What words should you not say to become rich? What words should you say in difficult circumstances? Words are destroyers that should not be spoken because these words and expressions create and maintain disease

Representatives of the fair sex are mysterious people.

Your beauty is either ready to kiss you just like that, in a fit of tenderness, or she will pout her lips, and then hold on - any word you say will be interpreted against you. You say: “So pretty, her eyes are sparkling, her cheeks are like apples, rosy!” - you get the answer: “What, does that mean I’m fat?!” You admire: “How beautiful you are today!” and you hear the offended: “Yeah, yesterday, so you were ugly?”

In general, you understand. A quarrel is inevitable unless you show remarkable restraint and a little cunning. What should you tell a girl to make her melt, put on a stunning dress, go to a restaurant with you and not refuse an interesting sequel? Let's find out...

For the sake of some, it’s not a pity to melt.

Frozen. Olaf

Magic phrases

The conclusion of psychologists: “Women love with their ears” is not without common sense. Of course, you shouldn’t take the expression literally and shower your lady with compliments: she will sense a catch. The women's one works flawlessly.

What can you say to a girl to make her melt, and how to do it gracefully, naturally, but as convincingly as possible? Let's remember a few simple tricks:

  • Pay attention to the voice. Let it sound soulful. Pronounce the words slowly and with sincerity.
  • During the speech, look the girl in the eyes. This will demonstrate sincerity.
  • Tell the truth! This is the key to success. But it can be slightly embellished. A small spoonful of flattery in a big barrel of truth will do you good: “Darling, you cooked the borscht perfectly! Even better than my mother."
What exactly words should you say to a girl to make her melt and fall in love with you again? Options:
  • “You are the most beautiful at the holiday!”
  • “When your eyes sparkle, I just can’t take my eyes off you.”
  • “I love you always: when you laugh, and when you tease me, and when you’re a little sad, and even when you’re angry: at that moment your eyes sparkle like lightning - you can go blind!”
Do you feel how her heart begins to give in? What to say to a girl to make her melt completely - phrases to reinforce the effect:
  • “You’re interesting - you don’t know what to expect. We never get bored!”
  • “If I know that you are mine, then I can move mountains!”

Crown: “I’m ready to do anything for you!” Let’s be more specific: what exactly are you ready for? Options:
  • a trip (together) to the warm sea, from the bottom of which you can get the best shell for your beloved;
  • canceling a Saturday beer get-together with friends;
  • watching a love melodrama and even - take heart, you have to do it! - a trip to my mother-in-law.
What to say to the girl you love so that she melts immediately, without delay? Consider whether to move on to direct questions:
  • “What do you want for March 8th – a ring or earrings?”
  • “Name the country you want to visit on vacation.”
They will demonstrate your willingness to practically take care of the woman you love. And if you haven’t gotten married yet, then the following sentence can have a stunning effect: “Darling, I thought seriously and realized that I can’t live without you. Marry me! And as soon as possible!

A woman will never get tired of hearing from the lips of her beloved that she:

  • Incredibly beautiful (and even better without makeup than with it).
  • Forever young.
  • Smart and interesting.
  • Does everything to perfection.

We adapt to her character

Before deciding what to say to a girl to make her melt, try to analyze her character and preferences.
Use the hint sign:
Temperament typeSuitable phrases
Phlegmatic person
(calm, balanced, rarely shows violent emotions, can be lazy)
1. I love it so much when we watch movies together in the evenings.
2. Surprise - we’re going to a sanatorium for the weekend, we’ll swim in the pool there, get a massage and do nothing.
(interested in everything around him, likes to meet people and learn new things)
1. Darling, this bouquet is for you. These flowers just appeared in the store, some new variety, the saleswoman said that they would stay fresh for two weeks. I just forgot what they are called.
2. Darling, evening - your choice: cinema, dancing, concert or philharmonic society? I'm crying - your task is to choose!
(explosive temperament, vivid emotions, desires to be the center of attention)
1. Today at the club you danced the best!
2. When you walk down the street, all the men turn around.
3. You are the star of the party!
(modest, indecisive, prone to deep thoughts about the meaning of life).
1. Your eyes are lakes, you can drown in them.
2. You are charming, and I love your soul even more than your face - that’s what Pushkin told Natalya Nikolaevna, remember? I'm ready to repeat this for you.
3. I love you and you are the best for me!

A few more secrets for dessert

What do you need to say to a girl to make her melt?
The question is formulated correctly, but not precisely. It makes sense to place the emphasis a little differently: not WHAT, but HOW to say? What should the situation be like? What is the facial expression?

Do not say important phrases while running or in a business setting, when your loved one’s head is busy with work (domestic) problems - she will not hear.

First you need to create an environment in which the girl feels light and free. Make her take a break from everyday life and “soar” above the gray everyday life.

Invite them to a cafe, go together to the river (in summer), to a ski lodge or sauna (in winter), go to a city park, take a leisurely stroll along its alleys. Change the usual bustling atmosphere to a calm and romantic one. Give flowers. Buy some ice cream. Gently kiss the hand. And only when the chosen one has opened her heart and soul to meet you, speak. About her beauty, femininity, charm and the power of her love. Speak from your heart and with the words that come to your mind.

"Believe actions more than words"

A Russian folk proverb teaches us to first judge a person by his actions. And the lady of your heart will agree with folk wisdom. And therefore - to the point! Beautiful words are wonderful. But any words must be confirmed, otherwise they will simply no longer be believed.

Your task is to surround the girl with care and attention, to warn (or at least listen to) her desires and try to fulfill them, in a word, to make her allow herself to relax and blossom like a rosebud.

And then you will notice: words were not needed. Or almost not needed

The most beautiful words- just the background in the picture. The real content is men's actions that prove love. Do you agree? Or are you still wondering what to say to a girl to make her melt?

In the article you will learn:

Every path, if only it leads to our dreams, is a magical path

My beloved readers, thank you for visiting my blog and reading me! For several days now, I have been practicing magic words and trying to use them in my life as often as possible! I want to say that they make it much easier and contribute to the implementation of my plans. How does this happen and what magic words to make wishes come true work best– read on.

What to say

Many articles have been written about why it is necessary to voice your desires. The main idea is this: Every sound of human language throughout history has been charged with collective energy and endowed with meaning.. Therefore, it now has its own energy-informational structure and sphere of influence. That is, first man created the word, now the word creates man.

Knowing which words carry what energy, you can naturally influence reality by using them in different situations. For example, to make a dream come true, you need to say magic words to fulfill wishes. They must necessarily carry the energy of creation and creation, since bad energy only destroys and destroys your dreams:

I would like to emphasize that You need to voice your desire as specifically as possible. But not a fantasy, but a real event or matter that can happen in your life, but when, under what conditions, is unknown.

How to speak

One of the rules of magical speech: speak according to the principle “ here and now" Because we live in the present moment, and not in the past or future. Therefore, when you say a wish, you need to feel how this is happening to you right now and how you like it.

Second important point: magic is only possible if you say magic words in its resource state, that is, in pleasure and happiness from achieving the goal. Then you will unconsciously begin to act correctly towards your dream.

For example, let's talk about money

Often no money when you urgently need it, because money is perceived as something bad. It is not for nothing that it is customary to say that money is evil (which is fundamentally wrong and untrue). Therefore, do not think or speak badly about money, that it is evil. Evil is when money is spent on bad things.

You need money for good things, so visualize the required amount and talk about them as something good and pleasant, like you have a lot of them. And not about how they are always in short supply, how huge the prices are and how to live on such small salaries.

To consolidate a positive attitude towards money, use the technique of self-hypnosis. Say the following each time:

  • “I am physically healthy. I'm confident. I'm open to information. I'm talented. I'm solvent. I'm happy about money. I give joy to others."

When you have formed a reflexive-conditional connection “ money is joy“, start wanting money, but with the obligatory clarification of what you need it for. Read more about other techniques in the article “How to materialize a desire.”

When to speak

Another significant point. You can say a lot of magic words, but if inside you are melancholy, apathy and fear of the future, then your outer space will change little. That's why take care of your inner mood on the result. Start every morning by setting:

There is light in my eyes. In my mind there is abundance. I am the love. I am the power. I am power. I am success. My life is a holiday. My heart is love.

Repeat these words when you wake up and greet a new day. Charges with positive energy for a long time. Checked! Take these words into service in all life situations. Whatever happens to you, remember and repeat to yourself that you are light, abundance, love and success!

That's probably all. Fight your inner dragons and wish only for what you really need! Be the wizards of your life! I will be glad if you share your favorite magic words, write!

Subscribe to news and share with friends. June was with you.

See you soon!

Each of us has a completely unique vocabulary. This set is a powerful tool for self-programming: as we speak, so we live. What we declare is what we have. Words are the clothing of our thoughts, the energy of words has a dense structure, and this energy forms matter much faster (compared to the energy of thought). There is a lot of evidence for this, but still we will give one more, and it is so serious that it is unconditionally recognized as a discovery capable of healing the most. Particularly strong in this regard is

This discovery was made by the German Pezeshkian, who discovered (and then learned to neutralize) words that program body diseases.

Over time, Pezeshkian convincingly proved that these words are present in the vocabulary of all people. It turned out that there is not a single person who would be protected from words that program diseases, materialize them in the body and do not allow them to be healed. Dr. Pezeshkian combined these words into the name “organic speech.” This is truly dangerous and destructive energy that can undermine even the most good health. Pay attention to how masterfully the destructive words are disguised. I just can’t believe that such seemingly harmless words can have such a powerful effect.

Words are destroyers that cannot be spoken:

my patience has run out

I've already broken my head

something is eating me

they ate all my baldness

sitting in my kidneys (something, someone)

they cut off my oxygen

I can’t stomach (something or someone)

All the juice has been squeezed out of me

spoiled a lot of blood for me

I wanted to sneeze

sick of it

just a knife to the heart

I'm already shaking (shaking)

served my whole neck

Fed up with

disgusts me

drove me to death

walk in my shoes

It seems to us that we are using capacious, but in fact we are giving our body such clear commands that the body does not even dare not carry them out. At first there was an assumption that destructive words appear in a person’s speech after the onset of the disease. In fact, first a person includes destructive words in his active speech (lays down the program for a specific disease), and only then does the disease arise. And not just any disease, but exactly the one that was declared. And here’s another noteworthy thing: having created a disease, destructive words take root even more in active speech, and not at all in order to report (signal) about the disease. The task of destructive words is completely different - to support the disease, to give it the opportunity to “live and prosper.” This is understandable: organic speech is an independent mental program, and it has a completely justified mission: to support what has been created.

Words are destroyers that should not be spoken because these words and expressions create and maintain diseases:

  • bored to the point of nausea, fed up, disgusted with the soul - anorexia nervosa
  • shoulder a load of worries, carry your cross, problems up to your neck - osteochondrosis
  • something is gnawing at me, poisoning my life, I don’t belong to myself, I’m sick and tired of everything - cancer
  • engage in self-criticism, sarcastically, do not digest something (or someone) - ulcer
  • there’s something in the kidneys, urine has hit my head, I have no strength - urological diseases
  • cut off oxygen, sneeze on someone - bronchial asthma
  • suck the blood, squeeze out the juices, it entered my flesh and blood - blood diseases
  • take it to heart, the heart breaks, a blow to the very heart - myocardial infarction
  • he doesn’t even itch, I wouldn’t want to be in his skin, thin-skinned - skin diseases and allergies
  • rack one's head, risk one's head, hit one's head again, a complete headache - migraine, weather dependence
  • limp on both legs, impassable - chronic seizures, gout
  • let off steam, patience has run out, turn up the heat - hypertension
  • I’m sad so that life doesn’t seem like honey, sits in the liver - liver and gallbladder diseases, as well as obesity
  • the eyes wouldn’t see, it’s scary to look, depending on why, the light is not nice, impenetrable - eye diseases
  • I don’t want to hear this, don’t talk, shut up, shut up, it’s noisy, it’s rumbling - hearing loss, deafness
  • I’m pounding, shaking, infuriated, disgusted, don’t fool me, my patience has run out - depression

Words are shackles

Another set of words ruins our lives. These words are called words-shackles: by using words-shackles, we limit ourselves in freedom, and in opportunities, and in the right, which by default is given to each of us from birth - to receive the best from life. Fortunately, there are not so many such words, and it won’t take much effort to clear your speech of them. It’s enough just to know that the community of such words consists of 4 main “clans”:

"I can't do it" .

These words clearly indicate, behind them always looms a person’s conviction that his abilities are limited, that he is gray, inconspicuous - “ordinary”. The words of the clan “I won’t succeed” literally force you to stand still - and rot alive. And everything would be fine, but behind the imaginary harmlessness of these words, we do not even notice their insidiousness and do not realize that they force us to commit a mortal sin: after all, doubting ourselves, we show such arrogance that we think of ourselves as something separate from the One Who created us. And we pretend that we are on our own, and God is on our own (and He has nothing to do with who we are); and that the set of unique abilities that we are all endowed with from birth does not oblige us to anything; and that the message addressed to everyone who is human: “You are endowed with talents and are responsible for them” is not addressed to us at all.

Look, here they are, these words, behind which it is very convenient to hide, hide and NOT fulfill your unique life mission: I can’t I can’t I’m not sure it won’t work out It’s beyond my capabilities I can’t promise It doesn’t depend on me I won’t take on such responsibility. And the clan’s most insidious word, “I won’t succeed,” is a jewelry-disguised « will try» . Remove the false faith in the result from this word, remove the half-dead enthusiasm from it - and you will certainly see its true face. And you will understand what this word actually conveys. Did you see? That's right, here it is: .

"I'm not worthy" .

Despite their external similarity, the words of this clan have a radically different task (compared to the words of the “I can’t do it”) clan. Admirers of words from the “” clan, as a rule, do not stand still; they truly strive for self-development and understand well that this, in fact, is the meaning of their life. It is these people who have the reputation of being wonderful smart people and jacks of all trades, they are the ones who carry everything and everyone, they take responsibility for everything (and that criticism and prodding, which those riding on their necks do not skimp on, is the norm). And you know, you don’t have to be an experienced psychologist to notice how much fans of the words of the “I’m not worthy” clan are afraid of receiving adequate benefits for themselves. Take a closer look at the words of the clan “I am not worthy” - and you will understand everything: It’s not time yet, I would like to, but... You never know what I want! It’s not harmful to want, Who am I to... I can’t afford it.

"I don't want to, but they force me" .

Oh, well, these are our favorite words! And judging by the frequency of their use, we not only love them, but ecstatically adore them: must need (in the sense of “must”) must (must) requires problems (a very insidious word, and it is perfectly disguised, it does not indicate existing problems, as it may seem, it creates them). How many times a day do we say (and hear from those around us) these words? Can't count! But we don’t just say - we clearly (and without any discrepancies) declare to ourselves and each other: “my life is hopeless.” And what’s remarkable: we have become so close to these shackles that we don’t even try to remove them, at least temporarily, we use them even when we talk about our personal needs that have nothing to do with other people (or circumstances). So we walk around with worried faces and completely forget that we came here solely to enjoy life.

" Impossible " .

The use of this group of words simply takes oxygen away from everything we call. Now there is no need to convince anyone that it is to dreamers that we owe everything that we use with such pleasure: electricity, telephony, television, the Internet, airplanes, cars... continue the list. In general, as they say, blessed are Heaven, which sends us dreamers to convey to us and not let us forget that. Everything (absolutely!) that we recognize as an internal request (I want!) is a direct indication of opportunity. And of course, that all possibilities have a powerful potential for implementation, otherwise the requests simply would not arise. These are the words: Impossible Unlikely Never Cannot be If suddenly (refusal of possibility) If something Could happen like this...(planning obstacles. This phrase is the most reliable way to not only NOT get what you are striving for, but to guarantee yourself what you do not want) What if, God forbid. And the most lethal thing: I have no choice.

Know: words are shackles that significantly reduce your... And this reduces the speed of your movement towards the goal. How to rid your speech of shackled words?

Treatment and disposal of destructive words

We invite you to watch the speech. No, not for your own - this may be impossible without special training. Observe what destructive words are present in the speech of your loved ones. Just avoid “preaching.” Be delicate: people, and especially loved ones, are hurt by teachings and instructions. Just share the information. For example, give this or other articles on this topic a read: Give your loved ones the opportunity to do . And make your own decisions. And remember: individual speech– this is something that you absolutely cannot rudely interfere with! Now you know the destructive words by sight, and this means that they are disarmed. Now, if these words begin to slip into your speech, you will instantly notice it and replace “pest” with a neutral (or even productive) synonym. And you will greatly help your health. It’s so simple: speech is purified, and the exposed destructive words gradually disappear from it.

The “Pillory” technique helps a lot. The technique is simple: write out the shackling words from this article and hang this list in a visible place (for example, on the refrigerator - as the most visited place in the house), and let it (the list) stay there for 7-10 days. It’s not worth leaving it any longer, firstly, there’s a lot of honor, and secondly, during this period, what the reception is aimed at will already be formed - a blacklist. The blacklist is a skilled orderly, and it always copes with its task perfectly: it removes all elements from speech

And rest assured: as soon as you discover destructive words in your everyday life, your speech will quickly clear them of them. And the mechanism here is simple and understandable: discovered means exposed. Exposed means disarmed. This means that when destructive words go away, so do illnesses.

Wing words

We are standing on the very threshold! Changes are coming, and it is simply extremely unreasonable to be afraid of them (especially since they will definitely not happen in one day - as, in fact, changes are supposed to happen). We invite you to get down to business. A very pleasant task! The conversation will be about words that, when admitted into active vocabulary, allow a person to receive evidence that managing one’s own destiny is not a figure of speech, but a completely ordinary practical skill. And this skill absolutely does not allow you to crawl through life, this skill makes you FLY. Words-Wings. There are quite a few of them, but you don’t need a lot at all. Words-wings have such power that it is... impossible to describe. Let’s just designate what is observed in professional practice: people get out of hospital beds, pull themselves out of financial holes, reveal their talents and generally begin to live as every person should: joyfully and excitedly. Here it is, our true resource:




Right now, please say out loud: « I want» , and then just aloud: « I intend» , and you will clearly feel that you have made an energetic transition: a thinner energy has been transferred to a much denser one. And this transition is recognized not speculatively, but at the biological level, and this is precisely the secret: the verb “intends” triggers completely certain chemical reactions. And it is precisely these reactions that force you to think productively and act confidently.

NLP - neuro-linguistic programming works!

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, what words should you not say to be a successful person? Let's talk about it.

The magic of words

The phrase “A word can heal, but it can also kill” has a literal meaning. Scientists have long proven that words and thoughts have the ability to influence our material world.

It turns out that many words carry a positive or negative charge of energy. They can seriously change both health and even karma.

It is not for nothing that most magical rituals are based on spells and spells. Using words you can create a program that will attract good luck or negative events. In any case, there are words that block the path of luck into your life.

Words that shouldn't be said

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift. He is able to talk. It is with the help of words that he receives important information for himself, shares his feelings, and his life experiences. Therefore, when pronouncing this or that word, you need to understand what energy it contains.

First of all, you need to highlight certain phrases that, like a magnet, attract troubles and misfortunes into life:

“I can’t do this, nothing will work anyway.” This is the first phrase of a person who has clearly decided to sign up as a loser. It contains such a powerful charge of negative energy that instantly deprives a person of even the slightest chance.

As soon as it is spoken out loud, it immediately begins its destructive effect. Very similar in meaning to “this is beyond my strength”, “I can’t”, “it won’t work out”. If you want wealth, get rid of these phrases immediately.

- I don't deserve success. Another insidious phrase that not only predicts failure, but also creates a barrier that reliably protects you from success. You can hear “you never know what I want”, “I can’t afford this luxurious thing.” As a rule, they are often said by those who are used to working hard, but value their work little.

“I don’t like it, but I need it.” These phrases are excellent weapons that can destroy all positive thoughts. I don't like this job, but I have to work here.

- This is impossible to achieve. It is human nature to dream. But at the same time, he often perceives dreams as illusions that are completely inaccessible to him. Desire is a powerful motivator to achieve success.

If you utter such phrases constantly, then the opportunity to get what you cherish disappears before your eyes. You block the energy of desire from reaching you.

What to do?

If you decide to achieve success in life and attract good luck, then first of all, try to get rid of verbal garbage.

Verbal garbage is expressions that pre-program an unfavorable outcome of any matter. Then we forget about the words we have already said. But the program has already been launched and is beginning to bear its first fruits.

If a person is chronically haunted by failures, then over time he treats himself as a loser. It may be worth thinking about the meaning of the words and expressions we say every day.

You need to learn to control and... Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will notice how your life has changed in a positive way.

This video contains additional information about what words you should not say.

Friends, you now know what words you should not say so as not to scare away your luck. 😉 I wish you to think positively and achieve the success you desire. Bye!

Compare with this option:

The other day I couldn't speak because nothing came to mind.

Last week, while talking to a potential client, I couldn't say a word because my mind was blank.

Which example do you think is better and more likely to grab people's attention? Of course, the last one.

If in 1987, US President Ronald Reagan, in his speech Speech by R. Reagan in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin about the Berlin Wall said something like:

This wall is something um... that shouldn't be there, so anyway, let's get it out of the way quickly.

Such a message would simply be lost in the information flow. Instead, a laconic and succinct challenge was thrown:

Tear down this wall!

Surely you have noticed (if not in yourself, then in someone around you) speech defects of a rhythmic nature. When words are pronounced abruptly, with too many pauses, or vice versa, a person jabbers so that the listener does not have time to understand his thoughts.

To experience the difference in perception, try saying the phrase below. Pronounce each syllable clearly and take short pauses between words. Listen to the sound of your speech:

Today I will go to the gym. Perhaps with a friend.

You will end up with what is called “stepped” speech, in which too much emphasis is placed on individual syllables, and this is a mistake.

Now try mixing each word with the next one so that it looks like one whole passage. Read through without hesitation, but without too much haste:

Today I-went-to-the-gym-with-a-friend.

This option may seem a little careless. In fact, speech with such smooth transitions becomes easier to understand by ear.

As for the pace being too fast, there is a risk of not only being misunderstood, but also of blurting out something unnecessary (for example, in a fit of emotion). Again, recording on a voice recorder will help you track your speech speed.

Try to breathe deeply before each sentence and think that you are being listened to with great interest and that you are in no hurry.

3. Inability to use body language

Many people know the difference between closed and open, but continue to use closed gestures when, on the contrary, they should open.

Movements and facial expressions are characterized as open if they express a friendly attitude and readiness to interact: when the palms are not hidden, the gaze is directed into the eyes of the interlocutor, the feet are turned in his direction, and the like. Closed gestures include crossed arms or legs, glances to the side or at the phone, clenched fists - anything that shows tension or even aggression.

We all have natural tendencies to behave in one way or another depending on the situation. If you disagree with someone, your body automatically reacts: you constrict your pupils, turn your head away, cross your arms. Conversely, when you are understood, listened to and supported, you unconsciously open up.

However, it is not always worth giving non-verbal signals to your interlocutor; often the situation requires the opposite. Try to control your body movements and facial expressions when speaking. Pay attention to the position of your hands and which facial muscles are tense. With practice, you can manage this.

4. Habit of arguing

Expressing disagreement in itself is not a bad thing. As they say, truth is born in dispute. This is how creative ideas appear, an incentive to learn and improve something. All this can be useful and necessary for social interaction, even if you are against many people.

Disagreement can be considered a mistake only when nothing depends or changes on the agreement or disagreement of the interlocutors. That is, if it is an empty dispute that does not bring any results other than irritating opponents. The point of such discussions is not to learn anything new. When you argue that someone is wrong, you are engaging them in a verbal battle for status. And that is why most debaters remain unconvinced - to maintain dignity.

The next time you hear a point of view that is ridiculous or incorrect in your opinion, first find out why the person thinks so, rather than rushing to refute him.

If, even after listening to the arguments, you do not agree with someone’s opinion, do not enter into a useless argument. Instead, move the conversation to another topic where you can come to an understanding. Is there no such area? Then just avoid communicating with this person.

5. Lack of topics to talk about

In an unfamiliar company or in a conversation with people new to you, words can very quickly dry up due to the difficulties in choosing a common topic. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to pull out some phrases from ourselves, trying to fill awkward pauses. In order not to find yourself in uncomfortable situations, you can come up with a list of routine topics in advance and use them on occasion.

Imagine the circumstances when you want to start a conversation with an unfamiliar or unfamiliar interlocutor: near the cooler at work, when meeting in a cafe, at a bus stop.

Prepare 10 topics that are suitable for conversation with any person in any situation.

It's easier than it seems. For example, you can always ask about life or work (of course, unobtrusively and delicately), discuss the latest news (but it is advisable to avoid politics), and ask for advice on some issue. A win-win, although not very interesting, option is talking about the weather.

6. Illiterate speech

We should not forget that a conversation with a literate, educated person is perceived better than with someone who is confused about cases and vocabulary. Improve your speech culture, read more, use dictionaries. But at the same time, it is important to remember a sense of proportion: do not turn into a boring smartass and do not burden your interlocutor with phrases and terms that are too complex for him.

These are the most common mistakes in colloquial speech. Do you have any of them? Maybe you know good way get rid of them? Share your experience in the comments.