Crafts from waste and waste materials. DIY crafts from waste materials for children and cottages: step-by-step master classes with photos. Unnecessary paper is also used

A popular trend in modern creativity is considered to be art dump, or Trash art, which is the making of crafts from waste material with your own hands, which are suitable for kindergarten and school. Handmade masters use used and unnecessary items in their work: old newspapers, CDs, vinyl records, bottles, corks, plastic bags, boxes, cans and much more. “Trash” art protects the environment from pollution and gives a second life to old things that have lost their intended purpose.

From disposable tableware

Plastic is often used in Trash art; plates, spoons, forks, glasses, and cocktail sticks are used in the work.


The instructions for making the lamp are easy to follow; the main materials are plastic spoons and a bottle. For work you will also need hot glue, a stationery knife, and a light bulb.

Use a knife to cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle. The volume of the container can be any, but it is preferable to use dishes with a capacity of 5 liters.

The handle of the spoons is removed to the base, leaving only the round part, which is carefully attached to the bottle using hot glue.

When the container is completely covered, a ring is made separately, connecting the spoons to each other.

The lamp is placed inside the finished lampshade, and a ring is attached to the upper part.


To complete the craft, use 3 plastic spoons; to obtain a larger insect size, it is recommended to use tablespoons. A button is used to make the head.

The devices are painted with acrylic paint: two - red, one and the ladybug's head - black. After the first layer has dried, draw eyes and dots on the wings.

The handles of the spoons are cut to the base. Their red round parts are placed on top of each other and secured with a glue gun. The wings are then connected to the black spoon.

Ladybugs are placed in flower pots or in a garden plot. To do this, glue a thick wire to a black spoon and stick the free edge into the ground.

Rose pendant

Flower-shaped decorations are made from plastic spoons.

To do this, the handles of the devices are cut off to the base. Next, the spoons are held over a burning candle, giving them beautiful curves in the form of petals and gradually forming a rosebud. The flower is used as a pendant.

Christmas tree

Crafts are made from plastic spoons.

First, a cone is formed and glued from thick paper. The handles of spoons are cut off to the base. The parts are painted with acrylic paint, and glitter can be applied. Next, the spoons are glued in a checkerboard pattern to the cone, starting from the bottom tier and moving upward.

Masquerade masks

The craft is made from disposable plates. A pattern is applied to the convex part. Before this, slits for the eyes are cut out. The product is painted with acrylic paints, after drying the mask is decorated: ears, snout, mane, mustache and other elements are glued on.


Used for room decoration, made from whole plates or their halves. They decorate based on their own fantasy and imagination. Paint the dishes with acrylic paints.

To make a dinosaur, prepare parts from colored cardboard: head, paws, tail, body the size of half a plate, eyes. Glue the elements to the dishes.

The tail and fins of the fish are decorated with parts cut out from plates, or additional material is used: felt or other dense fabric, cardboard, scrapbooking paper, etc.

Fruits are made from a whole dish or from half, the designs are applied with acrylic paints.

To make an applique of Santa Claus, you will need the following elements: a fragment of a face the size of half a plate and a nose made of pink colored paper, a mustache, eyes, mouth and a cap. If desired, you can complement the look with a beard made of paper.

A nest made of a plastic plate looks impressive. Natural and artificial materials are used in production: twigs, feathers, grass, ropes. Poultry and eggs are made of thick fabric. You can decorate the product with eggshells.


The lamp is made from plastic glasses forming a sphere. The lamp is used to decorate a room, decorate a holiday, or a party.

It is easier to use paper clips to connect cups, but a more durable construction is obtained when using a stapler or glue gun. The advantage of the former is the ability to quickly disassemble and remake the ball.

A circle is assembled from cups, its size is arbitrary, usually 20 pieces of equipment are used.

A lamp is placed inside the product; it is preferable to use a diode lamp. This will protect the craft from overheating. You can use an old table lamp after removing the shade.

Colored balloons are used to decorate the room; it is recommended to make several pieces of different sizes and colors.


The product is made from disposable cups, yogurt packaging and other small containers.

The dishes are painted with acrylic paint, and a hole is made in the bottom using an awl or nail scissors. A ribbon, string, braid is inserted into it, to which beads are added.

From bottles


Flowers are made from several 1.5 liter bottles; you will also need wire, acrylic paints, scissors, and foam balls.

The bottom of the dishes is cut off at a distance of 10 centimeters from the bottom. Semicircular cutouts are formed in the upper part, imitating flower petals. A puncture is made in the middle of the bottom using an awl, where the wire is inserted. All details are painted with acrylic paints. To keep the wire-stem firmly, a foam ball painted yellow is placed on it inside the bud.


Fruits are made from multi-colored plastic bottles. To do this, cut off the bottom of dishes of the same size and connect them together, fastening them with tape.

Leaves and twigs are cut out of the bottle separately and attached to the middle of the top of the apple.


The bird is made from plastic bottles, their volume is arbitrary, depending on the required size of the figure.

The head is made from the cut off neck of the bottle and its bottom, connected together. The body is made from the remaining container. Feathers for the tail are cut out from the sides of the bottles and made into fringes. The parts are fastened together using strong wire.

The peacock is painted with acrylic paints, eyes, nose and other decorative elements are glued on.


The product is made from rings from plastic bottle caps. Their number depends on the size of the handbag, usually 200-250 pieces are required. The diameter of the rings must be the same.

The parts are fastened with clamps; you can use multi-colored ones.

The rings are laid out in the shape of a handbag and firmly connected. The remaining “tails” of the clamps are cut off.


A pig from a plastic bottle is used mainly for decorating a garden plot and local area.

The animal's body is made from a five-liter container. Cuts are made on it to attach legs, ears, and tail. The neck of 0.5 liter bottles is cut off - these parts are blanks for the paws. They must be the same length. Models for the ears are made from the neck of a one and a half liter container.

All parts are attached to the body using plastic glue. The piglet is painted pink. After the background has dried, draw a patch, glue or draw eyes.

Racing car

To make the machine, a small canister is used.

The bottle is painted with acrylic paint and additional elements are painted. Wheels are made from corks that are attached to the car. To make them spin, they are placed on a plastic or metal rod.

From tires

Decorative well

To complete the product you will need 3 car tires, 2 small diameter logs, 4 pieces of thin timber for fastening the roof, material for it (roofing, boards), enamel or acrylic paint.

To make a well, cutouts are made in the tires for support logs using a sharp knife or a handsaw. The tires are stacked on top of each other, aligning the slots into which the posts are inserted. To ensure the stability of the structure, they are driven into the ground. It is important that the length of the supporting logs is the same.

At the upper ends of the pillars there is a support for the roof - a strong crossbar or lattice. Then slate, boards or other material are attached.

When painting a decorative well, a background layer is first applied, and after it dries, additional images are painted, for example, imitation brick.


To make a children's play area from an old tire, it must be washed and painted with acrylic or enamel paint.

In the selected area, they dig a small depression for the sandbox, install a tire in it and fill the resulting cavity with sand.

Flowerbed frog

The figurine is ideal for placement in areas equipped with a pond. If there is no pond, you can imitate it with large stones painted blue.

To make a frog you will need 5 tires: 3 of the same diameter and 2 smaller ones. Tires are painted generously with green paint (acrylic, enamel). The body is laid out in the form of a two-tier flower bed of 3 tires of the same size. For the eyes, smaller diameter tires are used, which are installed vertically.

The elements are connected using rubber glue or self-tapping screws.

Flowers in the flowerbed are placed behind the frog's eyes and on the lower tier.

Snowman made from cotton swabs

To make a snowman, use 3 polystyrene or foam rubber balls, preferably of different sizes. They can be obtained from old Christmas tree decorations or made yourself from pieces of material. You will also need ice cream sticks and cotton wool, black and red paints.

To stabilize the figure, a part of the largest ball is removed. Cotton swabs are cut in half and inserted into foam rubber or polystyrene with a hard edge. To hold the balls together, use toothpicks or glue. Sticks for the snowman's eyes, mouth and nose are pre-painted red or black, then inserted. Popsicle sticks are the hands of the figure.

Toilet paper cars

The instructions for creating a racing car are easy to follow and suitable for children to make on their own.

The machine is made from a toilet paper roll, with a cut in the middle in the shape of the letter “H”. The edges are bent in opposite directions: the steering wheel is in front, the seat is in the back. The wheels are made from cardboard by cutting out 4 identical circles. All details are painted with gouache. The wheels are glued to the car. To make them spin, they are placed on a metal or plastic rod, making corresponding holes on the sleeve.

Photo frame made from discs

An ordinary flat photo frame can be transformed into an original sparkling product.

The frame is made from cut pieces of old disks. The shape and size of the parts are arbitrary. The pieces are glued onto the frame like a mosaic.

Jump rope made from plastic bags

The product is durable and durable. It is made of 3 polyethylene strips, each of which can be extended by tying parts of the bags.

3 parts are tied together into a knot at the base and a tight braid is woven. At the end of the work, the strips are secured again with a knot. The handles of the jump rope are made of electrical tape.

Fun checkers from egg trays

The game pieces are bunny and chicken figures. The field is made of cardboard or thick paper.

The figurines are made from cardboard egg trays, painted and decorated: they glue on eyes, ears for a hare, wings, beak and crest for a chicken.

Monster pencil case made from a shampoo jar

Before manufacturing the product, the detergent packaging is cleared of labels, washed and dried.

A model of a monster is drawn on the jar, the size of which must be at least 10 centimeters from the bottom of the bottle. Then the pencil case is cut out using a stationery knife. Arms are cut out from the remaining upper part and glued to the body with hot glue or superglue.

The monster's face is made using self-adhesive paper: a mouth, teeth, eyes are made. To attach the pencil case to the wall, use double-sided tape.

Pistachio shell painting

To make flowers you will need shells, a glue gun, and acrylic paints. You can decorate the picture with dry thin twigs.

When making flowers, the bottom layer is first formed, then the buds are gradually expanded in volume. Products are created in various colors and sizes. Painted and dried flowers are pasted onto the picture.

Flower pots made from rubber boots

Hanging plant pots are made from old shoes. To do this, the boots are painted, a hole is made for fastening, filled with earth and flowers are placed in them.

New Year's toys made from light bulbs

Used light bulbs will be useful for making original crafts for the Christmas tree.

To paint and apply images, use acrylic paint; connect the parts using a universal glue gel or a glue gun.

The snowman's nose can be made from salt dough. The base is masked with hats, caps, hairstyles, bows, and so on.

To make shiny Christmas tree decorations, light bulbs are coated with an adhesive base and sprinkled with sparkles. If desired, you can alternate colored matte and shiny stripes.

Christmas tree made from corks

The craft is made from wine bottle corks. They are folded in the shape of a Christmas tree, starting from the bottom tier, and the trunk is attached last. Connect the plugs using a glue gun. The tree is decorated with rhinestones, beads, ribbons, braid and other elements.

Glass jar vase

To make the product, use any jar or bottle of a suitable size.

Pencil from a tin can

To make this craft you will need a tin or any other can, burlap, ribbons, and pins. Decorative elements can be chosen at your discretion.

The burlap is glued to the dishes using double-sided tape or glue. A ribbon with flowers is attached to the top. Finish the work by decorating the pencil holder with a bow formed from a dark ribbon and pins.

Milk carton house

An ordinary milk carton can easily be turned into a house using acrylic paints. Before painting the craft, the bag is thoroughly washed and dried, and the top part is glued together.

The house can be improved by placing a lighting element inside.

Flower pot made from clothespins

To make the craft, use a tin can and clothespins.

Take a tin container of any shape. Clothespins are attached around the circumference. If desired, the flower pot can be decorated with decorative elements: cardboard figures, ribbons, braid, etc.

Flowers from egg trays

To make a bouquet, use cardboard egg trays, from which a mock-up is made and petals are cut out.

According to the photo of the master class, the flower is painted. Gouache or acrylic paints are suitable for this purpose. A hole is cut in the middle of the flower, a stem is secured, which is used as a wire, and the product is decorated.

Pompoms from cupcake wrappers

The ball is used to decorate guest tables and desserts. To make this you will need paper cupcake wrappers. Their number depends on the volume of the pompom.

To make it, use a foam ball, which can be replaced with a sphere made from crumpled old newspaper. The wrapper is pierced with a pin in the middle, then it is fixed at the base of the head and lubricated with glue.

Stick the element into the ball, press it, fluff the petals. The same algorithm is performed with the remaining wrappers, distributing them evenly over the sphere.

TV from a cardboard box

To manufacture the product, medium or large size packaging is used.

The top flaps of the box are removed and turned upside down. A rectangle is drawn and cut out on the front part - this is the screen of the future TV. Cling film or cellophane is glued to the hole. Next, the product is decorated: buttons, an antenna are attached, and painted. From the remains of the box you can make a remote control.

Souvenirs from matchboxes

Miniature cardboard packaging is used as souvenirs.

They decorate the products based on their own fantasy and imagination: they wrap them in wrapping paper or for scrapbooking, fabric, stick on buttons, beads, rhinestones and other elements.

You can put a miniature photograph in the box, decorate the packaging with inscriptions, candles, or create a three-dimensional picture.

Wine cork wreath

The craft is a Christmas wreath and is used to decorate a room or door.

To make the product, plugs are used, which are randomly connected to each other using a glue gun. Between the details there are red beads and beads imitating berries. If desired, the wreath is decorated with spruce and pine branches, on which Christmas tree decorations are placed.

Figures from old disks

The instructions for creating crafts are easy to follow and suitable for working with children.

The figures are decorated with colored paper and drawn on disks, forming the image of the character.

Toilet paper butterflies

They are one of the options for children's crafts. Butterflies are easy to make and the process of creating them takes a minimum of time.

To make insects, use sleeves that are wrapped in colored, wrapping paper or for scrapbooking. The wings are made of the same material and glued to the body. The product is decorated with flowers, eyes are glued on, and antennae are formed from braid, rope, and wire.

Aquarium out of the box

The craft is made from medium-sized packaging.

Rectangular holes are cut out on the front and top sides of the box. They cover the aquarium with paper, paint the inside, and draw fragments of the underwater world. You can attach shells, pebbles, inhabitants, etc. to the bottom using double-sided tape.

Representatives of the underwater habitat are created from cardboard and paper; toys and souvenirs can be used. A rope is attached to them, its end is tied to a hook made of wire.

Cocktail sticks are glued to the top of the box in the cutout area. Hooks with sea inhabitants are attached to them. Now they can be moved. If desired, stick cellophane or cling film to the hole in the front of the box.

Foam turtle

It's easy to create a floating bath toy from scrap materials.

To make it you will need a piece of polystyrene foam, a 0.5 liter plastic bottle, 5 corks, and decorative elements.

First, draw a turtle template on cardboard. Before this, the bottom of the bottle is cut off and correlated with the layout. Then the design is transferred to polystyrene foam and cut out. The shell in the form of corks and the bottom of the bottle is glued to the body. The turtle is decorated with beads, eyes are glued on, and nostrils are drawn.

On competition “Second life of things” Photos and master classes on manufacturing are accepted , recyclable materials, household items, as well as your “life hacks” for non-standard use of various items in everyday life will be published on this page. Read more about the conditions of the 2019 competitions.

Gontsa Inna Yurievna, head of the circle of the House of Creativity “Dyvosvit”, Ukraine, Kiev.

Sabirova Aigul Marselevna, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 211 of general developmental type”, teacher, Kazan.

Trushina Lidiya Sergeevna, 7 years old. BDOU "Kindergarten No. 95", Omsk.

Evdokimov Mark, 8 years old, MBUDO SUT association “Umelets”, Angarsk. Additional education teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Erygina.

Zavarykina Arina, 9 years old, MBUDO SUT association “Umelets”, Angarsk. Teacher Erygina Natalya Nikolaevna.

Trushina Lidiya Sergeevna, 7 years old. BDOU "Kindergarten No. 95" Omsk:

Karadin Maxim Aleksandrovich, 6 years old, Krasnoyarsk, MBDOU No. 24. Teacher Mikhovich Alesya Aleksandrovna.
Painting "Tree of Happiness".

The picture is made from:

  • candy boxes,
  • colored paper for background,
  • buttons,
  • beads,
  • plastic sticks,
  • glue.

On the box we glue a background made of colored paper and sticks - the trunk and branches of a tree.

We make foliage from buttons, attaching them with glue. We glue the beads to the tree for beauty. We glue buttons and beads where they are missing.

Crafts from waste materials. Photos

Works of 2019 participants

"Our dacha." Glushkov Kirill, 2a grade.
Plastic straws for drinks, plastic bottles, cardboard, polystyrene foam.

"Crane in the sky." Garkushin Nikita.
The crane is made from halves of a plastic plate, a spoon, ice cream scoops and a chocolate egg tray.

"Waiting for the New Year holidays." Garkushin Nikita.
Two snowmen, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, are made from bottles of children's drinking yogurt, decorated with tinsel and other improvised and natural materials.

"Autumn Tree" Kotova Ekaterina.
Often there are puzzles at home in which the details are lost. Don't rush to throw them away. They can be painted and turned into a painting.

"Owl". Nerobova Tatyana Borisovna.
The work is made of cardboard and egg packaging.

"Gift for teacher" Maria Adyeva.
The vase is made from waste and natural material.

"Autumn Tree" Tereshchenko Daria.
Made from old buttons.

"The family is a housewife." Khlamova Tatyana.
The domovyats are made using sewing techniques. Material used: linen, synthetic padding, bast, foamiran. The toys are stuffed with rags. They stand on a wooden stand.

"Horse". Nerobova Tatyana Borisovna.
The work is made from old jeans.

Ionina Ruslana. Hat: “Emerald Tenderness” is made of cardboard and flower wrapping paper.
The hat is just a sight for sore eyes!
What a miracle! It's so wonderful!
The product is unusual and beautiful!
The emerald color of the hat with gold threads symbolizes the beginning of autumn. A light veil looks like a flying cobweb - and this is one of the signs of autumn.
The hat is decorated with autumn leaves, which have already changed their color, and flowers, which at the beginning of autumn still lushly decorate the flower beds.

"Bunny". Krivtsov Vova.
The toy is made from a fur pompom from an old hat.
History of creation: I work as a teacher in a kindergarten and together with my son we are constantly making something. The idea to make a Bunny was born when we were going through old things and came across an old hat with fur pompoms. My son immediately got excited about the idea of ​​making a “fluffy”. We started work that same evening. The child was given help in cutting out ears and carrots from felt, the rest was done independently.
Materials: fur pompom, felt, eyes, nose, satin ribbon, thread, glue gun, scissors.

"Owl." Mitrofanov Alexander.
An old fur hat, coffee, pistachio shells, white and black leather, padding polyester, wire and yarn.

"Herringbone". 3 A.
The Christmas tree is made from bottles of Borskoe mineral water. And decorated according to the imagination and ideas of the children.

“Christmas tree, live.” Gabdullin Vladislav Marselevich.
The work was made of metal tubes welded together. Then it was sent for painting, where it was powder coated. The final stage of decoration: was decorated with tinsel and toys. Then this “Christmas tree” went to kindergarten, where she gave the children a wonderful “New Year’s mood.” All the children were delighted, they really liked this “MIRACLE TREE”.

"Christmas Night". Romanova Elena Alexandrovna.
The work is made from a plastic bottle with a painted design.

DIPLOMAS 1st degree:

"Patchwork map of Spassky district." Mazankova Svetlana.
The panel is made using the patchwork technique. The canvas size is 3 x 1.5 meters.

"Gold fish". Shcherbakova Elena and daughter Christina.
The goldfish is made from waste materials.
Wood, wire, and a plastic bag helped create the effect of weightlessness for the fish, making it look like the fish jumped out of the water. The fish itself is made from leftover plasticine, and the scales are made from old rusty buttons. The fins are made of a plastic bag.
The pedestal is made of wooden planks, covered with old napkins and PVA glue. And everything is painted with the remains of half-dried paints.
Our goldfish turned out incredibly beautiful and fabulous.

Box “Tenderness”. Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna.
The box is made of matchboxes, cardboard, paper with a pattern and decorative elements (beads, lace, flowers, etc.)

Tsybulko Alexey, 13 years old, State Public Institution SO YaO SRC “Mentor”, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk.
Head: Tsybulko Nikolay Anatolievich
Job: "Shinomishka". The bear is made from tires.

Alexandrov Semyon
Additional education teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Erygina
Job: "Electrified lunar rover". The basis is a can of Chinese noodles. Whatman paper scraps and paper clips are also used. Electrification using electrodes, wires, a switch and a battery.

Myshkin Aristarchus, 10 years old, MBU Secondary School No. 11, 4th grade, Glazov.

Head: mother Yugova Natalya Anatolyevna
Job: "Trono chair".

The work was made from 1.5 and 5 liter plastic bottles, we also used old disks and painted the top with paint from a can. At this job, Aristarchus learned to use a riveter, difficult, but strong and reliable. The bird's wings were made from yogurt cups, and a feather was cut into any shape.

Head: Ivanova Larisa Nikolaevna
Artwork: “Beach cocktail” from bags and cocktail straws.

Alexandrova Oksana Eduardovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 267 in Izhevsk. .

The car is made of tires, the seats are made of plastic for window sills;

The fox and bear are also made from tires.

Trap - a disposable cup, leftover polycarbonate, a kinder egg;

Kolobok is a globe in the past.

"Sea Princess". Pashentseva Varvara.
The work was made from leftover wallpaper, disposable bags, and newspaper tubes. Accessories made from natural shells.


The caterpillar is made from 5 lids from large mayonnaise buckets. Eyes are glued to one cap using Titan glue, and a nose is glued to the cap from a liter bottle. The mouth is cut out of a red plastic cap. The hairstyle is made from foam rubber cut into strips and collected with a ribbon. The foam rubber is glued with Titan glue. Attach clothespins to 4 lids to create legs. And all that remains is to ask dad to attach the caterpillar to the fence with self-tapping screws.

Spevak Maria Viktorovna, MOBU DO DDT "Raduga", teacher of additional education, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak district. Job: “Panel “The Three Little Pigs”. The piglets are sewn using the stocking technique from old children's tights, the fence is made from ice cream sticks.

Pivneva Olga Alekseevna and her students:

Collage " Summer in the village"(Material: feathers, threads, ice cream sticks, colored foam rubber, fabric, braid).

Yurkasova Dasha, 10 years, MBUDO SUT Angarsk, association “Umelets”.

Head: additional education teacher, Natalya Nikolaevna Erygina.

Job: "Petya the Cockerel".

Denisova Ekaterina Alekseevna, 12 years old, MBOU Lyceum No. 165 named after the 65th anniversary of GAZ, Nizhny Novgorod.
Technology teacher Kochkina Marina Arsentievna
“Photo frame “Chocolate mood”. In my work I used chocolate wrappers, i.e. candy wrappers.

Parshakova Anna, 6 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region. Teacher - Zhirnova Irina Anatolyevna.

"House for a Dwarf". The house is made from a plastic milk bottle, covered with colored napkins and decorated with paints.

Simdyanov Fedya, 11 years old, MBU secondary school No. 66, 4th grade, Tolyatti.
Head: Mom Simdyanova Olesya Vasilievna
“Cup for pencils and markers “Cat”. Craft from a painted plastic bottle.

Chmil Victoria, Savvy Alena, Malygina Anna, Pushkareva Ulyana, Belyaev Danil, Marakov Mikhail, Kirillov Makar, Ryzhkov Denis, Kuliev Danil, 5 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region.
Teacher - Zhirnova Irina Anatolyevna.
Job: "Tale "Teremok". The work is made from old disks, colored paper, cardboard, corks and clothespins.

Trushina Lidiya Sergeevna, 7 years. BDOU "Kindergarten No. 95", Omsk.

1. Work: Aliens from plastic jars, lids, packaging.

2. Work: Decorative things.

Panel: the base is a plate on which coffee beans are glued in a circle. In the center is buckwheat. A composition in the center of buttons, pasta, leather flowers, beads and needles. The vase is cut from a bottle. Pieces of disks and circles of twine are glued around the circle.

Lightning bolts, decorative coins, cords, cotton swabs, and decorative butterflies are glued onto the mug. The bouquet of flowers is made from pine cones, shells, disposable forks, and the vase is made from a yogurt jar.
Painted with spray paint, gold gouache and hairspray. Everything is glued with Moment and Titan glue.

"Robot "Wally". Alena Vorobyova.
The work is made from paper rolls, CD discs, plastic lids, candy wrappers, and Kinder egg boxes.


Urtieva Ksenia Alexandrovna
Bytdaeva Elena Alekseevna, teacher
"Resonant rattles". The work used walnut shells and bottle caps.

Kotikova Maria Igorevna, 11 years old, School No. 27, Simferopol.

Head: Bannova Irina Mikhailovna.

Job: "Shell made from old napkins and a crumpled ping pong ball"

Soroka Anna Viktorovna, 6 years old, MADOU No. 19, Murmansk.

Job: "Silver cat".

Sobolev Sergey, 15 years old, State Public Institution SO YaO SRC “Mentor”, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk.
Head: Zotova L.A.
"Merry Africa". The work is made from plastic bottles.

Sobolev Andrey, 13 years old, State Public Institution SO YaO SRC “Mentor”, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk.
Head: Sharonova N.A.
Job: "Grandma next to grandpa". Made from nylon stockings.

Novikova Anastasia, 11 years old, State Public Institution SO YaO SRC “Mentor”, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk.

Head: Efanova G.Yu.
Job: "Brownie". Made from washcloths.

Author of the work: Baiduletov Dauren, 13 years old, public educational institution "House of Creativity", r/n Lyubinsky, Omsk region.

Job: "Santa Claus". The work was done using the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes.

Author of the work: Marchenko Ulyana
Head: additional education teacher Tatyana Evgrafovna Nikitenko
Job: "Karkusha". The work is made using the papier-mâché technique from ordinary newspaper, the dress is leftover yarn.

Author of the work: Kruglova Anastasia, 14 years old, public educational institution "House of Creativity", r/n Lyubinsky, Omsk region.
Head: additional education teacher Tatyana Evgrafovna Nikitenko
Work: “Symbol of Beauty.”

Turbanova Arina Vadimovna, 9 years old, 3 “B” class MBOU secondary school No. 20, Voronezh.
Head: Primary school teacher Galina Evgenievna Nechaeva
Job: "The Pincushion Hat". At the base of the cap is a CD. Filling - cotton wool, fabric and for decoration - a flower from a hairpin.

Skripnikova Natalya. Made from plastic bottle caps snail. I glued the lids onto the cardboard with the reverse (back) side, the eyes - I took two large buttons. Now such a snail hangs on my wall.))

Dorofeev Anton, 10 years old, MBUDO SUT association “Umelets”, Angarsk.

Additional education teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Erygina
"Robot". Made from empty matchboxes.

Yeganyan Karen, 4 years old, MADOU No. 22 “Combined kindergarten”, middle group “Dreamers”, Kemerovo. Teacher Gorbunova Inna Viktorovna.

Job: “Nature (sour cream lids).”

Spiridonova Victoria, 4 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region. Educator: Yulia Borisovna Leontyeva.

Job: "Aquarium". The work is made from an old disk and colored paper.

Zhulanova Appolinaria, 5 years old, Berezniki, Perm region. Head: Teacher - Tatyana Nikolaevna Soldatova.

Job: "White Tree" The work is made from napkins and cocktail straws, and the background is made from a candy box.

Zhumaniyazov Dilshod, 4 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region. Head: Teacher - Tatyana Nikolaevna Soldatova.

Job: "Sea painting" The picture is made from an old disk and plasticine.

Gavrichenko Arseniy, 5 years old, MADOU "Kindergarten" No. 86, Berezniki, Perm region.
Head: Educator - Maria Ilyinichna Mineeva.
Job: "Traffic light"from a plastic bottle.

Loboda Arina Vadimovna, 4 years old, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 “Khrustalik”, Yoshkar-Ola, junior group No. 10 “Izumrudik”, Yoshkar-Ola.

Job: "Maracas in hats." Crafts from Kinder egg containers.

Ivanov Arseniy Alexandrovich, 4 years old, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 “Khrustalik”, Yoshkar-Ola, junior group No. 10 “Izumrudik”, Yoshkar-Ola.
Head: Bytdaeva Elenv Alekseevna, teacher
Job: " Funny rattles". Crafts made from branches, plastic balls and iron keys.

Pakin Mikhail Vasilievich, 4 years old, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 “Khrustalik”, Yoshkar-Ola, junior group No. 10 “Izumrudik”, Yoshkar-Ola.
Head: Kuvikova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher.
Job: "Creative Drum" from a plastic jar.

Tretyakova Liza, 3 years, “City Educational Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance in Oryol”
Creative workshop “Caramels”, Orel.
Head: Additional education teacher Marina Viktorovna Golovina
Work: "Santa Claus". The work is made from a paint brush, artificial snow, acrylic paint, and buttons.

Participants' DIPLOMA:

Mingalieva Adela, 6 years old, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 211 of general developmental type", Kazan.
Head: teacher, Kulaeva Aidaria Talgatovna
Work: “Box-photo frame”. Materials: 1.5 liter bottle, thermomosaic, glue, scissors.

Parshakova Anna, Chmil Victoria, Savvy Alena, Pushkareva Ulyana, 6 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region.
Head: Educator - Zhirnova Irina Anatolyevna
Job: "Princess Frog". Flowers and a frog are made from plastic bottles.

Author of the work: Strzhelinsky Georgy, 8 years old, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education, Center for Children's Creativity "Krugozor", studying at the studio "Posadsky Souvenir", city of Sergiev Posad.

Work: “Young border guard and his faithful friend.” The work is based on plastic bottles. The bottles were decorated with papier-mâché and painted with acrylic paints.

Volodina Yulia, 9 years old, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education, Center for Children's Creativity "Krugozor". Studying at the Posadsky Souvenir studio, Sergiev Posad.
Head: Additional education teacher Tatyana Sergeevna Kotenko
Work: “Vase “Elephant””.

Author of the work: Panysheva Maria, 9 years old, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education, Center for Children’s Creativity “Krugozor”, student of the studio “Posadsky Souvenir”, city of Sergiev Posad.
Head: Additional education teacher Tatyana Sergeevna Kotenko
Work: “1. Vase "Heat - bird", 2. vase "Bird of Paradise".

Dolgikh Artem, Sherstobitova Daria, Dokshina Sofia, Ilinykh Ivan, 6 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 86”, Berezniki, Perm region.
Head: Educator - Alekseeva Inna Gennadievna
Job: "Galaxy". The work is made from an old box, plasticine, beads, toothpicks and a jar of cream.

Zayakhaev Misha, 12 years old, MBUDO SUT association “Umelets”, Angarsk.
Head: additional education teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Erygina
Job: "Snake from IVs". The snake is made from used droppers, painted inside with gouache.

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    Crafts made from recycled materials are a fun way to keep your child creative without having to buy special kits and materials. And such scope for imagination and development of imagination!


How sometimes it’s a pity to throw away beautiful packaging and old buttons that are close to your heart. Don't torture yourself, don't take these valuables to the trash can. Better check out the options for crafts made from similar recycled materials created by children together with teachers and educators at preschool educational institutions.

Contained in sections:

  • Garbage. Activities, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme
Includes sections:
  • Polyurethane foam. Master classes, crafts made from construction foam
  • Pencil shavings. Crafts from colored pencil shavings
  • Costumes made from waste material. Eco-friendly fashion, clothes and dresses made from waste for children
  • Crafts using Kinder Surprise containers
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 2986.
All sections | Crafts from waste materials

Master Class “VASE FROM A BOTTLE USING PEPE ART TECHNIQUE”. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 57", Solnechnogorsk. Prepared by teacher N. Yu. Staiko. Materials and tools : an interestingly shaped glass bottle, paper napkins or a roll...

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child’s connection with the world of people, nature, and the objective world is established. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. Curiosity develops,...

Crafts from waste material - Photo report on the implementation of the craft “Mouse - the symbol of the year” from waste material"

Publication “Photo report on the implementation of the craft “Mouse - the symbol of the year” from junk ...”
A craft made from waste material, “The Mouse is the Symbol of the Year,” was made by preschoolers in the middle group. Goal: making crafts from waste material (tea boxes) Objectives: - develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to work with various materials; - instill a desire...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Master Class. “Do-it-yourself Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and plasticine.” Who is the main symbol of the New Year? This is Santa Claus. This old man pleases us with gifts and magic. We can also please Santa Claus! How? You can make Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and...

Good afternoon. Today I will tell you how we made New Year's toys from plastic bottles in kindergarten with parents and children. We will need: plastic bottles, scissors, a screw or awl, double-sided tape, tinsel, ribbon, gouache and brushes. First, let's cut it carefully...

Making a snowman from disposable cups is not difficult at all. They taper downwards and this shape allows the formation of spherical structures. You don’t need expensive materials or any special tools, because glasses are cheap, and a stapler is found in almost every home...

Crafts made from waste material - Master class for teachers “Toys made from waste material”

Committee on Education of Ulan-Ude MBDOU kindergarten No. 87 “Smile” MASTER CLASS FOR TEACHERS of preschool educational institutions. “TOY FROM WASTE MATERIAL” Compiled by: Tsybikova L.S. 2019 This master class is intended for teachers who want to make changes to the developing subject-spatial...

Program objectives: Teach children to construct a simple craft from waste material (sleeves), add small details to it - a hat, a scarf, draw small details with a felt-tip pen. Cultivate accuracy in work, show imagination and creativity. Material: sleeve, white sheet...

Today I bring to your attention a master class on making another one of my Christmas trees, made from cardboard, knitting threads and waste material. Necessary materials and tools: a sheet of thick cardboard, a toilet paper roll, wire, masking tape...

New Years is soon. It is impossible to imagine him without a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, without snow and snowflakes! If you want to create a truly New Year's atmosphere, then you can decorate everything around with snowflakes. Snowflakes are certainly one of the main New Year's decorations, and you can make them from...

You probably all remember from the well-known morning program that you can make anything from a plastic bottle from a washbasin to a vacuum cleaner. What's worse about our talented children? They will certainly quickly cope with making charming flowers that will decorate both the group and any area in the flower bed near the garden. Children of older groups can even cope with butterflies, which are made not only from bottles, but also from leftover fabric that any mother can find.

Waste material is probably one of the most common materials for crafts, arts and crafts. Plastic bottles, food containers, cups, spoons and plates, plastic straws, kinder surprises, old things and other household waste are worth nothing, but using them in your creativity you can make real masterpieces.

They are attractive for kindergartens because they do not require the use of expensive purchased materials -

As a rule, everything that can be useful in work is already at hand.

For example, an interesting craft made from waste material is made from a flat jar left over from a spread for sandwiches or processed cheese, a plastic transparent container and several painted in bright colors.

What do we have to do?

First of all, you will need to cut a round hole in the lid of the jar, the diameter of which is approximately equal to the diameter of one cell in the egg container.

Then we cover the resulting hoop with paint or cover it with adhesive film. You can use paints in aerosol cans or even regular nail polishes; they adhere well to such coatings.

Cut one cell from the egg container. We glue it onto the hoop that has already been painted and has had time to dry.

We screw the second part of the jar from the bottom to the remains of the lid. We make four small cuts in it into which you need to insert ice cream sticks. As you probably already guessed, we got the real one.

But what would a ship be without aliens? We make small aliens from what we can find at home - pawns from old chess, caps from bottles of cosmetics, etc.

You need to paint these objects one color and draw cute faces on them or simply a lot of eyes. Here, let the child give free rein to his imagination, who, most likely, has long had his own idea of ​​what our alien brothers should look like.

We open our ship and glue cardboard circles to the bottom of the jar, which will hold the aliens in place.

You will need to place one alien in each circle. There is no need to glue it, because the child will probably want to open the ship and play with it.

Therefore, the main thing is to select the rings that act as seats according to the diameter of the aliens.

Well, the seats are ready, we ask passengers to prepare for takeoff.

We lower the dome of the spaceship.

And our craft from waste material for

Do you want to make some kind of craft, but don’t want to purchase expensive materials? Do you want to give old things a second life? Learn to make crafts from waste materials. Our article will help you with this.

What is waste material?

Waste material gives wide scope for imagination. The most important thing is that it is always at hand! In order to make crafts from waste materials, you don’t have to go to the store or wander through the forest. Everything you need can be easily found in the pantry, garage and even in the trash!

Old newspapers, cardboard boxes, egg containers, plastic bottles, juice and milk cartons, metal cans and lids - all this will come in handy to make children's crafts from waste materials, as well as products that will be useful to you yourself. Working with unusual materials will not only develop imagination, but also teach you to see new sides of ordinary things.

Crafts from disks

Probably every home has a stack of unnecessary CDs that no one has used for a long time. Discs can be an excellent material for creating many interesting things.

Heat the disk a little over the fire, bend it like a bowl - the original candlestick is ready! You can glue pieces of fabric to create interesting coasters for mugs and glasses. You can make a lamp or floor lamp from the disks.

Round, with a convenient hole in the middle... Yes, this is a finished watch! All that remains is to insert the clock mechanism and decorate it to your liking. Clocks can be either real, functional, or decorative.

The circle is already a completed shape. Excellent crafts from waste material for kindergarten can be obtained if you supplement it with a muzzle, paws and tail, or fins, or a beak and wings using colored paper, fabric, felt. Bright exotic fish, birds, lion cubs, tiger cubs, cats, dogs can live in your home - whatever your imagination can do.

Finally, you can cut the disk into small pieces and decorate many things with a mosaic pattern. This is how they decorate vases, Christmas tree decorations, photo frames and even walls! What other crafts can be made from waste material? The photographs show that the scope for imagination is truly limitless!

Crafts from plastic bottles

It's no secret that crafts made from waste materials are often made from plastic bottles. Flowerbeds are bordered with them, flowers are cut out of them, palm trees are made from them. All this has already become boring. Let's try to give you some interesting ideas that will surprise you.

Plastic palm trees are boring. But have you ever seen a Christmas tree made from green bottles? With a little work and patience, you can end up with a real fluffy beauty. And not only tabletop: the size of the tree depends only on your free time and desire.

Take two bottles, cut them in half, and connect the two lower parts. Now let's take up the paints - and boring plastic will turn into funny animals. You can do the same with an unusually shaped bottle.

Do containers of shampoos and shower gels accumulate? You can make a real flotilla out of them for playing at home and on the street. Make a sail from a long skewer and stick it into half a wine cork. Now use rubber bands to attach this structure to the closed bottle. The unsinkable ship is ready!

Why not go bowling? There is always a ball, and skittles can be made from plastic bottles. To prevent them from being blown away by the wind, add a little sand to the bottom. With the help of paints, such skittles can be turned into funny people or funny animals.

Crafts from waste material for school in winter can also be made from plastic bottles. It will be very unusual to decorate your classroom using Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. Cut the bottle into rings one centimeter thick and form the rings into a ball. The base is ready, and you can decorate the light ball with Christmas tree rain, sequins, and rhinestones. The bottom of the bottle is an almost finished snowflake, all that remains is to apply the design with white paint, and the brown bottle will make excellent cones.

Crafts from lids

So, we used the bottles, there were a bunch of colorful caps left. Don't rush to throw them away! The lids will be an excellent material for children's creativity. The little ones can draw faces on them, add ears and tails - you get a whole zoo. Glue several caps onto a sheet of cardboard - and they will become the heroes of an unusual design, for example, fish in an aquarium.

Lids are an excellent mosaic element. They can make an excellent panel with a geometric pattern or an animal figurine. Such a craft will become especially bright if you use paints.

And if you make holes in the lids using a hot awl, you can string them on rubber bands and create interesting little robotic people.

Crafts from newspapers and magazines

Do you have a pile of old, unwanted newspapers in your house? Show a little imagination and it will melt like snow under the spring sun! For example, they can make a great basket for storing... newspapers, for example.

The main way to work with newspapers is to twist them into thin tubes and weave them like a vine. By the way, things made using this method are outwardly indistinguishable from products made from wicker. After painting, of course.

What to do with a stack of glossy magazines? Read our master class. Crafts made from waste material, namely magazines, can become an original decoration for your home. Twist tubes from pages, make flat strips out of them, roll them into spirals of different sizes. Now inflate the balloon and use it as a base for the future round vase. After all the spirals are glued together around the ball, deflate it. Place the bottom of the vase on a flat surface.

Crafts from cardboard tubes and egg packaging

Toilet paper rolls and egg trays are the things that go straight into the trash. Meanwhile, they can also make crafts. Very interesting things come out of waste material (the photographs in the article demonstrate this).

Gently bend the edges of the tube inward. Reminds me of ears? Such a blank can make a wonderful owl or cat. Or maybe you see another animal in this silhouette?

Make a hat from an old sock or a small piece of fabric. Put it on a tube, draw a face - it turns out to be a little man. The hub easily becomes a racing car or an airplane.

Do you still have a cardboard egg tray? You can make a lot of animals and insects from it. These are spiders, caterpillars, bats, chickens and cockerels. Beautiful bouquets of bright voluminous flowers will also bloom under skillful hands.

Crafts from bags, boxes

Have you gotten your hands on a juice box? Crafts made from waste material in this category will pleasantly surprise you. For example, you can make a cute wallet to store small items, and it will also close! Take a close look at the milk carton. Do you see an almost finished bird feeder? All that remains is to cut holes on the edges with a sharp knife. You can decorate such a feeder using self-adhesive paper, then it will last longer in outdoor conditions. The package will also make a house for a small doll, furniture for Barbie, a ship, a car.

But from a large box of household appliances you can build a real castle for dolls, a house, a car, an airplane, a ship for a child, a bed for a large doll, a toy TV or an aquarium.

Panels and key holders

Making crafts from waste materials is not just an activity for children. You can make an excellent key holder or just a cute sign out of all kinds of garbage. Glue accumulated little things onto the board - old keys, puzzle pieces, gears, small plastic figures and other things with an interesting texture, attach hooks for keys. Now everything needs to be primed with black paint, and then spray applied with bronze. The key holder is ready!