Luxurious bathhouse. Bathhouse interior: design ideas, layout and modern design styles (21 photos). High-tech and techno in a bath style

Strengthening your own health should become one of the main tasks for a modern person. Luxury and comfort are not sufficient conditions to escape everyday stress. Find a great way to relax right at home. Creating a sauna is a good idea. In each private building, you can create several types of home saunas in a beautiful design, which will differ in functionality. If you are looking for examples of sauna and bathhouse design, then consider the photo examples presented in this article.

Design of baths, saunas: start from the type of steam room

Interior designs are improving every year, impressing with their diversity, presenting users with ever new arrangement options. Saunas are no exception, as more and more people want to install a steam room at home, so the interior design does not let you get bored. The main thing is to decide what type of bathhouse you want to see in your home.

Finnish sauna - also known as dry steam room

It is characterized by high temperatures prevailing in the cabin (above 85 ° C) and low air humidity (below 10%). The Finnish sauna is especially recommended for people with muscle problems and bronchial asthma. High temperature and low humidity are maintained by a special sauna heater equipped with heating (non-water-repellent) stones. A dry sauna can only be used for 15-30 minutes several times a week. Such a steam room is often built from conifers, such as spruce and pine, but alder is also used. The interiors are bright with a slight pine scent.

Infrared sauna - an innovative steam room solution

It does not use conventional stoves, but installs infrared heaters. The infrared sauna heats up to 60 ° C, while maintaining a humidity level of 20 - maximum 25%. The relatively low temperature and higher humidity make the infrared sauna suitable for use for approximately 30 minutes once a day. The functionality of such a cabin depends little on the finishing material, so different wood is suitable, such as linden, Siberian cedar, Canadian cedar, aspen, alder, giving the room a pleasant woody aroma.

Steam sauna - also known as a Roman bath

The sauna maintains medium temperature (up to 60 ° C) and high humidity (up to 100%). Excessive moisture further increases the thermal sensation. The evaporation of the sauna comes from the stove, and the steam is created by an automatic evaporator installed in the floor. Due to high humidity, this type of room should not be made of wood. Glass and ceramics are better suited for its construction. A steam sauna can only be used for 15 minutes to half an hour several times a week.

Russian bath - proven healing for centuries

This steam room is based on the effects of water and steam. Russian people love it because the temperature in the steaming room can easily exceed 100 degrees Celsius. But the optimal temperature for a Russian bath is 60-70 degrees Celsius, and air humidity is 90%. The moisture level is adjusted by pouring water onto hot stones. It is recommended to wear a special felt hat to protect your head from extreme heat. A Russian bathhouse is built separately from the house from logs of such species as pine, spruce, larch, cedar, as well as oak, linden, and aspen.

Modern baths, saunas: interior design inside the house

Finnish, infrared and Roman saunas are most often built in the interiors of residential buildings. This solution is very profitable due to construction costs. It is better to make a home sauna from Scandinavian wood, which is resistant to high humidity and variable temperatures. Each built-in steam room can be made in two ways: collecting a ready-made structure from a store or building from scratch.

Buying a ready-made sauna with a design from the manufacturer

The simplest solution is to buy ready-made prefabricated steam room structures. In manufacturers' offers you can find many ready-made elements for the construction of premises with standard dimensions of 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 2.5 m (height). Most often, infrared saunas are sold as ready-made steam rooms for the home, but you can also successfully find a Finnish sauna and a steam bath. Remember, however, that purchasing prefabricated structures does not mean that the product will arrive to you ready-made. Prefabricated elements are walls, ceilings and floors that must be assembled. You need to install them correctly in the chosen location. Luckily, assembly is not too difficult as instructions are included.

DIY sauna

A sauna built from scratch on site is more complex and can be quite labor intensive to construct. However, this is the best solution when planning to create a cabin with an unusual shape. In this case, the price of a sauna will be much lower than buying a ready-made steam room. It is best to make a sauna in a frame structure. Use high-quality panels made of cedar, aspen, Canadian spruce or Scandinavian wood. Pay special attention to the quality of the material used.

Design of baths and saunas: photos of all components of the steam room

Typically, baths and saunas include three sections:

Waiting room

This is the first place you enter, as this is where you undress, and after you finish your steaming session, you can relax in the dressing room and drink a cup of tea. The relaxation room can be equipped with a comfortable sofa or a wooden table with chairs.

Shower room

This space is designed to freshen up after a steam treatment under a cold shower, in a pool or by pouring ice water from a bucket.

Steam room

The steam room is the “heart” of the sauna. Inside there are wooden benches for comfortable relaxation on which you can sit and lie. To fully enjoy the process, you need to enter the steam room when the oven is already heated.

What else is worth knowing when planning your sauna design?

Every dry and steam sauna must be manufactured in accordance with the basic rules. One of the most important conditions is the implementation of appropriate exhaust ventilation. The supply channel should be located near the floor (preferably above the stove) in the sauna. Its task is to bring fresh air into the interior of the cabin. When building a sauna, also remember that you cannot use plastic or metal. These are intense heating materials that can burn sauna users. Therefore, it is best to make all seats and floors from sustainable wood species. In some cases, it is also recommended to use durable floor tiles, which will be additionally protected from high levels of humidity and accidental slipping in the steam room.

The design of a sauna and bathhouse can be created to suit every taste, but the main thing is to do everything according to the rules so that the procedure brings healing, relieves stress and contributes to an amazing relaxation with increased comfort.


The bathhouse is a place where you can relax and unwind, and throw off the burden of everyday work. With the help of bath procedures you can remove toxins from the body and improve sleep. Nowadays, many different plumbing innovations have appeared, but the bathhouse is still one of the leaders in popularity. Let's consider the features of the interior design of the bathhouse, finishing options in various rooms.


When deciding what the design of a bathhouse will be, you should think not only about the aesthetics of the premises. Baths must meet certain requirements to ensure the safety of visitors. The most important rules can be highlighted.

  • Make sure that all wood surfaces are smooth and free of burrs and protrusions.
  • Only wooden products should be used in the steam room, so you can avoid burns from very hot surfaces.
  • The corners of benches and shelves must be rounded, otherwise bathhouse visitors may be injured.
  • Hang signs on the doors that will indicate the purpose of the premises. This will make it much more convenient to navigate the bathhouse.
  • Elements of the bathhouse interior should not cause irritation or other negativity. You should strive to create an atmosphere conducive to peace and relaxation.

  • Nothing should interfere with movement around the premises in the bathhouse.
  • Materials that are environmentally friendly and safe for human health should be used.
  • For use in a bath, you should choose materials that are easy to clean.
  • When deciding on the design, consider the size of the bath. If it is small (for example, 3x4 m), it is better to do without unnecessary objects - they will only get in the way and impede movement. When arranging fairly large baths (6x6, 5x4 m, and so on), you can think less about saving space.


It is not recommended to apply plaster or paint to ceilings in steam rooms. Due to temperature and high humidity, such coatings very quickly cease to be aesthetically pleasing. You can use wood or Termocork cork coverings designed specifically for baths.

There are no strict requirements for rest rooms, but it is better to make such a room consistent with the general design concept. For this reason, many people choose wood. You can paint the walls, but you should choose a paint that is highly resistant to temperature and humidity.

Design options inside

When choosing a suitable design option for a bathhouse, you need to take into account the characteristics of specific rooms (humidity level, temperature). For washrooms, for example, only certain materials that are highly resistant to liquid are suitable (many people choose standard tiles). When decorating a relaxation room, you can already show your imagination. Let's consider the recommendations that you need to follow when decorating certain premises.

Washing room

The washing room can be made adjacent to the steam room or arranged as a separate room. You can install a shower tray or a washing cubicle. If, for example, the bathhouse is not located near a private house, but is public, and therefore there will be a lot of visitors, it is better to make several showers (usually two or three are enough).

The washroom should contain more than just a shower. To make visitors feel as comfortable as possible, shelves, mirrors, and comfortable benches should be purchased for such a room. The washing room may contain a small pool (if it is not very small). You can install a cast iron or acrylic bathtub with a pouring bucket in such a room.

The most suitable material for a washroom is ceramic tile materials. If the washroom is quite small, you should opt for plain tiles, but in a large room you can experiment with different color combinations.

Waiting room

The dressing room is an entrance hall, which can also be a locker room (however, in some cases the locker room is located separately). Since the dressing room is the place from which the bathhouse begins, it must be equipped so that guests are greeted with comfort and warmth.

If such a room is quite large, you can equip a rest room in it. To make the atmosphere comparable to home, you should take into account various little things. You can put a large table, a stereo system, a TV, a refrigerator, and hang pictures.

If you make the dressing room not an ordinary hallway, but a multifunctional room, you will need to insulate it. Some people prefer to make a dressing room in the form of a veranda combined with a bathhouse. The veranda can also be equipped as a wonderful relaxation room, ideal for use in the summer.

If we are talking about a simple bathhouse cut from a log, you can do without any frills. The dressing room itself will look very interesting. It will only be necessary to treat the wood surfaces with special protective compounds. If the building is, for example, brick, you will need to take care of the decorative design of the surfaces.

The design can be made both classic and modern. It is possible to beautifully decorate a room using contrasts or, conversely, choose color combinations so that they look as harmonious as possible.

The ideal option is a simple “homey” environment, which immediately evokes associations with comfort.

Steam room

The steam room is usually entered from the dressing room or wash room. Such a room is most often arranged on the ground floor. It is recommended to choose a door made of wood or tempered glass for the steam room. There should be no metal elements on it, otherwise they will become very hot and people will start getting burned by them. Only door hinges can be metal.

For one visitor to the steam room, one or two square meters in the room will be enough. A place for a stove should also be provided. The optimal ceiling height for a steam room is about 2.5 m.

You should not make such a room too large, otherwise it will take a long time to warm up, and the air will become dry when the stove gets very hot.

It is recommended to create shelves from deciduous trees, but it is better not to use oak. When such wood gets very hot, it becomes very slippery. You can combine different types, but in any case the wood must be of high quality: without mold, rotten areas, resin pockets, knots. To control humidity and degree of heating, it is recommended to use a hygrometer or thermometer in the steam room.

The stove in bathhouses is most often installed next to the door. It is very important to ensure that surfaces near the stove are insulated. Surfaces can be insulated using stainless steel, ceramic tile coverings, bricks, and asbestos cardboard.

You should not choose coverings made of panels, PVC tiles, linoleum, rubber, or plastic for the steam room. It is customary to create the ceiling in a bathhouse from boards, lining, timber: it is wood that helps create a pleasant aroma in the steam room.


Such a room is most often the most spacious in a bathhouse, because many people set up a guest lounge there. Usually in the kitchen there are many products made from wood. Wood helps create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. However, such surfaces should be coated with compounds that make the wood more resistant to high humidity, which is typical for a Russian bath. The kitchen floor should also be liquid-resistant and non-slip.

In the kitchen room in the bathhouse, it is recommended to use wide benches, which should be as comfortable as possible, and a large wooden table, at which all guests can easily sit. You should make sure you have a samovar or kettle, shelves for all the necessary things, and purchase a sufficient amount of dishes. You can place video and audio equipment in the kitchen.

Locker room

It is recommended to place the locker room separately from all other rooms in the bathhouse so that all visitors can feel as comfortable as possible. When arranging a locker room, you need to take into account the recommendations of specialists.

  • Make sure the ceilings are high. A person must be able to stretch his arms above his head without interference, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable in such a room. The optimal option for a locker room is about 2.5 m.
  • The locker room should provide sufficient seating for visitors.
  • For the floor, choose a material that is non-slip and warm. You can use a carpet; a suitable option is to install a heated floor.
  • It is recommended to hang or place a mirror in the locker room.
  • Electrical outlets (several or one) should be provided.


You can combine the toilet with a washroom, or allocate a separate room for it. In the second case, it is recommended to install not only a toilet, but also a paper holder, a sink with a mirror, a shelf or even a small cabinet. To decorate the toilet, you can use a variety of materials: linoleum, cork, plastic elements, classic tile coverings, and so on. You can also experiment with combinations of several materials.

It is recommended to pay great attention to ventilation in the bathroom. You can use a heating device in such a room to make it more comfortable in the winter season. If you do not want to spoil the interior of the washroom, you can also place a boiler in the toilet.

You should not place the toilet near the room where people rest. Otherwise, the bathroom will begin to irritate vacationers, they will smell unpleasant odors.

If you combine a toilet with a washing room, it is better to decorate such rooms in the same style. You can separate the toilet using a curtain or partition. In combined rooms it is better to use standard tile materials.

Various styles

The interior of a bathhouse in a country house can be decorated in any specific style. This way you will not only have a good rest and relaxation, but also receive aesthetic pleasure. You can make a bathhouse “German”, decorate it in an antique style, or decorate it in a high-tech style - there are a variety of options. Let's look at the styles that are best suited for such spaces.


The Russian style is ideal when it comes to a bathhouse in the village. For the construction of such buildings, rounded logs and timber are often used. The wooden walls of a village bathhouse will not have to be further decorated or finished with anything. The interior design is interesting in itself.

In such a bathhouse you can install rough benches, large tables, buffets, and a stove-stove. To create the necessary atmosphere, one should not forget about the little things: wooden ladles, embroidered tablecloths, old samovars, and so on. Rooms in a Russian bath can be decorated using brooms.


This style is well suited not only for elite, but also for fairly simple baths. It is a little similar to the Russian style, but country music has certain features borrowed from foreign traditions. Wooden products are also usually used, but this style is characterized by the use of beams, colorful linen and cotton materials, and bright dishes.

The traditional Russian bathhouse has a centuries-old history. While in enlightened Europe royal courts invented perfumes to mask the smell of unwashed bodies and died from lice, our man carried out a weekly washing ritual. Entire families went to the bathhouse without fail on Saturdays. This day was not chosen by chance. On Sunday it was necessary to attend church in its pure form, and on weekdays the Russian person worked by the sweat of his brow from dawn to dusk and waited for Bath Day.

From the history

Initially, the wooden building was primitive and it was heated “black”. The stove did not have a chimney, so the inside of the wall was covered with a dense layer of soot. The interior of the bathhouse of those times left much to be desired, there was no talk of any aesthetics, only functionality mattered. It was not very convenient to steam in such a room, but at that time there was no alternative. Over time, the buildings became more and more monumental. Stoves began to be equipped with chimneys, and the ritual of ablution became more and more complex and overgrown with traditions. For example, in each bathhouse, according to legend, there lived a special “brownie”: an always dirty lover of doing dirty tricks on those who did not butter him with a gift in time.

Despite the main purpose of the building - cleansing the body, people associated it with dirt. Icons were never hung here and fortune telling was carried out, which were considered unclean. The bathhouse was placed on the outskirts, as far as possible from the house: in vegetable gardens and “hollow places.” Fire safety requirements? Not at all, as a dirty building, the bathhouse should not have been in contact with the house. Utensils made from it were never brought into living quarters.

Steam rooms also became popular in Ancient Rome, whose citizens carefully monitored their appearance. On the ruins of a once great empire, the remains of these complexes have been preserved, which speak of the high culture of their creators. In Rome, baths were used not only for washing, but also for holding debates and lively conversations on political and philosophical topics. Now the baths have a modern look, and they work on their design no less than on the interior of the house. The building will become a real decoration of the summer cottage. A country house cannot do without this addition, pleasant in every sense. A bathhouse is usually built behind a yard near a recreation area: a gazebo, a summer kitchen, a barbecue and a garden. Unfortunately, combining this building with other structures into a single complex is prohibited by regulations that regulate the minimum distance between buildings on private property. A typical bathhouse is supposed to have three rooms:

  • Steam rooms;
  • Rest rooms or dressing rooms;
  • Wash room.

In various designs, the number of rooms can be reduced or supplemented. For example, if there is direct access to a pond or swimming pool, then there is no need for a shower (washing) room. In summer you can take a dip in the cool water, and in winter you can organize a plunge pool in the ice. Some luxury options may have entire pool complexes inside. In this way, owners provide an alternative to hot “bathing.” On a site, a bathhouse can not only be a separate building, in some cases (small site), the owners, in order to save space, arrange a sauna in their basement, attic or on the ground floor. Before starting construction, the building design is prepared in advance. Since it is classified as a fire hazard, it would be useful to consult with professionals. Sometimes complex two-story structures are erected with a miniature fence, veranda, porch, toilet, billiard room and courtyard. To build such complexes, it is better to contact a professional designer-architect. He will prepare an individual project. They start building simpler structures with their own hands. So, let's try to sort out the types of baths, the features of their construction and common mistakes that novice decorators make.

Bath area

Its performance characteristics depend on the size of the bath. If the area of ​​the room is calculated incorrectly, then a steam room that is too large will have to be heated for a long time, and the heat will quickly evaporate. When calculating the size of a building, they primarily focus on the steam room. This is the most important room, the rest are just its addition. You should take into account:

  • The number of people who will simultaneously visit the bathhouse.
  • Dimensions and features of the location of the furnace (outside or inside).
  • Fuel type. The best option for uniform heating of the room is still considered to be a heater and firewood. However, some use gas and electric heaters, the operational capabilities of which should be comparable to the size of the bath.
  • Number of shelf seats: follows from the first point.

The area also depends on the size of the plot. If the building is too dense, then the bathhouse will turn out to be small, since it must be located at a certain distance from other buildings. The most important nuance is the financial capabilities of the owners and the construction budget. After all, the larger the bathhouse, the more the purchase of materials for it will deplete your wallet.

The optimal size for the average family is considered to be 5x5 (25 sq.m.). In such a building there is room for a medium-sized steam room, a fairly spacious dressing room and even a shower room for one person.

Sauna capacity

The capacity of the bathhouse is perhaps its main characteristic, which must be taken into account at the design stage when preparing the drawing. Layout, location of window and door openings, communications - all this will be calculated later. The smallest barrel sauna can accommodate two or three people at the same time. Its dimensions on average vary from 2x2 to 3x3 and 3x4 meters. So that a family of four or an equally small company can relax in a bathhouse at the same time, a building measuring 4 by 4 meters is sufficient. 16 sq.m. are classified as optimal sizes, which represent the “golden mean”: construction is not very expensive, and the premises do not resemble cramped closets. For a large number of visitors, spacious bathhouses 6X4 or 5X5 m are equipped. The buildings can have a square or rectangular shape. The steam room usually occupies the farthest place, and in front of it there is a relaxation room, dressing room and showers.

Types of baths

Almost every country has its own bath traditions. To an unaccustomed person, many of them may seem exotic. Each type of bathhouse creates its own unique microclimate. You can spend at least a whole day in some, while others recommend visiting no more than once a week due to excessively aggressive conditions that can negate the entire healing effect. The main types include:

  • Russian bath (steam sauna). Usually these are wooden buildings, either made of timber or decorated with rounded boards. Apart from their design and characteristic “scenery,” modern Russian baths bear little resemblance to their ancestors. Traditionally, their hot “heart” is a heater, but recently easier-to-use electric furnaces and gas heaters are increasingly being used. The air in a Russian bath is hot, but humid. The human body tolerates such an environment with greater difficulty than dry steaming in a Finnish sauna. First, the stones with which the stove is lined are heated, and then water is poured onto them, which evaporates instantly. Traditionally, in Russian bathhouses, the steaming process is accompanied by “whispering” of birch brooms over the body. For greater effect, bunches of medicinal herbs are soaked in water: nettle, thyme, chamomile, celandine. In winter, the procedure is interrupted by “bathing” in snowdrifts or dousing with ice water. It is recommended to heat a wood-burning stove with birch or alder logs.
  • Finnish bathhouse (sauna with dry air). This type has gained popularity in the West. The average room temperature can reach 100 degrees, and the humidity level does not exceed 20-30%. Thus, vaping occurs due to dry air. You can spend a lot of time in a Finnish sauna, but brooms cannot be used, as you can get severe burns. Based on size, this type of bathhouse is classified into mini-variants and “family” buildings. The first ones can be installed even in your apartment. Ready-made mini-baths are purchased in specialized stores.
  • Roman version. Their standard “package” includes two rooms: a tepidarium and a laconium. In one it’s just warm, and in the other the temperature reaches 70-90 degrees, and you can really sweat. Usually their visits alternate.
  • Hammam (dry air). You can sit in this oriental type of bathhouse for at least a whole day. The air is hot and dry, but the temperature is not increased above 50 degrees.
  • Ofuro (water bath). Steaming in barrels of heated water is actively practiced in Japan. Essentially it's just a very hot bath of an unusual shape.

In addition to the above options, more exotic buildings are installed much less frequently: Egyptian sand baths (vertical and horizontal), Czech “beer baths”, Japanese sento (the same ofuro, but for the whole family), Swedish bastu, Indian temazcals, English hot stones, Moroccan and Indian (ancient) steam rooms.

The type of bath is chosen based on the permissible dimensions. A barrel bathhouse will fit in a small corner of the site, but a Roman washing complex will require a large area.

Interior styles

The style solution is a combination of external design (exterior) and interior decoration (interior). Unlike the design of an apartment or house, a minimum of furniture is used in a simple bathhouse. In the relaxation room, armchairs and sofas are replaced with spacious benches that are installed around the table. In the steam room, even less decor is used. The most common option is rustic style. This interior solution recognizes only simplicity bordering on primitivism. Untreated surfaces and the most “wild” appearance of the building are the calling card of the rustic style. For decoration, carvings are used that adorn the exterior of the house. Baths designed according to the principles of French Provence have a more elegant appearance. The decoration and surfaces are an imitation of antiquity. In such a room, the furniture is painted white, and the porch is decorated with a bench with a blanket and pillows in a cheerful flower pattern. The antique style is classified as an “ancient” style: it has managed to preserve its characteristics, having passed the test of time. Tiled tiles are used for interior decoration, and the room is decorated with fountains and decorative columns that support the domed vault. You can use antique amphorae and figurines as a highlight of the interior. Country style is characterized by a touch of recklessness. Brickwork or its imitation (prohibited in the steam room), metal elements and untreated wood are used in the interior and exterior. The strict loft breathes with unobtrusive luxury. The dressing room and rest room are decorated in style: expensive carpets on the floor, pillows on the benches, multi-level lighting, perhaps even a bar counter. The chalet style came down to us from the Alpine slopes: it is simple but elegant. The decor is dominated by rough wood and wide windows, which creates an almost homely feel.

Finishing materials

In Russian baths, steam had a special healing effect due to contact with the interior decoration made of logs. Wood has “breathable” pores that emit a unique aroma when exposed to high humidity. For this reason, bathhouses are not built from coniferous trees, as they emit resin. For interior decoration, it is not recommended to use artificial materials that can release toxins when heated: PVC panels and tiles, artificial stone, brick, MDF, and chipboard. The latter seem harmless, since they are based on waste from the woodworking industry, but the adhesive that holds the sawdust together can release harmful substances when heated. External walls are clad with clapboards. The interior is finished with thermolipa boards (a special material for baths) or block house. The floor is laid with planks or tiles, and the ceiling is lined with clapboard. In order for the required temperature regime to be maintained in the building for a long time, it is necessary to insulate it efficiently. For these purposes, three layers of different materials are used:

  • Vapor barrier. Foil insulation is used.
  • Mineral wool. Lightweight and non-flammable material.
  • Waterproofing film.

The resulting layered insulating “cake” is covered with finishing materials that perform a decorative function.


When organizing lighting in a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account two main features of the microclimate of the building:

  • High humidity;
  • Elevated temperatures.

Moisture is considered a more dangerous “enemy” of wiring, as it can cause a short circuit in the network, which often causes a fire. Light bulbs, switches, wiring and distribution panels are selected from special options. In bathhouses, the entire lighting system must be qualitatively protected from the aggressive effects of the internal environment of the building. In the washing room and dressing room you can use ordinary light bulbs, but for the steam room you will have to purchase special sealed ones that will reliably protect the “insides” of the device. The lampshade and parting body must be waterproof. The lighting in the steam room should not be too bright, as this will not promote relaxation.

Steam room

The steam room is the central room of the bathhouse. The main healing process takes place in it and interior design usually begins with it. The furnishings in the steam room are modest. The main element of furniture is benches. In primitive versions, they are placed around the perimeter of the steam room. In more complex interiors, multi-tiered compositions are made that allow the whole family to sit comfortably. The central position in the steam room is occupied by the stove, which is decorated to match the overall decoration.

The dressing room can be called a “waiting room.” A couple of benches, a closet or a separate fenced-off dressing room are installed here. Its main task is to prevent cold air from entering the steam room. It serves as a kind of intermediate zone between the street and the main room. In the waiting room, people usually relax while waiting for the room to heat up or for their turn to visit. In more modest options with a lack of space, it is combined with a recreation room.

What is “beautiful” and what are they like, beautiful baths around the world? In fact, the term “beauty” seems simple only to ordinary people - among designers and architects, it is one of the most complex concepts. It contains everything: a feeling of harmony when seeing a certain object, the influence of its color scheme on the psycho-physical characteristics of a person, the correct combination of shapes and lines, the appropriateness of using certain textures and decor. Yes, it’s hard for the average person to even imagine how long the creative team of a construction company can work on creating just one project! Sometimes a beautiful bathhouse is built faster than its sketch was created and approved...

And the most interesting trap lies in the fact that in the most expensive and complex 3D visualization, which meticulously conveys sunlight and the finest shades of color, a steam room can look one way, but in life it can look completely different. A striking example of this is the torn brickwork on white walls, which look so impressive on the glossy pages of a magazine and so ugly and absurd on a real building. After all, our vision and perception have always been and will be more complex than any 3D program, just as our brain is smarter than any ultra-modern computer.

Therefore, choosing a ready-made nice project, looking through photos of the most beautiful baths in the country, and trying to implement it is not a guarantee of success. And then it will be almost impossible to redo it. That is why, since the sleeves have already been rolled up, the stove has been selected and the brick is ready for laying it yourself, any Russian man has enough intelligence and talent to build his own beautiful bathhouse - according to a personal project and taking into account personal preferences. The main thing is to choose the right direction from the very beginning - what will it be like, his future bathhouse beauty?

Manor mansions or bathhouse in Russian

The Russian soul is broad – and its views on the construction of houses and baths are just as broad. If you have the budget and the desire, why not build real mansions instead of a small steam room? Made from expensive thick logs, with a luxurious weather vane on the roof, skillful wood carvings and spacious, bright rooms.

Why are such beautiful bathhouses being built today from thick massive timber, and where does so much usable space go? Well: a relaxation room, a billiard room, a home-style SPA salon for women, a summer bedroom on the second floor, a guest room, an indoor pool... Such baths are already called bath complexes, and similar ones only in the Moscow region require payment in the amount of average monthly income in the country. And there is a reason for it.

To say that such a bathhouse looks gorgeous is to say nothing. But recently the tendency to use the roof of bathhouses in an unconventional way has become more interesting. Like in New York skyscrapers, in such mansions it often has a certain flat area and sun loungers are already placed on it, a barbecue gazebo is organized, and even real greenhouses are installed. Surely not a single ferret will climb there! And not a single thief will steal expensive equipment for heating and automatic watering.

But the pools in such steam rooms are not always inside - often they are simply attached to the building, protected from plant debris and the hot sun with a polycarbonate cap. It’s warm, beautiful, and accessible to any Russian, even within their means.

If you want to look at projects of bathhouses with a swimming pool, we recommend that you read the article

The only thing that designers responsible for the exterior of such baths always insist on is absolute stylization of the Russian folk style. So that such a bathhouse really looks like a mansion, and not like a powerful complex of a secret organization. And this is stylized external decor, wooden furniture at the porch, processed round logs, strict color schemes with a desire for naturalness and masterful wood carvings. After all, in such a bathhouse, even if it has already been called Russian, not only the body should rest, but also the soul!

Miniature beautiful baths or a masterpiece of architectural thought

But what to do if the budget for building a bathhouse is very limited, but you don’t want to steam in a barrel? Does this mean that you should give up your dream and be content with a miserable house-sauna on chicken legs? Not at all! After all, minimalism is in fashion, and this style affected not only interior interiors - it created a whole direction in architecture.

And miniature baths look great: they are compact, functional and stylish. The main thing is to correctly distribute the valuable space in them: the steam room and the washing room have certain volume requirements, but for the rest you can safely use your imagination. So, in such baths, the relaxation room can be at the same time a veranda, a billiard room, a dressing room and even a summer bedroom! And it all looks gorgeous: a beautiful glazed extension with sliding glass panels is simply added to the log steam room. Nearby is a pond or artificial pool. In cold weather, this is a living-dining room and a guest room, on a sunny summer day - an open patio with cool blue water, which is so pleasant to plunge into after a good Russian heat.

In order to save space and money, they also build small two-story bathhouses: after all, the most significant part of the budget is spent on building the foundation, and the attached second floor, oddly enough, ends up being much cheaper. On the ground floor there is a small dressing room with a boiler, a steam room and a compact washing room, on the second there is the same billiard room and upholstered furniture. But the staircase needs to fit into all this, and some craftsmen manage to make it on the outside of the bathhouse, believing that some kind of extreme for a steamed body in the form of Siberian frost is only good for health.

How do you like saunas on water, at height and in the air? And all this thanks to new construction technologies and light electric stoves, which can be installed even in space!

In fact, compactness in construction is a trend in Europe, where the scope of the soul in the architecture of residential complexes is somehow not welcomed, but the ability to create a SPA paradise on a piece of land is considered skill. Europeans prefer to give extra meters of land for an orchard or a pond - there is a rational grain in this, isn’t it?

Baths of the most unusual shapes

They say that many modern famous architects were speechless when they saw which bathhouses were actively gaining popularity in Russia! These are autobahns and bathhouses of the most unimaginable forms. And, interestingly, in terms of functionality and durability, they are in no way inferior to ordinary stationary steam rooms. But they provide much more opportunities: go with a group to the river for a barbecue, and take a sauna with you, take your steam room to the forest, roll it to a new place, and even go on a trip with a sauna in the back!

High-tech and techno in a bath style

But adherents of modern technologies are faced with a completely difficult task: how to build a good, functional Russian bathhouse, but without any hints of a hut? In this case, the trends in techno and hi-tech (“high technology”) architecture come to the rescue. After all, the internal filling of the steam room can be anything you want, but the essence of the bath is only in maintaining the correct temperature and humidity conditions. And sometimes new steam generators, ventilation systems, chrome-plated powerful stoves and a swimming pool with hydromassage somehow don’t look right against the backdrop of shaggy croakers and rough log walls. And what kind of outer shell a real Russian bathhouse will have is another question.

And so a new style of architecture and exterior of Russian baths was born: strict, laconic forms, almost complete absence of accessories, huge darkened Euro-windows from the dressing room from ceiling to floor and techno colors: gray, brown and black. These can be wooden baths, or beautiful steam rooms made of cinder blocks with spectacular siding trim with imitation of something. Yes, it’s unusual, but quite stylish, and in any country house or garden plot such a bathhouse will be a striking architectural object.

Give free rein to your imagination and true Russian craftsmanship - and the most beautiful baths in the world from glossy magazines will be eclipsed!

Friends, in today’s selection I would like to introduce you to photo ideas for beautiful bathhouses for your site. Standard solutions, original designer versions of bathhouses that attract attention. If you are still looking for an idea for a project, then be sure to look at the images I offered, maybe some picture will become your future bathhouse!

A nice bathhouse made of logs, with a porch for relaxing in the summer. It is intended, of course, exclusively for seasonal use, since sitting on the open veranda in winter after a steam room is unlikely to be comfortable.

A nice sauna made of timber with large windows, a steam room and a relaxation room. Everything is in one box, with a steel door, with a woodshed on the back side of the building.

The idea of ​​a bathhouse with a glazed veranda, of course, is a design decision, but in this case, at least, you can relax even in the off-season, admiring the space of the garden and not freezing.

A classic country bathhouse with a cold dressing room. I remember our rural bathhouse at my grandmother’s, it was very similar to this one.

A convenient option for a compact bathhouse for a summer residence. At least you can warm up, sweat and wash. The shape of the structure can be square.

A sauna made of rounded logs with a relaxation room and a steam room. This is a full-fledged winter option in which you can wash all year round.

An interesting bathhouse made of thin rounded logs, even more like sticks! I offer this idea simply as an illustration, for inspiration, since I think such thin walls are not the best option.

The idea of ​​a large log bathhouse with a veranda, an attic and an enclosed recreation room. If you have a plot in the village, a large family, or you often gather a group of friends, then such a bathhouse will be just right.

The idea of ​​a bathhouse with a residential attic. In such a building you can live and wash, or accommodate your guests who came to you for the weekend.

An original idea for a log sauna, I would say, on chicken legs! The only thing that bothers me is the steps without railings. Still, it is somewhat dangerous in terms of ascent and descent, especially in winter.

The idea of ​​a barrel sauna - many manufacturers now offer such saunas. But it seems to me that the thin walls of the structure will quickly give off heat and you can only steam with a “working” stove.

A traditional bathhouse made of timber with a warm dressing room and a steam room - a washing room. Maybe without sophistication, but functional. Small windows will prevent heat from escaping quickly.

The idea of ​​a log bathhouse is a good, beautiful variation for a dacha or a village. Logs, I believe, are the best material for a bathhouse, since they have been used for centuries, they are living materials, they are quite cheap, they are easy to transport and assemble.

This is how you can decorate a bathhouse made from a solid log. As a designer, I prefer this particular range, and I recommend it to you!

A large bathhouse under siding is for those who like uniformity on the site. A beautiful option for a large family.

The idea of ​​a log bathhouse covered with false beam siding. It looks beautiful, but for me, the log could have been treated this way, right down to painting. Although, with false timber there will be no further need for maintenance.

A beautiful idea for a bathhouse made of rounded logs. A good structure, somewhat more expensive than just one made of logs. I like the naturalness, some heterogeneity and texture of wood, and here all the logs look like they were chosen.

A small comfortable bathhouse made of logs with a warm dressing room and small windows that practically do not allow steam to escape. This design allows for better heat retention.

Decorative bathhouse with a residential attic, a real work of carpentry art! You can relax in the attic, and in the summer on the open veranda. Nice expensive idea.

Well, to complete the selection, there is another unusual bathhouse made of thick logs. A building at the intersection of technologies of the past and present. A good-quality log house and metal doors, double-glazed windows on the windows that prevent heat loss.

Friends, if you liked today’s selection, then share it with your friends, maybe some of them just need an idea for a bathhouse. All the best to you and have a nice day!