Methods for improving cash management services. Bank credit policy. Recommendations for improving settlement and cash services for corporate clients in a bank

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1.3 Methodology of settlement and cash services for bank clients

2. Analysis of settlement and cash services for customers using the example of Uralsib OJSC

2.1 Characteristics of the bank’s activities

2.2 Analysis of the structure of the bank’s settlement and cash services

2.3 Analysis of settlement and cash services for legal entities of the bank

2.4 Analysis of settlement and cash services for individuals of the bank

2.5 Analysis of commission income and expenses for settlement and cash services in a bank

3.1 Recommendations for improving settlement and cash services for corporate clients at the bank

3.2 Predictive assessment of the economic efficiency of cash management services in a bank


List of used literature



The banking system is a necessary component of the economy of every country; it is the most important conductor of state economic policy in all spheres of the economy. And it is precisely thanks to its relationships with all sectors of the economy that the banking system has at all times been of great importance. In the context of the transition to a market, elements of competition have been introduced into the banking system, ensuring that banks are focused on the universal nature of providing services, comprehensive customer service, and diversification of operations.

The most important link in the banking system are commercial banks. In the process of their activities, most of the money turnover in the state is mediated, the formation of sources of capital for expanded reproduction occurs through the redistribution of temporarily free funds of all participants in the reproduction process - the state, economic entities, and the population. At the same time, banks contribute to the flow of capital from the least efficient sectors of the national economy to the most competitive ones.

Through banks, the capital necessary for investment, the introduction of innovations, the expansion and restructuring of production, housing construction, etc. is mobilized. Banks help save social costs of circulation by accelerating the circulation of money, speeding up settlements, transferring money, and issuing credit instruments of circulation instead of cash. The role of banks is also great in the implementation of the state’s monetary policy, because The instruments of this policy are carried out through banks.

Improving the economic mechanism places increasingly high demands on the functioning of the monetary circulation system, the organization of settlement and cash services for legal entities and individuals. The growth of payment turnover and the resulting increase in circulation costs urgently dictates the need to create a fundamentally new mechanism for monetary circulation, ensuring the rapidly growing needs for payments and accelerating the turnover of funds while simultaneously reducing monetary circulation costs and reducing labor costs.

This problem cannot be solved with the massive use of existing forms of money, since due to their physical nature they have a limit of mobility, cause high labor intensity of financial calculations, which do not ensure the continuity of the payment chain and make it difficult to control their movement. One of the main ways to solve it is to use the so-called “paperless” technology based on the advanced experience of developed countries in the field of widespread practical use of cash substitutes and the creation of specialized technical devices for their automatic processing.

In foreign economic literature there are a number of publications on individual problems of banking services related to credit, settlement and other operations. Particular attention is required to the study of the main trends in the development of banking services in developed countries in conditions of economic integration and concentration of banking capital. The modern world experience of banking services, in particular, non-cash payments and services for individuals, has not been sufficiently studied.

In this thesis, the theoretical basis in the field of settlement and cash services for customers is the works of domestic and foreign scientists: Blomshtein G.D. Summers. B.D. "Banking and payment system", Balabanova L.K. "Banks and banking", Afanasyeva L.P. “Fundamentals of Banking”, etc.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop recommendations for improving settlement and cash services at Uralsib OJSC.

Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set to solve:

1) study settlement and cash services for clients in a commercial bank;

2) study the legal framework for settlement and cash services;

3) study the methodological foundations of settlement and cash services for bank clients;

4) characterize the activities of OJSC URALSIB;

5) analyze the structure of settlement and cash services;

6) conduct an analysis of settlement and cash services for legal entities;

7) conduct an analysis of settlement and cash services for individuals;

8) conduct an analysis of commission income and expenses for settlement and cash services.

The object of research in this thesis is the activities of OJSC URALSIB.

The subject of research of this thesis is economic and financial information in the form of regulatory documents, reporting, and literary sources.

When writing the thesis, methods such as balance sheet, comparative and factorial were used.

In the process of carrying out the work, the theoretical foundations of settlement and cash services for clients at CB OJSC URALSIB were studied, an analysis of settlement and cash services was carried out, and recommendations were developed for improving settlement and cash services at OAO URALSIB.

1. Theoretical and legal aspects of settlement and cash services in a commercial bank

1.1 Cash settlement services in a commercial bank

1.1.1 Basics of organizing non-cash payments in a commercial bank

The independence of an enterprise in a market economy requires the strengthening, development and diversity of payment forms for enterprises and commercial banks. Such connections are carried out through monetary settlements, which are a condition that ensures a change in the forms of value in the process of circulation of funds.

Unlike cash turnover, in which money is transferred from the payer's cash desk to the recipient's cash desk, the essence of non-cash money circulation is that payments are made by transferring money from the payer's account to the recipient's account in banking institutions. Banks store the funds of enterprises in their accounts, credit the amounts received to these accounts, carry out the orders of enterprises to transfer them and withdraw them from the accounts, as well as to carry out other banking operations provided for by banking rules and agreements. Depending on the location of the banks serving settlement participants, they are divided into local and non-resident, which determines the order of their organization.

Non-cash payments are carried out subject to the following conditions:

The payer has the right to refuse to pay for the presented document in whole or in part in cases provided for by law or contract.

Without the consent of the payer or his instructions, debiting funds from accounts is, as a rule, not allowed.

Payments are made from the payer's own funds, and in some cases - from a bank loan and other borrowed funds.

Funds are credited to the recipient's account only after they have been debited from the payer's account.

Compliance with the document flow rules developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and determining the movement of money and monetary documents.

The total period for non-cash payments should not exceed two business days within a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, five business days within the Russian Federation.

Monetary documents for non-cash payments must meet the requirements of the standards established by the Bank of Russia. Payment documents are accepted by the bank for execution if their first copy contains two signatures of persons authorized to manage the account and a seal imprint, samples of which were previously communicated to the bank.

If payments are made by an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, the bank accepts payment documents with one signature and in the absence of a seal.

Mutual claims regarding settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds are considered by the parties without the participation of banking institutions through the court.

If there is no or insufficient money in the payer’s account, a problem arises in the order of payments. Until 1989, there was a selective order of payment for documents. It provided that, depending on the nature of business transactions reflected in the documents, all payments were grouped into five queues, and within the queue - according to deadlines. Payments of each subsequent priority group were made after full repayment of payments of the previous groups. This rule also applied to cases where documents of a previous group were presented for payment later than subsequent ones. This did not contribute to strengthening payment discipline and weakened the enterprise’s interest in the timely repayment of all obligations, since the satisfaction of its own needs (payment of wages and payments to the budget) was carried out from the first receipts of money. It was assumed that the electoral priority ensures the interests of workers and the state, since it provides for priority payment of wages and transfer of funds to the budget. However, it was not taken into account that enterprises that supply materials and equipment must also pay wages on time, contribute money to the budget, etc.

In 1990, the electoral priority was replaced by a calendar priority, which provided for a strict sequence of payments, regardless of the nature of the payments. This meant that the money received in the bank account could be used to pay wages after satisfying the claims of all suppliers, payment for materials and services, debts to the bank, the payment of which came due before the payment of wages.

Since mid-1992, the calendar order was abolished and payers were given the right to determine the order of payments from their accounts.

At first glance, the provision of such a right to payers most fully corresponds to market relations, since, unlike electoral or calendar priority, it expands their independence. However, in practice, this may entail violations of the principle of equality of partners: at its discretion, the payer may give preference to some enterprises to the detriment of others, to which it has long-term accounts payable.

During 1992-1995. The Russian government has made various decisions regulating the order of payments. In 1995, priority was established for the payment of funds for urgent needs, payments to the budget and to state extra-budgetary funds. All other payments were made in the order of calendar receipt of settlement documents by the bank, i.e. when payments become due. Payments are made with the consent (acceptance) of the account owner, however, in some cases, direct debiting of money from the payer’s account is also allowed. Such write-off is used as a form of settlement between the parties under an agreement and in cases provided for by legislative acts. In particular, the right to direct write-off of funds is granted to the supplier when paying for supplied electrical and thermal energy, water supply services (with the exception of housing and communal services, budgetary organizations and the population), as well as for electricity supplied by nuclear power plants, for postal, telegraph and telephone services, provided by communications companies. The provision for settlements in the form of direct debiting of funds from the account may be included in the agreement in other cases.

The right to directly debit money from a borrower’s account to repay loans that have expired is widely used by banks when concluding loan agreements. If direct debit is not required by law, then the right to include or not include in the contract a condition for direct debit of funds belongs to the payer. By granting his counterparty the right to write off funds from his account in this manner, the payer exercises his powers to dispose of his own account and the funds stored on it.

Giving the recipient of the money the right to direct debit of funds puts the payer in a rather disadvantageous position. An unscrupulous creditor has the opportunity to write off amounts from the account even in the absence of appropriate grounds.

In addition, at the stage of execution of the contract, circumstances may arise that normally give the payer the right to refuse to pay the claim (delivery of goods not covered by the contract, as well as low-quality goods, etc.), but to suspend the write-off of funds upon request for direct debit impossible. Restoration of unreasonably written off money, in the absence of the consent of the recipient, is carried out only by way of a court decision.

If the payer and his counterparty - the creditor - have stipulated in the agreement concluded between them a condition giving the creditor the right to write off without acceptance the amounts due to the latter, the payer must draw up a corresponding agreement with the commercial bank servicing it. Only with such an agreement can the settlement mechanism provided for in the contract or additional agreement be implemented.

The letter to the bank or the text of the bank account agreement must indicate which creditor has the right to write off amounts from the debtor in an indisputable manner and for what products (goods, services rendered, work performed, etc.).

In these cases, a commercial bank, when deciding on the creditor’s right to indisputably write off funds from the debtor, must be guided by the specified letter from the payer or an agreement concluded with the bank.

Direct debits also include the right to indisputably collect funds from bank accounts. This right is granted to tax and financial authorities for amounts not paid into the budget and the corresponding amounts of fines. These bodies also have the right to indisputably withdraw funds from the accounts of debtors who must pay money to an enterprise that has an overdue debt to the budget.

State authorities of pensions, health insurance, pricing regulation and others also have the right to forcefully collect money owed to them.

In addition, in accordance with the Regulations on the supply of products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods, the cost of poor-quality delivery and the corresponding amount of the fine are collected from the manufacturer indisputably. This provision provides detailed procedures for carrying out such operations.

Claims against a commercial bank related to the performance of settlement transactions are sent directly to the bank that committed the violation. For untimely (later than the next day after receipt of the relevant document) or incorrect debits of funds from the owner’s account, as well as crediting by the bank of amounts due to the owner, the owner has the right to require the bank to pay a fine in his favor in the amount of 0.5% of the untimely credited (written off) amount for each day of delay.

The agreement between the bank and the owner of the current account may provide for a different amount of the fine and the procedure for imposing sanctions for violations committed during settlements. In 1992, banks assessed and collected penalties from their customers' accounts for late payments.

Since July 1992, banks have been relieved of the obligation to accrue and collect penalties for delays in settlements. The buyer (payer) pays penalties for delays in settlements in the manner prescribed by the agreement between him and the supplier. Penalties for each day of delay in settlements are 0.5% per day, unless a different amount is specified in the agreement of the parties.

1.1.2 Principles of organizing non-cash payments in a commercial bank

The transition from an administrative-command system of economic management to market relations necessitated the creation of a new payment system based on a two-tier banking system. It was necessary to separate and isolate the financial resources of various economic entities, to form independent commercial banks, and to introduce correspondent relations between them and enterprises.

Qualitative changes in the organizational forms of cash settlements occurred due to an increase in the economic activity of all market entities and an expansion in the number and volume of transactions. A huge number of new commercial structures have emerged, which has affected the sharp increase in document flow associated with servicing the payment system as a whole. The restructuring of the payment system required a change in the principles of organizing non-cash payments and the use of new forms and methods of making payments.

A clearly organized system of non-cash payments is of great importance in conditions of a serious non-payment crisis, when a huge mutual debt, delayed payments in any one link affects the work of a large number of business entities, which affects the most important indicators of their production and commercial activities.

Any enterprise makes monetary transactions both as a buyer and as a seller. The enterprise also carries out monetary settlements with workers and employees, and settles with the budget and commercial bank. The totality of all cash payments constitutes the payment turnover. A significant part of the payment turnover of enterprises is carried out non-cash, i.e. making entries (postings) on bank accounts. Cash is used mainly in payment transactions in which the population participates, as well as in settlements for small amounts.

Non-cash payments have found wide application in the development of the banking system and have a number of advantages over payments using cash.

Uninterrupted payments are ensured by the following basic principles of organizing non-cash payments.

1. All enterprises and organizations are required to keep their funds in bank accounts. It is allowed to leave only small amounts of cash within the established norms at the cash registers of enterprises.

2. The overwhelming majority of non-cash payments should be made through a bank.

3. The demand for payment must be made either before or after shipment of goods to avoid delays in payments. However, in a payment crisis, most suppliers are demanding prepayment - receiving money in advance before releasing goods.

4. Payments are made from clients' bank accounts only with their consent. This important condition prevents the bank from disposing of funds belonging to business entities that have opened accounts with this bank.

5. There are several forms of payment and types of payments that enterprises can choose at their discretion.

Compliance with these principles allows the use of non-cash payments as an important tool for the development of a market economy.

While payments are made non-cash, i.e. money is debited from one account and credited to another bank account; funds are deposited in banks and become credit resources.

Non-cash payments help reduce circulation costs in the form of additional costs for printing, storage, transportation, and recalculation of a huge number of banknotes that would be required for cash payments. At the same time, non-cash payments with the smooth functioning of banks make it possible to better regulate payment turnover and ultimately speed up the turnover of working capital and making payments.

It should be noted that money that is the personal property of citizens and stored in the form of savings in bank accounts can also participate in non-cash circulation. Non-cash payments for household expenses can be made from deposit accounts. In these cases, replacing cash with non-cash payments also reduces circulation costs.

The basis of non-cash payments is interbank payments. Currently, they are built on the basis of a system of inter-branch turnover and settlements using correspondent accounts (correspondent accounts).

Through the interbranch turnover system (IFO), payments are made mainly to Central Bank institutions that have their own MFO account. By indicating this number on each payment document, the bank establishment facilitates quick settlements. MFOs must be carried out in such a way as to ensure the safety of funds, prevent errors, unauthorized access to the movement of documents, and prevent money from being sent to the wrong address. Therefore, in the MFO system, each initial operation is duplicated by a response one (there are concepts of an initial MFO and a response MFO), and special balance sheet accounts are allocated on the balance sheet of banks, which reflect the initial and response turnovers.

A bank institution starting an MFO sends instructions to another institution to credit and debit funds. This order is called an advice note. There are credit memos (money is transferred) and debit memos (funds are written off). At the bank institution that received the advice note, a return transaction is made, confirming that the received advice note has been accepted for execution. Banks regularly monitor the coincidence of initial and response turnovers, which is their match.

With the creation of commercial independent banks, it became necessary to supplement interbank settlements with another element - settlements on correspondent accounts (correspondent accounts) opened for each commercial bank in the Central Bank. Locally, the Central Bank is represented by cash settlement centers (RCCs), in which correspondent accounts are opened for commercial banks. In order to receive money from customers for goods sold, enterprises must indicate both the number of the MFO RCC and the correspondent account number of their bank in payment documents. RCC for a commercial bank is like a commercial bank for an entrepreneur. The money available to the commercial bank is deposited in the correspondent account at the RCC.

The bank can carry out mutual settlements through the RCC with other banks, usually only within the limits of the available balance of available funds. Some banks, lacking such funds, are unable to timely transfer money on behalf of their clients. Until 1994, banks could use for settlements a loan issued by the RCC to cover the debit balance on the correspondent account. If a debit balance occurs frequently, the bank cannot operate normally. Each commercial bank must fit within the limits of its available passive resources, i.e. do not allow a debit balance on the correspondent account.

To ensure this order, the following mode of payment for bank documents from its correspondent accounts has been established. Payments from a commercial bank correspondent account, including transfers of funds to the required reserve fund, are made within the limits of the balance of funds in this account at the beginning of the operating day. If it is technically possible for the RCC to record amounts received in favor of a commercial bank during the current business day, then operations on a commercial bank correspondent account can be carried out taking into account these amounts. The procedure for making payments from a commercial bank correspondent account within the balance of funds on it applies to correspondent sub-accounts of branches of all commercial banks.

Non-cash payments necessarily involve two (or more) business entities and a bank.

Servicing payment turnover by banks consists of reflecting the corresponding amounts in the asset or liability of these accounts. Every economic and business entity stores its funds in banks. The current economic legislation stipulates that banks accept and store clients’ funds in accounts and carry out settlement, credit, cash and other banking operations on their instructions.

Legal entities and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities have the right to open accounts in any bank at the place of their registration or in a bank outside the place of their registration with the consent of the latter. Legal entities are required to keep available funds in a bank. An unjustified refusal of a bank, whose charter provides for the implementation of relevant banking operations, to accept the client’s funds for storage and open an account can be appealed by the client in court.

An agreement on cash settlement services is concluded between the bank and the client with the opening of a corresponding bank account. Under the agreement, the bank undertakes to store funds in the client’s account, credit amounts received to this account, carry out the client’s orders to transfer and withdraw money from the account and carry out other banking operations provided for for this type of account by legislation, banking rules and agreement.

To open an account, an application indicating registration and a card certified by a notary with samples of signatures and seals are submitted to the bank. Records on accounts opened in a bank (or reflection of transactions in the electronic memory of a machine) are a reflection of the monetary turnover of an economic entity.

The bank can use the funds available in the client’s account, guaranteeing their availability when claims are made on the account. The client has the right to manage these funds and receive income (interest) on them. The bank does not have the right to determine and control the direction of use of the client’s funds and to establish other restrictions on his rights not provided for by law or agreement. Without the client's order, debiting funds on the account is permitted only by decision of a court or arbitration court, unless otherwise provided by law.

The bank guarantees the secrecy of client accounts. Providing information by the bank on the status of accounts and on transactions on them without the consent of the client is not allowed, except in cases provided for by law.

The bank account agreement is terminated at the request of the client and on other grounds provided for by law. Lack of transactions on the bank account does not entail termination of the agreement.

In banking accounting, the receipt of money into the client's account is reflected on the credit side of the account, and the balance at any given moment represents the credit balance. Expenditures from the account are reflected as debit turnover. As a rule, balances on clients' current accounts should be in credit.

The mechanism for organizing non-cash payments should not be carried out so automatically that in any case it replenishes the resources that the economic body lacks. Non-cash turnover and lending by banks should be organized in such a way that non-cash funds that are excessive for circulation are not issued, which can, under certain conditions, become factors in the growth of inflation. This means that credit or accounts payable of all types should not reimburse them for those funds that are lost due to losses and mismanagement, violation of the principles of commercial activity. If a company is performing poorly and does not have enough funds in its bank account, then it naturally does not have the ability to pay its debts on time. In this case, the bank can issue a loan only if a number of conditions are met (under a guarantee, in the absence of long-overdue loans, etc.).

In addition to settlement accounts, current accounts can also be opened in banks (usually for branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions of enterprises, as well as branches and representative offices of a cooperative).

1.1.3 Forms of non-cash payments

Participants in a business transaction have the right to choose any form of non-cash payments, taking into account specific business transactions. The entire settlement system is built in such a way as to create favorable conditions for making payments and accelerating the circulation of funds. Delays in payments deprive suppliers of sales revenue and make it difficult to complete production and business tasks. When payments are delayed, buyers develop accounts payable and the most important business principles are violated.

Settlements by payment orders. A payment order is a document that represents an order from an enterprise to the commercial bank servicing it to transfer a certain amount from its account. Orders are valid for 10 days, not counting the day of issue.

A commercial bank accepts a payment order from the payer for execution only if there is money in his current account. If there are no funds for payment and the bank does not consider it possible to issue a loan to the company, then the documents are returned. With uniform constant supplies, settlements between suppliers and regular customers are made in the order of scheduled payments using payment orders.

When making such payments, the payer submits the order in triplicate to his bank institution. Documents from the payer's bank are sent to the bank institution servicing the recipient. In this case, the funds specified in the payment order are debited from the payer’s current account and sent to the recipient’s bank for crediting to his current account. Upon receipt of a payment order, the recipient's bank transfers the received funds to the recipient's current account.

Settlements by payment orders can be urgent, early and deferred. Urgent payments include payments immediately after shipment, i.e. through direct acceptance of goods, as well as partial payments for large transactions. Early and deferred payments are possible within the framework of contractual relations without prejudice to the financial position of the parties.

Payments by checks. A settlement check is used for payments for goods and services rendered and is paid from funds deposited (specially set aside) in a separate check account. Checks can also be paid from the drawer's current account, but not higher than the amount guaranteed by the bank (agreed with the drawer when issuing the checkbook). In this case, the bank can guarantee payment in the event of a temporary lack of funds through the allocated loan. The amount of bank guarantees within which checks can be paid is accounted for in a special off-balance sheet account.

To obtain a checkbook, a business must submit an application in one or two copies if payment is guaranteed by the bank. The application is signed by persons who have the right to manage funds from the current account. The application indicates the account number from which checks will be paid. When pre-deposited checks are issued, this amount is reflected in the checking account. In order to ensure payments on checks with funds deposited, along with the application for the issuance of a check, the applicant must submit a payment order to transfer funds from the checking account to the checking account.

Before issuing a check to the client, the bank is obliged to fill out all the details of the check, so that in the future both the recipient and the bank have all the necessary data to correctly process the cash payment. The completed check is handed over by the payer to the business entity providing the service or transferring the goods. The supplier transfers the received completed checks to his bank to collect money from the payer. Upon receipt of the check, the bank credits the amount of the check to the recipient's bank account. The documents are then sent to the payer's bank for debiting the checking account.

When making payments by checks, limited check books can be used, when issuing them, the bank deposits money in advance in a separate account. On the cover of such a book the limit is indicated, i.e. limit on the amount for which checks can be written. When making payments by checks from limited check books, money should be credited to the recipient only after the funds withdrawn from the drawer's account are received. The client, who was paid with a check from a limited checkbook, presents it to his commercial bank, and it sends the check by mail to the payer's bank. There, based on this document, money is withdrawn and transferred to the payee’s bank.

You should pay attention to invalid checks that are presented when there are no funds in the drawer's account and the bank has not guaranteed their payment in advance. A check is also considered invalid if the amounts guaranteed by the bank are exceeded or if it is issued after the date of sending the notice of refusal to guarantee payments.

Payments using letters of credit. The obligation of a commercial bank, arising on behalf of the client, to make a payment to the supplier on the basis of the documents provided confirming the fulfillment of the terms of the contract is called a letter of credit.

With this form of payment, payment is made not at the bank institution serving the buyer, but at the location of the supplier. To make a payment, the buyer contacts the bank with an application containing a request to set aside funds from his account for payment. Consequently, with a letter of credit, funds for payment for purchased goods are prepared in advance and are usually deposited in a letter of credit account. The bank that opened the letter of credit (issuing bank) on behalf of the payer-buyer transfers the funds to the supplier's bank. Money is credited to the supplier's account only if all conditions stipulated in the letter of credit are met.

The letter of credit is executed directly by the bank servicing the supplier-recipient of the money.

In modern practice, the following types of letters of credit are used: covered (deposited), uncovered (guaranteed), revocable and irrevocable.

With a covered (deposited) letter of credit, the issuing bank transfers the payer's own funds or the loan issued to him at the disposal of the supplying bank (executing bank).

An uncovered (guaranteed) letter of credit can be used if two banks serving paying customers have correspondent accounts with each other. Then the letter of credit can be opened with the executing bank by granting this bank the right to write off the entire amount of the letter of credit from the issuing bank's account held by it.

A revocable letter of credit is now rarely used in settlements, since its terms can be changed or it can be canceled by the issuing bank without prior agreement with the supplier. The payer can give all orders to change the terms of a revocable letter of credit to the supplier only through the issuing bank, which notifies the executing bank, and the latter - the supplier. However, the nominated bank is obligated to pay for documents corresponding to the terms of the letter of credit issued by the supplier and accepted by the supplier's bank before receiving notification of the amendment or cancellation of the letter of credit.

An irrevocable letter of credit is used quite often; it provides a firm commitment of the bank to make payments under the letter of credit if all its conditions are met. An irrevocable letter of credit cannot be amended or canceled without the consent of the supplier in whose favor it is opened. The supplier, however, may prematurely refuse to use the letter of credit if this is provided for in the conditions under which it was provided.

When making payments within the country, a letter of credit is intended only for settlements with one supplier; its validity period is determined in the agreement between the payer and the supplier. The letter of credit agreement usually indicates: the name of the issuing bank; type of letter of credit; method of notifying the supplier about the opening of a letter of credit; a complete list of documents submitted by the supplier to receive funds; deadlines for submitting documents for payment after shipment of goods.

The issuing bank opens uncovered (guaranteed) letters of credit by agreement with the buyer in accordance with the established correspondent relationship with another bank servicing the supplier.

To open a letter of credit, the payer must submit to his bank (issuing bank) an application on the prescribed form containing a list of data that allows checking the completeness of the agreement between the supplier and the payer. In the practice of settlement relations, the term “documentary letter of credit” is used.

To receive money, the supplier provides the bank with documents (account registers, etc.) confirming the fulfillment of all the conditions of the letter of credit application. In cases where the terms provide for acceptance, i.e. prior consent of the authorized buyer, then the presence of an acceptance signature is checked. Registers of invoices without indicating the numbers of transport documents and the type of transport on which the cargo was sent are not accepted for payment.

Registers of accounts payable at the supplier's bank are submitted in three copies, of which one is used as a memorial order when making accounting entries, the other is given to the supplier as a receipt, and the third with the bank's mark is sent to the issuing bank for delivery to the payer.

A letter of credit opened with the supplier's bank is closed upon expiration of the term, which is notified by the issuing bank. If claims arise against the supplier, they are considered by the participants in the settlement transaction without the intervention of the bank.

The advantage of this form of payment is that there is no delay in payment for products and services, the money is prepared in advance, and the recipient of the funds is confident that he can immediately receive the money due to him, even on the day of shipment.

However, there are some peculiarities in settlements with uncovered letters of credit - in the executing bank, payment for products to the supplier is made not at the expense of funds booked in advance, but only if correspondent relations have been established between the executing bank and the issuing bank.

Calculations of payment requests-orders. In this modern form of payment, the supplier demands that the buyer pay, on the basis of settlement documents sent to him, the cost of the products supplied or work performed.

Payment requests-orders are issued on established forms and, together with shipping documents and invoices, are sent to the buyer's bank. The bank transfers the documents to the payer, who puts his stamp on all copies of the request-order and transfers them to the bank. The bank, having received these essentially accepted documents, debits the funds from the payer's account. After the transaction is completed, the documents are placed for storage in the “documents of the day”. The second copy of the documents is sent to the bank servicing the supplier.

The deadline for the payer to submit claims received from the supplier to the bank is determined by the parties to the agreement. If there is a need to transfer money by telegraph, then a special mark is made on all copies of the request-instruction: “transfer payment by telegraph.” Of course, the payment request-order is executed by the payer’s bank only if it has money in its account. If the payer refuses to pay in whole or in part, the dispute is resolved directly by the parties in the manner and within the time limits specified in the agreement. The agreement may provide for liability for late submission of documents and instructions to the bank for payment. Calculations for demands-orders are essentially close to calculations that ensure obligatory payment if there is money in the buyer’s account.

Calculations of payment requirements. Payment requirements are widely used in the acceptance form of payment, when payments are not made immediately after the goods have been shipped and the shipping documents have been issued. Having shipped the goods, the supplier writes out payment requests in the appropriate number of copies and submits them for collection. Payment for goods or services is made at the bank institution servicing the buyer.

The payment request contains all the necessary details to determine what goods were shipped, what their grade, price, time of shipment and o.a. The supplier does not send these documents to the payer himself, but instructs his banking institution to collect the payment. Consequently, the supplier submits the drawn up documents to his bank with instructions to collect funds from the payer. This order is collection. The bank, accepting documents for collection, undertakes to send them on time to the bank institution servicing the buyer, collect funds from him there and transfer them to the supplier’s bank account.

After verification, the documents submitted for collection are sent to the bank institution servicing the buyer. The buyer's bank credits the incoming money to the supplier's bank account.

The bank institution serving the buyer, having received the payment requests sent by the supplier's bank institution, informs the buyer about this, who, having familiarized himself with the documents, gives “consent to payment or refuses to accept them.

Acceptance is the element that makes it possible to use non-cash payments as an important tool for monitoring the activities of the supplier. The buyer accepts the invoice only if the supplier fulfills all the terms of the contract, i.e. will supply products of the required quality, in the ordered volume, at a set price, etc. If the supplier violates at least one of the contractual conditions, then the buyer will not give consent to acceptance, therefore, the supplier will not have a sales act. Acceptance of an invoice is not only a legal, but also an economic act that controls the implementation of a business contract by suppliers.

With positive acceptance, written consent to pay for the documents is required (this form of acceptance is almost never used now). Negative acceptance is quite widespread and is used in settlements between business organizations, enterprises and institutions. With this form of acceptance, the buyer, within a specified period, can declare a refusal to accept, and if he does not do this, then the payment document is considered accepted and is obligatory for payment.

With provisional acceptance, payment is made after receiving consent; upon subsequent acceptance, payment is first made, after which the buyer, in case of dishonesty of the supplier, can make a counterclaim for the return of amounts debited from his account. The period for subsequent refusal to accept is three days from the moment the bank receives the payment request. It can be extended if provided for in the business agreement. Currently only provisional acceptance applies.

A complete refusal to accept is possible if the goods do not comply with the terms of the contract; poor quality; non-standard; not ordered; redirected en route to another buyer.

In case of partial refusal, part of the invoice amount is accepted. This is practiced if prices are inflated compared to contract prices; Along with ordered goods, unordered goods were shipped; arithmetic errors were made, etc.

Having received consent to payment (and in the subsequent form of acceptance immediately after receiving the documents), the bank institution pays for the documents and transfers the funds to the bank where the supplier’s current account is maintained. If settlement documents must be paid from the buyer’s current account, but there is no money there, and if the company does not have the right to a loan, then these documents are placed in a special file cabinet of untimely paid documents (card file 2). The supplier is informed about this, and for each day of delay in payment, penalties are collected from the buyer in the claim procedure in the amount stipulated in the contract.

Calculations by payment claims may be used if they are provided for in contracts between suppliers, buyers and their banks, for material assets shipped, work performed, services rendered and for other claims for which invoices have not been paid by payers. An agreement between a business entity and a bank means a bank account agreement, which must be concluded when opening it. Banks do not have the right to refuse to accept payment requests for execution, even if this form of payment is not provided for in the bank account agreement.

During the waiting period for acceptance, the documents are located in file cabinet 1. If payers do not have funds, accepted payment documents are placed in file cabinet 2, and their payment is made as funds are received in the established order.

With uniform, constant supplies of goods and provision of services, payments can be made in the order of scheduled payments, i.e. by agreement of the parties. The amount of each scheduled payment is established by the parties based on the volume of supplies and the frequency of payments. A payment order is submitted for each scheduled payment.

In the practice of cash payments, collection orders are used. Collection is an order to the bank to collect money from the payer. Such orders are usually used for forced collection of funds. The collectors submit to the bank a collection order with reference to the date and number of the writ of execution or an equivalent document.

Instructions based on arbitration orders, court decisions or writs of execution issued by notaries are presented with the corresponding original writs of execution or their duplicates. The enforcement documents must contain: the full and exact name of the claimant and the payer; the amount of the amount to be recovered; from which account of the payer the amount is to be written off.

Collection orders with the attachment of executive documents, as well as orders to write off funds from the accounts of same-town payers, are submitted by the collector for collection directly to the bank institution where the payer's account is maintained, and for non-resident payers - to the bank institution servicing the collector.

When collecting under enforcement documents in favor of individual citizens, the bank institution in which the payer's account is located accepts enforcement documents only through a bailiff attached to the court in the area of ​​​​operation of which this bank institution is located.

Sequence of payments. To normalize payment turnover and reduce non-payments, a number of additional measures have been provided since 1994 to normalize payments and strengthen payment discipline in the national economy. A temporary procedure has been established for the use of funds received in the accounts of enterprises and organizations in banks, i.e. a new order of payments from the accounts of bank clients - legal entities - has been introduced. First of all, enterprises have the right to use the balance of money in their accounts for urgent needs in amounts not exceeding 5% of average daily receipts for the previous quarter. The amount for emergency needs may also include payment of wages in the amount of up to five times the minimum monthly wage, taking into account the actual average number of employees within the limits of earnings.

At the request of the client, when money is received into the current account not daily, but periodically, the bank has the right to leave funds for urgent needs for the entire period at once.

In the event of a complete lack of income during any period, the client has the right to use the unreceived funds for urgent needs in the next period. At the same time, upon application of the economic body, unused funds for the past period may be retained for future use. If the application is not received, then the money is sent to pay for documents from card index 2.

As a matter of priority, payments are made to budgets of all levels, as well as to the Pension and other targeted extra-budgetary funds. The remaining payments are made in the order in which the payments are due, i.e. in the calendar order in which payment documents are received by the bank. Money allocated from budgets is transferred to separate budget (current) accounts of legal entities, from which they are spent strictly for their intended purpose.

1.2 Regulatory and legal support for settlement and cash services

The procedure for conducting settlement and cash transactions of individuals is regulated by current legislation, regulations, in particular the Instructions on bank transfers, the Instructions on the procedure for conducting transactions using checks from checkbooks and settlement checks, and the Rules for carrying out transactions using bank plastic cards.

The main document regulating banking activities in general and cash settlement operations in particular is Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia.

Banking legislation establishes the principles of banking activities, the legal status of subjects of banking legal relations, regulates the relations between them, and also determines the procedure for the creation, activities, reorganization and liquidation of banks and non-banking financial institutions.

Banking activities in general, and cash settlement operations in particular, are strictly regulated and controlled processes by the state, the Bank of Russia and other authorized bodies.

Compliance with banking law is not only an indispensable condition for the functioning of a credit institution, but also the key to its activities in the long term and successful comprehensive development.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which carries out regulatory and supervisory functions over the work of commercial banks, as well as other government bodies, develop and accept for execution many regulatory documents regulating the procedure for settlements and maintaining bank accounts of clients, relating to both the external and internal content of settlement and cash accounts. operations.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in accordance with Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), and commercial banks themselves - in accordance with Federal Law No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990 "About banks and banking activities".

As part of this thesis, we will focus on the main regulatory documents that are mandatory for every credit institution and mandatory for all bank employees to know, understand and comprehensively analyze.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part two . This document, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 22, 1995, and put into effect by Federal Law No. 14-FZ of January 26, 1996, legislates key concepts for banking activities in terms of opening bank accounts and making payments.

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3.2 Improving the work on settlement and cash services for individuals

Currently, a large number of retail payment instruments and payment services provided by banks to the population are widespread on the world market. Retail payments are divided into cash and non-cash payments, followed by their division into paper and electronic.

Non-cash retail payments are made using checks, plastic cards, and direct fund transfers. Developments in payment services and markets reflect the interaction of various supply and demand factors in a given market environment. Among the supply factors, the following are significant: the development of information technology; competition and cooperation among providers of certain retail payment services; globalization of payment services offered by individual institutions in international retail payment networks.

Demand drivers include: risk benefits for both payers and payees using specific instruments and services; relative cost for the user and ease of use of payment instruments; in particular, an increase in the level of personal consumption.

The use of cash for retail payments has been in slow and prolonged decline in most countries. The basis for the long-term trend of “moving away” from cash payments is the development of new information technologies for the execution and processing of payments electronically. It was the new technology and its specific implementation in the field of banking payment services that contributed to the modernization of payment services and instruments and the abandonment of cash.

Abroad, more than 40% of all transactions are carried out via e-mail. There is also a trend towards a decrease in the number of bank branches. Thus, in Lithuania, out of 400 branches of Hanza Bankas, only 150 operate today, but the number of clients not only has not decreased, but on the contrary has increased. The traditional concept of separation is giving way to a non-traditional one. According to statistics, in Europe, communication with a bank mainly occurs through ATMs (51%) and via email (24%). It is noteworthy that only 17% of the population goes to bank branches.

Using ATMs to perform simple banking transactions frees up bank employees to focus on providing more specialized types of services and provides an opportunity to reduce the cost of providing services to the public in the long term.

Banks in Germany, Belgium, and Spain already widely use self-service departments. As a rule, the self-service department “meets” clients so that the client can perform the necessary operations himself without the intervention of a bank employee. However, machines of impressive size often frighten people, and then banks use employees who meet and escort customers to ATMs, as well as various tricks with lighting and graphics to attract them. For example, in Germany, department layouts often use an integrated arrangement of workers and equipment, and there are no barriers between the client and the specialist. At the back of the hall there are departments that offer more expensive services. Abroad, banks also offer integrated services, including the provision of Internet cafe services. This is done to attract young people and students to the bank, since it is estimated that attracting a new client is 7 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.

The introduction of new technologies has also led to an increase in card payments. Currently, this method of non-cash payments has become so widespread that it is difficult to imagine a service sector in which they would not be used.

The trend in the bank card market indicates the active expansion of this type of banking services. Over the years of the market's existence, banks have been able to appreciate the attractiveness of this business and have learned to make money from it. Competition in this area is very high, and banks are looking for new ways to conquer the market; they are trying to interest the client so that he uses the card as often as possible. They are beginning to install ATMs that not only dispense cash, but also accept it for subsequent crediting by the credit institution to the client’s “card account.” The number of credit and co-branded cards continues to grow. Co-branding projects involve the issuance by banks and companies of payment cards with combined logos, as well as a range of additional services - discounts and bonuses. Such projects are beneficial to everyone: customers receive bonuses and discounts when using the card. The bank's co-brand partner offers its clients a new service, and the bank acquires new clients. There are currently about 100 similar projects announced on the market. For example. Sberbank of Russia offers an international bank card “VIZA AEROFLOT”, the owners of which become participants in the Aeroflot Bonus program. Expobank has launched a joint product with the insurance company RESO - Garantiya, under which the company’s clients receive insurance compensation to a “card account” in Expobank. IBRD offers an MTS credit card especially for MTS subscribers. Card, which allows MTS subscribers not only to pay for purchases and services, but also to monthly use bonus minutes for local and mobile calls, as well as receive instant credit.

The Muscovite Social Card, a social program carried out by the Bank of Moscow jointly with the Moscow Government, the Moscow Metro, the Committee for Social Protection of the Population, the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Moscow Railway for pensioners and Moscow residents with social benefits, has been introduced and has become widespread. “Social card - VIZA Electron” is a plastic card with a magnetic stripe and a built-in contactless chip (microcircuit). It combines the functions of a bank account and identification card and is intended to serve privileged categories of citizens with consumer market and service enterprises, medical institutions, to provide discounted travel on the Metro and the Moscow Railway, as well as receive cash from the account. In the near future, benefits will be provided to Muscovites exclusively using this card.

Currently, more than 200 countries around the world use plastic cards in payment transactions, which allows us to conclude that plastic cards are the most important element of the so-called “technological revolution” in banking. It is plastic cards that in some cases act as a key element of electronic banking and other systems. They took the leading positions in organizing money circulation in the industrialized countries of the West, gradually replacing checks and checkbooks.

As the market for electronic banking services further develops, customers will be able to avoid coming to the bank at all. In developed countries of the world, every day fewer and fewer people visit banks, since actually going to the office of a credit institution often becomes unnecessary. Modern technologies allow many operations to be performed remotely. Using the Internet and mobile telephony, you can make payments, find out the balance of money in your account, open plastic cards, make currency exchange transactions and do much more.

The banks that are most actively developing services on the Internet are presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Banking services on the Internet

bank set statements statements indicating the movement of amounts

paid orders

at your own expense

account information



to third parties

Australia X X X
Apolo Trust X X X
Bank of Austria X X X X
Bank of America X X X X X
SpartaHamburg X X X X X


Wells Fargo X X X

An example of a thriving Internet bank is the American Security First Network Bank. This first completely virtual bank appeared in 1995. He doesn't even have an office to serve clients, and yet their number is increasing every year. By saving on rent and other costs, he offers his clients very competitive terms of service and, thereby, attracts them.

According to modern statistics, to date, at least 60% of European banks provide Internet banking services, and for the Scandinavian countries this figure is 90%. As for the US, estimates for banks range from 75 to 85%. The share of clients using Internet banking services in the United States is currently approximately 15-20, and the estimated growth rates are somewhat behind those previously expected. This is due to the fact that not all bank clients “keep up” with the pace of technological progress in the banking sector.

Let's imagine in Fig. 3.3 statistical results of comparing the dynamics of the popularity of remote banking services through ATMs and Internet banking.

Rice. 3.3 Development of services through ATMs and Internet banking in the USA

An almost complete correlation of these processes with a shift of exactly 16 years is discovered. In changing the psychological perception of technical progress among the clientele of credit institutions, demographic factors, increasing computer literacy of the population as a whole, and the competitive conditions of the modern banking sector play a role. Therefore, attempts to penetrate in-depth into the problems of remote banking services, including Internet banking, are very modern.

The combination of banking services and modern network technologies makes life much easier. For example, you don’t need to stand in line at a bank branch to make utility payments; you just need to give the bank the appropriate order, one-time or multiple, over the Internet. Payments will be sent every month without your participation. For busy people who have every minute scheduled, this is simply an invaluable advantage. The main thing is that you don’t have to run anywhere! Everything can be done slowly, in a free moment and generally at any time of the day and on any day of the week.

Banking services for the population at home or in the workplace – the so-called “home banking” – have become widespread abroad. Conducting banking operations at home - “home banking” - first became possible in November 1982. In Scotland, Nottingham Building Society has partnered with Bank of Scotland and British Telecom to implement Homelink. Using this system, individuals can open an account, transfer money, pay for goods and services directly from their home, office or store, using a PC or a terminal for accepting credit cards. This service consists of the client purchasing the necessary equipment, i.e. equips a home terminal, which is connected to a bank computer via telecommunication lines. The bank provides advice on equipment and software for home terminals. With such a system for providing banking services, transactions can be carried out around the clock and constantly. Before each operation, the owner of the home terminal uses a special “key” in the protection code against unauthorized connection to the system. Currently, all banks in the US offer this service.

The functions performed by the systems can be divided into groups:

1) payment (transferring payment orders to the bank to write off funds from customer accounts);

2) reference and information (receiving account statements, receiving electronic documents, information on exchange rates, obtaining a current balance);

3) postal and specialized (reception/transmission of postal messages requiring manual processing by the bank, orders for the purchase/sale of currency on the stock exchange).

For modern Russian banks, online technologies are a new tool for doing business. One of the pioneers in introducing online business into Russian banking practice is Gutta-Bank. Today it offers such online service systems (remote banking) as: “Telebank” and “Teleinfo”.

The main goal of GUTA BANK's remote customer service system was to create convenient mechanisms for customers to pay telecommunications and other bills. The system is intended for use by individuals. Access is possible by telephone through an operator, through a 24-hour interactive service and via the Internet. This system currently serves only private individuals. The client carries out preliminary registration of the contract by telephone or via the Internet. To complete the registration and conclusion of the contract, the client visits the GUTA BANK office.

Without visiting the bank, clients can:

1) make all utility payments (electricity, gas, telephone, rent, heat supply, etc.);

2) pay bills for communications - intercity (MMT), MTS, BI LINE, MSS, SONET, Mobile Telecom, MTU Intel, PTT Teleport, Elvis Telecom, etc.;

3) pay for services - satellite television (NTV+, Cosmos TV), security, parking, intercom, training, etc.;

4) transfer funds to pay bills for goods, including those purchased through online stores.

Internet banking is a traditional system for providing online account management with basic capabilities. The Internetbank system was developed by the bank "Northern Treasury" OJSC, trial operation - summer 1999, alpha testing - September, October 1999, November 20, 1999 - the system was put into beta testing, 3 clients are working. On January 20, 2000, commercial operation of the system began. Using the Internet banking system, you can manage one or more current accounts via the Internet.

Using Internetbank it is possible to:

1) receive account statements for a certain period;

2) receive information (payment number, amount, from whom it was received, for what purpose, all payer details) about received payments in real time;

3) receive information about sent payments (whether they have been paid). If payment is refused, you can find out the reason for the refusal;

4) refuse the outstanding payment;

5) make payments to partners, generate payment documents at any time of the day or night;

6) pay according to pre-established payments (utilities, payment for services in online stores);

7) transfer money to the card account.

Settlements in such systems are carried out by the client transferring to the bank electronic payment documents certified by a digital signature, which ensures the identification of the senders of the documents and protects against unauthorized changes. Electronic documents used in the system are identical to financial payment documents that are used in accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank and are the basis for carrying out accounting activities. To ensure the security and confidentiality of payments, encryption of electronic documents is used.

Thus, the need arose to develop the concept of a new branch: the client becomes the center of maximum attention, who himself determines when to come (service 24 hours a day). Now the bank branch “goes” to the client (installation in public places - in supermarkets, etc.). To this we must add a full range of services, client security, and the use of the ATM screen for advertising and posting information.

Remote customer service can also be carried out using a telephone and special programs, with the help of which the computer independently answers the client’s questions. Payment is usually made from funds in the customer's bank account or telephone company account. This type of customer service is called telephone banking or telebanking for short.

Telebank provides the client with the opportunity to receive various reference information in voice and fax form, as well as carry out active transactions on their accounts.

The formation of comprehensive services is also relevant today. In order to achieve greater customer interest in cooperation with this particular bank, banks began to look for opportunities to implement complex services and offer some related or additional services to the main service. Recently, the expression “service bundling” has come into use, which, in essence, characterizes complex services. Some Russian commercial banks, for example, offer their clients a package of services that includes opening a time deposit account. Payment of utilities and other bills, ordering air tickets with a special discount system.

An analysis of the development of the process of automation of banking customer service shows a significant expansion in the practice of using automated banking systems, both in the lending process and in settlements. Banks were given the opportunity to use electronic transfers instead of paper means of payment. The implementation of such systems in practice is associated with solving a number of problems.

Firstly, these are problems of an organizational and technical nature. It is necessary to take into account that, along with the advantages of electronic payment systems compared to other payment methods, they must ensure confidentiality, confidentiality of transactions and operations, accurate execution of operations and provide the client with a choice of payment method.

Secondly, these are legal issues of the functioning of electronic payment systems. Most industrialized Western countries still do not have special laws and regulations governing electronic payments; they use laws that relate exclusively to check and cash circulation.

Thirdly, there is the problem of computer system reliability.

The development of electronic payment systems requires the involvement of qualified specialists - analysts, programmers and other employees. In this regard, the issues of training and retraining of bank employees are becoming increasingly important.

Computerization of banking systems is of fundamental importance not only for consumers - bank clients, banks themselves, the country’s financial and credit system, but also for the economy as a whole, since the modern banking system, which has close ties with all industries and sectors of the economy, has a stimulating effect on development the last one.

The current level of development of the financial market and banking technologies necessitates the creation of a powerful settlement system for the Bank, capable of ensuring high-quality and timely payments to individuals in real time. Improvement of the settlement system should be aimed at accelerating the use of modern payment processing technologies and high-performance computer equipment, reliable communication channels and multi-level information security systems that allow control at all stages of the passage of documents and promptly respond to unforeseen situations (loss of documents, erroneous addressing, distortion information in payment documents, etc.).

Currently in the Republic of Belarus there are the following methods of paying utility bills and other bills:

1) Directly at a bank branch you can pay for utilities and other types of payments: in cash upon presentation of payment receipts; in cash without presenting payment receipts (such as payment for an apartment or for MTS and VELCOM communication services); using a bank plastic card upon presentation of payment receipts (or without receipts when paying for utilities or communication services).

2) Having issued a standing payment order once, payment for services will be made by the bank if there is a balance in the client’s account. The account manager instructs the bank to write off funds from his account on a monthly basis or in any other mode, for example to a housing and communal services company, and there is no longer any need to come to the bank and waste your time. The bank will make all transfers of funds on time, and the client will only have to control their availability in the account.

3) At the ATMs of the Belarusbank ASB using a bank plastic card, you can pay for communication services.

4) In the information kiosk you can view reference information and carry out financial transactions (view information about the account balance, pay for the services of cellular operators VELCOM and MTS, pay for the services of the Internet provider Atlant Telecom, pay for utilities). A bank plastic card is used to conduct financial transactions.

5) It is now possible to pay payments at a mobile operating cash desk, which can be created as a structural unit of the bank and its branches. This opportunity appeared quite recently. The corresponding resolution was adopted by the board of the National Bank.

6) Make payments using SMS banking: for a mobile phone, satellite television services "Cosmos-TV", utilities on personal accounts in Minsk, Mogilev, Brest, Vitebsk. The service user can pay for one or several personal accounts, including those opened in different cities.

It should be noted that of all the above methods, the most common is payment in cash at the bank's structural divisions. The predominance of cash over non-cash payments has its reasons.

This is due to a number of reasons:

1) In particular, a mass culture of consumption of banking services has not yet developed in our country.

2) Not many individuals have a current bank account.

3) Not everyone has a bank plastic card.

Therefore, in the Belarusbank JSS system the main attention is focused on organizing and improving this branch of banking. One of the areas to improve the quality of service was the creation of combined jobs. This allows the bank to increase the number of jobs, and the client saves significant time.

Another, no less important area for improving service to the population was the possibility of making a separate group of payments without using receipts. Thanks to joint work with the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and housing and communal services enterprises, a fundamentally different mechanism has been introduced. All you have to do is come to the bank, give your personal account number or your last name, first name and patronymic, and the cashier will tell you the required amount to pay.

To achieve the level of service that is already available in Europe and the USA, in our country there is still a lot to be done and various stages to go through. And, despite all the difficulties and problems, the banking system of Belarus (using the example of the work of the Belarusbank JSB) does not stand still, it is developing, new modern technologies are being introduced to expand the range of banking services to meet needs.

The ability of a new instrument or service to provide retail payment quickly and securely is important. One of the factors influencing the development of new payment products is the rapid change in technology. The range of payment instruments available today reflects the legal, business and technological environment in a given state, shaped by both historical approaches and new trends.

According to paragraph 22 of the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2001 N 345 ​​“On approval of the rules for organizing cash work in banks of the Republic of Belarus”, the acceptance of cash from clients to the bank’s cash desk is carried out according to notification form 0402280179, which is a set of documents consisting of notices and receipts. The development of automation among service providers has allowed them to issue receipts and notices to clients with already filled in details and amounts for payment.

To optimize work in this area, the Government of the Republic of Belarus has developed an action plan for the formation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus of a single settlement and information space for payment for services through banks, non-bank financial institutions, postal and electrical communications organizations. This action plan includes instructions to the National Bank, regional executive committees, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, and the Ministry of Energy, together with other service providers, to work on creating electronic databases containing information from service providers on the volume of services provided, and regulations for the exchange of data for settlements with consumers of these services.

Resolution of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus dated July 1, 2002 No. 19 approved the form of invoice notice and invoice receipt with a linear barcode containing information about the payer and the amount of payment.

Using a scanner to read a barcode reduces the customer service time when conducting a transaction in favor of housing and communal services from 16 to 9 seconds and eliminates errors in entering the personal account number (13 characters).

This service can be implemented in the system provided that a bar code is applied to supplier receipts.

However, more than 50 types of payments (about 35% of all payments by the population) are made according to f. 0402280179. Clients fill in the data in the document manually.

When using this form, a number of difficulties arise:

1) the client fills out both the notice and the receipt manually. There is a high probability of errors;

2) the cashier enters the payee's current account, the payment amount and a number of other required details. So, for tax payments, the cashier also enters the payer’s UNP, the payment code to the budget, the payer’s full name and address, and selects the purpose of the payment. Customer service in this case takes up to 3 minutes.

The draft receipt form proposed by JSB Belarusbank for the client is filled out in block letters and in one copy. A bank operation worker processes a paper document using a scanner. The image obtained as a result of scanning goes through the stages of recognition, verification and error correction using software developed by ITSoft JLLC (“Systembank 7.0” Desktop Edition). Before entering the banking information environment, the recognized information is displayed on the cashier’s screen. The cashier visually checks that the receipt is filled out correctly and accepts the payment.

A high-performance scanner can process several receipts at once. Documents that do not raise doubts are immediately exported to the software for accepting payments (Exported status). If there are doubts about the correctness of recognition, the document is subject to additional verification. If verified, items in doubt are highlighted and the operator must enter the correct value. After completing the verification procedure, the documents enter the payment acceptance program (for example, “SC-Cash” developed by Softclub LLC)

The following positive aspects can be noted in using the proposed technology:

1) reduction of labor intensity of manual input;

2) reducing the number of possible errors of the operational worker.

It is more expedient to use the scanner not at every cashier’s workplace, but on one computer used as a recognition station in a bank branch with electronic queue management. In this case, the client submits the completed form to the recognition station and receives from the operational employee a coupon with the number of the window where he will be served. The document from the recognition station is sent electronically to a specific cashier, who then serves the client.

Thus, JSB Belarusbank sees two possible directions for optimizing customer service when accepting payments from the public:

1) modification of the payment document f.0402280179 so that it can be processed using reading devices;

2) accepting payments through electronic databases of providers of utilities and other services, containing maximum information for making payments.

Specialists of the Information Technology Department, in pursuance of the Program for Comprehensive Services to the Population, developed the “COM-DIT” software. The purpose of the development is to improve customer service - individuals who pay utility bills. Through the KOM-DIT program, even before the client arrives at the bank, a unified database of personal accounts is created, combining information on utility payments for each client. The client at the bank is served in one window and as quickly as possible, receiving one receipt with all the requirements paid by him.

The system provides:

1) Formation of a single personal account of the payer.

2) Acceptance of payment “in advance”.

3) Ensuring the possibility of servicing the client “in one window”.

4) The ability to accept payment at the bank by name without the payer presenting a demand for payment, with the subsequent issuance of a payment receipt to the payer.

5) Electronic transmission of payment notices to utility services.

6) Possibility of paying for services through bank branch information kiosks.

7) Transfer of information about payment requirements to the bank via dial-up communications or on a floppy disk.

8) Prompt receipt of information to all recipients of payments about payments actually received and sent to them directly for each recipient, indicating from whom, where and when the payment was received, as well as any summary information such as the daily balance of accruals and received payment, the possibility of payment by the tenant for part of the list the demands presented to him;

9) Providing the bank with a payment report for utility services at any frequency (day, week, month, etc.).

The advantages of the ELS provided both for the client of the Belarusbank JSSB and for the branch of the Belarusbank JSSB are presented in the table. 3.2.

Table 3.2 Advantages of the ELS for the client of the JSSB Belarusbank and for the branch of the JSSB Belarusbank

For clients For the branch
Consolidation of all requirements for the client regarding utility payments into one document. Attracting individual clients by increasing the speed of service, reducing queues and improving the quality of customer service.
Possibility of service without fat, but by last name, address or personal account. Possibility of concluding agreements with other organizations engaged in accepting payments from the population for utilities (other banks, branches of RUE Belpochta), for the transfer of the ELS database to them on commission terms.
Possibility of choosing payment: in full, in part, in advance.
Increased speed of service, reduced queues.

Note. Source: own development

Using the ELS system, the client has the opportunity to pay his claims at the branch through the cashier, using cash or a plastic card; checkbook. Provided he has a card account with the bank, pay the requirements using self-service devices: information kiosk, SMS banking. A client who has an account opened with a bank has the opportunity to issue a standing payment order to pay claims submitted in the databases of service providers. In this case, the bank makes payment for the client.

However, despite all the advantages, there are also major difficulties when implementing the KOM_DIT software: lack of unification in customer address data in information transmitted from service providers, multiple database structures among different service providers in different regions.

The management of branches of the Belarusbank JSB needs to work with local service providers to reconcile and unify the spelling of addresses and full names of clients. It is advisable to unify the structures of databases of service providers within the framework of their departmental subordination.

Taking into account the ever-increasing demands of customers for the quality of service to the population, as well as the range of services provided by the bank, the development of payment systems using plastic cards is one of the Bank’s primary tasks in the coming years.

An integral part of the Program for comprehensive services to the population in the JSB "Belarusbank" for 2003-2005. is the Program for the development of a system of non-cash payments using bank plastic cards. Currently, the bank produces a wide variety of card products. These are debit cards of the international payment system MasterCard International - Maestro, MasterCard Mass, MasterCard Gold, MasterCard Business, cards of the international payment system VISA - VISA Electron, VISA Classic, VISA Gold. In 2004, a special card product was developed for pensioners - VISA Electron cards with an account in Belarusian rubles, intended for crediting pensions and other income. The main advantage of these cards is the increased interest accrued on the balance of funds on the card account, which is equal to the interest rate on the “Pension” deposit. The pension card is issued free of charge; there is also no fee for opening and maintaining a card account. The VISA Electron pension card is issued by all bank institutions. Holders of VISA Electron pension cards can use the full range of services available to bank card holders.

The range of cards is constantly updated with new products. Today there are already many strong competitors in the market, so the quality of customer service and the constant expansion of the range of services provided come to the fore in the Program for the development of a system of non-cash payments using bank plastic cards in the Belarusbank JSB.

In addition, using an international card, you can make a wide range of payments, including paying at ATMs, information kiosks and bank institutions for utilities, mobile and home telephones, satellite television, Internet service providers, etc.

Owners of mobile phones connected to the VELCOM, MTS network and international card holders can take advantage of the opportunity to remotely manage their card account around the clock using the SMS banking service.

For holders of Master Card (Mass, Gold) or VISA (Classic, Gold) cards, the bank offers an SMS notification service, which allows you to quickly receive SMS messages on your mobile phone with information about cash withdrawal operations and payments for goods and services carried out using the card.

When registering a Master Card (Mass, Gold) or VISA (Classic, Gold), clients receive as a gift an electronic card from another payment system - VISA Electron or Maestro, as well as a discount card from the Countdown International Discount System as a gift for one card account. The Countdown card gives its owner the right to receive discounts at 60 thousand retail and service enterprises participating in the Countdown program from 3% to 5%.

To increase the volume of non-cash card payments, various payment systems organize marketing campaigns. Since November 1, 2005, for the first time, JSB Belarusbank has been participating in a large-scale event, organized by the VISA International payment system. Any holder of a VISA and VISA Electron card from JSB Belarusbank can become a participant in the promotional game “VISA - everything you need for Turin 2006”. The main prize of the game is a trip for two to the Winter Olympic Games in Turin (Italy) from February 20 to 24, 2006. The tour price includes travel expenses, accommodation and meals, tickets to the Olympic competitions, cultural and entertainment program and special gifts from VISA International. Among the holders of VISA and VISA Electron cards of JSB Belarusbank, cash prizes were drawn - one prize worth $1,000, two prizes worth $500 and three prizes worth $100. To participate in the advertising game, it was necessary to pay for goods and services at trade and service establishments, ATMs or information kiosks using a VISA and VISA Electron card from November 1 to December 31, 2005. All non-cash transactions carried out from November 1 to December 31, 2005 participated in the drawing. By participating in a large-scale event, JSB Belarusbank expects an increase in the activity of cardholders in using cards as a payment instrument. .

In an effort to maintain customer loyalty, any bank, including JSB Belarusbank, is expanding the range of services for cardholders. Being a leader in the number of cards and the breadth of their servicing infrastructure, Belarusbank also places great emphasis on introducing services for their holders

Today, with the help of the Belarusbank card, payments are made for mobile communication services of operators VELCOM, MTC, BelCel, services of Internet providers Atlant Telecom and Delovaya Set, utilities in Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Mogilev, satellite television "Cosmos TV" and home telephones in Minsk, electricity in Gomel and Mogilev, loan repayment in Belarusian rubles, instant money transfers in Belarusian rubles from one card account to another. Non-cash transactions can be carried out not only in bank institutions, but also using ATMs and information kiosks.

The most modern trends in the development of banking services are increasingly simplifying the lives of clients, generally eliminating the need for them to contact bank institutions or use its equipment to conduct banking operations. As part of this trend, JSB Belarusbank has implemented an SMS banking service.

SMS banking was offered to cardholders at the beginning of 2004. Then it allowed, by sending SMS messages from a mobile phone, to view the balance of funds on the card account and make payments for your VELCOM phone number, and later MTS. However, paying for cellular services and obtaining information about the card account balance were the initial stage in the development of SMS banking. In August 2005, JSB Belarusbank offered clients a service with expanded functionality - new SMS banking. Now SMS banking allows you to pay both for your mobile phone and for the mobile phone number of relatives, friends or acquaintances. From a mobile phone connected to the VELCOM network, you can only pay for VELCOM phone numbers, and from a phone connected to the MTS network - only for MTS phone numbers.

In addition, it has become possible to pay for Kosmos-TV satellite television services and utilities on personal accounts in Minsk, Mogilev, Brest, and Vitebsk using SMS messages.

Today, the functionality of SMS banking is not final. ASB "Belarusbank" plans to further expand it by paying for the services of Internet providers, home telephones, etc. These opportunities will become automatically available to clients who have registered new SMS banking as they are implemented.

Today, it is unthinkable to carry out banking operations in such gigantic volumes, at the required pace with high accuracy, without modern information technologies based on well-functioning local, regional and global computer systems.


Cash settlement operations allow banks to concentrate significant and relatively cheap resources, to establish business relationships with clients, which, as a rule, develop into various forms of cooperation: lending, leasing, etc.; In addition, when carrying out settlement and cash transactions, banks charge commissions. Therefore, any bank is interested in attracting new clients for settlement and cash services. At the same time, the client is also interested in choosing a bank that best meets his requirements: one that has reasonable tariffs, makes payments on time, and works with modern technologies. Therefore, speaking about the prospects for the development of settlement and cash services, it is necessary to consider, first of all, the relationships being built between the client and the bank. In this context, the following areas of development can be distinguished:

The relationship between the client and the bank must be built on an integrated basis, i.e. the client involved in settlement and cash services must also be familiar with all the opportunities provided by the bank (securities, loans, deposits, etc.);

Use of modern technologies: “Client-Bank” system, telebanking, Internet banking;

Setting tariffs that meet the interests of both the bank and the client.

However, while “meeting halfway” to the client, the bank should not forget about the risks associated with settlement and cash services and take the necessary measures to manage them. A bank that strives to obtain the highest income while minimizing risks must:

Strive to differentiate the clients served both in terms of the industries they represent and in terms of the scale of their activities, i.e. strive to attract both “large” and “small” and “medium” clients;

Take into account that well-organized cash management services are the basis for all other bank operations, at the same time, the level of organization of other banking operations may affect the profitability of cash management services, i.e. cash and settlement operations should not be considered as separate operations bank, but as part of a unified system aimed at maximizing profits.

However, when considering this issue, it is also necessary to dwell on the nationwide forms of improving these bank services: it is necessary to simplify the processing of settlements. Also, one of the forms of developing customer service is the differentiation of forms of settlements carried out on their instructions. This can be done through more active advertising of these banking products, advertising their advantages and establishing favorable tariffs for customers.

More active use of such forms of payment as plastic cards, checks, letters of credit is beneficial, first of all, for banks, as it allows them to attract additional cheap resources by depositing funds in special accounts and charging additional commissions. However, the level of their development within the state shows the development of the payment system as a whole, makes it possible to reduce the volume of cash in circulation (through the introduction of plastic cards), and solve the problem of non-payments (checks, letters of credit). For clients, the use of these forms of payment is also beneficial, since when using checks and letters of credit, a guarantee of payment arises; when using plastic cards, problems associated with using cash disappear.

Thus, settlement and cash services are an integral part of the activities of any bank. In this work, an attempt was made to reveal the essence of settlement and cash transactions, as well as to develop promising directions for their development.


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Projects for settlement and information services for corporate clients; development of investment banking services. 3. ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF URALSIB BANK IN CARD AND SETTLEMENT SERVICES FOR CORPORATE CLIENTS 3.1 Characteristics of the organization of work with legal entities in URALSIB Bank URALSIB Bank (OAO URALSIB) was formed on September 20, 2005 as a result of the integration of the business of 5 banks: .. .

Establishing tariffs depending on the volume of transactions 3. New areas of settlement and cash services for legal entities in the Baikal Bank of Sberbank of Russia Along with traditional settlement and cash services, the Baikal Bank of Sberbank of Russia is developing new areas of customer service. 3.1 Cash settlement services for companies with a branch network For...

Money and receipt documents to the cash register manager against receipt in the cash register of the evening cash register. III. Analysis of the work of Industrial OSB No. 8231 in Samara for settlement and cash services for legal entities. 3.1. General characteristics of the Volga Bank of AK Sberbank, Industrial Branch No. 8231, Samara. Savings Bank Branch No. 8231 is not a legal entity, OSB No. 8231, within...

Chapter 1. Cash settlement services as a basic banking service.

1.1. Changes in the content of settlement and cash services in the context of the transition to the market and the introduction of information technologies.

1.2. Characteristics of the range of services that make up traditional cash management services.

1.3. Requirements of the Bank of Russia for the organization, technical and technological support of cash settlement services.

Chapter 2. Reengineering business processes of settlement and cash services in a multi-branch bank (using the example of OJSC VTB Bank).

2.1. Analysis of a modern complex of cash management services.

2.2. The need and prerequisites for reengineering business processes of RKO.

2.3. Goals, objectives and planned results of the RKO optimization project.

Chapter 3. Reengineering of business processes based on the unification of core banking systems and centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the Parent organization.

3.1. A methodology for reengineering business processes as a way to solve the problem of automating a bank's back office.

3.2. Methodology for selecting an automated banking system capable of centralizing and optimizing business processes.

3.3. Construction of a standardization system as the main stage of business process reengineering.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit", 08.00.10 code VAK

  • Banking technologies in the non-cash payment system 2005, Candidate of Economic Sciences Sakseltseva, Ekaterina Gennadievna

  • Formation of an effective regional payment system and development of new forms of remote customer service 2005, Candidate of Economic Sciences Golovko, Andrey Stepanovich

  • Accounting and analysis of non-cash payments 2005, Doctor of Economics Anureev, Sergey Vladimirovich

  • Optimization of the electronic interbank settlement system 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Korchagin, Dmitry Nikolaevich

  • Electronic payment instruments in the development of retail banking business 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Dyakov, Andrey Pavlovich

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Reengineering of settlement and cash service processes in a multi-branch bank based on information technology”

In any economy, commercial banks are conductors of settlement transactions. The performance by banks of the function of ensuring settlements is intended to ensure the stability of the banking system, reduce operating costs of enterprises and organizations, increase the liquidity of markets, and also contribute to the implementation of the financial and credit policy of the state. The emergence and active use of new banking technologies plays a decisive role in the process of optimizing the non-cash payment system, which is very relevant today, since the deep financial crisis that has hit the world economy has currently shaken the domestic banking system.

As is known, it is impossible to ensure the required level of profitability of settlement operations within the framework of traditional banking customer service alone.

Therefore, at the present stage, it is necessary to pay special attention to developments aimed at increasing the efficiency of cash settlement services (CSS), as well as the mass introduction of remote work tools into banking practice in order to reduce transaction costs and, consequently, increase the efficiency of the non-cash payment system.

An important role is also played by the current trend towards a decrease in marginal income, which forces banks to look for a way of stable earnings on commission transactions. Especially during a crisis, banks are interested in both company account balances and commission income. This means the need to actively attract clients of all categories, including cash register services.

As a rule, the introduction of modern banking technologies reduces the level of risks associated with non-cash payments. This determines the relevance of the topic of the dissertation work, designed to summarize the existing and develop a new methodological basis for creating the most effective and resistant to external influences system of settlement and cash services of a commercial bank.

The relevance of the topic of the work is determined by the insufficient comprehensive elaboration of the problem under consideration - the need to optimize the processes of settlement and cash services in a multi-branch bank in order to increase its efficiency.

The relevance and practical significance determined the following goals and objectives of the dissertation research.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to substantiate the theoretical principles and methodological foundations for improving the processes of settlement and cash services for clients by commercial banks based on the introduction of information technology. In accordance with this goal, the following main tasks were set in the work:

Analyze the content of settlement and cash services for clients by commercial banks, highlight its elements, and identify development trends; show its role as a link between commercial banks and the Central Bank, on the one hand, and between commercial banks and business entities, on the other;

To identify trends in the development of settlement and cash services as a set of services, banking services, a complex of information and banking technologies, to determine the directions, goals and objectives of its improvement in modern conditions;

Develop criteria for assessing the effectiveness of automated banking systems used in cash management services;

Determine the feasibility and systematize the prerequisites for reengineering business processes of cash management services in a multi-branch bank, highlight its main directions;

To substantiate methodological approaches to the reengineering of business processes based on the unification of the automated banking system (ABS) and the centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the parent organization;

The object of this study is the system of settlement and cash services of a Russian commercial bank as a special area of ​​banking activity.

The subject of the study is organizational and economic relations, forms and methods of managing cash management processes in a multi-branch commercial bank.

The methodological basis of the dissertation work is formed by the principles of dialectics and the laws of logic, a systematic approach to solving assigned problems. The most important aspect of the presented research is the use of such general scientific methods as comparison, grouping, analysis, synthesis.

The research methodology was based on the analysis and generalization of the provisions and results presented in theoretical works, monographs and articles by domestic and foreign authors. The theoretical and practical basis for this work were the theories and concepts formed in the works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of the topic under consideration, including the works of: G.N. Beloglazova, V.V. Bocharova, N.V. Ivanova, L.P. Krolivetskaya, O.I. Lavrushina, V.E.

Leontyeva, Yu.S. Maslenchenkova, A.G. Mnatsakanyan, G.S. Panova, B.V. Panteleeva, M.A. Pomorina, N.P. Radkovskaya, A.I. Sedina, V.V. Sklyarenko, D.I. Traktovenko, A.D. Sheremet, E.B. Shirinskaya and others; among foreign authors - E. Deming, E.J. Dolan, R. Kaplan, F. Kotler, D. Norton, P. Rose, E. Reed, J.F. Jr. Sinkey, G. Sharp, et al.

The theoretical basis of the dissertation included fundamental monographic works, dissertation research, economic periodicals, internal regulations and rules developed in credit institutions.

The information base for the work was the legislative and regulatory acts regulating banking activities in the Russian Federation, statistical data published by the Bank of Russia and other official bodies, data from international banking organizations, reference materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, data from information and rating agencies, information from periodicals, electronic media . The study of the practice of non-cash payments in a commercial bank was carried out on the basis of information provided by OJSC VTB Bank.

The scientific novelty of the results obtained is determined by the fact that in this dissertation, theoretical and methodological approaches to the reengineering of settlement and cash service processes are formed, reflecting changes in its content and technologies used by banks and ensuring cost optimization and improving the quality of settlement services. Specifically, the scientific novelty of the results of the dissertation research is as follows:

The need to expand the functional-target representation of settlement and cash services is substantiated in connection with the revolutionary transformations that have occurred in recent years in its economic content, technological and technical equipment; the characteristics of the existing complex of services that make up cash management services are given;

The product, technological, service, organizational and communication aspects of settlement and cash services are highlighted, the characteristics of settlement and cash services of commercial banks are expanded and supplemented, and trends in their development are identified in the context of relevant aspects;

Criteria have been identified and a classification of settlement and cash services of a commercial bank has been proposed, including traditional (technologies for conducting intra-bank settlements, maintaining correspondent relations, carrying out clearing settlements) and innovative (technologies for conducting settlements using plastic cards, providing remote banking services to clients) technologies;

An assessment was made of the process of development and implementation of banking technology for non-cash payments, highlighting structural elements related to identifying the needs of the target audience, developing a model of the technological process, organizing the promotion of settlement services to the market, developing a procedure for document flow and support of settlement transactions;

Criteria have been developed for assessing the effectiveness of banking technologies used in the process of settlement servicing of clients in terms of profitability and profitability of settlement operations, speed of settlements, availability of payment services, security of the payment procedure, level of associated risks;

The feasibility is substantiated, the prerequisites for reengineering business processes of cash management services in a multi-branch bank are systematized, its main directions and tools are identified to ensure effective management of business processes and reduce operational risks;

An approach to creating a standardization system has been proposed that estimates the costs of performing a business process based on the cost of one person-hour of work of the personnel involved in its implementation and time standards, and methodological foundations for creating technological maps have been developed;

Directions for improving banking technologies in the non-cash payment system have been identified, providing for the integrated use of such reengineering tools as the centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the Parent organization; widespread use of remote banking technologies; development of cross-selling services; recommendations were given for improving banking technologies in the non-cash payment system in terms of developing methodological aspects of optimizing business processes based on the unification of ABS.

Approbation of the results of the dissertation research. The main provisions, conclusions and recommendations were reported, discussed and approved at the international scientific and practical symposium “Economic Policy of Modern Russia” (XIII Assembly of Young Scientists of St. Petersburg) (2009), at the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference “Financial and Credit Institutions of St. -Petersburg: historical experience and modernity" (2009), as well as at the interuniversity scientific conference "Concentration and consolidation of banking capital - modern trends and forms of manifestation" (2009)

Methodological provisions and recommendations were used in the development of a financial planning system in a multi-branch commercial bank, which is confirmed by relevant documents. On the topic of the dissertation, 5 works with a volume of 1.96 pages were published, including 1 article in a publication recommended by the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The work consists of three chapters, introduction, conclusion, appendices and bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen research topic, shows its theoretical, methodological and practical significance; a description of the degree of development of the problem is given; the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the research are determined; The scientific novelty and achieved results of the work are revealed, information on testing the research results is presented.

The first chapter reveals the content of cash settlement services as a basic banking service. If previously cash settlement was an element of the payment and settlement system, now it is a basic commercial banking service. This, from the author’s point of view, is the main prerequisite for revising the approach to considering RKO.

Considering cash settlement services in both economic and technological aspects, the author defines a complex of settlement and cash services as the foundation for other banking services, which makes it possible to develop a system of comprehensive customer service and offer him a wider range of services, cross-selling banking products, in order increasing profitability and efficiency of banking activities.

In addition, in the first chapter, the author develops the theoretical prerequisites for the need to reengineer business processes of cash registers, especially in the technological aspect, which, in the author’s opinion, is extremely important, since it is through technologies that cash registers connect commercial banks with the Central Bank, providing direct access to the payment system. At the same time, on the other hand, cash settlement is the main element of the chain connecting the Central Bank and enterprises (through remote servicing systems of commercial banks).

The second chapter examines the prerequisites and problems of reengineering business processes of settlement and cash services in a multi-branch bank (using the example of OJSC VTB Bank). The author considers a multi-branch bank, since it is in it that the need for interconnection and centralization of settlement and cash services is most obvious, which is a prerequisite for reengineering business processes.

The third chapter contains the author's developments on the reengineering of business processes based on the unification of the core banking system and the centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the Parent organization and includes, in addition to the direct methodology for reengineering business processes, a methodology for selecting an core banking system that can provide centralization and optimization of business processes, as well as recommendations for building a standardization system as the main stage in optimizing business processes.

In conclusion, the main conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation research are presented and the author’s suggestions are summarized.

The appendices contain supporting materials illustrating certain provisions of the dissertation.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Finance, money circulation and credit”, Zakharova, Elena Anatolyevna

The project reaches payback within 4-5 years

The expected annual savings after completion of the project will be ~ 310 million rubles.

However, it must be emphasized once again that when choosing a centralized ABS, one cannot be guided solely by economic criteria. Preliminary risk assessment is very important. It can be done both in the SWOT analysis format and in the form proposed in the table below. This form, illustrated by the example of the project under consideration, allows not only to assess risks, but also to formulate a set of measures to reduce and eliminate them.


In conclusion, I would like to note that during the economic crisis, the problem of optimizing management activities is highly relevant for each bank. This process must occur using a specific method that would allow changes to be carried out with maximum efficiency. Of all the methods existing today in this area, the most progressive, radical and universal is business process reengineering.

In addition, in this study, the author substantiates the position that Russian banks have traditionally focused more on credit and deposit transactions and to a lesser extent on commission transactions. At the same time, commission income is more stable, which is due to the absence of the influence of the interest rate risk factor, which is so significant during the crisis. Thus, banks that do not reconsider their approaches to forming the structure of income from traditional banking services in the direction of increasing commission income, i.e. towards the development of traditional banking services, the main of which is cash management services, do not have high business efficiency.

The dissertation research concludes that during the crisis, when traditional banking activities - lending and attracting cash resources to deposits - showed their riskiness, banks' investments in the overheated domestic real estate sector and in the stock market turned out to be untenable, banks need to develop cash management service (RKO) and remote banking - Internet services and mobile applications.

Thus, having analyzed the current state of the organization of banking activities, the author comes to the conclusion that the issues of optimizing the business processes of settlement and cash banking services are becoming most relevant at the present stage, in the context of a reduction in profitable areas of banking activities, when cash settlement services are becoming a key banking service from the point of view of in terms of ensuring profitability, and the quality of banking assets is of decisive importance for the stability of the banking system as a whole. At the same time, the author characterizes the existing range of services that make up cash management services.

In addition, in this work, based on an analysis of the developments of Western and domestic authors, the author’s definition of the payment system is proposed as a system of relationships that ensures the fulfillment of emerging obligations between economic entities regarding the transfer of funds, the basic rules and principles of organizing a non-cash payment system are formulated, and a definition of the essence and specificity of banking technologies for non-cash payments is given, an analysis of the problems of improving technology and payment instruments is given. The study also assessed the process of development and implementation of banking technology for non-cash payments, highlighting the structural elements associated with identifying the needs of the target audience, developing a model of the technological process, organizing the promotion of settlement services to the market, developing a procedure for document flow and support of settlement transactions, and formulated the principles of introducing banking technologies for conducting settlement operations, which include general (systematic approach, information content, target orientation) and specific (legal, risk management, participation assessment, security, speed of payment, responsibility) principles

The author also proposed a classification of settlement and cash services of a commercial bank, including traditional (technologies for conducting intra-bank settlements, maintaining correspondent relations, carrying out clearing settlements) and innovative (technologies for conducting settlements using plastic cards, providing remote banking services to clients) technologies.

The author carried out a detailed study of the features of the role of individual forms and methods of payment, proposed directions for improving the mechanism for making payments in the context of the introduction of new electronic technologies and, based on the analysis of the need to reengineer the business processes of settlement and cash services in a multi-branch bank.

The conclusion about the advisability of banks currently reengineering non-cash payment systems, made in this * study, is supported by the fact that the low demand for settlement services in Russia is largely a consequence of the insufficiently high technological level of payment systems of banks, which automated previously operating technologies without a fundamental rethinking their organization.

The general informatization of banking activities significantly increases business flexibility, efficiency and accuracy in decision making, which makes the topic of this study especially relevant for periods of economic instability.

In addition, a detailed analysis of traditional and new banking technologies for non-cash payments was carried out in terms of cash and settlement banking services, as a tool for increasing business profitability, reducing risks and reducing banking costs.

The author considers the main directions of cost optimization, as one of the elements of “anti-crisis management”:

Reducing network costs;

Reduction of personnel costs (including the release of employees by optimizing and increasing the efficiency of business processes, changing sales technology);

Reducing the operating costs of a credit institution.

The work notes that today more and more Russian banks are coming to the need to implement all these areas of cost optimization by improving the IT system.

In the author’s opinion, the implementation of a rationing system in the bank, as the main stage in optimizing business processes, should help optimize costs. In this study, based on the study of modern management theories, the author proposes for effective, conceptually and economically sound management of business processes, their improvement and reduction of operational risks, the author’s approach to creating a standardization system that estimates the costs of performing a business process based on the cost of one person - hours of work of the personnel involved in its implementation and time standards, as well as the development of methods for creating technological maps.

The analysis of foreign experience carried out in this work indicates that in Russia not enough attention is still paid to the reengineering of business processes - the desire of banks, acquired over years of financial instability, to implement a one-time project and fix profits, while the optimal alignment of activities provides a guarantee of stability. for the long term, and during a period of negative economic conditions it provides an opportunity for the bank to further develop the entire business. The systematization of approaches to business process reengineering proposed in the dissertation is designed to help improve business manageability, reduce costs of all departments, reduce the cost of banking products, and, accordingly, the efficiency of operation and achievement of set goals. Of practical interest is the method developed by the author for assessing the effectiveness of business processes, based on functional-cost analysis.

The dissertation research concluded that in the near future the quality of IT systems, in which the core banking system occupies a central place, will become the subject of rivalry between commercial banks. Because the more effective the system of technological support for business, the interconnection of operations at various levels and monitoring their execution, the more opportunities a credit institution has to acquire a strong competitive position.

In addition, a very important aspect for the implementation of a business process reengineering project in a multi-branch bank seems to be the centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the Parent organization, therefore the author makes a detailed analysis of the need for centralization of back-office operations and unification of the automated banking system.

The dissertation research analyzed the ABS of Western and Russian suppliers, as well as our own banking developments, and proposed a methodology for selecting an ABS that can provide centralization and optimization of business processes of a multi-branch commercial bank. Based on a study of the implementation of solutions that centralize business in Western banks, as part of the IT systems development strategy, it was concluded that it is advisable for the bank to carry out unification and centralization simultaneously for both IT systems and back office business processes, which will reduce organizational risks and achieve significant savings.

This paper highlights the most striking consequences of the reorganization of the information technology system based on the proposed methodological developments - such as reducing costs, increasing control over the activities of departments, and, as a result, achieving the bank’s strategic goals.

Thus, the theoretical and practical significance lies in the fact that the completed dissertation research develops a direction that has been little developed in domestic economic science and expands its methodological and methodological apparatus. It is aimed at solving practical problems and is intended to make a certain contribution to ensuring the stable functioning of the country’s banking system and the national economy.

A number of dissertation provisions related to the study of the current situation of the Russian banking sector, the formation and management of IT strategies for the banking business, the organizational foundations for building an IT banking system, risk management of the banking business, the formation and management of distribution channels for banking products and services, as well as the construction of a model optimization of business processes and standardization systems can be directly used in practical activities in banking management, banking technologies and banking risks. The work offers specific recommendations for improving banking technologies in the non-cash payment system.

In addition, it should be noted that the author has identified areas for improving banking technologies in the non-cash payment system, providing for the integrated use of such reengineering tools as the centralization of back-office operations of branches at the level of the Parent organization; widespread use of remote banking technologies; development of cross-selling services.

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Economic Sciences Zakharova, Elena Anatolyevna, 2009

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part one. Federal Law of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on July 4, 2008).

3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part two. Federal Law of January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended on April 24, 2008).

4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part three. Federal Law of November 26, 2001 No. 146-FZ (as amended on June 30, 2008).

5. Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated February 3, 1996 No. 17-FZ. (as amended on April 8, 2008).

6. Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” dated July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2008).

7. Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Improving the Procedure for Foreclosing on Mortgaged Property” dated December 30, 2008 No. 306-F3.

8. Federal Law “On additional measures to support the financial system of the Russian Federation” dated October 13, 2008 No. 173-F3.

9. Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation” dated December 5, 2002 No. 205-P (as amended on March 26, 2007).

10. Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated October 3, 2002 No. 2-P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation”

11. Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated April 1, 2003 No. 222-P “On the procedure for making non-cash payments by individuals in the Russian Federation”;

12. Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated March 26, 2003 No. 221-P “On the procedure for the acceptance and execution by credit institutions and divisions of the Bank of Russia settlement network of executive documents presented by individual claimants”;

13. Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated March 12, 1998 No. 20-P “On the rules for the exchange of electronic documents between the Bank of Russia, credit15

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for informational purposes only and were obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). Therefore, they may contain errors associated with imperfect recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

Improving payment services and improving the quality of settlement and cash services is a priority area of ​​work for most Russian commercial banks offering such services to market clients. Information technologies are being most actively introduced into this area, ensuring not only the improvement of traditional banking services, but also creating a new level of banking service.

Cash settlement services as a complex of services based on the bank conducting transactions on a client’s account and performing other related operations, focused on the needs of target groups of clients and providing banks with reimbursement of costs associated with their implementation and making a profit. The goal of improving the range of settlement services is to ensure increased speed and reliability of settlements between business entities, reduction of their risks and improvement of the quality of customer service.

The main types of services that make up the complex of settlement and cash services provided by a bank to a client are presented in Figure 6.

The modern complex of settlement and cash services is based on certain banking technologies.

The volume of settlement and cash services provided to organizations by commercial banks, despite the crisis in the economy, is growing, services are becoming more complex, and customer demands are increasing.

And in order to comply with them, banks are actively using modern technologies, developing new services, improving organization and expanding communications. In this regard, business processes for conducting settlement transactions and providing cash settlement services are becoming more complex, which leads to an increase in associated costs and risks and creates the need to improve the management of the complex of cash settlement services.

In this regard, the need is substantiated and the prerequisites for reengineering the business processes of settlement and cash services at OJSC OTP Bank are highlighted.

Reengineering is considered as a fundamental redesign of companies' business processes, which aims to significantly improve their performance indicators: a sharp reduction in costs, an increase in quality, service and speed of customer service, and the introduction of new information technologies. The goal of reengineering is to improve such indicators as the cost of processes, quality of service, level of service, and speed of payments.

The proposed approach to business process reengineering is designed to help improve business manageability, reduce costs of all departments, reduce the cost of banking products, and, accordingly, increase operational efficiency and achieve set goals. The second event presents a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of business processes, based on functional-cost analysis. Effective tools for reengineering cash settlement services are the unification of technologies, centralization of management and the creation of a single core banking system, which should lead to the centralization of IT support for the operating activities of branches (Figure 8). The general informatization of banking activities significantly increases business flexibility, efficiency and accuracy in decision making, which makes the topic of this study especially relevant for periods of economic instability.

The implementation of a rationing system in the bank, which is the main stage of business process reengineering, should help reduce costs.

In the work, standardization is defined as a method of organizational influence, which consists in establishing standards with boundaries along the upper and lower limits, which serve as guidelines for specialists in a particular field of activity. An approach to creating a standardization system is proposed that estimates the costs of performing a business process based on the cost of one person-hour of work of the personnel involved in its implementation and time standards, and the methodological basis for creating technological maps of OJSC OTP Bank is formed.

The most significant share of personnel costs (share - 37.0%) among functional divisions falls specifically on the divisions providing operational and cash services.

The comparison was made by the volume of operations using a business modeling system (670 units of operations) and without the use of business process reengineering (31 units of operations). Appendix B provides a detailed example of quantitative assessment of sources of losses and their elimination in a commercial bank, and also demonstrates the effectiveness of using a business modeling system with maximum evidence.

The presented figure clearly represents the results of comparison of time costs for various technologies when carrying out one technological operation.

Let's consider the performance indicators of the cash management department using the “manual input” technology according to Table 9.

Table 9 - Performance indicators of the cash management department using “manual entry” technology

Let us calculate the economic efficiency when performing an operation using the “barcode scanning” technology according to Table 10.

Table10 - Calculation of economic efficiency when performing an operation using barcode scanning technology


Before the implementation of the event (using “manual input” technology)

After the implementation of the event (using barcode scanning technology)

1. The number of applications processed by specialists of the cash management department:

Per day, units

Per month, units

Per year, units

2. Time spent processing applications per specialist, hour.

3. Required number of employees of the RKO department, people.

4. Salary of RKO specialists, rub.

5. Payroll fund for specialists of the RKO department, r. (page 4 *page 3)

6. Economic effect, rub.

The table data shows that when performing an operation using barcode scanning technology, the time costs for processing applications are reduced (growth rate - 37.5%); the number of processed applications increases (the growth rate is 300.0%;); the number of required specialists in the cash management department is decreasing (growth rate - 33.3%) and, accordingly, the wage fund is decreasing (growth rate - 33.3%) due to a reduction in the rates of employees in the cash management department. Thus, the economic effect will be 30,000 rubles.

The processes of centralization of knowledge on technologies, regulatory and reference information and the creation of a single data warehouse with differentiation of access rights, as well as the centralization of hardware and software, IT support schemes and system settings management should also lead to an increase in the level of manageability. Using Figure 10 presented below, the goals and planned results of the proposed project to optimize cash register services in the branch of OJSC OTP Bank are formulated.

The significance of the planned results for the bank is obvious - achieving these goals will ensure an increase in the quality and completeness of analytical data, which will significantly increase the level of manageability and reduce the risks inherent in this area of ​​banking activity.

Thus, the following areas of business centralization are proposed, giving the bank a wide range of competitive advantages:

  • 1. A business centralization strategy that is adequate to the real capabilities and conditions of the bank’s activities;
  • 2. A core banking system capable of providing centralization and effective support for business development.

Let us highlight the following targets for business centralization, which are typical at the present stage for most banks (Figure 13).

Note that reengineering of business processes should occur on the basis of unification of the core banking system. Therefore, in the dissertation research, much attention is paid to the analysis of ABS of Western and Russian suppliers, as well as our own banking developments, and a methodology for selecting an ABS that can provide centralization and optimization of business processes of a multi-branch commercial bank is proposed. Let us highlight the most striking consequences of the reorganization of the information technology system based on the proposed methodological developments, such as reducing costs, increasing control over the activities of departments, and, as a result, the achievement of the bank’s strategic goals. Thus, the theoretical and practical significance lies in the fact that the proposed event develops a direction that has been little developed in domestic economic science and expands its methodological and methodological apparatus. It is aimed at solving practical problems and is intended to make a certain contribution to ensuring the stable functioning of the bank.

Settlement and cash services require seemingly small costs, but constant and inevitable. “Money” found out how you can save on daily banking services

Banks say that they are optimizing the conditions for settlement and cash services (CSR) for small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, in December-January, updated tariff plans for cash settlement services appeared on the websites of most of them. In other words, entrepreneurs’ costs for banking services are growing – both the monthly fee for the cash settlement package and the cost of individual transactions. “Dengi” figured out how to choose a convenient package and save on the increasingly expensive cash settlement services.

Electronic Savings

Almost every bank offers businesses at least 4–5 cash settlement tariff packages. The final amount of costs is influenced by many factors: the monthly fee for the tariff package, the price of installation and maintenance of the system for remote access to the Client-Bank account, fees for making payments through the Client-Bank system and on paper, as well as for making cash transactions. operations.

“To make the best choice, an entrepreneur needs to determine, based on his statistical data or forecast, how many payments he will make per month, what amounts need to be cashed out during the month and how much money will remain in the account,” advises the director of the small products department and medium-sized businesses of Alfa-Bank (Ukraine) Andrey Repko.

The lion's share of cash settlement costs is usually not the monthly subscription fee, but the commissions for making payments and receiving cash. Therefore, when choosing a cash settlement package, it is important to pay attention to the size of the commissions.

On average, you will have to pay 0.5–1% of the withdrawn amount for cashing out an account, and 2–7 UAH for making non-cash payments to accounts in other banks. in one operation. Some banks also set higher rates for payments through a cash register – 20–50 UAH. For what? To encourage customers to use Client-Bank and Internet banking instead of visiting branches.

By the way, making payments through electronic systems helps to save a lot: the price of such a payment is only 0.8–2 UAH. for the operation. In addition, the cash settlement package often includes a certain free number of payments through Client-Bank - from 10–50 or more transactions per month.

Of course, you will have to pay 20–100 UAH monthly for using electronic systems. But this fee is fixed, it does not depend on the number of operations. So, with a large number of non-cash payments, the savings are obvious. “I pay 20 UAH. for “Client-Bank” monthly, and I make all payments only through the system. Why pay more? So 40 payments per month cost me 80 UAH, and with a monthly fee it’s 100 UAH. Regular visits to the cash desk would cost 200 UAH. per month, plus lost time,” says private entrepreneur Alexandra Novikova.

Another way to save is to open an account in the bank where most of the company’s partners are serviced. In this case, you will not have to pay at all for transferring funds through Client-Bank. “The more partners of a client are served with him in the same bank, the cheaper banking services are for both the client himself and his partners,” suggests Victoria Gretskaya, head of the department for organizing and supporting the retail business of Ukreximbank. According to her, the timing of payments also affects business expenses: it is cheaper to make payments during business operating hours. In the post-operation period, banks set increased tariffs for settlements - usually 0.1% of the transferred amount, but not less than 10 UAH. for payment.

“Money” is confident that you will still be able to save on cash settlement services if you actively use Internet banking. “Banks will strive to create conditions for clients to actively use Internet systems for making payments, and thereby reduce the cost of servicing clients,” says Valery Shevchenko, head of the small business development department at Kreditprombank. Therefore, although tariffs for payments through the cash register will increase, transactions through electronic channels will cost less and less.

A package for each

Bankers recommend that entrepreneurs choose a package based on specific business needs, which depend on the chosen type of activity. After all, a trading enterprise and a business operating in the service sector require a fundamentally different set of cash settlement services.
“An online store needs to have an online acquiring service to carry out transactions with plastic cards, as well as basic cash settlement services - making currency payments, buying and selling currency. But a hairdresser doesn’t need all this, because hairdressers, as a rule, deposit cash proceeds into their account, make almost no payments and often withdraw all the cash from their account,” explains Vladislav Karichkovsky, head of the settlement and passive products department at Prominvestbank. .

For SPD individuals, a corporate card is suitable for settlements with partners and receiving cash. Now almost all banks offer it. “The main advantages of working with cards are a reduction in time for banking services, convenience when traveling abroad (there is no need to declare funds on a corporate card account when traveling outside of Ukraine), round-the-clock access to an account in any country,” says the head of the retail sales department of UkrSibbank » Andrey Kashperuk.

As an additional free service for corporate card holders, some banks offer the opening of so-called self collect cards. “This card allows entrepreneurs to deposit proceeds to the bank around the clock through ATMs with a cash-acceptance function, regardless of the bank’s operating hours, and save money on the services of the bank’s collection service,” says Alla Osadchaya, head of the sales organization department at Astra Bank.

To attract new clients, banks offer promotional packages for cash settlement services. Typically, promotions offer special rates for opening accounts, a certain set of operations, the fee for which is included in the price of the tariff package, and reduced commissions for certain payments. However, it's worth keeping your eyes open when it comes to short-term banking stocks. As a rule, after the promotion period expires, clients are offered to switch to another service package, within which both commissions and subscription fees may be significantly higher.

Banks are ready to issue and service a corporate card as part of the package free of charge; the commission for withdrawing cash from bank ATMs is usually 0.6–1% of the amount.

What to look for when choosing a RKO package

1. Costs of the tariff package and list of services included in the subscription fee
2. Cash withdrawal fee
3. Tariff for transferring money to an account in another bank (via cash desk)
4. Cost of one payment through “Client-Bank” and Internet banking
5. Quantity in the package of free payments (per month) through “Client-Bank”
6. Cost of providing statements
Summary: Significant savings on cash management services can be obtained by actively using Internet banking. Financiers are ready to encourage advanced hryvnia users.