What does stage 3a lung cancer mean? Stages of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a fairly common cancer that is most common among people 50-80 years old, especially those who have long experience smoking or working in hazardous work. The prognosis for the course of the disease and how it will respond to treatment directly depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed. This article will reveal the main features and differences of stage 3 lung cancer and outline options for its diagnosis and treatment.

Lung cancer stage 3 is the penultimate stage of the development of the disease, in which all its symptoms are already clearly expressed, and the speed of development of the pathology is gaining momentum. It is almost impossible to stop the disease at this stage.

What is the reason for cell degeneration? To this question modern medicine still cannot give an exact answer. But there are a number of factors that are recognized as provocateurs for the development of malignant pulmonary tumors:

The development of the pathological process occurs in the following way: first, the emergence of cancer cells in the lung tissues begins, followed by a rapid increase in the number of cancer cells and tumor growth. Then, through the bloodstream, cancer cells spread throughout the body, giving metastases in various organs and systems.

How the disease manifests itself and its diagnosis

Symptoms of stage 3 lung cancer manifest themselves to the maximum extent and without medical care the patient’s existence is no longer possible. Let's list the main features:

Some of the listed signs are also inherent in other stages of lung cancer, but at stage 3 it is fully manifested.

In addition, there are specific signs that characterize the development of the disease at stage 3:

  • the size of the neoplasm reaches a diameter of 6-7 cm or more;
  • atelectasis of the lung - its collapse and thickening;
  • damage to nearby lymph nodes and metastases to other organs.

Each stage of cancer has several stages, or degrees, which are characterized by the speed of development of the disease. Stage 3 lung cancer can be stage 1, 2 or 3.

The most dangerous of them is stage 3 lung cancer, because... in this case, the rate of tumor cell proliferation is maximum and, accordingly, it spreads very quickly throughout the body. Stage 3 lung cancer gradually affects neighboring organs and systems, which makes its treatment very difficult, and in most cases it leads to death.

In order to have at least some chance of success in treating stage 3 lung cancer, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out a diagnosis, after which treatment begins immediately. Diagnosis of lung cancer consists of the following procedures and activities:

A set of diagnostic measures allows one to quickly establish the nature of the tumor, determine the stage and degree of its development, and also identify other organs affected by metastases.

Treatment and prognosis

The method of treatment for stage 3 lung cancer is selected by an oncologist and depends on the general condition of the patient and the speed at which the disease develops. Therapy includes a set of measures consisting of three components: surgery to remove the main tumor (most often one lung has to be completely removed), radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Consider the following therapy methods:

Separately, it is worth noting attempts to cure stage 3 lung cancer using methods traditional medicine. Among the most common are recipes for decoctions and infusions using plantain, licorice, parsley, celery, honey, etc.

But still, you should not count on the miraculous power of medicinal plants for such a serious disease, because... delay in treatment methods traditional medicine in this case it can cost lives. Folk recipes can be used as prevention or relief of the effects of radiation or chemotherapy, but in no case as the main treatment.

How long do people live with stage 3 lung cancer? The prognosis is determined by the degree of tumor development and the nature of damage to neighboring organs. At stage 3 of cancer, the spread of the tumor throughout the body gradually destroys the body from the inside, so a complete cure is most often out of the question.

Treatment can only allow the patient to live a few more years. Loading doses of chemotherapy in combination with other treatment methods can extend life by 5 years on average in 13-25% of patients with stage 3 lung cancer. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then death occurs in the next 2 years, and sometimes much earlier.

The malignant oncological process in the human lungs reveals a strict stage gradation. The third stage of lung cancer is characterized by a significant degree of growth of the metastasis system in human body. The disease, according to statistics, is widespread.

Life expectancy forecast depends on large number associated factors. Life expectancy is influenced by the general state of health, the presence of concomitant pathological processes, the degree of differentiation of the cancer tumor, the type and forms of cancer. The nature of the development of oncology is important. It is possible to make an individual forecast only if you know the above data. Only a professional involved in cancer treatment can do this.

Stage 3 lung cancer is difficult to treat. Complete cure does not seem possible. The danger of the pathological process also lies in the late detection of lung cancer, at an advanced stage. The onset of symptoms is often confused with pathologies of another nature, for example, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis. Therefore, the disease is treated symptomatically without treating the underlying cause of the pathology.

At the third stage of cancer, a lot of symptoms appear that are characteristic of a tumor process in the body:

  • Paleness of the skin.
  • The likelihood of having a low-grade fever (37.1-37.8 degrees Celsius).
  • Low-grade fever may occur.
  • Constant fatigue syndrome.
  • Low performance.
  • Exhaustion of the body.

Problems arise with the human respiratory system. Alarming symptoms include:

  1. Intensive painful sensations in the patient's chest. The pain is especially severe when coughing and becomes sharp. Pain shock and loss of consciousness from pain are likely. Prescription drugs are used and contain narcotic substances.
  2. Cough without obvious etiology.
  3. Blood when coughing up sputum.
  4. Shortness of breath when trying to increase intensity physical activity on the body.
  5. Constant feeling of discomfort when breathing.
  6. Changes in the timbre and depth of the patient's voice.
  7. Pain in other organs.
  8. Swelling of tissues (usually the patient’s face and hands).
  9. Aching pain in bone structures.
  10. Tooth loss.
  11. Pathological disturbances in the patient's speech occur.
  12. Paralysis occurs in different parts of the body - temporarily or permanently.

The last symptom indicates the likelihood of metastases from the primary tumor from the pulmonary structures entering the diseased organ. Often metastases reach the area where the heart is located and there is a high probability of confusing the tumor with manifestations of cardiovascular pathology, such as heart failure. Chest pain and shortness of breath are sometimes associated with heart pathologies.

The main symptom of a malignant oncological process remains cough. In advanced stages, the symptom is permanent.

When the tumor envelops the blood vessels, blood particles begin to enter the sputum, and expectoration of blood occurs. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact medical care to prevent the rapid spread of cancer throughout the human body. When fed directly from the bloodstream, intensive growth of a malignant tumor occurs.

Along with growth, metastases quickly spread throughout the body through direct access to the patient’s bloodstream.

From the moment the tumor appears on the lung tissue until the moment of invasion through the tissue of the organ, no obvious symptoms are observed. Increasing in size, the tumor inhibits the respiratory function, which leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen saturation of the body tissues. Asphyxia develops. As a result, concomitant pathologies develop in the patient’s body.

Initial shortness of breath can manifest itself exclusively at the moment of stress on the muscles of the body, but with the development of the disease it also occurs at rest, when the body is lying down.

Additional symptoms are associated with the location where the tumor has spread through metastases. If it enters the liver, liver failure develops. The skin and whites of the eyes take on a yellow tint. When it enters the kidneys, the functions of the urinary system are inhibited. Signs appear inflammatory process V bladder(cystitis). When metastases enter the stomach, the digestive function is inhibited. Pathological problems of the gastrointestinal tract begin.

Metastasis is a secondary focus of the oncological process. It is a small cellular structure separated from the main tumor during the development of pathology. Metastases move throughout the body through the system of lymph nodes or blood vessels.

Getting into organs and tissues located in close proximity to the site of primary localization or at a distance, metastases are found in other organs:

  • bone structures;
  • glandular tissues;
  • human brain;

Parallel types of oncology are developing, for example, blood cancer. In the absence of appropriate qualified treatment pathological condition There is a rapid spread of oncology to other vital organs. As a result, the patient dies.

Classification of subtypes of stage 3 disease

The third stage is usually divided into 3A and 3B.

The assignment of any specified stage occurs in accordance with the degree of growth of cancer in the human body. Category 3A has a milder effect on the patient’s body. The formations show a large size, but the distribution is regional.

In 3B cancer, the entire body is infected, including the brain. In this case, symptoms of pathology of the nervous system of the body appear. There is a disturbance of consciousness, up to complete loss.

The pathology is manifested by the presence of incoordination of movements, loss of spatial orientation, apathy, irritability, unmotivated aggression, and fear. There is worsening sleep and depression.

The development of oncology in the brain leads to the suppression of all senses inherent in the body. Oncology leads to loss of taste, smell, and tactile sensations.

The main dangers at stage 3 of the oncological process in the human lungs

The diameter of the malignant neoplasm exceeds 7 centimeters. At this size, constant pain occurs. Such symptoms can be relieved only by using painkillers based on narcotic drugs. There is a constant depressed state of breathing. A person feels a regular lack of oxygen.

The main danger of the oncological malignant process lies in the constant growth of the body's system of metastases. With the intensive spread of malignant cells to nearby organs, the functions of all body systems are blocked.

The following organs are affected:

  • trachea;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • intestines;
  • heart muscle.

A person cannot eat properly - the esophagus does not allow food to pass into the stomach. The body is filled with toxins, which provokes poisoning. In addition, asphyxia develops, which contributes to the suppression of the functioning of the brain and the person, leading to death.

Factors influencing survival in lung cancer

A 5-year survival rate is used to generate statistical indicators. To overcome the milestone, a number of conditions must be applied:

  1. Timely diagnosis of pathology during the transition from the second stage to the third.
  2. Tumor shape and type (large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma). With a small-cell structure, the chances of survival are significantly lower compared to the large-cell structure of an oncological neoplasm.
  3. The patient's lifestyle, bad habits.
  4. Patient's age.
  5. State of the immune system.
  6. The correctness of the selected therapeutic course of oncology treatment.

If the disease is detected during the early transition between the second and third stages, it is possible to stop the spread of metastases throughout the body. With the development of the third stage, all surrounding lymph nodes become infected with cancer metastases.

The patient's age is an equally important factor. When a pathology is detected in a young person with a strong immune system, treatment is more effective than in older people whose internal organs are worn out and lack a stable immune system.

However, even at an advanced age, a person is able to monitor his own health and follow the recommendations of his attending physicians better than a young person who constantly uses tobacco products, alcoholic products and narcotic drugs.

How long do people live with stage 3 lung cancer?

No one can give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long people live with the third stage of the oncological process. The above factors play an important role here. If old man with a large number of chronic pathologies without treatment, uses cigarettes, alcohol or drugs, he will live from several weeks to several months. A young person without chronic health problems can live more than ten years, given the treatment provided.

Based on statistics, the survival rate is not too high. For stage 3A large cell cancer, the 5-year survival rate is in the range of 25 percent. For small cell cancer, the rate drops to 13 percent. For stage 3B large cell cancer, survival rates range around 9 percent. Small cell cancer has a 7 to 9 percent survival rate.

The most important factor in the fight against cancer is the attitude of the patient himself. If a person begins to follow doctors’ recommendations and conduct healthy image life, maintain a sufficient level of morale, the patient has a better chance of survival than a person who has given up on himself. The deprived patient has very little time left to live.


The maximum positive result of treatment is achieved with a complex effect on the body of a patient diagnosed with cancer during chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical intervention. There is no completely safe method for health.

Surgical intervention

The method is considered by oncologists as the main one in stopping the development of a malignant process. But to use surgical intervention, there must be no contraindications to the operation. Contraindications – individual characteristics the body when medical intervention will do more harm than good for the patient.

Most often, large cell oncology is considered operable. A smaller number of secondary lesions are formed, mainly located on the outer part of the damaged organs. After surgery, the recovery period is significant.

Small cell cancer is characterized by increased aggressiveness towards the patient and is operable in rare cases. With this form, distant secondary lesions form. When performing an operation, there is a high risk of accelerating the spread of secondary lesions throughout the body. Other methods of therapy without surgery are used.

Radiation therapy

In other words, radioactive radiation is used for treatment. If the procedure shows maximum positive effect, tumor growth will stop completely. The main objective of using radiation is to reduce the growth of the tumor process. It is often prescribed before surgery to obtain the effect of the operation.

Radiation helps reduce the size of the tumor. The method is based on the aggressive effect of radiation on cancer cells. Radiation actually destroys them, accumulating in the cytoplasm of cells. Division stops.

If surgical intervention is not possible, it is used in conjunction with chemotherapy to enhance the effect of treatment.


The method uses pharmacologically produced drugs that are characterized by cytostatic properties. The drugs accumulate active active substance in atypical cells and destroy their structure, stopping cell division.

Taking chemotherapy drugs is a course course. Medicines are not designed for immediate action and can provide a therapeutic result only with the correct dose and type of medication.

The drug is toxic. Accordingly, it causes a sufficient amount side effects after chemotherapy.

The peculiarity of cancer treatment is that any of these methods causes harm to the body. The main thing is that the harm of treatment does not exceed the harm from the cancer process itself.

Among malignant tumor pathologies, neoplasms in the pulmonary system are quite common. Moreover, the anomaly is difficult to diagnose in the initial stages, which leads to a high mortality rate from the disease.

The potential risk group includes men of an older age group with a long history of smoking.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm in the nature of its development, formed in the mucous and glandular parts of the organ or bronchi. It has many forms of manifestation, each of which differs in its symptoms, severity and degree of aggressiveness.

Depending on this, the treatment regimen for the pathology is determined. In most cases, it appears in the right lobe part of the organ.


Regardless of the type of oncology, the main criteria for the staging of lung cancer are clearly identified, allowing you to determine at what stage of its development the disease is:

  • 1st degree– the tumor is in an invasive state, its size is still very small, and the presence of a terrible disease in the body can only be detected through a random examination. There are no symptoms, and irreversible processes have not yet started;
  • 2nd degree– appear first external signs. The size of the tumor already exceeds 3 cm; it can partially affect the lymph, affecting its neighboring nodal formations. There are no metastases yet. Treatment may be effective;
  • 3rd degree– the formation rapidly increases, the lymph nodes are affected quite seriously and spread pathological cells throughout the body. Metastases affect the spinal area, heart and negatively affect the quality of breathing. Irreversible processes occurring in the body are no longer practically controlled;
  • 4th degree- the final stage of the disease. The symptoms are extremely severe, treatment does not bring results. All medical measures are aimed only at slightly improving the patient’s quality of life. The stage proceeds very aggressively and quickly.

You can learn more about the disease and its causes from the following video:

Detailed description of the third degree

This stage of the disease is considered very dangerous, difficult to treat and gives an extremely pessimistic prognosis for recovery - as practice shows, only 10% of patients who have undergone high-quality complex therapy have a chance of cure and prolongation of the life threshold. In other cases, death occurs within 1 year.

This period is characterized by multifaceted manifestations and varying degrees of aggressiveness of tumor development. With a relatively slow course of the disease, the time frame for a patient’s stay at this stage of cancer can be up to 2-3 years. If the form of pathology is characterized by rapid metastasis, this stage may last only a few months.

As the irreversibility of the process develops, the following physiological changes occur in the body of a sick person:

    Vena cava syndrome is actively progressing when blood circulation is disrupted due to the release of metastasis products into the plasma. The outflow of blood from the skull becomes pronounced and after a short time the blood begins to flow poorly into the sternum area.

    By this point, more than 60% of the lymph nodes have been affected by cancer cells, and the tumor has grown into neighboring organs and functional departments and disrupted their functioning;

  • Further the mediastinum is affected, metastases invade the central nervous system, partially paralyzing the vital functions of the patient’s body. Through nerve endings, metastases are released into the vessels of the shoulder area, causing rapid atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • fragmentary paralysis of the nervous system, its important nodes and centers gradually develops. This moment is borderline during the transition to the fourth, lethal stage and is accompanied by serious, incurable processes of active release of metastases into the brain.

    The impulses that come from the subcortex of the organ and give the command to the body to concentrate on the disease are dulled. The immune system no longer works. A person’s consciousness is often impaired and the patient cannot be called legally competent.

Symptoms of the third degree

At this stage of development of malignant pathology, external and internal signs indicating the presence of the disease are most pronounced, and the symptoms characteristic of the previous stage become more intense.

Their main manifestations:

    pain syndrome– if in the early stages of the disease the pain could be insignificant and was more episodic in nature, only occasionally alerting a person with its appearance, now it is present almost constantly.

    At the same time, the nature of the pain changes from less intense to practically uncontrollable with analgesics, when it becomes very difficult to endure the discomfort. On at this stage Even minimal physical activity can provoke pain;

  • cough– especially radiates to the left lobe part of the organ. In its manifestation it is intense, irritating muscle tissue chest, cough. Its disruptive course very exhausts the sick person and takes away a lot of his strength;
  • bloody issues– as the situation worsens, the sputum released during coughing attacks changes its content – ​​the mucus becomes thicker and is accompanied by blood clots.

    In advanced forms, when the patient has been in the stage of active nicotine addiction for a long time, blood spots are gradually replaced by pulmonary hemorrhages. This is a very serious symptom that poses a direct threat to the patient’s life and requires urgent medical attention;

  • asymmetrical retraction of the sternum– observed on the side of the organ where the tumor is located. When you inhale, strong wheezing is heard in this part, breathing causes pain, and it becomes impossible to take a deep breath of air - severe pain occurs.

In addition, at this stage, signs characteristic of more early stages pathological pathologies, but manifesting themselves more intensely:

  • severe body weakness and muscle atrophy separate departments human body– the patient has difficulty performing even minimal loads and, most often, is in a state of constant bed rest;
  • increase in body temperature– if previously this symptom was periodic, but now this indicator is steadily increased and can no longer be corrected with antipyretic drugs;
  • cardiac dysfunction– the tumor increases in size and compresses the cardiac region. Metastases have already affected this vital organ, which now with great difficulty can withstand the load placed on it;
  • permanent weight loss- if on initial stage This is manifested by a sharp, more than 10% loss of body weight, then at this stage a person loses weight slowly but constantly.


The third stage of lung cancer is extremely difficult to treat and practically cannot be cured. In addition, the patient is accompanied by severe physical manifestations that can be classified as very complex. They can be stopped only by taking the strongest narcotic drugs that can only briefly reduce the pain threshold.

As a comprehensive addition to such treatment, the oncologist can prescribe an appointment for the patient medicines, which can slightly reduce the cough and reduce its intensity. As well as drugs that can at least slightly improve the patient’s quality of life and prolong its duration as much as possible.

This stage is classified by doctors as inoperable; surgical intervention is performed quite rarely. Chemotherapy or radiation is extremely uncommon. Such cases are isolated and relate to restorative measures after an operation performed at an earlier stage.

To carry them out, proper physical state, which is observed extremely rarely in a patient with such a clinical picture - as a rule, the patient simply will not be able to tolerate such procedures.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the following points:

  • application medicines will not give a visible result;
  • oncology will inevitably develop further, and ultimately lead to the complete destruction of the patient’s body;
  • Amputation of the lung may be required if this gives a real chance to save the person’s life;
  • judging by the chance of survival, it is close to zero.

It is worth noting that the small percentage of lucky people who manage to overcome the disease achieve this by using enormous dosages of chemical drugs, sometimes those that undergo experimental research and are carried out as experimental therapy, when the effect does not meet the expectations of oncologists.


The prognosis for recovery from lung cancer at the third stage of the disease, even with intensive and complex treatment, is extremely unfavorable. Oncology of a given organ gives the patient much less chance than if the tumor develops in another organ or part of the body - in some cases, this stage is completely operable and can give visible results.

As for this case, with treatment (if the tumor is not a small cell form), only 20% of patients can overcome the five-year threshold, and with small cell cancer, even less - no more than 12% of patients with this type of oncology live more than three years.

If the disease is not treated at all, then the transition from stage 3 to the fourth, lethal, can be quite rapid and death occurs after 2-3 months.

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Not unusual. It all depends on the stage of the disease, when the tumor was discovered and when the treatment itself began.

In the final stages, the patient's condition worsens and there is a risk of death. People who have a similar problem want to know how long they have left and what the general diagnosis is. The survival rate at this stage is very low. Approximately 8-9% of patients remain alive when using a loading dose of chemotherapy and new technologies for treating cancer.

Stage 3 lung cancer progresses greatly, the condition worsens, and symptoms appear before death. This is a very painful stage, during which severe weakness, kidney failure, cough, and apathy appear. Appetite also decreases and swallowing is impaired. Before death, these signs are too noticeable, the patient dies in agony. Patients drink huge amounts of water, problems with urination and kidneys, and swelling of the legs appear.

Stage 3 lung cancer is not curable in all cases, so the prognosis in the final stages is not always comforting. Without proper treatment, after a few years, the mortality rate of patients increases to 90%. If small cell cancer develops, the chances are higher than for patients with non-small cell cancer. Cancer cells of this form of tumor are hypersensitive to chemotherapy treatment. Non-small cell cancer is treated in the early stages, but not in the last stages. Only 10% of patients continue to live. If cancer is detected in the early stages modern methods, there is a high probability of curing the disease.

Popular folk remedies:

  • Garlic. Improves immunity, has antibiotic properties. Garlic tincture is used for treatment, because It is not recommended to consume it fresh in large quantities even for healthy people.
  • Fly agaric. Before going to bed, you need to inhale the smoke from the smoldering red skin of the fly agaric.
  • Hemlock. It is very effective and is used as a tincture.
  • Soda.
  • A mixture of horseradish and garlic.
  • Various collections of medicinal herbs.

Diet for stage 3 lung cancer is very necessary. When a patient learns of his diagnosis, he needs to change his living conditions and, of course, his diet. Patients often lose their appetite and their skin turns pale. They often have diarrhea, chills, and excessive sweating. To improve your condition, you need a specially selected diet:

  1. Eat cabbage, grains, seaweed.
  2. Proportions dietary nutrition 45% - cereals and whole grains, 35% - vegetables, 10% - fruits, 5% - legumes, 5% - other foods.
  3. If the patient suffers from constipation, has yellow deposits on the tongue, and a reddish tint to the face, then he is recommended to take laxative herbal decoctions, raw vegetables and drink ten glasses of water throughout the day.
  4. Those with advanced stages of the disease need to consume plenty of antioxidants. They are found in green tea and echinacea decoction.
  5. After chemotherapy, to maintain a person’s condition, it is necessary to drink juice from grain herbs and astragalus extract, as well as eat algae.
  6. If you suffer from insomnia, sweating, or fever, then you need to include watermelons, blackberries, grapes, yogurt, cheese, etc. in your diet.

If there is a purple coating on the tongue, excruciating pain, bleeding, experts recommend turmeric, eggplant, nutmeg, basil, garlic, mint or rosemary tea.

Life expectancy for stage 3 lung cancer

Having heard the diagnosis of stage 3 lung cancer, every patient wants to find out how long they live in this situation. Patients with large malignant tumors are prescribed radiation therapy, which does not always provide desired effect. When diagnosed at the last stage, the chance of life is very low (5-7%). Approximately 20% live one year after detection of the disease, no more than 8% live five years later. It all depends on some factors. If the tumor is in the lung range and there are no metastases, the patient will live longer. If in patients the tumors have gone beyond its limits, the situation is more critical. They need to have chemotherapy or surgery. If the patient refuses treatment, the likelihood of his long life decreases sharply. This is a dangerous disease, so treatment cannot be delayed.

Nutrition for stage 3 lung cancer

Goals proper nutrition for oncological diseases:

  • Improve metabolism,
  • Maintain homeostasis
  • Remove cancer toxins
  • Protect the human body from severe weight loss,
  • Stimulate antitumor immunity.

It is necessary to eat a balanced diet. It is necessary to exclude coffee, flour, preservatives, sausage, fried foods, all kinds of sweets, hot foods, alcohol, foods with a strong smell, and solid foods. Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, chewing food well, and eating in small quantities but often. Food for the patient should be boiled, stewed, steamed. You need to eat more nuts, greens, legumes, low-fat sea fish, dietary meat, melt water, herbal decoctions. When losing weight, you need to include eggs in your diet every day.

Approximate menu for the patient:

  1. First breakfast: vegetable broth or milk porridge, apple, carrot juice.
  2. Second breakfast: buckwheat, green tea or herbal decoction, sandwich with hard cheese,
  3. Lunch: boiled duck, lean soup,
  4. Dinner: rosehip broth, dried apricots,
  5. Second dinner: kefir.

During chemotherapy and after surgery, the human body is extremely weakened, so a diet can only slightly improve the patient’s condition, but does not cure the disease itself.

The patient at stage 3 develops damage to the lymphatic system. The pleura and chest are involved in the process of damage. The tumor begins to metastasize, and cancer cells penetrate into the heart, esophagus, trachea and blood vessels.

Patients begin to lose weight, experience difficulty breathing, and experience increased hemoptysis, heart pain, and pus discharge when coughing. How long patients will live with metastases from this disease depends on most factors, such as age, intensity of therapy and the patient’s immune situation.

If you have lung cancer, your five-year survival rate decreases significantly. At the third stage it is equal to 25%.

Prognosis for stage 3 lung cancer

The prognosis of this disease means a chance for restoration of health and continuation of a full life.

Many people, especially smokers, are concerned about survival rates for stage 3 lung cancer. At this stage of the disease, the chances of survival are small, but they exist. The patient can only hope for a positive result.

The third degree has the following classification:

III-A. The size of the tumor becomes more than seven centimeters, it affects the trachea, chest, and lymph nodes. Chances of life over the next five years are 20-25%.

III-B. The pericardium develops. The heart muscles and lung walls are destroyed. Probability – 7-10%.

The chances of survival are not impressive; in any case, the course of treatment must be continued.