How to distinguish introductory words from introductory sentences and inserted structures. Russian language. Punctuation test There are more complex rules for highlighting addresses

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) A decision made by a court in a specific case must be executed, for example, a decision to evict people from an apartment who occupied it without permission, a decision to confiscate property, etc. (2) But not always the persons obliged to do something by a court decision voluntarily perform this duty. (3) _____ execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly and is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Persons obliged to do something by a court decision do not always fulfill this duty voluntarily.

2. The bailiff service carries out forced execution of judicial acts that are not executed voluntarily.

3. If persons do not voluntarily execute a court decision, the execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly.

4. The decision made by the court must be executed, even if some persons oppose the execution of the judicial act.

5. If the court decision is not executed voluntarily, the enforcement of judicial acts is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. In all cases

2. Anyway

3. Anyway

4. In this case

5. Otherwise


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word BUSINESS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

D E LO, - a; pl. affairs, affairs, affairs; Wed

1. Work, occupation, activity. Busy with important work. Habitual d. Current affairs. Be idle. On business matters.

2. someone or something. Terms of Reference; that which directly relates to someone is included in someone’s. tasks. Education - family.

3. Necessity, need. I have before you (to you) to come on business.

4. Something important, necessary (colloquial). Speak d. (to the point).

5. Sphere of knowledge, activity, work. Gornoye village Voinoye village Stolyarnoye village

6. Same as enterprise (1 value). The company has a solid business. Open your own business in the city.

7. Event, circumstance, fact; state of affairs. D. it was autumn. This is the past. How are you?

8. Same as deed. Do good d.

9. Judicial proceedings, process. Criminal d. Initiate d. against someone.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The southern coast of the Crimean peninsula is famous for its COMFORTABLE subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type.

2. The target she was meant to hit was very MICROSCOPIC.

3. PRODUCTIVE labor is labor that creates material wealth and products of intellectual activity.

4. Growing tulips in Holland is a very rewarding activity: tulips are not just a symbol of the country, but also a source of income.

5. Imperial robes for RUNNING persons look like long sleeveless cloaks made of golden eyelet.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

RINSE the laundry






Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) The revolution in science began thanks to the emergence of new statistical methods.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) V. Nabokov often talked about chess compositions in his literary works, primarily in the novel “The Gift” and the memoir book “Other Shores”.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Preparing for the exams, we spent more than one day in the reading room of the city library.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) After reading the article about the sights of Taganrog, there was a desire to see everything with my own eyes.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) Litotes is a technique that is outwardly opposite to hyperbole, but in essence is its natural variety.
6) The children's theater festival, which took place at the end of last season, became a real holiday.
7) Everyone who stood in line remained silent.
8) Sergei often talked about his favorite novel - “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse.
9) City museums should not only preserve the apartments of great people, but also ordinary people.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




n...norama get involved


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

dig...dig, not...burnable

explode, pr...parents

mis...information, ineffective...

pr...sea, pr...grada

to...pull, o...carry


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.




lily of the valley



Write down the word in which the letter A is written in the blank.





dancing.... dancing


Indicate all the numbers in whose place the letter I is written.

The sky cleared to the most incredible depths, there were n(2) n(3) clouds in it, n(4) even instantaneous strokes of swifts.


Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written HYPHENED. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The side (APPARENTLY) was deserted: forests were visible everywhere, but there were (STILL) no fields.

2. The intoxicating smell of linden trees rushes along the river: as if linden forests were blooming somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.

3. Yesterday we didn’t ask about the way (ON) TOMORROW, and now we had to go (ON) GUESS.

4. FROM WHERE, from afar, night was approaching, and the forest surrounding us began to get (A LITTLE) dark.

5. Sargassum, (B) DIFFERENT from most large algae, is not attached to the bottom, but floats (B) THICKER than the water.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

One foggy (1) morning the earth trembled under the hooves of the Tatar horse (2) and, without losing a single person killed or wounded (3), the steppe inhabitants rushed into the emptiness of their no longer interesting fate.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The stars looked out and the month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world.

2. We took a basket each and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

3. The fog slowly rose and covered everything accessible to the eye with a matte veil.

5. The sun shimmered over the Yenisei and through this shimmer the crowns of the trees on the other side of the river were barely visible.


Darkening (1) with patches of forests (2) the steppe sank into the morning fog and carried me away (3) filling my soul (4) with a feeling of joy.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Thunder struck (1) the rumbles (2) of which reminded me (3) of the sound of a terrible earthquake.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The last meters of the path seemed especially difficult to Konstantin (1) but (2) when they were passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4) he felt very good at heart.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

As a result of condensation of water vapor, clouds form and precipitation falls in the form of rain, hail and snow.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Each person is a living, radiating personal center. (2) Every look, every word, every smile, every deed radiates a special energy of heat and light into the common spiritual ether of existence. (3) And even when a person, apparently not manifesting himself in anything, is simply nearby, we feel the rays he sends. (4) And, moreover, the stronger, the more definite and intense, the more significant and unique his spiritual personality.

(5) Receiving the first perception of someone else’s antipathy, we feel that the life rays we send are not accepted by the other person, are repelled or stubbornly not allowed into ourselves. (6) This is already unpleasant and painful. (7) This may cause us some confusion or even confusion. (8) A strange feeling of failure, or one’s own ineptitude, or even the irrelevance of one’s existence arises in the soul. (9) The will to communicate is suppressed, the rays do not want to be emitted, words cannot be found, the uplift of life ceases, the heart is ready to close. (10) Closed and uncommunicative people often evoke such a feeling in sociable and expansive people, even when antipathy is out of the question. (11) But antipathy, once it arises, intensifies to hostility, thickens into disgust and deepens to hatred.

(12) When I encounter real hatred towards me in life, a feeling of great unhappiness awakens in me, then grief and a feeling of my powerlessness.

(13) Following this, I experience a persistent desire to leave my hater at all costs, disappear from his sight, never meet him again and not know anything about him. (14) If this succeeds, then I quickly calm down, but then I soon notice that some kind of dejection and heaviness remain in my soul, for the black rays of his hatred still overtake me, penetrating to me through the common etheric space. (15) Then I begin to involuntarily feel for his hating soul and see myself in its black rays as their object and victim. (16) A wound has formed in the spiritual ether of the world; it needs to be healed and healed. (17) My hater must forgive me and reconcile with me. (18) He must experience the joy that I live in this world, and give me the opportunity to rejoice in his existence. (19) For, according to the words of the great Orthodox sage Seraphim of Sarov, “man is joy to man.”

(20) First of all, I need to find and establish whether it is not my fault that we are both now suffering: he, the hater, and I, the hated? (21) Maybe I accidentally touched some old, unhealed wound in his heart? (22) After that, I need to forgive him for his hatred. (23) I shouldn’t, I don’t dare respond to his black ray with the same black ray of contempt and rejection. (24) I should not shy away from meeting him; I have no right to escape. (25) From now on, I will meet the ray of his hatred with a white ray, clear, meek, kind, forgiving and seeking forgiveness.

1. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) This parrot was a quarrelsome and noisy bird and for a month it poisoned the life of its owner and the entire house.

2) In the evenings the sun bathes in crimson mists or burns dryly on the edge of the steppe with a fire.

3) During the flight, you can take a nap or just dream.

4) Russian songs sound both timidity and rebellious free spirits.

5) The moon was sliding below the horizon and the city was slowly plunging into the pre-dawn dry darkness.

2. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

Flowers (1), merging into a whole forest clearing (2) and forming an open space (3), upon closer examination, struck with the ideal shape of each corolla (4) framed by delicate petals.

3. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

There must be commas in the sentence.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

4. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

There must be commas in the sentence.

In Greece of the classical era (1) for the social system (2) of which (3) the form of the city-state is typical (4) especially favorable conditions arose for the flourishing of oratory

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

There must be commas in the sentence.

A few hours later (1) Ivan became exhausted (2) and (3) when he realized (4) that he could not cope with the papers (5) he cried quietly and bitterly.

6.Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Then (1) Sergius (2), taking one of the monks (3), went down from the monastery (4) located on the slope of the mountain.

7.Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences?

Pechorin (1) seems (2) to be passionate about hunting. Circumstances (3) apparently (4) changed, and fate itself laughed at him.

8.Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The Udelnaya sanatorium (1), whose construction (2) took place in the fifties of the last century (3), became a health resort (4) of republican significance.

9.Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Lisa walked into the deserted square (1) and (2) when her legs began to fall heavily from the round bald heads of the cobblestones (3) she remembered (4) how she was returning through this square after her first meeting with Valentin.

10. Indicate sentences that require a single comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Nekhlyudov inhaled the strong smell of a young birch leaf and looked around the clearing.

2) Bears pick up old stumps and lick the honey of wild bees.

3) And in the cold, under the canopy and in the sun, the ducklings settled down.

4) The forest, water and sandy hills are burning with a crimson glow.

5) It got cold and we urgently needed to look for a place to stay for the night.

1 45

2 134

3 34

4 14

5 345

6 234

7 1234

8 13

9 1234

10 35

Option 13

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) Napoleon loved to read, which was quite unusual for a military man. (2) In each residence he had a library composed of the same books, and (......) the emperor could continue reading any book after moving from place to place. (3) He became addicted to reading as a child, at a military school: his relationships with his peers did not work out, and books allowed him to forget about loneliness and everyday troubles.

1.Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Napoleon often spent time reading books in one of his residences.

2) In each residence of Napoleon there was a library made up of different books.

3) Since childhood, Napoleon was addicted to reading, which replaced his communication with peers, so the emperor had the same library in each residence.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in second proposal? Write this word down.

Therefore Also Because

Mostly of course

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word LIBRARY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 2. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Library,-i, f.

1 .An institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carrying out reference and bibliographic work. Children's library.

2 . A collection of books, printed works, as well as the room where they are stored. Scientist's library. home library.

3 . The name of a series of books, united thematically or by purpose or genre. Travel Library.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

broke in locked


5. In one of the sentences below WRONG the highlighted word is used. Correct a lexical error by choosing to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Experts REDUCE points for spelling errors.

A DIFFICULT question, I don’t have an answer to it.

A pleasant, sonorous and very persistent baritone was heard from box No. 2.

From a distance came a VICIOUS bark.

The exhibition featured wonderful works by SKILLED bone carvers.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly

young accountants at their work


no comments

7. Match between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) an error in constructing a complex sentence

B) violation in the construction of sentences with

inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

1) When getting ready for the hike, the guys were in a good mood.

2) The minibus driver told the newly entered passengers that you will pay for the fare.

3) The sisters were fond of and well versed in music.

4) Everyone who is interested in environmental problems follows publications in special publications.

5) The air, frosty and thin, stung my nose and pricked my cheeks with needles.

6) New materials about contemporary art have appeared in the magazine “October”.

7) The schedule for repair work in the plant’s workshops was violated contrary to the director’s instructions.

8) In Russian literature there are a huge number of works dedicated to the woman-mother.

9) It is better to overestimate the risk than not to notice it.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter


grow..grow to..shaking l..gical

9. Define a row, in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.


and..distort, lifeless

pr..flattering, pr..encourage

pan..slamism, previous..previous

by..write, respect..respect

10. Write down the word E.

walk..walk mockingly..vyy

11. Write down the word, in which a letter is written in place of the gap E.


12. Define the offer, in which NOT with the word it is written together. Open the brackets and write down this word

The keys have still (not) been found.

The sun is scorching - there’s no longer anything to breathe.

Seryozha (slowly) turned the page.

There was (not) a month in the sky, and the stars were shining brightly.

There is (not) more than a week until the New Year.

13. Define the offer, in which both highlighted words are written CONCLUSION. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

And (SO), Pasternak’s lyrical hero feels that love helps to overcome the vanity and vulgarity of the world, and (THUS) remembers the spark of love that once went out with regret.

(C) FOR twenty years I have traveled Russia in all directions, but I STILL have not found a better place than my father’s land.

Based on the idea of ​​predestination, it is possible (ON) BEFORE to justify any human act, NO MATTER repulsive or criminal it may seem to us.

Now Chatsky YES (SAME) has nothing to talk about with Sophia, but STILL (SAME) he loves her.

Patients are waiting for these medicines, (BY) THIS we need to work more quickly than ever, collectedly,

WHATEVER is stopping us.

14.Indicate all numbers, in whose place it is written NN.

In the first paintings of I.N. Nikitin had some simplification: the figures are snatched (2) from the darkness of an indefinite (3) space by a beam of bright light and exist without connection with the environment.

15. Place punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The Cossack wanted to jump on his horse and rush away, but he just waved his hand.

2) The biography of Andrei Rublev is reconstructed based on extremely meager and fragmentary information from chronicles and hagiographic texts.

3) Grandfather Eremey dreamed of returning back to his village and weaving baskets there for the joy of his grandchildren.

4) She lived with her father and mother, either in Dobraya Sloboda, or on Razgulay, or on Kuznetsky.

5) Rowan is beautiful in both spring and autumn.

16. Place punctuation marks:

Ippolit Matveyevich (1) wallowing in shame (2) stood under the acacia tree and (3) without looking at the people walking (4) repeated three memorized phrases.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Gross domestic product is the indicator (1) on the basis of (2) which divides countries (3) into developed and developing.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

A belated lightning flashed directly overhead (1) and (2) while it was shining (3) I saw (4) some white dot flickering on the shore.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25

(1) Shrubs and small forests. (2)Eerie late afternoon silence. (3) Silent thickets. (4) A large flock of magpies rose in one, different place. (5) According to this feast, magpies and ravens found dead elk and birds in the forest. (6) What happened?

(7) Recently, an airplane flew over these places and sprayed the forest with a chemical liquid. (8) It was planned to expand the area of ​​meadows. (9) They calculated that uprooting a living forest is more expensive than poisoning it from an airplane, and then uprooting it. (10) The matter is not new, it is attractive because it is cheap and therefore is considered progressive and profitable. (11) Undoubtedly, there are significant advantages in this matter. (12) But there are also very big disadvantages. (13) They are not always noticed. (14) But twenty-seven moose died here, black grouse and small birds that saved the surrounding fields and forest from pests were killed. (15) Insects are dying, many of which are our friends. (16) What kind of accountant will now undertake to calculate the benefits of the operation?! (17) And that's not all. (18) Thousands of people from the big city go to the forest. (19) The singing of birds, every manifestation of life constitutes the joy of these walks. (20) A person sometimes remembers a meeting with a large animal for the rest of his life. (21) Just imagine how many people will not meet twenty-seven moose. (22) How is this loss measured by accounting?

(23) Well, there wasn’t a person who could foresee the trouble? (24) Quite the opposite. (25) They bombarded the relevant institutions with letters. (26) And there is your judgment. “(27) We have a plan. (28) And why did they make a fuss? (29) The substance is quite safe. (30) Nothing will happen to your animal.”

(31) Responsible officials now look with holy eyes at those who sounded the alarm:

(32) - We? (33) The moose died from something else. (34) We have instructions. (35) Here, read: “This substance is toxic to humans and animals. (36) If you are not careful, there can be poisoning, and the quality of cows’ milk also decreases...” (37) You see, the quality of the milk... (38) Not a word about moose...

(39) - But you could have guessed about it. (40) They warned...

(41) - According to the instructions...

(42) That's the whole conversation.

(43)…In a matter where nature and chemistry come together, we must be guided by Caution, Wisdom, Love for our mother earth, the living thing that adorns life and pleases people. (44) In any matter, we must not forget about the most important thing - human health; we must not neglect the happiness of hearing birds singing, seeing flowers by the road, a butterfly on the windowsill and an animal in the forest...

(According to V. Peskov*)

* Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (born in 1930) is a modern essayist, journalist, and traveler.

20. Which sentence states the conclusion to which the author of the text arrives?

1) 14 2) 20 3) 33 4)43

21 . Which of the following statements is false?

1) Sentences 1 – 3 contain a description.

2) Sentence 7 contains the answer to the question formulated in sentence 6.

3) Sentences 10 – 16 present the reasoning.

4) Sentences 43 – 44 present the narrative.

22 . In which sentence of the text is a phraseological unit used?

1) 16 2) 23 3) 30 4) 31

23 . Among sentences 7–15, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter. Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The famous journalist V. Peskov talks about how moose and birds were poisoned. The trope – A__________ (“creepy... silence”) – and the syntactic device – B__________ (sentences 16, 22) – help express the author’s attitude towards the death of animals, for which people are to blame. At the same time, the journalist notes that there are those who care about the condition of forests and who strive to protect nature. The author also uses the lexical device – В__________ (in sentences 11–12) and a device such as Г__________ (sentences 23–25).”

List of terms:

1) litotes 2) epithet 3) lexical repetition

4) phraseology 5) antonyms 6) homogeneous members of a sentence

7) dialectisms 8) rhetorical question 9) question-and-answer form of presentation

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to the option

Option 13

Their work






so because

· Introductory words and sentences are not parts of the sentence, but if you remove them from the text, then the basis is clearly highlighted in the introductory sentence.

In particular, for example, of course, probably - introductory words.

I think, it seems to me, as the weather forecasters report, these are introductory sentences.

· Plug-in structures contain additional information, some information, explanations. They do not express the speaker’s feelings, do not indicate a connection with other words, or the source of the message. Plug-in structures are not planned in advance, so they cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence. They are characterized by a switch-on intonation with a longer pause.

One day (it was at the beginning of summer) my father and I were going fishing (additional information)

No, you (or you) simply must know this (explains a separate word).

· Plug-in constructions are often distinguished by brackets or dashes, and less often by commas.

There is nothing to be done here - the relatives hugged each other.

It even seemed to me, and maybe this was actually the case, that the attitude of those present towards me changed dramatically.


Option 1

Place punctuation marks

1. The Raspberry Mountains in the Middle Urals (1), according to the stories of famous travelers (2), got their name due to the fact that raspberries grew in particular abundance along the ridges and placers. It (3) true (4) was smaller than the forest raspberry, but ripening in the sun, this mountain raspberry acquired a unique taste.

2. The language of poetry (1) as is known (2) cannot be ordinary, since the way of expressing oneself in iambics and trochees is unusual. Therefore, poetry is (3) one might say (4) a miracle of transforming an ordinary word into a poetic word.

3. Trigorsky Park in the Pushkin Nature Reserve (1) according to

many (2) soaked in the sun even on cloudy days. This park

created (3) as if (4) especially for family holidays, friendly conversations, laughter, humorous confessions.

4. Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

5. For the writers of the 18th century (1) of course (2) the significant difference between the then colloquial “living use” and the ancient literary language was obvious. This literary language correlated with the Russian spoken language (3) according to linguists (4) in the same way as the language of the past with the modern language.

6. In the past, many were (1) of course (2) well known to the Aksakov house, where everything breathed creativity, family happiness and contentment. Family friends and numerous guests (3) probably (4) more than once had the opportunity to rest in this house from everyday squabbles and worries.

7. The leaves on the trees do not move; on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine through with emeralds, so that the lace of veins is visible. Only individual leaves will suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from a bird suddenly flying from a branch.

8. The July evening was wonderful, it (1) seemed to (2) throw a thin translucent fabric over everything. And the colors of the day (3) seemed (4) to fade slightly: the clouds slowly lost their reflections, the river surface turned pale.

9. The dark sky above the illuminated street (1) seemed (2) like a black, heavy canopy. The sun and (3) it seemed (4) the sky itself were hiding behind the rocks.

10. Behind the distant forest, (1) the lake became visible.

It was deserted around him. The villagers (3) apparently (4) did not really like this remote place.

11.Somewhere nearby (1) apparently (2) there was a waterfall.

From the exclamation that escaped my companion, I realized that the danger (3) could be (4) serious.

12. Among the poets of the “Silver Age” A. Blok occupies (1) undoubtedly (2) a special position. He does not repeat other people's themes, but draws the content of his poems (3) exclusively (4) from the depths of his soul.

13. An amazingly pleasant experience (1) I remember (2) was for me to lie on my back in the forest and look up. Then (3) the sky seemed (4) like a bottomless sea, spread out before my eyes.

14. What do dialect words mean? Of course (1) many dialect words refer to rural realities: the word “golbets” (2) for example (3) in the northern regions refers to an extension near a Russian stove. However, (4) there are many more words that serve as local names for ubiquitous objects.

15. A.I. Kuindzhi (1) probably (2) D.I.’s bewilderment was especially dear. Mendeleev, who tried to comprehend the secret of his “luminous” colors. The great chemist (3) of course (4) understood that the secret of “lunar” and “solar” colors lies primarily in the unique art of the artist.

16. The leaves on the trees do not move; on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine through with emeralds, so that the lace of veins is visible. Only individual leaves will suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from the movement of a bird suddenly fluttering from a branch.

Option 3

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in whose place

Sentences must contain commas.

1. Sometimes Ivan Petrovich Argunov (1) still (2) managed to completely surrender to inspiration. At such a joyful hour (3) probably (4) he created a portrait of an unknown young woman in a festive peasant dress.

2. A cheerful, carefree childhood (1) will end anyway (2) someday, and adult life (3) of course (4) will require serious decisions and responsible actions.

3. At the Academy of Arts V.I. Surikov studied (1) in his words (2) “with terrible greed for studies” and with such diligence (3) of course (4) he graduated with a gold medal.

4. The St. Petersburg guards (1) it would seem (2) were exclusively engaged in organizing and carrying out “palace coups” (3) however (4) they were not a blind tool of one group or another: the choice that the guard made almost always led the country forward.

5. L. Tolstoy’s painful sincerity and dissatisfaction with himself (1) of course (2) part of his living soul, but what is most important for us (3) perhaps (4) is how the shoots of the writer’s spiritual development sprout in his work.

6. Among the poets of the “Silver Age” A. Blok occupies (1) undoubtedly (2) a special position. He does not repeat other people's themes, but draws the content of his poems (3) exclusively (4) from the depths of his soul.

7. On one side (1) the mountains were silent, on the other side (2) the sea was noisy. On the one hand (3) cars are useful, and on the other hand (4) everyone knows the harm they cause to the environment.

8. A compliment (1) as is known (2) is a flattering, kind remark or brief praise, and the ability to give compliments is a real art that requires tact, wit and (3) of course (4) an attentive, warm attitude towards the interlocutor.

9. I (1) confess (2) am not too fond of the aspen tree with its lavender trunk and gray-green metallic foliage. Aspen is good only on a windy summer day, when each leaf (3) seems to (4) want to break off and rush off into the distance.

10. Even the rustle of falling leaves makes the animals in the forest wary (1) should be (2). The outline of the house under construction (3) seemed (4) like a ship.

11. You might (2) like a new book by a famous writer and journalist (1). The sun on a hot July day (3) seemed (4) yellow-red.

12. Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. But then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

13.The sun touched (1) it seems (2) the calm water near the shore. The ocean (3) seems (4) asleep, quiet, you can’t even hear the splash of the waves.

14. My brother (1) seems (2) to be beginning to understand the importance of the upcoming events.

Sometimes our class (3) seems (4) to me like a big friendly family.

15. The July evening was wonderful, it (1) seemed to (2) throw a thin translucent fabric over everything. And the colors of the day (3) seemed (4) to fade slightly: the clouds slowly lost their reflections, the river surface turned pale.

16. The reduction in production will be carried out (1) in the opinion of our analytical department (2) in several stages, between which (3) it is possible (4) even a slight increase in business activity and an increase in output.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

1) About two and a half thousand years ago, the outstanding ancient Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea formulated the paradoxical statement (aporia) “Arrow” about the impossibility of movement in nature: at any given instant of time, a flying arrow is at a certain point in space, and therefore there is no such thing the point in time at which the flying arrow moves.

(2) It would seem that Zeno’s aporia can be easily refuted by simply pointing out that in the real world, fired arrows move in space. (3)<…>such a “refutation” is meaningless: the essence of aporia is not the denial of the obvious fact of movement to the observer, but the deliberate falsity of the conclusions obtained in the process of impeccable logical reasoning, which clearly demonstrates the limitations of our logical thinking as a tool for cognition of reality.

1 . Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1) Zeno’s reasoning in the “Arrow” aporia leads to deliberately false conclusions and is easily refuted by a simple indication of the fact of the existence of movement.

2) From the discussion about the immobility of a flying arrow at each specific moment in time, the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno concluded that there is no movement as such.

3) In Zeno's aporia "Arrow" we come to a false conclusion, guided by impeccable logical reasoning, which indicates the fundamental impossibility of knowing the world through logic.

4) The essence of Zeno's aporia "Arrow" is not the denial of the existence of movement in nature, but the fact that the possibilities of logical thinking are limited.

5) Zeno's aporia is paradoxical, but true: it clearly demonstrates the limitations of our logical thinking as a tool for understanding reality.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

On the contrary, for example, however, it is probably

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word TIME. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the FIRST (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TIME, -meni, plural. -mena, -men, -menam, cf.

1. One of the forms (along with space) of the existence of endlessly developing matter, the consistent change of its phenomena and states. Outside of time and space there is no movement of matter.

2. Duration, duration something, measured in seconds, minutes, hours. What time is it (what time is it?).

3. An interval of one or another duration, in when something happens, a successive change of hours, days, years. Time interval. Have a good time in. V. doesn’t wait (we have to hurry). V. is patient (you can still wait). V. will show (will be seen in the future). V. works for us. Continuous c. For a short time Win in.

4. A specific moment at which it happens sth. Assign to. meetings. V. lunch. At any time. day.

5. (plural in the same meaning as singular). Period, era. During (times) of Peter I. Harsh times (harsh times). Since time immemorial (since time immemorial). At all times (always). For all time (forever).

6. It's time of the day, of the year. Evening in. V. childish (it’s too early for adults to go to bed; colloquial). Rainy in. Seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down

Lila's beard is called Drilling Orlya

5. Which answer option uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY?Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

The travel company is obliged to PROVIDE the consumer with information about its state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

FICTION cinema includes almost all works of cinema, with the exception of some documentary films.

In accordance with the “Rules for the Provision of Postal Services,” a registered letter is considered delivered only when the ADDRESSEE personally signs the delivery receipt.

After a wet snowfall, it is necessary to SHAKE the snow off the tree branches so that they do not break.

It was impossible to EXPECT a warmer welcome than the one that was organized for the festival guests.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly On both sides more than five hundred dollars experienced engineers pink cockatoo

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select

the corresponding position from the second column. OFFERS

B) When visiting the Tretyakov Gallery, the attention of tourists is certainly attracted by the paintings of Vasily Perov.

C) No one outside this room will hear a sound.

D) One of the famous scientists of the twentieth century who had a significant influence on the development of linguistics was Ferdinand de Saussure.

D) Linguist A.Kh. Vostokov gave a description of the language system in the book “Russian Grammar”.

GRAMMAR ERRORS 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun

2) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

6) violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase

7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Answer

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

R..luxurious..location, grown..comb.prec..dent

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

Pr..preserve, pr..protect Z..heads, pos..yesterday Without..similar, to..say Boundary, not...restraint

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The huge tap shook as if it were (not) steel, but bamboo. The river stretched along a (not) high, steep bank.

Our duty is to preserve the brilliant and (un)unheard of rich language of our classics. The lanterns reflected (not) very brightly on the black surface of the water.

The (un)spoken reproach shone in Sofia Nikolaevna’s eyes.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

A shark often attacks from BOTTOM, bending its snout, AS it prevents it from capturing prey.

Anton Stepanovich HERE (SAME) showed us an old medallion (IN) THE VIEW of a heart. (ALONG) WITH paintings on modern themes, historical painting occupies a large place in Repin’s work, to which he periodically returns (D) throughout his life.

In (HALF) AN HOUR, he got ready to go to the city, AND took all the money.

(C) THE CONTINUATION of the whole evening, the princess (FROM) was sad because she had not seen her brother for a long time.

14 . Indicate all the numbers (numbers) in place of which NN is written

And thick milk pouring from a clay (1) jug, and a lush loaf in an artfully (2) weaved (3) basket, and a sliding napkin written out (4) by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have an advantage.

2) I took the heavy lists of the novel and rough notebooks out of the desk drawer and began to burn them.

3) The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, then it will drown irrevocably in memories.

4) You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense summer blue night or a bright morning.

5) Rare yellowish stars flickered between the clouds and the sky gradually brightened on the horizon.

16 . Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (digits) where commas should appear in the sentence.

Ivan Yakovlevich threw down his pen (1) and (2) leaned back in his chair (3) and began to look out the window at the clearing (4) flooded with (5) moonlight.

17 . Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. But then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

18 . Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (digits) that should be replaced by commas.

Raskolnikov (1) prefers Sennaya Square (2) in the vicinity (3) of which

(4) the poor eke out a miserable existence.

19 . Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

It was time to leave (1) and (2) when buses came from the city to pick us up (3) we understood

(4) what a pity to part with the lake.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) Shatalov lit the stove, sat astride a chair and lit a cigarette. (2) The pain in the bones intensified, monotonous, boring...

(3) All the troubles began when he developed this damned rheumatic heart disease. (4) Sometimes it can be amazingly stupid: a small, ordinary incident becomes a watershed of an entire destiny.

(5) Shatalov - at that time a senior lieutenant, navigator of a hydrographic vessel - launched the reporting documentation and did not leave his cabin for a week, working on combat training logs, acts for writing off the skipper’s and navigator’s property, and notes from classes with personnel. (6) The endless “sections”, “subsections”, “paragraphs” and “notes” were already making my eyes dazzle, and for some reason I was itching behind my collar.

(7) The deadline for submitting documentation was approaching inexorably, the ship’s commander frowned at the meeting, and the end of the work was still not in sight.

(8) And suddenly an order to go to sea: somewhere on an island an automatic lighthouse had broken down, and it was necessary to change the burner. (9) The autumn Baltic was stormy, but the navigator was jubilant. (10) He was young. (11) He jumped like a goat from the compass to the map, from the direction finder to

echo sounder: after all, no one could now drive him into the cabin and force him to write to the inventory commission - he was steering the ship through a stormy sea!

(12) The island was enclosed in a ring of surf, but the navigator volunteered to go there in a whaleboat. (13) He assured the commander that he had already landed here several times and that he knew the passages in the coastal rocks. (14) He had never been even close here and did not know any passages. (15) But he understood well that the deadline for submitting the documentation would be extended if he managed to set up the lighthouse without waiting for the storm wind to weaken.

(16) No, it was not a completely desperate adventure. (17) Shatalov was a good sailor and felt the whaleboat’s tiller not only with his palm, but with his whole being. (18) Fate just changed... (19) He lost his orientation among the waves, breakers, curtains of spray... (20) I will forever remember the slippery shine of the whaleboat that was suddenly exposed for a moment, the blow, the crack of breaking oars, the twisted mouths of the sailors faces and the roar of the wind... (21) It was only by miracle that no one died. (22) Wounded and cold, they spent more than a day on the island until the storm subsided.

(23) Although Shatalov did not light the lighthouse fire, he got rid of the documentation: he ended up in the hospital for six months. (24) For unjustified recklessness, he was not awarded another rank, and when a new reduction in the armed forces began, he was one of the first to be demobilized.

(According to V. Konetsky*) *Viktor Viktorovich Konetsky (1929-2002) - sea captain, novelist, screenwriter. In his works he reflected the life of polar sailors.

20 . Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sometimes a person can change his future destiny with one action.

2) The young navigator decided on a desperate act, trying to extend the deadline for submitting the documentation.

3) Senior Lieutenant Shatalov repeatedly sailed a whaleboat to the island, enclosed in a ring of surf, so he knew all the passages in the coastal rocks.

4) Shatalov never managed to light the beacon on the island.

5) Shatalov, being a senior lieutenant, fell ill with rheumatic heart disease while keeping a log of combat training.

21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-3 present the reasoning.

2) Sentence 20 contains a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentence 17 provides the rationale for the judgment made in sentence 16.

4) Sentences 23-24 present the narrative.

5) Proposition 22 contains an element of reasoning.

22. From sentences 1-4, write down contextual synonyms.

23. Among the proposals 12-19, find one that is connected to the previous one using a conjunction and lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read an excerpt from the review. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

The writer V. Konetsky, a former sailor, uses such a lexical means of expressiveness as _____ (for example, “damned” in sentence 3), and such a trope as _____ (“watershed of fate”) to more accurately describe the character’s state of mind and his attitude towards to your action. A trope like ______

(“a desperate adventure” in sentence 16), in combination with nautical terms, help to better understand the character of the young navigator. A syntactic device such as ______ (“a shine..., a blow, a crack..., ...mouths... and a roar..." in sentence 20) emphasizes the tension of the situation.

List of terms:

1) dialectism

2) epithet

3) metaphor

4) parcellation

5) rhetorical appeal

6) litotes

7) emotional-evaluative words

8) question and answer form of presentation

9) series of homogeneous members



Shake off

A-1, B-5, B-2, D-6, D-3


Heading the day before yesterday

spend the night


unheard of

Half an hour and

Little Private

Text problems:

1. The problem of a person’s responsibility for his actions (Should a person be aware of responsibility for his actions and foresee their consequences?)

2. The problem of a person’s overestimation of his capabilities (What can a person’s overestimation of his capabilities lead to?)