Here is my obligatory property: I bow, like an adjective. I answer all his questions. I remind you of the meaning of the verb. P. Chesnokov. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a painted wooden fence. Assignment: find the word being defined, find the participle, dist

Development of a Russian language lesson in 7th grade “Travel to Prichastinsk”

Author: Tokmakova Oksana Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MOBU Ust-Yarulskaya secondary school
- systematization of knowledge about the sacrament;
- developing the ability to find participles and determine its grammatical features; find and correctly write spellings in participles; Separate the participial phrase with commas.
Lesson description: I present to your attention a Russian language lesson in 7th grade. This lesson is the final one before the dictation when studying the topic “Communion”, which helps children eliminate certain gaps in knowledge, which contributes to a better result when writing a control dictation. With the help of a playful form, children are more actively involved in educational process. The material is recommended for Russian language teachers and students of philological faculties.
During the classes
1. ABOUT rg. moment. Greetings.
2. Teacher's word.
Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We will go on a trip to the city of Prichaschinsk and look at all its attractions. The map will not let us get lost in this city, and I take on the role of guide.
To begin with, I will tell you the history of the creation of the city of Prichastinsk.
A Tale of Communion.
Once upon a time in the world there were lonely suffixes -ush-, -yush-, -yash-, -vsh-, -sh-. -T-. They were bored with living in this world. \and they decided to go to the Verb for advice and complain about their loneliness.
The Verb tells them: “I will give you the most precious thing I have - the foundation.” “Thank you!” - the delighted suffixes responded and immediately joined the stems - the result was ugly, unfinished words. The suffixes were sad again; they were missing something else.
So they wander along the road with their basics, and they meet the good wizard Adjective. It listened to their grief and agreed to help the unfortunate suffixes.
-Take my endings, they will help you.
-Thank you, kind Adjective!
And suffixes, taking gifts satisfied and happy. We went to the lawn by the river. They had fun for a long time, played, danced, and drew composed words. One of them suggested:
-Let's live the way we want, let's have fun, let's not listen to anyone.
The others agreed; they really wanted to be carefree. They forgot that in their big country, Grammar cannot be selfish. The parts of speech were outraged, and they decided to punish the idlers who were not involved in anything. The verb said: “Now you will be called Communions. And for your pranks I leave you only two tenses - past and present. And no future for you. Well, so be it, I’ll leave two types - perfect and imperfect.”
“And I punish you with the fact that you will forever decline according to cases, change according to gender and number,” said the Adjective.
Sad Communions, but there is nothing to do - we have to work. They didn't notice anything bad about them anymore. And the parts of speech forgave them. You also need to be able to forgive. Since then, all the Communions live in one city, and it became known as Prichastinsky.
3. Repetition of covered material
So, our journey begins. But before entering the city, you must say the correct definition of the participle; this serves as the city's password.
We will travel along the “Spelling Highway”. Let's remember what spellings we studied during this topic? (writing of suffixes of participles, Н-НН in participles, continuous and separate writing NOT with participles. letters E and E after sibilants in passive past participles, vowels before N and НН in passive participles and adjectives formed from a verb)
Explanatory dictation
The sun has not risen; unpainted benches; the guys are outraged by their friend’s behavior; speeches are heartfelt and excited; trimmed hair; oil painted floor; marinated mushrooms; uncut grass, a leaf covered in writing, a barrel pumped out of the basement; pumped out oil; heard the conversation; sent to the detachment; a sealed envelope, people who did not arrive on time; the book has not been read; unwritten essay in English.
We are approaching the Museum of Participial Circulation.
- Guys, let's remember what a participle phrase is?
-In what cases is the participial phrase in a letter separated by commas?
Exercise. (distributed on cards)
Place the missing punctuation marks, underline the participial phrases as parts of the sentence.
1. A path runs down to the river, barely visible in the darkness.
2. The moon, faintly illuminated by the moon, turns silver.
3. The reeds rustle, slightly swayed by the wind.
4. The wind-blown fire flared up.
5. The grass, bent by the wind, lay on the ground.
6. In the distance there was an almost invisible forest.
7. I saw two almost connected nuts, for some reason not picked, forgotten by us.
8. I went out into the already darkening garden, walked along a path thickly strewn with leaves, then stopped in front of a hazel tree frozen in the cold stillness of twilight.
Now we will take a walk along the Alley of passive and active participles.
Let's remember how to distinguish the active participle from the passive?
-How are active participles formed?
-How are they formed? passive participles?
Exercise. Fill in the table with participles from the text, highlight the suffixes. (the text is either displayed through a projector or distributed to desks)
Valid Last century Current time Suffering past time Suffering present time

We entered the forest, illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. A cleared path led to the sea. We stopped often, amazed by the vibrant beauty of the forest. Fallen leaves lay on the yellowed grass. The birches were covered with golden foliage, sparkling in the sun. Maples dressed in crimson foliage are very beautiful. Often we see yellow leaves silently falling to the ground. And on the paths there are leaves rustling sadly underfoot. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a painted wooden fence.
So, our journey is coming to an end and I suggest you consolidate your knowledge with the help of a little work on the text.
Exercise. Work on the text.

(1) Anton looked around his father’s cabin with enthusiastic eyes. (2) The small room, furnished with only the necessary furniture, was very cozy. (3) Everything here was extraordinary. (4) Above the bed, covered with a woolen blanket, hung an oil painting depicting a windmill under a thatched roof, a meadow full of flowers. (5) Not ordinary, but specially attached shelves to the walls contained many interesting things. (6) On one of them stood a writing instrument, and next to it lay a stack of leather-bound books. (7) Among them, the boy saw books dedicated to the sea and the history of ships. (8) One of them attracted his attention. (9) On its cover there was a drawing of a schooner running on the waves.
1. From sentence 4, write out the participial phrases.
2. Write out from the text words that obey the rule: “In full passive participles with the suffixes –ENN- and –NN- two letters N are written if the participle has a prefix (except NOT).” (attached)
3. From sentence 4, write out the active participle.
4. Write out a short participle from sentences 6-9.
5. Write out the passive participle.
Peer review. (Students exchange notebooks and check with each other using the teacher’s comments)
4. Reflection.
Guys, did you like our trip?
What conclusion can we draw?
5. Homework.
Preparation for the control dictation.

Correct errors 1) I was tasked with eliminating a sniper who had settled in a tree. I was tasked with eliminating a sniper perched in a tree. I was tasked with eliminating a sniper perched on a tree. 2) The image of the poet-prophet created by Pushkin also determined him own life. The image of the poet-prophet created by Pushkin determined his own life. 3) We approached a house that stood in a small clearing and was illuminated by the bright rays of the sun. We approached a house that stood in a small clearing and was illuminated by the bright rays of the sun.

Explanatory dictation Galloping horses, an unexplored road, a program completed, a wounded fighter, faintly illuminated, a project under consideration, launched to the moon, the attending physician, heard footsteps, pickled mushrooms, barely visible, scattered across the sky, melted snow, painted coating, forged leaves.

Complete the sentences with appropriate participles. We entered the forest…………………. ………………... the path led to the sea. We often stopped ………………………….. There were ……….. leaves on the ….…grass. The birches were covered with golden foliage………………………………. The maples are very beautiful.……………… We often see yellow leaves ………………….. And on the paths there are leaves ……………………………… Sometimes we come across a dacha ………………… ...... Words for reference: cleared, fallen, sparkling in the sun, illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun, surrounded by a painted wooden fence, amazed by the bright beauty of the forest, quietly falling to the ground, sadly rustling underfoot, yellowed, dressed in crimson foliage.

Test yourself We entered the forest, illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. A cleared path led to the sea. We stopped often, amazed by the vibrant beauty of the forest. Fallen leaves lay on the yellowed grass. The birches were covered with golden foliage, sparkling in the sun. Maples dressed in crimson foliage are very beautiful. Often we see yellow leaves silently falling to the ground. And on the paths there are leaves rustling sadly underfoot. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a painted wooden fence.

Smile People walking on the grass that grows behind the separating grate, breaking and tearing out with rakes, as well as pushing, pestering people walking, throwing themselves at those using growing plants, tripping up visitors, spitting on those passing and sitting, frightening existing children, riding bicycles, starting animals that pollute and bite, tear out flowers and litter are subject to fines. V. Ardov “Cloth tongue”

Participles have a certain loftiness in them, and for this reason it is very proper to use them in a high kind of poetry. M.V. Lomonosov We do not say: a carriage galloping across a bridge; servant sweeping the room; we say: a carriage that gallops; a servant who sweeps, etc. - replacing the expressive brevity of the participles with a sluggish turn. A.S. Pushkin


Exercise 1.

In the text, highlight in bold Passive past participles, highlight suffix in red.

We entered the forest, which was illuminated rays of the autumn sun. Cleared the path led to the restless sea. We stopped often affected the vibrant beauty of an extraordinary forest. Fallen leaves lay on the yellowed grass. Birch trees seem shrouded golden foliage sparkling in the sun. Very beautiful maples dressed into crimson foliage. Often we see gold plated sun and autumn leaves quietly falling to the ground. The paths are deserted, but there are leaves on them, sadly rustling underfoot. Sometimes you come across a dacha, surrounded wooden painted oil paint on the fence.

Exercise 2.

Read the text of a comic letter that was written by one fairy-tale hero. Highlight the short passive participles in the text, highlight the suffix and indicate the verb (in brackets) from which this participle is derived.

We live very well. Home is always tidied up(CLEAN UP), laundry washed (WASHED) And ironed(IRONED). The room is very cozy: the floor laid out(COVER) with carpet, curtains starched (STARCHED) And sheathed (sheathed) frills, walls decorated (DECORATE) paintings. Flowers on time watered (WATER) And fed (FEED).

Books unfolded(EXPAND) on the shelves. There are toys scattered (SCROSS), but in the evening they always collected(COLLECT) And hidden(HIDE) in special boxes.

Our children washed (WASH), washed (WASHED), combed (CROSSED). Their noses are always in wiped (WIPE), bows and laces tied (TIE). Girls dressed up (DRESS UP) And painted (MAKE UP). boys dressed(DRESSED) And shod (SHOD).

Exercise 3.

Divide these phrases into 2 groups: verbal adjectives, passive participles. Insert N/NN.

Exercise 4.

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the participial phrases (with a wavy line).

1) Golden autumn is coming, rain bringer. 2) River, skirting the shore, went to the mountains. 3) Not covered by a cloud the dawn illuminated the windows.4) We put our hands in the water, flowing between your fingers. 5) Frozen overnight flowers came to life.6) Leaves, spinning in the air, fall to the ground.

Exercise 5.

From these verbs, form and write down all possible forms of participles.



Repent – ​​REPENTANT



Exercise 6.

Read the text and complete the tasks.

Of all the words of the mighty and original Russian language, full-voiced, meek and formidable, throwing (ACTION, CONST., THROW) sounds like an explosive waterfall, murmuring (ACTIVE, BURRING SET) an elusive stream, fulfilled (PASSIVE PAST. PERFORM) the dialects of the dense forest, rustling (ACT, NAST, WHISTLE) steppe feather grass, singing(ACT, SING) by the wind that rushes and rushes and lures the heart far beyond the steppe, bright shining (ACT, INST. SHINE) silver floods of deep rivers, inflowing (ACTIVE SET. FLOW) into the blue sea, - of all uncounted (PAS.. PAST. COUNT) gems of this inexhaustible (SUFFERING NOW, DO NOT EXHAUST) the treasuries of the living language, created (STRAD., PAST. CREATE) and yet, tirelessly creative (ACT, NAST, CREATE) Most of all I love the word - will. It was so in childhood, and so it is now. This word is the most precious and comprehensive. (K. Balmont).

We entered the forest, which was illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. A cleared path led to the restless sea. We often stopped, amazed by the bright

the beauty of an extraordinary forest. Fallen leaves lay on the yellowed grass. The birches seemed to be shrouded in golden foliage, sparkling in the sun. Maples dressed in crimson foliage are very beautiful. Often we see leaves gilded by the sun and autumn, quietly falling to the ground. The paths are deserted, but there are leaves on them, sadly rustling underfoot. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a wooden fence painted with oil paint.

Write out the participles
indicate gender, number and case

People, please help. (urgently) 1People, please help. (urgently) 1 Task) Which word has a prefix? 1) (under) pine 2) (under) house 3)

(under) fairy tale 4) (under) the window. Task 2) In which row are synonyms (words similar in meaning)? 1) be afraid, fight, go astray 2) fight, fight, fight. b 3) courage, boldness, bravery. 4) doctor, therapist, nurse. 3 Task) List the numbers in order, in place of which there should be commas. I took a pencil and paper, drew a road (1) on it I drew a bull (2) and next to it (3) a cow. (S. Mikhalkov) _______________ How many predicates are there in the sentence in which you placed commas? 4 Task) Read the text. (A) Nyura moved to new apartment to another area of ​​the city. (B) She was sorry to part with her old school, especially with her friend Valya. (B) At the new school, Nyura didn’t know anyone, so during lessons she didn’t address anyone and no one spoke to her. (D) Once during a big break, her classmate Galya came up to her and asked: ___ Are you not friends with anyone yet? Which sentence in the text should be followed by the sentence (write down the letter)? Nyura kept staring at the teacher, at the schoolchildren, at the class. _______________________

Task 4: Fill in the missing letters, add commas.

One of the days at the end of winter is amazing and enchanting... . Don’t hide from nature, go outside. Feel how creaky the snow is... check the speed of your skis... . From behind the clouds... an insistent ray of sunshine peeks out more and more often. He can’t bear it... to melt the ice on the slopes of the roofs... and see a spring coming out of the ground... . This is not a blessing... . After all, spring is no longer a mirage... but a reality. You cannot ignore... the laws of nature. And very soon the windows of the neighboring dachas will open wide... . It’s precisely these thoughts that I get carried away when looking at Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon".

Assignment: insert letters, open brackets, place commas, indicate types of connection between sentences.

Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on their televisions, or pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives on.
In order to understand everything that happens in the world around us, in order for those with whom we communicate to understand us, we must have a good command of the modern Russian language. However, there is no point in turning a blind eye to the fact that very often we speak carelessly and write haphazardly. If our speech.. n.. () is understandable to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be changed..lkova(nn/n)s in a different way! Whether we accurately express our thoughts or speak fluently depends on whether we are understood correctly.

Work with text

Autumn is painted in bright colors (not) long in coming. Trees dressed in elegant attire stand decorously in a row. The chicks, having grown stronger over the summer, prepared for their first flight to the south. The (non)stopping rains 1 charged for a long time. Lead..the looming sky.. 3 above the ground seems to be pressing on you. The sun shone so brightly... in the summer now it rarely appears (?) from behind the clouds. Yellowed 2 leaves are falling off on tree branches 2 to the ground. Animals that have accumulated fat over the summer are preparing(?) for winter hibernation. In the sky you can see flocks of geese and ducks flying to warm countries. Autumn delights us with its colors - the favorite time of many poets 4 .

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

We entered the forest illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. Cleared 3 the path led to the (restless) sea. We often stopped amazed by the vibrant beauty of the extraordinary forest. On yellowed.. 2 fallen leaves lay on the grass. Birch trees seem to be shrouded in golden 2 leaves sparkling in the sun 4 . Maples dressed in crimson foliage are very beautiful. Often we see leaves gilded by the sun and quietly falling to the ground in autumn. The paths are deserted but there are leaves on them 1 sadly rustling underfoot. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a (n, nn) ​​wooden fence.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

The (un)forgettable time of the late autumn is full of delight. The rays of the sun send their last greetings to the still (not) cooled earth. The sky is getting darker and darker 2 , and (not) parting clouds hide the sun. At night, autumn silvers and catches the ground with the (not) strong ice of the puddles 4 . Wonderful is the p..liter of the wasp(n;nn) of their trees. I alternate purple leaves with the green of maples and the bright green of (not) aging buckthorn. A motley carousel of those falling 3 Leaves of colored leaves lie (t;t) in the clearings (not) illuminated by the rays of the sun. The wind is blowing more and more often. And this is no longer a caressing summer breeze, but cold pre-winter gusts. The air is filled with no (with) (what) (not) comparable aroma of fading 2 herbs. Everything is so fabulously beautiful that the approach of harsh winter is (not) noticeable.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

Unlike cranes that live in remote (in)accessible swamps, herons usually nest near river banks. Wide nests woven from thick twigs were made by herons on the highest peaks of centuries-old pines. One day, in stormy windy weather, a fledgling bird, which was not yet able to fly, fell out of the nest.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing.

Not) the usual time in nature comes 4 .

The (not) warming sun (not) caresses us with its rays.

The (non)stopping rain is pouring more and more often,

The day is already (not) long, but the night is longer.

And the silence is (not) broken 3 birdsong

We are filled with sadness and our mood is darkened.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

Autumn forest.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

1. Something sad... something sad, farewell is heard (?) and seen in the wasp (n, nn) ​​forest filled with (n, nn) ​​silence. 2. Walking... through such a colorful forest (n, nn) ​​2 colors and a poetic feeling fills (?) your soul. 3. In the village this short time was called Indian summer. 4. The air is transparent and clean, the water in forest streams is clear. 5. The late (n, nn) ​​late flowers are still blooming. 6. Songbirds are preparing(?) to fly away. 7. Sometimes while in the forest a thrush will be knocked by a woodpecker sitting 3 on a dry tree. 8. Still green, an old spreading oak tree stands on the edge of the forest, dropping ripe acorns to the ground 4.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

1. Copy the text. Fill in the missing spellings. Write out the participles from the text and analyze them morphemically.

A rustling sound accompanied by snorting came from behind the (low) growing bushes 4 . Who is this? It turned out that a family of hedgehogs was collecting the last mushrooms(?) covered with fallen leaves. 3 . foliage. Alarmed by our steps, the hedgehogs curled up into prickly balls. Only one small 2 every day 2 carried away by the search (did not) pay (n..) any attention to us. He moved his nose over the fallen leaves and snorted, surprised by the behavior of his relatives.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

1) New Year a wonderful holiday that brings together all the joys of winter.

2) Winter seemed to have just arrived and was slowly ending.

4) And now we find ourselves in a clearing surrounded by a snowy (n, nn) ​​forest.

5) Trees standing alone at the edge of the forest are covered with snow 4.
6) Snowflakes are spinning in the air, overtaking each other, dancing. 3. in the air.

7) The snow lying under your feet crunches merrily.
8) The Christmas tree standing in the corner sparkles with multi-colored balls.

9) The skating rink, as shiny as a mirror, has always attracted my attention.

10) A little boy skating 2 joyfully..but laughed.

Work with text

Choose appropriate participial phrases for the highlighted words. Write them down using the necessary punctuation marks.. Highlight the participial phrases

It was autumn_____________________________________________ ______. We had been living by the lake for several days and fishing. In the parking lot we had a fire __________________________________________________________ _________. We burned dead wood in it and tried to keep the fire going day and night. The branches of old pine trees whispered above us___________________________. Through the flying forests, distant clouds were visible_________________ ____________________________________.

Words for reference: growing on the shore, floating in the thick blue air, scaring away wolves, generously giving us sun and fog.

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

The singing of birds was faint..dedicated to..the entrance of the great sun. And the light rays flying over the children’s heads had not yet warmed them. The b..rezovny leaf d..nourished with fi..resin sparkled in the evening rays. The hazelnut earrings began to gather dust and smoke flew up under every bird fluttering in the hazelnut grove. (On) to the right of us, near the lake itself, a high forest rustled; to the left there was a wild (impenetrable) swamp forest stretching into huge swamp spaces. (According to M. Prishvin)

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

Native corners I have been attached to nature since childhood, because I had a desire for peace and silence. A quiet and winding river flowing through banks covered with willow and alder trees 4 . Wonderful, full of fabulous 2 As a child, my native corners, fragrant meadows overgrown with strawberries, seemed like mysteries to me. In the forest and in the field I learned to see and hear. I heard flowers bloom and grass grow, I knew how to find fragrant berries that were hidden 2 in the shade of bushes. With a beating heart I walked on the ground decorated with greenery and flowers. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Work with text

Read the text, find punctuation errors. Write down the sentences, correcting mistakes, inserting missing letters and opening brackets. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

Obsolete trees, among many others, are invisible 4 . (In some) places in the forest lie huge trunks, broken by the storm, of oaks, lindens, birches and aspens. During their fall, they bent and broke the young neighboring trees, which still continued to grow and turn green. The corpses of forest lycans, smoldering inside, retain their appearance for a long time. I often happened to jump on such a tree corpse and fall(?) 2 with feet to the ground. A cloud of rotten dust reminiscent 2 the dust of a dry raincoat covered me for a few seconds. (According to S. Aksakov)

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

“Among the Waves” is the most amazing painting by Aivazovsky. There is (n..) nothing on it except water and sky. Powerful(?) waves, rising to the sky, one higher than the other. Across the sky, heavily descending onto the sea... a fierce wind is driving almost black clouds. The raging elements are terrible and beautiful.

Work with text

Write it off. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

In the 18th century, the costume of a Russian nobleman changed beyond recognition, turning from a long-skirted 2 and spacious in short and narrow. A nobleman wearing a snow-white 2 a shirt with lace cuffs was tied around his neck with a scarf-shaped tie. A camisole was worn over the shirt, which served as a vest. It is interesting that, when sewing up to 30 buttons on a camisole, only the upper half of them was fastened. The caftan, which covered the culottes and reached almost to the knees, was not buttoned at all, attracting the eye with gold and silver embroidery 1 and elegant metal buttons. Russian nobles, who borrowed the fashion for leggings from England, wore them in winter over white silk stockings. The wig that caused 3 certain inconveniences gave its owner a representative appearance 4 . The hat, which was a mandatory accessory of the costume, could not always be in harmony with the wig, so it was not 2 application was often left in the hands. A pocket watch on a chain, a glove and a cane that complemented the suit were a source of special pride. So, for example, Count Razumovsky paid 2 20 thousand rubles decorated his cane with diamonds and rubies. (According to Yu.S. Ryabtsev).

Work with text

Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight the participial phrases. Perform parsing

Autumn forest.

1. The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days 4 .2. Bright spots of maples and aspens stand out against the golden background of yellowed foliage. 3. Fallen leaves rustle underfoot.. 2 from the trees. 4. (Somewhere) you can see..t(?) the cap of the 2nd pose..of (under) the aspen tree. 5. The hazel grouse will whistle subtly, and the cranes will call out in the sky as they fly by in 3 schools.