Karpukhin Nikolai Igorevich biography of Moesk. JSC "uk hydroogk" Karpukhin Nikolai Igorevich. Karpukhin Nikolay Alekseevich

Nikolay Karpukhin

Even Ostap Bender never dreamed of this in his sweetest dreams. Imagine, you take out a loan and arrange collateral, and when the loan money runs out, you again take out another loan for the same collateral. And you continue to walk. At the same time, sometimes taking pictures against the backdrop of smart books and with “Classics of Management” in hands.

Yes, I forgot to introduce you to the hero in question. Lazar Alexandrovich Shaulov. Born in 1969 in the city of Khasavyurt, Dagestan SSR. Before fleeing abroad, he lived in Rostov-on-Don in a two-story apartment with an area of ​​203 square meters. meters with six parking spaces in the underground garage. Currently lives in Tel Aviv (Israel), sometimes going on vacation to Barcelona, ​​Spain. Israeli citizen (since June 15, 2013).

Other facts from the biography of a lover of classical management are no less surprising. In 1990-1995 he was enrolled in the history department of Rostov State University. At the same time, until 1998, he was engaged in illegal financial transactions (including bill and barter schemes) to defraud commercial companies and citizens. The companies “Financial Sputnik” and “FS-Fosca”, controlled by Shaulov, were under investigation by law enforcement agencies on suspicion of committing illegal financial transactions. The operational reports document Lazar Shaulov’s close ties with criminal ethnic groups, whom he advised on schemes for laundering proceeds from crime.

In 1998, taking advantage of the crisis situation in the Russian economy, citizen Shaulov, having bought part of the shares of the Stroyfarfor plant for next to nothing under a promissory note scheme, seized control of the enterprise, having at his disposal 17.3% of the shares directly and about 40% through his company FS- Fosca." At that time, the average cost of a Soviet-style ceramic plant did not exceed $1 million. By the beginning of 2000, he owned a blocking stake (25.58%), and a year later, a controlling stake (67.42%) in the plant.

Over the course of ten years, this figure was able to create schemes for the theft of bank loans and bond issues that he attracted “for the development” of ceramic factories, which Berezovsky himself would have envied. Shaulov was especially proud of the fact that he did not invest a single ruble of his own funds in the enterprise - he used exclusively borrowed financing in his work, a significant part of which he stole for personal use.

In 2008, Lazar Aleksandrovich created and headed the UniTile Holding (UNITILE) - the General Director of which he was from its inception until April 1, 2012. The company's debts under Shaulov amounted to 6.6 billion rubles, most of them bad. Up to 40% of the loans received were stolen by his criminal group. In his work, UniTile used numerous schemes for illegally withdrawing funds abroad and stole the company’s operating funds.

By the way, in the same 2008, with the help of bandits from ethnic groups, he carried out a lightning-fast operation to buy out 15.35% of the shares of the Strofarfor plant from individuals who were minority shareholders. The operation began on April 30 and ended in mid-July. Shaulov formally offered the remaining shareholders 849 rubles each. for one paper from the plant - the price was reduced by at least an order of magnitude. In total, 5 million rubles were spent on the ransom “at par,” and the same amount was paid to “power support” for “persuading” and intimidating those who disagree.

Citizen Shaulov did not disdain social work, which in his interpretation was more reminiscent of a search for immunity. So our hero was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region - the 3rd and 4th convocations. Each election was accompanied by massive falsification of results in favor of Shaulov. For many years, he ignored the legal requirement to make tax returns publicly available. Since 2011, he has not participated in the work of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region and has not appeared at party events. He had no time.

But all good things come to an end sooner or later. And in the winter of 2013, the seemingly unsinkable Shaulov was expelled from the United Russia party as a person who had “lost confidence” due to the initiation of a criminal case against him and the acquisition of citizenship of another state (Israel).

It turns out that long before this, in May 2011, Lazar Shaulov urgently fled abroad. The case happened immediately after the inventory of property carried out by bailiffs of the Rostov branch of the FSSP on April 21, 2011, within the framework of five (!!!) enforcement proceedings on claims of the South-West Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation for a total amount of more than 3 billion rubles. And, of course, the money has not yet been returned, and Lazar Shaulov modestly avoids fulfilling the claims.

Currently, Lazar Shaulov is a suspect in a number of criminal cases and is on the federal wanted list.

And now I propose to dwell on the latest scam of the Israeli-Dagestan adventurer. This topic requires clarification, since Shaulov’s schemes for taking away money and property gradually became more complicated. Experience, however, plus growth in professionalism.

So, in the gentle Spanish spring of 2013, Lazar Shaulov came up with the idea of ​​​​again attacking UniTile, which once belonged to him and left for debts, and seizing the operational management of the UNITILE holding. It was then that preparations began to seize control of the company, where Shaulov owned nothing but debts - equipment was pledged, shares were also pledged or under arrest.

After all, a billion rubles were looming on the horizon - a tranche from Stroyfarfor (one of the holding structures), intended to repay the next loan to Sberbank. With the help of Rodion Romanov and Andrei Dokuchaev, citizen Shaulov found out exactly which accounts the deposits were placed in, which companies controlled the operating flow, and where funds would be accumulated to pay off debts. A billion is a lot, and Shaulov was seriously concerned. The operation to seize the company by raider was scheduled for the end of November - the time when Strofarfor would pay more than 170 million rubles. Sberbank and will receive a respite for four months to collect the next tranche in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles. It was this money that interested the adventurers led by Shaulov.

In early autumn, strange faces from the countries of neighboring sunny republics appeared in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don. They spoke Russian poorly, but all their actions with supportive notaries were carried out for them by mysterious “lawyers” who, apparently, were born with a stack of envelopes filled with money in their inner jacket pocket. It was in this way, with the help of a search for compliant notaries and a corruption component, that certified packages of documents appeared for a visit to the tax inspectorates of Moscow, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don. There is no need to talk about false seals, as well as “hastily put together” protocols of the constituent meetings - the “specialists” who “helped” Shaulov come from the 90s, when they learned to perform such tricks en masse.

Andrei Dokuchaev, who learned criminal financial fraud while still in Mukhtar Ablyazov’s team, knew perfectly well what to do. He was put in control of the Cyprus company Tresestrellas (Shaulov’s long-standing office - it controls the trading house of the UNITILE holding called “Eurotile-Distribution”, as well as the Trading House “VKZ”), who hired Dokuchaev in 2011. In two years, the talented student of the disgraced financial oligarch managed to do everything right - he completely brought the company’s nominal director under the control and began to “hand-feed him.” All operations were carried out in complete trust (often documents approving one or another of his actions came after the fact), and he simply... forgot to tell him about his dismissal from UniTile (he was “thrown out of the gate” for theft of funds). Dokuchaev managed to temporarily block the transmission of information about the new “controller,” calling it a “technical error” and successfully “moving out” of the discussion of this topic. For the Cypriots, it turned out that Dokuchaev could be obeyed “for now.”

And so at the end of October, when the issue was “resolved” with the notaries, at the command of Shaulov, that same Dokuchaev orders powers of attorney from the formal general director of Tresestrellas for three “Tajik directors” - these are Egamberdiev Firdaus Egmberdievich, Azizov Sidkullo Sunatuloevich and it is unclear how Yuri Salata got into this company Ilyich. And these “representatives” and Andrei Dokuchaev himself and Lazar Shaulov knew that the issuance of these powers of attorney could only be carried out with mandatory and written approval from all shareholders (a separate decision of the Board of Directors). Of course, he wasn't there. But this did not stop the scammers.

Having received powers of attorney, Andrei Dokuchaev handed over the documents to the raiders from Shaulov’s team. And they have already offered their “drops on duty” for further work, that is, “reliable guys” who will not ask questions due to their constant state of alcoholic stupor. They were illegal immigrants from neighboring Ukraine Andrey Viktorovich Mamontov and Russian citizen Alexey Anatolyevich Bystrov. Strictly ordering the denominations “not to drink yet,” they were dressed in freshly purchased suits from the Bolshevichka factory, shaved, given passports confiscated during the “standby regime,” each of them was included in a group of lawyers-fixers and thrown into battle for assets.

There was something to “profit from” - there were several hundred million rubles in the accounts of Eurotile Distribution, in addition, it was this company that filed a statement of claim against the defaulters of Good Tile LLC and Keramik Trade LLC (Shaulov’s company), which owed the UNITILE holding more than 100 million rubles for supplied ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. So the first goal was quite worthy - to make quick money and solve my problems with the court. In general, denominations and fixers did not even want to go to the company’s office, since they planned that after receiving documents from the tax inspectorates, they would quickly run to the banks, change cards with sample signatures and ensure prompt withdrawal of funds to the accounts of the “butterflies” in the interests of Shaulov .

By the way, to “resolve the issue,” Mr. Azizov Sidkullo Sunatuloevich and his “assistants” made every effort, including using magic. Judge for yourself, on the basis of a power of attorney, Azizov held a meeting of participants of Eurotile Distribution LLC in the person of his beloved with the newly-minted “director” Mr. Bystrov joining at the company’s registration address. Namely - Moscow region, Odintsovo district, district. Novoivanovskoye, Agrokhimikov st. 6. of. 1013. True, the discrepancy occurred in the fact that the accounting service of Eurotile-Distribution LLC is located at this address, and in the twentieth of November, the company’s employees did not notice any meetings there. Perhaps Mr. Azizov was able to expand the fifth dimension and filled out the protocol in a parallel reality? We are silent about such little things as the incorrect form of documents, non-existent seals that appeared on it in a magical way. They were even able to submit these incredible documents to the capital’s tax office, where they were “accepted.” It is now up to law enforcement agencies to sort out this situation with the “exposure of black magic.” However, the end of this joyful event has not yet occurred, since the “director” Bystrov instantly disappeared in an unknown direction, and citizen Shaulov never appeared in Russia.

In the case of the attack on TD VKZ LLC, the main goal was to change the general director of UniTile LLC, which is the management company of Stroyfarfora. Shaulov failed to “demolish” the company directly through the fake decision of the “sole shareholder” (it ran into a court ban) and he hedged his bets. True, it’s also not very successful. Here the scheme was different. Mr. Egamberdiev, on the basis of a power of attorney, ensured an increase in the authorized capital of the company from 10 thousand rubles. up to 50 thousand and promptly sold a stake in 80% of the “new company” to Mr. Mamontov, who 10 minutes after the purchase had already appointed himself the sole and indivisible general director of the company. In addition, he tried to submit false documents to the tax office in Voronezh. After this, apparently, a similar action should have followed in relation to UniTile LLC. Both craftsmen, however, are still running. They are also wanted by law enforcement agencies to ask them dozens of not entirely pleasant questions.

This is the story of Lazar Shaulov’s failed scam, and perhaps it will finally mark the beginning of a serious investigation into all the past activities of this character. It’s not all about herding golden calves. At some point, you have to be responsible for your past and present.

And it looks like this will happen. The UNITILE holding, which almost lost billions as a result of Shaulov’s machinations, issued an official statement from which one can learn about the upcoming sad consequences for Israeli citizen and native of Dagestan Lazar Shaulov.

“As part of our audit of the company’s accounting documents, it was established that such a style of “doing business” for L.A. Shaulov and his henchmen is completely ordinary - violation of the law and numerous crimes, incl. of a financial nature, were put on stream by them.

Due to the fact that the actions of Shaulov from abroad and his perpetrators and accomplices on the territory of our country can lead to serious socio-economic consequences, we intend to appeal to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with a request to investigate this situations under personal control.”


Born in 1984 in Kaliningrad, Moscow region


In 2006 he graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Civil Engineering University" with a degree in "Production of building materials, products and structures" (qualification - "Civil Engineer")



Yakutskaya GRES-2 is planned to be put into operation in September

The construction readiness of Yakutskaya GRES-2 currently stands at 92%. All major work will be completed by early June. Commissioning is scheduled for September this year. On April 11, representatives of the contractor spoke about this during a visit to the site by the head of Yakutia Egor Borisov and the general director of PJSC RusHydro Nikolai Shulginov.

“All primary, secondary, and auxiliary equipment is located on site and is mostly installed. Now commissioning of all systems necessary for the life of the station, ensuring the safety of personnel and the state district power plant itself is underway. In addition, work is underway to provide thermal power. In terms of electrical power, the station has been energized since January,” said Nikolai Karpukhin, general director of the management company HydroOGK.

The Cheremukhovy Log winter sports development center opened near the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. This is one of the facilities built by RusHydro as part of the Program for the comprehensive development of social infrastructure of the Cheryomushki power industry settlement. The complex consists of two ski slopes with a height difference of 140 m: a cross-country skiing track and a snow tubing track - going down the mountain on an inflatable sled. A chairlift, a service building with a cafe, a gym, a storage room, rental services, sports equipment repairs and a hotel will make the stay of the center’s guests as comfortable as possible.

Photo by Alexandra Pryatkina

Commissioning work is underway at hydraulic unit No. 1 of the Rybinsk HPP. Power Machines specialists conduct a final check of the automatic control system before starting the machine to idle. Then the hydraulic unit will undergo comprehensive tests, upon completion of which it will be put into operation at the end of March.

Photo by Natalia Ivanova

As part of the Clean Energy charity program, the Saratov Hydroelectric Power Plant financed the “Young is not Green” project to support young engineers. Schoolchildren and students, under the guidance of experienced teachers from the Balakovo Institute of Engineering and Technology, created working models and devices in various scientific and technical areas - from alternative energy sources to robotics.

Photo by Irina Egorova

Specialists from Western Electric Networks Yakutskenergo installed a new metal support 36 m high on the 220 kV overhead line "Cascade of Vilyuiskie HPPs - Aikhal" L-208. The 40-degree frost did not prevent the power engineers from completing an important task. This high-voltage line supplies electricity to diamond mining enterprises, social and residential facilities in the village of Aikhal and the city of Udachny, Mirny district of Yakutia.

Photo by the Yakutskenergo press service

Hydropower workers of the Kuban HPP Cascade donated 14 liters of blood and its components during the 21st donor campaign. This time, 32 employees took part in it, including Olga Kasyanova, head of the operational service regimes group. She has been participating in cascade donor events since 2009. This year, three more similar events are planned to be held at the cascade.

Photo by Karina Takmakova

Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of RusHydro Nikolai Karpukhin informed the Vice-Governor of the Primorsky Territory Gagik Zakharyan about the progress of construction work during his visit to the Vostochnaya CHPP. He explained that commissioning of boiler and gas turbine equipment is currently underway in the turbine room. The installation of gas equipment and pipelines has been completed, and work on the installation of fuel oil equipment is nearing completion.

Photo by Elena Steinikova

As part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Modernization Program at the Novosibirsk HPP, the brake jacks of the rotor of hydraulic generator No. 7 are being repaired. This is the sixth hydraulic unit on which the turbine is being replaced. The work is carried out by employees of the Sayano-Shushensky branch of Gidroremonta-VKK. Commissioning of the hydraulic unit is scheduled for June 2018.

Photo by Olesya Tarasova

The Youth Council of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station held arm wrestling and weight lifting competitions dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. They were attended by station specialists, residents of the village of Cheryomushki and students of the Sayano-Shushensky branch of the Siberian Federal University. In the arm wrestling competition, Vitaly Ivanov, a student of the ShFSFU, won; Andrei Kurylenko, a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, took first place in weight lifting among men; among boys, Kirill Gartsev, a student of a local high school, took first place.

Photo by Igor Kamalov

The “PROsvet” team of the trade union activists of PJSC “Yakutskenergo” became the best among 11 teams that competed in the annual Republican competition of propaganda teams “Trade unions for decent work, wages, life!” For their creativity, sparkling humor and funny songs, the guys were also recognized as the best in the “Use of Innovative Technologies” category. In March of this year, the trade union of energy workers will represent Yakutia at the All-Russian competition of propaganda teams in the city of Yekaterinburg.

65 years ago, the first diesel power plant (DPP) was built in the city of Zhigansk in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For the polar city, this station is still the main source of light and heat. Today, the diesel power station is part of the Zhigansky electric grid district, which supplies four settlements with electricity, where 4,200 people live.

Photo from the Yakutskenergo press service

At the Rybinsk HPP, specialists from the contracting organization PJSC Power Machines are installing sensors to monitor the vibration state of the hydraulic unit at idle. Based on the test results, the need to balance the hydraulic generator rotor will be determined. This is the final stage of testing before a comprehensive testing of the operation under load of the main power and all auxiliary equipment of the hydraulic unit.

Photo by Natalia Ivanova

The football players of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station cannot live without their favorite game even in winter. The hydroelectric station team took part in city snow football competitions and won the 2018 Winter Cup, ahead of teams from other enterprises in the city of Tchaikovsky.

Photo by Sergei Makarov

Karpukhin Viktor Fedorovich is a domestic military man who has the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is best known for his work in the Soviet State Security Committee. Commander of the special forces unit of the Alpha group at the turn of the 80s and 90s.

Biography of a military man

Karpukhin Viktor Fedorovich was born in 1947 on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. He was born in the city of Lutsk. Russian by nationality. After school, Victor went to military service. This happened in 1966. He decided to receive higher education at the tank command school, which was based in Tashkent.

Having graduated from the Uzbek SSR, he remained to serve in the border troops. Karpukhin Viktor Fedorovich dedicated five years of his military career to them.

Service in the special forces

In 1974, Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin entered service in a barely created new unit. It was called group "A" and was a special unit of the State Security Committee. At that time, it was led by Hero of the Soviet Union Vitaly Dmitrievich Bubenin. He received this title shortly before - in 1969. The leadership noted his courage during operations to protect the state border.

In the new unit, Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin took one of the leading positions - he began to train personnel in driving combat vehicles, as well as firing weapons located on armored vehicles. In 1978, the hero of our article was sent to the border school, where he received the specialty of a company commander. Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin received his next education at the Moscow Higher Border Red Banner Command School. The training in the capital was excellent. Karpukhin left school an officer, ready for anything.

Special unit "A"

This is what the Alpha group was originally called, the service in which officer Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin devoted his best years. Moreover, officially it was always called department “A”; resourceful journalists dubbed it “Alpha”.

The unit was specially created to carry out anti-terrorist operations, using special means and tactics. In addition to fighting terrorism, the group's main tasks include the release of hostages. Currently, the unit is actively involved in operations carried out by the Russian FSB.

The fighters of the Alpha group always operate in the most difficult conditions, in an environment of increased danger, including in hot spots. For example, in Ingushetia, Dagestan and, of course, Chechnya.


Viktor Karpukhin, whose biography was closely connected with military discipline, went through an impressive path in his service in the Alpha special forces unit. It was based under the seventh directorate of the Soviet KGB.

Since 1979, he rose from deputy commander of the fourth squad to commander of Alpha. Over the years, Viktor Karpukhin has repeatedly personally participated in all kinds of combat, operational and special events. For example, in Afghanistan he stormed the Taj Beg Palace in 1979. It was there that the residence of Afghan President Hafizullah Amin, who took a pronounced pro-American position, was located.

Battle for the Taj Beg Palace

In this battle, Karpukhin showed special valor and courage. Soviet troops went on the offensive in the last days of 1979. According to eyewitnesses, the infantry fighting vehicle, driven by the hero of our article, broke through to the palace itself.

Karpukhin's detachment overcame a very steep serpentine road that went around the hill, and was the very first to break through to the building. Karpukhin, together with his subordinates, opened heavy fire on the armed guards of the palace. Their silhouettes were clearly visible. Thus, the rest of the group of Soviet troops was able to land successfully while the guards were distracted by Karpukhin’s detachment. After a short time, the advanced detachments were already on the ground floor and along the entire perimeter of the building.

The end result of this coordinated and swift work was the storming of the palace, which had previously been considered impregnable. After all, its walls were about two meters thick, and the number of guards exceeded two and a half thousand people. At that time, Soviet troops were able to capture it in just 40 minutes. And with minimal, but still noticeable losses. The special forces lost five fellow soldiers killed. Among them was the commander of the Zenit detachment, Boyarinov.

In this battle, the commander of the Grom subgroup, Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin, was in the thick of things, but did not receive a single scratch.

For many years of valiant service and heroism, as well as courage shown in Afghanistan, Karpukhin was nominated for awards. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin in April 1980. The explanatory note specifically noted that his experience in combat operations was valued. He also received the Gold Star medal and the Order of Lenin.

In the leadership of the Alpha group

In the early 80s, Karpukhin graduated from the KGB Higher School. After that, almost all the doors in the security forces were open to him. In 1984, he received an appointment from the command to become deputy head of the head of group “A”.

In 1988, Karpukhin took part in the liberation of a bus with schoolchildren, which was seized in the capital of North Ossetia - Ordzhonikidze. The terrorists who committed this crime turned out to be employees of the local bus crew. The five of them took fourth grade students hostage. Their main goal was to travel abroad. As a result, the terrorist attack was eliminated without any casualties.

By the way, the terrorists achieved their goal. We received a plane, weapons and money. They flew to Israel, although the Alpha group was ready to launch the assault until the last minute. The criminals hoped to negotiate with the Israeli authorities and, for one million dollars, obtain permission to fly further - to southern Africa. But they did not make any concessions. They decided to arrest the terrorists and transfer them to the USSR with one condition - capital punishment could not be applied to them. At trial, all received sentences from three to 15 years in prison.

At this time, Karpukhin, together with Alpha, went through all the hot spots, of which there were many in the disintegrating Soviet Union. Karpukhin directly headed group “A” in 1988. In 1990, soldiers of this special unit, together with the Vityaz detachment, rescued hostages who ended up in a pre-trial detention center in Sukhumi. Like the storming of Amin's palace, this operation turned out to be exemplary for the entire special forces. It is written in golden letters into his history. Her example is still used to explain how anti-terrorist operations should be carried out.

August putsch

Soldiers of the Alpha special forces played an important role in the August coup that occurred in Moscow on August 19, 1991. The turbulent political situation continued in Russia and Moscow until August 21. After these events, Karpukhin went into reserve. Not all military personnel were able to adapt to the new modern Russian reality.

At the same time, the testimony that Karpukhin gave in court became one of the key ones in assessing the consequences of the August putsch. For example, he admitted that he did not receive an order from the command to begin the assault on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Largely on their basis, the acquittal of army general and politician Valentin Varennikov, who supported the State Emergency Committee, was pronounced. At least Karpukhin's testimony appears in his case.

After his retirement, the hero of our article for some time headed the security service of the President of Kazakhstan, who became Nursultan Nazarbayev. Since 1993, Karpukhin finally retired from government and political affairs and began to develop his own business, naturally, in the field of private detective work.

At the same time, Viktor Fedorovich was actively involved in social work - he headed the association of veterans of the war in Afghanistan. He was a member of the board of this public organization. Also, Karpukhin at various times was an honorary member of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, overseeing issues of maximum security for business activities. This was especially true in the 90s, when organized crime was rampant in the country. Karpukhin then headed a large non-profit organization called Rosfond.

In his public positions, first of all, he tried not to forget about his fellow soldiers - those who fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other hot spots. Karpukhin provided all possible assistance to combat veterans and Russian internationalist soldiers.


Karpukhin Viktor Fedorovich passed away in 2003. At that time he had already been ill for a long time. He was especially worried about heart problems. On the night of March 24, the hero of our article died on a train traveling from Moscow to Minsk. Doctors declared death from coronary heart disease. The ex-commander of the Alpha special forces unit was buried in the capital. His ashes rest in the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

It is noteworthy that Karpukhin left his mark in cinema. His role in the August putsch was so great that his prototype was depicted in Alexander Mokhov’s drama “Three Days in August”. This role was played by Mikhail Khomyakov. At the same time, the actor himself had no external resemblance to Karpukhin, but accurately embodied his character on the screen.


A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC (a subsidiary of ESK RusHydro JSC) was held in absentia.

The Board of Directors elected Alexander Olegovich Muravyov, Director of the Department for Work on the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market and Market Analysis of PJSC RusHydro, to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Natalya Gennadievna Kovaleva, Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Property Management of PJSC RusHydro, was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

The Board of Directors approved the Work Plan of the Board of Directors of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC for 2017-2018. In accordance with the document, 8 meetings are planned to be held from July 2017 to May-June 2018.

The Board of Directors approved the list and target values ​​of annual and quarterly key performance indicators, the Methodology for calculating and assessing the Company’s KPIs for 2017.

The Board of Directors approved the Methodology for checking the reliability (business reputation) and financial condition (stability) of participants in procurement procedures conducted by Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC.

This methodology establishes the procedure for checking the reliability (business reputation) and financial condition (stability) of participants when carrying out the examination of their applications.

The Board of Directors approved the Regulations for the formation of the GKPZ, changes to the GKPZ and reporting on the implementation of the GKPZ of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC.

The Board of Directors approved the new composition of the Company's Central Purchasing Commission.

Khmarin Viktor Viktorovich

Deputy General Director for Economics, Investments and Procurement Activities of PJSC RusHydro

(Chairman of the Commission)

Toropov Denis Vladimirovich

Director of the Department of Procurement, Marketing and Pricing of PJSC RusHydro

(Deputy Chairman of the Commission)

Kirov Sergey Anatolievich

Member of the Board, First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro

Bogush Boris Borisovich

Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of PJSC RusHydro

Karpukhin Nikolay Igorevich

Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of PJSC RusHydro

Klopov Alexander Vasilievich

Deputy General Director for Security of PJSC RusHydro

Perminov Dmitry Vitalievich

Director of the Legal Department of PJSC RusHydro

Churilov Dmitry Viktorovich

Director of the Fuel Supply Department of the Far East Division of PJSC RusHydro

Borodin Viktor Nikolaevich

Deputy Director of the Far East Division for Production of PJSC RusHydro


Karpukhin Nikolay Alekseevich

Center for public services of the Lefortovo and Nizhegorodsky districtCenter of public services for the Vykhino-Zhulebino district (additional office)Center for public services for the Vykhino-Zhulebino districtCenter for public services for the Kapotnya districtCenter for public services in the Kuzminki districtCenter for public services in the Lyublino districtCenter for public services in the Marino districtCenter for public services in the Nekrasovka regionCenter for public services in the Pechatniki regionCenter for public services in the Ryazan regionCenter for public services in the Tekstilshchiki district public services center of the Yuzhnoportovy districtpublic services center Nagorny and Nagatino-Sadovniki districtsCenter of public services of the Donskoy districtCenter of public services of the Zyablikovo districtCenter of public services of the Biryulevo Vostochnoye districtCenter of public services of the Biryulevo Zapadnoye districtCenter of public services of the Brateevo districtCenter of public services of the Danilovsky districtCenter of public services of the Moskvorechye-Saburovo districtCenter of public services of the Nagatinsky Zaton districtCenter of public services of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoe district Center for public services of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye regionCenter of public services for the Tsaritsyno regionCenter public services of the Chertanovo Severnoye districtCenter of public services of the Chertanovo Central districtCenter of public services of the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye districtCenter of public services of the Staroe Kryukovo districtCenter of public services of the Kryukovo districtCenter of public services of the Matushkino districtCenter of public services of the Savelki districtCenter of public services of the Silino districtCenter of public services of the Bibirevo districtCenter of public services of the Losinoostrovsky districtCenter of public services of the Alekseevsky districtCenter of public services of the Altufevsky districtCenter of state services of the Babushkinsky districtCenter of public services of the Butyrsky districtCenter of public services of the Lianozovo districtCenter of public services Marfino districtCenter of public services of the Otradnoe districtCenter of public services of the Rostokino districtCenter of public services of the Sviblovo districtCenter of public services of the Severnoye Medvedkovo districtCenter of public services of the Severny districtCenter of public services of the Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo districtCenter of public services of the Yaroslavsky districtCenter of public services of the Ostankino and Maryina Roshcha districtCenter of public services of the Voykovsky districtCenter of public services of the Levoberezhny, Molzhaninovsky, Khovrino districtsCenter of public services Golovinsky districtCenter of public services of the Airport districtCenter of public services of the Begovoy districtCenter public services of the Dmitrovsky districtCenter of public services of the Western Degunino districtCenter of public services of the Koptevo districtCenter of public services of the Savelovsky districtCenter of public services of the Sokol districtCenter of public services of the Timiryazevsky districtCenter of public services of the Khoroshevsky districtCenter of public services of the Beskudnikovsky and Vostochnoye Degunino districtsCenter of public services of the Golyanovo districtCenter of public services of the Preobrazhenskoye regionCenter of public services of the Sokolniki regionCenter of public services of the Veshnya district KiCenter of public services of the Vostochnoye Izmailovo districtCenter of public services of the Vostochny districtCenter of public services of the Ivanovskoye regionCenter public services of the Izmailovo districtCenter of public services of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky districtCenter of public services of the Novogireevo districtCenter of public services of the Novokosino regionCenter of public services of the Perovo regionCenter of public services of the Severnoye Izmailovo regionCenter of public services of the Sokolinaya Gora regionCenter of public services of the Bogorodskoye and Metrogorodok regionCenter of public services of the Presnensky regionCenter of public services of the Yakimanka regionCenter of public services of the Tverskoy regionFlagship office C AOCenter of Public Services of the Arbat DistrictCenter of Public Services of the Basmanny DistrictCenter of Public Services of the Zamoskvorechye DistrictCenter public services of the Krasnoselsky districtCenter of public services of the Meshchansky districtCenter of public services of the Tagansky districtCenter of public services of the Khamovniki districtCenter of public services of the Severnoye Butovo districtCenter of public services of the Obruchevsky districtCenter of public services of the Yasenevo districtCenter of public services of the Akademicheskiy districtCenter of public services of the Gagarinsky districtCenter of public services of the Zyuzino districtCenter of public services of the Konkovo ​​districtCenter of public services of the Kotlovka regionCenter of public services of the Lomonosov district skyCenter of public services of Teply Stan districtCenter of public services of Cheryomushki districtCenter of public services of Yuzhnoye district Butovo (Gorchakova)Center of public services of the Moskovsky settlementCenter of public services of the Troitsk settlementCenter of public services of the Mitino districtCenter of public services of the Kurkino districtCenter of public services of the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo districtCenter of public services of the Strogino districtCenter of public services of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki districtCenter of public services of the Shchukino districtCenter of public services of the Northern Tushino and Yuzhnoye Tushino districtsCenter of public services of the Dorog district omilovoCenter of public services of the Vnukovo districtCenter of public services of the Krylatskoye districtCenter of public services Novo-Peredelkino districtCenter of public services of the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye districtCenter of public services of the district Vernadskogo AvenueCenter of public services of the Ramenki districtCenter of public services of the Solntsevo districtCenter of public services of the Troparevo-Nikulino districtCenter of public services of the Filevsky Park districtCenter of public services of the Fili-Davydkovo districtCenter of public services of the Kuntsevo and Mozhaisky districts


Nikolay Karpukhin: Yakutskaya GRES-2 is ready for launch

Yakutskaya GRES-2 is completely ready for commissioning; a trial launch of heat is planned for September 10th. The station management announced this on August 15 at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East Yuri Trutnev.

The head of the republic, Egor Borisov, together with Yuri Trutnev, paid a working visit to the Yakutskaya GRES-2 station under construction.

In October 2017, it is planned to launch the first stage, which will ensure the reliability of the central energy district of the republic, where almost half of the region’s total population lives. Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of RusHydro Nikolai Karpukhin assured the plenipotentiary that GRES-2 will start operating this year. It remains to resolve the issues of landscaping and ventilation.

According to Karpukhin, the government of the republic provides comprehensive support and assistance online, which made it possible to prepare the station for launch as quickly as possible.

“All technical issues have been resolved, all that remains is to discuss the organizational details regarding the identification of specific performers,” noted Il Darkhan.

The plenipotentiary also inquired about individual testing of complex equipment. “The main construction and commissioning work has been completed, so the heat from this station will go to the homes of Yakutsk residents. Comprehensive thermal tests will be carried out approximately on September 10,” said a representative of RusHydro.

The most technologically advanced equipment is installed at the station, and it is possible to control it in automatic mode. The power plant will produce minimal emissions of thermal and gas waste into the atmosphere.

The 1st stage of Yakutskaya GRES-2 is one of four projects of the investment program of JSC RusHydro for the construction of new energy facilities in the Far East, implemented jointly with JSC RAO Energy Systems of the East in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.


Born in 1984 in Kaliningrad, Moscow region


In 2006 he graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Civil Engineering University" with a degree in "Production of building materials, products and structures" (qualification - "Civil Engineer")


More details

2006–2007 Chief Specialist of the Capital Construction Department of PJSC “MOESK” 2007–2008 Deputy Head for Reporting of the Operational Budgeting and Accounting Department of PJSC “MOESK” 2008–2010 Head of the Department for the Implementation of Technological Connection Agreements of PJSC “MOESK” 2010–2013 Deputy Director for Capital Construction MKS branch of PJSC "MOESK" 2013–2015 First Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of JSC "CIUS UES" 2015–2016 First Deputy General Director of LLC "IC "Energostroy" since May 2016 General Director of JSC "UK HydroOGK" /




Yakutskaya GRES-2 is planned to be put into operation in September

The construction readiness of Yakutskaya GRES-2 currently stands at 92%. All major work will be completed by early June. Commissioning is scheduled for September this year. On April 11, representatives of the contractor spoke about this during a visit to the site by the head of Yakutia Egor Borisov and the general director of PJSC RusHydro Nikolai Shulginov.

“All primary, secondary, and auxiliary equipment is located on site and is mostly installed. Now commissioning of all systems necessary for the life of the station, ensuring the safety of personnel and the state district power plant itself is underway. In addition, work is underway to provide thermal power. In terms of electrical power, the station has been energized since January,” said Nikolai Karpukhin, general director of the management company HydroOGK.


Chirkey hydroelectric power station

The Board of Directors is a collegial management body that determines the Company's development strategy and exercises control over the activities of executive bodies. The Board of Directors occupies a central place in the corporate governance system.

The procedure for the activities of the Board of Directors is determined by the Regulations on the procedure for convening and holding meetings of the Board of Directors of the ChirkeyGESstroy Joint Stock Company, approved by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders, minutes dated June 1, 2008

The Board of Directors of the Company makes decisions aimed at improving the corporate governance of the Company, adopts work plans for the Company for the next year and regularly reviews reports on their implementation.

The composition of the Board of Directors was elected by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Minutes No. 1/17 dated June 9, 2017.

BoD member position

Phone number and email

Karpukhin Nikolay Igorevich

Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of PJSC RusHydro

Zotov Alexey Alexandrovich

Head of Corporate Events Department of SDCs (VZO) of the Corporate Governance Department of PJSC RusHydro

Charikov Alexander Sergeevich

Advisor to the Deputy General Director for Economics, Investments and Procurement Activities of PJSC RusHydro

Guseinov Shamil Alidadaevich

General Director of JSC "ChirkeyGESstroy"

Baltabaev Damir Maratovich

Head of the Directorate for Major Projects of the Comprehensive Modernization Program Equipment Modernization Department of PJSC RusHydro


Karpukhin Nikolay Igorevich 1 affiliated companies

Full name of the person: Karpukhin Nikolay Igorevich INN of the person: 501805113490 Disqualified by the Federal Tax Service: no Court decisions: no data Enforcement proceedings: no data

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JSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company

Elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chuvash Energy Sales Company

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC (a subsidiary of ESK RusHydro JSC) was held in absentia.

The Board of Directors elected Alexander Olegovich Muravyov, Director of the Department for Work on the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market and Market Analysis of PJSC RusHydro, to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Natalya Gennadievna Kovaleva, Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Property Management of PJSC RusHydro, was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

The Board of Directors approved the Work Plan of the Board of Directors of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC for 2017-2018. In accordance with the document, 8 meetings are planned to be held from July 2017 to May-June 2018.

The Board of Directors approved the list and target values ​​of annual and quarterly key performance indicators, the Methodology for calculating and assessing the Company’s KPIs for 2017.

The Board of Directors approved the Methodology for checking the reliability (business reputation) and financial condition (stability) of participants in procurement procedures conducted by Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC.

This methodology establishes the procedure for checking the reliability (business reputation) and financial condition (stability) of participants when carrying out the examination of their applications.

The Board of Directors approved the Regulations for the formation of the GKPZ, changes to the GKPZ and reporting on the implementation of the GKPZ of Chuvash Energy Sales Company JSC.

The Board of Directors approved the new composition of the Company's Central Purchasing Commission.

Khmarin Viktor Viktorovich

Deputy General Director for Economics, Investments and Procurement Activities of PJSC RusHydro

(Chairman of the Commission)

Toropov Denis Vladimirovich

Director of the Department of Procurement, Marketing and Pricing of PJSC RusHydro

(Deputy Chairman of the Commission)

Kirov Sergey Anatolievich

Member of the Board, First Deputy General Director

PJSC RusHydro

Bogush Boris Borisovich

Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of PJSC RusHydro

Karpukhin Nikolay Igorevich

Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of PJSC RusHydro

Klopov Alexander Vasilievich

Deputy General Director for Security of PJSC RusHydro

Perminov Dmitry Vitalievich

Director of the Legal Department of PJSC RusHydro

Churilov Dmitry Viktorovich

Director of the Fuel Supply Department of the Far East Division of PJSC RusHydro

Borodin Viktor Nikolaevich

Deputy Director of the Far East Division for Production of PJSC RusHydro

JSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company is the Guarantee Supplier of Electric Energy on the territory of the Chuvash Republic. The clients and partners of JSC “CHESK” are about 12.9 thousand legal entities and 360 thousand individual subscribers. The activities of the company's eight inter-district branches cover all districts and cities of the republic. On December 1, 2012, CHESK began operating as a management company. JSC ESK RusHydro is part of the structure of JSC ESK RusHydro (100% subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC RusHydro).

The RusHydro Group is one of the largest Russian energy holdings, uniting more than 90 renewable energy facilities in the Russian Federation and abroad, thermal power plants and power grid assets in the Far East, as well as energy sales companies and research and design institutes. The installed capacity of power plants that are part of RusHydro, including Boguchanskaya HPP, is 38.9 GW.

RusHydro is a leader in the production of energy based on renewable sources, developing generation based on the energy of water flows, sea tides, wind and geothermal energy.


General Meeting of Shareholders

The functions of the General Meeting of Shareholders are performed by the Management Board of PJSC RusHydro.

The following issues fall within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1) introducing changes and additions to the Charter or approval of the Charter in a new edition;

2) reorganization of the Company;

3) liquidation of the Company, appointment of a liquidation commission and approval of interim and final liquidation balance sheets;

4) determination of the quantity, par value, category (type) of authorized shares and the rights granted by these shares;

5) increasing the authorized capital of the Company by increasing the par value of shares or by placing additional shares;

6) reducing the authorized capital of the Company by reducing the par value of shares, by acquiring a portion of shares by the Company in order to reduce their total number, as well as by redeeming shares acquired or repurchased by the Company;

7) splitting and consolidation of the Company's shares;

8) making a decision on the placement by the Company of bonds convertible into shares and other issue-grade securities convertible into shares;

9) election of members of the Board of Directors of the Company and termination of their powers;

10) election of members of the Audit Commission of the Company and termination of their powers;

11) approval of the Company Auditor;

12) approval of the annual report, annual financial statements, including the profit and loss account (profit and loss accounts) of the Company, as well as distribution of profits (including payment (declaration) of dividends, with the exception of profits distributed as dividends on results of the first quarter, half of the year, nine months of the financial year) and losses of the Company based on the results of the financial year;

13) payment (announcement) of dividends based on the results of the first quarter, half year, nine months of the financial year;

14) making decisions on the approval of major transactions in cases provided for in Article 79 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”;

15) making decisions on the approval of transactions in cases provided for in Article 83 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”;

16) making decisions on participation in financial and industrial groups, associations and other associations of commercial organizations;

17) approval of internal documents regulating the activities of the Company’s management and control bodies;

18) making a decision on payment of remuneration and (or) compensation to members of the Audit Commission of the Company;

19) making a decision on payment of remuneration and (or) compensation to members of the Board of Directors of the Company;

20) resolving other issues provided for by the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”.


TIN 5260096381, OGRN 1025203040136, full name of director

OGRN 1025203040136
TIN 5260096381
checkpoint 772801001
Organizational and legal form (OLF) Non-public joint stock companies
Abbreviated name of the legal entity JSC "UK HYDROOGK"
Region Moscow city
Legal address 117393, Moscow, Architect Vlasov Street, 51
Name Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
Address 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, building 3, building 2
Registration date 16.04.2001
Date of assignment of OGRN 20.12.2002
Accounting with the Federal Tax Service
Date of registration 25.05.2009
Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 28 for Moscow, No. 7728
Information about registration with the Pension Fund of Russia
Registration number 087712000676
Registration date 08.09.2009
Name of territorial body State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 4 Directorate No. 1 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Obruchevsky municipal district of Moscow, No. 087712
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 520500583577181
Registration date 09.11.2006
Name of the executive body Branch No. 18 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 7718


Management - CIUS UES

Executive Office of JSC "CIUS UES"

Magin Alexander Zinovievich
Zagrebnev Oleg Nikolaevich

First Deputy General Director

Nikonov Dmitry Ivanovich

Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer

Kononov Alexander Nikolaevich

Deputy General Director for Legal and General Affairs

Zhitkov Alexander Vladimirovich

Deputy General Director for Economics and Investments

Branches of JSC "CIUS UES"

Shaposhnikov Vladimir Petrovich

Director of the Branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS Center

Katenev Alexander Vladimirovich

Director of the Branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS South

Potapov Maxim Alekseevich

Director of the branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS Ural

Chubarov Alexey Vladimirovich

Director of the branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS Siberia

Belitsky Nikolai Konstantinovich

Director of the branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS North-West

Kovylin Evgeniy Anatolievich

Director of the branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS East

Malykhin Oleg Vyacheslavovich

Director of the branch of JSC "CIUS UES" - CIUS Western Siberia

Kononov Alexander Nikolaevich

Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs