Novy Urengoy Khudzhand flights. Novy Urengoy — Khujand (Tajikistan) flights. Route data

The site will find you the cheapest airfare for Novy Urengoy – Khujand by comparing the cost of an air ticket to Khujand using 45 agencies, five booking systems, and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy tickets for the Novy Urengoy - Khujand plane - the choice is yours.

The direction Novy Urengoy - Khujand is most popular in January. During this period, the average cost of air tickets is ₸172,542.

In the low season - in November, the price of air tickets drops to an average of 154 167₸.

Connecting flight from Novy Urengoy to Khujand

The main variant of the ticket for the Novy Urengoy - Khujand plane (round trip) is a flight with a transfer. Its value is from 154167₸ before 355571₸.

The lowest prices for a flight with transfers are offered by S7 Airlines. The ticket price is from ₸154,167.

Flight Novy Urengoy - Khujand with a transfer will make the trip even more interesting. Docking can be carried out in:

  • Novosibirsk (flight S75338 S7 Airlines)
  • (flight YC89 Somon Air, flight S7420 S7 Airlines)

This is a great chance to get to know these cities, because the transfer time is usually at least 6 hours.

Please note that depending on the number of days left before departure, the price of a ticket for a Novy Urengoy - Khujand plane can change by more than 30%.

the site advises to buy air tickets Novy Urengoy - Khujand in advance, then you can choose the conditions of the flight, focusing on your wishes and financial capabilities.

Flydex offers to find cheap flights from Novy Urengoy to Khujand and buy them without leaving your computer. An important advantage of the service, which allows you to select and buy tickets to Khujand at low prices, is that the search is conducted:

  • in real time,
  • according to the offers of reliable and trusted agencies.

On the route Novy Urengoy Khujand, flights are carried out by such companies as: Ural Airlines(flights S7-424, U6-377, U6-2799), Aeroflot (flights SU-1523, S7-959), S7 Airlines (flights S7-424, U6-147, U6-2757). The cost of the ticket is approximately 29200 rubles. one way The air distance between and Khujand is 2908 km. The total flight time is 19 hours with one change or 13 hours with two changes. Transfers can be in the city of Moscow.

Route data

  • Flight time from Novy Urengoy to Khujand: 19 hours
  • Distance: 2908 km.
  • Departure airport: Novy Urengoy
  • Arrival airport: Khujand
  • Operating airlines: Aeroflot, S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines

Airfare to Khujand from Novy Urengoy

The pricing policy of airlines for Novy Urengoy-Khujand flights varies. Prices for Aeroflot flights are 49,600 rubles (as of November 1, 2019), and for S7 Airlines flights with 2 transfers, 29,200 rubles. (as of 01/05/2019). Airline ticket prices Novy Urengoy Khujand are formed under the influence of several factors, and depends on the marketing goals of the airlines. Affect prices:

  • tariff restrictions,
  • departure time (morning, afternoon, night),
  • day of the week
  • season and other factors (exchange rates, gasoline prices).

In order to find out the cost of a Novy Urengoy-Khujand ticket and buy it at the lowest price, it is enough to use a convenient and intuitive search form.

Booking and payment

Passengers independently purchase and issue air tickets to Khujand for flights from Novy Urengoy. After the payment is made, the so-called e-ticket in the form of an itinerary receipt to the address indicated at the time of booking Email customer. You can pay for your air ticket to Khujand with Visa or MasterCard.

Flights Novy Urengoy-Khujand: check the schedule

The following airlines operate this route: Aeroflot, S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines. The system provides a special form for searching for up-to-date information. With its help, each passenger will learn the details of the Novy Urengoy-Khujand flight schedule. In free access:

  • information about the time of departure and arrival,
  • airport name,
  • travel time.

For more information, enter several dates in the search to find out about all flights from Novy Urengoy to Khujand.

Special offers on flights to Khujand

Air carriers periodically hold special programs and sales of air tickets to Khujand, publish various special offers. During the validity period of such promotions, it is possible to buy a Novy Urengoy Khujand air ticket very cheaply.

At the moment there are no active special offers on the route Novy Urengoy Khujand

The price of a flight ticket from Novy Urengoy to Khujand is very time dependent: the earlier you buy a plane ticket, the cheaper it will be, we have found you the best price for a ticket from Novy Urengoy to Khujand. The cost varies depending on the day. Therefore, it is very important to compare prices not only for one specific date, but also for neighboring days - in this case, you can find a much cheaper air ticket.

Best months to visit Khujand: February, March, April, August, September- and hence the highest prices for air tickets. Do not forget to plan your return flight in advance - find air tickets on the Khujand - Novy Urengoy route, and / or. Check out today's flight schedule.

Our Price Dynamics widget allows you to make such a comparison quickly and conveniently. View flight schedules and flight arrivals from Novy Urengoy to Khujand and flights from Russia. Study the prices for the next two weeks and choose the best option that suits you both in terms of cost and time. Sometimes flightsNovy Urengoy - Khujand "round trip" are cheaper than one-way tickets.

The selection of cheap flights from Novy Urengoy to Khujand

Here you can find and buy the cheapest air tickets Novy Urengoy - Khujand by price from 14 250 ₽ And Novy Urengoy - Khujand - Novy Urengoy by price from 20 650 ₽.

Airfare Novy Urengoy - Khujand (Tajikistan) - Novy Urengoy from 20 650 ₽(roundtrip).

The average price of the flight from Novy Urengoy to Khujand (Tajikistan) - Novy Urengoy 35 296 ₽(roundtrip).

The distance between Novy Urengoy and Khujand is 2907 km.

The time difference between Novy Urengoy and Khujand is 0 h.

The cost of a one-way ticket starts from 14,250 ₽, and the cost of a round-trip ticket will be from 20,650 ₽.

You can get from the airport to the city both by private car or taxi, and using public transport - a large number of bus routes run between the city and airports. Flights from Novy Urengoy to Khujand are operated by several airlines: S7 Airlines.

It is better to buy tickets for a flight from Russia to Tajikistan in advance a couple of months in order to be able to choose the best dates for you, as well as flight conditions, taking into account financial capabilities. The price of tickets depends on the season, the airline, the number of days before departure, the number of transfers. Depending on the above conditions, the average price of a one-way ticket is 15,900 ₽, and the average price of a round-trip ticket will be 35,296 ₽.

Planning any trip should start with the search and booking of air tickets. To get the most objective information about prices for flights from Novy Urengoy to Khujand, you should use the site to search for the site. It contains offers major air carriers and travel companies.

Turning to this search resource, you can be sure of the quality and relevant selection of information. Firstly, all information about flights is provided only by verified companies that comply with the requirements of the international association of air carriers IATAN. And secondly, the data is updated constantly, that is, there cannot be a situation in which the flight you have chosen will not be available or the price for it will be overpriced.

In order to fly on the route Novy Urengoy - Khujand, you only need to make four mouse clicks. Specify the dates you are interested in, decide on the flight, pay for the purchase by card or in another way on the airline's website and print your tickets. Done, you can go to the airport without wasting time in queues and without overpaying intermediaries a single ruble.