Guy after a long abstinence. Sexual abstinence - harm or benefit? Psychological consequences of abstinence

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There is nothing fatal even in prolonged abstinence from sex, but the physical and psychological consequences for the female body can be unpleasant.

The sexual revolution has brought us looseness and liberation from centuries of guilt and shame over natural carnal pleasures.

While there are many good reasons to have sex (satisfying instincts, strengthening relationships, relieving stress, escaping from problems, and boosting self-esteem), abstinence advocates have just as many arguments against it.

If you're not interested in sex, you don't have to force yourself. Nothing in the body will break down or “grow old” just because you don’t have sex. A sedentary lifestyle or unhealthy diet has much more consequences.

So why be afraid?

Possible health effects of abstaining from sex

Sexual activity is a powerful physiological stimulant. Observations show that intimacy at least once a week leads to a statistically significant prolongation of life.

The effect of abstinence on a woman's body depends on your age, health status, psychological features and even lifestyle. If you suddenly stop having sex for reasons beyond your health (like breaking up with your partner), the consequences are real.

Consequence #1: Increased or Weakened Libido

In some cases, there may be a loss of sexual drive, in others - an unusual increase in libido.

“Some women who do not have sex for a long time, there is a lethargy, a decline in vitality and a weakening of sexual hunger. But not always,” says sex therapist Sari Cooper.

Since it is not in our power to adjust the libido, for some, the lack of sex makes it much more desirable than before. According to the American doctor and publicist Lauren Streicher, after abstinence, some patients are unable to work and concentrate on other things besides sex.

Consequence #2: Bad Mood

« Sexual intimacy is partly physical, partly psychological. It is, first of all, skin-to-skin contact - the first way of communication and comfort that people experience as early as infancy. Intimate bonding provides partners with plenty of affection and touch and helps regulate each other's moods,” says Dr. Cooper.

At the hormonal level, sex causes a surge of oxytocin in the body, as well as endorphins, a brain bioactive substance that blocks pain and improves mood. Without these internal "drugs", a woman may feel depressed and useless. Research shows that abstinence and clinical depression are closely related to each other, although doctors cannot yet clearly explain the causal relationship.

Consequence number 3: the walls of the vagina become thinner

In women entering menopause, the lack of vaginal penetration operates according to the well-known biological principle of use it or loose it (use it or lose it).

« No regular vaginal sex as the wall agesvagina become thinner, which causes soreness during intercourse in the future. Women who rarely enjoy sex are more likely to experience vaginal dryness during menopause. This is due to insufficient blood circulation, for which the organ must work,” explains Streicher.

Of course, the main cause of pain is estrogen deficiency. If you take a young woman in her 20s or 30s, she will have enough estrogen to keep her vaginal walls moist and elastic. At the age of 50-55, the level of the hormone is critically low, and this is a risk factor. According to Cooper, the production of vaginal lubrication inevitably decreases with age, but the lack of stimulation (including self-gratification, erotic books or videos) speeds up the process.

Consequence #4: Stress levels change

Like other psycho-emotional consequences of abstinence, this is difficult.

« Insufficiently stress-resistant women tend to demand sex more often. But this is an observation, not a proven causal relationship. If sexual contact is some kind of stress reliever for you, then fasting will only increase stress. But it also happens the other way around: less intimacy - less stress, ”says sex therapist Dr. Cooper.

A pilot study by Scottish scientists confirms that blood pressure lability and stress levels are higher in people who have frequent sex. With abstinence, these rates were unusually low, which is associated with better health. Streicher believes there are many unknowns here. For some women, intimacy is unpleasant in itself. For others, it's just another item in their diary.

Consequence #5: Reduced risk of infections

Abstinence from sex for the female body is fraught with not only negative consequences. In a way, it's a preventive measure. Reducing the number of intimate contacts means reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Of course, a lot here depends on you and your partner.

“This is intercourse that carries the potential risk of urinary tract infections due to the spread of bacteria in the vagina and urethra. 80% of urinary tract infections in premenopausal women develop during the first day after sex. According to the journal American Family Physician, the number of intercourses is the main factor in recurrent UTIs, Streicher says.

No intimacy - no bacteria. The question is, do you need such "prevention".

Consequence #6: Increased menstrual pain

Surprisingly, sex can ease period cramps. Although this phenomenon is not well understood, researchers explain the benefits of sex more than plausibly. The uterus is a smooth muscle organ, and during orgasm, intense muscle contractions push blood out of the organ, helping to relieve pain. Endorphins, natural pain relievers produced in the brain, also help with menstrual cramps.

In this regard, it is easier for men: they do not know what PMS is! They have a different problem: any urologist will confirm that male abstinence adversely affects the prostate gland.

Consequence #7: Abstinence interferes with thinking

It sounds unexpected and not entirely scientific, but it's true.

Rodent studies conducted independently in the US and South Korea confirm that sex improves nerve cell metabolism and overall brain function. Animals satisfied with regular mating showed accelerated neuronal regeneration, they formed conditioned reflexes faster, memory and thinking were better.

"It goes under the heading of cognitive science and doesn't prove anything yet, but there is indeed evidence of a connection between sexual and cognitive functions," admits Dr. Streicher.

How will abstaining from sex affect women's health?

According to American sexologists, real complications are most typical for women over 40 without a permanent partner, who abstain from intimacy for a long time. In most cases, the body reminds young ladies when it's time to "get back in the saddle."

“I want to reassure the readers and assure: a break in intimate life is not fatal, nothing will dry out and die. If you have enjoyed full-fledged sexual intimacy before, after abstinence, everything will be fine too. On the other hand, you will still get unexpected benefits, such as infection prevention,” summed up Dr. Streicher.

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

Sex is an integral part of all people in puberty, it is so inherent in nature that the instinct of procreation prevails in every man exactly as much as in a woman. But due to a number of reasons, such as the absence of a sexual partner, circumstances and personal prejudices, long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse can occur. Today, there are many conflicting opinions about whether long-term abstinence is good or bad for a man's body.

Because of the total sexual propaganda for many men, life without sex seems impossible. In fact, you can understand the expediency of abstinence or an active sexual life if you know for sure how the lack of discharge and sexual intercourse affects the body of a man. And it is necessary to consider such issues only from the point of view of medicine, and not stereotypes and unofficial ideologies imposed by society.

What is abstinence?

The concept of sexual abstinence should be understood as a voluntary refusal for a certain period of time or in general for the whole life of a man from sexual intercourse with representatives of the opposite sex.
It is impossible to accurately determine the period of sexual abstinence, since this is a purely subjective time frame. In fact, the needs for sexual intimacy with a woman in a man are a consequence of the worldview and individual type of temperament.

For reference! It will be almost impossible to accurately determine the permissible limits of sexual abstinence for a particular man, since one man will not be able to hold out for more than a week, while another can abstinence for more than one month.

According to medical theory, it has been established that, on average, men with low sexual activity can abstain from sex for no longer than 1-2 months, which will be a fairly easy test for them. For men with high testosterone levels and physical activity, the frequency of sexual intercourse will be much shorter, counted as weeks. Therefore, doctors divide men into two groups:

  • the first group - those who are active sexual life;
  • the second group - less active men individual features organization of the body, whether it be temperament, upbringing, environmental living conditions, climate zone, health and emotional background, etc.

For representatives of the first group, sexual abstinence is a great threat to health; for them, the absence of relaxation will be accompanied by adverse manifestations. The second group, on the contrary, can live calmly and without consequences, without intimate life for a long time.

Is abstinence harmful for men and what does a long absence of sex lead to?

For many years, the benefits and harms of sexual abstinence have been actively investigated by medical specialists, as well as scientists and scientific institutions. In addition to the term "sexual abstinence", doctors simultaneously consider such a concept as abstinence or a state of "breaking" against the background of the absence of sex and the discharge of the body. AND the first harm from this lies precisely in the mental negative impact on a person.

A sexually mature and active man, due to the lack of sexual activity, will suffer from discomfort and obsessive thoughts about sexual intimacy, which develops over time into a depressed depressive state. This will sooner or later affect other organs and systems, including potency. If a man belongs to the second group with low sexual activity, abstinence will be an surmountable task for him.

Urologists note the fact that the lack of discharge after sex threatens men with the development of prostatitis. Especially if, in addition to this, a man has problems with blood circulation, stressful conditions, infections and an unfavorable lifestyle. In addition, a complete and successful treatment of prostatitis is impossible without sexual activity, as this contributes to the destruction of stagnant processes.

For reference! Bacterial forms of prostatitis, on the contrary, for some time reject male sexual contacts in order to successfully treat them.

Congestive prostatitis and defective prostate gland against the background of abstinence threatens a man:

  • dilated veins in the scrotum (varicose veins);
  • an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • pathological changes in the spermatic cord;
  • venous congestion in the area of ​​the rectum.

Besides long abstinence in men threatens him with irreversible processes in the hormonal system. Studies have also confirmed that the lack of sex leads to a deterioration in the quality of the semen and the reproductive function of a man.

To conceive a child, abstinence is considered to be no longer than 7 days.. Doctors also suggest that the body will simply get used to a passive sexual life, against which the erectile function will begin to disappear. Also sex from the point of view of medicine is physical activity as a prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Numerous studies have established that only in a state of erection does the penis receive the right amount of oxygen. Lack of sexual life will lead to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol, which will adversely affect the entire vascular system and potency. Therefore, before choosing for yourself the path of sublimation and refusing to have sex, you should consult with your doctor about the possible consequences.

The benefits of abstinence

Studying the consequences of a man's refusal to have sex, doctors and scientists have also found positive aspects and benefits for the body of such a condition. There is an opinion that with an overly active sexual life and frequent ejaculations, a man loses a large amount of useful substances of the body - protein, phosphorus, cholesterol and lecithin, etc. In addition, due to the preservation of sex hormones, a man can cause the process of reabsorption, that is, their processing.

Also, the benefits of sexual abstinence are as follows:

  • orgasm is a kind of test for the whole organism, especially for the muscles and blood vessels in the brain;
  • orgasm causes the loss of a large amount of useful substances by the body, as well as the strength and energy of the body, lowering the energy potential and defenses of the body;
  • frequent orgasms can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system and neurasthenia;
  • frequent sexual intercourse can increase blood pressure and disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

For reference! Vivid representatives of sexual abstinence are Spinoza, Da Vinci, Aristotle, Nietzsche and Newton. These great men did not suffer any serious consequences of sexual abstinence. The same can be said about great athletes. Ancient Greece that, in the absence of sexual intercourse, they retained their health, strength and endurance.

Numerous studies by specialists have repeatedly proved that sexual abstinence is not only not dangerous, but even beneficial for the body of a man. The only exceptions are those men who have a fragile unstable psyche and dependence on sexual life. Ideologists even say that the seed is the best and most expensive thing that a man's body can give.

Male energy and an alternative view on the issue of abstinence

Today there are many alternative ideologies and opinions about the benefits of sexual abstinence. All of them today have many adherents from men, as well as specialists and doctors. Also, their teachings, practices and theories have weighty arguments and facts about the benefits of not having sex. For example:

  1. Ancient Teachings of the Taoists. In the teachings of the ancient Taoists, there are treatises that the refusal of sexual intimacy for a man promises great benefits. It consists in the preservation of vital and necessary useful resources by the body, as well as sex hormones. All this is necessary for a man to maintain physical strength and endurance. Taoists said that with his seed, a man loses vitality and strength. This energy not only heals the body, but is also responsible for creativity.

At the same time, the Taoists had sex many times more than other people, but subject to a clear distinction between orgasm and ejaculation. They practiced skills that allowed them to have an orgasm, but not ejaculate. At the same time, an orgasm without ejection of sperm was an additional recharge for the body. Multiple orgasms also allowed a man to control the duration of sexual intercourse and orgasm.

  1. Modern Taoist Practices. Thanks to the experience of the ancient Taoists, today world-famous and novice athletes have become their adherents. Based on the beliefs of the ancient Taoists, today men prefer to abstain from sexual intercourse long before the upcoming sports competitions in order to conserve energy and strength. Also, great creative people also use Taoist practices to improve creativity.

You need to understand that a man's seed contains a large amount of useful substances, hormones and body resources. Frequent orgasms lead to exhaustion of the body, many men are advised to refrain from orgasms by doctors before conceiving a child. In the event that a man experiences pain during abstinence, it is important to consult a doctor and not delay a passive sexual life.

And yet, is it good or bad?

From the above opinions and teachings, a literate man should take out general information for himself. First of all, these can be the following rules:

  • Frequent and indiscriminate sexual intercourse leads to health problems and exhaustion of the body.. And if relationships are not accompanied by the use of contraceptives, this can cause serious diseases.
  • The frequency of sexual activity must fully comply with the temperament and sexual constitution of a man in a particular case. Reducing or, on the contrary, forcing the frequency of sexual intercourse can adversely affect the state of health. Conventionally, the rhythm of sexual life involves 2-3 acts per week.
  • In order to improve creativity and physical abilities, you can withhold sexual energy for a while.

In addition, abstinence can be useful for planning and conceiving a child, which will allow a man to increase the concentration of sperm and its volume. Sexual abstinence cannot be harmful, even useful for a man, only if it is adequate in terms of timing, and also does not cause psychological and physiological discomfort.

sexual abstinence- this is a condition in which a person adheres to forced sexual abstinence. Such a situation may be the result of a voluntary renunciation of sexual life or provoked by certain life circumstances that require a person to stay without the possibility of a relationship with a partner. This state is also defined as syndrome . Sexual abstinence is divided into several types. At total withdrawal all types of sexual activity are excluded. At partial sexual abstinence a person periodically occurs wet dreams or masturbation occurs.

In young men, abstinence can be completely natural and, as a rule, passes without harm to the body. But already in adulthood, a man may feel some difficulties when trying to resume sexual activity after abstinence. In some cases, irreversible suppression occurs, requiring treatment.

Features of sexual abstinence

In a historical context, sexual abstinence was considered the most significant and in fact the only method of protection against unwanted conception. Spouses or permanent partners who live sexually, gradually establish their own, special rhythm of such relationships. Sexual abstinence does not do much harm to young and middle-aged men, who endure the forced absence of a sexual life with relative ease. In this case, sexual function, as a rule, is not disturbed. But in some cases, abstinence in men leads to disturbances in the rhythm of sexual life, the manifestation of premature ejaculation. Prolonged absence of sexual life sometimes leads to the fact that its normal rhythm is restored relatively slowly. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that painful sensations during abstinence manifest themselves depending on how pronounced the sexual desire in a person is, what are the characteristics of his temperament, sexual constitution, and also on other factors. So, if the attraction is weakly expressed, then the periodic absence of sexual activity for several months and even years does not negatively affect the general condition of a person. At the same time, if a person's sexual desire is especially strong, then the harm from abstinence can be very noticeable for the body. A person feels a constant negative impact on mood, performance, he has a high level of excitability and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Thus, to the question of whether abstaining from sex is harmful for people with a strong sexual desire, the answer is yes.

If we are talking about a forced lack of sex, then abstinence in women and men can temporarily weaken the sexual desire. However, in this case, the period of absence of sexual activity is taken into account. For example, if a man practices short-term abstinence before conception, then this is not reflected in his general condition.

The intensity of sexual desire at the time of forced abstinence can change with the help of certain mechanisms of self-regulation. So, if sexual contact is impossible, then both a man and a woman can practice masturbation . With age, in both sexes, forced abstinence from sexual activity is felt less acutely. At the same time, doctors note that for most people it is not a problem to control their own sexual behavior and suppress the need for sex, while not feeling a violation of physical and mental health.

Periods of sexual withdrawal

If we consider abstinence from sexual life, regardless of the age of a person, then it can be divided into two different periods. The initial period coincides with the refractory stage of the copulative cycle. The next period is the time of forced sexual withdrawal.

Most men who lead a normal, intense sex life perceive the first period positively, that is, as an opportunity for a certain respite after energy-consuming activities. In this case, the feeling of negativity is manifested only in asthenized men with a high level of vegetative lability. Such people immediately after sexual intercourse show signs of lethargy and severe depression, general adynamia. Sometimes there is a strong heartbeat, high levels of sweating, as well as other signs of autonomic disorders. Since such symptoms do not disappear within one day, earlier this phenomenon was called "one-day neurasthenia."

But in most men, negative emotions appear in the second period of sexual withdrawal: at this time, after the refractory period, a pronounced need for sexual activity is manifested, while for certain reasons its satisfaction is impossible. In this condition, a person has two types of manifestations: neurotic And congestive . With neurotic manifestations, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, as a result of which the man becomes irritated and unbalanced.

Congestion is expressed by the expansion of the veins of the scrotum, spermatic cord, rectum, a noticeable swelling of the hemorrhoids and other unpleasant phenomena. In this case, a person may periodically note the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, too frequent urges to urination, a periodic feeling of discomfort in the urinary organs.

The most acute signs of forced sexual withdrawal occur during the years of a young man's hypersexuality. This period in most men covers most of the adolescence and transition periods. Thus, there is a dependence on the age of a person: young men and adolescents do not tolerate abstinence psychologically, and at an involutionary age, a person is disturbed by neurotic and congestive phenomena. At the same time, psychologically, a person at an involutionary age endures abstinence much easier.

The restoration of potency after forced abstinence also directly depends on the age of the person. So, the older a man is, and the longer the period of abstinence continues, the more difficult it will be for him later to restore and libido .

Therefore, at involutionary age, it is desirable for men to maintain regular, sparing-stimulating sexual activity. It is important here to avoid both the unbearable pace of sexual life and long periods of withdrawal.

Symptoms of sexual withdrawal

At first, during sexual abstinence, a person may suffer from severe emotional lethargy, depression, discomfort, and sweating. At the second stage, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, which is expressed in irritability and even neuroticism. Further stagnation may occur. All these symptoms provoke increased attention in a man, and the result of this is an intensive increase in congestive processes. With further sexual abstinence, the secret of the prostate gland is gradually absorbed into the blood, the hormonal function of the testicles and the production of male sex hormones are suppressed. As a result, a man's sexual desire decreases.

Forced abstinence is harmful to men over the age of forty. In mature men, as a result of withdrawal, not only sexual function is significantly weakened, but it can also develop.


Thus, prolonged abstinence from sex can have serious consequences for a man. If forced abstinence mature person lasts more than five years, this is fraught with the manifestation of severe, problems with ejaculation and even .

Since regular sex has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine system of a man, and also strengthens the heart muscle, its absence in mature men makes it impossible for them to keep the body in good shape. A prolonged absence of sexual life not only negatively affects a person’s mood, but sometimes even leads to a depressive state. After prolonged abstinence, a man may periodically show unreasonable aggression, signs of excitability and dissatisfaction with life. There are also studies that show that a long period of abstinence can cause prostatitis and even increase the risk of developing oncological diseases .

The period of recovery of sexual function in a man after a period of abstinence can be different: for some, everything can return to normal in a few days, while others need several weeks. Sometimes, for a full return of sexual function, a man even needs a visit to a sexopathologist.

There is also evidence that if conception does not occur, then a man needs to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will increase the chance of conception. This theory is explained by the accumulation of germ cells in the body of a man during the period of abstinence. However, such a theory has many opponents, who claim that sperm quality and sperm motility are much better in those who regularly have sexual intimacy.

But, despite all the above, promiscuous sexual relations with casual partners outweigh the negative impact of sexual withdrawal in terms of the degree of harm. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal physical and psychological state, it is recommended that men, if possible, lead an orderly, regular sex life.

It is now widely believed in society and even among physicians that the physiological benefits of abstinence are mere medieval religious superstitions and scientific ignorance, and this is incompatible with modern knowledge of physiology.

Some doctors use this idea for their commercial gain and create a fear in society of abstinence, which allegedly causes diseases of the nervous system and adversely affects general health. Based on this belief, doctors and psychoanalysts sometimes go so far as to advise young men to use the services of prostitutes, arguing that the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease is incomparable with the harmful effects on the nervous system from long abstinence.

Further study of this article, however, should convince any sane reader that everything written above is a lie, and that abstinence, in fact, cannot harm, but rather is useful; and that when there are any health problems in non-sexual people, it is only the result of unhealthy sexual behavior. Given the fact that sperm is very rich in such substances as lecithin, cholesterol, phosphorus, it becomes clear that the loss of these valuable substances, together with malnutrition, is the cause of disorders of the nervous system and brain, and not abstinence, contrary to the absurd statements of corrupt psychoanalysts .

We have seen that the secretions of the sex glands are the basis for the vital energy of man, both physical and mental. This is achieved through the reabsorption of sperm. Saving sperm means saving sex hormones and increasing energy, while losing sperm means losing hormones and decreasing energy. Chronic deficiency of sex hormones leads to symptoms of aging. Sperm is a viscous liquid with an alkaline reaction, very rich in calcium and phosphorus, as well as lecithin, cholesterol, protein, iron, vitamin E, etc. A man loses about 226 million spermatozoa in one ejaculation , which contain a large amount of lecithin, cholesterol, proteins and iron. One ounce of semen is equal in value to 60 ounces of blood. In this regard, Dr. Frederick McCann is convinced that the seed does indeed have great potential, as ancient scientists claimed.

Sperm contains substances of high physiological value, especially for the nutrition of brain tissue and the nervous system. It is known that the absorption of sperm through the wall of the female vagina has a very positive effect on the female body, the same should take place in the body of a man in which this seed is stored. Conversely, the loss of sperm should deprive the body of vital energy and valuable substances necessary for the nourishment of nerve cells, such as lecithin, which has been used therapeutically with great success to cure neurasthenia as a result of sexual excesses.

Here are some facts that demonstrate the benefits of abstinence:

1. Chemical composition sperm is very close to the composition of the cells of the central nervous system (especially cholesterol, lecithin and phosphorus).

2. Excessive loss of semen (through intercourse, coitus coitus, coitus coitus using contraception) is debilitating and harmful to the body and brain.

3. Excessive unintentional loss of semen (nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea, etc.) adversely affects the nervous system and can cause neurasthenia.

4. Studies have shown that orgasm depresses the nervous system for some time, and if abused, it often leads to chronic nervous diseases (sexual neurasthenia)

5. Abstinence is good for the brain (since valuable lecithin, which is one of the most important components of the brain, is preserved). Many great geniuses practiced abstinence, among them Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nietzsche, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Wagner, Spencer and others.

6. The experiments of Professor Brown Saquard and Professor Steinak prove the rejuvenating effect of the male seed.

7. Leading physiologists, urologists, urogenital specialists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists confirm the physiological value of abstinence. Among them are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

Professor von Gruber München, an eminent sexologist, says it is absurd to think of semen as a harmful, unnecessary secretion like urine that needs to be excreted regularly. Sperm is a vital fluid that is not only reused by the body during sexual abstinence, but through this reabsorption, has a positive effect on physiological health, as confirmed by great geniuses who have practiced total abstinence for most of their lives. Dr. Bernard S. Talmy, an eminent American gynecologist, is of the same view, and holds that semen, in the absence of stimuli, is completely absorbed through the seminal vesicles, thereby making abstinence easy and habitual over time.

Professor Alfred Fournier, the famous physiologist, ridicules the idea of ​​"the dangers of abstinence for the young man", and that in his many years of medical practice, he never encountered any such case. Professor Montegazza, on the other hand, is convinced of the positive effects of chastity on both the body and the brain. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg cites many famous athletes of ancient Greece (like Astylos, Dopompos and others mentioned by Plato) practicing total abstinence during their training, which contributed to their unusually high energy levels. Professor Furbringer, a flamboyant German researcher, writes: “Sexual abstinence, contrary to the opinion modern medicine is not harmful to health. He writes that problems for bachelors arise not at all because of abstinence, but because of masturbation and other forms of satisfaction of lust. Krafft-Ebing, a sex specialist, dismisses the "diseases of continence" as a myth.

The gynecologist, Loewenfeld, considers it quite possible for a healthy person to live in complete abstinence without any side effects. Professor, endocrinologist F.G. Lydston of the University of Illinois: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the retention of semen in the testicles often has a positive effect on physical and mental energies. Chassaignac states that the healthier a person is, the easier it is for him to practice complete abstinence; only pathologically ill people with an unhealthy nervous system find it difficult to abstinence. The famous researcher, Acton, writes that the common misconception about abstinence as the cause of genital atrophy and impotence is a serious mistake.

Convincing evidence for the benefits of abstinence comes from research on sexual orgasm. Havelock Ellis, in his "Studies in the Psychology of Sex", refers to the research of Dr. FB Robinson. He notes that when a stallion is first allowed near a mare, after a short vigorous copulation, the stallion often loses consciousness, the cause of which Robinson sees as the cerebral anemia thus produced. He mentions one case when, after copulation, the stallion fell dead. Young bulls also often lose consciousness after the first connection with a cow, and it is very common to see a young bull so exhausted that he crawls into a quiet corner and lies there for several hours. However, dogs do not faint during copulation because they have longer intercourse, and dogs do not have any seminal vesicles. As for the boar, the orgasm in these animals is so strong that it seems as if the animal is experiencing a strong pain shock, from which, after copulation, it cannot move away for several hours. Havelock Ellis writes:

“Realizing how big influence causes detumescence (cessation of erection after ejaculation and orgasm, approx.), we can explain the occurrence of serious consequences after copulation. Young bulls and stallions fainted after the first copulation; boars can be seriously harmed after copulation; stallions, it was said, even died. In humans (males), the time of detumescence lasts somewhat longer, but numerous accidents after sexual intercourse are known, which are the result of vascular and muscle spasms involved in the process of detumescence. Fainting, vomiting, urge to urinate often occur in young people after their first copulation in their life . Epilepsy was rare. Sometimes there were lesions of various organs, even rupture of the spleen. Men of mature age have had brain bleeding after intercourse as a result of their inability to resist high blood pressure. In older men, intercourse often caused death, there are many examples of old men dying after intercourse with their young wives or prostitutes.

The famous Russian general Skobelev died while cohabiting with a young girl, possibly a prostitute. Researcher Robinson draws attention to the case of a judge who died shortly after having an affair with a girl in a brothel, and to the case of a man in his seventies who died after having intercourse with a prostitute. Such sad cases usually occur with older men as a result of sexual intercourse with young girls.

Acton, the famous medical researcher, writes that in some people, orgasm is accompanied by processes that resemble a mild form of epilepsy. After sexual intercourse, the nervous system becomes exhausted for a while. This has also been observed while observing the rabbits, who, after each copulation, fell into a fit of mild epilepsy, rolled their eyes. Animals often made several spasmodic convulsions with their hind limbs, suffocated for some time, until the nervous system was restored. Acton mentions deaths that have occurred in brothels as a result of the adverse effects of orgasm on the nervous system and on the body in general, especially in sensitive people.

Geddes and Thomson, in their book, "The Development of Sex", address the fact that some spider species die after the female has been fertilized. The same cases occur in some types of insects.

After sexual intercourse, any living creature lowers the threshold of disease resistance for some time, fatigue and a decrease in energy occur.

“Reproduction (reproduction) is the beginning of death. The loss of lecithin and phosphorus with each loss of semen in any case leads to a temporary deficiency of these substances in the body, as a result of which the nervous system and brain suffer first of all. Psychiatric hospitals are overflowing with patients affected by excessive sexual activity. The lack of lecithin is very detrimental to the brain, measurements showed its deficiency in all mentally unhealthy people.

The greatest geniuses of antiquity and modernity reached the peak of their creativity precisely during forced abstinence. An example is Dante, who wrote The Divine Comedy while in exile, Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in prison. Milton wrote Paradise Lost being blind and unable to have sex. Newton kept his mind alive until the age of 80 thanks to abstinence, the same can be said about L. Da Vinci, Michelangelo and many other great geniuses.

After every loss of sperm, you lose all the best in the body, every drop of sperm lost will be compensated from your blood. Sperm must be re-absorbed by the body and become the material for the formation of healthy muscles, joints, bones and brain. By throwing away sperm, you are throwing away your life.

When you see such phenomena as paralysis, apoplexy, rheumatism, diseases of the brain, a tired, exhausted face, stooped shoulders, when young people turn into old men ahead of time, you can be sure that this is the result of excessive loss of semen and the harmful effects of orgasm, sexual intercourse abuse .

You will observe these effects all around you. The consequences will be denied, all diseases of the body will be attributed to any other cause, but we assure you that nothing is so debilitating as excessive sexual activity, and any sexual intercourse is an excess if it does not carry the goal of conceiving children.

The consequences for disobedience to this law are a shortening of life and an increase in diseases, examples of which can be seen everywhere.

According to Acton, the sexual orgasm resembles an epileptic seizure in both its manifestations and its effects. Mental weakness and physical exhaustion are always companions of sexual orgasm. Acton says that only very healthy mature men can endure a moderate sexual life without consequences. In young people, all vital forces must be preserved for growth and development.

Dr. Ryan writes that sexual intercourse can be compared to an electric shock; both mind and body are under its influence, the influence is so great that a person does not hear or see anything for several seconds, and some people even lose their lives after sexual intercourse. That is why sexual intercourse is dangerous after severe wounds, bleeding, etc. Here is how Rouband describes the effects of sexual orgasm, comparing it to a mild epileptic seizure:

The blood circulation is accelerated, the beating of the arteries is increased, deoxygenated blood, blocked by muscle contractions, increases the overall body temperature, and this temporary stagnation, especially in the brain, as a result of contraction of the neck muscles and sometimes throwing the head back, causes a sharp accumulation of blood in the brain tissue, at which time the perception of the surrounding world is lost, the ability to think is suspended . The eyes take on a characteristic haggard, inflamed appearance. Often the eyes during orgasm are completely spasmodically closed to avoid contact with light. Respiration is quickened, sometimes interrupted, and may be stopped altogether by spasmodic contractions of the larynx, and the air, compressed for a while, is finally emitted in the form of groans or snatches of words. The jaws, strongly compressed, often injure the partner's teeth, lips, or even shoulders. This insane state lasts a very short period, but this time is enough to exhaust the forces of the organism, especially the person.

Professor Lidston believes that the consequences of sexual excesses are similar to the consequences, in both cases there is a change in the composition of the blood and general metabolism, as a result of the loss of lecithin, cholesterol, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It is now widely believed that, unlike masturbation, sexual intercourse is harmless under any conditions and in any quantities. However, Lidstone strongly opposes this claim. He believes that sexual excess is the most common cause of many diseases. modern society. Moreover, according to the professor, sexual excesses adversely affect not only the male, but also the female body.

Here is how Tissot describes the consequences of sexual excesses:

Sexual excesses disrupt the activity of almost all organs ... Digestion and sweating are disturbed. There are rheumatic pains, characteristic weakness in the back (violation of posture), underdevelopment of the genital organs, loss of appetite, headache, etc. In a word, nothing shortens life so much as the abuse of sexual pleasures.

Dr. Talmy states that frequent sexual intercourse leads to anemia, asthenia of muscles and nerves, indigestion of food, malnutrition, mental exhaustion. People who are excessively fond of sexual pleasures can be recognized by their pale, elongated, flabby faces, which are sometimes tense in a special way. These people are depressed and usually completely unsuited for any laborious long-term physical or mental work.

Professor von Grubber believes that the frequent loss of seminal fluid leads to a "reduction of the specific internal secretion of the testicles", which would otherwise enter the bloodstream. Depression, fatigue and general exhaustion, feeling of pressure in the head, insomnia, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes, fear of bright light, trembling, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, memory loss, neurasthenia, inability to mentally and physically work, reduced digestion efficiency, - these are, according to the professor, the consequences of sexual excesses for a man.

What is excess? Any sexual intercourse that does not carry the goal of conceiving children is, in fact, an excess. The man is sexually perverted. He is the only animal that supports prostitution, the only animal that is demoralized by all forms of sexual perversion, the only animal whose male (male) attacks women (female), the only animal where a woman's desire is not law, the only one who does not use his sexual energy in harmony, as nature intended.
Of all mammals, only civilized man suffers from a self-invented cult of sexual satisfaction, unhealthy sexual excesses. Wild animals mate only at certain times of the year, and only for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act always, and in most cases without the purpose of conception.

On the other hand, as Havelock Ellis points out, the more primitive human races, leading more natural image life, are much more chaste and do not suffer from sexual excesses. This should suggest that the sexual life of civilized men is unnatural, and that the excessive manifestation of sexual activity among them is not at all due to natural instinct, but because of artificially imposed social incentives, as well as because of a high-protein diet (along with a lack of physical movement), tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, movies, conversations, etc. This may well be the explanation why civilized people have inferior offspring much more often than primitive peoples (savages) and animals.

The ancient Spartans were a people high level sexual ethics, who had a common practice of abstaining from sexual excesses. Men and women lived apart, even when they were married.

In order to preserve the chastity that Lykergus (Sparta's legislator) considered essential to the energy of the Spartan race, he (Lykergus) forbade the consumption of meat and other stimulating foods, and instituted a vegetarian diet. Alcohol was also banned. Lykergus also forbade eating at home, so that the people of Sparta would eat only at the collective public tables, thus controlling their diet, he was able to control their ethics. The people of Sparta became famous throughout the world for their morality, courage, physical and mental development.

I must say, female and male abstinence from sex are strikingly different from each other. What exactly? So, for most of the fair sex, abstinence is conscious, because often ladies do not want to have sex with just anyone. Of course, there are exceptions, because promiscuous girls are not a discovery for anyone. However normal woman for sexual attraction, you need at least sympathy for a partner.

For men, it's different. Their abstinence is most often forced. For example, while serving in the army, etc. It also happens that a man does not have the courage, skills and other skills to seduce a woman. And in this case, he again remains without sex. But, as a rule, if a man is hungry, then he will "take care" of his need with any woman. And even with one that is completely indifferent to him or seems unattractive.

Nevertheless, this fact does not exclude the presence in the lives of many men of such a phenomenon as prolonged sexual restriction. Statistics say that more than 10 percent of men aged 20 to 40 have not had sex for more than a year or two, and this is the longest sexual abstinence.

How does this affect men's health? Is it good or bad? All these issues must certainly be understood very thoroughly, since there is not only a physical, but also a psychological component.

Abstinence in men: features of this condition, periods and common reasons for refusing intimate life

Sexual life is an integral part of adults, which, according to experts, is useful for both general health person, and for his psycho-emotional background.

Prolonged sexual abstinence in men is a rather acute topic, since there is an opinion that this conscious state can lead to dangerous consequences in humans and even diseases.

Despite this, doctors advise not to rush to conclusions about the benefits and harms of abstinence in men, because each organism is individual and quite different factors can become the reason for refusing to have an intimate life.

According to statistics, abstinence in men in more than 75% of all cases is a necessary measure. Less often, a person comes to such a decision himself due to pronounced emotional difficulties, religion, problems and other conditions that are not associated with diseases in the reproductive system.

Moreover, studies have found that men over the age of fifty or those who have already had a bad experience of intimate relationships are most likely to intentionally refuse sex.

Features of sexual abstinence

Sexual abstinence is characterized by states during which a person must adhere to a forced refusal to have sex or avoid an intimate life of his own free will.

In turn, this condition can be of several varieties, namely:

  • Total abstinence excludes all types of sexual activity.
  • Partial abstinence allows for sexual arousal as well as occasional self-gratification.

It is important to note that in young men, abstinence from sex is quite natural and usually resolves without any harm to the body. Moreover, a short-term refusal of intimate life improves the quality of sperm, which can be favorably reflected in the conception of a child.

If we consider the features of sexual abstinence, then historically it was considered the only surest method of unwanted fertilization. Today, spouses, as well as partners who live sexually, establish their own rhythm of sexual life.

It is most difficult for middle-aged men to endure abstinence from sex, as this threatens with stagnation and a number of problems in the reproductive system. Despite this, swollen testicles and pain without sex is just a myth that exists among the people. In fact, the rejection of intimacy has such serious consequences extremely rarely.

The first period is observed together with the stage of the copulative cycle.

The second is a forced rejection of intimacy.

As a rule, those men who live an active sexual life perceive the first period of refusing sex as an opportunity to rest.

In this state, men do not feel negative and depressed.

As for the second period of abstinence, which is sometimes forced, it is more difficult, since in this case a person may suffer from depression, sleep disturbance, irritability, and even depression.

Moreover, according to the characteristics of the manifestations of abstinence, it can be neurotic and stagnant.

Stagnation is characterized by heaviness in the perineum, discomfort in genitourinary system and frequent urge to urinate.

Characteristically, the most acute signs of sexual withdrawal are observed in hypersexual adolescents. As a person grows older, the body reacts less sharply to abstaining from sex.

Reasons for not having sex

Most common causes sexual abstinence are:

  • Voluntary renunciation of intimate life, which is associated with purely moral or religious beliefs of a person. For example, a vow in some faiths forbids sex before marriage. Also, this can be facilitated by banal promises or the termination of intimacy “for a bet”.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Depression.
  • Violation of the relationship with the partner. Frequent quarrels, infidelity of a woman, jealousy are especially strong in reducing sexual desire.
  • Physiological reactions that underlie intimate relationships between a man and a woman.
  • Unstable psycho-emotional state.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system.

Sexual energy is the strongest in man. Sublimation at the same time involves the suppression of sexual energy or its redirection to another direction (work, hobby, creativity). At the same time, it is worth noting that those people who learn to transform sexual energy into other channels quite quickly achieve great success in creativity and other activities.

Most people require special methods and techniques that will help them properly master and redirect sexual energy in the right direction, but some men and women do not have any problems with this at all (because they are always passionate about their work, which takes most of the time and effort ).

The main thing is not to redirect such energy into the negative (irritability, depression, stress), but to learn how to "invest" it in useful things and activities.

Prolonged voluntary or forced sexual abstinence negatively affects the human body and its emotional background.

Sexual abstinence in itself is not natural, which means it leads to a number of violations.

Especially dangerous is the risk of hormonal imbalance in a person, because of which he may become more susceptible to a number of diseases.

Moreover, with sexual abstinence, a violation of male behavior is inevitable, because every day a person will have to block those parts of the brain that are responsible for libido. This threatens with emotional instability and the transformation of a person into a closed depressive personality.

Also, the risk of a decrease in a person's sexual desire is not excluded.

Transformation of sexual energy into other channels. This can favorably reflect on the success of a person, as well as on his spiritual sense of himself. Especially often this phenomenon is observed among monks who deliberately refuse intimacy in order to achieve the highest spiritual benefits, self-knowledge.

  • Control of oneself and one's body saves a person from wasting sexual energy on frequent changes of sexual partners. This can help a man find his true love.
  • Exacerbation of feelings. With a long absence of sex, a person's sexual desire increases, and the intimate relationship itself becomes more pleasant and vibrant.

Despite the seeming, at first glance, the harmlessness of sexual abstinence in men, in fact, this condition can lead to serious consequences. In this case, a person will deliberately suppress his desires, and try to control the production of hormones. This threatens with stagnation in the reproductive system, because sperm will accumulate, but not be excreted.

With an excess of sex hormones, a person can become aggressive.

He can develop obsessions, manias and phobias.

Moreover, the penis, like other organs, needs oxygen. He gets it during an erection. When intimate life is absent, then oxygen enters the tissues worse, which negatively affects the activity of the penis and contributes to clogging of blood vessels.

With a long absence of sexual life in a person, the quality of sex can significantly deteriorate, because his genitals will suffer from circulatory disorders.

The consequences of abstinence in men

Well, it happened that for some reason the man was left without sex for a long time. What is meant by "long"? Experts note that long-term abstinence is a refusal to have sexual contact for a period that exceeds a year. Of course, everyone has their own standards. And for some, a week without sex can feel like an eternity. But that is the scientific classification.

What happens during a period of long-term refusal of sex in a man's body?

It has been proven that after prolonged abstinence, the representatives of the stronger sex may develop impotence. Especially at risk are those who are at an age when sexual activity should be high.

This leads to another problem. Just because a man isn't having sex right now doesn't mean he doesn't want it. And so he may begin to resort to masturbation. At first it will seem to him that the problem is solved, but this is a big delusion. Yes, sometimes you can masturbate. But if you do it systematically, then this is already a disease.

Also, after a period of long sexual abstinence, problems with ejaculation and with the duration of the act may begin. All this will happen very, very quickly.

Suffering from a lack of sex and the human cardiovascular system. Sex is an excellent prevention of various diseases of this nature. Along with this, sexual intercourse helps burn calories. Without sex, a man can very quickly begin to gain weight.

But this is not all that abstinence from sex can bring. The psychological side of the issue is no less important.

First of all, this fact strikes at the self-esteem of the representative of the stronger sex. For a man has great importance how successful he is in love. This is a kind of indicator of male solvency. Men are proud of their sexual success. If they are not, then this significantly undermines their peace of mind.

In addition, self-confidence suffers. This feeling extends to other areas of life during the period of abstinence for men. Stress is another consequence of prolonged abstinence. It's all about what sex is a good remedy against stress. During an orgasm, endorphins and many other hormones are released, which make a person happy, calm, satisfied with life and balanced. Chronic fatigue is a faithful companion of that person in whose life there is no sexual activity.

The lack of sex also affects various depressive states. A man in the period of lack of sex can develop apathy, spleen and even prolonged depression. He may be depressed.

As for behavior, both men and women lack or lack of sex leads to aggression, discontent, irritability and other negative conditions. They can take it out on others, take out their evil on others. Such a person is easy to figure out from the crowd. It is possible that the constantly screaming boss or boss simply does not have enough sex in her life. In a word, everyone has seen such situations at least once.

What can be advised to a man at a time when he does not have sex for certain reasons? How to minimize harm to the body?

Forced sexual abstinence provokes unpleasant phenomena that develop in two directions: local congestion in the genital area and neurotic symptoms. Why is abstinence dangerous for men, what consequences does it have?

Under the local phenomena understand the swelling of the veins of the spermatic cord, scrotum, hemorrhoids, rectum. Outwardly, this is manifested by painful sensations in the perineum and frequent urge to urinate. The phenomena described above are most clearly expressed during the period of hypersexuality in adolescence.

It has long been established that frequent ejaculation is an excellent preventive measure to avoid the occurrence of prostatitis, since the prostate is constantly being cleaned.

The penis, like all organs human body, requires sufficient oxygen to function properly. It is thanks to an erection that oxygen enters the penis.

By the way, sex being intense physical activity can improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Abstinence for men leads to a number of other negative consequences that are associated with the vessels of the penis. Abstinence for more than ten days leads to the splitting of sperm, its dissolution and re-assimilation by the body. The consequences of this process are a decrease in sperm motility.

It is worth refraining from sexual intercourse for no more than two days, especially if the conception of a healthy heir is planned in the future. It takes 48 hours for the sperm in the ejaculate to grow.

Abstinence standards and age limits

Regular sexual relations have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and the heart muscle. Sex is especially important for men who have crossed the 40-year threshold of life.

Prolonged abstinence affects men's health in different ways depending on age. The older the man, the more dangerous the long-term sexual restriction. Why is abstinence dangerous for those over 40? In men after forty years, it can lead to diseases such as:

  • prostatitis;
  • adenoma;
  • cancerous tumors.

Psychological consequences of abstinence

What does long-term abstinence lead to in psychological health? In men, the lack of sex leads to depression, emotional distress, neurosis and nervous breakdowns.

Often a man has thoughts of impotence, which are accompanied by a depressed state. This situation in the complex provokes premature ejaculation and fear of sexual relations.

The most correct solution is to calm down and try again intimacy.

Negative phenomena such as disturbed night sleep and insomnia are inextricably linked to the inability to have a regular sex life.

These problems are natural and understandable, but changes in the prostate gland still pose a great danger.

There is an opinion that abstinence before conception in men increases the chances of fertilization. This theory is also proven by medicine. But few people know that abstinence for the purpose of conception has its own nuances and rules, failure to comply with which can provoke a number of negative consequences that disrupt men's health.

Features of a short cessation of sexual activity

It was noticed that with prolonged male abstinence, the volume of sperm during ejaculation increases, but the long-awaited fertilization does not occur. The main reason for this is a decrease in the quality of the ejaculate. In fact, sperm after prolonged abstinence becomes overripe, “old”.

During the study, it was found that not only the quality of spermatozoa decreases, but also the speed of their movement, which significantly reduces the chances of fertilizing an egg.

According to the results of the studies, the highest quality of sperm was in men whose lack of sex lasted from 3 to 6 days, but no more.

But besides this, many scientists identify a number of aspects of the positive impact of this process on the ability to conceive a child:

  1. An increase in the energy sexual potential, since sexual intercourse and the release of ejaculate significantly reduce the energy resources of the body. Thanks to a short abstinence, a man is able to have more than one sexual intercourse per day, which will increase the likelihood of fertilization, especially if he was in the middle menstrual cycle. But at the same time, we must remember that the next time the number of active spermatozoa decreases, so the chances will be somewhat lower. It is considered normal if, with a regular alternation of a short period of male abstinence and sex, pregnancy occurs within a year.
  2. Restoration of the hormonal background, which contributes to the rapid rejuvenation of male germ cells, due to which the production of high-quality active sperm increases.

A short refusal of a man from sexual activity has an undoubted benefit for conceiving a child, which cannot be said about long-term abstinence, which often leads to negative consequences.

With abstinence, the energy sexual potential increases.

The negative impact of not having sex

Long-term studies and clinical observations of physicians have shown that there will be benefits from male abstinence before conception if this period lasts no more than 6 days.

Otherwise, a long refusal of sex only causes harm. The negative impact can be displayed both on the functioning of the male reproductive system and on the work of other organs and systems.

Therefore, regular sex life is considered the main part of men's health.

Hormonal imbalance

Prolonged lack of sexual life leads to a change in the hormonal balance in men. If there is no sex for a week, there is an increase in testosterone, which decreases sharply after exceeding this period.

The lack of the required level of testosterone further provokes a decrease in the erectile function of the muscles and the impossibility of physical arousal, sexual intercourse, and hence fertilization.

There is no exact definition of how many days without sex for such changes to occur.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Refusal of sex provokes stagnation of blood and fluid in the vessels, which leads to their blockage or the development of hypodynamia. These factors limit the saturation of testicular tissues with oxygen, as a result of which the process of sperm formation slows down. At the same time, their activity will be significantly reduced. As a result, fertilization may not occur even after the onset of regular sexual activity.

Physical effects of abstinence

The penis, like all organs of the human body, requires sufficient oxygen to function properly. It is thanks to an erection that oxygen enters the penis. With age, in the process of blockage of blood vessels by cholesterol, oxygen enters in a smaller amount, in addition, the activity of the penis decreases.

What does long-term abstinence lead to in psychological health? In men, the lack of sex leads to depression, emotional distress, neurosis and nervous breakdowns. Often a man has thoughts of impotence, which are accompanied by a depressed state. This situation in the complex provokes premature ejaculation and fear of sexual relations. The most correct solution is to calm down and try again intimacy.

Negative phenomena such as disturbed night sleep and insomnia are inextricably linked to the inability to have a regular sex life. Prolonged abstinence is the path to excessive wet dreams, experiences from sexual neurosis, pushing a man to masturbate. These problems are natural and understandable, but changes in the prostate gland still pose a great danger.

All people, men and women, experience abstinence from sex differently. For some, the rejection of intimate relationships will go unnoticed, while others may have serious health problems. However, let's turn to the numbers - changes in the results of the analyzes.

The consequences of prolonged abstinence for men

Psychological disorders. With prolonged abstinence, first of all, psychological health may suffer. A man becomes more aggressive, irritable, or vice versa, a breakdown occurs, an apathetic and depressive state.

Hormonal problems are associated with psychological health, that is, due to an excess of hormones associated with a lack of sex, hormonal disruptions can develop.

Young men note drawing pains in the testicles with prolonged excitement in the absence of discharge. It's not fatal, but it's not helpful either.

But the biggest danger is the risk of impaired potency and the development of prostatitis. And the older the man, and the longer the period of abstinence, the greater the likelihood of such diseases.

In addition, among doctors there is an opinion that sperm after abstinence is unable to fertilize the egg. This is due to the fact that the seed "stagnates", and the spermatozoa lose their activity.

Abstinence and women's health

Gynecology is the first thing that suffers during prolonged abstinence. Lack of sex can cause stagnation of blood in the pelvis and, as a result, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, adnexitis, and breast or ovarian cancer.

Weakening immune system. The fact of a positive effect on the immunity of intimate relationships has long been proven. In women who have a regular sex life, blood circulation improves, blood pressure normalizes, the overall tone of the body increases and the risk of stroke and heart attack decreases.

Weight problems. During sexual intercourse, the body releases a large amount of endorphins, the so-called “happiness hormones”. The same hormones can be obtained with food: sweets and bananas. Therefore, if a woman abstains from sex, she unconsciously tries to get the missing amount of hormones from food, which will certainly affect her figure.

It is very simple to avoid the negative consequences of prolonged abstinence - it is enough to avoid the abstinence itself.

Be that as it may, the fact that sex is the best remedy to relieve stress, relax and rejuvenate the body - a proven and indisputable fact. Thus, depriving herself of regular intimacy, a woman refuses natural ways of relaxation and maintaining the body in the necessary tone.

The consequences of this can be manifested in the appearance of blues, irritability, depression, apathy, unreasonable longing and anxiety.

Abstinence affects the nervous system of a woman

It often happens that a natural attraction that does not receive regular satisfaction negatively affects the nervous system, making a woman aggressive and irritable.

Due to the prolonged absence of sex in the body of a woman, serious changes in the hormonal background occur, caused by a violation of the ratio of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Such diseases include nodular and diffuse mastopathy, myoma and fibromyoma of the uterus, adnexitis, regular pain in the lower abdomen, premenstrual syndrome, which is severe and is accompanied by migraines and emotional instability. Many experts explain even the appearance of oncological neoplasms by prolonged abstinence from sex.

Hormonal disruptions during abstinence

As a result of hormonal disruptions, cases of metabolic disorders and a sharp increase in weight are not uncommon. Neurosis, depression and neurasthenia often accompany women who rarely live sexually or have completely abandoned it.

Sex is also useful for strengthening the human immune system, but its absence reduces immunity by almost a third.

During abstinence, a person's blood vessels experience a kind of stagnation of blood, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

To endure prolonged abstinence without much damage to health and the nervous system can, perhaps, only the fair sex, with very low sexual needs.

As for the rest of the women with moderate or high sexual appetites, for them the refusal to have sex can be detrimental. Over time, a long absence of intimacy becomes noticeable even in the behavior of a woman.

The nature of such women is changing far from for the better, unreasonable nervousness, irritability, criticality and categoricalness in any matters appear. It is not for nothing that women with a bad character are considered by many to be simply unsatisfied.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Expert opinion
  • 3 Tips


The reasons for refusing to have sex in men are not as simple as it might seem, among them there are two pronounced directions: this is imposed abstinence and independent.

In both cases, the man does not consider himself as an object of sexual desire in women, and tries to extinguish in himself the basic instinct for the preservation of the family.

During this process, something prevents a man from having sex, trying to suppress desire, he inspires himself with thoughts that he does not need sex and, in the end, begins to believe that this is his choice.

After the cessation of active sexual life in the first short period of time, a man can feel a slight removal of emotional tension and relaxation. However, this state does not last long, after it comes a wild desire.

Due to the inability of a man to get sexual satisfaction, psychological processes are disturbed, and as a result, a man becomes aggressive and asocial. Sometimes not having sex can lead to depression. The imposed renunciation of sexual life appears as a result of reasons independent of a person. The most common reasons for forced abstinence are:

  • Military service;
  • Prolonged imprisonment or medical imprisonment:
  • Participation in expeditions by persons only male;
  • Various kinds of diseases;
  • Religious beliefs and stay in a monastery;
  • Long swims.

The positive side of imposed abstinence is that the man is fully aware that he cannot influence the absence of sex in any way. Thanks to this, the mental state of the man is preserved and he is less prone to depression or behavioral deviations.

During self-refusal of sex, the situation develops somewhat differently, since the male body does not stop producing the necessary hormones and seminal fluid in the quantities necessary for a regular sexual life. Subsequently, the man has a glut of hormones and spermotoxicosis appears.

With self-abstinence, the mental state of a man also worsens, since consciousness cannot find objective reasons for suppressing the basic instinct of procreation.

The main danger of making an independent decision to stop having sex is the unpredictability of the consequences, since such a decision can cause the development of a number of mental disorders.

Expert opinion

What happens with prolonged abstinence? On the issue of long-term abstinence in men, experts cannot reach a common opinion.

One group argues that temporary abstinence is beneficial because it saves a man's sexual resources and thus prolongs his sexual activity.

The second group believes that the rejection of sexual activity entails irreversible consequences for the psychological and physiological health of a man.

Despite this, it is possible to return to an already familiar sexual life, but this may require some time and the use of special drugs that increase potency.

At the same time, the consequences of abstinence in older men are most pronounced.

For men who have prostate damage, it is highly recommended not to resort to abstinence. An infection of the prostate or prostatitis is treated with antibiotics along with frequent ejaculations.

There is no sex: the harm and benefits of abstinence for men

Opinions were divided into two camps. Opponents of prolonged abstinence from sex are categorical in their beliefs. They insist that only with regular sexual intercourse does the human body function without interruption, hormonal background stable and psychological needs are 100% satisfied.

Adherents of abstinence from sex are divided into two types:

  • people with mental disorders in the intimate sphere;
  • highly spiritual persons who have taken a vow of celibacy.

Sexual energy is a powerful charge in the human biofield, and according to the theory of asexuals, it can be directed to another, for example, creative direction.

But physiology is relentless. Even if the psyche is rebuilt to a complete failure, the internal organs and hormonal levels will make themselves felt with negative manifestations: pain, discomfort, endocrine system disorders and psycho-emotional disorders.

Help, advice, consultation of a sexologist on the question: "Is it harmful to abstain from sex?"

The conclusions of reputable doctors are categorical: for the full functioning of the body, all systems and mechanisms must be launched. You can’t artificially compensate for your sex life with meditation or drawing - everything should be in its place. What is not in place needs medical advice and treatment.

Experts insist that prolonged abstinence harms almost all systems. In addition to serious physiological disorders, a person's mental health suffers greatly, up to a change in sexual orientation.

People have puzzled over this issue for many centuries, having a variety of points of view on this matter. In ancient China, it was believed that abstinence is an extremely harmful phenomenon that deprives a man of the power to fertilize, and a woman of the ability to bear a child in the future.

Scientists: abstinence harms the body

In medieval Europe, bright minds had a completely opposite point of view: any sexual intercourse was considered a manifestation of the bestial and impure nature of a person, which prevents him from entering heaven.

In this regard, the sexual life of married couples was reduced to a minimum.

However, now it is far from the Middle Ages, and scientists have long proven that prolonged abstinence brings enough severe harm both male and female bodies.

Abstinence is considered a forced absence of sexual intercourse for more than six months.

This is due to the long absence of endorphins and oxytocins, the so-called "hormones of happiness", which are released into the blood during sexual contact and upon reaching orgasm.

Lack of sex life is a step towards obesity

Often people try to provoke their appearance in some other way and, unfortunately, sometimes they begin to seize stress with sweets, because sugar also stimulates the appearance of happiness hormones. In no case should this be done, because the result can be obesity.

In addition to a bad mood, people who do not lead a regular sexual life suffer from decreased performance, sometimes insomnia, poor immunity and irritability.

It can be anything from a charitable organization to grandiose scandals.

Abstinence is the cause of impotence and frigidity

In addition, prolonged abstinence leads to a host of physical problems.

In women, this can result in breast diseases, including mastitis and cancer, and abstinence for more than two years sometimes leads to infertility.

It should also be noted that both female and male genital organs need oxygen for normal functioning, and oxygen, in turn, enters them along with the blood, that is, at the time of arousal.

With a long absence of excitation, the blood supply to the genital organs may decrease, which in men will lead to impotence, and in women to frigidity. Female reproductive organs can atrophy, which ends with uterine fibroids and sometimes even ovarian rupture.

It is also worth noting that congestion may also be observed, expressed by swelling of the hemorrhoids and veins of the scrotum, and this, in turn, often causes congestive prostatitis, sometimes causing prostate adenoma. Both sexes are at risk of developing urethritis and pyelonephritis, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Abstinence increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

In addition, there may be problems associated with cardiovascular diseases, as a rule, this is expressed in palpitations, arrhythmias. According to British scientists, men who have not been sexually active for more than one year have an increased risk of suffering from a myocardial infarction.

In the absence of sexual life for more than three years, both men and women, for the most part, suffer from neuroses and have an unstable psyche. So long abstinence leads to hormonal changes in the body, which can have irreversible consequences. People begin to suffer from the fear of sexual intercourse, and this fear becomes chronic.

It is worth noting that what older man, the more dangerous this process is for him. Middle-aged men complain of dizziness, too high blood pressure, which, oddly enough, is often caused by prolonged abstinence, while the body of a young man can solve this problem with a large number of nocturnal emissions.

The older, the more often!

Sexual abstinence is especially dangerous for men aged 40-45, because it almost always causes infertility and impotence, it is almost impossible to restore sexual function after prolonged abstinence at this age, because spermatozoa lose their mobility.

For a woman, returning to sexual life can also be quite difficult and even painful, because in the absence of regular sexual intercourse, much less lubrication is produced. There is also a lack of orgasm - sometimes it takes more than six months to achieve it.

Remember that abstinence is a personal matter for each person, however, it has a number of extremely negative aspects. Before choosing this path, decide whether you are ready to face the consequences, which are often very serious.

Sometimes in the life of each of us there are periods of abstinence from love games. But how does this affect health? How long can such periods be, so that in the end it does not lead to various problems?

In 65-80 percent, sexual abstinence among the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex is the cause of neuroses. In addition, 35 percent of men experience a decline in their ability to work, and in 70 percent of women, the reason for this is abstinence or dissatisfaction from sex.

However, it should be said that, despite this, a disorderly intimate life not only poses a particular danger to health, but also negatively affects normal mental balance. But the lack of sexual relations also brings a lot of health problems.

How do men cope with sexual abstinence?

Representatives of the stronger sex at a young age, who for some reason do not have regular sexual relations, experience some discomfort. However, if such abstinence continues for a long time, then in men, changes appear in the prostate gland, that is, congestive prostatitis.

Many experts argue that regular ejaculation processes are a wonderful prevention of such a disease as prostatitis, this is due to the fact that there is a constant cleansing of the prostate.

Sexologists have proven that all organs, including manhood, require oxygen for normal operation. The reproductive organ required its amount of oxygen through erections.

With age, the level of oxygen supply decreases, cholesterol clogs in the vessels and the activity of the penis decreases, which can be increased if sexual intercourse occurs regularly.

In addition, after the first ten days of abstinence, the sperm that did not come out on time begins to go through the splitting stage, thereby dissolving, and the process of assimilation by the body continues to be observed in the reverse order, as a result, this has a rather bad effect on sperm motility.

Moreover, the more “mature” a man is, the problems that arise become more serious.

Thus, a man should refrain from sexual intercourse for no more than a few days, in particular, if the family plans to conceive healthy offspring. It is in two days that an increase in the number of spermatozoa will be observed in the ejaculate, so the night of love will most likely lead to the appearance of a healthy baby. Since long abstinence will not bring harm to the male body.

What happens to the female body during sexual abstinence?

The absence of sexual relations in women, first of all, affects the psychological and emotional level, which often leads to reactions of neurotic origin. As a rule, this is due to the fact that a woman feels lonely and useless.

Girls at a young age, unlike boys, most often hide their sexual awakening. Among women sexual attraction does not pass along with young years, on the contrary, it can only increase and its peak comes at the age of thirty, and sometimes even forty.

The natural hormonal processes of young men encourage sexual activity, but girls are often subject to the norms of public morality, traditions and religious beliefs.