Questions for fortune telling for the new year. Fortune telling for the betrothed: A rod, a broom and a comb. Guessing by rice

New Year's Eve is not only fun and relaxation with loved ones and friends, but also a night of magic. It is during these hours that you can find out your future and conduct fortune telling for the New Year. You can guess with friends or alone - it doesn’t play a big role. The main thing is to believe in miracles and magic, to look into your future with optimism and confidence!

The shortest fortune telling

You can try to find out what the coming year will be like with the help of simple divination. One of the fortune telling for the New Year is as follows: take four queens from a deck of cards: diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts. Mix the cards and place them face down under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull out the first card you come across.

What does the lady you get mean:

  • clubs - expect new acquaintances and hobbies;
  • worms - your love this year will become completely mutual;
  • diamonds - improvement in financial situation is expected;
  • peaks - the year will not be easy, expect a major event in life (not necessarily unpleasant).

There is another way of simple and short New Year's fortune-telling. Light a candle and let the flame burn. Say the following words in a whisper in turn: “Money. Love. Marriage. Luck". If at one of the words the candle light sways sharply to the side, it means that this is exactly the event that will happen to you in the new year 2020.

New Year's fortune telling for love

Our great-grandmothers also used fortune telling for love to find out the future: they used fortune telling for a betrothed, for the love of a handsome guy, for marriage and pregnancy. You could tell fortunes both at home and on the street, in a cheerful group of girls or alone.

For marriage

One of the rare ancient fortune telling on New Year's Eve on cards. Take a deck of new playing cards and mix them thoroughly. Take out the cards one by one, count out loud to 13. If the thirteenth card is a jack or a king, you will definitely get married this year.

  • Jacks of diamonds and jacks of hearts promise a cheerful, cheerful groom; club or spades - a serious young man with big plans for life.
  • Kings of dark colors promise a groom older in age, but already wealthy in life.
  • Kings of a light suit, hearts or diamonds, predict that their chosen one will move to another city or country.

For pregnancy

Before celebrating the New Year 2020, take a basin and fill it with cold water. Place a burning candle on a small saucer in the middle of the basin. Then leave the bowl with the candle for the whole New Year's Eve. In the morning, pay attention to the saucer with the candle: if it has moved to the left, then you should expect an addition to the family. If it remains in the middle or has moved to the right, pregnancy is not expected in the new year.

For a romantic date

This New Year's fortune telling is best done alone so as not to frighten away your luck. On New Year's holidays, prepare a piece of paper and a pencil. Before you go to bed after the celebration, draw a silhouette of the guy or man you would like to meet and spend time with this year. Visualize the young man: what he will look like when he first meets you, what he will wear, what hairstyle he will have.

Fold the sheet of paper four times and place it in a black bag. The package with the picture should be hidden under the pillow at night. In your dream you will definitely see an unfamiliar guy. Depending on how it looks, you can judge the future:

  • the man smiles - your expectations this year will be fully met - you will meet an excellent partner and close friend;
  • an unfamiliar handsome guy among other people - successful online dating;
  • a stranger treated you to a cafe or restaurant for free - meeting a generous person will change your life;
  • a guy with another girl - unfortunately, a new friendship will bring disappointment;
  • you don’t see the face of your betrothed, but he is standing next to you - an absolutely random acquaintance on the street promises an unexpected turn in fate;
  • an unfamiliar guy is aggressive towards you - your romance with a new passion will be too stormy and will frighten the people around you.

To be faithful to a loved one

Place an even number of cutlery on the New Year's table. Even if some of them turn out to be superfluous, it’s okay - let them remain on the table. After the holiday, when cleaning the table, check the remaining number of knives and forks. If their number is also even, your boyfriend is faithful to you. If not, unfortunately, there is a flighty traitor next to you. This is a fairly truthful fortune-telling, so think a hundred times whether it is worth knowing the truth about your betrothed.

For the future

This fortune telling for the New Year is best done not on New Year's Eve itself, but in the morning upon awakening. It is best if your windows do not face a noisy road, but into the courtyard. Open the window. The first sounds from the street that you hear on January 1 can predict a lot about your future that awaits you in the new year:

  • the child laughed - the year will bring good luck in business, you will achieve your intended goal;
  • the child cried - pay attention to the state of your health, you should listen to your body properly;
  • the dog barked - new acquaintances that will be beneficial in the future;
  • the cat meows loudly - problems with money are possible this year, beware of large expenses;
  • a woman’s voice – at work and in the family circle you should not trust gossip and rumors, this can lead to trouble;
  • a male voice or several male voices - this year you will experience mostly family matters, no major unpleasant events are expected.

For money and prosperity

This New Year's fortune telling will tell you how your finances will go this year. Half an hour before the chime, count the bills in your wallet. Remember the general number, for example, 5,300 or 2,200. Add to them the number 2020 - the date of the New Year, the year of the Rat.

If the amount received contains the number “2”, the White Metal Rat will bring you a grandiose gift associated with an increase in wealth. This year you should expect a good increase in your salary or a pleasant gift from Lady Luck: winning the lottery, a small inheritance, etc.

Fortune telling for the New Year so that your wish comes true

On New Year's Eve, make a secret wish, ask the mistress of the year, the Rat, to make it come true this year. Write your wish on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in the pocket of your clothes or handbag with which you will celebrate the New Year. On New Year's Eve, take it out several times and hold it in your hand, then put it away again.

The next day, January 1, take out the sheet. If any stains appear on it, your wish will definitely come true.

Another one of the New Year's fortune tellings for wish fulfillment is called “Recounting the Windows.” Make a wish. Go out into the yard on January 1 at 4 am. Count all the windows you see that still have lights on. If the number of counted burning windows turns out to be even, you will be lucky and your wish will definitely come true this year.

And a very simple and unpretentious fortune telling called “Grain of Rice”. Before you go to bed on New Year's Eve, wish that your most secret wishes come true. Go to bed. In the morning, immediately when you wake up, take out a small handful of rice. Pour it onto the table and count the grains. An even number of all grains promises you great luck and the fulfillment of your wish.

Special fortune telling for the year of the Rat

The full-fledged mistress of this year - the White Metal Rat - sometimes likes to be cunning and embellish events, but never deceives her pets. Therefore, be sure to ask the symbol of the year about the most secret things.

Draw on a piece of paper a symbol of the past year - a pig or a pig. Remember what the past year was like - sad, filled with bustle or, conversely, cheerful and joyful. Take the saucer, bring it to the wall and burn it with a candle. It is better to turn off the light first.

By the shadow on the wall formed by burnt paper, you can find out what the next year of the Rat will bring to you.

  • person (girl, guy, etc.) - you will soon meet a good friend who will always support you;
  • home - as much attention as possible to your loved ones, this year you need to take care of their comfort;
  • a key, one or more, is one of the brightest and most successful signs. Portends huge changes for the better;
  • cross - the illness of one of the family members will bring a lot of trouble, but everything will end well;
  • mountains, forest - get ready to go on an exciting journey;
  • ring - this year you will get married or meet a loved one;
  • horse - your year will be successful if you work hard;
  • wolf - beware of evil rumors and gossip;
  • pig - events from the past will pull you back, it’s worth dealing with old matters and problems;
  • dog - loyal and reliable friends will be by your side in difficult times;
  • rat - the mistress of the New Year 2020 will patronize you all year, so do not be afraid of anything and boldly accept changes in your life - they will only bring great benefits.

The rat loves cheese, so the next fortune telling will be related to this tasty and healthy product. Surely you will have a cheese plate on your holiday table on New Year's Eve. Do not put some of the cheese on the table, but put small pieces in an old saucer and take it out into the yard. Place a saucer of cheese near the house. In the morning, check the contents of the saucer - if it is missing, it means that you will have great luck all year in the future.

On New Year's Eve, you can not only eat a festive salad, but also learn the secrets of the future, make a wish that will definitely come true, or just have a good time.

History and fiction

The old year is coming to an end, and a new, still empty leaf of life awaits. You will need to write it yourself. How not to make a mistake? What to expect from the coming year? Women, and often men too, choose fortune telling on New Year's Eve as entertainment.

The effect of magic, according to the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, increases several times during religious holidays.

Girls in Rus' tried to sum up the results of the old year by guessing about their future in the new one. However, the chronology of the ancient Slavs changed to another. Modern people celebrate the beginning of the next season according to a new calendar. Fortune telling on New Year's Eve used to be done at a different time. It is believed that the holidays from Christmas to Epiphany are endowed with genuine mystical power to this day.

Companies also organize fun fortune telling for the New Year. On this day, it is recommended to make wishes that will come true within twelve months. How to determine what is in store for next year?

Popular fortune telling for the New Year

Everyone knows about this tradition. You need to make a wish while the chimes are striking. It would seem that what is so difficult here? However, not all so simple.

Before sitting down at the table, you should prepare a small piece of paper and a pen. And then wait until the chimes start striking. You don’t have to order a gypsy’s fortune telling for the New Year to be happy. Very quickly, in a minute, you should write your cherished desires on paper. Then roll it up and burn it. Dissolve the remaining ashes in a glass of champagne and drink in one gulp before the clock finishes chiming the minute.

Mastery comes with age. If everything doesn’t work out right away, don’t be upset. It will work out next year.

A lighter version of magic with champagne

Another version of this fortune-telling for the New Year is to write all your wishes on a piece of paper at eleven o’clock at night. And burn it at twelve. If the paper burns before the end of the clock, the wish will come true.

To finally make sure that your wish will come true, you need to conduct another experiment. This will require two glasses. Fill one with water to the brim. Then make one cherished wish. Water is carefully poured from one glass into another. If there are no drops left on the surface of the table or very few of them, the wish will come true. However, a whole puddle near a glass does not bode well.

How to find out the future?

On New Year's Eve you can not only make wishes, but also look into your own future.

In order to arrange comic fortune telling for the New Year, you will need a mirror, candles and, of course, a guide through the world of magic in the form of ordinary water.

The decanter with liquid should be placed in front of the mirror. Burning candles are placed on three sides of it. The neck of the decanter will also reflect the mirror. A fortuneteller should consider it in exactly this way. You will have to calm down, completely relax. In a couple of seconds, the outlines of what fate has in store will appear in the water.

Fortune telling in the cold

An absolutely original way to do fortune-telling on New Year's Eve is to go outside, taking a mirror with you. You need to pour water over its surface in advance at home. You will have to miss the entire feast, since fortune telling is valid only at twelve o’clock at night.

There should be some frost outside, at least slightly. You need to hold the mirror in your hands and wait until it is covered with ice patterns. When the crust has set, you can go home and carefully examine what the drawing looks like.


  • If there are circles on the mirror, it means that a person will face a lack of material wealth in the coming year.
  • Squares appear for those who will experience various difficulties.
  • Triangles - for those who are lucky in any endeavor.
  • Patterns in the form of pine or Christmas tree branches mean that you will need to work hard to achieve your goals.
  • If there are straight lines, then the year will be calm, without unnecessary worries and worries.
  • Smooth stripes speak of love, good attitude and care from loved ones and acquaintances.
  • Zigzags will appear at the soul of the company; they promise carefreeness and ease for the whole year.
  • The dots indicate successful completion of previously started tasks, which will bring material well-being and career advancement.
  • The outline of a person’s face or silhouette means a new acquaintance with a person who will radically change life for the better.
  • Random divorces indicate that the fate of the fortune teller has not yet been decided and she will have to do a lot to make the year happy.

A book to help

For fortune telling on New Year's Eve from a book, you will need any literature. Keeping it closed, the person places his left hand on top of it, palm down. At this time, a secret question is uttered. The book opens. The man, without looking, points his finger at her. The next line becomes prophetic.

Sometimes the line and page number is given before the question is asked.

A phrase taken out of context will have to be interpreted for yourself.

Fortune telling by jewelry

Fortune telling with a chain is considered one of the simplest and most reliable ways to predict the future. For this fortune telling for the New Year you will need a chain. Any will do. You will have to leave the guests in another room and take care in advance so that no one can disturb you. There should be some kind of flat surface in front of the fortune teller; you can choose a table top. You need to rub the chain between your palms for a few minutes. Transfer the heated object to your right hand, shake it in your fist, and then throw it onto the surface. The chain will fall in the shape of some figure, which will predict the future:

  • An almost straight line will bring good luck.
  • The snake warns of the presence of an enemy, a traitor in the environment.
  • The triangle falls to the one who becomes lucky in love.
  • Circles form in front of those who face a difficult and confusing situation.
  • An oval indicates positive attention from others.
  • Heart - for falling in love and new relationships.
  • Knot - to problems with health and money.
  • Bow - for an imminent wedding.
  • Cloud - to the emergence of a new goal and dream.
  • The loop promises both ups and downs in the coming year.
  • Zigzag means a storm of passions.
  • The pleasures of life await the one who gets the flower.

Love fortune telling

Every girl wants to be happy. So why not find out everything that awaits you in the near future? Here is an old gypsy fortune telling for the New Year.

If there is an old coin in the house, then you can make a fortune telling with it and a saucer. It is best when the money is inherited and conceals the memory of ancestors. But for those who do not have such artifacts in their home, you can take a simple coin a few days before the start of fortune telling and wear it close to your body for a couple of days. She will be recharged with energy. Before starting the procedure, you can also ask your loved one to hold the coin in their hands for a couple of minutes.

You will also need black mascara and a white porcelain saucer.

It is best to start fortune telling at midnight. The saucer is placed on the table. Divided into four parts using lines. Each part is signed:

  • it is for the sector above and to the left;
  • she is on the right and above;
  • we are bottom left;
  • I'm on the bottom right.

Now it's time to take the charged coin. It is placed edgewise at the intersection of the lines. It rotates sharply and around its axis. The coin must end up in some sector.

  • If the money is in the “he” part, then all the problems in the relationship exist because of the guy.
  • If you are in the “she” part, then you should take a closer look at the man’s surroundings. He may have another one.
  • The coin stops in the “I” sector when the problem is with the fortune teller.
  • The “we” part will bring happiness to the couple.

It also happens that the coin cannot choose its location. She finds herself on the border line. This means that the result should be read from the two sectors between which it is stuck.

Coniferous fortune telling

What is New Year without a Christmas tree? A festive tree can also be useful in fortune telling. The main thing is that the Christmas tree should already be filled with colorful toys. With her help, arrange comic fortune telling for the New Year.

A glamorous tree, designed in the same color scheme of decorations, will not suit the intended purpose. But you can always visit friends and relatives for a holiday.

For this fortune telling for the New Year, you need one more person who will spin the fortune teller clockwise. She must be blindfolded. After the girl has been spun around several times, she is led to the Christmas tree. The difficulty of the task is that while blindfolded you need to reach one of the toys and carefully remove it.

After this, you can untie your eyes and see what color the festive ball is:

  • white means the same life, no changes in the new year;
  • black promises an unhappy relationship;
  • The one who chose red, scarlet, pink, orange will have passionate love;
  • the green color of the ball foreshadows the emergence of new love;
  • purple or blue entails cooling or discord in relationships;
  • a golden or silver ball is the guarantee of a rich suitor.

Fulfillment of wishes in the Old New Year

Another opportunity to make your own dream come true will appear before you on the night of December 13-14. Such an original holiday, characteristic only of the Russian people, is simply ideal for arranging funny fortune-telling for the New Year according to the old style and making wishes.

What will you need?

    regular pencil or pen;

    Blank sheet.

On small pieces of paper you need to write down all the wishes that should come true within a year. After this, carefully wrap the leaves and place them under the pillow. When you wake up the next morning, you can only remove one leaf. Whatever comes first will definitely come true. Fortune telling for the Old New Year can become prophetic, so you need to be careful in your dreams and wishes!

It is customary to make fortunes on the New Year, if not on the first of January, on the old New Year it is a must. After all, I really want to know what will happen. Moreover, some people want to know this immediately, without sitting up at night in front of mirrors and arranging intricate figures from cards or beans.

Many ancient fortune telling simpler ones also turn out to be not so simple, because they often require things that are inaccessible to modern man, for example, a poker, a spindle or live chickens. But the time of high speeds and eternal haste led to the renewal of old fortune-telling and the emergence of new ones that did not require long and complex rituals. For the busiest and most impatient, this is a selection of simple and accessible New Year's fortune telling in modern conditions.

Keyboard layout

Focus on your question and, without looking, press your finger on the keyboard (you do not need to turn on the computer for this).
You hit the letter - the first or last name of your fiancé or someone else significant to you in the new year begins with this letter.
Got to figure- it is in the date of birth of a person important to you or indicates the time of the meeting with him, or the date of events important to you, or the amount of something related to your question.
Icons on the number keys provide additional information. Exclamation mark- a big joy; "dog"– news from afar; lattice– insulation; dollar and percentage (euro)- money; brackets- secret affairs.
A gap means that this year you will not have significant events and fateful meetings.
Delete– you will have to part with someone or something forever.
Enter– your life will be stormy, bringing many new events and acquaintances.
Caps Lock– your happiness may be hindered by excessive pride or demonstrative behavior, inappropriate emotionality.
Esc– you may make a mistake, which will not be as easy to correct as you think.
Tab– you are often in too much of a hurry and may miss something important.
Shift– the beginning of a new important stage in life is ahead; it is likely that you will meet a person who is significant to you.
Ctrl– you will be able to usefully combine different interests.
Alt- you will have to adapt to the unusual, it is possible to travel abroad, and yours will turn out to be a foreigner or simply an unusual person.
End- some relationships will come to a logical conclusion, a final outcome, for example, a couple will get married or separate.
Home- everything will go as usual, according to the usual scenario.
Plus or minus– gains or losses, respectively.
Period and comma key- uncertainty in life.
Star– you will need new knowledge or advice from competent people.
"Window"– you will have great opportunities to realize yourself and influence others, your active work will bring significant results.
Up cursor arrow- life will improve; down– will get worse; right- you are going the right way; left– your actions are fraught with negative consequences.
If you get your finger between the keys or on other keys, guess or interpret it your own way.

Three cards

Take a deck of regular cards and take out three in turn. They mean that in the new year your priority will be in first place, what will be in second place, and what will be in third place. We look only at the suit. Clubs– work, career; diamonds– money, property; peaks– struggle, problems; hearts- love, pleasure.

Pop-up question

Take several identical small pieces of paper, write on each one a question that concerns you about your future in the new year. The question should have an unambiguous answer, without any “or”. Then you put all the pieces of paper (without folding) into an empty cup, and pour water into it, whichever question came up first, the answer is “yes”. Other questions don't count.

Happiness under the pillow

You write your wishes on separate pieces of paper, there should be at least twelve of them, put them under your pillow before going to bed, preferably in a cloth bag, and in the morning you take out three notes at random, these three wishes must definitely come true.

A grain of truth

Make a wish or a question that can have a definite answer and take a small amount of any grain or seeds (rice, beans, sunflower or pumpkin seeds) with your right hand. Pour it onto the table and count the grains. An even number means the answer to the question is “yes”, the wish will come true, an odd number – “no”, the wish will not come true.

Pictures of the future

Take several small pictures; you can cut them out from magazines, advertising brochures, or draw them yourself. Each picture symbolizes your desired future. For example, a wad of money or a chest of coins is wealth; a beautiful house is a solution to the housing problem; a couple in love or happy parents with a child - happiness in their personal life, a car - a trip or buying a car. You choose the pictures you need and give them a symbolic meaning yourself. Then put them in identical envelopes, seal and mix the envelopes. And then, having tuned in to your future, you take out one envelope. This is how you can tell fortunes with your whole family or with friends: together prepare envelopes with pictures, put them under the Christmas tree, and then everyone will take out what they are destined for. It is possible that the collective interpretation of the future may be even more accurate.

Twelve months

To find out in which month the event you have planned will happen, take a deck of 52 cards (remove the jokers) and choose a card that will symbolize what you want. Then you put it back into the deck, and after mixing the cards well, lay them out one at a time in twelve piles, face down. Each pile will have four cards, the remaining four are extra. If the dreamed card is among the extra ones, the wish will not come true. If it is not there, look for it in the corresponding month pile: 1st – January, 2nd – February, 3rd – March and so on.

New Year's Oracle

Predictions for the New Year are written on pieces of paper, maybe humorous, but a lot so that there is enough for everyone present. All predictions are placed in a box or opaque bag. They choose an “oracle”, who is blindfolded and, pulling out a prediction, asks: “To whom?” The “Oracle” calls the name of someone present. And so on until everyone receives a prediction of their future.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is worried about the question of what the coming year holds, whether the wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true. Every person believes in a miracle, that the coming year will definitely be better than the outgoing year. And this is precisely the time, the most favorable moment for various predictions and fortune-telling.

Ancient and more modern, simple and interesting fortune-telling for men, for women, or for the whole family - New Year's fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the old New Year will be able to please and entertain you, instill hope in the wonderful future awaiting us in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the New Year

Write your wish on a piece of paper a few minutes before the new year begins. When the chimes strike for the first time, set fire to this piece of paper. If it successfully burns out before the beginning of next year, then you can assume that your wish has already begun to come true; if it goes out, your wish will not come true, at least in the coming year.

Make a wish

Just before the start of the new year, write your wish on a small piece of paper. Then burn this leaf and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Next, after waiting for the chimes to strike, drink the contents of the glass. It is believed that the wish you write will come true.

Fortune telling for marriage

This method of fortune telling is most suitable for a single girl who wants to marry the guy she likes.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to go to the house where your chosen one lives and break off a small chip from the fence surrounding his house or from the door, if it is an apartment. After this, you should go home and go to bed. If you don’t meet anyone on the way home, and at night you dream about exactly the guy you’re thinking about, then you can be sure that this year he will ask for your hand.

Bread and scissors

It is believed that girls who put scissors and bread under their pillow on New Year's Eve will certainly dream of a future life partner.

Fortune telling in the mirror

Quite a mystical way of fortune telling. You will need three candles, a mirror and a decanter filled with water.
- Place the carafe of water on a hard surface.
- Place a mirror behind the decanter.
- Place candles on three sides of the decanter and light them.

Your task is to look through the water in the decanter at the mirror; it is believed that your future should be reflected in it.

Pouring water

For this fortune telling you will need two glasses, one of which should be filled to the top with water.
On New Year's Eve, you need to make a wish and immediately start pouring water from one glass to another.
Whether your wish will come true or not is determined as follows: if no more than three drops of water remain on the surface on which these same glasses were placed after pouring, then your wish has a chance of success. If there are much more drops, then, alas, you don’t even have to hope - your plans will not come true.

Fortune telling by wax

Melt a wax candle in a container, lowering the container onto the surface of hot water, and pour the wax into a deep plate filled with cool water. Depending on the shape of the hardened wax, you can try to determine your future. For example, a horseshoe signifies happiness in the coming new year, a star predicts the receipt of long-awaited news. Use your imagination to interpret the meanings of other frozen wax figures.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Late in the evening, before going to bed, fill the glass exactly halfway with water. Then, looking into the reflection of the water, make a wish and go to bed. In the morning, look at the water level in the glass. If water has increased overnight, then your wish will certainly come true, but if part of the water has evaporated, then your wish will not come true.

New Year's fortune telling with needles

This method of fortune telling can only be used for the New Year or your birthday. For fortune telling you will need 13 needles, 3 of which need to be bent. The best option would be to use needles from a set for fortune telling, since the needles in it usually come in different lengths, which will allow you to more easily distinguish them from each other when doing fortune telling. Give each needle a name based on the names of people you know, and give one of the needles your name. Bent needles do not need to be given names.

Gather all the needles together, lift them above the table and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper. Find a needle named after you that represents you. If it is located in the center of the sheet, then you can expect stability and a certain constancy in life. If this needle falls on the top of the sheet, expect quick changes; if on the lower one, changes await you, not necessarily unpleasant, but which, alas, you will not be able to influence.

Next, we will determine for each zone of the sheet its meaning when interpreting fortune telling.
· The left side of the sheet is all negative
· Right side of the sheet - everything positive, good
· Upper right corner of the sheet - spiritual growth
· Lower right corner of the sheet - bad luck while maintaining purity of thoughts
· Upper left corner of the sheet - luck in everything, in any of your desires
· Lower left corner of the sheet - failures associated with strong emotional unrest.

By looking at the position of your needle, determine its direction. The eye of the needle indicates what (who) you will strive for, and the tip indicates what or who you should avoid.

Determine the position of the needle relative to the sheet. If the needle is positioned lengthwise, then changes will occur next year. If the needle lies across, then serious changes will not threaten you in the near future.

Now let's determine the meaning of the other needles. Straight needles with the eye facing your needle will be your allies. Needles pointing towards your needle will be hostile towards you. The needles that intersect with your needle will have a very close relationship with you.

Now let's look at bent needles, which portend trouble. If they are on the left side of the sheet, then this indicates troubles that happened earlier or have already remained in the past. Bent needles located on the right side of the sheet predict future troubles.

If your needle points its eye to a crooked needle, this means that your actions can bring you trouble. If the point of a curved needle is directed at yours, then this indicates that no matter what you do, trouble will still overtake you.

In all other options, you have the opportunity to avoid trouble, if only you wish to do so.

New Year's fortune telling using a needle to determine the sex of the unborn child

Using needle fortune telling, the sex of the unborn child is determined. To do this, thread a thread, the length of which is approximately twenty centimeters, into the eye of the needle and hold it suspended above the palm of the expectant mother. If the needle begins to move in a circular motion, then most likely it will be a girl; if the needle swings from side to side, it's a boy.

The night at the turn of the old and new years is completely different from the rest. It has a special magical power; it is associated with the expectations of mandatory changes for the better. That’s why fortune telling on New Year’s Eve has been so popular for many centuries - because everyone wants to know what exactly awaits them in the near future. And even people who are skeptical about predictions perceive them as a fun game that accompanies this magical night.

Fortune telling by Christmas tree

Since ancient times, the New Year's tree has been considered a sacred tree - and the tradition of telling fortunes with its help came to us from Europe along with the custom of decorating this festive tree.

Fortune telling using Christmas tree toys.

Anyone who wants to find out about his future love is blindfolded and asked to turn clockwise several times, after which he is brought to the Christmas tree so that he takes off one of the toys, the color of which will indicate the events of the future:

  • white color - no changes are expected in your personal life;
  • black color - unhappy love awaits you in the near future;
  • pink, red or orange colors - in the new year you will experience real passion;
  • green color - there will be new love;
  • purple and blue colors - cooling of existing love relationships;
  • silver, gold and yellow colors foretell the love of a rich man.

Fortune telling on a paper snowflake

Let each of your guests, to the best of their ability, cut out a snowflake from paper. After this, he needs to stand on a chair next to the decorated Christmas tree and release the snowflake from above, watching which decoration it touches first when falling:

  • beads - prediction of career growth;
  • rain - there will be a lot of empty troubles;
  • star - this year you will meet true love;
  • garland - difficulties will be encountered, but friends will help you overcome them;
  • ball - a fateful meeting, love or business, will take place;
  • lump - indicates the absence of health problems and an increase in monetary income;
  • firecracker - promises changes in life;
  • bare branch - happy moments in the new year will be short-lived;
  • didn’t hit anything, fell on the floor - don’t expect any changes.

Fortune telling by spruce branch.

To find out your future, break off a twig from a New Year's tree and, when going to bed, place it under your pillow. It is believed that this night your dream will be prophetic - what you dream will certainly come true in the near future.

Fortune telling during the chiming clock

The most famous New Year's ritual is to write down a wish and, during the chiming clock, burn the paper with the note, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it. According to tradition, if you manage to do this procedure while the chimes are ringing, then the written wish will certainly come true, and the year will be happy.

But when the clock strikes, you can tell fortunes.

Fortune telling by pieces of paper

Each person takes two different colored sheets of paper. Specify in advance which color will mean the fulfillment of your wish. When the clock begins to chime, everyone goes out onto the balcony and throws leaves down - accordingly, the one who reaches the ground first will predict whether a person’s dream will come true or not.

Nowadays, New Year's fortune-telling can easily be done with the help of modern technical devices. For example, a mobile or landline phone, as well as a TV or computer.

New Year's fortune telling by phone

Ask fate a question that can be answered “yes” or “no”, and during New Year’s Eve wait to see who will call you first. If it is a man, the answer to your question is yes, if it is a woman, it is negative. You can call any random number yourself. If a man answers, the wish will come true, if a woman answers, it will not. If no one answers, it means that the fulfillment of your desire is being postponed for now.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This fortune telling is suitable for unmarried women. In a text file on your computer, you need to write down in random order all the male names that come to mind. Then close your eyes and move your mouse across the mat. Leave the mouse, open your eyes - next to the name the cursor stops, that’s what your betrothed will be called.

Fortune telling on TV

Think of a wish and randomly switch the TV program - the first line you hear from the screen will tell you whether your dreams will come true.

New Year's fortune telling on the street after the feast

Some time after celebrating the New Year, many people go out for a walk - to meet friends, set off fireworks, and finally, just to freshen up in the air. Along the way, you can entertain yourself and your guests with New Year's fortune telling.

Fortune telling on the elevator

Suitable for those who live on the middle floor of a multi-storey building. Make a wish and just stand by the elevator, waiting to be called from another landing. If he passed you up, your wish will come true. And if it’s down or hasn’t reached your floor, unfortunately, you’ll have to dream about something else.

Fortune telling under neighbors' windows

After leaving the entrance, stand at the nearest windows and listen to what is going on in your neighbors’ apartment. If they quarrel there, the coming year will be nervous and difficult. If your neighbors are quiet or happy, then in the near future your life will remain calm.

Fortune telling by glowing windows

Turn your back to the neighboring house and make a wish. After this, count the number of illuminated windows in the house. If the number is even, your dream will come true; if it is odd, it will have to be postponed for another year.

Fortune telling by patterns on a mirror

If the night turns out to be frosty, take a small mirror and a glass of water with you outside. Spray it on the mirror and wait until it freezes. The patterns on it indicate the following:

  • circular drawings predict that material wealth awaits you in the coming year;
  • herringbone drawings prophesy that the coming year will be spent in labor and worries for you;
  • the presence of right angles indicates future personal problems;
  • triangles are the best signs; they promise good luck in all endeavors.

Fortune telling by ice on a spoon.

Before leaving the house, you can give each of your guests a tablespoon and fill them with water taken from the house outside. As with the mirror, wait until it freezes. Those whose water has frozen with depressions will face troubles in the coming year, and even ice on a spoon predicts a successful year.

New Year's fortune telling for the name and appearance of the groom.

Unmarried women can use ancient fortune telling about the name and appearance of the future groom. To do this, you need to carefully look at the first man you meet and ask his name. According to legends, this is what the betrothed will be called, and his height and appearance will most likely coincide with the appearance of the person you meet.

New Year's fortune telling by melted snow

When returning from a walk, invite your guests to grab a handful of snow. Let everyone at home put it in a bowl or on a plate and wait for the snow to melt. Future events are predicted by what was in the container along with the water:

  • a straw, a twig, a twig - your plans will not come true soon;
  • pebbles, coals - everything you dreamed of will come true in the near future;
  • feathers, pieces of glass - the wish will come true, but not right away.

Let's go home

Returning from your walk, you can continue the amazing night of predictions.

Fortune telling using coins and plates.

This ritual predicts whether money will come to you in the coming year. To carry it out you need three plates and a coin. The one who is being told fortunes leaves the room, and one of the remaining people puts a coin under one of the plates. The returnee's task is to guess which plate the coin is hidden under. If it can be detected immediately, income next year will increase significantly. Two attempts mean that there will be no shortage of funds, but significant enrichment is not expected either. Well, if the coin is found only the third time, the coming year will be less successful than the previous one.

New Year's fortune telling from a book

Take the book without opening it, place your left hand on it, palm down, and ask out loud the question that interests you. Without looking, with the same hand, open the book to any page, place your left palm on it and read the line that appears under your thumb. - she will answer the question asked.

Of course, the fortune telling listed above is only a small part of those that can be used on New Year's Eve. The main thing is not to be upset if your desires are not always confirmed by the necessary signs. Take fortune telling as part of the holiday, believe in the good, and everything will be wonderful for you!