Did Peskov’s daughter reconcile the government of Sevastopol and the shipyard? Lisa Peskova, why are you doing this?

“Liza and a couple of lickers”: Peskov’s daughter blew up the network photo from Crimea

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian president, Liza Peskova, visited Shipyard in occupied Sevastopol, where she took a photo with the workers.

The pictures caused a strong reaction from users of the social network Twitter.

“It is a great happiness to have the opportunity to make this world at least a little better by helping people. And I am grateful to fate that I have such an opportunity.

Thanks to people’s requests via Instagram, I learned that the Southern Sevastopol Shipyard LLC, located in the third federal city of Sevastopol, is experiencing serious difficulties,” Peskova wrote on her Instagram.

She stated that in Sevastopol she met with the management and employees of the enterprise.

“At the meeting, personnel issues were discussed, in particular, the need to attract young specialists, and popularize these professions among young people. The issue of the need to modernize the industry as a whole was also raised. I am impressed by the diversity of nature, the beauty of the soul of people who care about their business and love their land and the uniqueness of the geographical location of the region, with all the ensuing potential opportunities,” added Peskov’s daughter.

Posted by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino) Aug 2, 2017 at 10:32 PDT

Note that the girl’s pictures caused laughter among social network users.

“Crimea. Peskov’s daughter in Sevastopol is “solving the problems of the ship repair plant.” The V*tniks were waiting for “good Russian managers.” They got it,” wrote a Crimean Bandera member.

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian President, Elizaveta Peskova, visited the South Sevastopol shipyard to sort out the multimillion-dollar debt of the enterprise to the lessors.

“It’s a great happiness to have the opportunity to make this world at least a little better by helping people,” Dmitry Peskov’s daughter shared her impressions of a business trip to Crimea and Sevastopol on her Instagram on August 2. She wrote that she learned about the difficulties that befell the plant thanks to people’s requests through this social network.

Peskova did not go alone to help the workers, but as part of a delegation from the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia. The delegation also included the president of the association, Rakhman Yansukov, whose advisor on youth entrepreneurship is Liza Peskova, and vice-president for development Alexander Mundt.

The management of the problematic plant invited the association of entrepreneurs to Sevastopol, according to the Avanti website. "South Sevastopol", which "for 20 years has been implementing many technically complex and sometimes unique projects", according to the publication "New Sevastopol", lost two cases to the city government. While regularly paying wages to workers, the company nevertheless found itself in debt for rent and risked losing the corresponding contract. Claims against the plant amount to 32 million rubles.

The main goal of the two-day trip, the Avanti press service, called the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between its participants and the city’s business community. The result was to be the signing of an agreement between the association and the plant.

According to Lisa Peskova, the delegation met with the management and workers of “South Sevastopol” on August 1, immediately after their arrival. We discussed the need to popularize the industry in general and among young professionals in particular.

“I am impressed by the diversity of nature, the beauty of the soul of people who care about their cause and love their land, and the unique geographical location of the region, with all the ensuing potential opportunities,” summed up Liza Peskova.

According to media reports, the two-day business trip of the daughter of the presidential press secretary did not go unnoticed by Ukraine. For deliberately violating the country's state borders, Liza Peskova joined the list of “separatists and Kremlin agents” in the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker.” Users of social networks also drew attention to the girl’s interest in the shipbuilding industry. Experts noted that she was wearing a dress from the collection of the fashion house of Ramzan Kadyrov’s daughter.

Posted by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino)

19-year-old Lisa Peskova in a chic dress in Sevastopol caused a storm on the Internet (video)

Lisa Peskova, the daughter of President Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, visited the plant in Crimea. The girl herself spoke about this on social networks, supporting the information with photographs. According to Peskova, she volunteered to help a ship repair plant in Sevastopol, which is experiencing great difficulties. Lisa learned about the company’s problems from Instagram and immediately volunteered to “make this world a better place.” Lisa Peskova arrived in Crimea and met with the management and workers of the plant.

She said that she discussed personnel issues, attracting young people to the enterprise, and modernizing the industry as a whole.

“I am impressed by the diversity of nature, the beauty of the soul of people who care about their cause and love their land, and the unique geographical location of the region, with all the ensuing potential opportunities,” wrote Lisa Peskova in her blog.

Subscribers of the daughter of press secretary Peskov noted the outfit in which Lisa posed next to workers in uniforms. For a visit to the plant, Peskova chose gorgeous dress to the floor According to some reports, this is a model from the Firdaws Fashion House from Grozny, which was created by the daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov.

After the information that Liza Peskova was taking up the economic problems of a Crimean enterprise, there was an uproar on the Internet. The girl’s followers were very surprised by her visit to the plant. Previously, the beauty posted on her blog only photos of her luxurious life in France.

“Cool photo shoot at the factory and guys, nothing like that...
Glamorous! The hem of the shop’s revenge…” comment the bloggers.

Let us add that from time to time Lisa writes lengthy posts on her blog about life in Russia and often causes outrage with her statements.

Maya Kolesnikova

"Rupolit" , 03.08.17 , “Dmitry Peskov’s daughter Liza told what business patriotism and steamship waste are”

Dmitry Peskov’s daughter Lisa, as an adviser to the president on the development of business patriotism, looked into the situation with the South Sevastopol ship repair yard.

— Lisa, what is business patriotism?

This is the desire to help your native country make you rich. This is proper care for the number of workers, care for the spiritual interior of their thoughts, periodic financial caresses in their direction. After all, the main thing is people. Three alcoholics on an assembly line can kill a city-forming enterprise, so the shop police must be mounted and have dogs specially trained to look for defective parts.

Liza Peskova saves the South Sevastopol shipyard

I understand legal proceedings, I attended anchor courses, and read a lot of poems about the sea. It is not difficult. To make a simple steamship, welding must begin from the front stern, carefully burning the sheets to the projection of the hull and trying to hit the imaginary crown of the part with fire.

The main thing is attention. A large plant is always a lot of bustle, everyone is running back and forth, there is such a bustle that your head is spinning. Therefore, before starting, you always need to gather the workers and motivate them with an icon. A lot depends on the accuracy of the assembly, therefore, for example, the manufacture of a sump screw often requires flogging and poking the offenders’ noses into the shavings.

- How did your father react to this activity of yours?

Father Izydy blessed.

- I mean your father.

Well, he doesn't mind. At first, of course, I did Round eyes. But after a week it passed.

Evgeniy Shestakov

"Letidor" , 04.08.17 , “Dmitry Peskov’s ex-wife publicly stood up for her daughter”

The ex-wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov and the mother of his adult daughter Elizaveta reacted emotionally to criticism of her child. After a visit to Crimea, young Lisa encountered a lot of negativity on the Internet, so her parent decided to publicly intervene in the situation.

Let us recall that Elizaveta Peskova (who holds the post of Presidential Advisor on Youth Entrepreneurship at the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia AVANTI) visited the Southern Sevastopol shipyard, which she described on her personal blog, causing a flurry of indignant comments.

“I usually refrain from commenting on Lisa’s activities and the reaction of our moralists and fighters for justice to her. But now I can’t remain silent. My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who retained their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch? They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which come back to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.”, - began Ekaterina Peskova.

My second question is: Who are the judges? What right do you have to judge a nineteen-year-old girl, whom you have never met in your life and with whom you have never communicated, for the good she has done? What is her fault? The fact that she was born the daughter of a man who works all his life without weekends, evenings or holidays? Who, with his intelligence and hard work, achieved the position he has now?

“Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing a beautiful dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and flagellate herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier? Yes, she is not yet educated enough (she has not even graduated from university yet), and she does not have enough experience to confront people like you. But she is learning, she is looking for herself, she is trying to find her place in life. Moreover, she tries as best she can to draw attention to the various problems that exist in huge numbers in society. What were you doing when you were 19 years old?”- Elizaveta Peskova’s mother continued to denounce the spiteful critics.

She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak?

“How amusing you are to discuss the fact that she doesn’t know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew that until yesterday? How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large, heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.”

Look at yourself from the outside, re-read what you write! How can you consider yourself good people after you spew out all the abominations that you write? People, stop! Wake up! If you want to change this world, start with yourself!

Emotionally ended her public address ex-wife Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that Liza Peskova is the child of Dmitry Peskova from his second marriage, with the daughter and granddaughter of Soviet diplomats Ekaterina Peskova. The same relationship gave the man two sons: Mika and Denis. In addition, from his first marriage - with Anastasia Budyonna, the granddaughter of a Soviet commander - Peskov has an adult son, Nikolai.

In 2010, Dmitry Peskov met Tatyana Navka, who 4 years later gave birth to his daughter Nadezhda. In 2015, the couple formalized their relationship.

Posted by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino) Jun 10, 2016 at 2:58 PDT

Ekaterina Boglevskaya

Being the daughter or son of a high official is strange social status

Such a Shchedrin plot - the nineteen-year-old daughter of a not very high federal official inspects a shipbuilding plant in Crimea (she calls it “shipyard”) and, confused in the terms “shipbuilding” (she says “shipbuilding”) and “legal proceedings,” tells the factory workers that their task - “develop strategies. She says that working in a factory “is not considered something to be ashamed of”, that it is necessary to “tell young people that such a thing exists” and that she is finishing writing “an article on the topic of recruitment”, in which she will definitely say that “practice should be from the first year.” The factory management with calm faces stands to the left and right of the girl and listens without interrupting. Elizabeth is wearing a dress from Aishat Kadyrova, the daughter of the most famous regional leader, and this detail complements the entire absurdist picture of what is happening at the plant.

The dynastic reproduction of the Russian elite has long ceased to be a sensation - for Putin’s Russia it is a routine, a common thing. And few people will read the list of these ships until the middle: the names of the sons of Patrushev, Fradkov, Matvienko, Rogozin are heard...

The standard of state offspring has long been established. And if suddenly somewhere in a business chronicle a new name pops up with a surname familiar to everyone, there is no doubt that this is another top manager of a state or near-state company, a man of few words and very influential, who is unlikely to give anyone an interview. But very soon some fabulous tender will win, and in the best case, we will learn details about this person from Navalny’s next post. This has happened many times before, it will happen again and again - it’s truly a common thing.

Elizaveta Peskova breaks out of this standard and breaks it. Russia learned about her not from Navalny or from Vedomosti’s investigations, she announced herself and told everything - some bloggers noticed her Instagram two years ago, and she was such an ordinary girl from a very prosperous Russian family who studied at France. She lived a moderately major life in a foreign land and was ready to share her opinions about him with the whole world.

The judgments were quite teenage, but definitely not cannibalistic - she did not want to shepherd peoples and manage state corporations, and the status of a social network star, to which she could probably be attracted, opened up the prospects for a new Paris Hilton or Ksenia Sobchak. That is, glamour, a little scandal and some socially acceptable fashion.

One could find fault with her, but the fault-finding looked far-fetched - her Kremlin dad never had an odious spiritual and patriotic reputation, he himself is no stranger to glamor - he married a figure skater and showed off an expensive watch. And in this sense, Lisa could not even be blamed for somehow violating her father’s principles - but who knew that the day would come when she would go to deal with the shipyard in a dress from Kadyrov’s daughter!

It is customary to talk about bureaucratic children and think that their parents are dragging them somewhere, but how can this formula be applied to Elizaveta Peskova? Where is her father dragging her - to this hell? The shipyard is not the first stage of her transformation from a Parisian girl into a Russian newsmaker. First there was the State Duma, which, after the March rallies, suddenly became interested in all sorts of youth topics, called Sasha Spielberg to the podium, and simpler bloggers, including Lisa, to a specialized council.

What might this look like? What, Dmitry Peskov called Vyacheslav Volodin and said that I have a blogger daughter, it would be nice to place her somewhere? Hardly. Rather, the Duma PR people, looking through new faces from social networks, remembered Lisa and thought - why not. All her interviews, all her activity on social networks, her hysterics (who doesn’t remember her sensational “I am the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country”) indicate that such a girl does not need to be placed anywhere, she will come on her own and do something weird.

Then she went to Grozny, and the same thing - it’s hard to imagine Peskov calling Kadyrov and asking him to dress his daughter in a headscarf and dance the lezginka for her. It’s easier to assume that Peskov, looking at the Grozny videos and photographs, grabbed his head and groaned - well, why does she need this, and even more so, why does he need this.

On closer examination, the trip to the “shipyard” also turns out to be not at all as flat a plot as one might think. This is not an inspection by a high-ranking daughter, but a spectacular turn in the city conflict over land. The authorities of Sevastopol are taking away land from the plant, and in this situation, even amusing federal support for the plant will be very helpful. And this also doesn’t look at all like the case when a dad drags his daughter somewhere - well, really, where is he dragging her, into a regional business conflict for the role of a lobbyist? Why does he need this?

No, Elizaveta Peskova is being dragged into a new strange social status not by her father-official, but by the logic of the structure of Russian society, which is stronger than Peskov, his daughter, and generally stronger than everyone else. It does not happen that feudal dynastic logic concerns only those who are themselves ready to recognize it and follow it. The laws of gravity are the same for everyone.

You may want to live the carefree Parisian life in Paris and laugh at the stupidities that reign in your homeland. But you are a daughter, and if your parents did not provide you with a place in the state hierarchy, the hierarchy itself will come to you and pull you in. You can be as old as you want, you can be as educated as you like and as smart or dumb as you like - it doesn’t matter either, because you are a daughter.

You are a daughter - for Volodin, for Kadyrov, for the Avanti business association and for the Sevastopol shipbuilder Oleg Gasanov. And whether you like it or not, they will treat you in the same way as they treat the sons of Chaika or Patrushev. It is not so easy to escape from this system of relations; you will always be perceived by default as a representative of the federal power elite. And the rest is details - you can win tenders or hold positions, or you can do nothing, you will still remain a daughter, even if you resist it.

You can't be ordinary normal person, sooner or later you will become one of them, and your friends, assigned to you by fate, are not your Parisian classmates, but Patrushev Jr., Chaika Jr. and Fradkov Jr. You have nowhere to run, resistance is useless. This is not a Shchedrin plot, but a Kafkaesque one.

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian president, Elizaveta Peskova, during her visit to Sevastopol, which she visited to solve problems at the local shipyard, gave a short interview to the local media “INFORMER”. In it, the girl stated that the topic of “shipbuilding” was unpopular among her friends, therefore, first of all, this industry needed PR.

“I personally don’t know a single person who would even think that there are people who are engaged in shipbuilding. This, naturally, requires very strong information support. It is necessary to develop strategies, roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings and shipbuilding,” said Elizaveta Peskova. “To do this, we need to show young people that there is confidence in the future, that this is a prestigious job, that this is not considered something to be ashamed of. We need to work on innovation, on modernizing shipyards. And I believe that the main task now is PR and information support.”

Elizaveta Peskova also posted on Instagram about her visit to the plant and took pictures with the plant workers. “It’s a great blessing to be able to make this world a little better by helping people,” she writes.

Moreover, judging by the comments of subscribers, the post also contained an advertisement for a dress in which the daughter of the press secretary posed in Sevastopol (at the time of writing this material, it had already been deleted). “Well, a little humor helped the factory and they inserted an advertisement for the dress into the post so that everyone knew that Lisa solves business issues in proven dresses,” writes one of the users (the author’s punctuation has been preserved - editor’s note). You can also find information about advertising dresses on the Echo of Moscow website, where the original text of the post was posted. In particular, Elizaveta Peskova arrived in Sevastopol wearing outfits from the Firdaws Fashion House, created by the wife of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Medni in 2009. Now its director is Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat.

Let us recall that Elizaveta Peskova visited Sevastopol on August 1-2 as part of the delegation of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia AVANTI, in which she holds the post of Presidential Advisor on Youth Entrepreneurship. The visit is related to the problems of the South Sevastopol ship repair plant, with which the local authorities broke the lease agreement for state property: a floating dock, berths and cranes.

The news that the 19-year-old daughter of the presidential press secretary will go to Sevastopol to solve the problems of the shipyard was lively on social networks two days ago. The interview that Elizaveta Peskova gave in connection with her visit to the shipyard did not disappoint expectations:

Today, many young people are interested in completely different things - naturally related to making money, small and medium-sized businesses. I personally don’t know a single person who would even think that there are people who are engaged in shipbuilding. This requires very strong information support. It is necessary to develop strategies, roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings and shipbuilding.

Commentators could not ignore the “legal proceedings.”

19-year-old Lisa Peskova came to Crimea to restore order in the shipbuilding industry.
This is the first time I’ve seen her on video and hopefully the last.

"Shipyard", "legal proceedings".

Listen to the new luminary of Russian politics, the new mistress of the Russian serfs. Poklonskaya's worthy replacement is growing up.

Mademoiselle Peskova was known as a cultured girl: her dictionary contained about 180 words. At the same time, she knew one word that Ellochka could not even dream of. It was rich word: JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS.

Legal proceedings. So that's what you are!

She meant shipbuilding

You can [kill yourself]. “The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian President Elizaveta Peskova, during her visit to Sevatopol, which she visited to solve the problems of the local shipyard, gave a short interview...” Visit of daughter, ***. To solve problems, *****. Ship repair **** plant. They protect the Russian language. “I don’t know a single person who would even think that there are people who are engaged in shipbuilding.” Even the ***** spell checker knows the word "shipbuilding". And these yachts grow on trees, and aircraft carriers probably pump oil and gas from the depths.

Liza Peskova offers her version of the interview that could be given Evgeniy Shestakov:

- Lisa, what is business patriotism?

- This is the desire to help your native country make you rich. This is proper care for the number of workers, care for the spiritual interior of their thoughts, periodic financial caresses in their direction. After all, the main thing is people. Three alcoholics on an assembly line can kill a city-forming enterprise, so the shop police must be mounted and have dogs specially trained to look for defective parts.

- Here, by the way. You studied at the Institute of Asian and African Studies. Which side of the ships are you facing?

- I understand legal proceedings, I went to anchor courses, and read a lot of poems about the sea. It is not difficult. To make a simple steamship, welding must begin from the front stern, carefully burning the sheets to the projection of the hull and trying to hit the imaginary crown of the part with fire.
The main thing is attention. A large plant is always a lot of bustle, everyone is running back and forth, there is such a bustle that your head is spinning. Therefore, before starting, you always need to gather the workers and motivate them with an icon. A lot depends on the accuracy of the assembly, therefore, for example, the manufacture of a sump screw often requires flogging and poking the offenders’ noses into the shavings.