Interesting articles about Thailand. Interesting facts about Thailand. Thailand has always been an independent country

One of the princesses of Thailand was a Russian woman, Ekaterina Desnitskaya. The son of King Rama V received his education in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia he met Ekaterina. She gave birth to a son for the prince, but the prince cheated on his wife and Catherine divorced her husband. She could not forgive the prince for his betrayal and even refused a very decent allowance. She went to China, and when Chakrapong died in 1925, Desnitskaya came to his grave and sobbed heavily. Ekaterina Desnitskaya died in Paris in 1960, when she was 71 years old.

New Year Thais celebrate three times a year. In January - February, Thais celebrate the Chinese New Year together with the Chinese, on January 1 they celebrate the New Year with the whole world, and the Thais celebrate their New Year in April, almost a week starting on April 13.

In Thailand, it is considered illegal to leave the house without any underwear. In Thailand, it is prohibited for bare-chested men to be in in public places, although this does not apply to the resort beach area.

It is indecent to touch the head of a Thai and, in general, Asians; stroking the head of Thai children is prohibited, since Asians consider the head the most sacred part of the body. Parents and monks can touch the head.

Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia where all religions are protected by the law of the country, including Christianity.

Thailand ranks third after Japan and South Korea in automobile production in all of Asia.

Thailand ranks second in the world in terms of the volume of seafood and fish caught. China is in first place, Norway is in third.

The territory of Thailand is almost equal to the territory of France, although its population reaches half the population of Russia.

Thailand ranks 2nd in the world in cane sugar exports. Brazil takes 1st place.

Thailand is a pickup truck country and is the second largest pickup truck manufacturer in the world. The USA ranks 1st.

Previously, in Thailand, hairdressers did not work on Wednesdays, because Wednesday in Thailand is considered the most unlucky day, so this day is unlucky for haircuts and other similar events.

In 2009, the largest in Asia was opened in Thailand shopping mall. This shopping center is located in Pattaya and is called Central Festival.

Before 1913, most Thais did not have surnames, but only given names. Now Thais have both a surname and a given name. IN Everyday life Thais have a short name, which is not indicated in official documents.

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej also has a nickname. Among his friends and family his name is Lek. In Thailand it is considered disrespectful to address the King by his family name. The Thai King is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-serving monarch.The King of Thailand is the richest King in the world. His fortune is about 42 billion dollars. Queen Sirikit of Thailand is recognized as one of the... the most beautiful women world in the 20th century.

There are 175 species of snakes in Thailand, and 85 species of snakes are venomous.

Horse blood is used to produce serums and antidotes. A horse can only be a donor for a certain time, then all donor horses are sent to specialized farms and retired.

There is a Mini Siam park in Pattaya - this is the third miniature city in the world and the first in Thailand. In Mini Siame, tourists can admire copies of architectural complexes not only of modernity, but also of antiquity.

The Russian alphabet and modern Thai Sanskrit have common historical roots. The Thai alphabet is the second largest in the world. The first place is occupied by the Khmer alphabet. In the Thai keyboard, there are two Thai letters for every English letter.

In Thailand, 95% of the country's citizens are Buddhists. There are 32,000 Buddhist temples in the Kingdom, home to more than 370,000 monks and novices.

It is very rare for native Thais to become transsexuals. All ladyboys in Thailand are Cambodian and Laotian.

The Kingdom officially recognizes 13 ways to smile.

Thailand is not a third world country, which means that Thailand is not among the poorest countries in Asia. This list includes Thailand's neighbors - Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Thailand is the world's largest supplier of natural rubber and is considered the world's largest supplier of pineapples.

Nicholas II presented King Rama V with 200 grenadiers from the Russian army. Previously, two-meter height was a mandatory criterion for recruits to Russian army. These tall people seemed like giants to the Thais. The grenadiers began to guard Rama V. Seeing the grenadiers for the first time, the Thais were amazed at their enormous height and very fair skin. There is a small village in the northeast of Thailand, where the descendants of Russian guards live, who at one time married Thai women and had children.

Continue reading about the most interesting facts about Thailand in the next article!

International Fireworks Festival

All about kindergartens in Thailand

How to have fun on your own in Pattaya?

Why do Thais love Russian girls?

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Swinger parties in Pattaya

Thailand has long been considered one of the most amazing and attractive countries for tourists all over the world: friendly people, unusual culture, clear sea and endless white beaches fascinate and make you return there many times.

Coast of Thailand

And the Thai Kingdom is a state with very ancient and sometimes very amazing customs, which may seem very extravagant to a person of another country and culture.

We present to you 20 of the most unusual and interesting facts from the life of Thailand:

1. Don’t be surprised, but now the year is 2558! And all because the Thais do not use the familiar Gregorian calendar in their country. They live according to the Buddhist calendar, the beginning of which is the year when Buddha went to Nirvana.

2. The official name sounds extremely original and consists of 38 words, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in the world, and is immortalized on the country’s coat of arms, and children learn it from the first days of school.

The capital of Thailand is Bangkok

3. King Rama IX of Thailand was born in the United States of America, is rightfully its citizen and at the same time the king of another country, and moreover, the Thai king occupies third place in the list of the richest people in the United States.

4. Rama IX was on the throne the longest of all the rulers in the world, for which he is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

5. The Thai kingdom has never been conquered by anyone since its founding and has always remained independent.

6. The king in Thailand is the 9th, the number 9 is considered lucky among the Thais.

7. The ruler in this country is extremely revered and like a deity, all residents are reverent about his image, especially on banknotes; if suddenly a policeman sees that money is being crushed, torn or, God forbid, thrown on the floor, then an arrest will follow immediately.

8. All men in Thailand have spiritual duties, i.e. are obliged to serve in a Buddhist temple for some time.

9. Thais may have symbols of other faiths (icons, figurines) in their homes, but they should all be located below the Buddha.

10. Thais never touch each other's heads because... They sincerely believe that a soul lives in the head of every person.

11. Thailand is considered a “country of packages”; the seller will definitely put even the smallest and most insignificant purchase in a separate package.

12. In this state, people's names are never written in red ink, because... The color red is only used when writing the name of the deceased or wishing death on a person.

13. There are no compulsory state old-age pensions, and their children are obliged to support pensioners and the disabled; churches provide for the childless.

Which you are unlikely to read about in travel guides. Thailand is a beautiful country with picturesque nature, delicious food and friendly people. This is the tropical paradise everyone dreams of. Many people want to move here, first on vacation, then for the winter, or better yet, for good. We also thought so before, and decided to go to Thailand.

What did we see in Thailand when we stayed here for more than 2 weeks? We discovered the real Tai, which no one talks about, and learned things that you can’t read in beautiful advertising leaflets.

In the restrooms it is forbidden to throwtoilet paper

Thailand has poor sanitation, which can not deal with toilet paper. In all restaurants and In public toilets there are notices asking people not to throw toilet paper in the toilet. I received reprimand from an old Thai woman in the toilet at a gas station for not throwing the toilet paper in the bin next to the sink.

Thailand is not particularly cheap

Prices in Thailand vary in different provinces and regions.Central and Northern Thailand is much cheaper than, for example, Koh Samui or . You can always eat cheap in Thailand, for about 60 baht , but the service, quality of food and surroundings for the money will be appropriate.And most likely it will be a makashnitsa or a local wooden restauranton open air with mosquitoes.

If you want to eat like a “white man” in Thailand, sit in an air-conditioned room, prices will increase significantly(200-2000 baht per dish). One visit to the doctor will cost about 3,000 baht for an injection and pills . One wound treatment (first aid for falling off a bike) costs 3,000 baht and must be done daily. Tourist invisa required for every 90 days (at least) will cost you 1100 baht plus 1900 baht extend it for another 30 days . If you are leaving the country, you need to pay for tickets, accommodation and tourist visa. If you want to live and work in Thailand (although I recommend having your own business “at home”), a visa will cost you 2000 baht (single entry) and 5000 baht (multiple entry) and that’s not counting patent cost, which you will also need.

Russia is advancing

Due to the fact that Thailand has become one of the most liquid holiday destinations with a large number of offers for air tickets and tours, he constantly filled with tourists. Especially southern islands more populated by Europeans than Thais. Koh Lanta Island famous for having a large number of Swedes living there, the island of Koh Phangan was occupied by settlers from Israel, and the island Samui and Pattaya - this is the so-called« tropical Russia". Those living in Pattaya and Koh Samui share that the schools consist of Russian and Thai children, study in language schools adults Russian students, yoga teachers are also Russian, in most restaurants There is a Russian menu and today you can hear more Russian speech than Thai. Advertising in Russian will no longer surprise anyone.

The Royal Family everywhere

Thai to the king is deeply respected and loved by everyone Thais. Old and recent photographs of the king and his wife can be found in every store, restaurant and school. They speak very warmly about him and the schoolchildren must sing the anthem at least once a week. In the cinema, when the king is shown on the screen, everyone stands up, and you have to stand as a sign of respect . If you crumple or tear a Thai banknote, you could be put in jail because every banknote has a picture of the king on it. This is regarded as the deepest disrespect.

Unequal marriages

I doubt that somewhere else on earth you will see such a quantity European men over the age of 60 who are married to 20-year-old girls. When people come to Thailand for the first time, they are shocked by the huge numberThai young girls with grandfathers. When you live here, you don't pay attention to them, because you see this picture every day. European men retire, go to Thailand, marry Thai girls and start a second family . It’s probably already clear that everything Thai girls do this is because of money, to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself, your children and all your closest relatives, sending money to these "hubbies" every month to my family.

Very hot

Do not misunderstand me, I really love the sun and warmth, but never before have I it was so hot all day, every day. As in any humid tropical location in Thailand there's no respite from the heat, neither in the shade, nor indoors, nor in the ocean (about +28 degrees). You will sweat while you sleep, after waking up, immediately after a shower and even without clothes. In the south of Thailand there are no cool days at all. If you don't want to change clothes , at least, three times a day, no visit Thailand in April and May.

Thais don't know how to drive... cars

When it comes to scooters, the Thais rule the roost. They ride scooters with school age until they can barely walk. It looks like they were born with motorbikes between their legs. Mothers ride with babies and kids, and can easily accommodate four people on one scooter, the whole family and a dog, and sometimes even a washing machine.As my Thai friends admit, they themselves do not know how to drive cars. This is due to traffic on the roads and the presence of minibuses and SUVs. Drivers frequently accelerate and brake throughout driving and cornering, most cars you have to stop before entering the roadway. It's easier to get around on a scooter: you you can pass between cars at speed, overtake cars and vans.


In Thailand you will be plagued by mosquitoes every day. For example, there are ants everywhere, but in Thailand there are big red ants, which have a sharp bite that causes swelling and severe itching. Small ants climb into thick bags of coffee, rice, muesli and containers with peanut butter. They even manage to get into the refrigerator. And if you don’t wash the dishes in Thailand on time, lizards may appear in them. 🙂

When it rains

You will be without running water, electricity and Wi-Fi... These are extreme days that sometimes happen in Thailand. During the rainy season, it can rain for a whole week without stopping at all. ... At the same time, you need to have time Stock up on at least candles and water for brushing your teeth.

"Happy end"

Prostitution in Thailand was first legalized in 1960 to receive more income from American troops, dislocated in Thailand and Vietnam. There are even hotels where guests can order a girl to the room on entire stay. In Thailand, at every step you will see bars and massage parlors offering" happy end " . Every Thai bar hasprostitutes and ladyboys.Most often, these are visiting uneducated girls from poor areas that work to feed their families in the villages. They are tied to your place of work and they are fined if they don't some amount of money in a day . They all dream of finding farangs who will send them monthly amounts, so that they don't work. But they will still work and look for new suckers.

If you need a regular massage, stay away from salons where ladies are dressed in shorts and heels. These places offer much more than just a massage.

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Each country is unique with its customs, culture, cuisine, attractions, and the further this country is from us, the more interesting and unusual it seems to us that the locals have long been accustomed to. So, Thailand can amaze even a traveler who has seen a lot if he begins to become more familiar with some of the customs of the “land of smiles.”

So, we present to you the ten most interesting facts about Thailand from the “Did you know that...” series

  1. The full name of the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, which sounds “Krung Thep Mahanakon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit” is the longest word on earth. It was even noted in the Guinness Book of Records.

2. This year, the Thais celebrated the year 2555, because they calculate chronology from the day of the death of Buddha, and not from the Nativity of Christ, as is customary in Western countries. Many countries in Southeast Asia adhere to the same tradition, but the time, however, is different for them.

3. The Russian composer left his name in the history of Thailand by writing music for the anthem royal family, which was also the official anthem of the country until 1932.

4. The impetus for the development of tourism in Thailand was the Vietnam War. Exactly then American soldiers used Thai cities, mainly Pattaya, as their recreation centers.

5. Thailand was once again noted in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to its alphabet: it is the second largest in the world, second only to the Khmer alphabet.

6. The monarch of Thailand is also unique in that he is the only monarch in world history who has American citizenship. In addition, he is included in the list of the richest US citizens, occupying third place. And again the Book of Records: the Thai king is the longest reigning monarch.

7. Thailand is the most Buddhist country. It has the largest percentage of monks per capita and the largest percentage of Buddhists among countries practicing this religion.

8. There is no word for “hunger” in the Thai language. This is most likely explained by the fact that it is almost impossible to go hungry in this country: rice is grown in such volumes that it is enough not only for the local population, but also for a large share of exports.

9. Thailand is the only country in the region that has never fallen under anyone's domination. Since its founding, Thailand has not been anyone's colony, always remaining an independent state.

10. Residents of Thailand strictly follow traditions and customs and take appeasing spirits seriously. So, before building any object, it is customary to first build a small house for the spirit that will protect them.

Thailand is the dream of all travelers - those who independently explore unexplored corners and those who buy tourist packages. In Thailand you can see almost everything: unearthly landscapes, crystal clean water, old temples, wildlife and hospitable people. See 30 must-see places in Thailand.


1. Bridge over the River Kwai. About 10 thousand people died during the construction of this famous bridge. To this day, it remains a symbol of the brutality of the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia. The bridge was destroyed in 1944. Only the rounded steel structure was retained, and the rectangular middle sections of the bridge were rebuilt after the war by the Japanese as war reparations. (Photo: Shutterstock).
2. Phang Nga Bay is a real miracle of nature. The fabulous lagoon is hidden between steep limestone cliffs. There are only two other places in the world that can compare in beauty to Phang Nga Bay. (Photo: Shutterstock).
3. Khao Kheow - a unique reserve has been created on the territory of a 1,500-year-old jungle, where you can personally see a lion lying on the road or a giraffe passing by. Walking tours, educational hikes, and night safaris are organized here for tourists. (Photo: Shutterstock).
4. Railay - a peninsula with fabulous beaches, fenced off from the outside world by huge rocks - it is no coincidence that this place is on the list of the most beautiful places in the world. (Photo: Shutterstock).
5. The Reclining Buddha in Bangkok is a huge 46-meter tall completely covered in gold leaf statue of a Buddha who is in a state of nirvana... Everywhere in Thailand you will feel Buddhist mysticism permeating your life. (Photo: Shutterstock).
6. Khao San in Bangkok is a great starting point for those looking to explore the city. Nearby is the river, Phra Arhit pier, Sanam Luang fields and the Grand Palace. Only here you can feel the atmosphere of carefree, freedom and joy that you will not find in any other place in Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
7. Amphawa is a floating market in the central region of Thailand. (Photo: Shutterstock).
8. Sa Morakot - emerald lake. If you want to see something you have never seen in your life, then you must come to the emerald lake of Sa Morakot. (Photo: Shutterstock).
9. The monkey city of Lopburi, the main attraction of which is the tailed macaques. (Photo: Shutterstock).
10. Wat Arun in Bangkok is the Temple of Dawn, which is reached by an unusually steep staircase. It looks especially intriguing in the rays of the rising or setting sun. (Photo: Shutterstock).
11. Wat Phra Kaeo - amazingly beautiful Grand Palace, royal residence. (Photo: Shutterstock).
12. Fairytale islands - Ko Tap, Ko Poda, Ko Mor in the province of Krabi - this is a real paradise for those who like to walk in water on a sandy bottom. (Photo: Shutterstock).
13. The most beautiful scenery can be seen while sailing on a boat on the Chao Phraya River. (Photo: Shutterstock).
14. In Phuket in Khao Phra Teo National Park there is rehabilitation center gibbons, in which they are trying to restore the population of these endangered unique animals. (Photo: Shutterstock).
15. Khan Sok is the oldest and richest ecosystem in Thailand with the unique virgin forest of Khao Sok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
16. Ko Chang on the southeast coast is suitable for those who lack adrenaline and who are not afraid to drive along narrow and dangerous mountain roads. We can confidently say that the risk is fully compensated by the beautiful views that open from there. And going down to the valley, you can enjoy the amazingly beautiful beaches. (Photo: Shutterstock).
17. Moon Nork Island is almost heaven on earth. This is a place you will never forget. (Photo: Shutterstock).
18. Koh Samui, Namuang - parking and entrance to the national park are free. Jumping from a ledge into a deep pool filled with refreshing water is a real temptation not only for children, but also for adults. Between Namuang I and Namuang II waterfalls there is a huge safari park and a large number of elephants. (Photo: Shutterstock).
19. Hua Hin. It may come as a big surprise to you, but there is a real winery in Thailand that produces wine that has won awards in international competitions. Therefore, in the Hua Hin mountains, while tasting wine, tourists can feel almost like they are in Tuscany. (Photo: Shutterstock).
20. The house of the “silk spy” and intelligence officer Jim Thompson in Bangkok, whose death still remains an unsolved mystery. His home, which is actually six buildings from different parts of Thailand, is an enclave of tranquility and a testament to a bygone era in the heart of bustling Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
21. Popular beaches of Lamai and Chaweng in Koh Samui with soft white sand and beautiful coastal cliffs. (Photo: Shutterstock).
22. Phuket: Similan Island and Surin Island are surrounded by coral reefs, sharp rocks, and strewn with golden sand. These islands are a true diver's paradise and a photographer's dream. (Photo: Shutterstock).
23. Si-Satchanalai is an abandoned, nostalgic ancient city, which is a historical monument of ingenious urban planning. (Photo: Shutterstock).
24. Wua Talap Island. From the observation deck on the “Sleeping Cow Island”, where sea gypsies live, a paradise landscape opens up. (Photo: Shutterstock).
25. The Mae Hong Son loop in the northwestern part of Thailand, which consists of 1864 turns, is the most beautiful corner of the country - offering stunning views of amazing mountains and valleys, forests, rice fields and mysterious villages. And, of course, the beautiful town of Pai. (Photo: Shutterstock).
26. From the northwestern part of Thailand you can get to Myanmar (Burma) for one day. Leaving your passport at the border, you will be given a one-day pass, costing about $10, with which you can visit the small town of Thachilek, where they sell hot roasted chestnuts. (Photo: Carlos Wang
27. The ancient temple Wat Phra That Lampang Luang is a popular attraction in Thailand. It was built in the 15th century and has remained in good condition to this day, and inside the temple there is a statue of Buddha from 1563. (Photo: Shutterstock).
28. Ko Si Chang is a royal island without a king in Pattaya, where you can see the remains of a 19th-century royal palace, the main part of which was moved to Dusit Park in Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
29. National Park Khan Yai is the oldest and most frequently visited protected area in Thailand. The park has special platforms on high towers from which you can observe wild animals in their habitat. (Photo: Shutterstock).
30. The area near Pattaya is a place where time has stood still. In the villages of Bang Saray, Samaesan, Ang Sila you will feel like you were in the 60s: sleepy streets, wonderful beaches, excellent dried shrimp and seafood. (Photo: Shutterstock).