From Paris to the "shipyard". The government of Sevastopol and the shipyard were reconciled by Peskov’s daughter

The trip of Dmitry Peskov’s daughter to a shipyard to resolve a business dispute caused a scandal. Elizaveta Peskova stated that “it is necessary to develop strategies for PR of legal proceedings,” not quite realizing the meaning of the last legal term. Peskova arrived in Sevastopol in a dress from the Firdaws fashion house, created by Ramzan Kadyrov's wife Medni in 2009. Now the director of Firdaws is Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat.

Peskova’s visit was paid for by the Association of Business Patriotism with the Italian name “Avanti” (“Forward”). In the footage from Peskova’s interview at the South Sevastopol shipyard, next to her is the new boss - the president of the Avanti Association of Business Patriotism, Rakhman Yansukov. Since July, Peskova has been his advisor on youth affairs and curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs.

Previously, Yansukov was known as a public figure - for example, it was he who sent a proposal to the State Duma a year ago to ban the children of officials from studying abroad. Peskova has repeatedly criticized such ideas on her Instagram:

“It seems to me that those who believe that patriots should study only in their own country are either not very familiar with history, or the personality of Peter the Great is not authoritative for them. It was this king who realized the importance of education abroad for the development of the state.”

Now Yansukov and Peskova are colleagues in development, and he is ready to put up with the French education of the new adviser.

35-year-old Yansukov is a former assistant to Chechen businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, and now the president of that very Avanti Association of Business Patriotism. Before Peskova appeared there, few people knew about the association.

It was registered two years ago. Umar Dzhabrailov is one of its founders and, as they say in Avanti itself, its leader.

Dzhabrailov is considered close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov; Dzhabrailov, along with other Chechen businessmen, transferred money to the Kadyrov Foundation. Dzhabrailov's career flourished in the late 1990s and early 2000s - having met Yuri Luzhkov and his deputy Vladimir Resin, Dzhabrailov went into real estate.

In the mid-2000s, Dzhabrailov was a senator from Chechnya, and then went into the shadows for several years: he wrote books and collected art. This could be due to the fact that in December 2002, the senator’s brother died in an assassination attempt on Vice-Mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze - Salavat Dzhabrailov was a killer. Umar Dzhabrailov's cousin was detained in connection with this criminal case in Poland in 2008.

IN last years Dzhabrailov seems to have decided to return to big development. In a rare interview quoted by Dozhd, Elizaveta Peskova’s employer says about his new construction business: “I want to be a big player. If until now I have not advertised my construction companies, now we are thinking about an advertising campaign.”

Dzhabrailov has two main construction assets. This is the MS Region company, which broke away from a large Yugoslav holding. She works, for example, as a contractor for the construction of the Zilart quarter. And the second is Avanti StroyGroup.

Avanti is a whole family of companies that is engaged in construction, engineering and supply of building materials, Yansukov owns shares in most of them.

The association even provides support to a brotherly construction company.

It was not possible to find out whether Peskova herself knows about the construction business associated with the Avanti Association and its ideological inspirer. Her assistant said: “Elizabeth does not answer any questions related to Avanti.”

“Liza and a couple of lickers”: Peskov’s daughter blew up the network photo from Crimea

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian president, Liza Peskova, visited Shipyard in occupied Sevastopol, where she took a photo with the workers.

The pictures caused a strong reaction from users of the social network Twitter.

“It is a great happiness to have the opportunity to make this world at least a little better by helping people. And I am grateful to fate that I have such an opportunity.

Thanks to people’s requests via Instagram, I learned that the Southern Sevastopol Shipyard LLC, located in the third federal city of Sevastopol, is experiencing serious difficulties,” Peskova wrote on her Instagram.

She stated that in Sevastopol she met with the management and employees of the enterprise.

“At the meeting, personnel issues were discussed, in particular, the need to attract young specialists, and popularize these professions among young people. The issue of the need to modernize the industry as a whole was also raised. I am impressed by the diversity of nature, the beauty of the soul of people who care about their business and love their land and the uniqueness of the geographical location of the region, with all the ensuing potential opportunities,” added Peskov’s daughter.

Posted by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino) Aug 2, 2017 at 10:32 PDT

Note that the girl’s pictures caused laughter among social network users.

“Crimea. Peskov’s daughter in Sevastopol is “solving the problems of the ship repair plant.” The V*tniks were waiting for “good Russian managers.” They got it,” wrote a Crimean Bandera member.

I missed the moment when the opposition-minded daughter of the president's press secretary ended up at Ramzan Kadyrov's party and began wearing a dress made by his fashion designer daughter. But I watched a video of yesterday’s visit of a young girl to a shipyard in Sevastopol.

It doesn’t happen like that...Lisa, blink twice!

In general, I don’t follow the life of the press secretary’s daughter; I’m not at all interested in Elizabeth. That the daughter of an official lives abroad is not surprising at all. She became famous only because she criticizes Russian reality, while other “star children” are at least silent.

Now Mrs. Peskova, who permanently resides in Paris, is on a visit to Russia. For a long time or forever - it is not clear; she herself (it seems) does not report this. Let's imagine that a girl who lived most of her life in Europe finally decided to get to know her homeland better. And spend your summer holidays here. Grozny and Sevastopol are not the most popular cities among tourists. Moreover, shipyards and residences of heads of republics are not tourist sites at all.

I, too, once visited a ship repair yard in the Astrakhan region. But for some reason he didn’t teach people how to do their job.

“Lisa said that she discussed personnel issues, attracting young people to the enterprise, and modernizing the industry as a whole.”

According to the girl, the main problem of the plant is the lack of PR.

“We need to show young people that there is confidence in the future, that this is a prestigious job, that this is not considered something to be ashamed of. We need to work on innovation, on modernizing shipyards. And I believe that the main task now is PR and Information support""

Do you also think that she doesn’t understand what she’s talking about? And to be honest, it feels like this trip is a punishment for Lisa. Did you criticize? Go and get smart, see how people live. But then you need to watch, and not give out interviews.

But something tells me that Lisa will no longer have critical posts...

Photos used ©

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian President, Elizaveta Peskova, visited the South Sevastopol shipyard to sort out the multimillion-dollar debt of the enterprise to the lessors.

“It’s a great happiness to have the opportunity to make this world at least a little better by helping people,” Dmitry Peskov’s daughter shared her impressions of a business trip to Crimea and Sevastopol on her Instagram on August 2. She wrote that she learned about the difficulties that befell the plant thanks to people’s requests through this social network.

Peskova did not go alone to help the workers, but as part of a delegation from the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia. The delegation also included the president of the association, Rakhman Yansukov, whose advisor on youth entrepreneurship is Liza Peskova, and vice-president for development Alexander Mundt.

The management of the problematic plant invited the association of entrepreneurs to Sevastopol, according to the Avanti website. "South Sevastopol", which "for 20 years has been implementing many technically complex and sometimes unique projects", according to the publication "New Sevastopol", lost two cases to the city government. While regularly paying wages to workers, the company nevertheless found itself in debt for rent and risked losing the corresponding contract. Claims against the plant amount to 32 million rubles.

The main goal of the two-day trip, the Avanti press service, called the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between its participants and the city’s business community. The result was to be the signing of an agreement between the association and the plant.

According to Lisa Peskova, the delegation met with the management and workers of “South Sevastopol” on August 1, immediately after arrival. We discussed the need to popularize the industry in general and among young professionals in particular.

“I am impressed by the diversity of nature, the beauty of the soul of people who care about their cause and love their land, and the unique geographical location of the region, with all the ensuing potential opportunities,” summed up Liza Peskova.

According to media reports, the two-day business trip of the daughter of the presidential press secretary did not go unnoticed by Ukraine. For deliberately violating the country's state borders, Liza Peskova joined the list of “separatists and Kremlin agents” in the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker.” Users of social networks also drew attention to the girl’s interest in the shipbuilding industry. Experts noted that she was wearing a dress from the collection of the fashion house of Ramzan Kadyrov’s daughter.

Posted by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino)

21:02 — REGNUM The South Sevastopol shipyard and the city government will sign a settlement agreement after lengthy litigation. By court decision, the company had to pay the city 32 million rubles for renting state property. The daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation took part in the fate of the plant Elizaveta Peskova, who visited Sevastopol as part of the AVANTI entrepreneurship promotion group. This was discussed on August 1 at a meeting of the workforce and government representatives, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

It is expected that in the coming week the parties will exchange proposals on the essence of the settlement agreement, after which an inventory will be taken and the amount of the debt will be clarified. The additional agreement on the property lease agreement will also be revised.

Problems at “South Sevastopol” arose after two trials lost to the city government. The government actually terminated the lease agreement for the floating dock, berth and cranes for non-payment of rent in the amount of 32 million rubles.

Director of the enterprise Evgeny Gritsanov explained that the plant insists that the rental price demanded by the court should be less - about 20 million rubles for the entire rental period.

According to the director of the department of economics of Sevastopol Elimdar Akhtemov, the government proposed to sign a settlement agreement, since the plant is loaded with orders, it employs 160 people and it is not in the interests of the city to “close a working plant.”

The Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia AVANTI became interested in the situation around the shipbuilding enterprise, in which Elizaveta Peskova works as a presidential adviser on youth entrepreneurship.

“A month ago I came up with a project competition. I published a post on Instagram about the competition; out of 80 projects, 25 were ultimately selected. We decided to work on the Sevastopol plant first.” , - said Peskova.

He explained that after the letter from “South Sevastopol” she delved into the existing problem between the enterprise and the authorities of Sevastopol, but does not believe that her activities influenced the outcome of the negotiations on the signing of a settlement agreement.

“I got acquainted with the problem of the plant a week ago, and I think that there are a lot of coincidences here , she added. — It happens that it is very difficult to reach the authorities, and I am glad that thanks to the close attention of the media and social networks I can help. This is all new and incredibly interesting for me.”

Let us add that one of the owners of the plant is a businessman and former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexander Annenkov. His enterprise, Sevastopol Transport Systems, owned two cargo-passenger ferries and stopped ferry service within the Sevastopol Bay in September last year.

The owner company actually blackmailed the city authorities by stopping transportation if the government did not buy the ferries for 60 million rubles. As a result, the government was forced to buy the Admiral Lazarev and Admiral Istomin ferries at the invoiced price in order to maintain transportation in the summer.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the government of Sevastopol and the shipyard unanimously refuted the assumption that the daughter of the presidential press secretary influenced the decision on the settlement agreement. They say that there is no connection between the two events, they call it a coincidence and a simple coincidence.