Berries made from corrugated paper and candies. How to make strawberries out of paper with your own hands, master class with photos. Master class: candy strawberries

You will need

  • - small round candies in foil;
  • - Styrofoam;
  • - red wrapping paper;
  • - red organza;
  • - wire;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - scissors;
  • - double sided tape;
  • - regular tape;
  • - small knife;
  • - artificial leaves;
  • - “Moment” glue.


First you need to make the basis for the future craft. To do this, glue 2 pieces of foam plastic together with double-sided tape. Now you need to cut out a shape from this glued part that is similar to the shape of a strawberry. The size of the blank will depend on the quantity you want to use for the sweet gift.

Once the blank is ready, you can begin making jewelry. To do this, you need to make pieces of copper wire 7 centimeters long. Then, on each of the segments, bend one end into a loop. The resulting loop should capture the place where the candy foil closes into a “bundle”. As soon as the “bundle” is hooked, fix the wire - the foil should compress it.

Candy blanks need to be decorated. From wrapping paper, cut pieces measuring 7x7 centimeters. Place the candies on the resulting squares, then wrap them so that the ends of the paper twist around the wire. Secure everything with tape.

It's time to attach the candies to the base of the craft. To do this, simply stick them into the foam. Please note that the candies must be held firmly. If they fall out of the workpiece, then additionally secure them with tape. Remember that the foam should not be visible. You can fix this with organza: just cut it into squares, wrap it around a toothpick, secure it with tape and insert it into the gaps.

Today I am posting a master class on creating candy strawberries and strawberry flowers. Such a bright and tasty bouquet will certainly please anyone with a sweet tooth.

For work we will need the following materials:

  • Corrugated paper in red, white, yellow (not pictured) and green.
  • Floral wire (I have #1).
  • Double sided tape.
  • Tape tape (in the absence of tape tape, you can use strips of green corrugated paper).
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire cutters (in my case, side cutters).
  • Candies (it is better to use candies of different sizes so that our “berries” look more realistic in the composition).

So, let's get to work.
From a roll of red corrugated paper, cut a strip 2-2.5 centimeters wide.

Then we cut this strip into 5 equal parts. But here I will make a small reservation. The fact is that candies have different sizes. This needs to be taken into account. If you have a large candy (“Autumn Waltz”, “Inspiration”, “Truffle”, etc.), then the strip needs to be cut into four parts so that we have a tail to which we will later attach the wire.

After we have cut the strip into pieces, we take the workpiece and fold it in half, thereby marking the middle of the workpiece.

This is what should happen.

Once we have made the required number of blanks for the berries, we proceed to the wire. I'll explain why I take the wire. When assembling a bouquet, our task is to create the most realistic look of the composition. You all know that in life a strawberry does not stick out with the berry up, but hangs down. Using wire, we can bend the leg in any position.
So, we divide the wire into three parts.

Then we make loops using wire cutters. We make loops so as not to pierce the candy.

We begin to attach the candy. At the same time, do not forget that we need to bend the upper tail of the candy wrapper, twisting it 2-3 times at the top at the base. We do not tear off the thread.

After our candy is securely fastened, we dress it in a “strawberry outfit” and secure it with thread. Our berry is almost ready, but we are not tearing off the thread yet, because... we need to put a sepal on the berry.

For sepals, we will need blanks of green corrugated paper 4 centimeters high and 3 centimeters wide. We make them exactly as many as we have berries.

And now we attach the sepal to the berry. We cut off the thread.

Taping the leg.

All that remains is to put the dots and that’s it, our berry is ready.

Let's move on to creating strawberry flowers.

To do this, we take yellow corrugated paper and cut blanks 3 centimeters high and 4 centimeters wide. I'm skipping this process. Next, to create one flower, we take two blanks and do the following. We cut off the upper left corner of the first piece, as in the photo on the left. We cut the second blank with “noodles”, not cutting to the bottom edge of approximately 1.5 centimeters. Photo on the right.

Then we move on to white corrugated paper from which we cut out blanks 4 centimeters high and 2 centimeters wide. From the resulting blanks we cut out the petals of the future flower. We need 5 petals for one flower.

Once we have everything prepared, we begin assembling our flower. We attach the candy to the wire and start with yellow blanks.

We wrap the candy without cutting the thread.

Then, we wrap our candy with a blank cut into “noodles”. We do not cut the thread.

It should look like in the photo.

Now let's move on to the petals. We attach them one by one.

The result should look like this.

We tape the stem. And our flower is ready.


Hello friends! As you know, flowers come first, berries come later. We already had a lot of candy flowers, but the berry season was somehow delayed. And now, finally, the long-awaited moment has arrived. In the new master class you will learn how to make strawberries from candy with your own hands, which means, on occasion, you can please your family and friends with a wonderful summer surprise gift.

Master class: candy strawberries

To work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

- candies (small and round);

— penoplex;

- colored corrugated paper;

- wire (or a twig from an artificial flower) and a piece of corrugated cardboard;

— polysilk (thin colored film, similar to thin foil, widely used for decorating gifts);

- organza;

- scissors;

- stapler;

- transparent tape and double-sided tape;

Let's go!

First, we wrap each candy with pieces of polysilic so that only one tail remains, which we fix with tape.

I needed 80 of these sweets for all the strawberries.

To make the base of the berry we use penoplex. Let me remind you that this is a thermal insulation material used in construction and is also very popular in suite design.

From a piece of penoplex we cut out a blank of the appropriate shape (something like an ellipsoid, one end of which is narrower and the other wider).

And we start attaching candies to the base. To do this, glue double-sided tape to its surface (preferably on a fabric basis, it holds more tightly).

Now we take the candies and in rows, starting from the lower end of the base, glue them onto the tape in a checkerboard pattern.

We glue the candies over the entire surface of the foam core, but leave the very top empty.

After picking the berries, you need to fill the remaining small gaps between the candies. Let's do this using organza strings.

We cut the organza into small squares and form them into pounds, which we fix with a stapler.

Using a wooden skewer we insert our pounds between the candies (you can use glue for better fixation).

Well, the candy strawberries themselves are already ready. Now you need to make a “hat” and a tail with flowers for her.

For this purpose you will need wire and a piece of corrugated cardboard. Instead of wire, I used a fragment of a branch from artificial flowers.

In addition, from green corrugated paper you need to cut out: 1 circle slightly larger in diameter than the cardboard blank, and 5 petals.

We cut out a circle from cardboard according to the diameter of the top of our berry. We make a hole in the center of the workpiece, insert a twig (or wire) into it and glue it to fix the cardboard.

First, you need to glue a circle of green corrugated paper onto the top of the cardboard.

To make flowers that will additionally decorate our candy strawberries, we will prepare 2 strips of yellow and orange corrugated paper and white paper petals (5 pieces).

We cut the strips into fringes and twist them: first yellow, and orange on top. We secure the base of the roll with an elastic band.

We slightly stretch the cut out petals at the ends and wrap them around the fringed core. We fix the base of the flower again.

Having made 2 of these flowers (or another number as desired), we attach them to a branch, which we then decorate with paper tape. Add leaves.

Finally, we attach the branch to the top of the berry.

The composition can also be decorated with a “dew drop” made from hot-melt adhesive, decorative ladybugs, and beads.

This is such a delicious strawberry made from candy!

Enjoy your viewing and have a good sunny mood!

* * *

I hope that Svetlana’s recipe for making berries from sweets with your own hands will be useful to you more than once. Moreover, the summer season is ahead, which will also give many reasons for creativity.

You may also be interested in how to make an original cake from candies, a children's bouquet from kinder surprises, or a luxurious bridal bouquet with roses from candies. You can find all this and much more in our “Sweet Design” section.

And be sure to visit us for the next master classes on composing“delicious” bouquets andcompositions. And so as not to miss them, subscribe to site updates!

Hello, friends! I offer a short photo master class on making strawberries for a candy bouquet.

For work we will need:

Candy, I took the Autumn Waltz, because... they are shaped like a berry,

Red polysilk,

Double sided tape,

Floral wire,

Corrugated paper of marsh or green color,

The tape is green, but you can do without it,

Threads for securing the candy to the wire,

Wire tools
First you need to secure the candy to the wire. To do this, cut the wire into pieces, the length is approximately 15 cm, depending on the height of your bouquet. On one side we bend the wire as in the photo,

Then we bend this hook at a right angle and make a stand for the candy.

Let's attach a wire to it,

And glue another piece of double-sided tape on top.

Cut out a square of approximately 12*12 cm from polysilk.

We put a candy in the middle,

And carefully wrap it in polysilk. The tape that secures the wire will help us fix the polysilk a little.

We secure everything with a thread under the candy.

Trim off the excess.

I cut it with a fence,

And attached it to the candy.

I tightened it with thread again.

All that remains is to tape the stem. This can be done with a narrow strip of corrugated paper or tape.

The final touch is to dot the strawberry with paint or a white marker.

In today's master class we will tell you in detail about (corrugated) with your own hands. In the future, you can use the craft you have made as decoration and decorate the interior of your home or a formal table with it. You can also create an original composition from strawberry branches and a wicker basket and give it to your mother, grandmother, sister or friend for any holiday.

To make paper strawberries, we need to prepare the following materials:

  • crepe or corrugated paper in red and white;
  • double-sided yellow colored paper;
  • semolina;
  • gouache, watercolor or yellow acrylic;
  • glue gun;
  • wire;
  • brush;
  • corrugated paper in green and light yellow shades.

How to make strawberries from corrugated paper?

Let's start the process of making a strawberry sprig by creating its flowers. Let's prepare several short pieces of wire. Apply a large drop of hot glue to the tip of the first piece.

We wait until the drop hardens a little and drop it into the semolina. Then use your fingers to roll the deformed drop into a ball.

We repeat the same steps with the remaining segments. Then we paint the centers of the buds in a bright yellow tone.

Leave them for 5-10 minutes until completely dry.

We wrap the middle of the buds with blanks.

We cut out mini petals from white corrugated paper. For one color, prepare four petals. We give everything a convex shape, stretching the middle.

Then we glue the petals to the stamens.

We wrap the receptacle and stem with a green strip of corrugated paper.

Now you can straighten the petals by bending them outward.

Now let's start creating the berries. From any type of paper, for example corrugated paper, we create a rounded blank, gradually giving it the shape of a berry. We twist its upper part to form a ponytail.

Cut a square leaf from a roll of red crepe paper, glue a strawberry blank to its middle,

lift its edges and twist the berries onto the tail.

More beautiful DIY decor:

Then we attach a piece of wire to the base and fix it with a green strip of corrugated paper.

Use yellow paint to create dots on the surface of the strawberry and bend the stem.

Create a few more berries using the above method.

Now we form a twig from the created parts,

connecting them with a piece of green corrugated paper.

That's all, the strawberry sprig is ready!

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