35 obstetric week. The appearance of secretions. Is it dangerous

Mom at 35 weeks pregnant

The image of the Kid is rarely distinct. And if it happens, it is most often tied to the moment of its birth. And there is a simple explanation for this: the image must be complete, and until the moment of birth, the Kid is constantly changing, and it is simply impossible to imagine what he is at the moment. Ultrasound contributes a little to this, although the resulting pictures for you are rather a positive fact of the existence of a child than a portrait that you want to hang on the wall.

And yet, you will need to work on the image of the Baby: the more distinct it turns out, the warmer and more active your relationship with the baby will be even before birth. The image of the Kid consists of several components:

  • visual image. Someone in their imagination makes the Kid look like little ones from magazine pages, or familiar children, or older children (if they are in the family), or even the parents themselves in infancy. And someone develops an image independent of anything. There are also those (and they are, perhaps, most of all), whose visual image does not add up at all. Be that as it may, the visual image is far from the main component of the image of your Baby;
  • emotional image. It is connected with the feelings that you have for your baby. Your love, tenderness, optimism will allow you to imagine a joyful, active, sunny Baby. For mothers experiencing mood swings, physical activity, images of capricious, sad, sympathetic kids appear. The emotional image of your Baby is one of the strongest;
  • tactile image. Manifested in ideas about physical contact with the Baby: about how you will feed him, pump him, stroke his head, tummy, back, bend and unbend his arms and legs, etc. Many mothers, without realizing it, actively contribute to the formation of a tactile image: fiddling with babies, sleeping in an embrace with toys, and if there are cats or dogs in the house, then they will have to try themselves in the role of a Baby who is squeezed and brought up. Together with the emotional image, the tactile image creates an almost tangible idea of ​​the Kid.

Information about how he is in each specific period before birth, information from the leading doctor about the size of his body, how his heart beats, how he has grown in a week (month) and what position he occupies in your tummy helps to create an image of the Baby.

The image of the Kid is closely connected with your activity and self-development. So, if you are active, generally satisfied with life, you have many life plans, have favorite hobbies, then you will see the Kid as diversified, cheerful and talented.

A significant role in shaping the image of the Kid belongs to his dad. Very often, even before birth, fathers boldly create specific images: “When he grows up, we will ride bikes with him”, “My daughter will not be afraid of anything”, “I will walk with my son even in the rain, even in the snow - let him harden”, " Finally, I will have a real rival in computer games"," A girl will be born - we will grow a braid to the very heels.

Whatever the image of your Baby, it is needed so that you feel him physically and mentally, strive to communicate with him, be proud of his success in growth and development, and also love him very much.

35 Weeks Pregnant: Labor Pain Relief Video

Week 35 is 8.5 obstetric months! It would seem that quite recently the pregnancy was just beginning, but now it is already coming to an end, a little more, and you will meet your baby and plunge completely into pleasant chores.

What happens at 35 weeks?

All organs and systems work together as a single mechanism. The heart pumps blood, the lungs continue their development: they accumulate surfactant, a special substance that will help the lungs open when the baby takes his first breath. The immune system continues to improve and actively produces antibodies, however, while they are not enough for full protection, so the child is now completely defenseless against some viral infections.
Actively builds up muscle and fat mass. Due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the folds on the baby's body are smoothed out, the skin acquires a natural color, and cheeks appear on the face. On the fingers of each baby there is already an individual pattern that will remain with him for life. The baby's nails are already so long that he can scratch himself. The original fluff of lanugo is gradually disappearing. The hair on the head becomes longer, pigment accumulates in them, which determines their color, but after birth, the color of the hair may still change. But there is very little pigment in the iris, it has just begun to accumulate, so the eye color of all babies at birth is usually gray-blue.
There is less and less space in the uterus, but this does not prevent the baby from doing daily exercises, of course, he can no longer, as before, freely somersault in the tummy, but he continues to move very actively, which sometimes brings mom great discomfort, because the baby’s tremors every day getting stronger. The norm for this period is 10 movements in 12 hours. These should be monitored carefully: both a decrease in the number of movements and an increase in them can indicate a fetal problem.

Fetus and belly size

The phase of active growth of the baby continues, in the last weeks of pregnancy, he gains 220 grams every week. By week 35, his weight is already 2.4 kg, and his height is -46 cm! But the changes concern not only the crumbs, but also the future mother. So, at week 35, the uterus rises above the pubic joint by 33 cm, and if measured from the navel, then by 13 cm.
On ultrasound, you can already examine the baby in detail, and the doctor assesses whether its size corresponds to the gestational age, listens to the heartbeat, which is normally 120-160 beats per minute! The doctor can also assess the amount of amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta, the place of its attachment, which will prevent the threat of premature birth in time.


By the 35th week, the woman already feels some fatigue - this is not surprising, because every day there may be some kind of complaint related to the course of pregnancy. One of them, and the most common, is pain in the lower back and back. These pains are of a aching nature, because there is such a huge load on the muscles of the spine, and the baby does not stop growing, but on the contrary, it only increases the pace of development, so the load only increases every day. Of course, it is completely impossible to get rid of such pains, but you can relieve and relieve tension. To do this, you must use a bandage for pregnant women, which will remove some of the load from the spine, and also do special exercises for pregnant women, but only with the permission of a doctor.
In addition to the spine, the legs are very tired, as a rule, fatigue appears in the afternoon. Many women complain of cramps in the calf muscles, especially at night. To make life easier for your legs, you need to do a relaxing massage and cool baths every day - this will relieve stress and fatigue! To prevent cramps, you need to eat more foods containing calcium, these are primarily dairy products, preferably low-fat ones, of which calcium is absorbed better.
Experiencing pressure from the uterus, the stomach practically cannot perform its function, the intestines also suffer: its peristalsis is noticeably reduced. And as a result of these violations, a woman develops heartburn and constipation. To avoid these undesirable phenomena, it is necessary to monitor the diet and daily routine. Eat small meals, but often 6-7 times a day, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, they contain fiber, which improves peristalsis and prevents constipation.


The most dangerous complication at this time is late preeclampsia, which can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, liver, nervous system, as well as visual impairment. This complication is equally dangerous for both the woman and the child. In addition to changes in organs, premature placental abruption, premature birth and fetal asphyxia are possible, which can lead to physical and mental development child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the change in your condition. Symptoms of preeclampsia include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, the appearance of edema and a sharp increase in body weight. These symptoms do not have to be all present, one or two are enough to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.
It is always worth remembering that a pregnant woman should be wary of viral infections, because the immune system the baby is very vulnerable now. The most unfavorable infections include measles, rubella, hepatitis, especially hepatitis E, in the third trimester of pregnancy it is especially difficult.
In general, you should always listen to your body, because no one knows it better than yourself.

Stomach ache

Not sharp pain, most often occurring with a sharp turn or rising from a chair and passes if the woman lies down a little, is usually associated with tension in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and, as a rule, is not at all dangerous. To avoid it, you can wear a special bandage and try not to make sudden movements, walk slowly and carefully. However, if such pain becomes intense, gives to the lower back, you should go to the hospital, perhaps this is the beginning of premature birth.
Training contractions by the 35th week have already become habitual for a woman, but one should not lose vigilance and, if suddenly, such contractions become regular, accompanied by intense pain, it is urgent to call an ambulance - these are also symptoms of the onset of premature birth.
Abdominal pain, which has a sharp, cramping character and is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, is also a reason for urgent medical attention, there is a risk of placental abruption.
The woman's body is already preparing for childbirth, so it begins to produce the hormone relaxin, which contributes to the discrepancy pelvic bones so that the child can easily pass through the birth canal. If suddenly the pain is localized in the area of ​​the womb, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Mom's nutrition

A woman should be very responsible for nutrition at any time. After all, she eats not only for herself, but also for the baby. In addition, we already know that the child distinguishes between tastes and many foods may simply not be to his liking! As a rule, this is a spicy and spicy food, so you should refuse it, limit yourself to fried, smoked and salty foods.
Returning to the indigestion during pregnancy, which was mentioned above, it is worth saying that many women prefer to eat as little as possible in order to avoid discomfort- heartburn. However, this is a completely wrong position. It is necessary to properly organize your diet and food intake, then there will be no problems. It is also not recommended to go to bed after eating - this will only increase heartburn.
To prevent constipation, eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals that contain fiber, in addition, do not forget about the motor mode.
To facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, be sure to eat soups on vegetable broths or low-fat meat, as well as cereals. All food is best eaten boiled or steamed.
In the winter-spring and autumn-winter periods, it is very important to maintain your immune system and eat more vitamins, drink rosehip broth. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fill the entire need for vitamins and minerals with nutrition alone, so the doctor can prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex for you.

What do we have to do

At week 35, you can visit the antenatal clinic if you have complaints, but the obligatory visit will be only next week. However, if you missed last week's scheduled checkup, you can certainly do this one. There you will find a standard set of procedures: measuring blood pressure, weight, tummy size, as well as assessing the baby's heartbeat. In addition, you will need to donate blood and urine for analysis. If you didn't have an ultrasound last week, you can do it this week. You will also have the usual study - cardiotocography (CTG). This method is designed to analyze the fetal cardiac activity, as well as to determine its general condition. The doctor may prescribe a Doppler study. This method allows you to evaluate the direction and speed of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus and uterus.
Well, the rest of the time, and there is plenty of it now, you can devote to preparing for the upcoming birth. Start looking for a maternity hospital, make a list of things that you will take with you to the hospital. Doctors recommend attending courses for pregnant women, where they will teach you how to breathe correctly during childbirth and generally explain the whole process and definitely calm you down and say that everything will go just fine. And for you now it is very important to remain calm, because stress disturbs sleep and appetite disappears, and the baby reacts very subtly to everything and, of course, will feel your excitement!
Therefore, spend the last weeks of pregnancy in a relaxed atmosphere, walk, breathe fresh air and make contact with the baby, because very soon you will see him!

What does the belly look like

At the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, the belly is large.

belly photo

35 obstetric week - this is 33 weeks from conception - the embryonic gestational age. The total time allotted for the maturation, development and growth of the child in the womb is 40 weeks. At the same time, every week, the child goes through a certain stage of preparation for his birth. In a few weeks, your baby will see the world for the first time. There is very little left, and you should be ready.

Baby size at 35 weeks pregnant

What happens to the fetus at 35 weeks

The internal organs have passed the stage of formation, now they only have to establish a full-fledged functioning. The processes of formation of the nervous and genitourinary systems are being completed. The intestines are actively working - the swallowed amniotic fluid is broken down into water and sugar, the swallowed hairs and epithelial cells of the fetus form the original cal - meconium in the intestines. By the 35th week, a certain amount of original feces has accumulated in the intestines - meconium, consisting of bile and exfoliated skin cells that enter the digestive system when the fetus swallows amniotic water. Meconium will be released a few hours after the birth of the baby, but for now its presence in the amniotic fluid indicates an oxygen deficiency of the fetus. The immune system is completing its maturation, which will have to work harder in the first few years of a baby's life. In the lungs, the amount of surfactant increases again, which contributes to the preservation of the airiness of the organ during breathing.

The thirty-fifth week is characterized by the intensive development of the adrenal glands. These endocrine glands are located above the upper poles of the kidneys and are responsible for the formation of hormones that regulate water-salt and mineral metabolism. In the adrenal cortex, active substances begin to be produced that mobilize the body during a period of stress, which, in fact, is childbirth.

The bones of the skull remain mobile - the seams between them are soft, which will facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

What does a baby look like at 35 weeks pregnant?

In fact, in the middle of the third trimester, there are no significant changes with the baby anymore. Its task is to build muscle and adipose tissue.

The fetus is fully developed. Fat continues to be deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The skin becomes more and more smooth and pale, it is already almost pink, devoid of vellus hair and in some places covered with original grease. Lanugo is preserved only in the natural folds of the body. Folds are already clearly visible in the area of ​​​​the joints on the arms and legs, under the buttocks, around the neck. The nails practically cover the nail beds. Increased striation of the feet. The cheeks were noticeably rounded, the face acquired soft childish features. Hair continues to accumulate pigment and grow. The eyes remain closed most of the time, the iris acquires a genetically incorporated color. But so far, the eyes of all babies are the same color - blue.

The large labia in girls hid the small ones, and in boys the testicles finally settled in the scrotum.

If this is your first pregnancy, the baby may already be upside down in the pelvis. This position is ideal because the baby's head is the largest part of his body.

The term "position" refers to the position of the baby in the uterus: whether he is facing left or right, and whether he has his head or legs. The baby floats freely in the uterus and changes position frequently during the early and middle stages of pregnancy.

Between 32 and 36 weeks, the baby usually turns upside down in preparation for delivery.

  • The position of the head forward is called occipital presentation.

  • The position with feet forward is called breech presentation.

  • The position sideways forward is called the transverse position.

Fetal development at 35 weeks gestation

  • By week 35, all the organs and systems of the baby are already formed, and no significant changes occur in the child's body. The fetus is ready for life outside the womb.

  • The baby, starting this week, is rapidly gaining weight (200–220 grams weekly).

  • The fetus is already growing to 46 cm.

  • The arms and shoulders of the baby acquire a rounded shape.

  • Muscles become stronger.

  • The body is rounded due to the accumulation of fatty tissue.

  • Since all the baby's organs have already been formed, starting from this week, their work is being streamlined and polished.

  • The final processes take place in genitourinary system baby.

  • The nervous system is progressively improved.

  • The adrenal glands are intensively developing, which are responsible for the mineral and water-salt metabolism in the child's body.

  • A small amount of meconium accumulates in the intestines of the baby.

  • The bones of the skull of the fetus by this time have not yet grown together (this helps the child to easily change position during the passage through the maternal birth canal).

What happens in a woman's body at 35 weeks pregnant

You are almost at the finish line. Just a few more weeks, after which fears and worries, toxicosis and swelling, shortness of breath and a huge belly will be left behind. However, during this period it is not necessary to surrender to power, at times, the painful expectation of childbirth. This is fraught with the appearance of hypochondria and even nervous breakdowns. It is better to cultivate the best feelings and thoughts in yourself, learn to visualize: draw in your imagination - what a beautiful and healthy baby you have, and next to you are a beautiful, slender woman with a loving husband.

At the moment, the fundus of the uterus is at its peak height, 35 centimeters above the pubic symphysis, or 15 centimeters above the level of the navel. The child has grown very much and sometimes pushes so hard that it causes pronounced discomfort to his mother. By counting the movements, you will make sure that the frequency remains the same - 10 times within 12 hours. If you suddenly feel that the child is moving less actively or you have stopped hearing him at all, consult a doctor immediately.

By this time, the pregnant woman normally gained 10 to 13 kilograms in weight.

At 35 weeks pregnant, a woman often has to get up at night to go to the bathroom. Frequent urination is associated with a decrease in the volume of the bladder as a result of compression of its enlarged uterus. Until the end of pregnancy, you will have to endure such inconveniences. Try to drink less at night so as not to wake up again.

The uterus compresses the organs abdominal cavity and chest, pushes the ribs apart. It becomes harder to breathe, sometimes dizziness may occur.

By 35 weeks of pregnancy, pre-existing swelling without treatment may increase. The skin on the feet and legs becomes shiny, a feeling of discomfort appears in the legs. Due to the swelling of the fingers, it can be difficult to clench the hand into a fist. In some pregnant women, edema may appear only at 35 weeks. These are signs of preeclampsia, and you need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Some women complain of pain in their legs when walking, after long walks or at the end of the day. Pain in the legs can occur due to flat feet. Almost all pregnant women have it under the influence of hormones or due to problems with the veins. The second case requires special attention, so if you are pregnant and your legs hurt, you must inform the doctor about this.

Relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles will also make itself felt - some pregnant women experience urinary incontinence, especially when coughing, sneezing. In this case, it is recommended to start doing Kegel exercises now, and continue for a few more months after childbirth.

At the end of pregnancy, the discharge from the genital tract of a woman may contain some mucus. The cervix softens cervical canal slightly opens and the mucous plug, which has closed it so far, begins to slowly separate. But the bulk of the discharge has a milky color, a homogeneous creamy consistency and a slightly sour smell. There may be little discharge, but in some women the amount increases, requiring the use of sanitary pads.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant

It seems to you that the stomach has become incredibly huge: the uterus has increased 1000 times, and you feel that your hypochondrium is literally bursting. Many primiparas have already lowered their belly by this time, but if this does not happen, there is nothing terrible, sometimes the baby drops only before the immediate birth.

Videoblog - 35 weeks pregnant

Now you must always have documents with you: a pregnant woman's passport, an exchange card, an insurance policy, a birth certificate, an agreement with a maternity hospital. Here you should put a piece of paper with information about your address, home phone number, phone numbers of loved ones.

If swelling appears on the shins and / or hands, you should consult a doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe treatment. Measures not taken in time can lead to serious complications of pregnancy.

Wearing a bandage is still mandatory and will help relieve the spine and avoid premature opening of the cervix.

Drink less liquid before bed to slightly reduce the amount of nighttime urination.

A month before the expected birth, it is better to exclude sex - the birth canal is preparing for childbirth and any alien flora is dangerous.

Any pathological discharge with an unpleasant odor and an unusual color should be a reason to seek help - genital tract infection is unacceptable, because. can lead to infection and even death of the fetus.

If blood is found on the panties, call an ambulance, such discharge indicates the onset of labor, or placental abruption. You should also seek help if there is an outflow of amniotic fluid - a moderate amount of watery, yellowish or greenish discharge flows from the vagina.

The sleeping position remains the same - on the side. For convenience, you can put a pillow under your tummy or knee. Sleeping on your back is undesirable - it can cause loss of consciousness. Sleep should take a third of the day.

Find the strength to walk down the street for 20-30 minutes, in the warm season you can sit on a bench, in the cold - intensively ventilate the premises.

It is very dangerous to get sick now. A cold at 35 weeks pregnant is not as dangerous if you carry your baby for at least a couple more weeks. But if childbirth occurs, and you really get sick: you have a temperature, all the symptoms of SARS, it will be very difficult to give birth. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Already now you can choose a maternity hospital, a doctor who will take care of your childbirth, discuss the method of pain relief. If you want your husband to be present at the birth, find out in advance which maternity hospital provides such services, visit the courses.

If things for the baby have already been bought, it's time to start washing them. Use only special children's powder - for adults detergents the newborn may have an allergy. Well, if the dowry has not yet been acquired, go shopping.

It's time to cut down on the calories in the food you eat. On average, somewhere around 200-250 calories. To do this, consume less fat and carbohydrates. But, nevertheless, nutrition should meet the needs of the mother and fetus in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

  • Continue to eat 5-6 times a day, introducing more alkalizing foods into the diet and having dinner about 3 hours before bedtime. This will allow you not to overload your digestive system and minimize the risk of heartburn.

  • Drink purified water or alkaline mineral water without gas, neutralizing part of the acid in the stomach. The total amount of liquid should be about 1.5 liters, including, of course, tea, compotes, kissels, first courses, juicy fruits and vegetables.

Yoga for pregnant women

Self-massage techniques during childbirth and before them.

Dangers at 35 weeks pregnant

At week 35, the danger remains:

  • premature birth,

  • chronic fetal hypoxia (not enough oxygen is supplied to the baby with blood),

  • preeclampsia,

  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta.

Childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy is not the norm, but it no longer poses a particular danger. The most important thing for you is not to miss the start of labor.

In what cases can you suspect that you are going into labor?

  • If your stomach hurts, you suddenly have loose stools.

  • There was a watery discharge, aggravated by movement.

  • If training contractions have become regular and interfere with doing your own thing.

  • You cannot eat (to the point of vomiting) and sleep.

  • The contractions are getting longer and more painful.

  • If you notice "leakage" of amniotic fluid, even if nothing bothers you, and the stomach is soft.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing late preeclampsia - the condition is manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and protein excretion in the urine. Preeclampsia suggests that the mother's body can not cope with the double load and needs help. If timely treatment is not carried out, preeclampsia turns into preeclampsia and eclampsia - the condition is manifested by loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory arrest. Without the help of specialists, a sad outcome is possible, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the baby.

There is a danger of the so-called placenta previa. The placenta is not very successfully strengthened on the wall of the uterus on early dates, for some reason has not changed its position and can now interfere with the exit of the baby. If placenta previa is detected, large blood loss during childbirth and unpleasant bloody issues V recent weeks. Preposition must be identified. So that doctors are ready to work with this problem in childbirth.

Tests at 35 weeks pregnant

At the next appointment, find out the position of your baby. As a rule, the child is located upside down. If a child sits on the pope, the chances of him turning his head down are getting smaller every day. Discuss delivery options with your doctor if the fetus remains in breech presentation.

It is standard and mandatory general analysis urine, a smear on the flora from the vagina (to exclude inflammation before childbirth), measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus, as well as the circumference of the abdomen, as well as blood pressure on both hands. To exclude fetal hypoxia and clarify its condition, at each appearance in the LCD from 30 weeks, CTG is performed - a recording of the baby's heartbeat.

With ultrasound of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation, the weight of the child is 2400 g. Starting from this week, the child is gaining weight heavily, every week he adds from 220 to 350 g!

Good to know

More than 90% of children born at this time survive without much effort on the part of doctors.

Fetometry (fetal size) with ultrasound of the fetus at 35 weeks of pregnancy is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size) 81–95 mm.

  • LZ (frontal-occipital size) 103–121 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 299–345 mm.

  • Coolant (abdominal circumference of the fetus) 285–345 mm.

Normal sizes of long bones with fetal ultrasound at 35 weeks of gestation:

  • Femur 62–72 mm.

  • Humerus 55–65 mm.

  • Forearm bones 48–56 mm.

  • Lower leg bones 55–63 mm.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor examines the level of activity of the baby, his heartbeat, the condition of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid.

At a period of 35 weeks, the second degree of placental maturity is the norm, an increase in this indicator will mean a decrease in the concentration of resources useful for the baby in its composition.

35 weeks of pregnancy - almost the end of the eighth month of gestation. The fetus is finally formed, but the internal systems continue to improve. The respiratory system develops so much that it is ready to independently supply the fetus with oxygen.

35 weeks pregnant - how many months?

When it's already 35 weeks pregnant, how many months is it - future mom can calculate by yourself. Women have long known the principles and algorithms of medical calculations. In fact, they are not so complicated, so converting weeks to months is not difficult. All calculations are made in the mind, without the use of a calculator.

To translate the period called by the obstetrician in weeks into months, you need to divide the indicated figure by 4. It turns out that the 35th week of pregnancy is almost the last seven days of the eighth month of gestation. To be exact, it is 8 months and 3 weeks. The pregnant woman moves to a new stage, which is characterized by the improvement of the fetus and an increase in its size.

35 weeks pregnant - what happens to the baby?

Talking about what characterizes the 35th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby, obstetricians note that all changes in this stage connected with . The baby has already turned upside down, and at this time the insertion of his head into the small pelvis of the pregnant woman begins. Directly in this position, the child at 35 weeks spends his last weeks in the mother's womb. He actively prepares his lungs for independent existence, training them by periodically swallowing amniotic fluid.

35 weeks pregnant - baby's height and weight

Indicators physical development of the fetus allow us to assess the rate of its development and compare the obtained values ​​with existing standards. A child at the 35th week of pregnancy already weighs about 2500 g. In this case, slight deviations up and down are possible. This is due to the individual characteristics of the development of the fetus and heredity.

It has been proven that overweight mothers give birth to large babies: the weight of newborns often exceeds 4000 g.

An important indicator is the length of the body of the fetus. When the 35th week of pregnancy comes, the baby is even more extended in length. By this time, the size of his body from the heels to the crown is 46 cm. The growth of the baby does not stop at this, and by the time he is born, he will become ten centimeters taller.

What does the fetus look like at 35 weeks pregnant?

A baby at 35 weeks of gestation looks no different from a newborn. The main difference is the size of individual parts of the body. The face is rounded, acquiring characteristic childish features. On the arms and legs of the baby, skin folds become even more noticeable. All due to the accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat.

The skin at the 35th week of pregnancy completely loses its redness and lanugo - small, transparent hairs that resemble fluff. There is an increase in the length of the hair rods: they accumulate pigment in themselves, acquiring a characteristic color. The original lubrication disappears from the surface of the body. Its small islands can be traced in the area of ​​the shoulders, the head of the unborn baby. Lubrication will facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

35th week of pregnancy - fetal development

Even when the 35th week of pregnancy comes, the development of the fetus does not stop. The respiratory system fully matures, the alveoli are able to function independently. The skeletal system is fully formed, however, some of its parts will complete development only after childbirth. This applies to the bones of the skull, which do not fuse completely, but remain mobile. In this case, the pressure of the bones of the skull on the brain is excluded when moving along the birth canal.

Among other features of the development of the baby, which is accompanied by the thirty-fifth obstetric week of pregnancy, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. The endocrine glands are constantly functioning. The hormones they produce activate the baby's immunity, prepare the mother's body for the process of childbirth and breastfeeding.
  2. The motor activity of the fetus decreases, the baby is located in the mother's womb head down. This occurs as early as 35 weeks of gestation and earlier in some pregnant women.
  3. Most of the time the fetus spends in a dream.
  4. The synthesis of cortisol begins, which takes part in the work of the lungs. At this time, the baby is already able to breathe on his own, so his birth is not so dangerous now.

Movement at 35 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 35th week of pregnancy reaches such a size that it occupies all the free space in the uterine cavity. In this regard, the movements of the baby become limited, lose their intensity and amplitude. Single taps, kicks are clearly visible and caught by a pregnant woman. Directly by their number, you can determine whether everything is fine with the baby and how he feels.

The norm indicators are as follows:

  • at least 10 episodes of activity in a 12-hour time period;
  • at least 4 movements during the rest of the baby.

Decrease or rise motor activity is a cause for concern. With all changes in this indicator, you must consult a doctor.

A change in fetal activity may indicate the development of complications such as:

  • freezing of the fetus;

Fetal position at 35 weeks

When the 35th week of pregnancy comes, the position of the fetus in the uterus does not change. The baby is located in the womb in the position in which he will be born. Normally, this should be head presentation: the fetal head is located towards the exit from the small pelvis. The breech presentation of the fetus at the 35th week of pregnancy deserves special attention of doctors.

The doctor makes this conclusion when the fetus is located upside down. During palpation, the doctor gropes for the soft tissues of the baby, and in order to verify his assumptions, he prescribes an ultrasound. If the baby is located at the exit from the pelvis with legs or booty, doctors begin to plan. This operation eliminates the risk of birth injuries and reduces the likelihood of complications for the pregnant woman.

35 weeks pregnant - what happens to mom?

When the pregnancy is 35 weeks, the development of the fetus and the feelings of the expectant mother become mutually dependent. The baby does not stop growing, which increases the load on the mother's body. It becomes difficult for a pregnant woman to move around, her legs constantly hurt. Edema at the 35th week of pregnancy on the legs is also not uncommon. In connection with this, many women notice an increase in urination.

Due to increased fatigue and overstrain, pregnant women often complain of poor sleep, insomnia. The nervous system is partly to blame for this: a woman is worried about the upcoming birth.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant

The abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy falls down. This is due to a change in the location of the fetus and the insertion of the head into the small pelvis. A place is vacated at the top of the abdomen, in connection with which future mothers begin to feel freedom in breathing. Shortness of breath disappears, which cannot but rejoice. However, almost simultaneously, the pressure on bladder- You have to go to the toilet more often. But this is not the only problem.

It becomes much more difficult for a pregnant woman to find a suitable position for sleeping and relaxing. It is impossible to sleep on the stomach, and it is not safe to sleep on the back - there is a risk of compression of the inferior vena cava, through which oxygen, along with blood, enters the baby. The only possible position for rest is on the side.

Weight gain at 35 weeks pregnant

Weight at 35 weeks of gestation does not stop increasing, so doctors are continuously monitoring this indicator. The body weight of the expectant mother at this time should differ from the one that was at registration by no more than 12 kg. This value is taken as an indicator of the norm. However, in practice this is always the case for me, so when I find excess weight doctors insist on changing the diet of a pregnant woman. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications such as preeclampsia, which lead to premature birth and death of the fetus.

To avoid this, you must adhere to the following recommendations of doctors:

  1. Exclude flour and sweets from the diet.
  2. Monitor physical activity.
  3. The menu must contain vegetables, fruits, herbs in large quantities.
  4. It is necessary to eat little by little and at least 5-6 times a day.

Discharge at 35 weeks pregnant

At 35 weeks, a pregnant woman should not experience a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. Normally, they are not plentiful, transparent, have no smell and impurities. A change in the amount, color, nature of discharge is a sign of a possible pathology. Among the most dangerous it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Watery discharge- indicate a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder and a slow outflow of amniotic fluid to the outside. The condition is dangerous development. With an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid released, doctors stimulate delivery.
  2. bloody, brown discharge - a frequent sign of premature detachment of the placenta or uterine bleeding. The situation requires urgent medical intervention and emergency care for the pregnant woman.

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

The pain that accompanies the 35th week of pregnancy is often a variant of the norm if they pass quickly and are of low intensity.

In this case, the localization of pain can be different:

  • in the lumbar region - due to a displaced center of gravity;
  • near the sacrum - as a result of softening of the pelvic bones;
  • in the legs - the formation of edema;
  • in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands - due to the growth of glandular tissue.

Special attention deserves the situation when the 35th week of pregnancy is going on, pulling the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is considered as training contractions, but it is necessary to be able to distinguish them from generic ones.

Practice bouts:

  • do not increase over time;
  • do not cause severe pain;
  • do not have a clear interval and disappear on their own after a short time.

CTG at 35 weeks pregnant

The thirty-fifth week of pregnancy is rarely accompanied by examinations and tests. However, at this time may be appointed. Cardiotocography is a method for assessing cardiac activity and uterine muscle tone. With it, you can not only calculate the number of heartbeats, but also analyze the contractility of the uterus. The study is carried out starting from the 26th week of pregnancy. At the end of the procedure, the doctor analyzes the following indicators:

  1. Basal rhythm (BHR, HR)- average heart rate. Normally, it is 110–160 beats per minute (with fetal activity it increases to 130–190).
  2. Rhythm variability– average height of deviations from heart rate. Normal is 5-25 beats per minute.
  3. Accelerations (accelerations)- acceleration of the number of heartbeats (looks like high teeth). Normal - 2 or more in 10 minutes.
  4. Decelerations (Decelerations)- slowing down the number of heartbeats (displayed as troughs on the graph). Normally, they should be absent.
  5. Tocogram- checking the activity of the uterus. Normally, uterine contractions should be no more than 15% of BHR, and their duration should be at least 30 seconds.

Risks at 35 weeks pregnant

The gestation period of 35 weeks is a conditionally safe period of pregnancy. The likelihood of complications is now small, but the risk of premature birth of the baby is present.

In addition to giving birth before the due date, the expectant mother may also face the following complications of pregnancy:

  • preeclampsia;
  • premature detachment of the placenta.

35 weeks pregnant - what not to do?

To reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and not endanger the health of the baby, the expectant mother should be aware of the main prohibitions of late pregnancy. These include:

  1. intimate connections. Sex at the 35th week of pregnancy can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterine myometrium, which is fraught with the development of childbirth.
  2. Physical exercise. We are not talking about a complete restriction of motor activity, however, long walks, mopping the floors will not benefit the mother now.

Delivery at 35 weeks pregnant

Childbirth at 35 weeks of gestation is not so dangerous. A baby born at this time is already able to breathe on its own, has sufficient weight. The prognosis is favorable. Children without developmental anomalies and congenital diseases quickly gain weight and after a few months do not differ from their peers born at term.