lose weight in a week, or you can stick to it for a whole month, and then take a break for a couple of weeks).

However, remember, in order to To achieve a beautiful slim body, diet alone is not enough , That's why you need to exercise and minimize bad habits . At the same time, it is not necessary to do physical education in the gym, you can just do basic exercises Houses. And then you will receive not only beautiful shapes, but you can also improve your health.